Rosa D'Amato, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, con questa relazione la relatrice si propone di introdurre un requisito di registrazione di notifica digitale dei dati dei passeggeri tramite procedimenti amministrativi armonizzati, intesi a facilitare le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio in caso di emergenza.
Ho deciso di sostenere il lavoro della collega Bilbao, per la particolare attenzione rivolta alla tutela dei dati dei passeggeri alla loro distruzione quando non più necessari. Un aspetto, quello della tutela dei diritti e dei dati dei cittadini, molto caro in Movimento. Sono contenta di vedere che la nostra proposta di aggiungere la data di nascita e un numero di contatto ai dati richiesti sia stata accettata, contribuendo così a una maggiore chiarezza nelle identificazioni.
Per quanto riguarda alcune deroghe, sebbene avessimo chiesto che fossero accessibili, attraverso la creazione di un database pubblico online, la trasparenza delle esenzioni è comunque garantita dalla loro accessibilità al pubblico.
Ringrazio la collega per il lavoro svolto e saluto i suoi sforzi per una maggiore garanzia dei diritti dei passeggeri europei.
Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, vreau să felicit raportoarea și să spun că am susținut acest raport pentru că eu cred că protecția datelor este o prioritate și cred că modalitatea în care a fost cuprins în raport acest lucru trebuia votat.
Sper să fie și aplicat pentru că, de multe ori, avem probleme nu cu reglementarea, nu cu apariția unei noi legi, ci cu aplicarea. Este important ca datele să se șteargă, așa cum s-a prevăzut în raport și, de fapt, raportul a mers în sensul propunerii Comisiei, a fost un raport tehnic și mulțumesc celor care au contribuit.
Am depus amendamente și am susținut acest raport, considerând că este necesar să avem claritate în ceea ce privește protecția datelor pe navele de circulație.
Rupert Matthews (ECR). – Madam President, some years ago I wrote a book about the wreck of RMS Titanic. That terrible night showed all too clearly the consequences of not enforcing safety rules at sea.
These rules that we have passed today bring the European Union into line with the International Maritime Organisation, a branch of the United Nations which is based in London, a great maritime city with a seagoing heritage reaching back more than 2 000 years. That is a reminder that in many areas of international relations it is not the European Union that calls the shots, but other international organisations, and that Britain is already a member of many of those organisations. This is just another reason why I believe Brexit is going to be a great success.
Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Zawsze wypowiadałem się przeciwko biurokracji i jestem – jak tego wielokrotnie dowodziłem – zwolennikiem jej ograniczania, dlatego też przyjąłem tę rezolucję z dużą satysfakcją. Cieszę się, że ogranicza się ilość rozmaitych potencjalnych ingerencji do mniejszej ilości podmiotów. Cieszy mnie także zapowiedź przewodniczącego Junckera, że Parlament Europejski w coraz większym stopniu będzie przeznaczać swój czas na rzeczy ważne, te rzeczy kluczowe, i rezygnować ze szczegółowych regulacji. Ten dzisiejszy dowód jest według mojej oceny znakomity, aby potwierdzić deklarację całego Parlamentu.
Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Elnök Asszony! A hatályos szabályokkal összhangban lefolytatott európai bizottsági célravezetőségi vizsgálat megállapította, hogy a jogi rendelkezésekben meglévő egyes pontatlanságok a nemzeti hatóságoknál eltérő értelmezésmódokhoz vezettek, különösen a tekintetben, hogy az irányelv hatálya kiterjed-e a kisebb hajókra, illetve más hajófajtákra.
Az Európai Bizottságnak most a követelmények egyszerűsítése és egyértelművé tétele a feladata, ezért átfogó felülvizsgálatot indított el. A jelentéstevővel egyetértek abban, hogy a személyhajók biztonságáról szóló rendelet fő céljául annak biztosítását kell kitűzni, hogy az utasok és a legénység biztonságosan közlekedhessenek az Unióban a személyhajók fedélzetén. Többek között mindezek miatt szavazatommal támogattam a jelentést.
Daniel Hannan (ECR). – Madam President, my colleague, Rupert Matthews, just propagated an enduring myth, namely that the Titanic did not meet the safety standards of its time. It is an idea sedulously propagated ever since, not least in the film in which Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet show such impressive post-coital vigour and energy for the rest of the duration of the sinking. In fact, the Titanic was well in advance of the safety rules of its time on lifeboats and everything else, but I think there is a lesson to be drawn there about modesty, and about not thinking that you can declare some invincible or irresistible policy.
Look at the things we are voting on today: all these plans to eliminate unemployment and become the greatest knowledge economy, and so on. We are like the architects of that doomed vessel, with the lack of self-awareness to see that we cannot decree these things and make them happen. Let us rather act in the spirit of the poor bandleader, Wallace Hartley, who, in his final minutes, played himself out with his threnody, remembering the hymn he had learned as a boy. If we stick to what we know, rather than presuming to tell the rest of the world what to do, we might be a little bit more respected.
Lucy Anderson (S&D). – Madam President, in contrast to some of the bizarre views just expressed on the other side of the Chamber, this is a very important update to passenger ship safety laws. It is quite a technical measure but it is very important. The main purpose of these laws must be to ensure that passengers and crew can travel safely on board passenger ships and boats in the EU.
This simplification should help to ensure improved implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the rules, and it should therefore be supported. However, it is important that passenger confidence is maintained and that penalties for breaches of the national provisions adopted will be adequate and enforced. Some of my amendments and the amendments of colleagues have ensured that. The final text moves in the right direction in these respects. It is absolutely worth voting for, and I am glad that I did so.