 Pilns teksts 
Procedūra : 2016/0133(COD)
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls sēdē
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls : A8-0345/2017

Iesniegtie teksti :


Debates :

Balsojumi :

PV 16/11/2017 - 7.4
CRE 16/11/2017 - 7.4

Pieņemtie teksti :

Debašu stenogramma
Ceturtdiena, 2017. gada 16. novembris - Strasbūra

7.4. Kritēriju un mehānismu paredzēšana, lai noteiktu dalībvalsti, kura ir atbildīga par trešās valsts valstspiederīgā vai bezvalstnieka starptautiskās aizsardzības pieteikuma izskatīšanu, kas iesniegts kādā no dalībvalstīm (pārstrādāta redakcija) (A8-0345/2017 - Cecilia Wikström) (balsošana)

  João Pimenta Lopes (GUE/NGL). – Um ponto de ordem, Senhora Presidente, para apresentar um protesto. É meio-dia e dez, o documento que vamos agora votar, ainda que sendo só uma expressão do seu consentimento, está disponível apenas numa língua desta casa, quando o documento data do dia 6 de novembro.

Trata-se de uma violação do princípio do multilinguismo que limita a capacidade dos deputados desta casa de avaliarem na sua própria língua o documento em questão e que deveria impedir a votação de qualquer documento, este ou outro, nestas condições. Será, naturalmente, o resultado daquilo que são os cortes orçamentais no que diz respeito à tradução e temos que apresentar este protesto.


  Die Präsidentin. – Danke schön, Herr Pimenta Lopes! Wir stimmen heute nicht über den Bericht als solchen ab, sondern nur über den Beschluss des LIBE-Ausschusses, Verhandlungen aufzunehmen. Für die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen ist nach unserer Geschäftsordnung keine Übersetzung des Berichts in alle Amtssprachen erforderlich. Der Bericht liegt seit vergangener Woche auf Englisch vor. Dies ist die Trilog-übliche Vorgehensweise. Die Übersetzung wird nachgereicht.

Wir kommen nun zur Abstimmung über den Beschluss des LIBE-Ausschusses auf Grundlage des Berichts von Frau Wikström.


  Cecilia Wikström, rapporteur. – Madam President, the European Parliament has managed to do something quite unusual: we have united the EPP, the Socialist Group, the ALDE Group, the Greens and the GUE Group to build a solid reform of the Dublin Regulation, based on solidarity. It is a complicated, delicate file, but according to the Eurobarometer of this year 70% of citizens of Europe expect the European Union to deliver on this, to deliver on the collapsed system that we have today.

It is high time today that we deliver. United we are strong. The alternative is that we stand, as of today, with no policy on a very topical and very difficult area, namely migration. If we cannot manage to unite, the European Parliament makes itself completely irrelevant. If we are united we can also ask the Council to come up with a position where they can unite. We have united, more than 200 political parties of Europe, on this, and a big majority of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee.

Now the Council does not even have a position. We have a position that will change the reality out there, so, colleagues, today I stand before you asking for your confidence to start negotiations based on solidarity, based on European policy, creating an asylum system that is going to change the chaos of today and turn it into order. The alternative we know very well. It is your choice. Ask me, together with my team, to enter into negotiations, or defend the failed policy as of today in front of your citizens, if you can.


  Die Präsidentin. – Entschuldigung. Danke schön Frau Wikström. Herr Pimenta hat die Gegenrede bereits gehalten.

Deswegen können wir jetzt zur Abstimmung übergehen.

Der Beschluss des Ausschusses wurde vom Parlament gebilligt. Die Verhandlungen können jederzeit aufgenommen werden.

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