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Otrdiena, 2017. gada 24. oktobris - Strasbūra Pārskatītā redakcija

16. Žurnālistu aizsardzība un mediju brīvības aizsardzība Maltā: Daphne Caruana Galizia lieta (debates)
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  Preşedinte. – Următorul punct de pe ordinea de zi este dezbaterea privind Declarațiile Comisiei și Consiliului referitoare la protejarea jurnaliștilor și apărarea libertății mass-mediei în Malta: cazul lui Daphne Caruana Galizia (2017/2896(RSP)).


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, today’s debate has been triggered by the horrific assassination of Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia.

First of all, I wish to express my sincere condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. The circumstances of the death of Ms Caruana Galizia have rendered us speechless, but this debate shows that we shall not remain silent. We strongly condemn this barbaric crime. The perpetrators must be brought to justice. The mission of journalists requires personal devotion and courage, and those who have these qualities deserve our deepest respect and protection.

Media freedom is an indispensable pillar of our democratic societies. Journalists are the guardians of properly functioning democracies. Where there is no freedom of speech and people have to fear for their life every time they criticise something, there is no democracy. For this reason freedom of expression, media freedom and pluralism are guaranteed in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. They are among the core basic democratic values on which the European Union is founded. These freedoms are an obligation for our governments. It is an absolute priority for all democracies to protect journalists also from financial or political pressure. The importance of media pluralism as a prerequisite of the rule of law and democracy was underlined by the Council in its annual rule of law dialogue last week.

Let me be clear: attacks on media representatives to silence their voices are unacceptable everywhere in the world. If they occur, we have to act immediately: condemn the crime, find and punish the perpetrators and re-establish the confidence of our citizens in the functioning of our democratic institutions. I am convinced that we are all aware of the responsibility of our governments for the protection of journalists and the defence of media freedom.

We commend and trust in the Maltese authorities in ensuring that justice is delivered. As the Presidency, we would like to join other Member States, which offered help to the Maltese authorities in the investigation of this appalling crime. We owe this to the memory of Ms Caruana Galizia and to all journalists serving our societies.


  Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, a renowned and brave journalist died in the most brutal and shocking manner in Malta last week.

A wife, a mother, a mother-in-law, a friend, a neighbour, a colleague. Daphne Caruana Galizia appears to have been killed because someone wanted to stop her from reporting. And it happened right here, in the European Union!

Let me first express my deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. Your loss, I cannot imagine. I did not have the privilege to know Daphne personally but a few things stand out – her courage and doggedness in the pursuit of the truth, her readiness to ask the questions that really matter about politicians of all colours.

The very heart of democracy is that those who the people choose to lead them are also accountable to them. Journalists such as Daphne represent us all when they ask the difficult questions and when they keep digging even if it becomes uncomfortable and dangerous to find the truth.

When I attended the spontaneous vigil last Wednesday in Brussels, when I stood here in silence with you earlier today in the presence of Daphne’s family, to whom I have had the chance to express my condolences in person this morning, my deep concerns about what this tragic event represents in terms of our democratic values were dwarfed by the immediate human tragedy: the three sons and a daughter-in-law suddenly and violently losing a mother, and a husband prematurely and painfully losing his beloved wife.

At the European Council last week and again this morning, President Tajani made a strong call for a detailed in-depth international investigation. On behalf of President Juncker and all my colleagues in the College, I can say that the Commission very much agrees that ensuring an independent and thorough investigation of the facts and bringing those responsible to justice must be the top priority for now.

Prime Minister Muscat gave such an assurance to his fellow leaders on Thursday and the eyes of Europe and the world are now on Malta to ensure this is the case. I welcome the fact that the Maltese authorities have engaged with their counterparts in Europe and beyond, including forensics experts from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, and wherever useful, Europol and Eurojust are there to help.

We know that good journalism can be a dangerous job. Last year 72 journalists were killed worldwide and more than 50 others have died so far this year. But the targeted and brutal manner of Daphne’s killing and the fact that it happened here on the soil of one of our Member States profoundly shocks. Even here in Europe, too many journalists are threatened every day. The campaign ‘Mapping Media Freedom’ has already reported more than 300 alerts of threats to journalistic freedom in the EU since the beginning of the year and more than 3 000 since the beginning of the project.

I pay tribute to all those who have stood up and asked the tough questions. Since – and I say this as a politician and democrat among politicians and democrats – since professional journalism is a necessary job because it ensures that all of us who are entrusted with certain responsibilities are also scrutinised for how we exercise them, that perhaps matters now more than ever, as we find ourselves in an era where anyone can publish their views online, where facts and fiction are sometimes mixed, where false information is repeated ever louder.

I have said before in this House that everyone is entitled to her or his own opinions, but no one is entitled to their own facts. That is what journalists do. They are the human face of stubborn facts. That is their job, their mission. A free media is the watchdog in our democracies.

Healthy democracy requires a free and pluralistic media, free from state intervention and from undue political or commercial pressures. Ed Murrow put it well when he said that every healthy democracy needs a good dose of itching pills, and as President Juncker said last week, the right of a journalist to investigate, to ask uncomfortable questions and report effectively is at the heart of our values and needs to be guaranteed at all times.

Under the Treaties, the Commission has limited powers in this area. We can, however, encourage and guide, which is why last year we chose to devote our annual colloquium on fundamental rights to the theme of media pluralism and democracy. Three quarters of respondents to the public consultation covering all our Member States in preparation for the colloquium said that they were aware of or have experienced limitations on journalistic activities by state measures, and more than two thirds of respondents said they have experienced or are aware of censorship and self-censorship. Such findings are very worrying. If journalists have to fear for their lives just for doing their job, they cannot operate with a level of freedom and independence that is essential for the media in any democracy, in any rule-of-law based society.

Media freedom and pluralism are fundamental rights enshrined in Article 11 of the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and constitute essential foundations of our democratic societies. It is the duty of the Maltese state to investigate and prosecute this case in accordance with its constitution, its legal order and international human rights obligations. The Maltese authorities and institutions must deliver on their commitment to do everything in their power to ensure that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

Malta needs to show to Europe and the world that its rules and regulations are healthy and robust. This is why it is important that the Maltese Government has indicated that the investigation and prosecution should be allowed to run their full course, that if problems of a more general or systemic nature are brought to light, they should also be addressed, regardless of the consequences.

Today’s debate proves once more that the eyes of Europe stay firmly fixed on Malta, because the murder of a brave journalist such as Daphne is a direct concern for us all. We will, it is our duty, continue to stand up for our shared values. Why? Well, for the sake of Daphne, her loved ones and everything she stood for, for the sake of the European Union and everything it stands for.


  Esteban González Pons, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señor presidente. Esta mañana me he reunido con el viudo y los hijos de Daphne Caruana y luego he llorado. Ojalá todos los grupos hayan tenido oportunidad de escucharles. Daphne Caruana dedicó toda su vida al periodismo; alzó la voz donde otros no se atreven; se enfrentó a gobiernos, políticos, empresas y mafias, sin importar cuántos fueran ni cómo de poderosos. Como dijo uno de sus hijos, se interpuso entre el Estado de Derecho y aquellos que querían violarlo, y por eso la asesinaron. Murió con más de 42 procesos judiciales abiertos y sin tener siquiera acceso a sus cuentas bancarias. Acosada. Antes de asesinarla le hicieron la vida imposible a ella y a su familia; de alguna manera, empezaron a matarla cuando aún estaba viva.

No han matado a gobernantes, no han matado a jueces, no han matado a policías. Han matado a una periodista. Y cuando en un Estado los gobernantes, los jueces y los policías viven felices mientras mueren asesinados los periodistas, quiere decir que la democracia está fracasando.

La desaparición de Daphne Caruana es mucho más que el trágico asesinato de una periodista incómoda. Es un mensaje. Es una llamada al silencio. Es una amenaza directa a todos los que, como ella, ejercen con libertad e independencia el periodismo. Es un ataque a la libertad de expresión. No puede haber verdadera democracia sin prensa libre.

A Daphne le fallamos. Le falló la Unión Europea, de la que no le sirvió ser ciudadana en suelo europeo. Nada ni nadie la protegió lo suficiente, en especial las autoridades y el Gobierno de Malta, que deberían haber garantizado su seguridad y la de su familia. No lo hicieron. Tristemente, el asesinato de Caruana no es un caso aislado, como no lo son las cartas que están recibiendo algunos medios de comunicación en Malta amenazando con litigios millonarios por daños. Eso también es una coacción.

Asesinatos en México, asesinatos en la India, detenciones en masa en Turquía de periodistas; hasta en los Estados Unidos el presidente se permite cuestionar el patriotismo de algunos periodistas.

Nuestro problema es que Malta está en el corazón de la Unión Europea y nos demuestra que nosotros, nosotros, no estamos libres de esta amenaza global contra el periodismo. El asesinato de Daphne Caruana es una sombra que cae sobre nuestra conciencia de orgullosos europeos.

La Unión Europea no puede por tanto callar por más tiempo ante lo que está sucediendo en Malta. Nuestro silencio es la victoria de los asesinos de Daphne y la derrota de las instituciones democráticas. Por eso mi Grupo ha pedido a la Comisión Europea que garantice una investigación judicial plenamente independiente. Queremos saber quién lo hizo. Queremos saber por qué lo hizo. Y queremos saber quién le protege y que todos ellos vayan a la cárcel.

E invito a la Comisión a que investigue urgentemente la situación del Estado de Derecho en Malta. Como Daphne nos recordó en sus últimas palabras, la situación es desesperada. Todos, la Comisión también, debemos preguntarnos si hicimos lo suficiente.

Señorías, ayer mismo, otra periodista fue apuñalada en una emisora de radio en Rusia. Los periodistas rusos dicen al mundo: nadie nos defiende. Bien, nosotros no defendimos a Daphne, y por eso a sus hijos y con el corazón en la mano en esta sala, les pido perdón y les digo: ¡ojalá pudiera asegurar que nunca más volverá a ocurrir, que su madre será la última! Pero no puedo.

Tenemos que luchar por la libertad de expresión todos los minutos, todas las horas, todos los días y en todos los países del mundo, sabiendo que la lucha será a muerte y que nunca terminará. Sin buen periodismo ni buenos periodistas ninguna democracia está completa. Por eso, a la democracia europea ya siempre le faltará Daphne. Su lucha no termina nunca.


  Gianni Pittella, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'uccisione di Daphne Caruana Galizia è un attacco alla democrazia europea. Ha detto bene Frans Timmermans: uccidere una giornalista per il suo lavoro vuol dire attaccare la libertà di informazione e di pensiero, che è un valore fondamentale dell'Unione europea. Chiunque abbia ordinato ed eseguito quest'attentato è un nemico dell'Europa. Dobbiamo prendere i responsabili il prima possibile: l'Europa e gli Stati membri mettano a disposizione degli inquirenti maltesi i migliori investigatori, lo hanno chiesto il primo ministro e il governo maltese.

Ma oltre alle verità giudiziarie c'è una risposta politica che interpella tutti noi. Quando, una settimana fa, ho visto le scene dell'attentato ho subito pensato al mio paese, all'Italia, alle bombe della mafia che uccisero i giudici Falcone e Borsellino. Quelle bombe segnarono un punto di svolta nella lotta contro la mafia siciliana e lo Stato italiano vinse la sua battaglia perché si dimostrò spietato e unito. Oggi c'è bisogno di essere uniti, tra di noi. Tutti coloro che amano la libertà di pensiero e la democrazia siano uniti in questa lotta.

E non è vero che il Parlamento europeo è stato silente su questi temi. Il Parlamento europeo ha istituito un anno fa una commissione d'inchiesta sui Panama leaks, che nel corso dei suoi lavori aveva incontrato Daphne. La scorsa settimana sono state approvate le prime conclusioni dell'inchiesta: battaglia contro la mafia internazionale, lotta contro il riciclaggio per stanare i flussi illegali (siamo uniti su questo!), black list dei paradisi fiscali e sanzioni per chi è complice di questi. Sono queste le cose che la commissione speciale ha chiesto e che l'Europa deve fare ora.

Dobbiamo difendere meglio la libertà di chi fa informazione, io condivido questo imperativo e questa preoccupazione. Il giornalismo, soprattutto quello di inchiesta, sarà sempre scomodo, deve essere scomodo, perché è contropotere e senza quel contropotere la democrazia e lo Stato di diritto sono più deboli. Abbiamo bisogno di poteri e contropoteri, questa è la democrazia.

Bisogna quindi creare le condizioni perché i giornalisti lavorino in tutta Europa e nel mondo – e nel mondo! Anche i giornalisti russi, ovunque – in condizioni di sicurezza, perché le loro fonti siano protette. Giusto stamattina abbiamo votato una risoluzione in cui chiediamo alla Commissione europea di presentare una proposta sugli informatori, sulla protezione degli informatori, che sono una fonte importante per scoprire i colpevoli.

Andiamo avanti su questa strada, e anch'io voglio salutare e dare il pensiero del mio gruppo politico, e anche mio personale, ai familiari di Daphne e ribadire che è un dovere morale, prima che politico, fare in modo che questa perdita così dolorosa e così efferata nel suo svolgimento non sia vana.


  Monica Macovei, în numele grupului ECR. – Un WikiLeaks într-o singură femeie: Daphne Caruana Galizia. A murit în cruciada împotriva corupției din Malta. Daphne a scris în aprilie că soția primului-ministru maltez are un cont deschis în Panama în care depunea și banii primiți ca mită din Azerbaidjan. Acum o săptămână, Daphne a fost aruncată în aer cu tot cu mașină. Nu înțeleg de ce noi cerem guvernului maltez să investigheze. Cine să investigheze? Primul-ministru? Când Daphne a fost omorâtă pentru că scria împotriva primului-ministru? Hai să nu mai glumim. În primul rând, acest prim-ministru și tot guvernul trebuie să-și dea demisia.

La înmormântarea ei, fiul a spus: „Mama a fost ucisă pentru că a ales să stea între statul de drept și cei care încercau să-l atace. A devenit o țintă și pentru că era singura care mai făcea asta.” Asta se întâmplă atunci când instituțiile statului sunt incapabile. Ultima persoană rămasă în picioare este, adeseori, un jurnalist. Ceea ce-l face să fie prima persoană care moare.

Mafia nu s-a oprit niciodată. Avem guverne care astăzi sunt grupuri de crimă organizată și transmit mesajul: cine mai vorbește și scrie despre banii noștri ascunși, corupția și frauda noastră, așa va păți. S-au construit în timp imperii ale corupției, apărate de ziduri de fier. Singura soluție este să pornim acum operațiunea cu mâinile curate, condusă de guvernele care vor și care trebuie să se alieze cu jurnaliștii liberi și cu oamenii cinstiți și să înfrângă guvernele care nu vor.


  Sophia in 't Veld, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, first of all, I would like to pay tribute to Daphne Caruana Galizia. Her name has been mentioned several times here today and I would also like to give my condolences to her family. I met her sons this afternoon and I was really impressed by their wisdom and their strength, but if you read about her life, that’s not surprising. She was an exceptionally courageous and strong woman, and I think that we have to show the same courage, because I think we are all united today in shock, in grief and in our wish to uphold freedom of the media, freedom of expression. But we also have to act.

The first one to act, obviously, is the Maltese Government: they will have to investigate her murder and make sure that the murderers do not get away with impunity. But also those who actually wanted her gone should not get away with impunity, because this was not just a murder tackling an individual person – she was exposing corruption and crime. We should investigate that as well, because this is not a mere Maltese problem: this is a European problem. We are talking about international networks of corruption and crime, money—laundering, hiding criminal money, and so on. So I think there is a task here for the European Union, and I think the European People’s Party just suggested that we investigate the rule of law in Malta – that was a kind of general statement, but I do think it is very important that we get clarifications from the Maltese Government about the allegations of corruptions which she was investigating. We have to continue that investigation, and I would suggest that first of all – in the very short term, within the next couple of weeks – that we organise an ECON-LIBE hearing and invite experts on the Maltese situation; on the investigations into corruption and crime. But I think we should also look into ways of continuing that and deepening that investigation and make sure that we eradicate corruption and crime and money laundering from the European Union, and Malta is part of the European Union.

Finally, Commissioner, you said that the European Commission doesn’t have the competences to actually intervene, and I don’t think (as Mr González Pons said) that it is for the European Commission to conduct a police investigation into a murder. But you can investigate allegations of corruption, and you can indeed investigate allegations that, for example, the judiciary or the police is not independent, because if one Member State – whether it is Malta, Poland, Hungary, France or indeed the Netherlands or Romania – does not uphold the European standards when it comes to the rule of law, that means that there is no rule of law in the European Union. We have an area of freedom, security and justice, so if one Member State doesn’t function in this respect, then the whole system fails. So it is in everybody’s interests that we investigate. Is that painful? Yes it is. But this is a political union: we all have to make sure that these problems are eradicated, and I think we owe it to Daphne. We cannot just make statements here; we have to be courageous and go against those who actually do not wish us to investigate.

This has to be done, and I hope that we are going to find agreement amongst all the political groups for the exact instruments – the appropriate instruments – in honour of Daphne.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor presidente, lo primero, como no podría ser de otra forma: desde nuestro Grupo queremos mostrar nuestra plena solidaridad y nuestro abrazo fraterno con los familiares de Daphne y con sus seres queridos; pero también darle ese abrazo a todas las Daphnes del mundo que todavía siguen perseguidas.

Señorías, hay que recordar que los paraísos fiscales en el seno de la Unión Europea son un hilo negro que une el fraude fiscal con las redes de criminalidad, corrupción y persecución a periodistas y filtradores. El caso de Daphne Caruana es un dramático ejemplo de la complicidad entre los intereses de las redes criminales y las oligarquías.

Hay que recordar que comisiones de investigación, como la de los papeles de Panamá, son posibles gracias al trabajo de periodistas como Daphne, que revelaron las cuentas de Panamá de varios ministros malteses. Su investigación amenazaba muchos intereses que incluso muchas veces se defienden también desde este hemiciclo, como son la opacidad fiscal, el secreto bancario o la libre circulación de capitales.

Entendemos que es imprescindible poner los derechos de los denunciantes por encima del interés privado de las empresas. Hoy hemos aprobado un informe exigiendo una legislación que proteja y abarque el conjunto de actividades de denunciantes y periodistas. También, en el informe que presentará la Comisión PANA hemos solicitado que se establezca una agencia y canales de comunicación específicos para proteger a quien arriesga su vida para sacar a la luz pública información que beneficia al conjunto de la sociedad. Esperemos que todos los grupos de esta Cámara voten a favor de estas medidas.

Y también queremos lanzar un mensaje claro a la Comisión: que aplique cuanto antes lo que hemos aprobado en esta Cámara, asegurando la integridad y los derechos de denunciantes y periodistas, evitando así convertirse por omisión en cómplices de nuevos casos como el de Daphne.


  Sven Giegold, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, 16 October 2017 has been the saddest day for me personally as a Member of this Parliament. First of all, our sincere condolences go to the family of Daphne, whom I got to know as one of the most courageous people in the fight for justice and the rule of law in Europe.

The way in which Daphne was killed tells us a lot about the unjust and criminal system which she was fighting. Daphne was killed in the open, there was no hiding. Her murderers did not even try to make the attack appear to be an accident. On the contrary, this was a brutal demonstration of power by those who consider themselves above the law.

It is very clear why the murderers did not place a bomb under the car of the police chief or the attorney general. It was Daphne who shed light on a system of money-laundering and corruption in Malta, and not these authorities.

Let me just name a small selection of illegal, or at least illegitimate, activities that Daphne has made public: letterbox companies owned by members of the government; the sale of passports to so-called investors; tax avoidance for multinational companies; online gambling based on weak supervision and hyper-low taxation.

All these cases have one thing in common. Malta has sold its sovereignty to dirty money. Malta has replaced the rule of law with a culture of impunity for the powerful, and fiddling between political and financial elites.

This is Europe, not Russia. Europe must act when fundamental rights are at stake. It is now up to us to finish Daphne’s fight, and therefore we would like to suggest five concrete steps.

First, an international investigator has to be appointed who will be fully involved in the ongoing investigations on money-laundering and corruption in Malta. Second, Malta should take that opportunity finally to join the European Prosecutor. Third, we demand a serious investigation by the European Commission on the rule of law in Malta and systematic Treaty infringement procedures to enforce anti-money laundering law everywhere in Europe. Fourth, we also support Daphne’s family in their demand for the Muscat government to step down because of its failure in enforcing the rule of law in Malta. And lastly, we are proposing the introduction of a European Galizia prize here in this House for investigative journalists, modelled on the Sakharov Prize.

The murderous attack on Daphne was an attack on European values, our fundamental principles. Let us not forget that people who suffer from corruption in their countries put their hopes in Europe. Let us not disappoint these citizens. Let us not disappoint Daphne and her family. Let us act together to defend our fundamental principles of democracy, the rule of law and justice.


  Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, diceva bene il presidente Pittella quando rilevava che l'esplosione di una bomba ci manda indietro a tempi bui per il nostro paese: le uccisioni di giudici, le attività della mafia. Però purtroppo devo ricordare che i mandanti di quegli omicidi e di quelle stragi, i veri mandanti, noi in Italia ancora non li conosciamo, e anzi forse quei mandanti siedono ancora in Parlamento o stanno in posizioni di potere.

Questa è una cosa che dobbiamo ricordare quando parliamo di Daphne Caruana Galizia, che è venuta in questo Parlamento. Quando ci è venuta veniva già minacciata, veniva isolata, veniva uccisa in vita, come qualcuno ha giustamente detto. È stata lasciata sola, è stata uccisa nel modo più barbaro, dando un segnale a chiunque, dicendo "attenzione, se toccate questi nervi scoperti vi succede qualcosa del genere", perché questo le è stato fatto: è venuta qui, ha raccontato tante cose, ha accusato anche politici maltesi, l'ha fatto nella sua vita, ha toccato nervi scoperti, ha toccato delle cose sensibili e dobbiamo stare attenti adesso, dobbiamo dare una risposta diversa rispetto a quelle che sono state date finora.

Perché se è vero che il Presidente Tajani oggi si è impegnato davanti ai familiari, dicendo che ci sarà un'investigazione e che verranno trovati esecutori e mandanti, noi dobbiamo impegnarci tutti affinché questo avvenga veramente, altrimenti questo Parlamento farà una figura ridicola, quindi ricordiamocela questa cosa.


  Mario Borghezio, a nome del gruppo ENF. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non si può non esprimere, e noi lo esprimiamo come gruppo, un grande rispetto anche per la cerimonia, per le parole sentite e nobili con cui questa mattina ha introdotto questa giornata il Presidente di questo Parlamento.

Diversa è invece la valutazione politica che, a mio avviso, bisogna fare con severità circa la situazione che ha reso possibile questo omicidio, che a noi italiani ricorda tante cose – io vorrei anche ricordare il precedente di un altro grande giornalista, il giornalista De Mauro, che fu veramente una delle prime vittime di questa strage infinita di operatori del giornalismo, degli eroi del giornalismo d'inchiesta.

Il problema è molto chiaro e semplice da esporre. Questa Commissione ha le carte in regola per impegnarsi, come abbiamo sentito, visto che non sta facendo e non ha fatto nulla di serio per svuotare quei pozzi neri, ospitati nei paradisi fiscali, della finanza occulta, parallela, attraverso la quale viene veicolato il denaro, i miliardi dei traffici di droga, del petrolio, del contrabbando e di tutto quello che questa giornalista coraggiosa aveva denunciato?

Non avete le carte in regola!




  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η τραγική δολοφονία της Daphne Caruana Galizia έφερε στην επιφάνεια ένα σοβαρό πρόβλημα αιώνων, το οποίο δυστυχώς υπάρχει και σήμερα: την ελευθερία του Τύπου. Ανέκαθεν, οι εκάστοτε εξουσίες προσπαθούσαν να ελέγξουν τους δημοσιογράφους. Συνήθως αυτό το έκαναν δωροδοκώντας τους και, όσους δεν υπέκυπταν στους εκβιασμούς, τους απειλούσαν, ασκούσαν βία επάνω τους και, πολλές φορές, τους δολοφονούσαν. Στη σημερινή εποχή, η προσπάθεια καταργήσεως της ελευθερίας του Τύπου μετέρχεται και άλλες μεθοδεύσεις, όπως συλλήψεις και καταδίκες δημοσιογράφων και εκδοτών, κλείσιμο εφημερίδων, και απαγόρευση λειτουργίας μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, όπως κάνει ο Πρόεδρος Ερντογάν στην Τουρκία. Ακόμη και στην Ελλάδα, μόνο ορισμένοι γενναίοι δημοσιογράφοι δίνουν βήμα στους βουλευτές, ευρωβουλευτές και στελέχη του κόμματός μας, της Χρυσής Αυγής, της τρίτης πολιτικής δύναμης της χώρας, επειδή φοβούνται ότι θα τους απολύσουν οι εργοδότες τους. Όλα τα κράτη οφείλουν να συνειδητοποιήσουν ότι δημοσιογράφοι ασκούν λειτούργημα και πρέπει να τους προστατεύσουν, ώστε να εκτελούν απερίσπαστοι το έργο τους κατοχυρώνοντας, έτσι, την ελευθερία του Τύπου, που είναι βασική αρχή της λειτουργίας της δημοκρατίας. Εύχομαι το αίμα της Daphne να είναι το τελευταίο που χύνεται στον βωμό της ελευθεροτυπίας διεθνώς. Ας είναι αιωνία η μνήμη της.


  Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I have listened carefully to the contributions from the Members of this Parliament. Today, for the Commission, is about honouring the memory of Daphne, it is about sharing our grief in this Parliament. But I fully recognise that the only way we can really honour her memory is by following up on the issues that underlie the assassination.

This starts, of course, with a full investigation of what has happened and bringing to justice those who are responsible. As I said in my contribution, if in this investigation, and in the course of this analysis, things are brought to light that are of a more structural nature or that warrant other actions, the Commission will certainly not hesitate to assume its responsibility, where we have a responsibility. Let me also add that in our Work Programme for next year we have insisted on the need, jointly with the European Parliament, to come up with a better protection of whistle-blowers. This is also an important step we need to take.

My colleague Věra Jourová promised to the Special Committee of Inquiry on Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (PANA) in July that we would also step up our efforts to implement the decisions we have taken on fighting money laundering. I can, for instance, give as an example that we have now – let me just check the numbers – we have opened infringement cases that concern 14 Member States which have not notified laws transposing the 4th Directive and two Member States whose laws clearly show that these were not sufficient to transpose the Directive. We will continue this work in close contact also with this Parliament. We are always prepared to engage directly with the Maltese authorities at a political level to make sure that they implement the rules that we agreed at European level.

Let me end on the following. The effect of such a public display of barbarism – which this assassination was – the intended effect, of course, is to intimidate, to make sure that no investigation is carried out any more, that nothing is pursued, that others will be self-censoring their own investigation.

I think this is the biggest challenge we face: that we are not intimidated by what was done; that we as Europeans collectively accept the responsibility in the EU to make sure that we are not intimidated; that institutions can function independently; that perpetrators are brought to justice; that if this is linked to organised crime or to corruption, that this is pursued. And this Commission will leave no stone unturned in that area to make sure that this atrocious, barbarous assassination does not lead to the conclusion which is clearly wanted by those who perpetrated it, namely that we don’t dare ask questions or we don’t dare investigate. This will not happen. This is a promise I make on behalf of the Commission, and this is how we will pursue the issue in close cooperation also with the Maltese authorities and other bodies that could be implicated in the investigation.


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, just as First Vice-President Timmermans has just done on behalf of the Commission, on behalf of the Council I can assure you that we will follow the developments closely, and I will pay particular attention to the views expressed here today during this debate.

The Estonian Presidency, and the Council as a whole, attach great importance to the protection of journalists and the defence of media freedom. We are all shocked by the appalling circumstances of the death of Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia. Words of condemnation are never sufficient. We are confident that the Maltese law enforcement authorities are capable of upholding the rule of law in the face of this atrocious murder and will conduct the investigation, with international assistance if needed.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE), in writing. – When journalists are afraid, democracy is in danger, the ‘rule of people’ becoming the ‘rule of crooks’. Daphne Caruana Galizia is the 10th journalist to die in 2017, mainstreaming the terror for those who fight the most in the name of transparency. The real justice that can be brought to these reporters is to show that we really need their work and manifest our democratic values by blaming the demonisation of journalists and fully support these professionals in executing their democratic duty without any fear or intimidation.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D), bil-miktub. – Il-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia huwa delitt orribbli, li qatt ma jista’ jkun ġustifikat. M’huwiex attakk biss kontra persuna individwali, imma kontra Malta, l-Ewropa u l-valuri tal-Maltin kollha. M’għandniex inħallu dan l-att faħxi jimmina d-demokrazija f’pajjiżna. Lanqas għandna nħallu l-konsegwenzi tiegħu jaqsmu lil pajjiżna u lill-poplu Malti. Magħquda flimkien, irridu niżguraw li ssir ġustizzja. M’huwiex aċċettabbli li Malta tispiċċa ostaġġ ta’ min irid juża attakk terroristiku biex jagħmel il-ħsara lil pajjiżna u lill-poplu tagħna. Niddeploraw il-fatt li hemm min ħa din l-opportunità biex jitfa’ dubju fuq l-impenn tal-awtoritajiet Maltin lejn il-valuri demokratiċi tar-rule of law u l-libertà tal-espressjoni. Dawn il-valuri jsawru d-demokraziji moderni, effettivi u b’saħħithom. Bħala pajjiż demokratiku Malta dejjem iddefendiethom. Hekk se jibqa’ jsir. Il-gvern Malti għamel tajjeb li, waqt li mmobilizza r-riżorsi kollha disponibbli ħalli l-każ jiġi investigat bl-akbar reqqa, talab l-għajnuna tas-servizzi Ewropej tas-sigurtà biex il-ħatja ta’ dan l-assassinju xokkanti jinqabdu. L-appoġġ li wrew il-forzi politiċi Ewropej f’dil-Kamra biex anke jgħinu fl-investigazzjonijiet li qed isiru huma tal-akbar inkoraġġiment għall-poplu Malti. Hi ħaġa tajba li l-Unjoni Ewropea tkun magħquda mal-poplu Malti f’dan il-mument diffiċli. Min jipprova jfixkel din l-għaqda b’diversivi partiġġjani, qed ifixkel il-kawża tad-demokrazija, tal-ġustizzja u tal-espressjoni ħielsa f’Malta u fl-Ewropa.


  Eugen Freund (S&D), schriftlich. – Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit gehören zu den wichtigsten Grundlagen einer Demokratie. Dass freie Meinungsäußerung auch tödlich ausgehen kann, hat uns letzte Woche der grausame Mord an der Aufdeckerjournalistin und Bloggerin Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta vor Augen geführt, die an der Aufarbeitung der Panama-Papers beteiligt war. Dieses traurige Ereignis zeigt erneut auf, dass Journalisten, Blogger und all jene, die den Mut aufbringen, verdeckte, im öffentlichen Interesse stehende Machenschaften aufzudecken, besonderen Schutz durch entsprechende Gesetze verdienen. Gerade als ehemaliger Journalist ist es mir ein besonderes Anliegen, darauf hinzuweisen. Im Europäischen Parlament haben wir Sozialdemokraten für den verstärkten Schutz von Whistleblowern gestimmt. Whistleblower helfen, Korruption und zwielichtige Geschäfte aufzudecken. Dass sie dafür oft strafrechtlich verfolgt werden, dass ihr Job, ihre Freiheit und manchmal sogar ihr Leben auf dem Spiel stehen, darf nicht passieren. Umso unverständlicher erscheint da die Haltung der ÖVP, die einerseits bei der Gedenkveranstaltung hier im Parlament Betroffenheit zeigt, anderseits aber nicht für den Schutz von Whistleblowern stimmt. Setzen wir gemeinsam ein Zeichen für die Meinungsfreiheit und sorgen wir dafür, dass der Schutz von Journalisten und von all jenen, die Missstände aufdecken, in der EU verstärkt wird!


  Benedek Jávor (Verts/ALE), írásban. – Daphne Caruana Galizia meggyilkolása egyszerre szomorú és elrettentő kifejeződése annak, hogy a hatalom mi mindenre képes az igazság elhallgatattása érdekében. A független újságírás legkisebb korlátozása is súlyos vétség az állampolgárok szabad információhoz való jogával szemben. Ahol pedig előfordulhat, hogy egy újságíró az életével fizet a korrupció és a hatalom visszaéléseinek leleplezéséért, ott a demokrácia alapjai rendülnek meg.

A hatalom agressziója a szabad és független hírközléssel szemben sosem maradhat megválaszolatlanul! A máltai kormánynak le kell mondania, miután képtelen volt a korrupciós vádakat tisztázni. Az Európai Bizottságnak pedig azonnali és átfogó vizsgálatot kell kezdeményeznie az elkövetők felelősségre vonásának érdekében!

Néhány uniós tagállamban már megkezdődött, sőt évek óta zajlik a sajtó szabadságának szisztematikus ledarálása. Ezekben az országokban média függetlenségének és sokszínűségének kiirtása a hatalom érdeke. Ez nem fajulhat odáig, hogy ne érezhessék magukat biztonságban azok, akik az igazságot próbálják a nyilvánosság elé tárni!

Sürgős és hatékony fellépésre van szükség annak érdekében, hogy az újságírók megfélemlítése sehol se válhasson eszközzé a hatalom kezében az igazság elrejtésére. Mivel az átláthatóság és a független, szabad média alapvető értékek, melyek megőrzése immáron sajnálatos módon folyamatos megerősítésre szorul, a zöld frakció Daphnne Caruana Galizia nevével fémjelzett díjat javasol a tényfeltáró újságírók munkájának elismeréséért és védelméért.


  Karol Karski (ECR), na piśmie. – Łączę się w smutku z rodziną ś.p. Daphne Caruany Galizii, która poświęciła swoje życie w poszukiwaniu prawdy, tropiąc korupcję na najwyższych szczeblach władzy, ujawniła dane z tzw. dokumentów panamskich, które opisują proces lokowania środków finansowych w różnych rajach podatkowych. Domagam się przeprowadzenia rzetelnego śledztwa i doprowadzenia winnych przed sąd.

Jednym z najważniejszych sposobów wykrywania nielegalnych działań, w szczególności takich jak nadużycia finansowe i korupcja w sektorze prywatnym i publicznym, przestępczość zorganizowana, oszustwa podatkowe i unikanie opodatkowania jest działalność sygnalistów. Sygnalizowanie nieprawidłowości jest powiązane z wolnością prasy oraz ma podstawowe znaczenie dla wydobywania na światło dzienne działań nielegalnych lub działań, które szkodzą interesowi publicznemu. Należy podkreślić, że działalność takich dziennikarzy śledczych jak ś.p. Daphne Caruana Galizia służy umacnianiu demokracji, przejrzystości polityki i gospodarki oraz informacji publicznej, jak również że powinno uznawać się ich za niezbędne podmioty w zapobieganiu nielegalnym działaniom.


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D), bil-miktub. – Il-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia huwa delitt orribbli, li qatt ma jista’ jkun ġustifikat. Mhuwiex attakk biss kontra persuna individwali, imma kontra Malta, l-Ewropa u l-valuri tal-Maltin kollha. M’għandniex inħallu dan l-att faħxi jimmina d-demokrazija f’pajjizna. Lanqas għandna nħallu l-konsegwenzi tiegħu jaqsmu lil pajjiżna u lill-poplu Malti. Magħquda flimkien, irridu niżguraw li ssir ġustizzja. M’huwiex aċċettabbli li Malta tispiċċa ostaġġ ta’ min irid juża attakk terroristiku biex jagħmel il-ħsara lil pajjiżna u lill-poplu tagħna. Niddeploraw il-fatt li hemm min ħa din l-opportunità biex jitfa’ dubju fuq l-impenn tal-awtoritajiet Maltin lejn il-valuri demokratiċi tar-rule of law u l-libertà tal-espressjoni. Dawn il-valuri jsawru d-demokraziji moderni, effettivi u b’saħħithom. Bħala pajjiż demokratiku Malta dejjem iddefendiethom. Hekk se jibqa’ jsir. Il-gvern Malti għamel tajjeb li, waqt li mmobilizza r-riżorsi kollha disponibbli ħalli l-każ jiġi investigat bl-akbar reqqa, talab l-għajnuna tas-servizzi Ewropej tas-sigurtà biex il-ħatja ta’ dan l-assassinju xokkanti jinqabdu. L-appoġġ li wrew il-forzi politiċi Ewropej f’dil-Kamra biex anke jgħinu fl-investigazzjonijiet li qed isiru huma tal-akbar inkoraġġiment għall-poplu Malti. Hi ħaġa tajba li l-Unjoni Ewropea tkun magħquda mal-poplu Malti f’dan il-mument diffiċli. Min jipprova jfixkel din l-għaqda b’diversivi partiġġjani, qed ifixkel il-kawża tad-demokrazija, tal-ġustizzja u tal-espressjoni ħielsa f’Malta u fl-Ewropa.


  József Nagy (PPE), írásban. – Nem hagyhatta szó nélkül az Európai Parlament a máltai neves oknyomozó újságírónő, Daphne Caruana Galizia felrobbantását. Mert hogyan akarhatjuk mi Putyintól vagy Erdogantól, hogy ne üldözze a médiát, ha eltűrjük, hogy az EU-ban megölhetnek egy újságírót, mert túl közel került a kormány korrupciós ügyeihez? Az Európa Unió a sajtószabadság mintaképének tartja magát, amire az újságírók megfélemlítése óriási fenyegetést jelent. Máltának az elkövetők nyomára bukkanásával és felelősségre vonásával kell erre a szörnyű tettre válaszolnia, hogy visszaszerezze az újságírók és az emberek bizalmát.


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Daphne Caruana Galizia mõrvajuhtum on šokeeriv. Meediavabadus peab olema tagatud iga ELi liikmesriigi territooriumil, ilma et ükski ajakirjanik peaks enda turvalisuse pärast kartma. Daphne Caruana Galiziale sai tema töö saatuslikuks, mis taas kord tõestas, et uuriv ajakirjandus kahjuks ka ELi pinnal võib olla ohtlik töö. Malta valitsus peab juhtumit võtma täie tõsiduse ja vastutusega. 2017. aastal on 42 ajakirjanikku üle maailma surma saanud, kaks nendest ELi liikmesriikides.


  Alfred Sant (S&D), bil-miktub. – Il-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia huwa delitt orribbli, li qatt ma jista’ jkun ġustifikat. Mhuwiex attakk biss kontra persuna individwali, imma kontra Malta, l-Ewropa u l-valuri tal-Maltin kollha. M’għandniex inħallu dan l-att faħxi jimmina d-demokrazija f’pajjiżna. Lanqas għandna nħallu l-konsegwenzi tiegħu jaqsmu lil pajjiżna u lill-poplu Malti. Magħquda flimkien, irridu niżguraw li ssir ġustizzja. M’huwiex aċċettabbli li Malta tispiċċa ostaġġ ta’ min irid juża attakk terroristiku biex jagħmel il-ħsara lil pajjiżna u lill-poplu tagħna. Niddeploraw il-fatt li hemm min ħa din l-opportunità biex jitfa’ dubju fuq l-impenn tal-awtoritajiet Maltin lejn il-valuri demokratiċi tar-rule of law u l-libertà tal-espressjoni. Dawn il-valuri jsawru d-demokraziji moderni, effettivi u b’saħħithom. Bħala pajjiż demokratiku Malta dejjem iddefendiethom. Hekk se jibqa’ jsir. Il-gvern Malti għamel tajjeb li, waqt li mmobilizza r-riżorsi kollha disponibbli ħalli l-każ jiġi investigat bl-akbar reqqa, talab l-għajnuna tas-servizzi Ewropej tas-sigurtà biex il-ħatja ta’ dan l-assassinju xokkanti jinqabdu. L-appoġġ li wrew il-forzi politiċi Ewropej f’dil-Kamra biex anke jgħinu fl-investigazzjonijiet li qed isiru huma tal-akbar inkoraġġiment għall-poplu Malti. Hi ħaġa tajba li l-Unjoni Ewropea tkun magħquda mal-poplu Malti f’dan il-mument diffiċli. Min jipprova jfixkel din l-għaqda b’diversivi partiġġjani, qed ifixkel il-kawża tad-demokrazija, tal-ġustizzja u tal-espressjoni ħielsa f’Malta u fl-Ewropa.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE), írásban. – A mai, gyorsan változó világunkban a média működése is alapjaiban változott meg, egyvalami azonban állandó maradt: a törvénytelenségek elkövetőinek félelme a nyilvánosságtól, a közvélemény ítéletétől. Ami Máltán történt Daphne Caruana Galiziaval azt mutatja, hogy az újságírók továbbra is veszélynek vannak kitéve még az Európai Unióban is.

A Panama-iratok körüli botrány az átláthatóságnak egy új korszakát jelzi, amelyben fény derülhet egy másik világra, ahol az állampolgárok nagy többsége számára elképzelhetetlen anyagi források vándorolnak az elit tagjai között. A mai kor eszközeivel ezek a titkok nem maradnak titkok többé, és Daphne Caruana Galizia tragikus halála csak még inkább ráirányítja a figyelmet az offshore világ törvénytelenségeire és arra, hogy a demokratikusan választott európai kormányoknak ebben a tekintetben is felelősségük van a polgáraikkal szemben.


  Indrek Tarand (Verts/ALE), in writing. – It is tragic that in this day and age we still need to condemn the killing of journalists, and reaffirm our commitment to the freedom of the press. We no longer live in the medieval ages where people with power simply killed their opponents or people they did not like. These kinds of actions have no place in our societies, not in Russia, nor in the European Union. Media freedom is essential for a democracy to function; corruption will flourish if there is no one to cast a light on it.

This barbaric crime was committed to silence a particular journalist, but we must not forget the wider implications of this murder: the chilling effect on other journalists. Journalists should not have to fear for their lives, otherwise the perpetrators and oppressors get an even bigger victory, and democracy with the rest of society suffers. This is why the investigation has to be conducted with utmost seriousness, in order to bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible.


  Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. – Zabójstwo maltańskiej dziennikarki śledczej Daphne Caruany Galizii to skandal i atak na fundamentalne europejskie wartości, tj. wolność słowa i rządy prawa. Prawo dziennikarza do prowadzenia śledztw, do zadawania niewygodnych pytań i uświadamiania leży w centrum naszych wartości i musi być zawsze zagwarantowane. Wolność słowa to prawo do wygłaszania własnych poglądów i przedstawiania naszego rozumienia rzeczywistości. Bez niezależnego i rzetelnego dziennikarstwa żadna demokracja nie jest kompletna. Jeżeli dziennikarze nie mogą przekazywać informacji w obawie o zagrożenie swojego życia, to oznacza, że jesteśmy skonfrontowani z istotnym ograniczeniem wolności prasy i z dramatyczną regresją demokracji. Zdrowa demokracja wymaga wolnych i pluralistycznych mediów, wolnych od interwencji państwa, nacisków politycznych i handlowych.

To bardzo niepokojące, że taki skandaliczny akt przemocy pojawił się w Europie. Władze Malty muszą teraz udowodnić, że tego rodzaju zbrodnie nie mogą być dokonywane bezkarnie. Dlatego niezwykle ważne jest, aby szybko i dokładnie przeprowadzić międzynarodowe dochodzenie ws. tego haniebnego przestępstwa. Teraz liczy się to, aby wymierzona została sprawiedliwość. Musimy powstrzymać atak na wolność słowa i bronić dziennikarzy na świecie. Dziennikarze powinni czuć, że mogą realizować swoją funkcję komentowania spraw publicznych, informowania opinii publicznej, przekazywania informacji i idei w sposób wolny od gróźb, nękania lub zastraszania i nie są ścigani za wyrażanie poglądów, które nie stanowią podżegania do przemocy.

Juridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika