 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2017/2192(INI)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A8-0311/2017

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 25/10/2017 - 15
CRE 25/10/2017 - 15

Votes :

PV 26/10/2017 - 10.8
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Jeudi 26 octobre 2017 - Strasbourg Edition révisée

11.4. Mandat de négociation en matière commerciale avec l'Australie (A8-0311/2017 - Daniel Caspary)
Vidéo des interventions

Oral explanations of vote


  Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Mr President, Australia and Sweden have a long tradition of trade. They have a similar business culture, resulting in 450 subsidiaries and almost 1 000 Swedish companies doing business in Australia, which generate 11 billion Swedish krona in exports from Sweden. That is why I am very satisfied that we have approved the negotiating mandate. I would very much like to urge the Commission and our Australian partners to make a transparent, safe and ambitious deal so we do not have to wait until free trade comes to go.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, free trade is the cornerstone of the EU. In light of Brexit and the lack of clarity on the United Kingdom—EU market, the EU, and Ireland in particular, must seek to strengthen trading with other markets. In 2015, the EU was Australia’s third-largest trading partner after China and Japan. The trade in goods in 2015 amounted to EUR 62.5 billion and exports from Australia to the EU amounted to EUR 10.6 billion. There is a long-standing, friendly relationship between Australia and Ireland, with one in three Australians claiming Irish heritage. An EU—Australia trade agreement will strengthen our relationship even further and be mutually beneficial in opening access to markets and fostering competition.

However, there have been real concerns expressed over the potential negative implications of such a trade agreement on agri—food exports such as beef and dairy. I take such concerns extremely seriously, as an Irishman, as the farming industry and agri—food sectors play a central role in the Irish economy. So it is important that due consideration is given to these sectors and, if there are quotas given to Australia, that there will be a review clause after a number of years, so that could be re—addressed ...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н Председател, подкрепих доклада на колегата Каспари относно предложения мандат за провеждане на търговски преговори с Австралия, защото напускането на Великобритания на Европейския съюз със сигурност ще бъде загуба за свободната търговия, а както е известно, свободният пазар и свободната търговия са крайъгълните камъни, на които е основан Европейският съюз.

Преговорите трябва да започнат колкото е възможно по-скоро и трябва да се придържаме към компетенциите, които Съюзът има в тази сфера.

Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité