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Postup : 2017/2756(RSP)
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Rozpravy :

PV 06/07/2017 - 8.3
CRE 06/07/2017 - 8.3

Hlasovanie :

PV 06/07/2017 - 11.5

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Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Štvrtok, 6. júla 2017 - Štrasburg

8.3. Burundi
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt folgt die Aussprache über sieben Entschließungsanträge zu Burundi (2017/2756 (RSP)).


  Judith Sargentini, Auteur. – Na een debat over Eritrea nog een heel erg donker hoofdstuk. In april 2015 wilde de president van Burundi, president Nkurunziza, een derde ambtstermijn. En nu, juli 2017, zijn er 400 000 mensen gevlucht, 200 000 mensen binnenlands gevlucht, 3 miljoen mensen in nood, tweeënhalf miljoen mensen die niet zeker weten of ze morgen nog te eten hebben en 700 000 mensen die acuut voedselhulp nodig hebben. En dat vanwege een man die vier tot vijf jaar langer wilde regeren. Nkurunziza is ook bezig met etnische zuiveringen in zijn leger, waarbij het hele onderscheid tussen Hutu's en Tutsi's weer terugkeert en de repercussies hiervan op de regio kunnen we verwachten.

Het destabiliseren van Burundi leidt tot het destabiliseren van de landen eromheen en ik maak mij zorgen dat wij een burgeroorlog tegemoet gaan zien die opnieuw al die landen raakt.


  Charles Tannock, author. – Madam President, the re-election of President Nkurunziza in 2015 was highly controversial, given the questions surrounding the legitimacy of his eligibility for a third term, and in fact Article 96 consultation was invoked. The boycott of that election by the opposition and his subsequent re-election has provoked increasing tension. Recent speculation that Nkurunziza is seeking to amend the law so as to allow him to run again in 2020 for a fourth term is concerning. Meanwhile, the resulting human rights situation is also very worrying. Nkurunziza’s party’s youth wing and quasi-militia, the Imbonerakure, is held responsible for the intimidation, rape, attack and forced disappearances of a number of opposition figures and supporters.

Given the fragility and conflict in Burundi’s neighbouring states, finding a way through the impasse is vital. There are reports of an increasingly ethnic dimension – between Hutus and Tutsis – to the violence, and this has the potential to significantly worsen and protract the problem. Therefore we must all now seek action before the situation reaches that terrible point.


  Maria Arena, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, le Burundi est un pays aujourd’hui ravagé. Depuis avril 2015, après la décision de Nkurunziza de ne pas respecter la Constitution, le pays est rentré dans un cycle infernal de répression. En deux ans, 1 200 tués, entre 400 et 900 victimes de disparitions, des milliers d’arrestations arbitraires, plus de 40 000 Burundais déplacés, et cela dans une situation socio-économique désastreuse qui pèse sur l’ensemble de la population burundaise.

Les violences sont commises par les services de sécurité burundais et par des milices qui agissent également sur leurs ordres. Un paysage politique avec un parti unique, un paysage médiatique réduit à néant, une justice totalement au service du régime et, comme si ce tableau ne suffisait pas, Nkurunziza tente de changer la Constitution pour pouvoir instaurer une dictature au-delà de 2020.

En arrière-fond, nous vivons également des discriminations ethniques qui deviennent une réalité quotidienne. Nkurunziza instrumentalise la crise politique en la transformant en une crise ethnique.

Nous demandons plusieurs choses dans la résolution: la première, la lutte contre l’impunité; la deuxième, subordonner toute relation avec le pays à une amélioration de la situation des droits de l’homme; la troisième, le soutien des Nations unies. Nous demandons également de soutenir les efforts de la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est et d’avoir une transparence des financements des soldats burundais par rapport à la milice en Somalie.


  Dita Charanzová, author. – Madam President, this is not the first time that we have discussed the situation in Burundi. Since April 2015, there has been an alarming deterioration of human rights and a severe humanitarian crisis in the country. Those opposing the President’s legitimate re-election are facing a massive clampdown and violations of their rights. Respect for the opposition, free and fair elections and freedom of speech are fundamental to any democracy. We must condemn these acts of violence and other human rights abuses in Burundi. We must be clear that we cannot allow the situation to continue. We must ensure that the EU targeted sanctions are fully implemented, effective and further extended until we see real reform in the country. The EU Member States and the Union should speak was one voice on Burundi and do all that they can to finally bring about peaceful coexistence among the nations of the Great Lakes region, working together with the UN and the African Union. Burundi has come a long way since its independence. We must take action now to help bring peace to this region.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, autore. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questa è la quinta risoluzione sul Burundi che scriviamo dall'inizio di questa legislatura. Mi addolora enormemente constatare come, a distanza di due anni da quando condannavamo le violenze nel paese e la volontà di Nkurunziza di partecipare nuovamente alle elezioni, in violazione della Costituzione del paese e degli accordi di Arusha, la situazione non abbia fatto altro che peggiorare, per non dire precipitare. Le forze di sicurezza governative, le autorità e le milizie continuano a violare i più basilari diritti umani. L'Imbonerakure, la temibile milizia giovanile, va oltre, incitando pubblicamente a violentare le mogli degli oppositori politici, reclutando e plagiando i giovani studenti, mentre il paese sprofonda in una crisi economica e sociale devastante.

Chiediamo dunque all'Alto rappresentante di estendere le sanzioni europee, di utilizzare tutti gli strumenti a sua disposizione per tentare di disinnescare una pericolosa escalation, e in particolare l'ulteriore etnicizzazione della crisi, preludio di un punto di non ritorno per la popolazione. Come diceva Eliezer Wiesel, vincitore di un premio Nobel per la pace, "Never again" deve essere più di uno slogan, deve essere una preghiera, una promessa, un giuramento, un invito a tutti noi in quest'Aula e a tutta la comunità internazionale a non tollerare che le atrocità del passato si possano ripetere di nuovo.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, depuis le printemps 2015, le Burundi s’enfonce dans la crise. Le président Nkurunziza veut garder le pouvoir pour un troisième et même, désormais, un quatrième mandat, remettant en cause les accords d’Arusha et faisant resurgir le spectre de la guerre civile.

Des milliers d’opposants sont réduits au silence, y compris à l’intérieur du parti unique du président. La répression se fait de plus en plus violente, militarisée aux mains de milices, notamment des Imbonerakure, la ligue des jeunes du parti du président.

La question ethnique est instrumentalisée et l’ONU elle-même parle de risque de génocide. On craint le pire dans ce pays voisin du Rwanda, car toute la région risque d’être déstabilisée.

La communauté internationale a tardé à réagir. Des sanctions ciblées ont cependant été prises, notamment par l’Union européenne.

Au sein du groupe GUE/NGL, nous sommes sceptiques sur l’envoi de forces militaires et considérons qu’il faut privilégier les solutions politiques. Mais là, elles sont loin d’être évidentes.

Alors, oui, il faut aider les réfugiés burundais, y compris en facilitant leur arrivée sur le sol de l’Union européenne.


  Joachim Zeller, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! Seit Präsident Pierre Nkurunziza im April 2015 bekanntgab, dass er eine weitere Amtszeit anstrebt, was die Verfassung von Burundi ausschließt, versinkt Burundi in einer Spirale von Gewalt und Missachtung der Bürger- und Menschenrechte. Die Opposition wird brutal unterdrückt, Tausende Menschen wurden bereits ermordet, Zehntausende mussten im Land untertauchen, und mehr als 400 000 Einwohner Burundis sind in die Nachbarländer geflohen, was die Stabilität in der Region bedroht.

Die Machthaber von Burundi verweigern sich einem Dialog sowohl mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft als auch mit den gesellschaftlichen Kräften im eigenen Land. Im Gegenteil: Die unabhängige internationale Untersuchungskommission der Vereinten Nationen in Burundi stellte fest, dass es zahlreiche Beweise für umfangreiche Verletzungen der Menschenrechte und Machtmissbrauch in Burundi gebe, verübt besonders durch die Jugendorganisation der Partei des Präsidenten, Imbonerakure, aber auch durch das Militär Burundis, was umso schwerer wiegt, als auch die EU burundische Soldaten im Rahmen der Mission der Afrikanischen Union in Somalia bezahlt. Es sind alle Maßnahmen – auch weitere Sanktionen – zu ergreifen, um den Druck auf Präsident Nkurunziza und die Machthaber in Burundi zu verstärken, sich endlich einem Dialog zu öffnen.


  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, I must say that I am deeply concerned to learn of the growing conflict in Burundi following the unconstitutional re—election of President Pierre Nkurunziza in 2015 and his intention to be re-elected again in 2020 and probably ad infinitum.

The deplorable human-rights situation and the authorities’ continued violation of fundamental rights are totally unacceptable. I therefore strongly support calls for the Burundian authorities to address these violations and to conduct an independent inquiry so that the perpetrators can be held accountable. Furthermore, Burundi must revoke its move to withdraw from the International Criminal Court and must extend full support to the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights so as to ensure fundamental rights for all its citizens, because the abuses of fundamental rights – the murder, rape, abduction, etcetera – in Burundi are absolutely chronic and must be stopped.


  David Martin, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, in 2015, in Burundi, I witnessed at first hand Government troops blowing up a radio antenna in order to stop independent radio stations broadcasting, I met families who had been burnt out of their houses because they were of the wrong ethnicity, and I saw political rallies brutally broken up by government-backed militia.

When I raised all of these issues at the recent meeting of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) in Malta, the Burundian representative admitted – what else could he do, I had seen it with my own eyes – that all of these events had happened, but said that things were much better now in the country.

Well, I am afraid things are not much better in the country, and what we hear from the international community and the international organisations based in Burundi is that, in fact, things are getting worse. This is a time for us to intensify our sanctions on Burundi, to make sure we keep the pressure up on the current Burundian Government, and to ask the East African Community to act to defend their neighbour’s citizens.


  Hilde Vautmans, namens de ALDE-Fractie. – Zoals velen van ons hier al gezegd hebben: de situatie in Burundi is schokkend. En terwijl in de regio nogal wat presidenten de revue passeren die naar een derde ambtstermijn streven, gaat de president van Burundi zelfs nog een stapje verder. Hij zou wel naar een vierde ambtstermijn willen gaan. Dat wordt dan nu de standaard.

Om dat te doen, om die absolute macht te behouden, zijn hij en zijn achterban bereid heel ver te gaan. We hebben hier al heel veel dingen gehoord: hulpkonvooien mogen niet meer binnen, internationale waarnemers worden geweerd. Wat mij vooral heel erg verontrust, is dat er nu ook etnische zuiveringen aan de gang zijn. Meer dan 100 Tutsi militairen zijn gedood!

Ik ben samen met Louis Michel en Guy Verhofstadt indertijd in Rwanda geweest. We hebben daar kisten met schedels gezien, kisten met handen en kisten met voeten. Etnische zuiveringen zijn afschuwelijk en als je nu voelt dat dat naar Burundi gaat overslaan, dan verontrust mij dat. We moeten alles op alles zetten om het land wederom de rust te gunnen die het verdient. Afrika heeft onze steun nodig en dus moeten we ingrijpen als mensenrechten overtreden en geschonden worden.

Dus laten we pleiten voor een internationaal onderzoek. Laten we zorgen dat de Burundezen de bescherming krijgen die ze verdienen.


  Tim Aker, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, this report highlights worrying developments in Burundi, one of Africa’s poorest countries. Since 2015, 1 200 people have been killed and between 400 and 900 have disappeared. The use of torture has been widespread. More than 10 000 people have been detained without trial and nearly half a million have fled to neighbouring countries. Burundi has plunged into crisis. With reports of ethnic cleansing in the military, the world and all global institutions must be ready to intervene and prevent another genocide. There cannot be a repeat of Rwanda.

Too often the West has been ready to intervene when the cause has not warranted it – the disaster in Libya being one example – but when there is a call on our resources, too many also look the other way. A strong message from all quarters must go out across the world that the rights to life, liberty and political expression are unbreakable. And all those who believe in that message must have the force, in every sense of the word, to back it up.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Szanowni Państwo! Burundi, będąc jednym z najbiedniejszych państw na świecie, doświadcza również kryzysu politycznego oraz poważnych naruszeń praw człowieka. W moim przekonaniu zatem decyzja o wstrzymaniu pomocy bezpośredniej dla rządu Burundi była słuszna i stan ten musi utrzymać się do czasu, aż Burundi zacznie przestrzegać artykułu 96 porozumienia z Kotonu. Jednocześnie jednak Unia Europejska nie może odwrócić się od ludności Burundi. Dlatego należy kontynuować działania na rzecz społeczności lokalnej i społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, jak również zintensyfikować pomoc dla uchodźców z Burundi oraz osób wewnętrznie przesiedlonych. Szczególnie ważne jest też zapewnienie, by obozy dla uchodźców były miejscami bezpiecznymi, jak również, aby unikać przeprowadzania powrotów wbrew woli uchodźców.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, pendant que le Burundi traverse l’une de ses pires crises sécuritaires, les autorités primaires et secondaires du pays s’obstinent à vouloir nier l’évidence, comme cela a été le cas à Malte, à l’Assemblée paritaire ACP-UE.

Pourtant, sur les plans politique, social et culturel, le Burundi s’est détourné du droit chemin en 2015, lorsque, Pierre Nkurunziza ayant décidé de briguer un troisième mandat anticonstitutionnel, des assassinats et des vagues d’exil forcé se sont ensuivis.

Nous exigeons des engagements concrets de la part du Burundi, en l’occurrence sur la démocratie et les droits de l’homme. Sur ces points, nous sommes prêts à sanctionner encore plus sévèrement les responsables burundais. Naturellement, l’Union européenne doit rester ouverte à un dialogue avec le gouvernement burundais s’il se montre respectueux des principes sur lesquels nous avons insisté pour le bien de la population.

Favoriser les différentes missions d’observation internationales évoquées dans la résolution devient alors un impératif, car elles seules pourront certifier d’éventuelles avancées. Face au totalitarisme, nous devons rester intransigeants.




  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já podporuji, všechno to, co bylo řečeno mými kolegy o tom, jak tragická situace je v tuto chvíli v Burundi. Platí také teze, že jsme několikrát v tomto volebním období situaci v Burundi projednávali a psali jsme několik usnesení, a ta bohužel nemají valného dopadu.

Rád si poslechnu vyjádření pana komisaře, jestli má nějaký nápad, jak zofenzivnit diplomacii Evropské unie vůči Burundi tak, aby tamní prezident, který si svévolně a opakovaně prodlužuje svůj mandát, alespoň trošku vnímal hlas demokratického mezinárodního společenství a alespoň trošku respektoval lidská práva a udělal něco pro to, aby v Burundi nenastal v budoucnu válečný konflikt. Situace je tam opravdu tragická, hrozí tam vážný etnický konflikt. Je dobře, že o tom tady vedeme debatu, ale na druhou stranu vyjadřuji určitou skepsi. Pokud prezident alespoň trošku nebude ochoten naslouchat a trošku vést dialog s demokratickým mezinárodním společenstvím, pak se obávám, že může dojít k nejhoršímu. Usnesení podpořím, ale prosím Komisi o vyjádření, co se teď dá ještě dělat.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Madam President, let me start by expressing my concern about the political and security situation in Burundi, which is characterised by ongoing violence, killings, sexual violence and human rights abuses. I am confident that Burundi will resume cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in order to comply with its international human rights obligations. Economic relations can be upgraded only if a sustained political solution is reached.

The EU should continue its full financial support for the people of Burundi, including humanitarian support provided through direct channels, not through the Government. The EU and Burundi should therefore keep up a dialogue in order to encourage progress in fulfilling the conditions set by the European Union. Finally, I would like to welcome the decision of the African Union’s Peace and Security Council authorising the deployment of an African prevention and protection mission in Burundi to pave the way for a political solution.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, είμαστε ξανά στο ίδιο έργο θεατές για το Μπουρούντι. Τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια έχουμε ασχοληθεί τουλάχιστον πέντε φορές με την παράνομη δράση του προέδρου του Μπουρούντι, Nkurunziza, ο οποίος έχει κυριολεκτικά αγκιστρωθεί στην εξουσία. Διώκει τους πολιτικούς του αντιπάλους -σύμφωνα με καταγγελίες, 1.200 άτομα έχουν σκοτωθεί και πάνω από 10.000 άτομα έχουν βασανιστεί, ενώ οι συλλήψεις δημοσιογράφων, δικηγόρων και ακτιβιστών είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη. Πάνω από 400.000 άτομα εγκατέλειψαν το Μπουρούντι, 3 εκατομμύρια συνάνθρωποί μας χρειάζονται ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια και όλα αυτά γιατί ο Nkurunziza παραβιάζει τη συμφωνία του Κοτονού, παραβιάζει το Σύνταγμα και τώρα θέλει να αλλάξει το Σύνταγμα και να εξασφαλίσει και τέταρτη θητεία ως πρόεδρος του Μπουρούντι, κάτι το οποίο βεβαίως δεν γίνεται αποδεκτό από τους πολίτες του Μπουρούντι. Πρέπει λοιπόν να ληφθούν μέτρα και κυρώσεις κατά του Nkurunziza και της παρέας του.


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, caros Colegas, na República do Burundi a radicalização do regime que se seguiu ao anúncio da candidatura do Presidente Pierre Nkurunziza a um terceiro mandato, em violação da Constituição do país, polarizou o conflito político e as duras represálias do governo e das suas milícias condenaram os opositores à sua reeleição, ao exílio ou a serem vítimas de tortura e execuções extrajudiciais, detenções arbitrárias e desaparecimentos forçados. Esta crise política e a deterioração da economia causaram uma dramática crise humanitária no país onde, neste momento, segundo as estimativas da ONU, três milhões de pessoas necessitam de ajuda e 2,6 milhões estão expostas à insegurança alimentar extrema.

Face a esta situação, a União Europeia deve instar as autoridades do Burundi a cumprirem as obrigações internacionais que assumiram em matéria de direitos humanos e a levarem a julgamento os responsáveis pelas atrocidades cometidas. A União tem também o dever de apoiar todos os esforços de negociação entre o governo e a oposição que permitam pôr fim à escalada das tensões étnicas e encontrar uma solução pacífica e sustentável para aquele país.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I share your frustration. To the frustration of many, the situation in Burundi is essentially unchanged, with no improvement in any of the key areas that would allow a return to normality, in particular as regards human rights, civil society, the media, disarmament, and justice. In May, the Council therefore agreed that there was currently no basis for changing the Article 96 decision. At the same time, we are continuing to receive reports of serious abuses and violence by security services and militias. More than 400 000 people have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. The Government remains in denial about the state of the country and is not letting United Nations human rights investigators have access, despite the fact that Burundi is itself a member of the UN Human Rights Council.

It is possible that the situation in Burundi might become even more polarised unless the authorities open up to a genuinely inclusive dialogue, observing the principles of the Arusha Agreement, and take practical steps to reduce tension. The European Union will continue to reach out to encourage heads of state in the region to bring their influence to bear, as a matter of urgency, with a view to speeding up the mediation process. This should help to create the necessary conditions, in particular in the areas of human rights and political space, for elections to be held in 2020, thus fully complying with the Arusha Peace Agreement and the Constitution. The European Union has repeatedly stated that it is ready to respond to progress reached in President Mkapa’s mediation, acting under the Article 96 decision. The absence of the rule of law and the resulting adverse impact on human rights and freedoms – as well as on the already very poor economic and social indicators – have led to an alarming deterioration in the living conditions of the population.

The European Union will continue to alleviate the population’s plight through direct support, with a focus on building resilience by supporting basic livelihoods (agriculture and nutrition actions) and improving access to basic social services such as health care. An additional package of EUR 95 million has recently been approved. In addition, the EU supports – through the African Peace Facility – the African Union human rights observers and military experts in Burundi and we will be seeking to enhance their role on the ground.

Last but not least, we also support the needs of the thousands of Burundian refugees in the region. Uganda, for example, is hosting around 35 000 Burundian refugees, among others. I was in Uganda to represent the European Union at the Solidarity Summit convened by UN Secretary—General António Guterres and there I announced EU emergency assistance of EUR 85 million for the whole refugee and IDP package.



  Die Präsidentin . – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet im Anschluss an die Aussprache statt.

(Die Sitzung wird bis zum Beginn der Abstimmungsstunde unterbrochen.)



Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia