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Maandag 11 december 2017 - Straatsburg Herziene uitgave

22. Opmerkingen van één minuut over kwesties van politiek belang
Video van de redevoeringen

  Preşedinte. – Următorul punct pe ordinea de zi sunt intervenții de un minut privind chestiuni politice importante (articolul 163 din Regulamentul de procedură).


  Andor Deli (PPE). – Mr President, the ‘roaming like at home’ rule was one of the most significant success stories of the EU this year. Now we have to take it one step further by expanding it to the Western Balkan candidate states already during the accession negotiations. By cancelling roaming charges, we could reach out to every citizen in the Western Balkan region, proving to them that the EU’s commitment to enlargement is sincere. This would be beneficial to the economies too, through market integration and better services.

As we all know, telecommunication and connectivity are the driving forces of development, which is greatly needed in that region. The first bilateral steps have already been taken by Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia, but we need a Europe—wide approach. Therefore, I call on the Commission to draw up a special roadmap as soon as possible.


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, three months ago, I raised the plight of the Rohingya. Today, I speak out again about the atrocities being committed by the Burmese military, which clearly amount to ethnic cleansing and genocide. Myanmar and Bangladesh have recently reached an agreement for the return of the Rohingya to their homes, yet any returns must be voluntary and done under UN peacekeeping supervision. But what would they return to? An apartheid system, an open-air prison and a system of repression with every aspect of their daily lives severely restricted.

The world must not stand by in the face of this oppression, and this week’s resolution must demand concerted global action. We must apply maximum pressure on the Burmese military with targeted sanctions against all those involved. The time for rhetoric has finished. We must show the Rohingya community that we stand shoulder to shoulder with their struggle for human rights. The Myanmar Government must be held to account for its actions. We are the hope for our desperate Rohingya brothers and sisters. Let us get justice, dignity and equality for them.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н Председател, уважаеми колеги, искам да обърна Вашето внимание върху една провокация, която направи за пореден път министър-председателят на Република Турция, това е г-н Ердоган. Той заяви териториални претенции за пореден път над мюсюлманското население в Тракия. Това е изключително нахално, изключително неприемливо, изключително арогантно, защото този човек за пореден път си позволи да иска преначертаване на границите на Балканите.

Всички ние, особено Вие, г-н Председател, знаем добре какво означава да се иска преначертаване на границите на Балканите. Това е нещо твърде опасно и твърде нередно. Г-н Ердоган си позволи и си позволява да прави провокации към суверенитета на нашите държави и нашите граници. Ние не можем да позволяваме това, особено когато той прави това в съучастие с външни сили, които са вредни и които са срещу интереса на Европейския съюз на Балканите. Ние трябва да се противопоставим.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). – Señor presidente, señora comisaria, los conflictos territoriales son peligrosos, generan inestabilidad. La Unión debe prevenirlos protegiendo lo que funciona y denunciando marcos jurídicos y actitudes políticas que vetan el diálogo y la negociación como herramientas de convivencia. Por eso, pido a las instituciones de la Unión su apoyo al Concierto Económico vasco y al Convenio Económico navarro, sistemas centenarios de responsabilidad fiscal constitucionales, respaldados por mayorías cercanas al 90 % en las Cortes Generales, que implican riesgo unilateral y son transparentes, solidarios y eficaces para el desarrollo del autogobierno regional.

Los informes anuales de fiscalidad de este Parlamento reiteran que Concierto y Convenio fomentan la responsabilidad fiscal y financiera, previenen el déficit y la corrupción e impulsan actuaciones de profundo contenido social y políticas de apoyo a la economía real que combaten la marginación y generan empleo. Los tribunales de la Unión los consideran plenamente legales por su autonomía institucional, económica y normativa.

Impidan que la demagogia, el oportunismo, el más rancio nacionalismo y la irresponsabilidad enfrenten a comunidades y creen problemas de convivencia donde no existen, como acaba de reconocer el presidente del Gobierno de España.


  Lynn Boylan (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, Jean—Claude Juncker likes to refer to PESCO as the sleeping beauty of Lisbon, but I am not sure exactly what the Commission President finds beautiful about wasting billions of euros of public money on weaponry. I prefer it when he is more up front about his intentions, such as in 2015 when he called for an EU army. PESCO and its references to structured cooperation belie what is really afoot: this is a war alliance – a war alliance dreamed up by imperialist nations like France who are still playing their imperialist games in Africa.

In 2008, the Irish people recognised the threat posed by the Lisbon Treaty to their neutrality. They were forced to vote again on the basis that they would have constitutional protection that Ireland would be excluded from any EU common defence programme. Yet here we are in 2017, and the Irish Government has pandered to the EU and its arms industry by joining Ireland up to the PESCO war alliance and committing to increased military expenditure when we have people dying on our streets.


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, last week around 50 000 Catalans demonstrated in Brussels, asking Europe to finally ‘wake up’. Instead of defending fundamental rights and democracy, the EU has preferred to support Rajoy, the leader of one of the most corrupt parties in Europe and also the leader of a government which, among other things, is unable to control public finances, to the extent that it has completely emptied the public pension fund.

I am sure that, sooner or later, the European Union will realise how wrong it has been with Catalonia because you simply cannot defend the very idea of Europe and, at the same time, by looking the other way, endorse repression against voters, the jailing of political opponents and the seizing of self—government institutions. Without taking into account the people, their needs and their legitimate aspirations, the European Union has no future. We, the Catalans, love Europe, but we want another European Union.



  Mario Borghezio (ENF). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'Unione europea – venendo all'argomento – volta lo sguardo dall'altra parte quando si tratta dei diritti umani del popolo catalano.

Ma io vi voglio parlare di un evento tragico di dieci anni fa a Torino, la mia città: in una fabbrica della ThyssenKrupp sono morti sette operai, sette operai italiani, eroi del lavoro. A distanza di dieci anni i responsabili di quel gravissimo incidente, che non avevano previsto le misure più elementari di sicurezza, solo gli imputati italiani sono stati incarcerati, ma i due maggiori responsabili, i due grandi manager della società tedesca vivono tranquillamente, anzi hanno fatto carriera in Germania nella loro società.

Solo qualche settimana fa la Procura di Essen ha iniziato la lunga procedura, ripeto, a distanza di dieci anni. Io chiedo che si intervenga perché la Germania rispetti gli accordi europei in tema di giustizia: chi ha queste responsabilità – ripeto: sono morti sette operai, le loro vedove e i loro figli chiedono giustizia – devono essere incarcerati i responsabili.


  Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το χτύπημα στο δικαίωμα στην απεργία αποτελεί στρατηγική επιλογή του κεφαλαίου, της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, των κυβερνήσεών της. Αποφάσεις του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαστηρίου, νόμοι ουσιαστικής υπονόμευσης και στην πράξη κατάργησής του σε χώρες όπως το Βέλγιο, τη Βρετανία, την Ιταλία στρώνουν το έδαφος. Η κυβέρνηση ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΑΝΕΛ, στον ίδιο δρόμο, με ράμματα στη γούνα της αμέτρητες δικαστικές αποφάσεις παράνομων και καταχρηστικών απεργιών, εν ισχύ πολιτικές επιστρατεύσεις, ξυλοδαρμούς και συλλήψεις απεργών στηρίζει και ενισχύει την εργοδοτική τρομοκρατία, την αντεργατική επίθεση που φουντώνει, και με τη στήριξη των εργατοπατέρων.

Προκειμένου να ικανοποιήσει τις απαιτήσεις του κεφαλαίου δείχνει το φόβο της απέναντι σε κάθε οργανωμένη κινητοποίηση των εργατών. Οι εργαζόμενοι, το ταξικό τους κίνημα υπερασπίζονται το δικαίωμά τους να παλεύουν για το βιος και τις ανάγκες τους. Στις 14 Δεκέμβρη υπερασπιζόμαστε το απεργιακό δικαίωμα με απεργία, έχοντας τη στήριξη και αλληλεγγύη δεκάδων ταξικών συνδικάτων από την Ευρώπη και όλο τον κόσμο. Το χτύπημα στο απεργιακό δικαίωμα δεν θα περάσει.


  László Tőkés (PPE). – 1989. december 15-én, Temesváron vette kezdetét a Ceausescu-diktatúrát megdöntő romániai forradalom.

70 éve, 1947 decemberében döntötték meg a román alkotmányos monarchiát, és fosztották meg trónjától, majd űzték el az országból I. Mihály királyt a hatalomra jutó kommunisták. A romániai kommunista uralom kezdetét és végét jelentő két történelmi évforduló szolgáljon memento gyanánt arra nézve, hogy Románia népe szabadságban akar élni, és nem hagyja „ellopni a forradalmát”. Mihály király, az egykori alkotmányos uralkodó mostani halála is erre emlékeztessen bennünket!

A romániai magyar közösség osztozik a román nép gyászában és reménységében.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D). – Domnule președinte, dragi colegi, în actualul context în care euroscepticismul câștigă teren bazându-se pe lipsa de informare a cetățenilor privind importanța Uniunii Europene, pe mesaje eronate, denaturate, referitoare la rolul instituțiilor europene în viața de zi cu zi a cetățenilor, consider că este important să combatem aceste curente de opinie prin care sunt induse anumite idei deformate, conform cărora toate lucrurile rele sunt dictate de la Bruxelles, statul național și-a pierdut suveranitatea sau că Uniunea Europeană este o construcție menită să distrugă spiritul național.

Prin urmare, pentru a avea un succes real în lupta de idei cu cei care doresc dezmembrarea Uniunii Europene, vă supun dezbaterii propunerea de a cere Comisiei Europene adoptarea unor reglementări prin care să introducem, la nivel european, în programa școlară a anilor terminali de colegiu a unei materii despre Uniunea Europeană. Scopul acesteia este o prezentare a instituțiilor europene, a locului și rolului acesteia în societate și în viața de zi cu zi a cetățenilor Uniunii Europene. Personal, consider că, fără o educație în acest sens, noi europenii lăsăm viran un terenul unde sloganurile și discursurile eurosceptice sădesc încet, dar sigur, sămânța neîncrederii în viitorul Uniunii Europene.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ο πρόεδρος της Τουρκίας, Ερντογάν, συνεχίζει τις προκλήσεις του κατά της πατρίδας μου της Ελλάδας. Έτσι, χωρίς να σέβεται καν τους κανόνες της διπλωματίας αλλά και της φιλοξενίας, κατά την πρόσφατη επίσκεψή του στην Ελλάδα, ακόμη και εντός του Προεδρικού Μεγάρου, μίλησε για αναθεώρηση της Συνθήκης της Λωζάννης, για γκρίζες ζώνες στο Αιγαίο και για δήθεν τουρκική μειονότητα στη Θράκη μας, στη Θράκη, όπου κατά την επίσκεψή του ήταν ιδιαίτερα προκλητικός.

Κι όλα αυτά τη στιγμή που έχουμε αμέτρητες παραβιάσεις του ελληνικού εναέριου χώρου, των ελληνικών χωρικών υδάτων, τη στιγμή που η Τουρκία διατηρεί το casus belli κατά της Ελλάδας, για να αυξήσει τα χωρικά της ύδατα στα δώδεκα μίλια. Mε διαρκείς παρεμβάσεις μου στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο έχω κρούσει τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου για τις επικίνδυνες τακτικές της κυβέρνησης Ερντογάν αλλά και για το καθεστώς ατιμωρησίας που διέπει τις σχέσεις Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Τουρκίας. Όμως ο ελληνικός λαός δεν ανέχεται τις προκλήσεις της Τουρκίας και του Ερντογάν και για άλλη μια φορά τούς απαντά: «Μολών λαβέ».


  Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Mr President, 22 years ago we stopped the war in Bosnia by pushing a constitution on that country that nobody wanted. This created a country with three presidents, believe it or not 280 ministers, two entities, 10 cantons – and every one of these has a right of veto. The country is obviously impossible to govern and now, 22 years later, one of the main reasons why Bosnia is not to be considered a frontrunner for the coming Commission Strategy for the Western Balkans is the lack of progress, but that lack of progress was created by the constitution we pushed on that country. Nobody wanted it – no Bosniaks, no Serbs, no Croats, no Jews – so it is time to stop pretending. I demand that the Commission include all that country in the coming strategy and not exclude anyone.


  Janusz Korwin-Mikke (NI). – Tydzień temu mówiłem w Parlamencie o poczynaniach pana Michała Saakaszwilego, byłego prezydenta Gruzji, na Ukrainie. Nikt się tym nie zainteresował. W międzyczasie pan Saakaszwili znalazł się w więzieniu i nadal dzielnie przemawia przeciwko skorumpowanemu reżimowi na Ukrainie. Chciałbym zauważyć, że my jako Unia Europejska ten reżim wspieramy. Również państwo polskie wspiera ten reżim. A z kolei pan Saakaszwili jest kawalerem Orderu Odrodzenia Polski nadanego mu przez prezydenta Polski. Tak się składa, że im więcej pieniędzy daje się jakiemuś krajowi, tym bardziej rośnie w nim korupcja. Można to zauważyć na przykład w Wietnamie, kiedy Amerykanie popierali Południowy Wietnam, to można zauważyć również, kiedy Amerykanie popierali demokratyczną armię Syrii – jaka tam była korupcja. To samo jest niestety z pieniędzmi dawanymi reżimowi pana Poroszenki. Moja sympatia jest tutaj po stronie pana Saakaszwilego i uważam, że Unia powinna się zainteresować jego losem.


  Matt Carthy (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, last week, with almost zero public debate, the Fine Gael—Fianna Fáil Government signed Ireland up to PESCO. Among the most ludicrous of arguments the proponents asserted was that we needed to sell off Irish neutrality in order to show support for the EU and its values. Since when did increasing national defence budgets, creating new military capabilities, fuelling the arms industry and compromising respect for human rights and democracy become core values of the European Union? It is no coincidence that this military push is taking place, concurrently but entirely separately, to discussions on the future of Europe.

Has democracy in the European Union become such a farce that the response to growing disenchantment is to do exactly what was always intended, only quicker and with even less oversight than was originally envisaged? Citizens want an EU that delivers for them, their families, their communities and their countries. There is no evidence that they want EU military expansion.



  Daniel Buda (PPE). – Domnule președinte, doresc în această seară să aduc în atenția Parlamentului European situația inadmisibilă a unei instituții din România prin care se derulează fonduri europene pentru agricultură, respectiv Agenția de Intervenție și Plăți pentru Agricultură.

Funcționarii acestei instituții denunță politica salarială a guvernului PSD-ALDE, în condițiile în care urmează ca de la 1 ianuarie 2018 să aibă loc o scădere a salariului cu sume de pana la 500 de euro. Nemulțumirile sunt generate și de diferențele salariale dintre aparatul central și cel teritorial, unde salariile ar urma să fie mult mai mici, cu toate că aceștia sunt cei care procesează dosarele fermierilor, desfășurând practic cea mai grea activitate. În același timp, existența unor diferențe salariale față de alte instituții care derulează fonduri europene pentru agricultură generează o situație profund inechitabilă.

Atrag atenția Ministrului Agriculturii și premierului Mihai Tudose că România oricum este deficitară la capitolul absorbției fondurilor europene, iar nemulțumirile din acest sector pot duce la blocarea plăților pentru fermieri, cu consecințe incomensurabile pentru agricultorii din România.


  Alex Mayer (S&D). – Mr President, the Christmas rush is coming and in some ways it felt a bit like Santa’s grotto, with people busily packing up parcels, when I visited the Norwich food bank on Friday. But the cheerful staff, volunteers and generous-hearted donors cannot mask that it is deeply shocking that 114 879 boxes of three-day emergency food supplies were given out in my constituency last year. That is a 13.8% increase in food bank use in the East of England. It should not have to be like this. With Christmas around the corner, the school holidays and the cold snap sending energy bills up, Norwich’s food bank coordinator told me that she expects a spike in demand, with over 1 000 parcels of food needed this December from the city’s food bank. The Europe 2020 Strategy shows that the EU takes fighting food poverty seriously. Our government must too, to make sure that nobody goes hungry this Christmas.


  Martina Anderson (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, Sunday, 10 December marks International Human Rights Day, and whilst rights are being exercised, they are being violated too. In the north of Ireland, rights enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement and subsequent agreements remain outstanding; rights for Irish language speakers, for our LGB&T brothers and sisters, for families of victims of the conflict awaiting inquests, are all under attack. Ireland remains the only Member State yet to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the basic right to a home is wilfully ignored as 3 000 children are homeless across Ireland tonight.

Brexit threatens to rip the north of Ireland out of the EU, away from the European Court of Justice and its protections. Britain has torn up the Charter of Fundamental Rights and wants to dilute access to the Convention. The letter today to An Taoiseach, signed by 200 admired citizens, calls for an equality and human rights based society in the here and now and post-Brexit. An Taoiseach, their call should not be ignored or dismissed.


  Anna Záborská (PPE). – Pani komisárka, tento Parlament zastupuje hlas občanov zo všetkých členských štátov Európskej únie. Zastupuje záujmy tých, ktorí od Únie očakávajú ochranu, tých, ktorí s jej existenciou spájajú prosperitu, aj tých, ktorí v nej vidia garanciu príležitostí pre svoje deti.

Vianoce sú však príležitosťou myslieť viac aj na tých, ktorým chudoba bráni v realizácii ich občianskych práv. Je našou povinnosťou zastupovať aj ich, pretože tento Parlament má byť aj ich hlasom. Len vtedy sa zo spoločenstva európskych štátov stane skutočné spoločenstvo všetkých európskych občanov.

V tomto zmysle by som chcela popriať, nielen vám, pán predseda a pani komisárka, kolegom a kolegyniam, ale aj všetkým občanom Európskej únie, milostiplné a požehnané Vianoce a všetko dobré do nového roku 2018.


  Emilian Pavel (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamna comisar, dragi colegi, în data de 1 decembrie, cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a României, am aniversat 99 de ani de la decizia istorică a românilor din Transilvania de a se uni cu țara-mamă. Astfel, anul viitor, la fel ca și alte state membre ale Uniunii Europene, vom sărbători împreună centenarul. Acest lucru a fost posibil și datorită sacrificiului soldaților români din primul război mondial, dar și datorită faptului că, încă de atunci, românii s-au luptat pentru un set de valori ce stau și astăzi la baza Uniunii Europene. În rezoluția adoptată în 1918 în prezența a peste o sută de mii de participanți, românii din Transilvania cereau cu tărie drepturi sociale pentru muncitori, dreptul minorităților la educație, religie și reprezentare politică, inclusiv libertatea presei, democrație și vot direct și egal pentru femei și bărbați.

Astăzi, la aproape o sută de ani de la acel moment, vreau să salut din Parlamentul European faptul că România este pe deplin integrată în Europa, iar valorile promovate, încă de acum un secol, de bună conviețuire, toleranță și libertate, sunt cu adevărat fundamentul proiectului nostru european.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, a decisão dos Estados Unidos da América de reconhecimento de Jerusalém como capital de Israel constitui uma violação do direito internacional, uma agressão ao martirizado povo palestiniano e uma provocação aos povos árabes, com consequências perigosas e imprevisíveis.

Uma decisão que não pode ser desligada da escalada de tensão em curso no Médio Oriente, das medidas e ameaças dirigidas contra o Irão e o Líbano, das agressões militares de Israel em território sírio, dos conflitos fomentados pela Arábia Saudita, do anúncio da constituição de uma NATO do Médio Oriente: um quadro de degradação generalizada da situação que é fomentado pelos setores mais aventureiros e belicistas do imperialismo.

Na hora da condenação desta inaceitável provocação reafirmamos a nossa solidariedade com o povo palestiniano, com a sua legítima e heroica luta pelo direito à constituição de um Estado soberano e viável nas fronteiras anteriores a 67 e com capital em Jerusalém Leste e pelo direito de regresso dos refugiados palestinianos vítimas da política israelita de expansão e ocupação da Palestina.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, včera jsme si připomněli Mezinárodní den lidských práv, který je vzpomínkou na přijetí Všeobecné deklarace lidských práv v prosinci roku 1948. Bylo to v době, kdy ve východní Evropě již začínala tuhá totalita a lidská práva byla brutálně pošlapána.

Nyní se přes všechny problémy naše společnost těší svobodě a ochraně lidských práv, které v těchto zemích Evropské unie neměly obdoby. Dnes je tomu přesně sto let, co byla udělena Nobelova cena míru organizaci Červený kříž. Stalo se tak symbolicky uprostřed válečného běsnění první světové války. Lidská práva a mír jsou největší hodnoty, které v Evropě máme. Málo si to uvědomujeme a málo si toho vážíme. Mír není samozřejmostí, musíme jej aktivně bránit tváří v tvář šířícímu se radikalismu a nacionalismu.

Bohužel lidská práva jsou na mnoha místech ve světě masivně pošlapávána diktátorskými režimy a válkami. Evropa je kolébkou lidských práv a Evropská unie je největší mírový projekt v dějinách. Buďme na to patřičně hrdí! Snažme se toto dědictví uchovat a šířit, nikoliv jako náš import, ale jako inspiraci pro smíření ostatních, třeba pro Blízký východ.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, amidst chaotic negotiations, Theresa May has chased a hard Brexit at any cost, threatening a complete breakaway from the institutions and programmes that have played a significant role in supporting our growing cultural economy for the past 50 years. Liverpool and Glasgow have been past British recipients of the coveted European Capital of Culture title with Liverpool, in my region, generating a staggering return of GBP 750 million to the local economy from GBP 170 million of spending. But, more importantly, the capital of culture years fostered a real sense of civic pride with a meaningful legacy for the people living in the city and surrounding areas.

It is a great shame that the disastrous Tory—led Brexit has now ruined the chances of UK cities accessing the opportunity to regenerate through culture and specifically the Capital of Culture programme, especially as some had spent up to GBP 500 000 to complete their bids. The EU’s decision not to include the UK in the programme is a huge blow for our pro-European cities and the wider arts community. However, the greatest loss for our creative and cultural industries will be the loss of freedom of movement.


  Răzvan Popa (S&D). – Domnule președinte, dragi colegi, Comisia Europeană a recomandat trecerea la faza a doua a negocierilor cu Marea Britanie, constatând că au existat evoluții pozitive în discuțiile dintre cele două părți, mai ales în ceea ce privește protejarea drepturilor cetățenilor europeni din Regatul Unit. Românii din Marea Britanie, ca și toți cetățenii europeni care trăiesc în Regatul Unit, trebuie să primească un răspuns clar și garanții ferme, după o perioadă dominată de temeri și incertitudini, cu privire la statutul lor în perioada post Brexit.

Noi trebuie să fim vocea lor în Parlamentul European în cadrul etapelor care vor urma până la încheierea negocierilor, să le susținem interesele și să ne asigurăm că toate detaliile acordului final sunt în avantajul lor. Brexit este un moment-test pentru Uniunea Europeană, iar modul în care drepturile cetățenilor europeni sunt apărate în acest caz poate consolida încrederea oamenilor în proiectul european sau, dimpotrivă, o poate slăbi.


  Preşedinte. – Acest punct de pe ordinea de zi a fost închis.

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