Menetlus : 2017/2962(RSP)
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PV 16/11/2017 - 4.2
CRE 16/11/2017 - 4.2

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PV 16/11/2017 - 7.2

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Istungi stenogramm
Neljapäev, 16. november 2017 - Strasbourg

4.2. Terrorirünnakud Somaalias
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  La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur cinq propositions de résolution concernant les attentats terroristes en Somalie (2017/2962(RSP)).


  Charles Tannock, author. – Madam President, a lorry in Mogadishu, loaded with explosives, tragically resulted in the deaths of 385 people, with many others injured and more than 100 buried without identification, due to the severity of their injuries. Their loved ones will never know who they are.

Somalia is a land plagued with intractable problems: terrorism, drought, famine, refugee camps, crippling debt, child soldiers and the worst corruption in the world for the tenth year running. Add to this the allegations of sexual violence by troops from the UN-backed African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the force mobilised to protect the Somalian people from extremist groups, and it is clear that this is still a very fragile nation, teetering on the edge.

The election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed was a milestone in this country’s recent history and there are some positive signs that President Mohamed is committed now to continuing the fight against al-Shabaab. By appointing representatives from different clans to ministerial office, he is also building unity across a very fractured society. The EU, too, must now do what it can by encouraging dialogue between the social sectors and ensuring that allegations against AMISOM troops are thoroughly investigated and that those responsible are rapidly brought to justice.


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, autora. – Señora presidenta, hoy me gustaría hablar de una verdad incómoda. No podemos hablar de terrorismo en Somalia sin antes señalar al elefante sentado en la habitación: un Estado, Arabia Saudí; una cifra, el 25 % de su comercio es con la Unión Europea. Somos su primer socio comercial. La verdad incómoda: Arabia Saudí es el Estado fundador y el mayor promotor del wahabismo, y es socio preferencial de la Unión Europea. Sí, de esta Unión Europea de la coherencia política.

Al terrorismo se le combate con desarrollo sostenible, con integración y cohesión social, con redistribución de la riqueza, no con militarización. La estabilización de Somalia requiere que pongamos fin a la hipocresía de nuestra acción exterior. La ayuda al desarrollo no debe condicionarse a la cooperación en política migratoria, sino que debe centrarse en alcanzar los ODS.

Pero, tristemente, el mayor gasto con diferencia de la comunidad internacional en Somalia es el militar. No objetaríamos si los drones repartieran inclusión social y derechos humanos, pero sabemos que —producto de nuestra coherencia política— esto dista muchísimo de ser así.


  Soraya Post, author. – Madam President, in October this year hundreds of people senselessly lost their lives in Somalia. Some are still missing. This is the latest in a long line of acts of violence, extremism and terror – attacks for the most part attributed to al-Shabaab.

These terrible acts have occurred in the wider context of internal conflict and instability including acute food insecurity and the fact that more than two million people have been forced to leave their homes, as internally displaced persons or refugees, in the region.

We must take a strong stand in condemning these acts of violence as well as addressing the situation that Somalia is facing when it comes to nationwide security, stability and justice – a situation which will continue to worsen without strong action in defence of civil society, human rights, democracy and rule of law.


  Hilde Vautmans, Auteur. – Vorige maand werd Somalië getroffen door twee gruwelijke bomaanslagen, met als gevolg 400 doden, honderden gewonden en tientallen vermisten. Ik ben dan ook blij dat we daar deze ochtend aandacht aan besteden. Al te vaak blijven terroristische aanslagen in Afrika immers een kleine voetnoot. Laten we vandaag dus ons medeleven betuigen aan de slachtoffers en hun familie.

Somalië is een land dat het sowieso al erg moeilijk heeft. Het lijdt onder droogte, ondervoeding en conflicten. Meer dan een miljoen mensen zijn er ontheemd. Wat me vooral zorgen baart, is het toenemende geweld en extremisme, ook onder kinderen. Daar moeten we dringend wat aan doen. We moeten stappen zetten in de strijd tegen straffeloosheid zodat daders worden bestraft. We moeten ook inzetten op de rehabilitatie van kindsoldaten. Kinderen horen te spelen, niet te vechten. We moeten voorkomen dat kindsoldaten worden geronseld door criminelen. We moeten kijken of de ontheemden kunnen terugkeren, want meer dan een miljoen mensen in Somalië zijn ontheemd. Laten we daarop inzetten. Ten slotte moeten we als Europa onze humanitaire beloften nakomen. Laten we er samen voor ijveren dat Somalië weer een land wordt waar kinderen kunnen spelen, gezond kunnen opgroeien en voeding hebben. Dank u wel.


  Joachim Zeller, Verfasser. – Frau Präsidentin! Nach der Wahl von Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed im Februar dieses Jahres zum Präsidenten von Somalia gab es die leise Hoffnung, dass sich die Lage im Land Somalia stabilisieren könnte und auch der Terrorismus im Land energischer bekämpft werden kann. Nach den feigen Bombenanschlägen im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Somalias, in Mogadischu, im Februar dieses Jahres scheint sich diese Hoffnung zu zerschlagen. Hunderte tote, verwundete und vermisste Menschen sind zu beklagen. Ihr Schicksal darf uns nicht gleichgültig sein, ihren Angehörigen gehört unser Mitgefühl.

Dabei stellt sich die Frage, wie handlungsfähig die Regierung und die Sicherheitsbehörden Somalias sind, um ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu schützen. Und auch die Somalia-Mission der Afrikanischen Union, Amison, scheint nicht in der Lage zu sein, die Aktionen von Terrororganisationen wie Al-Shabaab wirksam zu unterdrücken – im Gegenteil: Es wird berichtet, dass zum Beispiel 5 000 burundische Soldaten ihre Stellungen kampflos aufgegeben haben und die ihnen schutzbefohlene Zivilbevölkerung der Al-Shabaab-Miliz ausgeliefert haben. Amison wurde und wird über die afrikanische Friedensfazilität maßgeblich von der EU finanziert. Wir sollten dringend die Wirksamkeit dieser Hilfen überprüfen, nachdem auch ein Rechnungshofbericht erhebliche Zweifel an Effektivität und Effizienz dieser Fazilität aufwirft.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft ist gefordert, damit Somalia nicht weiter destabilisiert wird und Terrororganisationen wie Al-Shabaab nicht zu einer Gefahr für die ganze Region werden, wenn wir beispielsweise an die politisch unklare Lage in Kenia denken, wo es Hunderttausende von Flüchtlingen aus Somalia gibt.

Angesprochen wurde von den Kollegen, dass die geopolitische Lage natürlich auch eine Rolle spielt. Nördlich des Golfs von Aden haben wir den Bürgerkrieg in Jemen, jetzt eine weitere Destabilisierung der Lage in Somalia. Das kann zu einem Flächenbrand werden, der uns nicht gleichgültig sein kann. Bevor weitere Menschenleben zu beklagen sind, ist Handlung gefordert, auch von der Europäischen Union.


  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, now we are speaking about Somalia which is a very tragic situation because in Somalia, first of all, they have a famine as a result of four rainy seasons having failed, leading to 800 000 refugees and between one and a half to two million displaced persons. On top of that, it is unfortunately a very corrupt country, with Transparency International rating it for the tenth year running as the most corrupt in the world, and of course the worst of all is al-Shabaab, the terrorist organisation which caused major devastation in October.

But there is great hope for Somalia. Number one, they have a newly elected President who seems to be a good man and, as pointed out by Charles Tannock, is trying to incorporate as many groups as possible in government. Secondly, many females and young people have been elected to government. Thirdly, the people had the courage to protest publicly against al-Shabaab.

The European Union has done a lot of work here, giving EUR 3.4 billion in aid between 2015 and 2020, 60% of what Somalia has got from the world community. I think we need to work with the President and others: firstly, to establish their own security forces – as Mr Zeller said, the African Union Mission in Somali (AMISOM) is not working – and secondly, to try and fight that terrible terrorist group al-Shabaab and keep young people away from them and then we can make progress.

There is a great opportunity here. Let’s grasp it.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dopo anni di conflitto che ha causato danni immensi alla popolazione e all'economia della Somalia, il paese stava iniziando ad intravedere spiragli di pace, un ritorno alla vita e alla speranza. Poi, il terrorismo islamista con al-Shabab ha colpito con una ferocia estrema, con degli attentati vili che hanno provocato migliaia di vittime, che questa risoluzione intende fortemente condannare, ribadendo la vicinanza dell'Europa a questo processo di pace.

Invece di cedere alla paura, il popolo somalo ha reagito, mostrando la sua forza e la capacità di rimanere unito. Sta a noi ora rimanere al loro fianco, sostenere questa popolazione stremata da decenni di conflitto in un percorso autonomo di pace, coinvolgendo gli attori internazionali e regionali. Perché la pace in Somalia, signora Presidente, signor Commissario, significa pace e benessere anche per tutti i paesi del Corno d'Africa.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, I convey deepest sympathy to the families of all the casualties and the Somalian people condemning this appalling terrorist act. Taking into account all the difficulties mentioned by the author Mr Charles Tannock, the decade-long combating of al-Shabaab’s terrorist activity is a very difficult task. There is some hope after the inauguration of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and his pledge to get rid of this terrorist organisation’s acts in Somalia.

The truck bomb attack was first of all probably a reaction to this. We have to build the resilience of Somalian society and assist the government which is willing to combat it.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, the attacks in Mogadishu on 14 and 28 October resulted in unprecedented numbers of innocent people killed. I wish to convey my condolences to the victims’ families and loved ones, and actually, to all Somalis.

I am glad the EU offered emergency response quickly and hope that there will be more efforts by the international community to continue to build resilience and address structural problems. This should include meeting the needs of the 400 000 children who are suffering from malnutrition. Access to aid organisations should be granted. It is important to see the connection between the different elements that can lead to the recruitment of people to terrorist organisations.

We must also acknowledge that terrorism is a global problem and needs to be addressed in unity. I think it is a shared responsibility of the international community and I hope it will be met by all.


  Javier Couso Permuy, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora presidenta, nuestra condena más absoluta al terrorismo que asola Somalia y al atentado que causó la muerte a más de trescientas cincuenta personas. Pero estamos perdiendo la batalla al perder los valores. No solo sirve la óptica militar. Y más cuando es un calco de esa guerra contra el terror que promovió la Administración Bush, que siguió Obama, y que ha seguido el presidente Trump. Los vemos, sus resultados, no solo en Somalia sino en Afganistán y otros lugares.

El asesinato extrajudicial y extraterritorial por medio de drones no es solo una afrenta al Derecho, sino que causa inaceptables víctimas inocentes que, además, son caldo de cultivo para el terrorismo. Tampoco iniciativas como el proceso de Jartum para externalizar el control fronterizo son la solución.

Nadie emigra por gusto y la militarización de ese control fronterizo no es la solución, sino invertir todos los medios en desarrollo sostenible de igual a igual, atacar la financiación del terrorismo, señalar claramente a los culpables, como los saudíes y el wahabismo, actuar con los actores regionales para estabilizar y combatir el terrorismo.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, la Somalie est l’une des plus grandes tragédies africaines. Déchirée depuis la fin de la Guerre froide, le pays est confronté à toutes les plaies du continent africain: islamisme, divisions ethniques, pillages des ressources et ingérences occidentales et africaines.

Nous échouons souvent dans le développement en Afrique, car il nous manque une approche complète et consciente du terrain.

Nous oublions trop souvent que développement et sécurité doivent aller de pair.

Je tiens à souligner tout de même le courage des services extérieurs, de nos services extérieurs, notamment de la Commission, qui ont voulu s’implanter là-bas, sur place.

Cela va dans le bon sens d’une approche de terrain. Nous devons cependant éviter une approche trop souvent libérale, car nous pensons que le développement peut se faire sans État et sans protectionnisme. En cela, les accords de Lomé sont bien plus avancés que ceux actuels de Cotonou.

Je suis sûr qu’un travail parlementaire conjoint aboutira de manière positive à cette approche du codéveloppement.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, αρχικά, δεν νομίζω να υπάρχει κανείς σώφρων άνθρωπος που να μην καταδικάζει απερίφραστα τις τρομοκρατικές επιθέσεις των φανατικών ισλαμιστών. Υπάρχουν 300 νεκροί και 300 τραυματίες από την πρόσφατη βομβιστική επίθεση στην πρωτεύουσα της Σομαλίας, Mogadishu, και οι αρχές θεωρούν βέβαιο ότι πρόκειται για ενέργεια της al-Shabaab.

Η Σομαλία είναι μια χώρα που εδώ και δεκαετίες πλήττεται από αστάθεια, ένοπλες συγκρούσεις, εμφυλίους, προβλήματα σίτισης του πληθυσμού, επιδημίες -όπως η χολέρα- και, φυσικά, έχει ένα τεράστιο πρόβλημα διαφθοράς. Οι επεμβάσεις της Δύσης, κατά καιρούς, δεν κατάφεραν να λύσουν τα προβλήματα και απλά αντικαθιστούσαν τη μία διεφθαρμένη ολιγαρχία με άλλη. Ακόμα και ο στρατός, υποστηριζόμενος από τις κυβερνήσεις της Δύσης, συνεχίζει μέχρι και σήμερα να στρατολογεί ανηλίκους.

Εκ θέσεως είμαστε αντίθετοι σε επεμβάσεις στα εσωτερικά ζητήματα τρίτων χωρών, θα πρέπει όμως να εντοπίσουμε τις πηγές χρηματοδότησης όλων αυτών στη Σομαλία και να απαγορεύσουμε αυστηρά σε κάθε εταιρεία που δραστηριοποιείται στην Ένωση να έχει οποιαδήποτε οικονομική συναλλαγή που, όπως αποδεικνύεται τελικά, είναι το βασικότερο κίνητρο όλων αυτών των συγκρούσεων.

Θα ήθελα να αναφέρω στο Σώμα ότι αυτές τις μέρες στην Ελλάδα υπάρχει μία φονική πλημμύρα στην οποία έχουν χάσει τη ζωή τους 16 άτομα, 26 έχουν τραυματιστεί και 6 αγνοούνται. Ελπίζω η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να βοηθήσει την κατάσταση.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE). – Paní předsedající, pane komisaři, 358 obětí hrůzného teroristického útoku spáchaného 14. října tohoto roku v Mogadišu uctíme nejlépe tím, že budeme pokračovat ve snaze obnovit fungující somálský stát.

Komise zaslouží poděkování za rychlou reakci a pomoc při zajištění lékařské péče obětem tohoto atentátu. Dle Transparency International je Somálsko nejzkorumpovanější zemí na světě. Následky této korupce jsou jasné. V Somálsku trpí 400 000 dětí podvýživou. Tři miliony Somálců žijí na hranici hladomoru. Hrozbu celonárodního hladomoru dosud nemůžeme vyloučit.

Teroristé z takto rozvrácené společnosti samozřejmě těží. Boj proti terorismu v Somálsku začíná zajištěním základních životních potřeb obyvatelům Somálska. V této humanitární pomoci musí Evropská unie pokračovat. Měla by zároveň mobilizovat celé mezinárodní společenství, především sousední a další státy regionu, aby každý podle svých možností přispěl ke konci Somálska na území, které kontrolují více teroristé než vláda Somálska.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! Der grässliche Anschlag vom 21. Oktober in Mogadischu hat das leidgeprüfte Somalia für kurze Zeit wieder einmal in den Mittelpunkt des Weltinteresses gerückt. Seit einem Vierteljahrhundert herrscht hier Rechtlosigkeit, weil die Staatlichkeit nur in Ansätzen existiert. Das ist auch einer der Gründe für die zunehmende Destabilisierung der gesamten Region. Das Horn von Afrika ist eine der instabilsten Zonen dieser Welt.

Die tragischen Ereignisse sollten unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Region lenken und Anlass zu neuen politischen Anstrengungen geben. Europa sollte neben diplomatischen Bemühungen vor allem auch die somalische Diaspora unterstützen. Diese ist der einzige Hoffnungsträger für ein neues Somalia. Vor allem müssen wir die Mittel für die humanitäre Hilfe erhöhen und unsere Zusagen einhalten. Wir sollten auch auf Saudi-Arabien einwirken, seine Unterstützung für die wahhabitischen Extremisten einzustellen.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-жо Председател, уважаеми г-н Комисар, уважаеми колеги, нарастващото присъствие на групировката „Ислямска държава“ в Сомалия може да стане значителна заплаха, ако тя успее да привлече джихадистките бойци, които ще избягат от рухващите бастиони в Сирия и в Ирак. Според доклада на ООН бойците на „Ислямска държава“ в Сомалия са нараснали многократно. Както всички знаем, от над десет години в Сомалия съществува ислямистката и много опасна групировка „Аш Шабаб“ – терористична организация, която се стреми да установи пълен контрол над мюсюлманите в трите разкъсани региона в страната и да наложи шериатското право.

Наскоро президентът Мохамед Абдулахи Мохамед изрази позицията, че е обявил състояние на война срещу групировката „Аш Шабаб“. Смятаме, че ние като общност трябва да подкрепим Сомалия по пътя на стабилизацията, защото видяхме какво се случи в Северна Африка, когато бяха разпаднати държавите там и се отвори кутията на Пандора, която заля Европа с вълна от мигранти и насилие. Трябва да спомогнем за това тероризмът да бъде спрян в зародиш, за да не изпаднем отново в ситуацията Европа да бъде спасителен пояс и да подлагаме държавите и гражданите си на риск.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE). – Madam President, in recent years, the EU has shown its strong and longstanding commitment to supporting Somalia and its people. The EU’s engagement in the country has intensified over the years, with the Union remaining the largest donor in terms of both political engagement and financial and technical support and expertise. Unfortunately, the ongoing conflicts and power struggles within Somalia have destabilised the country’s political and security environment, leading to the rise of terrorism and large refugee movements both within the country and beyond its borders.

In less than a year the terrorist group al-Shabaab, the local branch of al-Qa’ida, has conducted more than 20 attacks in Mogadishu, leaving hundreds of people dead and more than a thousand injured. Terrorist attacks weaken and reverse the gains made today. Therefore, I call on the EU to use active diplomacy to encourage the international community to remain strongly engaged, through a process of state-building and security in Somalia. The EU and the international community should improve political and security stability in the country, because terrorism is a common threat that must be tackled on the basis of full cooperation.


  Kateřina Konečná (GUE/NGL). – Paní předsedající, situace v Somálsku je dlouhodobě složitá a bezútěšná. Vnitřně rozdělená země se stala obětí vzestupu náboženského extremismu a s ním spojeného násilí. Teroristické útoky v oblasti jsou bohužel velmi časté a souvisí i s aktem pomsty. Stejně tak tomu bylo minulý měsíc, kdy somálský voják odpálil v hlavním městě kamion naplněný hned několika stovkami kilogramů výbušnin a zabil přes 350 osob. Tento zbabělý čin byl reakcí na jiný, stejně zbabělý čin, ke kterému došlo v srpnu. 7 dospělých neozbrojeným farmářů a tři děti byli zabiti vládními a americkými jednotkami na jihu země. Chci proto apelovat na to, aby se naše odsouzení hanebných činů neřídilo podle toho, pod jakou vlajkou k nim došlo. V otázkách obrany nevinných nesmíme hledět na to, koho považujeme za spojence, ale měřit všem stejným metrem.


  Angelo Ciocca (ENF). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, un pensiero va alle famiglie e alle vittime dei vigliacchi e vili attentati terroristici di matrice islamista, ovviamente. Però ora l'Europa deve agire, l'Europa deve reagire. L'Europa come può reagire? Fermando i canali di finanziamento del terrorismo islamista, in primis la tratta dei clandestini. L'Europa, per sconfiggere il terrorismo, deve difendere i confini e non può continuare invece a pagare quella che è un'accoglienza folle e criminale.

Se dovessimo riflettere per qualche secondo assieme sui moventi del recente attentato islamista in Somalia, che ha visto coinvolti ben 358 morti, individueremo almeno due moventi. Il primo movente è l'obiettivo di instaurare la Sharia in Somalia, ma il secondo obiettivo, più profondo e di business e di profitto, è creare spavento, creare destabilizzazione del popolo somalo per spingerlo nel percorso criminale delle partenze clandestine verso l'Europa.

Ben 200 000 somali hanno raggiunto l'Italia negli ultimi cinque anni. Allora, un'Europa che difende i confini è un'Europa che vuole chiudere definitivamente i rubinetti ai finanziamenti del terroristi, un'Europa che difende i confini è un'Europa che vuole dire basta e sconfiggere il terrorismo, un'Europa che difende i confini è un'Europa che vuole debellare realmente il problema del terrorismo nel nostro paese.


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Madam President, the bombing in central Mogadishu on 14 October was one of the most lethal terrorist attacks in recent years. It killed over 350 people, left more than 200 injured, and many are still missing. Al-Shabaab, the organisation responsible for such barbarity, had not itself foreseen the scale of its own operation. They did not even claim public responsibility for the loss of so many lives, for fear of angering the citizens and losing support for their insurgency.

The population did not even have time to mourn for these victims before yet another brutal attack took place on 28 October. Somalia is under attack, and it needs our support to continue. I therefore appeal to the African Union and the United Nations: this is not the time to withdraw troops from the country. We cannot abandon Somalia in their time of need. Only with a joint effort can we hope to defeat the terrorists and soon restore peace in Somalia.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, καταδικάζουμε απερίφραστα την τρομοκρατική επίθεση που έγινε στις 14 Οκτωβρίου στο Mogadishu και είχε πάρα πολλά θύματα· 358 νεκρούς και 228 τραυματίες. Μια τρομοκρατική ενέργεια της al-Shabaab, της γνωστής ισλαμιστικής τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης, η οποία βεβαίως στρατολογεί συνεχώς παιδιά, αλλά και άλλους πολίτες στη Σομαλία, ακριβώς επειδή υπάρχει φτώχεια. Το 75% του πληθυσμού ζει κάτω από το όριο της φτώχειας, ο υποσιτισμός έχει πλήξει 400.000 παιδιά και υπάρχουν και πάρα πολλοί πρόσφυγες. Αποτελεί, λοιπόν, λίπασμα για την τρομοκρατία η άσχημη οικονομική κατάσταση που επικρατεί στη Σομαλία· 420.000 πρόσφυγες βρίσκονται μόνο στην Κένυα.

Αντιλαμβάνεστε, λοιπόν, ότι χρειάζεται μία δραστική παρέμβαση προκειμένου να σταθεροποιηθεί η κατάσταση και, κυρίως, να υπάρξει οικονομική ανάπτυξη στη Σομαλία, για να μην έχουμε ούτε παράνομους μετανάστες στην Ευρώπη και κυρίως για να μπορέσουν οι άνθρωποι αυτοί να στηρίξουν την πατρίδα τους.


Interventions à la demande


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Somalia od dłuższego już czasu regularnie jest ofiarą przerażających i jednocześnie tchórzliwych ataków terrorystycznych, włączając w to październikowy atak bombowy w Mogadiszu będący jednym z najkrwawszych zamachów na świecie. Prawie wszystkie te ataki mają jeden wspólny mianownik: Asz-Szabab. Nie ulega więc wątpliwości, że niezbędne są kompleksowe działania mające na celu likwidację tej organizacji terrorystycznej. Sądzę, że rezultat lutowych wyborów prezydenckich i dojście do władzy prezydenta Abdullahi Mohameda dają szansę na pozytywne zmiany w tym kierunku. Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że obok wzmocnienia sił bezpieczeństwa równie ważne są działania dodatkowe, takie jak ograniczenie źródeł finansowania Asz-Szabab poprzez kontrolę pochodzenia zasobów naturalnych czy też zmniejszenie ryzyka rekrutacji przez Asz-Szabab osób młodych, na przykład poprzez zwiększenie liczby miejsc pracy.


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Phil Hogan, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, on behalf of Vice-President Mogherini I want to indicate to the House the view of the Commission in relation to the matter that has been raised arising from the terrorist attacks in Somalia. On 14 October, Somalia suffered one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in recent history, when a truck filled with explosives detonated in a busy area of Mogadishu. Some 350 civilians died and many more were injured. Only two weeks later, on 28 October, another deadly terror attack hit Mogadishu.

The High Representative and Vice-President Federica Mogherini spoke to President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo) to express condolences at both occasions and reaffirm the European Union’s long-term commitment to Somalia and its people. I am sure everybody in this House will join with me in expressing our sincerest condolences to the victims and their families.

Terrorist attacks are not uncommon in Somalia and the terrorist organisation al-Shabaab unfortunately remains a continuous threat to the building of a peaceful and democratic society benefiting the Somali people. In the last few years, thanks to the collective work of the Somalis themselves, coupled with the support of the international community, Somalia – following decades of civil war, clan feuds and disarray – has seen positive political developments. Slowly a federal state with institutions is being established.

AMISOM, the African Union’s peace-keeping operation, has been essential in providing a security space for political progress to happen. The European Union, including its Member States, is by far the largest supporter of Somalia, with a collective contribution of EUR 3.5 billion in 2015 to 2020. The important and positive progress cannot be reversed. It is essential for Somalia’s advancement and security, and it is important for stability in the region and beyond. The Federal Government of Somalia now has to show leadership and determination. Only political inclusivity, joint commitment and unity between the federal and regional levels will move Somalia out of this constant crisis mode.

We therefore welcome the recent meetings convened by President Farmajo and by Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre between the federal government and the federal member states. The security situation has to be tackled up-front, and the concrete building of a Somali-owned security architecture in line with the agreed stability pact has to move forward. Equally, the federal project must move forward, fundamentally in finalising the constitutional review to resolve the outstanding issues of power and resource sharing between the federal government and the federal member states.

All of these reforms should allow Somalia to take ownership of its own security and its own economic potential. In turn, it will create the conditions for AMISOM’s gradual draw-down.


  La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu aujourd’hui à 12 heures.

Déclarations écrites (article 162)


  Mark Demesmaeker (ECR), schriftelijk. – Onze delegatie betreurt de zware tol die de aanslag van 14 oktober in Mogadishu heeft geëist. Somalië wordt al jaren gewurgd door geweld uit extremistische hoek. Aanslagen, executies en ontvoeringen domineren er het dagelijkse leven. Met deze laatste aanslag bereikte de brutaliteit echter een absoluut dieptepunt: 358 onschuldige burgers lieten het leven en vele honderden geraakten gewond. We mogen terreur nooit gewoon worden. Ook niet in Somalië. Daarom roepen wij de internationale gemeenschap op om het land te helpen in zijn strijd tegen terreur en zo het pad vrij te maken naar vrede en stabiliteit.


  Monica Macovei (ECR), in writing. – We are all too familiar with the horrific effects of terror in Europe in these recent years, yet we must also focus on Africa, where terrorism is devastating Somalia. The country has suffered another terrorist attack in the form of a truck bomb, which struck Mogadishu. In this particular strike, more than 300 people were killed and 500 were injured. This attack is unfortunately another chapter in the story of terrorism in Somalia. Mogadishu has seen four separate bombings in the year 2017 alone. Hundreds have been killed as a result.

This issue is a crisis for both Somalia and Africa. The EU and Africa have had a prosperous and beneficial relationship for many years, however that relationship is being jeopardised as a result of these repeated terrorist attacks. In order to ensure a better future for both Africa and the EU, we must deliver technical and financial support to the Somali Government to help them fight terrorism.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE). – Zdecydowanie potępiam krwawy atak terrorystyczny przeprowadzony 14 października tego roku w Mogadiszu, w wyniku którego życie straciło przynajmniej 358 osób, a pozostałe 228 odniosły rany. Zamachy terrorystyczne, strzelaniny w miejscach publicznych, egzekucje i porwania w Mogadiszu uległy nasileniu szczególnie w ostatnich miesiącach. Mając na uwadze ograniczoną zdolność Somalii do ochrony swoich obywateli przed przemocą oraz ryzyko powrotu kraju do stanu anarchii, Unia Afrykańska powinna poważnie rozważyć możliwość przedłużenia Misji Unii Afrykańskiej w Somalii (AMISOM) poza rok 2018. Ponadto apeluję do Komisji Europejskiej o przeznaczenie większej puli środków w ramach Instrumentu na rzecz Pokoju w Afryce na przeciwdziałanie terroryzmowi i radykalizacji. Zwracam się też do Rady Unii Europejskiej o rozważenie możliwości poszerzenia mandatu Szkoleniowej Misji Wojskowej w Somalii (EUTM Somalia) o działania antyterrorystyczne, przy jednoczesnym zwiększeniu stanu osobowego misji. Chroniczna destabilizacja tego państwa przyczynia się do masowej ucieczki Somalijczyków z ich kraju i poszukiwania lepszych warunków życia w Europie. Kryzys migracyjny ostatnich lat pokazał, że nasze możliwości pomocy w tej kwestii są ograniczone, dlatego też zwracam się o wsparcie Unii Europejskiej dla działań ukierunkowanych na rozwiązanie problemu migracji u źródeł jego powstawania.

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