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Procedure : 2016/0366(NLE)
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PV 16/11/2017 - 3
CRE 16/11/2017 - 3

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PV 16/11/2017 - 7.5

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Donderdag 16 november 2017 - Straatsburg

3. Partnerschapsovereenkomst op het gebied van betrekkingen en samenwerking tussen de EU en Nieuw-Zeeland (goedkeuring) - Partnerschapsovereenkomst op het gebied van betrekkingen en samenwerking tussen de EU en Nieuw-Zeeland (resolutie) (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca, in discussione congiunta,

- la raccomandazione di Charles Tannock, a nome della commissione per gli affari esteri, sul progetto di decisione del Consiglio sulla conclusione a nome dell'Unione dell'accordo di partenariato sulle relazioni e la cooperazione tra l'Unione europea e i suoi Stati membri, da una parte, e la Nuova Zelanda, dall'altra (15470/2016 - C8-0027/2017 - 2016/0366(NLE)) (A8-0327/2017), e

- la relazione di Charles Tannock, a nome della commissione per gli affari esteri, recante una proposta di risoluzione non legislativa sul progetto di decisione del Consiglio sulla conclusione a nome dell'Unione dell'accordo di partenariato sulle relazioni e la cooperazione tra l'Unione europea e i suoi Stati membri, da una parte, e la Nuova Zelanda, dall'altra (2017/2050(INI) (A8-0333/2017).


  Charles Tannock, rapporteur. – Mr President, the Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation, otherwise known as PARC, between the European Union and New Zealand is a much welcomed initiative. New Zealand is one of the EU’s closest partners, a country with which we share common values and interests. PARC builds on the existing joint declaration signed in 2007 developing and cementing those links, allowing for closer cooperation and more regular ministerial dialogue. I am pleased as rapporteur that we have been able to include a resolution alongside our consent motion, which allows us the opportunity to reaffirm our support for the agreement and to express our strong solidarity with New Zealand as a country.

PARC covers many of the areas that we would expect to see, and is similar in scope to the recently signed Strategic Partnership Agreement with Canada, for which I am pleased to say I was also the rapporteur. These areas include fighting terrorism and organised crime, aiding global development, working together at the multilateral level, and combating climate change and supporting sustainable development. New Zealand is a leader in the renewable energy sector and has set itself ambitious targets for renewable energy production. This emphasis on combating climate change, supporting sustainable development and protecting biodiversity is very clear throughout the PARC, and I strongly support this.

Article 15 for instance, which focuses on working together to further the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures, gives a sense of the level of commitment by all parties pledged to the specific regard here. We also see PARC reaffirming the terms of the Framework Participation Agreement (FPA) signed in 2012 which allows for New Zealand to contribute militarily towards European Union Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions. New Zealand, as our resolution notes, plays an important role in contributing towards peace and international security, a role that is all the more impressive when considering its relatively small size and geographical location. Its contribution, following the FPA, to the EU’s highly successful EU NAVFOR Atlanta, which was commanded from my own constituency in London, has been well received and we look forward to setting and seeing more cooperation of this kind in future.

I should also mention again, highlighted in the resolution, the role that New Zealand has played in the European Union’s policing mission in Afghanistan. Indeed, it was at the sidelines of a Brussels meeting concerning Afghanistan that the PARC agreement was signed back in October of last year 2016. Looking at the resolution itself, I believe that I am speaking for the majority of this House, when I say that the positive tone taken reflects the extremely good will towards New Zealand felt by this Parliament and the belief that the relationship between the European Union, its Member States and New Zealand is a force for good in the world.

To conclude, I believe that the signing of PARC is not only a positive development in ties between the New Zealand authorities and Government, and the European Union, but it is part of a wider development and success story of the EU itself, where we see it working effectively to secure agreements with third countries, both in terms of political cooperation, but also for trade. Having seen the passing of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with Canada, this agreement with New Zealand marks the start of an increased engagement with the Pacific region, as the European Union is set to start trade negotiations with New Zealand shortly. It is also doing so with Australia and Japan in the next year or so.

I believe that this will send a strong signal to all of those that doubt and seek to undermine the achievements and benefits of European Union membership. This morning’s debate is a chance for this Parliament to demonstrate the strong support for New Zealand that exists across the entire political spectrum, as was illustrated only too clearly by the overwhelming vote in favour of these motions in the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Therefore, I look forward to hearing the rest of the debate.


  Phil Hogan, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you for the opportunity of this debate on the European Union-New Zealand Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation. In the first place, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Tannock, for his excellent report and for his engagement throughout the process in Parliament. I believe this report gives an excellent overview of the relationships and relations between the European Union and New Zealand, and is a very good background to inform today’s vote in this Parliament on consent to the conclusion of the agreement.

As a general remark, let me say that the agreement is the outcome of our efforts to provide a modern framework for relations with one of the European Union’s closest partners in the Asia-Pacific region. European Union relations with New Zealand are excellent and I sincerely believe they will continue to develop under the new Government of Prime Minister Ardern.

President Tusk has just had a first, very positive exchange of views with the Prime Minister at the East-Asia Summit. The European Union and New Zealand are like-minded partners, and consequently we coordinate closely on a number of international issues. We also have very good development cooperation, especially in the Pacific, which focuses mostly on clean energy and climate-change-related projects. In parallel, political dialogue with New Zealand has been intensifying and there has been an ever-increasing number of political contacts over the past years. In 2016, the European Union upgraded its diplomatic representation in New Zealand from chargé d’affaires to ambassador level.

We highly appreciate our cooperation in crisis management. In the past, New Zealand participated in the European Union operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa. In 2012, the European Union and New Zealand signed a framework participation agreement, the first one of the Asia-Pacific region, which reinforced the EU-New Zealand broader partnership and opened new avenues for cooperation. Since 2014, a regular strategic security dialogue has been taking place at senior official level.

Our partnership and cooperation agreement with New Zealand upgrades our relationship to make it fit for the 21st century. We share the same views on many global issues, and approach these issues in a similar way. We support democracy, the rule of law and human rights, and are active players in multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. We also have shared interests in tackling key global challenges such as climate change, sustainable development and preserving the environment, in addition to humanitarian aid and the fight against terrorism, to name just these.

As regards the economy, we have a shared interest in launching our free-trade agreement (FTA) and these negotiations should be launched as soon as possible. We already have dynamic economic relationships and we look forward to expanding our trade links further.

Our successful preparatory work demonstrates that we see eye to eye on many issues, but let me assure the honourable Members that we have had the utmost regard to agricultural sensitivities. In November 2016 the Commission released a study on the cumulative impact of future trade agreements in the agricultural sector. The ruminant meat and dairy sectors were identified as more sensitive ones in a possible free-trade agreement with New Zealand.

These sensitivities are fully reflected in the European Union’s trade negotiation strategy for the free-trade agreement. The draft directives for negotiating the FTA were published by the Commission in September this year and the discussions in the Council are ongoing. Parliament has fed into these discussions with a dedicated report which was adopted at the end of October.

I trust that the Council will adopt the negotiating directives soon, which will enable the Commission to launch the FTA negotiations at the beginning of 2018. The Commission looks forward to continuing cooperation with Parliament on this matter.


  Traian Ungureanu, în numele grupului PPE. – Domnule președinte, într-o lume plină de confuzii și contradicții putem conta pe puține certitudini. Noua Zeelandă este una dintre ele.

Vorbim pe drept cuvânt despre Noua Zeelandă ca despre un prieten cu care împărțim aceleași valori, chiar dacă geografic vorbind, ne desparte o lume. E normal ca toate aceste lucruri să se concretizeze într-un parteneriat politic, economic și tehnologic.

De altfel, această convergență s-a reflectat direct în colaborarea excelentă a grupurilor politice pe parcursul dezbaterilor asupra acestui raport. Și țin să-l felicit în mod special pe raportor, domnul Charles Tannock, pentru tactul și suplețea cu care a condus elaborarea acestui raport.

Acordul de parteneriat privind relațiile și cooperarea UE-Noua Zeelandă, pe care-l vom vota astăzi, și rezoluția ce-l acompaniază, pot și trebuie să deschidă calea spre negocierea unui acord de liber schimb UE-Noua Zeelandă.

Potrivit intențiilor Comisiei aceste negocieri vor demara înainte de sfârșitul anului. E adevărat că, mai nou, popularitatea acordurilor de liber schimb nu e foarte mare, dar plusurile și șansele pe care acordurile de liber schimb le deschid nu pot fi negate nici statistic nici rațional.


  Andi Cristea, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, on behalf of the S&D Group, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Charles Tannock, and our colleagues in the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), for the very strong and comprehensive text submitted before this House today. Parliament values very much the partnership with New Zealand, and we look forward to an even more ambitious cooperation. This is the spirit of the report and our contribution. The EU and New Zealand are like-minded partners, with common values and interests. The Partnership Agreement will foster an even more effective bilateral engagement by strengthening political dialogue and improving cooperation in a wide range of areas.

New Zealand is one of the EU’s closest friends and valued allies. At a time of high international volatility, where mistrust and populists risk undermining multilateralism and the interest of the international community at large, the EU is proud to forge and foster even closer alliances with like-minded nations and long-standing partners like New Zealand. The Partnership Agreement will provide a forward-looking political framework within which EU-New Zealand relations and cooperation on sustainable development and a comprehensive range of issues will be developed even further for years to come, in order to match new ambitions and aspirations.

I am confident that today’s vote will confirm with a large consensus a strong and substantive text and will reiterate and underline once again the energy and ambition of this longstanding relationship, of which the Partnership Agreement will now be the most eloquent pillar. Many thanks to the rapporteur and colleagues, once again, for their cooperation and support.


  David Campbell Bannerman, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, while recently in New Zealand for my work on the parallel EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, I was reminded of the importance of the deep and special relationship with our Kiwi friends. The EU is New Zealand’s third-largest trading partner, after Australia and China, whilst the UK remains New Zealand’s top EU export destination. EU Member States and New Zealand enjoy a strong partnership, sharing many common goals, with strong political, economic and cultural ties, including in multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation.

The recently signed EU-New Zealand Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation (called PARC for short) is an important tool in modernising these historic links. This is a parallel, but separate, agreement covering non-trade aspects, very similar to Canada’s Strategic Partnership Agreement and Australia’s Framework Agreement. It aims to facilitate more effective bilateral engagement by strengthening political dialogue on a wide range of issues, from customs to innovation, education and culture, to migration, judicial affairs and the fight against global terrorism and cybercrime.

I expect a similar strategic agreement between the EU and the UK post-Brexit. I give credit to my friend and colleague Charles Tannock for his work in steering the PARC report through the European Parliament, and not leaving it parked.


  Norica Nicolai, în numele grupului ALDE. – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, deși îndepărtată geografic Noua Zeelandă este foarte apropiată din punct de vedere al partajării valorilor democratice și al standardelor civilizaționale înalte cu Uniunea Europeană. Asta explică faptul că pentru noi dar, cu siguranță, și pentru Noua Zeelandă acest acord va constitui un pas înainte spre o colaborare consolidată.

Avem o lungă tradiție de colaborare economică. Sigur, suntem al treilea partener în relațiile comerciale, primul fiind Marea Britanie, și, sper că în viitor, după ce vom avea un acord de liber schimb, Europa continentală va fi un partener mult mai influent și mult mai pregnant în această relație. Avem o lungă colaborare în materie securitară, nu numai Bosnia-Herțegovina, ci și alte misiuni de menținere a păcii ne-au găsit împreună. Avem un parteneriat consolidat și eficient în combaterea terorismului și nu numai.

Schimbările climatice care ne preocupă pe toți constituie, de asemenea, un palier de cooperare între Uniunea Europeană și Australia. De aceea acest acord, în opinia noastră, va fi semnificativ și va marca o nouă viziune cu privire la vocația de jucător global a Uniunii Europene.

Vreau să-i mulțumesc domnului Tannock pentru colaborare. Cred că puține rapoarte au avut parte de o cooperare atât de consolidată între grupurile politice și asta nu numai pentru că raportul reflectă opțiunea noastră în materie de acorduri de cooperare, ci pentru că Noua Zeelandă este unul dintre partenerii care merită privilegiați în relațiile noastre externe în toate domeniile de activitate.


  Jaromír Kohlíček, za skupinu GUE/NGL. – Pane předsedající, Nový Zéland je v očích mnoha lidí v Evropě tak trochu pohádkovou zemí na druhém konci světa. Poměrně řídké osídlení, velké plochy krásné přírody spolu s polohou jedné z posledních výsep na cestě k Antarktidě a do jižního Tichomoří činí z této země potenciální ráj pro turisty a výzkumníky.

Je zajímavé, že v lednu 2017, bezprostředně po zahájení jednání o brexitu ministerský předseda vlády této země svou první zahraniční cestu směroval do Evropského parlamentu, Londýna a Berlína. Tím jasně naznačil, že vedle tradičních vztahů s Londýnem má země zájem o zvláštní vztahy s Evropskou unií. Dlužno podotknout, že autor zprávy mylně směšuje Evropskou unii a Evropu. Což u britského poslance Tannocka tolik nepřekvapuje.

Při jednání s Novým Zélandem o dohodě o volném obchodu bude jistě delikátní a citlivá otázka zejména zemědělských produktů. Pro země EU bude zajímavé využít zkušeností Nového Zélandu s ochranou životního prostředí a stabilizací dodávek elektřiny v podmínkách, kdy více než 80 % výroby pochází z obnovitelných zdrojů. To zatím v Evropské unii neznáme.

Zajímavá je angažovanost této země v Mezinárodním fondu pro Irsko. Tento fond podporuje hospodářský a sociální rozvoj zeleného ostrova a přispívá k dialogu a usmíření komunit. Mimochodem, právě otázka Irska je jedním z prvních bodů jednání komisaře Barniera se zástupci britské vlády.


  Jordi Solé, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, we support closer relations between the European Union and New Zealand and therefore we welcome the conclusion of the Partnership Agreement with a country that, although far away from us geographically speaking, is very close and like-minded when it comes to standards of democracy, human rights, fundamental freedoms, international law, and so on.

A country with one of the highest Human Development Index rankings, there are many things from New Zealand to praise, for instance the functioning of its institutions of government, the way minorities are nowadays respected and promoted, its relevant commitment to sustainable development and to peacekeeping operations, and its valuable efforts in the fight against climate change, with more than 80% of its electricity coming from renewable energy sources. It also seems to me remarkable that, since some weeks ago, New Zealand, the first country in the world in which all women had the right to vote, has now the world’s youngest female head of government, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

We believe that this Partnership Agreement can provide for a framework that promotes and further develops the relationship with a country with which we can work together for a better advanced and future-oriented governance. We also hope that this instrument can bring about more people-to-people ties, the ties that make countries and regions really come closer, and that it will also be useful to deepen relations between the EU and the Asia-Pacific region.

When it comes to negotiations for a new Free Trade Agreement, our position is much less enthusiastic, first and foremost because we favour a multilateral trade agenda and multilateral negotiations to regulate world trade, where respect for human rights, the environment and social rights prevail. Secondly, we want clear limits for negotiations, especially with regard to agriculturally-sensitive issues, animal welfare, a phasing out of extensive agricultural production methods, or the possibility of sustainable development chapters. Thirdly, we call for a bigger democratic oversight for all trade negotiations.

Thus, we would have preferred that the resolution simply took note of, instead of openly supporting, the launch of the Free Trade Agreement negotiations. Notwithstanding our position on the FTA, we welcome this PARC, insofar as it will allow us to have stronger ties with New Zealand, and we thank the rapporteur, Mr Tannock, for his work.


  Patrick O’Flynn, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, it seems to me that the prospect of Brexit is spurring EU interest in warming up relations, and indeed trading ties, with many of the countries eager to reach trade deals with the United Kingdom after its departure.

It is widely regarded as a source of shame in Britain that in the 1970s our country threw up tariff barriers against our historic Commonwealth friends such as Australia and New Zealand. That is a wrong which is soon to be righted, as the United Kingdom broadens its economic and diplomatic relationships across the world, raising the priority we give to Commonwealth nations, as well as seeking to sustain links with Member States of the European Union.

New Zealand is a magnificent country, a bedrock of democratic values in its region and a key part of the Anglosphere, so it is good to see the EU strengthening political relationships with New Zealand as well.

As regards the agricultural sector, New Zealand farmers are renowned the world over for their enterprising attitudes and ability to get by without any subsidies, let alone expensive and extensive networks such as those contained in the EU common agricultural policy. It is good also to hear Mr Hogan talking specifically about free-trade agreements with New Zealand – not before time, many will think – albeit not as part of the arrangements under the Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation.

I believe that the United Kingdom’s International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, may be a few steps ahead of the EU in this regard. If, indeed, the prospect of Brexit is serving as a catalyst for the EU to reduce its tariff walls against the ‘sunrise’ parts of the global economy, then that is yet another benefit of the United Kingdom’s magnificent decision to rejoin the global family of independent sovereign nations.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, je n’ai rien contre la Nouvelle-Zélande. Ce qui me frappe dans ce texte, le texte de son rapporteur, c’est le rapport religieux avec le libre-échange.

Ni l’échec de l’ALENA, ni le retrait américain du TAFTA, ni l’opposition de nos opinions publiques à l’AECG ne vous dissuadent de continuer dans cette voie.

Les menaces pesant sur notre agriculture, et surtout sur les filières d’élevage, livrées à l’agrobusiness intensif néozélandais, sont volontairement passées sous silence.

Par l’extension illimitée et inconditionnelle du libre-échange, vous empêchez nos États et nos parlements de protéger la sécurité alimentaire et l’indépendance des peuples européens, ainsi que d’assurer la survie de nos économies.

La marche de l’Union européenne vers le sans-frontiérisme détruit la raison même de l’Europe, car elle montre votre recherche d’un gouvernement mondial.

Il faut quitter ces institutions européennes mortifères, si on veut sauver le projet européen.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η εταιρική σχέση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με τη Νέα Ζηλανδία περιλαμβάνει ένα ευρύ φάσμα δραστηριοτήτων, μέσα στο οποίο είναι και το εμπόριο. Η Νέα Ζηλανδία έχει ως δεύτερο εξαγωγικό προορισμό την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, από την οποία εισάγει κυρίως βιομηχανικά προϊόντα, αυτοκίνητα, μηχανήματα, τηλεοπτικό εξοπλισμό αλλά και ενδύματα και υλικά κλωστοϋφαντουργίας.

Επειδή από τη Νέα Ζηλανδία εισάγονται στην Ευρώπη κυρίως πρόβειο κρέας, μαλλί, φρούτα, κρασί και γαλακτοκομικά προϊόντα, που παράγονται και στις χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού Νότου, πρέπει οι εμπορικές συναλλαγές γι’ αυτά τα προϊόντα να γίνονται με ιδιαίτερη προσοχή. Εάν, μάλιστα, ληφθεί υπόψη ότι η εταιρική σχέση προβλέπει τη συνεργασία των τελωνείων και την άρση κάποιων τεχνικών εμποδίων, μεταξύ των οποίων είναι και οι δασμοί, πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να ενεργοποιηθεί η εμπορική άμυνα, διότι υπάρχει κίνδυνος τα προϊόντα που θα έρχονται από τη Νέα Ζηλανδία να δημιουργήσουν συνθήκες αθέμιτου ανταγωνισμού με τα αντίστοιχα προϊόντα του ευρωπαϊκού Νότου, κάτι το οποίο είναι απαράδεκτο και δεν πρέπει να συμβεί.


  Adam Szejnfeld (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! W przyszłym roku będziemy obchodzili stulecie zakończenia I wojny światowej. Przy okazji dzisiejszej debaty warto podkreślić, że Nowa Zelandia – ten mały kraj, wtedy niespełna milionowy –postawiła 100 tysięcy swoich żołnierzy po stronie aliantów, pomagając nam w zwycięstwie. Nie gorzej było podczas II wojny światowej. Dwieście tysięcy Nowozelandczyków walczyło po dobrej stronie mocy. Nie dziwi więc, że łączą nas także stosunki formalne, jak wspólna deklaracja o stosunkach i współpracy z 2007 r. czy umowa o partnerstwie na rzecz stosunków i współpracy z 5 października 2016 r. Można by wręcz się dziwić, że dopiero tak późno podpisaliśmy tak ważne nas wiążące umowy. Bo co nas łączy? Więzi kulturalne, więzi polityczne, więzi gospodarcze, poszanowanie praw człowieka i praworządności, współpraca w zakresie środowiska i bezpieczeństwa, w tym walka z terroryzmem. Cieszę się więc, że skutkiem tego wszystkiego będzie – mam nadzieję jak najszybciej – także zawiązanie między nami umowy o wolnym handlu. Warto bowiem przypomnieć, że Unia Europejska jest trzecim partnerem handlowym dla Nowej Zelandii, a wartość naszej wspólnej wymiany gospodarczej to jest około 20 miliardów dolarów nowozelandzkich. Unia Europejska jest także drugim inwestorem w Nowej Zelandii. Co ważne Nowa Zelandia to demokratyczne państwo szanujące praworządność, ochronę środowiska, prawa mniejszości. Nic nas nie dzieli oprócz odległości, w związku z czym nadal budujmy tę współpracę między nami.


  Luigi Morgano (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio il relatore. Non poteva che essere positiva la raccomandazione del Parlamento europeo a concludere un accordo di partenariato con la Nuova Zelanda. La Nuova Zelanda, è stato ricordato, è infatti uno dei paesi a noi più vicini, poiché condivide gli stessi valori e principi democratici, il rispetto dei diritti umani, questioni fondamentali come pace, sicurezza e ambiente.

Una comune cultura, quindi, e sensibilità che ha permesso di instaurare uno stretto partenariato con l'Unione europea e con gli Stati membri, che si è concretizzata in comuni scelte politiche. Mi riferisco al contribuito neozelandese alle operazioni ONU di mantenimento della pace in Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone e Afghanistan, alla formazione delle forze di sicurezza irachene che combattono Daesh, al ruolo di copatrocinatore delle risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza ONU in Siria e processo di pace in Medio Oriente.

Ancora, il suo ruolo importante di contributore e fornitore di assistenza allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla riduzione della povertà nei paesi in via di sviluppo, al concreto impegno in materia di clima nell'ambito della Convenzione quadro ONU sui cambiamenti climatici, e all'attuazione dell'accordo di Parigi, nell'ambito di COP21.

È bene, quindi, essere arrivati alla conclusione di questo accordo, che comprende anche la lotta al terrorismo, in particolare impegni in materia di scambio di informazioni su reti e gruppi terroristici, sui metodi per prevenire, contrastare e combattere terrorismo, radicalizzazione e criminalità informatica, ma anche intese per una cooperazione scientifica, accademica e tecnologica.

Una scelta coerente con l'avvio dei negoziati sull'accordo di libero scambio tra UE e Nuova Zelanda, che devono svolgersi in uno spirito di reciprocità e mutuo beneficio, tenendo conto della sensibilità di alcuni prodotti agricoli e di altro tipo.

Un accordo importante, un quadro politico coerente orientato al futuro, all'interno del quale le relazioni e la cooperazione su un'ampia gamma di questioni saranno ulteriormente sviluppate negli anni, nell'interesse dei cittadini dell'Unione e della Nuova Zelanda.


  Richard Sulík (ECR). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, ako člen skupiny Austrália-Nový Zéland dohodu o voľnom obchode s Novým Zélandom jednoznačne vítam. Je to práve bezbariérový obchod, ktorý je najlepšou cestou prehlbovania vzťahov medzi jednotlivými krajinami sveta, najmä s takými, s ktorými máme silné politické, historické aj kultúrne väzby, a Nový Zéland takouto krajinou je.

Ako člen parlamentnej skupiny Austrália-Nový Zéland som sa stretol s množstvom relevantných hráčov a môžem povedať, že táto dohoda už mala byť dávno uzavretá. Podľa mojich informácií jej bránili najmä obavy západoeurópskych farmárov z novozélandského hovädzieho mäsa. Toto považujem za vtip, keďže novozélandský farmári nedostávajú vôbec žiadne dotácie a navyše musia svoje produkty dopraviť cez pol sveta do Európy. Mať strach pred takouto konkurenciou je veľmi slabá vizitka západoeurópskych farmárov.

Chcem preto vyjadriť nádej, že po dnešnom chválení dohody o spolupráci PARC bude čoskoro uzavretá aj dohoda o voľnom obchode.


  Anne-Marie Mineur (GUE/NGL). – Er is natuurlijk helemaal niets mis met goede betrekkingen met Nieuw-Zeeland. Het is een prachtig land, met prachtige mensen en prachtige ideeën. Maar ik zou graag met Nieuw-Zeeland samenwerken op een manier die echt ten dienste staat van duurzaamheid, klimaat en werknemersrechten. Deze partnerschapsoverkomst is een eerste stap op weg naar weer een nieuw vrijhandelsverdrag. Dat betekent dus meer handel, meer transport, meer brandstofkosten en meer uitstoot. Dat dient het klimaat helemaal niet. De klimaatconferentie in Bonn leert ons dat we nog niet eens in de buurt komen van de doelen die we ons in Parijs hebben gesteld.

Ook het voornemen om in deze verdragen met Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland verder te gaan dan al de bedoeling was in de overeenkomst betreffende de handel in diensten (TiSA), vormt een bedreiging voor de arbeidsrechten en werkzekerheid van Europese werknemers. En wat betekenen al deze gecombineerde vrijhandelsverdragen voor de agrarische sector? Kan de commissaris daar duidelijkheid over geven?

De handelsverdragen die de Europese Unie afsluit, zijn gestoeld op een convergentie van de regelgeving. Dat betekent dat wij zeggenschap kwijtraken over onze regels. Dat gebeurt door expliciete afspraken daarover, maar ook door een veel onzichtbaarder werkwijze, namelijk door het samenwerkingsorgaan op het gebied van regelgeving. Daarmee wordt het voor een volksvertegenwoordiger onzichtbaar en oncontroleerbaar hoe onze regels precies convergeren. Het feit dat Nieuw-Zeeland net heeft ingestemd met het Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), maakt het er niet beter op.

Er zijn grote verschillen tussen de regels over de hele wereld en de landen van Europa staan daarin vrij eenzaam aan de top. Als wij gaan convergeren met de hele wereld, weten we vrij zeker dat we onze standaarden kwijtraken. Ik heb niets tegen Nieuw-Zeeland, wel tegen dit soort handelsverdragen. Juist met je vrienden moet je dit soort afspraken niet maken. Dank u wel.


  Bronis Ropė (Verts/ALE). – Puiku, kad sėkmingai plėtojasi santykiai su Naująja Zelandija. Mes pripažįstame tas pačias vertybes ir glaudesni ekonominiai santykiai tikrai prisidės prie tarptautinės vertybinės bendruomenės stiprėjimo.

Kita vertus, viskas nėra taip paprasta, kaip atrodo iš pirmo žvilgsnio. Visų pirma, neturime pamiršti, kad kurdami dvišales specialias prekybines sutartis mes kartu griauname tarptautines struktūras. Sunkiai kurta Pasaulio prekybos organizacija lieka nuošalyje. Trečiosios šalys irgi mato žinią, kad galima mėginti gauti trumpalaikės naudos. Ar susimąstome apie ilgalaikes tokios veiklos perspektyvas?

Negalime ignoruoti ir ekologinio poveikio. Nekartosiu statistikos, kokį poveikį klimato kaitai daro vien Naujosios Zelandijos galvijininkystės sektorius. Ar tikrai mes norime jį dar labiau skatinti, tuo pat metu spartindami klimato kaitą?


  Bogusław Liberadzki (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Około sześciu tygodni temu miałem przyjemność przyjmować w imieniu przewodniczącego Tajaniego grupę posłów parlamentu Nowej Zelandii z przewodniczącym Carterem na czele. Była to okazja do takiego dokonania krótkiego przeglądu i porównania jednocześnie intencji, woli, podobieństw, różnic.

Otóż pierwsza generalna konstatacja: historycznie jesteśmy sobie bliscy, to znaczy Europa jest bliska Nowej Zelandii. Druga rzecz bardzo ważna: nasze gospodarki nie są konkurencyjne, nasze gospodarki są w dużej mierze komplementarne. Trzecia konstatacja: rozmiar Unii Europejskiej pod każdym względem i rozmiar Nowej Zelandii to są dwa zupełnie inne rozmiary.

I wreszcie to, co ich bardzo interesuje, to jest rzetelna współpraca i pytanie: w jaki sposób podzielimy, zwłaszcza obrót artykułami pochodzenia rolnego, po brexicie. Drugie – współpraca w dziedzinie terroryzmu i zwalczania terroryzmu. I konstatacja ogólna – gratuluję, że rozważamy to sprawozdanie. Bardzo gorąco rekomenduję poparcie.


  James Nicholson (ECR). – Mr President, I welcome the Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation between the European Union and New Zealand and I want to congratulate Mr Tannock on a very good report.

We already enjoy strong relations and share many common goals on international issues. There are many deep historical ties between Northern Ireland, which I represent, and New Zealand. William Massey, the 19th Prime Minister of New Zealand, grew up in Limavady, in County Londonderry, so there is a great tie between my region and New Zealand. It is vital that we build on these ties with New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries, while we are in the European Union and also once we leave.

It is clear that there is political will from both the Commission and New Zealand to get the ball rolling on a free-trade agreement. As rapporteur, for the Agriculture Committee, on trade with New Zealand, I firmly believe that this has the potential to provide opportunities for our producers if a fair and balanced trade deal can be achieved. And that is the bottom line here.

Commissioner, you will be going off to Buenos Aires very shortly, for the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, and it will be linked to that as well. We in Europe have got to be positive on trade, because if we are negative it will work against us.

I heard comments earlier in this debate about Europe trying to outdo the UK. I have a feeling that, while Europe has left the starting post on this issue, Dr Fox is still in the paddock and has not even got on his horse yet. From my point of view, I think we are in a very interesting position, where Europe will go ahead, and the UK will have good trade. So we will have good relations with this brilliant – lovely – country and I wish it well, with every success in the future.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Mr President, I welcome the conclusion of this partnership agreement with New Zealand and my congratulations too to Charles Tannock. In these times of increasing isolation and nationalism, I think it is of paramount importance that we join forces with partners who share our values and our world vision to advance an open rules-based global order that works for the people. As an MEP in the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Group (S&D), I welcome that the recent elections in New Zealand resulted in a Labour-led government, championing an agenda of sustainable development.

Clearly, the EU and New Zealand are already finding an important common cause and we are making progress on trade negotiations on which this House adopted recommendations last month. Aside from trade, I hope this partnership will help us to focus our attention on a region of important mutual strategic benefit – the Asia-Pacific region. Whether it concerns the stability in the South China Sea that harbours vital shipping routes, combating climate change or addressing terrorist threats, this region is of key strategic importance to the European Union and I call upon the High Representative, the Council and the Commission to ensure that this agreement is a stepping stone to advancing our partnerships in the Asia-Pacific region, where New Zealand is an important actor.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). – Gospodine predsjedniče, podržavam Sporazum o partnerstvu o odnosima i suradnji između Europske unije i Novog Zelanda jer je riječ o našem bliskom partneru kada se radi o obrani demokratskih načela i ljudskih prava. Prvi stalni veleposlanik Europske unije u Novom Zelandu stupio je na dužnost prošle godine, čime je otvoreno i autonomno izaslanstvo Europske unije na Novom Zelandu.

Novi Zeland predano sudjeluje u operacijama Europske unije za upravljanje krizama: Atalanta EUNAVFOR-a oko Afričkoga roga, misiji EUPOL-a u Afganistanu i misiji EUFOR-a (Althea) u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Naglašavam važnost pojačane brige o okolišu i morima radi zaštite prirodnih resursa, zajedničke ciljeve u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena te partnerstvo na području opće dostupnosti održive energije u skladu s istoimenom inicijativom Ujedinjenih naroda.

Vjerujem u partnerstvo Europske unije i Novog Zelanda jer dijelimo iste vrijednosti i interese. Naše partnerstvo treba nadograditi gospodarskom dimenzijom sklapanjem sporazuma o slobodnoj trgovini. Nadam se da ćemo prevladati razlike u pogledu priznavanja zemljopisnih indikacija proizvoda.


  Francisco Assis (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, começo por saudar o relator pelo excelente trabalho levado a cabo e salientar a importância deste acordo de parceria com a Nova Zelândia. A Nova Zelândia é um dos países do mundo com quem temos mais proximidade, é um Estado de Direito democrático que tem uma interpretação das questões internacionais muito próxima daquela que prevalece no âmbito da União Europeia e, por isso, temos todas as razões para procurar reforçar as ligações de natureza política com a Nova Zelândia. Nesse sentido, este acordo de parceria pode inaugurar uma nova fase nesse âmbito.

Mas também quero dizer que espero que, para além deste acordo de parceria no âmbito político, e com o que isso comporta em várias dimensões que já aqui foram referidas, isto também seja um passo importante para que se avance plenamente para a concretização de um acordo de livre comércio com a Austrália.

Entendo que a União Europeia não se pode fechar sobre si mesma, a União Europeia tem que se abrir também do ponto de vista das relações comerciais com outras zonas do mundo e a Nova Zelândia é naturalmente, pela sua proximidade política cultural e no domínio dos valores, um parceiro comercial a recomendar para a União Europeia.


Procedura "catch-the-eye"


  Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). – Señor presidente, yo también quiero empezar felicitando al señor Tannock por su excelente informe. Creo que es muy conveniente que el Parlamento Europeo apruebe el Acuerdo de Asociación con Nueva Zelanda, país lejano geográficamente, pero, como ya se ha dicho, muy cercano a la Unión Europea en valores, principios e intereses. Y también está claramente comprometido con la cooperación y la gobernanza internacionales.

Con la firma el pasado agosto del Acuerdo Marco con Australia, la Unión Europea dio otro paso más a la hora de potenciar su presencia en Asia-Pacífico. Yo creo que la Unión es un actor global y tiene que seguir siéndolo, también, cuando seamos una Europa de veintisiete Estados. Para ello tenemos que reforzar nuestra proyección en una región tan amplia pero también tan dinámica como la de Asia-Pacífico, y los acuerdos de Nueva Zelanda, y también el de Australia, nos servirán mucho.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la Nuova Zelanda è legata all'Unione europea e ai suoi Stati membri da un partenariato stretto e di lunga data, ed ha già concluso accordi bilaterali di libero scambio con paesi importanti quali l'Australia, la Thailandia e la Cina. La Nuova Zelanda è un paese con standard di civiltà elevati che promuove metodi di produzione sostenibili, in particolare nel settore alimentare, e ha promosso accordi globali a livello mondiale in materia di clima e mitigazione delle emissioni.

Non dobbiamo però commettere errori già commessi in passato, perché ogni accordo di libero scambio comporta qualche rischio, specie per le nostre produzioni agroalimentari. Va dunque chiarita prioritariamente la tutela che si intende riservare ai prodotti agroalimentari europei, che sono prodotti sensibili e che per esempio sono stati già messi a rischio da accordi come il CETA.

La Nuova Zelanda è un partner importante. L'accordo di libero scambio potrà portare benefici ad entrambi i paesi, ma l'Europa dovrà essere in grado di tutelare con la massima attenzione i propri asset e le proprie specificità.


  Maria Heubuch (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident! Niemand bezweifelt hier, dass wir die Werte, die uns zugrunde liegen, gemeinsam wirklich respektieren, und auch ich will das an dieser Stelle tun. Aber sind wir wirklich ergänzende Volkswirtschaften, wie vorher gesagt wurde? Ich sehe das im Bereich Landwirtschaft nicht bei jedem Produkt so. Und hier tut sich insgesamt ein Problem auf. Wir machen sehr viele Handelsabkommen – es wurde gerade das CETA genannt –, wir gehen zum Mercosur, wir gehen nach Australien, nach Neuseeland, jetzt kommt Japan. Aber wer schaut wirklich darauf, was das letzten Endes für die Landwirtschaft und für die Lebensmittelproduktion heißt? Wer evaluiert wirklich, was insgesamt auf uns zukommt? Wir schauen jedes Abkommen einzeln an, aber das summiert sich ja auf.

Hierin sehe ich ein ganz großes Problem. Wir müssen hier genau evaluieren, was es insgesamt heißt. Lebensmittel sind keine normale Ware, das ist nicht ein Auto, das wir beliebig herstellen können. Lebensmittelproduktion hat sehr viel mit den Regionen vor Ort zu tun, mit den Menschen, die darin arbeiten, und das hat auch damit zu tun, wie wir dann mit der Umwelt umgehen. Ich denke, das sollten wir hier besser evaluieren und hier mehr Schutz aufbauen.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, οι καλές πολιτικές σχέσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με τη Νέα Ζηλανδία χρησιμοποιούνται ως ένα πολιτικό επιφαινόμενο, ως ένα επιχείρημα, απλώς, για να προχωρήσουμε σε μια συμφωνία ελευθέρων συναλλαγών, όπως έγινε και με τη CETA.

Αυτοί οι οποίοι υποστηρίζουν τις ελεύθερες συναλλαγές είναι συνήθως από τις χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού Βορρά, που παράγουν βιομηχανικά προϊόντα τα οποία εξάγουν στη Νέα Ζηλανδία. Αλλά υπάρχει ένα σοβαρό πρόβλημα, κ. HOGAN, που έχει σχέση με τη γεωργία: θα χτυπηθεί η αγροτική παραγωγή στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και θα υπάρξουν πάρα πολλά προβλήματα για την κτηνοτροφία, με τα γαλακτοκομικά προϊόντα της Νέας Ζηλανδίας και τη βιομηχανία τροφίμων.

Δεν πρέπει να ξαναπάμε σε μια ιστορία, όπως με τη CΕΤΑ. Πρέπει να υπάρξει προστασία των προϊόντων ονομασίας προέλευσης, προστασία των γεωγραφικών προσδιορισμών, προστασία της φέτας και των άλλων προϊόντων που είναι παραδοσιακά για την Ελλάδα. Μην ξαναφτάσουμε να συζητούμε ό,τι έγινε με την υπόθεση της CΕΤΑ και τον Καναδά.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! W Komisji Rolnictwa przyjęliśmy opinię dotyczącą rolnictwa w negocjacjach umowy handlowej z Nową Zelandią. Autorem był przemawiający wcześniej pan poseł Nicholson, świetny specjalista tych relacji i tego sektora rolnego. Chcę powiedzieć, że Nowa Zelandia ma konkurencyjny sektor rolny, silnie ukierunkowany na eksport z dominacją sektora mleczarskiego, hodowli owiec, kóz, produkcji wołowiny, a także sektora owoców. Handel artykułami rolnymi ma duży udział w całości handlu Nowej Zelandii. Nowa Zelandia jest eksporterem głównie produktów rolnych, natomiast Unia – produktów przetworzonych do Nowej Zelandii. Mamy problemy w różnicy standardów czy oznaczeniach geograficznych. Wiemy, że Nowa Zelandia jest zwolennikiem pełnej liberalizacji handlu. Prawdą jest, że Nowa Zelandia jest konkurencyjna w stosunku do rolnictwa europejskiego, ale to nie oznacza, że mamy nie rozwijać handlu. Mamy wynegocjować odpowiednie warunki, partnerskie warunki, bo po prostu handel to podstawowy czynnik rozwoju i wzrostu i globalizacja na rynku światowym po prostu w tym kierunku idzie. Należy także oczekiwać, że Nowa Zelandia, która była częścią TPP, Partnerstwa Transpacyficznego, zapewne wróci – będzie powód – do tych rozmów i Partnerstwo Transpacyficzne zyska nowe wymiary.


(Fine della procedura "catch-the-eye")


  Phil Hogan, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank everybody for the very constructive exchanges in relation to this agreement, and to thank all who spoke on the subject. I greatly appreciate the discussion and your interest in the European Union-New Zealand Partnership Agreement on Relations and Cooperation.

The debate has shown very strong support for the strengthening of the European Union and New Zealand relationship through this agreement and, although we are geographically far from one another, dialogue and cooperation between the EU and New Zealand have never been as close as they are today. This new agreement gives us the opportunity to consolidate our achievements and advance onto a range of issues relevant to the challenges of our time.

Many Members have clearly expressed some concerns about the future negotiations in relation to a free-trade agreement. I can say that the Commission and the negotiating mandate in relation to these issues are fully transparent. The two negotiating directives and the mandate in relation to these negotiations are on our website, and the sensitivities in relation to agriculture will be included. The Commission has made it absolutely clear to our New Zealand counterparts that agricultural sensitivities must be taken into account and that no full liberalisation can be contemplated for some sectors.

The Commission has proposed in the draft negotiating directives, which have already highlighted the agricultural sensitivities, to ensure that any future agreement will not cause major disruption in the European Union, including in the outermost regions. The important thing is that our sensitivities on market access and geographical indications are acknowledged, and these are well known to New Zealand and are being acknowledged by it in the scoping process.

In relation to specific issues of trade and agriculture, and trade generally, the broader geopolitical considerations are important for a like-minded partner in the Oceania-Pacific region. New Zealand, together with Australia, is among the fastest-growing developed economies. There will be gains for the cars and car parts, machinery, chemicals and services sectors. The agricultural sector, as well, will benefit from improved market access for processed products, for cheeses and alcoholic beverages – particularly important for the agricultural sector with the acknowledgment of our geographical indications (GI) scheme and the recognition of our GI products such as wines, spirits and agri-food products. New Zealand has recognised this at ministerial level and the scoping paper reflects the high level of ambition that we can pursue on geographical indications, which is providing a good starting point for the actual negotiations.

Can I also say to Ms Heubuch that we will include, as we do in every free-trade negotiating mandate, issues around environment, issues around animal welfare, animal health, and indeed plant health. All of these issues will be very important in terms of pursuing an ambitious outcome, which will ultimately have to be approved by this House, in relation to whether we have achieved enough or not.

Lastly, I would say to Mr O’Flynn that I look forward to meeting Secretary of State Fox in the marketplace, and he will see that size matters when it comes to trade in the European Union where we have 450 million customers, while he will have about 70 million customers. I hope that we will be able to continue the high standards for food that we have become accustomed to in free-trade agreements in the European Union, and we will not lower our standards to what has been advocated in the marketplace in the context of any free-trade agreement by Secretary Fox.


  Charles Tannock, rapporteur. – Mr President, as we wind up the debate I would first like to thank the Commissioner and the shadow rapporteurs across Parliament who have all been very supportive throughout the process. The report’s passage through the committee stage and the Parliament has also been very smooth, and whilst this is largely due to the widespread support that exists for greater cooperation with New Zealand in everything from fighting terrorism to mitigating climate change, clearly it shows that New Zealand really is close to us in many ways.

As I set out in my earlier speech and has been echoed throughout the House, this agreement is welcome and therefore something we can be proud of. As a Brit, however, I have to admit that this is a bittersweet moment, given my country’s impending exit from the European Union. There are those in Britain, and in this House, sadly, that still believe in a British Empire Mk. II, and that the United Kingdom has been held back in freely trading and cooperating with its old Commonwealth partners such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The truth is that Britain will now have to renegotiate from scratch, on a bilateral basis, political agreements such as this and future FTAs which, by the time of Brexit in 2019, will have already been concluded for the EU. This is a great pity for my country, and certainly can illustrate the increasing success that the European Union is achieving now in negotiating and signing ambitious political and free trade agreements with democratic countries and economic blocs in the Asia-Pacific region and in the wider globe.

As I conclude, my only final wish is to welcome this initiative and the eventual FTA and to hope that later today we will be able to celebrate its successful adoption by Parliament.


  Presidente. – La discussione congiunta è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà giovedì 16 novembre 2017.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – EL ja Uus-Meremaa on samameelsed ning globaalsetes küsimustes sarnaseid seisukohti omavad riigid, kellel on mitmeid ühiseid eesmärke. Ühiste eesmärkide paremaks saavutamiseks on mõistlik suurendada omavahelist koostööd ja dialoogi. ELi ja Uus-Meremaa suhteid ja koostööd käsitleva partnerluslepingu sõlmimise eesmärk ongi tugevdada omavahelist partnerlust, suurendada koostööd erinevates valdkondades ning tõhustada suhtlust. Seda näiteks välis- ja julgeoleku valdkonnas, nagu massihävitusrelvad, terrorismivastane võitlus ning rahu ja julgeoleku edendamine maailmas. Samuti nähakse lepinguga ette koostöö suurendamine majandus- ja kaubandusvaldkonnas ning teadusvaldkondades.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), napisan. – Novi Zeland je već dugi niz godina partner s Europskom unijom i njezinim članicama s kojima dijeli zajedničke vrijednosti, ljudska prava, temeljne slobode, vladavinu prava, mir i sigurnost. Novi Zeland je zajedno s SAD-om, Kanadom i Australijom član zajednice „Five Eyes” koja usko surađuje sa zajednicom „Fourteen Eyes” u čijem radu sudjeluju i članice EU-a: Francuska, Njemačka, Italija, Nizozemska, Belgija, Švedska, Danska i Španjolska. Također, Novi Zeland je dugogodišnji član OECD-a, MMF-a, ADB-a i novoosnovanog AIIB-a.

Europska unija Novi Zeland smatra 3. najvećim trgovačkim partnerom koji već ima dobru suradnju s najbližim partnerima Europske unije poput SAD-a (sporazum potpisan 2010. Wellingtonskom deklaracijom) i Australijom (sporazum iz 1983.) Također, Novi Zeland je sklopio bilateralne sporazume o slobodnoj trgovini s Australijom, Singapurom, Tajlandom, Kinom, Hong Kongom, Tajvanom, Malezijom i Južnom Korejom, kao i multilateralne trgovinske sporazume u okviru Sporazuma o transpacifičkom strateškom gospodarskom partnerstvu sa Singapurom, Čileom i Brunejem.

Jako je bitno za Europsku uniju unaprijediti odnose s Novim Zelandom zbog dijeljenja zajedničkih interesa. Buduća suradnja bi doprinijela razvoju i Novom Zelandu i članicama Europske unije.


  Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. – Współpraca między UE a Nową Zelandią ma ogromny wpływ na dalszy rozwój tych dwóch gospodarek i ich wzajemnych stosunków. Tematem debaty był projekt rezolucji nieustawodawczej w sprawie decyzji Rady dotyczący zawarcia, w imieniu Unii, umowy o partnerstwie w zakresie stosunków i współpracy między Unią Europejską a Nową Zelandią. 5 października 2016 roku Nowa Zelandia i UE podpisały umowę o partnerstwie w stosunkach i współpracy (PARC). Umowa ta świadczy o ostatnio widocznej bliskiej relacji między tymi dwoma stronami. Nie tylko należy zauważyć wysoki poziom wzajemnych stosunków, lecz podkreślić gotowość do dalszej współpracy w najbliższym czasie.

Umowa stwarza długotrwałe kulturalne, polityczne i ekonomiczne więzi między UE a Nową Zelandią, wzmacnia wspólne wartości dla praw człowieka oraz rządów prawa, dodatkowo zakłada dalszą współpracę w takich dziedzinach jak technologie innowacyjne, ochrona środowiska czy bezpieczeństwo. PARC zapewnia pełną współpracę między państwami Wspólnoty a Nową Zelandią dla wspólnego dobra. Ponadto nie tylko utrwala dialog polityczny i współpracę ekonomiczną, lecz korzystnie wpływa na rozwój nauki, edukacji i kultury.

Należy dodać, że takie partnerstwo przyczyni się do skuteczniejszego zwalczania problemu migracji, terroryzmu, zorganizowanej przestępczości, jak również cyberprzestępczości. Obie strony jak najbardziej popierają umowę, są chętne do wspólnego rozwoju. Dlatego bardzo ważne jest poparcie projektu rezolucji w sprawie stosunków i współpracy między członkami UE a Nową Zelandią.

Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid