 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2017/2961(RSP)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycles relatifs aux documents :

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 16/11/2017 - 4.1
CRE 16/11/2017 - 4.1

Votes :

PV 16/11/2017 - 7.1

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Jeudi 16 novembre 2017 - Strasbourg

4.1. Liberté d'expression au Soudan, notamment le cas de Mohamed Zine El Abidine
Vidéo des interventions

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su sette proposte di risoluzione sulla libertà di espressione in Sudan, in particolare il caso di Mohamed Zine al-Abidine (2017/2961(RSP)).


  Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, a free press is one of the essentials for ensuring that a meaningful democratic system can function operating under the rule of law. Without such an underpinning, other efforts and programmes aimed at improving good governance and development are always undermined.

I am pleased that we are therefore taking the opportunity today to shine a spotlight on the terrible state of press freedom in Sudan, particularly illustrated by the case of journalist Mohamed Zine al-Abidine and his editor-in-chief Osman Mirgani. Al-Abidine, in a clear case of political persecution and selective justice, has been sentenced to a suspended sentence of five years, ostensibly for writing a piece alleging corruption associated with the ruling family of President Omar al-Bashir. Whilst this is a most egregious example, it is sadly not an isolated case. In 2016, there were 44 occurrences of confiscated publications affecting 12 different newspapers, which gives you an idea of the widespread nature of such repressive practices in Sudan.

All of this is in clear contradiction of the Cotonou Agreement. I hope that today’s debate will serve as a call on the Commission to remind the Sudanese authorities of their obligations under international law.


  Ignazio Corrao, author. – Mr President, it is sad that today we are again discussing Sudan. Not only because nothing has changed but especially because the situation is getting even worse, mainly in regard to freedom of expression. Reporters Without Borders ranks Sudan among the least free countries, at 174 out of 180 in the 2017 World Press Freedom Index, due to the harassment of the media and confiscation of newspapers issue.

In addition to this, a new concern arises in regard to the proposed Press and Printing Act of 2017, which includes further controversial restrictions to online publication and provisions for the lengthier suspension of newspapers and journalists. It is true that today the spotlights are on Mohamed Zine al-Abidine who is paying very dearly for the choice to have respected the fundamental right of freedom of expression. But let us not forget about all of those, also in Europe, who lost even their lives simply because they shed some light on unacceptable situations.

Parliament just yesterday dedicated a room within these premises in honour of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Maltese journalist brutally assassinated for speaking out the truth. Parliament and all its Members have to make a strong contribution so as to prevent such situations. This is why we will support this resolution by which we urge the Sudanese Government to stop its heinous practices against journalists and editors, in order to start to build a democratic environment where both the rule of law and human rights are respected. Unfortunately, this is just one aspect of a more complex picture that includes several violations of human rights, ranging from the well-known situation in Darfur to international criminal law concerns.

I conclude by saying that, with great honour, I will take part next month in the Sub—committee on Human Rights’ mission to Sudan, so as hopefully to provide support, not only to Mr Mohamed Zine al-Abidine, but to all journalists who are victims of harassment, intimidation and attacks, and advocate freedom of online and offline expression.


  Barbara Lochbihler, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident! Ich begrüße es, dass wir an die sudanesische Regierung appellieren, Freiheitsrechte zu respektieren.

Immer wieder werden durch den allmächtigen Geheimdienst und die Polizei Zeitungen beschlagnahmt, Nichtregierungsorganisationen verboten, Versammlungen aufgelöst und Menschenrechtler verhaftet. Die Strafverfolgung des regierungskritischen Journalisten Mohamed Zine al-Abidine ist ein aktuelles Beispiel dafür. Ich erwarte aber auch, dass wir in einer Entschließung wie dieser die Politik der EU im Sudan selbstkritisch hinterfragen.

Daher haben wir Grüne Änderungsanträge eingebracht. Wir problematisieren die EU-Kooperation mit dem Sudan zu Migrationsfragen. Außerdem fordern wir, dass ohne wesentliche Verbesserungen der Menschenrechtslage die EU und die Mitgliedstaaten ihre diplomatischen Beziehungen einschränken. Im Frühjahr habe ich selbst in Khartum mit Menschenrechtsaktivisten gesprochen, die alle befürchten, dass der starke Fokus der EU auf Grenzschutz und Sicherheit zu Zurückhaltung in menschenrechtlichen Fragen führt. Diese Sorge teile ich. Für den Sudan wäre es fatal, wenn die EU auch hier zugunsten kurzfristiger Interessen den Blick von der katastrophalen humanitären und menschenrechtlichen Lage auch nur teilweise abwenden würde.

Der Sudan ist derzeit das einzige Land, dessen amtierendes Staatsoberhaupt vom Internationalen Strafgerichtshof wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Völkermord per Haftbefehl gesucht wird. Diese Woche hat sich der sudanesische Präsident Al-Baschir in Uganda aufgehalten. Leider hat Uganda nichts unternommen, um ihn an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu überstellen.

Die Hohe Vertreterin hat das öffentlich kritisiert. Ich unterstütze dies ausdrücklich. Die EU muss weiterhin konsequent die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof einfordern.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. – Monsieur le Président, le groupe GUE/NGL ne s’est pas associé à cette résolution, non pas que le cas de M. Zine al-Abidine ne soit pas symbolique des violations de la liberté de la presse au Soudan, une presse qui subit sans cesse censure directe ou indirecte, via notamment la confiscation régulière de journaux, mais parce qu’elle n’est pas à la hauteur des violations des droits de l’homme perpétrées dans ce pays.

Les ONG continuent de nous dire que la situation y reste inchangée, notamment au Darfour. Les bombardements se poursuivent et il y a même été fait état de l’utilisation d’armes chimiques. De plus, il n’y aucune sécurité pour la population en dehors des camps.

Or, M. le président Al-Bachir, toujours sous le coup d’un mandat d’arrêt de la Cour pénale internationale, veut démanteler ces camps au moment même où l’ONU diminue de façon drastique, à savoir de moins 44 %, la présence de la Minuad.

Je crains que la situation des droits de l’homme au Soudan ne soit sacrifiée sur l’autel des politiques migratoires européennes et des amis saoudiens, compte tenu du poids des troupes soudanaises au Yémen. Cela risque même de rendre encore plus difficile notre mission «droits» en décembre. Je le regrette sincèrement.


  Soraya Post, författare. – Herr talman! År 2016 riktades världens blickar mot Donald Trumps hetsiga kampanjtal om fake news. Samma år fängslades nio journalister i mer auktoritära länder på grund av anklagelser om just fake news. År 2015 rörde det sig om två rapporterade fall.

Vi har inga siffror för 2017 ännu, men trenden är väldigt tydlig. Hur vi som demokratier agerar kan betyda skillnader mellan ett liv i frihet och ett liv i fängelse för journalister. Sudan är ett gott exempel på detta.

I år satsar EU 1,7 miljoner euro för att finansiera projekt som främjar demokratiska principer i Sudan, med ett särskilt fokus på bland annat media.

Med USA:s dalande stjärna måste EU på allvar ta upp kampen för mänskliga rättigheter. I avtal och partnerskap med tredje länder måste vi sätta klausulerna om mänskliga rättigheter i centrum, och när de inte uppfylls ska det åtföljas av kännbara konsekvenser.

Jag vill också passa på att tipsa om Forbidden Stories, ett projekt som Reportrar utan gränser och Freedom Voices Network lanserar nu i november för att säkra material från hotade journalister och göra det möjligt att fortsätta deras arbete om de grips eller dödas.


  Javier Nart, autor. – Señor presidente, la definición de Sudán es un régimen presidido por un delincuente, por un prófugo de la justicia y por un régimen y un presidente que han sido responsables de los genocidios en Yebel Marra, en Yebel Nuba y en la zona del Darfur, y de la represión de su propio pueblo desde hace muchísimos años.

La situación en Sudán significa sencillamente que estamos ante un régimen donde los yanyauid en la zona del Darfur y la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional son los que mandan, son los todopoderosos y, en consecuencia, los pilares del régimen. Las libertades no existen y la libertad de prensa es un mito, aunque hayan firmado todas las declaraciones internacionales o algunas de ellas. En cualquier caso, el caso de Mohamed Zin al-Abidín no es más que un exponente de una situación general, de un país sometido a una bárbara represión, a una bárbara explotación.

Esta es la situación en Sudán. Mohamed Zin al-Abidín es simplemente una anécdota en una espantosa categoría.


  Tunne Kelam, author. – Mr President, the situation of human, civil and political rights in Sudan continues to be worrying. Especially alarming is the state of freedom of expression. There are numerous reports about security services intervening in the activities of journalists, intimidating and censoring them. Mohamed Zine al-Abidine is just one of them. He has been taken to court for criticising the alleged corruption of President al-Bashir’s family. The editor of the newspaper al-Tayar was fined for publishing his article. Last year there were at least 44 cases of confiscated publications and the publication of three newspapers was suspended.

We urge the Sudanese authorities to end all forms of harassment and intimidation of journalists, and immediately review charges against Mohamed Zine al-Abidine. More importantly, the Sudanese Government is called upon to implement in a good spirit fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression. I thank Commissioner Stylianides for raising the issue of fundamental rights in Sudan during his recent visit to this country, but more needs to be done. The European Union should be mainstreaming human rights in our relations with third countries at all times.


  Lars Adaktusson, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, again we observe the heinous measures which dictatorships are willing to use in order to silence even the slightest criticism – legitimate criticism. Yet we act surprised. By this time we ought to know to what lengths authoritarian regimes are ready to go in order to silence any perceived threats. As a former journalist I realise the indispensable role of a free press in any state grounded in the rule of law. External scrutiny is a fundamental aspect of holding political representatives accountable to the people.

The European Union must condemn the unjust sentencing of Mohamed Zine al-Abidine and Osman Mirgani, and increase the pressure on the Sudanese regime. The President and his companions must cease their actions. The people of Sudan too deserve to live in freedom, in security and democracy.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, le dittature non amano giornalisti critici. Per questo motivo dobbiamo continuare a denunciare le violazioni dei diritti dell'uomo che compiono. Questo è il nostro dovere anche di fronte al popolo sudanese oppresso. Con questa risoluzione noi denunciamo la ripetuta violazione della libertà di espressione e di stampa e il maltrattamento del giornalista Mohamed Zine al-Abidine e del suo editore Osman Mirghani. Questi casi sono l'indice dell'arretramento dei diritti umani nel Sudan. Il regime autocratico di Omar al-Bashir si dimostra liberticida ed impiega le forze dell'ordine in spedizione punitive nei confronti di coloro che denunciano la corruzione.

Il Sudan ha la necessità di sentirci vicini nel sostenere le iniziative di denuncia che provengono dal popolo stesso sudanese. Le autorità sudanesi si impegnano a rispettare i diritti umani e le libertà fondamentali sanciti dal diritto internazionale, compresa la libertà di espressione.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, Mohamed Zine al-Abidine wrote an article about alleged corruption by the President of Sudan, Mr al-Bashir, who of course is accused of many worse crimes including the gravest ones – crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes – but he is avoiding facing trial. Al-Abidine did what a journalist is supposed to do – shed light on those in power – but is now being sentenced to five years as one of many critics that are silenced.

We call on the Sudanese authorities to review these outrageous charges and to respect all people’s rights. The government should at least adhere to its own commitments under the Cotonou Agreement, but also to the Declaration on Media Freedom in the Arab World. We in the EU should step up our efforts to make sure that people’s rights are respected in Sudan, including the freedom of expression online and offline.

I would suggest that by only focusing on managing migration we are not doing that, we are not prioritising respect for human rights. In fact we may well give people a good excuse to repress and to keep people down. I think that is the wrong development also from our side.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE). – Pane předsedající, pane komisaři, dle světového indexu svobody tisku Reportérů bez hranic je Súdán na 174. místě ze 180 hodnocených států. Vládní úřady v Súdánu běžně zadržují a obviňují novináře a zabavují vydání různých periodik.

V roce 2016 došlo celkem k 44 takovým případům, které se týkaly dvanácti různých novin. Muhammad Zajn al-Ábidín kritizoval údajnou korupci v rodině súdánského prezidenta al-Bašíra, jak už zde bylo několikrát konstatováno. Byl podmíněně odsouzen na 5 let a vůči rozsudku se odvolal. Jeho případ je jen jedním z mnoha případů porušování základních práv a svobod v Súdánu.

Víme, že svoboda tisku a svoboda vyjadřování je základním předpokladem vzniku a rozvoje svobodné společnosti. Perzekuci novinářů bychom tak měli jako Evropská unie důrazně odsoudit a tvrdě sankcionovat její iniciátory. Naopak všem těm, kteří v Súdánu bojují za přežití nezávislého tisku, musíme poskytovat veškerou možnou podporu. V případě Muhammada Zajna al-Ábidína musíme žádat spravedlivý proces.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, in a country where widespread violations of human rights have been extensively reported by international organisations such as Waging Peace, the case of Mohamed Zine al-Abidine is extremely worrying. His arrest and imprisonment follows repeated acts of intimidation and harassment, conducted by the authorities against journalists.

It is clear that the Sudanese Government seeks to silence critical voices by means of judicial harassment, censorship and confiscation of newspapers. These unacceptable actions have been taking place in the context of total disregard by Mr Omar al—Bashir, a total disregard for human rights and international law. He still has not been brought to justice regarding the grave accusations of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity that were filed against him several years ago.

The EU must use all diplomatic channels at its disposal to urge the Sudanese authorities to release Mohamed Zine al—Abidine and all the human rights defenders, journalists and political opponents behind bars in Sudan. High Representative Federica Mogherini must also put all her efforts into presenting Mr al—Bashir to the International Criminal Court.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Mr President, Sudan ranks 174th out of 180 in terms of press freedom. This gives you a clear idea of the context in which journalist Mohamed Zine al-Abidine and his editor-in-chief are facing charges for criticising alleged corruption in the family of the Sudanese President al-Bashir, a president who has escaped justice for organising war crimes and crimes against humanity. These journalists are not alone in facing repression. The Sudanese intelligence agency has been waging an actual war on freedom of information and expression for years. There is no hope for democracy if these basic values continue to be threatened.

My main concern is that the EU gives EUR 100 million in aid to Sudan on migration. We need to ensure that not a euro is diverted to fund surveillance and IT systems that could assist in repression of journalists and media. I think that the High Representative, the Commission and Member States need to step up support to civil society that can help and reform press and printing legislation.


Procedura "catch-the-eye"


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, πρέπει καταρχάς να σημειώσουμε ότι το Σουδάν δεν έχει κυρώσει την αναθεωρημένη εκδοχή της συμφωνίας του Κοτονού του 2005. Ο πρόεδρός του, al-Bashir, κατηγορείται για γενοκτονία και διαφεύγει αυτή τη στιγμή την παραπομπή στο Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο.

Είναι προφανές ότι το πρόβλημα της ελευθερίας του Τύπου είναι ένα από τα προβλήματα καταστρατήγησης των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων και ελευθεριών στο Σουδάν. Επικρατεί λογοκρισία και όποια εφημερίδα τολμήσει να ασκήσει κριτική στο καθεστώς κλείνει. Έχουμε επανειλημμένα κατασχέσεις εφημερίδων οι οποίες έχουν ασκήσει έντονη κριτική στο καθεστώς και, φυσικά, η τελευταία περίπτωση των δημοσιογράφων, κυρίως του al-Abidine, ο οποίος έκανε κριτική μέσα από την εφημερίδα του για διαφθορά στο καθεστώς.

Πρέπει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να λάβει συγκεκριμένα μέτρα απέναντι στο καθεστώς του Σουδάν και να διασφαλίσει, φυσικά, ότι όποια ευρωπαϊκή βοήθεια δίνεται πρέπει να πηγαίνει απευθείας στους πολίτες και όχι στο καθεστώς.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, Evropský parlament má povinnost se zastat nespravedlivě stíhaných, máme povinnost podporovat svobodu médií. Nemusíme chodit ani tak daleko. Vlády, které mají nějaký svůj problém a bojí se svobody slova, první zasahují proti svobodě tisku a novinářům. Podívejme se na Maltu, Turecko, Rusko.

A Súdán má ekonomické, ale také politické problémy, a tak vláda perzekuuje názorové oponenty i obyvatele, kteří bojují za svobodný Súdán.

Nedávno Parlament podpořil Petra Jaška a jeho spolupracovníky, kteří jako humanitární pracovníci podporovali nespravedlivě stíhané. A pojďme tedy také nyní podpořit Muhammada Zajna al-Ábidína a další novináře, kteří v Súdánu pomáhají hledat pravdu. Minimálně tato jejich statečnost si zaslouží naši velkou podporu.


  Carlos Iturgaiz (PPE). – Señor presidente, quiero apoyar esta Resolución en favor de la liberación de Mohamed Zin al-Abidín. Sudán es uno de los países donde hay una falta de libertad y una falta evidente de derechos humanos. El régimen de Sudán tiene sometido e intimidado a su pueblo, y el caso de Mohamed Zin al-Abidín es una muestra de cómo se reprime por la dictadura autoritaria sudanesa la libertad de la prensa por informar de la corrupción del presidente de Sudán y de su familia.

Desde la Unión Europea, señorías, debemos condenar lo que está ocurriendo en Sudán. No solo en el caso que hoy nos concierne, sino en todas las violaciones de la libertad de expresión y de los derechos que se producen en ese país africano. Como saben ustedes, Sudán recibe ayudas económicas por parte de las instituciones europeas. Y esas ayudas deben también estar circunscritas a que Sudán cumpla los requisitos democráticos de respeto de la libertad de expresión y el respeto de los derechos humanos.


(Fine della procedura "catch-the-eye")


  Phil Hogan, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, as you know, I am taking this item on behalf of Commission Vice-President Mogherini. The European Union continues to express serious concerns about the human rights situation in Sudan, which is marked by human rights violations and abuses, including restrictions on peaceful protests, media censorship, harassment and arbitrary detention of human rights defenders, the crackdown on civil society organisations and restrictions on freedom of religion. In particular, freedom of expression and press and media freedoms are also under serious threat. The security authorities continue to seize print runs, to suspend independent newspapers indefinitely, and arbitrarily to arrest and detain journalists for the critical content of their writing.

Such concerns were highlighted in a statement issued by the European Union, with like-minded partners, in December 2016. Despite some progress that Sudan has recently shown on humanitarian access and establishing a cessation of hostilities in conflict areas, changes in the domestic setting remain limited. Civil society organisations are largely inhibited from operating at full capacity, with crackdowns on protesters, human rights defenders, journalists, members of the opposition and religious minorities. The case of Mohamed Zine al-Abidine is emblematic of the problems that affect the whole country. In 2012, this journalist was detained for two weeks because of an opinion article denouncing the abuse of power by the highest circles of Sudanese leadership, which was published by the newspaper al-Tayar. As a consequence, the newspaper was immediately suspended for two years.

On 23 October the Sudanese court sentenced Zine al-Abidine to a three-year suspended sentence and the editor-in-chief, Osman Mirgani, to six months in jail for criminal conspiracy and disruption of the public order. Mirgani was released the following day after a fine for his release was paid.

The European Union has closely monitored the aforementioned prosecution and other similar cases through which the Sudanese Government tries to maintain control over the information landscape in the country. The Union will continue to call on the Government to respect freedom of expression and enable space for civil society. The Union also remains committed to supporting human rights defenders and civil society at large through various means at our disposal. The Union is, for example, supporting several projects on press freedom, as well as civic and human-rights education in Sudan through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.

The European Union strongly encourages the Government of Sudan to show full commitment to peace and reconciliation in Sudan. This includes the strengthening of the democratisation process, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the adoption of genuine political and economic reforms addressing the root causes of conflict. The EU is ready to engage with the Government of Sudan on these issues.




  La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu aujourd’hui à partir de 12 heures.

Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité