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Procedure : 2017/2740(RSP)
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O-000062/2017 (B8-0326/2017)

Forhandlinger :

PV 13/09/2017 - 21
CRE 13/09/2017 - 21

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Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Onsdag den 13. september 2017 - Strasbourg

21. Fremtidigt Erasmus+-program (forhandling)
Video af indlæg

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione sull'interrogazione con richiesta di risposta orale alla Commissione sul futuro del programma Erasmus+ di Petra Kammerevert, a nome della commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione (2017/2740(RSP)) (O-000062/2017 - B8-0326/2017) .


  Petra Kammerevert, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, sehr verehrter Herr Kommissar! In diesem Jahr feiert Erasmus, eines der erfolgreichsten Programme der EU, seinen 30. Geburtstag. Im Laufe dieser 30 Jahre ist das Programm deutlich ausgebaut worden und hat das persönliche und berufliche Leben von etwa 9 Millionen Studenten, Auszubildenden, Freiwilligen, Lehrkräften, Pädagogen und Jugendbetreuern entscheidend geprägt. Erasmus+, wie es heute heißt, bietet die ideale Gelegenheit dafür, Europa unmittelbar zu erleben und damit auch der anhaltenden Europaskepsis konsequent entgegenzuwirken. Und zwar indem junge Menschen – sei es als Studierende, Auszubildende oder Schüler beziehungsweise erwachsene Fach- und Lehrkräfte aus unterschiedlichen Bildungsbereichen – durch internationalen Austausch Europa als Chance begreifen.

Durch Erasmus wird Europa für den Einzelnen erfahrbar gemacht. Es bietet die Möglichkeit, direkt an Europa teilzuhaben. Dabei fördert Erasmus als europäisches bürgernahes Programm Werte wie Toleranz und Freiheit, Verständnis für andere Kulturen und Demokratiebewusstsein. Allerdings profitieren noch zu wenige Menschen von Erasmus+. Nach Angaben der Kommission haben bislang nur etwa 5 % der jungen Unionsbürger an dem Programm teilgenommen. Das dreißigjährige Bestehen von Erasmus+ sollte daher zum Anlass genommen werden, das Programm zu verbessern und deutlich auszubauen.

Der Kulturausschuss hat hierzu eine Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung an die Kommission gestellt sowie eine Resolution vorgelegt, um bereits jetzt die Diskussion über ein Nachfolgeprogramm nach 2020 zu beginnen. Im Rahmen der Parlamentsresolution zur Zukunft von Erasmus+ betont der Ausschuss die Bedeutung des Programms als Aushängeschild der Europäischen Union und als essenzielles Instrument zur Unterstützung von Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Bildung, Jugend, Ausbildung und Sport. Dennoch muss für das Nachfolgeprogramm evaluiert werden, wie man den Zugang offener und inklusiver gestalten kann, damit auch benachteiligte Jugendliche die Chance bekommen, eine solche Auslandserfahrung zu machen.

Der Ausschuss hat mit seiner großen Mehrheit seit jeher Erasmus als eine wichtige Investition in die Zukunft Europas betrachtet und sich daher stets für eine starke finanzielle Ausstattung eingesetzt. Aus meiner Sicht muss es das Ziel sein, mittelfristig jedem Menschen unter 27 Jahren die Möglichkeit zu geben, an mindestens einem der Programmteile teilzunehmen. Hierfür bedarf es einer Vervielfachung der finanziellen Mittel schon in der nächsten Programmperiode. Ich begrüße sehr, dass beispielsweise die italienische Regierung im Rahmen der Verhandlungen über den Mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen eine Verzehnfachung der Mittel gefordert hat und auch viele andere politische Akteure bereits mit einer konkreten Zahl als Faktor der Vervielfachung sympathisieren. Sie alle können sicher sein, dass sie damit zumindest im Ausschuss für Kultur und Bildung und hoffentlich auch im ganzen Haus offene Türen einrennen.

Das Gesamtbudget von Erasmus+ wurde für die laufende Förderperiode deutlich erhöht und von der Kommission und dem Europäischen Parlament als großer Erfolg gefeiert. Dies hatte bei Antragstellern viele Erwartungen auf eine bessere Ausstattung der Projekte geweckt. Diese Erhöhung kam jedoch erst mit großer Zeitverzögerung an. Viele durchaus förderfähige Projekte mussten und müssen auch heute noch abgelehnt werden. Dies führt dazu, dass insbesondere Träger und Einrichtungen ohne Erfahrung mit europäischen Projekten und Programmen von einer Antragstellung absehen, oder wenn sie abgelehnt werden, sich frustriert zurücklehnen und sagen: „Das mache ich nie wieder.“

Nach wie vor sind mangelnde Klarheit und eine allgemeine Benutzerunfreundlichkeit des Leitfadens festzustellen. Die Antragsverfahren sind viel zu komplex und die Antragsformulare mit fast über 40 Seiten viel zu umfänglich. Wir müssen außerdem für die Zukunft dafür sorgen, dass insbesondere junge Menschen aus benachteiligten Verhältnissen eine bessere Förderung durch Erasmus+ erfahren. Mobilität und Bildung dürfen kein Privileg von wenigen bleiben. Insbesondere bei individuellen Auslandsaufenthalten im Rahmen von Studium und Ausbildung gibt es hier deutlichen Nachbesserungsbedarf, und jeder, der mal im Ausland gelebt hat, weiß, dass das mit vielen Unkosten verbunden ist, die von der Erasmus-Förderung nur ansatzweise gedeckt werden können.

Erasmus ist und war kein beschäftigungspolitisches Instrument, auch wenn sich Auslandsaufenthalte natürlich gut im Lebenslauf machen und sogenannte soft skills erworben werden, die jeder Arbeitgeber gerne sehen will. Ein Nachfolgeprogramm sollte das Prinzip des lebenslangen Lernens, der lebenslangen Mobilität in den Fokus stellen, sowie formales und non-formales Lernen gleichermaßen fördern. Wir müssen aufpassen, dass wir Erasmus+ nicht arbeitsmarktpolitisch überfrachten. Wir erreichen mit Erasmus+ mit wenig Geld einen hohen Fördereffekt und leisten einen echten Beitrag dazu, das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl der Menschen in der EU zu stärken.

Erasmus ist eine gute Investition in die Zukunft unserer Kinder, und es steht wie kein anderes Programm der Europäischen Union für den Erfolg der europäischen Idee. Machen wir uns gemeinsam auf den Weg, dieses Programm noch erfolgreicher zu machen! Ich setze auf die Unterstützung der Kommission und hoffe auf die Einsicht des Rates, dass hier das Geld wirklich gut angelegt ist.


  Tibor Navracsics, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, Erasmus+ is the European Union’s most powerful tool to connect with citizens and create a community of values, knowledge, skills and competences. It brings people together in ways that no other programme can. Since its launch in 1987, Erasmus and its successor programmes have given nine million people the chance to study, train, volunteer or gain professional experience abroad.

In 2014 the Erasmus+ programme integrated all previous initiatives in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. Since then, in less than three years, two million citizens from 33 European countries have experienced the positive impact of Erasmus+. This year we are proudly celebrating the programme’s 30th anniversary, involving European citizens – and especially young Europeans – through social media, conferences, debates and exhibitions across Europe. Thank you all for your support in celebrating the 30th anniversary on 13 June in this very hemicycle. Erasmus+ is undoubtedly a success story. It also enjoys support outside the political world across countries and institutions, with more and more calls for considerable budgetary increases for the next programme in order to reach even more Europeans.

I would like to thank you for your oral questions and today’s debate, which underlines the two most crucial issues regarding the future programme, the programme’s structure and the money we will invest in it. The feedback we have received from national authorities and various stakeholders in the context of the mid—term evaluation indicates that there is a strong call for stability in the structure of the programme to meet the unmet demand and for further simplification to reduce the administrative burden for all. In particular, preliminary results of the Erasmus+ mid—term evaluation show the high level of appreciation by national authorities, stakeholders and project participants, notably of the integrated nature of the programme, covering learning in all its contexts, whether formal or non-formal, and at all levels of the lifelong learning continuum, from early childhood education and schools, vocational education and training through to higher education and adult learning; the adaptability of the programme, able to re-adjust priorities to EU-level emerging challenges and needs, for example the much-reinforced emphasis on social inclusion and prevention of violent radicalisation, following the Paris Declaration of March 2015, and the mobility experiences with high levels of satisfaction expressed both by learners and staff and across all fields and types of mobility.

I strongly believe that Erasmus+ should be available to all young Europeans, and I share your ambition in this respect. We also need to focus on where the programme adds value. For example, the programme should support young people going into forward—looking study fields where Europe needs expertise and must have the ambition to be a world leader, such as climate change, clean energy, robotics, digitalisation, etc. The Commission will continue to put forward two sorts of action to support innovation and development. On the one hand, we focus on skills for life from an early age and with regard to all forms of learning. On the other hand, we encourage stronger links between schools, including vocational education and training schools and higher education institutions, as well as between education and the world of work. This will help young people develop a broad set of competences to do well in life and at work in increasingly multicultural societies.

We must also respond to the calls for a more inclusive and outreaching programme. Thus we need to significantly increase the number of opportunities offered to school pupils, vocational education and training students and apprentices. The programme needs to help young people access high-quality education, irrespective of their social background. Mobility should therefore be common practice in school education and vocational education and training, similar to what has become the norm in higher education over the last decades. It is of paramount importance to the development of most-needed transfers of skills.

Moreover, we should be more inclusive and better-suited to young people’s needs, and for this we need to provide a European experience even to those who are not mobile. In this context, making better use of digital approaches, virtual tools and online platforms plays a prominent role. Web—enhanced learning programmes, such as blended learning that combines digital media with traditional classroom methods, can complement physical mobility to widen access to the programme. It is in this vein that in June we launched a new Erasmus+ mobile application designed for students, vocational learners and participants in youth exchanges to facilitate the mobility experience for generations to come. This app will bring the Erasmus+ programme even closer to citizens, making it more user—friendly, accessible and inclusive and adapting it to the digital era.

I welcome your support for strengthening Erasmus+ in order to allow it to reach many more Europeans and to continue building a stronger and better Europe.


  Michaela Šojdrová, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for his understanding approach. I agree with you, Commissioner, that Erasmus+ is the most successful European programme. It is an investment in our future. We would like to ask the Commission about two very relevant points. What should be done to make the programme more accessible to more EU citizens? Secondly, what financial and budgetary reforms are needed to enable this flagship EU programme to reach its ambitious goals?

This debate is very topical. Less than 5% of young Europeans benefit from the programme due to socioeconomic factors and limited funding. Erasmus+ is now facing increasing financial risks from other initiatives, such as the European Solidarity Corps. For this programme not to have any fresh money would be unacceptable for us.

I welcome the fact that volunteering is emphasised in our resolution because this value has to be enhanced. Erasmus+ has to be given priority and has to be more ambitious and reach more teachers, students, apprentices and volunteers, including people from disadvantaged groups. The question today is whether we are ready to fundamentally increase the budget of Erasmus+ in the upcoming financial period. I am convinced we should do that. Only then will the Erasmus+ programme be more inclusive and become a real investment in our future.

My last point is on the European Student Card, which is in the resolution. It is now up to the Commission to find a feasible solution and to take into account that the International Student Card already exists as a functional tool.

Erasmus+ is our common opportunity – let us invest in our future!


  Silvia Costa, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, oggi il Presidente Juncker ha dato una prospettiva politica all'Europa, cogliendo il cambio di vento che può gonfiare le vele dell'Unione. Ma, curiosamente, non ha ricordato che il vento più forte viene dalle nuove generazioni, quelle che vivono l'Europa come loro casa, rifiutano i muri, sono delusi dalla Brexit e chiedono più Europa, più opportunità per crescere, per condividere, per avere un futuro di cittadini europei.

A trent'anni dal lancio del programma Erasmus, si è detto, nove milioni di giovani, e non solo giovani, hanno sperimentato la mobilità educativa, formativa, la pratica di cittadinanza attiva, di volontariato, di sport: ma rappresentano, appunto, solo il 5 % dei giovani europei. Per questo la commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione ha chiesto un segnale forte nella prossima programmazione pluriennale, per mettere davvero i giovani al centro delle politiche europee.

Il gruppo S&D, come già richiesto anche dal Governo italiano – lo ricordava la prima la Presidente Kammerevert – si batterà per ottenere la moltiplicazione delle risorse stanziate attualmente, perché prendiamo sul serio l'impegno assunto, anche nel Libro bianco del Presidente Juncker, di avere almeno il 20 % dei giovani coinvolti.

Dobbiamo però rendere il programma più accessibile, facilitare il sistema di riconoscimento dei crediti e le competenze non formali, invitare le università ad applicare pienamente gli accordi di apprendimento come parte obbligatoria della mobilità, anche su piattaforme, aumentare l'entità delle borse e introdurre agevolazioni come la European student card da noi proposta per accedere a facilitazioni e servizi in tutta Europa.

Vogliamo ripristinare la mobilità per gli studenti delle scuole superiori e rafforzare la mobilità nella formazione professionale e nell'apprendistato, rendendo più accessibili i partenariati scolastici, arricchendo i contenuti di apprendimento e rafforzando la partecipazione all'e-Twinning.

Va raccolta la sfida educativa tra gli immigrati e i rifugiati, anche sostenendo progetti di integrazione e corridoi educativi. Per i prestiti a chi frequenta i master, dobbiamo rivedere le modalità, perché non stanno adeguatamente funzionando. Ma soprattutto il programma deve rafforzare il valore aggiunto della cooperazione europea, dell'educazione civica, della comprensione interculturale come elementi distintivi.


  Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Koleżanki i Koledzy! Zdecydowanie opowiadam się za tym, by program Erasmus uelastycznić i w każdym sensie rozszerzyć, także w sensie budżetowym. Program ten sprawdził się. Bardzo wielu studentów nabyło większe kompetencje, poznało kultury innych narodów europejskich. Należy wzmocnić go także w sensie finansowym. Zamiast powoływania nowych agencji, o których mówił przewodniczący Juncker w przedpołudniowym wystąpieniu, można z powodzeniem i dla dobra przyszłości młodego pokolenia i całej Europy zwiększyć nakłady budżetowe na program Erasmus. Chcę też uwrażliwić komisarza Navracsicsa na inną kwestię, mianowicie kwestię funkcjonowania programu po brexicie. Wielka Brytania była krajem bardzo pożądanym w ramach programu Erasmus, a Brytyjczycy odwiedzali w ramach Erasmusa państwa europejskie. Należy zadbać o to, żeby pomimo brexitu wymiana na wzorcach Erasmusa była kontynuowana. Upomina się o to European Christian Political Youth – jedna z organizacji młodzieżowych działających na szczeblu europejskim. Rezolucja podnosi tę kwestię, a ja w pełni zgadzam się z argumentami wspomnianej organizacji. Zadbajmy o to, żeby brexit nie powstrzymał ani nie unicestwił wymiany młodego pokolenia między Wielką Brytanią a Unią Europejską.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, there is no doubt that Erasmus is one of the most successful EU programmes. Together with promoting student and staff mobility, the programme has proven to be a catalyst for encouraging higher education institutions to fully develop their cooperation, to modernise, and to become more international in their outlook. Many studies of the participants themselves have confirmed that an international environment is the best way to learn about different cultures, improve a multi-cultural understanding and knowledge of language, establish international contacts, develop new skills and grow as a person and as a professional.

Undoubtedly, Erasmus is a tremendous success, but we should now focus on how further to develop, modernise and simplify the programme and make it more accessible and inclusive. The Commission, together with the Member States, should overcome the existing complexity of the application process and often slow administrative management. Commissioner, while shaping the future of the programme, we need to make sure that the voice of the youth is heard and that their vision on how best to improve the programme is taken on board.


  Curzio Maltese, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, siamo tutti giustamente orgogliosi di Erasmus e della la sua storia. Allora, cerchiamo di migliorarlo e, almeno, di non peggiorarlo come a volte accade.

Erasmus non può diventare un brand o un bancomat per finanziare altro. Erasmus è un magnifico progetto che però è ancora elitario e dobbiamo sforzarci di garantire più fondi e più aiuti agli studenti delle famiglie più povere. La chiave è una maggiore accessibilità, giustamente ricordata dalla risoluzione Kammerevert. Però bisogna essere coerenti.

Il sistema dei prestiti non serve a garantire maggiore accessibilità: è fallito in questo senso negli Stati Uniti e non è il caso di aprire a questo sistema, come è stato fatto, sia pure con dei limiti, per fortuna. Quindi invito a votare il nostro emendamento che si propone di cancellare questa strada e di concentrarsi sulle borse di studio, che rimangono una vera chiave di inclusività.

E poi dobbiamo intenderci sui valori: da Socrate a Montessori, il compito della scuola è sempre stato, nella cultura europea, quello di diffondere conoscenza e formare i cittadini, non di incasellare i giovani in organigrammi. Negli ultimi anni si usano molto spesso concetti e categorie discutibili come l'occupabilità, frutto di un'ideologia economicista che vorrebbe apparire moderna e rappresenta invece una vera regressione. L'Erasmus, la scuola, l'istruzione non sono corsi aziendali: dobbiamo averlo ben chiaro.


  Patrick O'Flynn, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, earlier this month world university rankings placed Oxford and Cambridge as the top two universities in the world. That league table made clear that Britain is Europe’s higher education superpower. Imperial College was also in the global top 10, but the only other European institution there was based in Zurich, outside the EU. Indeed, there was no non-British EU university within the top 20. This is an indication that one of the great challenges for the future of Erasmus+ will be to continue to secure access to UK universities. Without them, the programme will be greatly denuded.

I implore the EU to be sensible in accepting the British offer of continued friendship and cooperation and not to allow the Brexit process to turn into a means of trying to punish the British people for their democratic decision. There is willingness in Britain to continue to facilitate the flow of outstanding EU students to our great universities. It would be the height of folly to put that in jeopardy through the adoption of a hostile posture on Brexit.


  Dominique Bilde, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, à l’occasion des 30 ans du programme Erasmus, mes collègues de la commission de la culture et de l’éducation ont souhaité interpeller la Commission sur l’avenir de ce programme. Cette question a notamment été motivée par l’annonce de la Commission que ce programme emblématique servira également à financer de nouvelles initiatives, comme le corps européen de solidarité dont la pertinence reste encore à prouver.

Si je partage quelques inquiétudes de mes collègues, notamment sur le fait de menacer l’efficacité d’Erasmus en lui faisant couvrir toujours plus d’objectifs politiques, je souhaiterais cependant élargir le champ d’interrogation.

En effet, comme l’a rappelé le journal Le Monde dans un article du 29 août dernier, en réalité, malgré son succès relatif, Erasmus bénéficie toujours majoritairement aux jeunes socialement favorisés. Si cette fracture sociale est désormais connue, je m’inquiète par ailleurs de la tendance de la Commission à voir dans la mobilité la solution unique au problème du chômage.

Cette vision me semble erronée. La mobilité pour la mobilité ne conduit à rien. Toujours selon l’article du journal Le Monde, seule la mobilité tournée vers des institutions prestigieuses, par exemple, bénéficiera aux jeunes lors de leur insertion dans le monde professionnel. La mobilité comme une fin en soi ne conduit in fine qu’à la fuite des cerveaux et au déracinement, lequel est la source des angoisses identitaires.

Il me semble donc que la réflexion sur le futur d’Erasmus+ devrait se concentrer autour de ces deux questions: le développement des opportunités pour les étudiants méritants les moins privilégiés, particulièrement ceux des zones rurales et périphériques, et enfin une nécessaire réflexion sur la question de la fuite des cerveaux et l’enjeu de continuer à rendre nos territoires attractifs pour les jeunes Européens afin que la mobilité ne devienne pas le bourreau de la ruralité.


  Diane Dodds (NI). – Mr President, the Erasmus+ programme allows students, teachers and young people to study, work, volunteer, teach and train throughout Europe. Their experiences and the skills they learn help them develop personally, and will ultimately bring added value to the local economy. I am thinking of the many successful projects in my own constituency, including those led by Ballybeen and Kilcooley women’s centres. These include developing and delivering mentoring training programmes, supporting older people, developing innovative ICT training, developing training to raise awareness of domestic abuse among older victims and the DREAM programme, which aims to reinforce integration of migrants into local communities. In Brussels, in London and in Belfast, we should be working to forge a new and positive relationship with the European Union. These negotiations should not preclude programmes such as this, where it is cost—effective to do so. Instead, Brexit should be reviewed as an opportunity to revive and renew ties; to allow those in the education, youth or sports sectors to benefit from cross—border exchange projects as part of a new and special relationship. Whether this be in the form of participation in joint programmes or through new initiatives will ultimately be a matter for talks between the UK Government and Brussels. But the key is a willingness on all sides to negotiate constructively.


  Milan Zver (PPE). – Splošno sprejeto mnenje je, da je Erasmus+ zgodba o uspehu, da je najbolj pozitiven evropski projekt. To smo lahko začutili poleti, ko smo praznovali 30. obletnico Erasmusa. Tega dejstva sem kot stalni poročevalec Evropskega parlamenta za Erasmus+ seveda zelo vesel. Lahko bi na dolgo in široko razlagal koristi, ki jih prinaša za udeležence, univerze, gospodarstva, lokalne skupnosti in posledično za Evropo nasploh.

Toda na zadevo moramo pogledati tudi z druge strani. Celotni proračun, namenjen izobraževanju, mladini in športu v Evropski uniji, ostaja relativno majhen delež skupnega večletnega finančnega okvira, to je 1,36 %. V tem proračunskem obdobju bo predvidoma sodelovalo v različnih programih Erasmus+ okoli 4 milijone ljudi, kar je manj kot 1 % prebivalstva.

Toda obstoječi proračun še zdaleč ne pokrije vsega zanimanja. Stopnja uspešnosti, ki izraža razmerje med prijavami in sprejetimi oz. realiziranimi projekti, je v nekaterih delih programa Erasmus+ občutno prenizka, vsega komaj 26 %. Zato bo potrebno v prihodnje še naprej odpravljati razkorak med omejenimi proračunskimi možnostmi in širokimi potenciali programa. To pa se lahko stori le na en način: s povečanim proračunom.


  Krystyna Łybacka (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Zapytajmy siebie, jaki jest niezbędny warunek realizacji planów przedstawionych dziś przez przewodniczącego Junckera? Tym niezbędnym warunkiem są świadomi obywatele, obywatele rozumiejący europejskość i przestrzegający podstawowych wartości takich jak równość, wolność, praworządność. Najlepszym nośnikiem tak rozumianej tożsamości europejskiej jest pokolenie Erasmusa. Dlatego Erasmus+ musi pozostać właściwie finansowanym, flagowym programem Unii Europejskiej. Ale nawet najlepszy projekt ma margines poprawy.

Kwestia pierwsza: program Erasmus musi być dostępny dla wszystkich, także dla osób ze środowisk uboższych i dla niepełnosprawnych. Kolejny raz powtarzam – wysokość stypendiów musi być dostosowana do kosztów życia kraju goszczącego. Kwestia następna: uznawalność okresów studiów za granicą i zdobyte tam punkty kredytowe muszą być w 100% respektowane, to nie może stanowić problemu dla studentów. Sprawa trzecia: konieczna jest współpraca między agencjami narodowymi, aby z jednej strony wypracować wysokiej jakości materiały informacyjne, uprościć procedury, a z drugiej wypracować minimum kryteriów obiektywnej oceny.

Rzecz ostatnia, panie komisarzu, o którą bardzo proszę: uczestnicy Erasmusa, szczególnie młodsi, często wytwarzają materiały o trwałej wartości intelektualnej. To są wspaniałe wirtualne trasy turystyczne, to są opisy ich regionów, ich zwyczajów. Spróbujmy umieścić je na jednym portalu, który nie tylko prezentowałby te prace, ale również egzemplifikowałby wartości europejskie i pozostawał trwałym dorobkiem Erasmusa.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το Erasmus πραγματικά έχει αποδειχθεί ως ένα πολύ επιτυχημένο πρόγραμμα. Το δείχνει αυτό η διαδικασία που ακολουθήθηκε επί 30 χρόνια: ενίσχυσε την εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση, στήριξε τα πανεπιστήμια, στήριξε τους φοιτητές, την κινητικότητα και, θα έλεγα, την οικονομία. Όμως χρειάζεται περαιτέρω χρηματοδότηση. Αυτό που βλέπουμε είναι ότι γίνεται αφαίμαξη. Αφαιρούνται κονδύλια από το Erasmus για να ενισχυθούν αλλά εγχειρήματα όπως είναι το Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης. Ταυτόχρονα, πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες, οι οποίοι έχουν κονδύλια για να χρηματοδοτηθούν από άλλες πηγές, εντάσσονται και αυτοί ως δικαιούχοι μέσα στο Erasmus μειώνοντας έτσι τον τελικό αριθμό των δικαιούχων. Κατά την άποψή μας, το Erasmus πρέπει να προσαρμοστεί στις οικονομικές ανάγκες της κάθε χώρας, πρέπει να αποτελέσει ανάσα για τους νέους στην Ελλάδα που πλήττονται από τα μνημόνια και την ανεργία, τους νέους στην Ελλάδα που βλέπουν να χάνονται τα όνειρά τους, που αναγκάζονται πλέον, λόγω της τρόικας και των δανειστών να μεταναστεύουν. Για αυτό λοιπόν πρέπει να υπάρχει ενίσχυση των κονδυλίων του Erasmus και επιπλέον κονδύλια και για την Ελλάδα για να μπορέσουν πραγματικά οι νέοι μας να ανταπεξέλθουν σε αυτές τις τραγικές στιγμές τις οποίες ζουν.


  Liadh Ní Riada (GUE/NGL). – A Uachtaráin, gan aon dabht, is céim chun tosaigh é Clár Erasmus. Léiríonn sé rudaí dearfacha faoin Eoraip. Tá go leor scoláirí tar éis buntáistí an chláir a chur i bhfeidhm ar mhaithe leo féin agus an tsochaí. Ba chóir go mbeadh an deis céanna ag gach scoláire, agus an bhuairt atá ormsa ná go mbeidh Erasmus+ mar chlár a bheidh dírithe orthu siúd leis an airgead. Caithfimid aghaidh a thabhairt ar na dúshláin ollmhóra atá againn ar fud na hEorpa maidir le dífhostaíocht, go háirithe an t-aos óg. Tá neart daoine óga ann atá gan dídean, gan féidearthachtaí agus gan achmhainní ar fáil dóibh chun éileamh ar Chlár Erasmus. Tá dualgas orainne na cláracha ar nós Erasmus+ a leathnú chun na ndaoine óga sin a bhfuil géarghá acu le cos suas maidir le hoideachas. Má táimid dáiríre faoi thacú agus saol níos fearr a chruthú sa todhchaí dár n-aos óg, caithfimid breis infheistíocht a sholáthar. Caithfidh Clár Erasmus a bheith ar fáil do gach duine, thuaidh agus theas in Éirinn; agus táim ag caint ar Bhreatamach sa réimse sin, mar aon le ceantracha gan dabht atá ag fulaingt de dheasca cúrsaí daonna.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Jak Pan wspomniał, Erasmus to program przynoszący liczne korzyści. Świadczy o tym fakt, że przez 30 lat wzięło w nim udział 9 milionów studentów, uczniów, wychowawców i nauczycieli, a w samym okresie ostatnich 3 lat 2 miliony osób z ponad 33 krajów. Wiemy też, że wiedza zdobyta w trakcie wymian przyczyniła się do pełniejszego zrozumienia i poszanowania innych kultur oraz ich wartości. Nauka i ściślejsza integracja przyczynia się do zmniejszenia ryzyka radykalizacji oraz wykluczenia społecznego.

Z powyższych powodów uważam, że program Erasmus+ jest i będzie inwestycją w wiedzę, umiejętności i kompetencje, których beneficjentami są zarówno osoby indywidualne, w tym niepełnosprawne, i organizacje, jak i całe społeczeństwo, i dlatego zwiększenie środków na rozwój programu jest tak ważne dla przyszłych pokoleń Europejczyków. Aby uczynić program jeszcze bardziej dostępnym, państwa członkowskie powinny dążyć do wprowadzenia ułatwień w postaci wzajemnego uznawania kursów oraz uwzględniania punktów ECTS zdobytych podczas wymian. Sądzę, że tylko to może pozwolić na pełne wykorzystanie potencjału programu oraz przyczynić się do osiągnięcia strategicznych celów ramowych europejskiej współpracy w ramach edukacji.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, Erasmus is one of the Union’s greatest success stories, not just in terms of employability and academic development, but also because it has helped to create a generation of proud, open-minded and resilient Europeans, including young British people. We must build on this success to widen access and ensure that more young people can benefit from this opportunity, in particular those in vocational training, vulnerable young people, people outside of formal education, migrants and people with disabilities. In fact, the very kind of marginalised young people that I was working with before I came into politics.

For this to be successful, we need political will and money. I therefore support the Erasmusx10 Campaign to increase the programme budget 10 times in the next financial period. I also want to reiterate that the UK must maintain its access to the programme, and I call for this to be a priority in the Brexit negotiations. British youth voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, and it is their future that is hugely at risk with the current negotiations.


  Θεόδωρος Ζαγοράκης (PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το Erasmus είναι η πιο πετυχημένη ευρωπαϊκή πρωτοβουλία. Χάρη σε αυτό, είναι οι νέοι μας σπουδάζουν και εργάζονται σε μια Ευρώπη χωρίς σύνορα. Βρίσκουν νέες ευκαιρίες και ανοίγουν τους ορίζοντές τους. Μέσα σε τρεις δεκαετίες, εκατομμύρια πολίτες συμμετείχαν στα προγράμματα αυτά. Οι περισσότεροι εξ αυτών, να είστε σίγουροι, δεν θα είχαν ούτε την ευκαιρία ούτε την οικονομική δυνατότητα να σπουδάσουν στο εξωτερικό χωρίς το Erasmus. Στηρίζοντας τέτοιες πολιτικές, ενώνουμε τους λαούς μας και χτίζουμε μαζί την Ευρώπη. Οφείλουμε, ωστόσο, να δώσουμε ακόμη περισσότερες ευκαιρίες στη νέα γενιά. Πρέπει να αναδείξουμε κάθε πρωτοβουλία που υποστηρίζει την απασχόληση, τα σχολεία, τα πανεπιστήμια και τον αθλητισμό. Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus πρέπει να γίνει προσιτό σε περισσότερους συμπολίτες μας, σε περισσότερους οργανισμούς, σε αθλητικές ομοσπονδίες, για παράδειγμα, που αδυνατούν να καλύψουν βασικές ανάγκες για την ανάπτυξη και την κινητικότητα των εθνικών ομάδων. Στην πατρίδα μου, από το 2014, περίπου 12.000 άτομα συμμετείχαν σε προγράμματα συνολικού κόστους 23 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ. Το κάθε ευρώ από αυτά, να είστε σίγουροι, θα έχει πολλαπλάσια οφέλη τόσο για την Ελλάδα όσο και για την Ευρώπη συνολικά. Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus είναι μια πραγματική επένδυση για τους νέους μας. Πρέπει όλοι μας να το στηρίξουμε. Το οφείλουμε στη νέα γενιά.


  Luigi Morgano (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Erasmus è senza dubbio il programma più conosciuto e apprezzato dai cittadini europei e, dobbiamo dire, anche il più efficace.

Lo scorso giugno abbiamo celebrato il trentesimo anno di attività, che ha permesso a più di nove milioni di giovani di arricchire non solo la propria esperienza di studio e professionale, ma di fare una vera e propria esperienza di vita, di crescere umanamente, come solo può permettere l'incontro e il confronto con persone nuove, con le loro tradizioni, costumi e cultura.

Perché nulla come l'esperienza tangibile del patrimonio umano, culturale e spirituale europeo, di ciò che ci accomuna e di ciò che ci differenzia, può abbattere pregiudizi e diffidenze e contribuire all'identità europea. È tempo ora di bilanci e di tracciare il futuro di Erasmus+ affinché possibilmente tutti i giovani europei, e non solo una piccola parte, possano accedervi.

Nel periodo 2014-2020, infatti, meno dell'1% dei cittadini europei ne beneficerà. Anche per questo il mio paese ha proposto di moltiplicare per dieci il bilancio di Erasmus+. A qualcuno potrà sembrare irrealistico ma è importante cogliere il punto politico della proposta, cioè soddisfare le innumerevoli richieste non accolte e raggiungere una platea veramente più vasta di giovani, quindi oltre gli iscritti all'università, che sono i principali fruitori.

Faccio quindi mie le parole del Presidente Juncker: "Ogni singolo euro che investiamo in Erasmus+ è un investimento nel futuro: il futuro dei giovani e il futuro del nostro ideale europeo."


  Santiago Fisas Ayxelà (PPE). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, en mi opinión, el programa Erasmus ha hecho más por la Unión Europea que cualquier Tratado que se haya firmado. Debemos estar orgullosos, ya que en la anterior legislatura, cuando el presupuesto de la Unión se redujo, logramos desde este Parlamento incrementar el presupuesto para Erasmus en un 40 %.

El sentimiento de pertenencia a la Unión Europea se ha consolidado entre aquellos jóvenes que han podido disfrutar de esta experiencia, para muchos de ellos la mejor de su vida. Debemos tener también en cuenta las posibilidades de futuro que les abre a nuestros jóvenes. La reciente crisis ha puesto de manifiesto que quien tuviera experiencia internacional y más conocimiento de lenguas lograba encontrar empleo con más facilidad.

Sin embargo, no todo es positivo. Tan solo un 5 % de nuestros jóvenes disfruta del programa. Los fondos que reciben no son suficientes, por lo que queda fuera del alcance de los menos favorecidos.

Valoro muy positivamente que se haya incluido a jóvenes que cursan formación profesional, pero es fundamental seguir aumentando los recursos para que todos los jóvenes tengan las mismas posibilidades.


  Francis Zammit Dimech (PPE). – Sur President, Sur Kummissarju, naħseb laqtitni ħafna deskrizzjoni tiegħek, Kummissarju, meta ddeskrivejt dan il-programm bħala l-iktar għodda b’saħħitha tal-Unjoni Ewropea biex tikkonnetti maċ-ċittadini tagħha.

Semmejna wkoll li dan huwa t-30 anniversarju, allura hija okkażjoni fejn niċċelebraw is-suċċess ta’ dan il-programm. Għalija, però, hija wkoll opportunità, u nirrifletti wkoll diskussjoni li kelli ma’ żgħażagħ u studenti fuq dan il-qasam, dwar diffikultajiet li qed niffaċċjaw. Diffikultajiet, pereżempju, li jirriżultaw minn burokrazija żejda dwar l-ipproċessar tal-applikazzjonijiet u d-dewmien, id-diffikultà li xi kultant ma jkunx hemm il-qbil neċessarju bejn istituzzjonijiet edukattivi biex jagħrfu dak li jkunu tgħallmu l-istudenti f’pajjiżi differenti. Għandek imbagħad id-diffikultà, reali ħafna, ta’ nuqqas ta’ għarfien meħtieġ biżżejjed biex studenti u żgħażagħ japplikaw. Allura hija żgur opportunità fejn nagħrfu dak kollu li rridu nagħmlu, fil-livell nazzjonali u Ewropew, għar-rigward tat-twettiq aħjar ta’ dan il-programm, fejn naffermaw, anki aċċenna hawnhekk il-Kummissarju, dwar il-ħtieġa li ninvestu aktar fondi. Tkellimna dwar aktar fondi, aktar finanzjament, fil-perjodu finanzjarju li jmiss għaliex huma dawn iċ-ċwievet ta’ kif aħna nwasslu dan il-programm għand numru dejjem akbar ta’ żgħażagħ u studenti, u b’hekk insaħħu, ukoll, l-identità Ewropea.


  Lara Comi (PPE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, io penso che Erasmus+ rappresenti il miglior investimento che l'Europa abbia fatto sui giovani: oggi, ieri e, confidiamo, ancora di più domani.

Questi trent'anni di investimenti in capitale umano hanno donato all'Europa una generazione molto più aperta come mentalità, più europea, maggiormente consapevole anche delle proprie forze e dei propri limiti, ed è stato un punto chiave anche dei ragazzi che volevano rimanere dall'Inghilterra all'interno dell'Unione europea, e proprio per il tema Erasmus.

Io penso che ci siano anche altri programmi molto importanti che devono essere sempre di più finanziati, tra i quali abbiamo l'Erasmus per giovani imprenditori: pochi dei giovani conoscono questa opportunità. Tra gli altri abbiamo il servizio volontario europeo, ma soprattutto l'iniziativa della garanzia per i giovani.

Ecco, in questo io penso che sia necessario ridurre l'attuale livello di disoccupazione, dando ai giovani non solo l'opportunità di studiare all'estero ma di avere le capacità economiche per poter aprire un'impresa e per poter essere veramente imprenditori di se stessi.

Io penso che il nostro futuro sia nelle mani dei giovani e oggi siamo qui per creare il loro futuro e dar loro le possibilità che, magari, noi non abbiamo avuto oggi.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane komisaři, já jsem se zájmem poslouchal vaše vystoupení a se vším se v zásadě shoduji. Jsem z České republiky, kde v poslední době klesá podpora evropské integrace. Právě program Erasmus je obrovský, viditelný, úspěšný projekt, na kterém lze jednoznačně a rychle vysvětlit, co přináší Evropa, například mladým lidem. Viditelnost tohoto programu je naprosto mimořádná, vedle toho, že je úspěšný. Kolegové zde hovořili o některých věcech, které by do budoucna měly být v programu zlepšeny.

Za prvé, jsou to peníze. Já také souhlasím s tím, že 5 % mladých lidí je málo, že bychom do budoucna do tohoto projektu měli investovat mnohem více a okruhy mladých lidí rozšířit. Za druhé, myslím si, že ten program by neměl být určen převážně pouze pro vysokoškoláky. Dělejme vše pro to, aby ostatní mladí lidé reálně více využívali tento program – učni, středoškoláci, většinou se právě jedná o vysokoškoláky. Za třetí, dělejme více pro to, aby nejen mladí lidé z takzvaných nových členských států jezdili do „starých členských států“, ale abychom více zatraktivnili pro mladé lidi ze západní Evropy studium ve střední Evropě a v nových státech Evropské unie, aby ten transfer byl oboustranný. Jak dnes říkal pan Juncker, Evropa má dvoje plíce.

A tou poslední věcí jsou praktické problémy, které zde byly zmiňovány. Znám studenty, kteří odmítli Erasmus z důvodů takových praktických problémů, že by zkrátka nemohli základní studium dokončit. Takže praktické problémy je třeba také vyřešit.


Procedura catch-the-eye


  William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFDD). – Mr President, thank you very much for giving me the time. No speaker seems to have touched on the fact that Switzerland has been suspended from the Erasmus programme. It is an interesting question – has this really made any difference to Switzerland, the Swiss people, or even to Swiss universities? It would seem not, because the top university in Switzerland rates higher than any university in the EU, outside of the UK.

My colleague, Patrick O’Flynn, made a very important point which the colleagues were supremely disinterested in, which is that EU universities outside the UK simply do not rate very highly in world terms. UK universities, oddly enough, do. But I am not making a patriotic point. The point I am making for the colleagues to consider, particularly for the Commissioner, is that, as we have heard, the Erasmus programme primarily has a political motivation. It would be better for the young people of Europe if you drop some of this political motivation and concentrated on an educational function.


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, o programa Erasmus, 30 anos depois da sua criação, é hoje uma referência a nível mundial em matéria de internacionalização do ensino e tornou-se numa das bestas negras dos detratores do projeto europeu pelo facto de ser uma das ferramentas integradoras de maior sucesso da União, aliás, como ouvimos aqui o colega.

O programa já beneficiou 9 milhões de jovens europeus. Porém, este número - embora impressionante - representa menos de 5% dos jovens europeus. Muitos não são abrangidos devido a fatores e socioeconómicos, limitações no financiamento, desigualdades entre e dentro dos Estados-Membros, bem como à complexidade dos processos de candidatura e à falta de coerência no reconhecimento do sistema europeu de transferência de créditos adquiridos durante o período da mobilidade.

Importa, por isso, que, na perspetiva das negociações do próximo quadro financeiro plurianual, o novo programa Erasmus +, a introduzir depois de 2020, possa dispor dos fundos adicionais necessários para se tornar mais acessível, abrangente e inclusivo, perdendo de vez a sua fama de elitista.

Caros Colegas, não podemos nem devemos esquecer-nos de que Erasmus + é o maior investimento que a Europa pode fazer em si própria.


(Fine della procedura catch-the-eye)


  Tibor Navracsics, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, let me first thank you for the debate. I think it was a really fruitful debate, and while we are drawing our conclusions from this debate and planning the future of Erasmus+, I think we can easily agree that Erasmus is one of the biggest successes of European integration. However, this must not make me complacent, and we always have to seek new ways of broadening and widening the social appeal, the geographical appeal and also the age appeal of Erasmus+.

A lot of people raised the need for a special programme for secondary schools, for instance, or to include younger people – not only students but also students from secondary schools – in Erasmus+ in the future. We just heard a lot of interventions on the need to make Erasmus+ more socially sensitive, and I totally agree with your observations and your interventions. Of course, it is mostly a question of funding. When we are preparing our positions for the next MFF negotiations we have to bear in mind that it is not only spending money for a special purpose, but it is an investment in the future. So this is the moment when we can fund the future of Europe and the future of the next generations.

I absolutely agree with the opinion that Erasmus+ is not an employment policy instrument. It is a complex way of developing education, culture, sport, youth policy, and also employment policy and the future of the world of labour and the intercultural co-existence of future societies. That is why I think accessibility is a crucial issue for Erasmus+ in the future. However, we are not without success at the moment. More than 35 000 students from disadvantaged backgrounds have already benefited from Erasmus+, and additional funding is foreseen. I know there is not enough. That is why I was very happy to hear your encouragement to go forward in this way and to make Erasmus+ more socially sensitive.

Let me address some concerns regarding the European Solidarity Corps. For me, and I hope for you too, the European Solidarity Corps is a great opportunity to show our solidarity with the young people of Europe. The first deployment proved this hypothesis. In Norcia and Spoleto, where I was two weeks ago, I saw great evidence of European solidarity. It is based on volunteering. That is why the first phase of the existence of the European Solidarity Corps can be funded by Erasmus+ by volunteering sources, because it is the same activity. These funds came from Erasmus+. It has so far covered European Voluntary Service activities and now it covers European Solidarity Corps activities. In the future, the European Solidarity Corps is going to have its own separate budget, with fresh money. Up to 25% of the new budget will be fresh money and it will be a separate budget, funding those activities which have volunteers – not only young volunteers but also people who are seeking better opportunities on the labour market –with apprenticeships and, in the future, with better job offers, I hope. That is why I think we have to support the European Solidarity Corps’ activities in the future as well, because it simply does not endanger the existence of Erasmus+ and the funding of Erasmus+.

Last, but not least, the European Student eCard. We are now working to put together three separate Erasmus+ funded projects: the European Student Card, the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) and Emrex. We are trying to identify the synergies of these three projects and develop more comprehensive projects which make Erasmus+ students’ lives easier, bringing together the results of those three projects and developing a European Student Card in the future which can embrace all the achievements of these three projects.

Once again, thank you for your contributions and let us continue this dialogue in the Committee on Culture and Education in the future.


  Presidente. – Comunico di aver ricevuto una proposta di risoluzione conformemente all'articolo 128, paragrafo 5 del regolamento.

La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà domani, 14 settembre 2017.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Andrea Bocskor (PPE), írásban. – Az Erasmus kétség kívül az EU egyik legsikeresebb mobilitási programja, amelynek keretében eddig több mint 3 millió diák tanulhatott külföldön, valamint összesen 9 millió európai fiatalnak biztosított lehetőséget, hogy külföldi tapasztalatokkal, élményekkel gazdagodjanak. Az Európai Parlament a továbbiakban is elkötelezett a program mellett, hogy minél több fiatal vehessen részt benne és a tudáson túl külföldi kulturális élményekkel, tapasztalatokkal, új készségekkel és képességekkel gazdagodjon. A program kétségkívül pozitív hatással volt nem csak az európai, hanem a szomszédos és tagjelölt országok fiataljainak szakmai és személyes életére is.

Az eddig elért eredmények azt mutatják, hogy az Erasmus program szakképzésben részt vevő valamennyi résztvevőjének csaknem a 90%-a szerint a tapasztalat eredményeképpen nőtt a foglalkoztatottságuk. A továbbra is magas munkanélküliség tükrében viszont elmondható, hogy az Erasmus+ programnak erősen támogatnia kell a jobb foglalkoztatási lehetőségek megvalósítását célzó fellépéseket. Hangsúlyozni kell, hogy a következő költségvetési időszakban (2020–2027) szükséges a program költségvetésének a növelése, további források hozzáadására lesz szükség, azzal a céllal, hogy minél több fiatalnak, diáknak és tanárnak egyaránt lehetőséget biztosítsunk a programban való részvételhez.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), napisan. – Biti dio Erasmus+ programa je puno više od samog studiranja u inozemstvu. Naime, to je iskustvo koje otvara oči za nove mogućnosti, prijateljstva, znanja i vrijednosti. Program koji je pokrenut 1987. kao dobrovoljna suradnja 11 europskih zemalja, danas se razvio u jedinstvenu globalnu mrežu.

2017. godine obilježava se trideseta godišnjica ovog programa, a u posljednjih 30 godina program je prošao temeljitu preobrazbu i ostavio traga na privatnim i profesionalnim životima oko 9 000 000 studenata, pripravnika, volontera, nastavnika, djelatnika, edukatora i osoba koje rade s mladima.

Erasmus+ program još je uvijek dostupan samo vrlo ograničenom broju europskih građana, no očekuje se dodatno povećanje proračuna do 2020. godine. Ta nezahvalna situacija stvara osjećaj nezadovoljstva jer program ne ispunjava visoka očekivanja građana EU-a. Komisija će donijeti potrebne financijske i proračunske reforme kako bi ovaj vodeći program EU-a dostigao ambiciozne ciljeve poboljšanja uvjeta svakog tko se odluči pridružiti ovom programu.

Smatram da Rezolucijom o budućnosti programa Erasmus+ pomažemo građanima EU-a da pronađu svoje mjesto u našim društvima te razviju osjećaj europskog identiteta – identiteta koji dopunjuje naše nacionalne, regionalne i lokalne identitete. Ovu Rezoluciju vidim kao korak naprijed u smjeru poboljšanja funkcioniranja programa ne bi li se još više utjecalo na svakodnevni život građana EU-a, a naročito mladih.

Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik