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Сряда, 13 декември 2017 г. - Страсбург

18. Разширяване и укрепване на Шенгенско пространство: България, Румъния и Хърватия (разискване по актуални въпроси)
Видеозапис на изказванията

  El Presidente. – El punto siguiente en el orden del día es el debate de actualidad (artículo 153 bis del Reglamento interno) sobre ampliación y fortalecimiento del espacio Schengen: Bulgaria, Rumanía y Croacia (2017/3009(RSP)).

Informo a sus señorías de que no se aplicarán a este debate ni el procedimiento de solicitud incidental de uso de la palabra, es decir, «catch the eye», ni el de la «tarjeta azul».


  Gianni Pittella, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'area Schengen, come molti sanno in quest'Aula, è la più grande area di libera circolazione nel mondo ed è una delle più grandi conquiste dell'Unione europea. Un'area Schengen più forte – sono convinto che il Commissario Avramopoulos condivida questa affermazione – un'area Schengen più forte e più unita migliora la sicurezza e la fiducia nell'Unione europea.

Se vogliamo rafforzare la protezione delle nostre frontiere esterne, spesso qui, in quest'Aula, si dice che dobbiamo rafforzare la protezione delle frontiere esterne. Bene, se vogliamo davvero rafforzare la protezione delle frontiere esterne, allora dobbiamo allargare senza esitazioni l'area Schengen alla Romania, alla Bulgaria e alla Croazia, quando la Croazia sarà pronta.

Il nostro gruppo ha chiesto, d'intesa con tutta la famiglia socialista, con il presidente del Partito Socialista Europeo Sergej Stanišev, tutta la famiglia socialista, e il gruppo parlamentare dei Socialisti e Democratici, hanno chiesto questo dibattito prioritario perché consideriamo che sia un'ingiustizia escludere la Romania e la Bulgaria dall'area Schengen e, quando sarà pronta, la Croazia. Non ci possono essere, nell'Unione europea, Stati di serie A e Stati di serie B.

Ai nostri concittadini bulgari, rumeni e croati abbiamo sempre detto una cosa semplice: chi rispetta i criteri di Schengen ha diritto ad aderire allo spazio Schengen. E il Presidente Juncker – lo potrà confermare il Commissario – ha riconosciuto già alla Bulgaria e alla Romania il rispetto dei criteri. Quindi non è un'invenzione o una richiesta di un gruppo parlamentare, c'è un riconoscimento da parte della Commissione europea. E la Croazia è sulla strada giusta.

Ora, non si può dire da parte del Consiglio – e mi dispiace rivolgermi sempre al Consiglio, ho anche un po', diciamo, di tristezza nel polemizzare, purtroppo ve lo meritate, non è una mia cattiva volontà, è che voi non decidete, e io per forza con voi me la devo prendere, se voi decideste, sarei ben felice di dire: grazie al Consiglio degli Stati membri. Fatelo, e avrete l'apprezzamento e il ringraziamento dei Socialisti e Democratici. Fatelo sullo spazio Schengen! Non esitate ancora, fatelo nell'interesse dell'Europa, è fondamentale per la sicurezza dell'Unione europea, che Romania e Bulgaria, e poi la Croazia siano parte dello spazio Schengen, e quindi alla Presidenza bulgara – ho visto la ministra, che ho ospitato nel nostro gruppo ieri e che saluto affettuosamente – dico alla Presidenza bulgara: avrà tutto il nostro sostegno per far sì che il Consiglio mantenga gli impegni presi e integri questi paesi nello spazio Schengen.


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, I want to thank you most cordially for the chance to take part in this topical debate which is very close to my heart, on a case on which I have, in my national capacity in the Council, intervened repeatedly in the direction that Mr Pittella just indicated.

Ten years ago, on 6 December 2007, the Council decided to lift internal border controls for nine Member States that had joined the Union in 2004. The decision, which applied as of December 2007, marked a significant step forward for the benefit of people travelling in the enlarged Schengen area with no internal border controls. In recent years we have been faced with migratory pressures and terrorist threats to an extent not seen before. This has put the Schengen area under heavy pressure, but we have not remained idle. Many steps have been taken to sustain the full and proper functioning of Schengen, and many proposals are in the pipeline.

At the Justice and Home Affairs Council in October this year, ministers had an extensive exchange of views on Schengen, particularly on the proposed Schengen border, the Borders Code Amendments, in relation to temporary internal border controls. While progress has been made on a number of files, a number of questions remain outstanding, with internal border controls in place in six countries in the Schengen area. It is therefore necessary for us to further intensify our work to get back to normal operation of Schengen, including viable alternatives to internal border controls.

Against this background, the Presidency organised an informal debate between the Ministers of the Interior at last week’s Justice and Home Affairs Council on 7 and 8 December. Ministers had a good and constructive debate, and even if there are diverging views on some issues, there is a general consensus that we must do our utmost to reinstall and strengthen our trust in Schengen.

Ministers took stock of measures already taken, such as the entry/exit system. We looked at measures currently discussed, such as the EU Travel Information and Authorisation System, the Schengen Information System proposals and the proposal for amending the Schengen Borders Control. And, in direct relation to the issue discussed in our debate today, Ministers also reflected on how we can move forward on the pending full application of the Schengen acquis in Bulgaria and Romania. Both countries have fulfilled all the necessary conditions and have made significant efforts to guarantee the security of the EU’s external borders. However, the decision to fully apply the Schengen acquis for the two countries, for which we need unanimity, is still outstanding.

The improved situation regarding migratory pressures, and expected early agreement on a number of the measures currently under discussion, could perhaps change the situation. The Presidency on 7 December was happy to conclude the discussion, concluding that we have to continue working hard in the coming months on strengthening the Schengen area, including via enlargement.

As for Croatia, it is still in the process of being evaluated in the run-up to full application of the Schengen acquis. The Council has already adopted several implementing decisions setting out recommendations to address the deficiencies identified with a view to Croatia fulfilling the conditions necessary for the application of the Schengen acquis. A small number of issues remain to be evaluated and we are looking forward to receiving the Commission’s proposal for implementing decisions thereon in the near future.


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to start by expressing my thanks for adding this very important debate to the agenda and, in particular to thank Mr Gianni Pittella for this initiative. I know that this was – and remains – a priority for all political groups. Only some days ago we also had a fruitful and frank discussion in the Justice and Home Affairs Council with the Ministers of the Interior.

Let me start by highlighting the following. No matter how much work we collectively do in the three institutions, in the end, we will be judged by our success or failure only on three or four topics. Schengen is one of them. For our citizens, it is the symbol of the European Union itself. It is the most tangible example of European integration. It represents all the rights and benefits of being European, as it is closely connected to the freedom of movement and the notion of European citizenship. You all know my personal commitment to safeguarding and upholding Schengen since the very first moment I took office. We said in the past that a unified Schengen is a stronger Schengen. We are convinced that Bulgaria, Romania and also Croatia, as soon as it is ready, should fully join the Schengen family. This will enlarge the area of free movement and make the Schengen tools perform better and thus increase security.

For a long time the Commission’s position is that Bulgaria and Romania already fulfil the necessary conditions. They were positively assessed between 2009 and 2011. As you know, it is now for the Council to decide on the lifting of internal border controls with Bulgaria and Romania unanimously, and it is high time that this happened. Our discussion with the Interior Ministers last week left me optimistic that there is agreement that this issue must now again be seriously considered. As far as Croatia is concerned, we are working closely with the authorities to identify the areas where improvements are still necessary in order to positively conclude all the Schengen evaluations as soon as possible. This will allow us in the Commission to complete the first stage and conclude that Croatia is also ready to join Schengen. Then it will again be for the Council to decide.

The Schengen evaluations in 2016 and 2017 verify the necessary conditions for the application of all relevant parts of the acquis. In some areas, Croatia meets the necessary conditions for joining Schengen. In other areas, further improvement is required, and we stand by the Croatian authorities to continue with the same commitment. A full implementation of the Schengen acquis will also allow the drawing of full benefits from systems such as a Schengen Information System and the Visa Information System in relations between Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and the other Schengen states.

It would also allow them to implement the Entry—Exit System in the most efficient way, without installing it in border sections which would become internal borders after their accession to Schengen. The implementation of the EES will be a particular challenge for Croatia given its long land border. Here the European Union is willing to provide support.

Finally, the setting up of the ADS will strengthen the management of the external borders and therefore Schengen. Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia are playing their equal part in protecting the European Union’s external borders. Fully joining Schengen is not only politically fair, but it is also needed from a security point of view, because the internal security of one Member State is the internal security of all and the security of all our citizens. I hope that we can welcome these Member States to Schengen soon following a positive decision by the Council.

As I said before, from the moment that I took office, I have been advocating that we need a strong and unified Schengen. Today I would like to commend and to praise the authorities of the three countries for their commitment. We are running the last mile. Let us run it all together. Today the Parliament and the Commission, tomorrow the Council. I hope your message will be heard by the Council, Mr Pittella.


  Esteban González Pons, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, the Schengen area is one of the greatest achievements of the European project. It is a dream come true. After World War II, few people could imagine that one day Europe would be united and living in peace. Seventy-two years after, borders between European countries do not exist any more. They exist only on maps and in the heads of those who want to destroy the Union.

Four hundred million nationals of more than 25 different states travelling free with no passport check, with no border controls and within a single country: this is what Europeans have accomplished, and we have to be very proud of it. But Schengen will not be completed until all members who want to be part of it have the chance to join.

My Group has a clear position on this: any Member State that fulfils the membership criteria should join Schengen, and the truth is that Bulgaria and Romania fulfil these criteria. Already in 2011 this House adopted the Coelho report confirming that Romania and Bulgaria were sufficiently well prepared, and regarding Croatia, even if they have not yet fulfilled all the conditions, they are making great progress.

In this situation, trying to politicise this debate with different issues is a huge mistake. First, because these three countries are not in the same situation, and second, because accession to Schengen cannot be mixed with the cooperation and verification mechanism. The decision on accession to Schengen must be based on technical criteria, and a delay based on political reasons is simply unacceptable. There are no first-class and second-class countries. We are all European countries and we all deserve the best. That is why we stand today with our Romanian, Croatian and Bulgarian colleagues. This is what we can all call solidarity, and the day we stop showing solidarity among us is the day we will lose the right to call ourselves Europeans. We ask the Council to please do all that they can.


  Sergei Stanishev, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, let me first thank Mr Pittella for raising this debate and bringing it to the plenary of the European Parliament; it is extremely important. As was already said, it is difficult to imagine the European Union today without Schengen. This is a very tangible expression of our solidarity and of the freedom and unity of European citizens, and it brings a lot of economic benefits – but not for all Europeans. For six years now, Bulgaria and Romania have fulfilled the criteria for membership, and what is happening is a double standard and treating the two countries in a discriminatory way. It should be stopped, because it may look as though this is an issue only for Bulgaria and Romania, but it affects very fundamental issues and principles of the European Union.

First, it is about credibility if we as a Union follow our own rules. We do not. Second, the economic benefits will bring benefits to all citizens of the European Union. Thirdly, it is about security. Instead of wasting money for internal controls, we should strengthen through resources and enough financing the external borders of the Union. This is what is needed; this is what is effective. We often complain that anti-European forces, populists, are using arguments against the European Union. This is one of the cases, because it shows injustice to too many European citizens, and now the European Council has to do its job, which is not performed – an injustice has to be stopped. This should be a very clear message from the European Parliament today.


  Helga Stevens, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Toen Roemenië en Bulgarije lid werden van de Unie in 2007 stond hun rechtsstelsel nog niet op punt. Zij moesten een inhaalbeweging maken en noodzakelijke hervormingen doorvoeren. Ook de bestrijding van corruptie en georganiseerde misdaad moest worden opgevoerd. De Commissie volgt sindsdien de situatie op via het mechanisme voor samenwerking en toetsing, kortweg CVM genaamd. Onlangs heb ik samen met mijn ECR-collega Macovei de recente ontwikkelingen in Roemenië nog aangeklaagd. De overheid had ordonnanties uitgevaardigd om fiscale misdrijven door de vingers te zien en politieonderzoeken en rechtszaken te dwarsbomen, dit alles om corrupte machtshebbers aan de macht te houden. Ik vroeg de Europese Commissie de zaak op te volgen. In het CVM-rapport van dit jaar werd Roemenië daar dan ook op afgerekend.

Als wij beoordelen of deze drie EU-lidstaten in aanmerking komen, moeten wij de CVM-rapporten van november 2017 centraal stellen. Zo ook de bepalingen inzake georganiseerde criminaliteit. Het Schengengebied kent immers geen interne grenzen. Het is dus van fundamenteel belang om te vermijden dat wij op die manier criminaliteit importeren naar onze contreien. Er valt echter weinig vooruitgang te noteren. Ja, er zijn positieve ontwikkelingen, maar onvoldoende. Daarom is mijn delegatie, N-VA, tegen de toetreding van Bulgarije, Roemenië en Kroatië tot het Schengengebied. Er moeten echt meer inspanningen worden geleverd vooraleer politiek groen licht kan worden gegeven.


  Cecilia Wikström, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, securing a common area of free movement for people within the Schengen area is one of the biggest achievements of the European project, as it brings people together, makes life simpler for businesses and builds a sense of belonging together. During the last few years, this historical achievement has been put under threat. Under pressure caused by the collapse of the asylum system in 2015 and the unwillingness of certain Member States to address the obvious flaws in the Dublin regulation, we have seen a domino effect in play among Member States as they start to reintroduce border controls.

The Schengen area also faces another fundamental challenge, namely the discrimination against Bulgaria and Romania. Both of these EU countries have for a long time now fulfilled all the criteria for joining the Schengen area but are still being refused access by other Member States of this Union, and for political reasons alone. This is unacceptable and has to come to an end. We cannot, on the one hand, criticise certain Member States for not respecting due process and then ignore ourselves the rules that we have set up for accession to the Schengen zone!

I am proud that this Parliament always fights for the Union and for the rights of its citizens. Today, I would like to reach out to Romanian and Bulgarian citizens and say that you enjoy the same rights and the same values as any other European citizen! Member States need to show respect for common agreements, allow for the full integration of these two countries into the Schengen area without any further delay, and allow the full integration of Croatia as well, as soon as it meets the criteria.


  Κωνσταντίνα Κούνεβα, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, καλωσορίζουμε στη ζώνη Σένγκεν τις τρεις χώρες. Χαίρομαι ιδιαίτερα, γιατί, εκλέγομαι στην Ελλάδα, αλλά γεννήθηκα και μεγάλωσα στα σύνορα Βουλγαρίας–Ρουμανίας. Πιστεύω στη Σένγκεν. Όμως η Επιτροπή και το Συμβούλιο την πιστεύουν; Γιατί εδώ και δύο χρόνια τη μετατρέπουν σε σκουπίδι. Πώς; Παρατείνοντας τους συνοριακούς ελέγχους που επιβλήθηκαν από κάποια κράτη για να φράξουν τον δρόμο στους πρόσφυγες. Οι Έλληνες αναρωτιούνται: Γιατί όταν φτάνουν στη Γερμανία, στη Γαλλία ή στο Βέλγιο υποβάλλονται σε προσβλητικούς ελέγχους; Μήπως τελικά η Ελλάδα αποκλείστηκε από τη Σένγκεν και δεν το ξέρουμε;

Και κάτι ακόμα: Ευτυχώς που η Επιτροπή και ο Επίτροπος Αβραμόπουλος απέρριψαν το σχέδιό τους. Είναι όμως ειλικρινείς; Γιατί –ας μη γελιόμαστε– οι προτάσεις της Επιτροπής για αλλαγές στη Σένγκεν, που παρατείνουν μέχρι και δύο χρόνια τους ελέγχους στα σύνορα, είναι σαν να λένε «μπράβο» στα κράτη που αρνήθηκαν την αλληλεγγύη στην προσφυγική τραγωδία, κι έτσι μπορεί να εγκλωβιστούν χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες στην Ελλάδα και στην Ιταλία. Ρωτάω την Επιτροπή, το Συμβούλιο και όλους εσάς, συνάδελφοι: Αυτό θέλει η Ευρώπη; Αυτή είναι η Σένγκεν;


  Ska Keller, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, I think Schengen is one of the most fundamental expressions of the European idea, the idea to cross borders, to overcome borders, overcome differences that divide us and to grow together. That is the European ideal, and that is being expressed by Schengen. Every Member State has the right, but even the obligation, to join Schengen as soon as it fulfils the criteria for the common membership. And those conditions, those criteria, are very clear. They are crystal clear and the procedures should not be changed in the middle of the process.

Precisely because Schengen is so important, it is such an important right for all European citizens, it cannot be withheld from particular Member States and from their citizens. It is a right, and we cannot allow second-class citizens to be established. Another rightful expectation of citizens is that the rule of law be upheld. If we are looking now at Romania, this does not seem to be totally guaranteed. We are very worried about the proposed changes to the justice laws that are currently being discussed and debated in the Romanian parliament, and EU citizens in Romania are expecting Europe to do something about it. I think we absolutely have to do something, and I want to thank those people in Romania who go out on the street and demonstrate for their rights, for democracy, and are telling all of us, all the time reminding us, that democracy is more than going to vote once in a while, it is more than having the rule of the majority. It tells us that there is also the responsibility of the majority for all citizens. We stand with you. But it is very clear that Schengen is also and especially for those people – they are European citizens, they need to be allowed to travel freely like everyone. I am also very proud that the European Parliament has been very clear on this all the time and now it is time for the Council to act, and I hope it will do this very soon.


  Margot Parker, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, at a time when the Schengen area is under considerable strain from mass movement of illegal migration, I find it remarkable that a debate on expanding the Schengen area has been considered. For as we all know, and yet many choose to deny, having no border checks at the internal borders helps to facilitate the free movement of terrorists and the free movement of weapons. It assists criminal gangs by allowing them to easily transport illegal drugs. It also plays a significant role in facilitating human trafficking across the EU.

Citizens in our own countries ask our governments to commit to some core responsibilities. One of the most important of these is to ask that our people can feel safe. I would ask you to consider this, because it is something that is very seriously at risk here and people constantly ask us about safety and governments keeping the people safe.


  Laurenţiu Rebega, în numele grupului ENF. – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, dragi colegi, aș vrea întâi să îi răspund doamnei Keller, care, în plenul Parlamentului European, îndeamnă lumea la demonstrații de stradă, îndeamnă lumea din Parlamentul European să dărâme guverne care au fost alese democratic – și vorbim de democrație.

Dragi colegi, democrația este respectarea votului. În România, perspectiva aderării la spațiul Schengen a devenit un fel de discuție despre sexul îngerilor, domnule Președinte, domnilor colegi – adică, pe cât de savantă, pe atât de a inutilă. Toți politicienii promit în campania electorală că îi vor convinge pe europeni să primească România în Schengen, dar nici cetățenii și nici politicienii înșiși nu mai cred așa ceva.

Cu câteva luni în urmă, președintele Macron a venit la București și, de acolo, a plecat la Sofia, pentru a ne convinge să sprijinim poziția Franței cu privire la Directiva privind detașarea lucrătorilor. Când a fost întrebat de spațiul Schengen, ne-a tăiat-o scurt: Schengen trebuie reformat și, abia după aceea, vorbim de aderarea României și a Bulgariei.

Am înțeles foarte bine reținerea țărilor occidentale privind aderarea României și a Bulgariei la Schengen în 2007. Am înțeles-o și în 2010. Am putut accepta acest lucru în 2012. În tot acest timp, eforturile de securizare a frontierei au costat mulți, foarte mulți bani. În 2015 însă, invazia refugiaților nu s-a făcut prin România și nici prin Bulgaria, dragi colegi. Este clar că păstrarea acestor țări în afara Schengen are un alt motiv.

Pot înțelege și acest motiv: anume că unele țări sau unii politicieni din Occident consideră că Uniunea trebuie să aibă două viteze. Îl pot înțelege și pe președintele Macron, care sugerează că ar vrea renegocierea acordului Schengen. Ceea ce nu pot înțelege este ipocrizia și prietenii falși.

Este ok ca națiunile să dorească să își controleze frontierele. Este ok să avem o Uniune cu două sau mai multe viteze. Dar nu este ok ca țările mari sau puternice să împiedice țările mai mici sau mai slabe să adopte aceleași măsuri protecționiste ca și cele mari.

Susțin din toate puterile competiția și sunt convins că egalitarismul inhibă dorința și capacitatea de a progresa. Prin urmare, nu militez pentru omogenitatea Europei, dar vreau să se asigure o egalitate de șanse și o independență reală a statelor membre. Dacă statele mari și puternice vor să împiedice, prin piedici artificiale, țările mai mici să facă progrese, atunci Uniunea Europeană va înceta să mai existe.

Reformarea spațiului Schengen poate fi un proiect interesant, dar aceasta presupune cu necesitate și începutul unei reforme profunde a întregii Uniuni Europene. Din 1957 până la Maastricht, Comunitatea Europeană s-a dezvoltat prin adăugiri succesive, care au fost posibile pentru că numărul de state membre era mic. Acum însă, nu se mai poate cu peticeala! Trebuie o reformă adevărată a Uniunii Europene, dragi colegi.


  Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, όχι εξαίρεση αλλά υλοποίηση της Σένγκεν αποτελούν οι πρόσθετοι έλεγχοι αυτές τις μέρες σε έλληνες επιβάτες, όπως και οι σύγχρονες ηλεκτρονικές μέθοδοι λήψης βιομετρικών στοιχείων, παρακολούθησης, φακελώματος των λαών της Ευρώπης, προσφύγων και μεταναστών, με συνοριοφυλακή και το απαράδεκτο Δουβλίνο. Σένγκεν σημαίνει λαοί δεμένοι χειροπόδαρα, αφού ελευθέρας να μετακινηθεί έχει μόνο το κεφάλαιο και οι πάμφθηνοι εργάτες χωρίς δικαιώματα για τα συμφέροντα των επιχειρηματικών ομίλων. Αυτό είναι το ευρωπαϊκό κεκτημένο σας, που επεκτείνεται τώρα και στα Βαλκάνια. Η επιστολή Tusk δεν συνιστά κάποια παραφωνία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, αλλά επιβεβαίωση της πολιτικής της, της συμφωνίας Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Τουρκίας, που εγκλωβίζει πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες σε άθλιες συνθήκες τύπου Μόριας στην Ελλάδα και στην Ιταλία. Τεράστια ευθύνη φέρει και η ελληνική κυβέρνηση, που δεν εγγυάται, λέει, τις ζωές των προσφυγών από την άλλη όμως παρέχει εγγυήσεις για fast track απελάσεις πίσω στην κόλαση του ιμπεριαλιστικού πολέμου, που αυτή και οι σύμμαχοί της πριμοδοτούν και του παρέχουν διευκολύνσεις. Αλληλεγγύη των λαών, για να φτάσουν οι πρόσφυγες στον προορισμό τους, ενάντια σε ιμπεριαλιστικούς πολέμους, Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, ΝΑΤΟ, κυβερνήσεις και εκμετάλλευση!


  Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE). – Domnule președinte, România a securizat frontierele și și-a îndeplinit angajamentul luat prin tratatul de aderare. A cheltuit peste un miliard de euro din bani proprii și din facilitatea Schengen, sub conducerea unui concert franco-german. Frontiera românească este mult mai securizată decât alte frontiere externe ca, de exemplu, a Franței, în sud, pe Marea Mediterană.

Din păcate, acest lucru s-a întâmplat în 2011. Îndeplineam toate condițiile. Nu am fost acceptați în Schengen și nici ulterior. Motivele invocate sunt motive pur populiste sau de natură națională, din cauza alegerilor naționale: fiecare stat a vrut să arate votanților ce eforturi face pentru un subiect care nu exista.

Eu cred că această situație trebuie abordată diferit. Faptul că în România există, eu știu, evenimente politice care nu sunt în conformitate cu normele europene este adevărat. Și acuma sunt astfel de lucruri: legile justiției sunt atacate în Parlament. Aceste lucruri trebuie tratate separat și cer Comisiei să facă acest lucru. Dar Schengen trebuie tratat, de asemenea, separat.

Eu cred că aderarea pe aeroporturi e un lucru de bun simț în acest moment. Consiliul ar trebui să facă acest lucru fără întârziere și, ulterior, și pe frontierele terestre.


  Tanja Fajon (S&D). – Mr President, in my Group we remain strongly committed to the full and immediate accession of Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area. We demand it now! If we say we are a community of values and based on the rule of law, we should act like one. It is quite unacceptable that, despite the required conditions being fulfilled, the decision on accession has not yet been made.

Fragmenting, or creating a second-class Schengen, with the solutions found in the entry/exit system for example, is putting the integrity of freedom of movement at risk. Such political games by the Council erode the trust of our citizens in the European project, which we are so desperately trying to protect from collapsing.

I would also like to welcome Croatia as soon as it meets the criteria. Have we really forgotten that Schengen is one of the greatest achievements of the European integration? We are tired of hypocrisy: promising restoration and full functioning of the Schengen area by the end of 2016 failed miserably. On the contrary, the Commission further proposed the extension of internal border controls beyond the current legal basis this year, while admitting that the conditions are not fulfilled.

If you do not to reverse the course of action soon, I am seriously afraid that Schengen as we know it will be a thing of the past, and there is no European Union without Schengen.


  Monica Macovei (ECR). – Domnule președinte, eu sunt unul dintre cei mai mari susținători ai intrării României în Schengen. Dar eu muncesc pentru asta și nu vin cu vorbe goale, așa cum fac colegii socialiști din PSD și din ALDE, care sunt la guvernare și care spun că vor România în Schengen dar, în realitate, fac totul ca să împiedice acest lucru.

O să vă dau câteva exemple: în acest moment, în Parlamentul României se votează modificarea legilor justiției în procedură de urgență – practic, în secret, fără dezbatere. Lumea se uită la televizor și vede la televizor ce se modifică și toate astea pentru a subjuga politic justiția, a nu mai avea stat de drept – apropo de statul de drept, care trebuie să ne unească – și pentru a crea mecanisme de anchetare, de amenințare și de șantajare a judecătorilor și procurorilor. De ce? Ca să scape politicienii din ALDE și PSD aflați la guvernare.

Dacă faci asemenea lucruri și susții că vrei să intri în Schengen, atunci îți pui o întrebare: chiar vrei să intri în Schengen sau doar vii și vorbești în plenul Parlamentului și spui că vrei să intri în Schengen?

Da, eu vreau să intru în Schengen și de asta nici nu leg MCV-ul de Schengen, pentru că MCV-ul este una. Comisia niciodată nu a cerut această legătură, și el trebuie să se oprească atunci când toate sunt îndeplinite. Orice se întâmplă azi în România, pe justiție, este contrar MCV-ului.

Da, să intrăm în Schengen, dar lucrați pentru asta, dragi colegi socialiști și din ALDE.


  Филиз Хюсменова (ALDE). – Г-н Председател, уважаеми колеги, вече шест години напомняме, че България и Румъния изпълниха критериите за Шенгенското пространство. Недопускането ни в Шенген е нарушение на европейското право. Аргументите „против“ са само политически. Е тогава и контрааргументите да са такива. Парадоксално е, аргументът да е, че двете страни са под мониторинг и не установяват законност. А отговорът да е същият – нарушение на правовия ред.

Парадокс е 3 264 километра граници на Съюза да се охраняват без претенции към България и Румъния, а да им се отказва достъп до Шенген. Парадокс е да се търсят съмишленици за бъдещето, а да се прилага друг стандарт към България, която е лоялен партньор, с много добра бюджетна дисциплина и с трайна посока към силна интеграция. Парадоксално е, че въпреки отхвърлянето българските граждани са сред най-големите привърженици на Съюза, но е и вяра, че политическите аргументи ще отстъпят.


  Bodil Valero (Verts/ALE). – Herr talman! Schengensamarbetet är en av de fördelar EU:s invånare uppskattar allra mest med EU. Det har gett betydande fördelar för såväl EU-medborgare som näringsliv, och gör det möjligt för över 400 miljoner européer från 26 europeiska länder att resa utan pass.

I samband med flyktingsituationen 2015 sattes det på hårt prov då flera medlemsländer återinförde gränskontroller, bland annat mitt eget, Sverige. När kontrollerna infördes 2016 fick det långtgående ekonomiska konsekvenser när pendlingstiden ökade och antalet resenärer mellan Sverige och Danmark minskade med 15 procent. Det kostade regionen 152 miljoner men bara 78 personer av de cirka tre miljoner personer som kontrollerades var flyktingar.

Tanken är ju att alla medlemsstater ska ansluta sig till Schengensamarbetet så snart villkoren är uppfyllda. Men vi kan inte hitta på nya krav för anslutande länder än de som redan finns i existerande regelverk. Både Rumänien och Bulgarien har ju sedan 2011 uppfyllt förutsättningarna för att gå med i samarbetet och bör få bli fullvärdiga medlemmar så snart som möjligt utan att blockeras av andra medlemsländer i rådet. Detsamma gäller naturligtvis Kroatien när de tekniska kriterierna är uppfyllda.


  Auke Zijlstra (ENF). – Schengen was in eerste instantie een heel sympathiek verdrag want waarom zouden we elkaar niet vertrouwen, nietwaar? Maar ondertussen is de bevolking in West-Europa van samenstelling veranderd en zijn terroristische dreigingen aan de orde van de dag. De fout die hier met opzet, ook in dit debat, in het Europees Parlement, continu gemaakt wordt is het verwarren van het vrij verkeer van personen met het paspoortvrij reizen. Maar gelukkig heeft ook de Commissie in antwoord op vragen van mij nu toegegeven dat deze twee zaken niets met elkaar te maken hebben.

Praktisch gezien is Schengen allang overleden. De rouwadvertentie heeft alleen nog niet in de krant gestaan. Een groeiend aantal lidstaten, waaronder Duitsland en Frankrijk, verlengt de grenscontroles ieder half jaar opnieuw. En die soevereiniteit, die bevalt eigenlijk wel. Laten we erkennen dat Schengen uit een ander tijdperk stamt en niet meer toepasbaar is heden ten dage.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η ένταξη της Βουλγαρίας, της Ρουμανίας και της Κροατίας στον χώρο Σένγκεν έχει καθυστερήσει αδικαιολόγητα. Από τη στιγμή που αυτές επιθυμούν να ενταχθούν και πληρούν τα κριτήρια, μόνο προκαταλήψεις τις έχουν κρατήσει εκτός εδώ και μερικά χρόνια. Το πρόβλημα δεν εντοπίζεται στον αριθμό των κρατών που θα ανήκουν στη Σένγκεν αλλά στις ίδιες τις προβλέψεις της συνθήκης αυτής και κυρίως τον τρόπο εφαρμογής τους. Τη στιγμή που μιλάμε, πολλές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες έχουν προσωρινά αναστείλει την εφαρμογή της Σένγκεν για τις προερχόμενες από την Ελλάδα πτήσεις, με πρόφαση την πιθανή είσοδο λαθρομεταναστών. Η γερμανική κυβέρνηση διά της καγκελαρίου Μέρκελ ήταν που κάλεσε εξαρχής τους λαθρομετανάστες στην Ευρώπη, αλλά πλέον μετά την πολιτική ζημιά που υπέστη το κόμμα της αποφάσισε να προβεί σε αυτή την κίνηση μικροπολιτικής, που απευθύνεται κυρίως στο εσωτερικό της ακροατήριο. Σε κάθε περίπτωση όμως αυτό αποδεικνύει τα κενά της συνθήκης αυτής.

Η πρότασή μας είναι η πλήρης επαναφορά όλων των συνοριακών ελέγχων, χωρίς αυτό να σημαίνει πως περιορίζεται η διέλευση των ανθρώπων· απλά θα ελέγχεται. Μέχρι στιγμής άλλωστε τα μεγαλύτερα οφέλη από την ανεξέλεγκτη κυκλοφορία ατόμων εντός της Ένωσης τα έχουν αποκομίσει διάφοροι εγκληματίες, λαθρέμποροι, έμποροι ναρκωτικών και διακινητές ανθρώπων.


  Асим Адемов (PPE). – Г-н Председател, уважаеми колеги, при приемането на България и Румъния в ЕС през 2007 г., Европейският съюз е поел ангажимент двете страни да бъдат приети за пълноправни членове на Шенген, когато са готови. От няколко години вече те са готови. Това е потвърдено както от правителствата на двете страни, така и от Европейския парламент и Европейската комисия.

Въпреки това сме свидетели на многократното отлагане на решението за присъединяване на България и Румъния в Шенген. Обективно погледнато не е справедливо да се прилагат такива двойни стандарти към България и Румъния. Не е справедливо да не се признават усилията и резултатите на двете страни. Не е справедливо да не се признава фактът, че при сполетялата ни бежанската криза България е с най-добри резултати.

Отдавна България е доказала, че генерира сигурност и стабилност в един много проблемен и сложен регион. България доказа, че е надеждна външна граница на Европейския съюз. България има тежката отговорност за опазването на външната ни граница с Турция и тя се справя отлично с това. България не заплашва сигурността на Европа.

Съветът трябва незабавно да вземе решение за присъединяването на България и Румъния към Шенгенското пространство. Ние трябва заедно и обединени да се изправим срещу заплахите в едно сплотено Шенгенско пространство. Бъдещето на Европейския съюз зависи от това доколко страните ще бъдат единни и солидарни една с друга. Именно тази солидарност изисква България и Румъния да бъдат приети незабавно в Шенген, а Хърватия – когато изпълни условията.


  Victor Boştinaru (S&D). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, domnule ministru Maasikas, vă spun din start că nu îmi propun astăzi să îi învăț pe colegii de la ECR și cu atât mai puțin pe doamna Macovei despre ce înseamnă Schengen. Ar fi o pierdere de timp.

România și Bulgaria sunt două țări profund europene, cu contribuții majore în cadrul Frontex, recunoscute ca atare, și contribuie considerabil la asigurarea controlului și securității frontierelor externe ale Uniunii Europene, fiind angajate, în același timp, cu onestitate și loialitate la construcția viitorului Uniunii Europene.

Rapoarte succesive ale Parlamentului European și evaluări succesive ale Comisiei Europene după 2011 au confirmat îndeplinirea tuturor – repet, tuturor – standardelor tehnice prevăzute în procesul de aderare. Opoziția unor state membre se bazează mai degrabă pe rațiuni politice și economice, devenind deja o formă vădită de discriminare, care continuă sa afecteze, inclusiv economic, negativ cele două state.

Parlamentul European trebuie să ceară astăzi Consiliului să dea în sfârșit curs propunerii Comisiei de acum două luni de zile, pentru primirea deîndată a României și Bulgariei în spațiul Schengen, fiind convins că valorile solidarității între statele membre și excluderea standardelor duble nu sunt doar sloganuri bune pentru campania electorală.

Închei cu încrederea și speranța că partenerii europeni ai României și Bulgariei și ai Croației vor dezgheța acest dosar, astfel încât cele două țări, România și Bulgaria, să devină cât mai repede membre ale spațiului Schengen, iar Croația să adere atunci când condițiile sunt îndeplinite.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н Председател, уважаеми г-н Комисар, уважаема г-жо министър Павлова, уважаеми колеги, нека да си кажем нещата честно: причината България, Румъния и Хърватска да не са в това пространство е само единствено политическа. Техническите критерии отдавна са изпълнени, но три държави в Европейския съюз се съобразяват със своите вътрешнополитически проблеми, правят отстъпки пред партии, които са меко казано антиевропейски и евроскептични, и заради вътрешните си проблеми пречат на присъединяването на нашите държави към това пространство.

И тук съм съгласен с колегата Хюсменова: това е нарушаване на европейското право, това е несправедливо и това е двоен стандарт. Чух преди малко от колега, че проблем било престъпността. Колеги, къде се намира квартал „Моленбек“, известен с това, че в него има незаконно оръжие повече отколкото цялата белгийска армия, че е средище на трафик, на наркотици, на насилствен трафик на хора, на жени? Ами не се намира нито в България, нито в Румъния. Намира се в Кралство Белгия.

Къде се намират проблемите, които са в Холандия? Защото за тези държави говорим. Да ги кажем. Държавите, които пречат, са тези, уважаеми колеги. Затова говорим ли тук да изключим тези държави от Шенген? Май не. Крайно време е да се сложи край на лицемерието и двойния стандарт, уважаеми колеги, и да се спазва европейското право. България и Румъния трябва да са част от Шенген, а също и Хърватска, защото ние пазим външните граници на Европейския съюз.


  Norica Nicolai (ALDE). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, vreau să vă asigur că și pentru cetățenii români și bulgari spațiul Schengen este un simbol. Ceea ce nu înțeleg cetățenii noștri este de ce permitem unor state membre, cu așa zise democrații consolidate, să își bată joc de simbolurile Uniunii Europene. Dacă toți privilegiem libertatea de mișcare, dacă toți dorim mai multă Europă, de ce acceptăm ca unii să nu respecte tratatele europene și introducem condiții parazitare și precare în tratate care nu prevăd astfel de condiții.

Domnule președinte, noi suntem convinși că am îndeplinit criteriile, dar începem să fim din ce în ce mai convinși că se formează un dublu limbaj, un fariseism european pe care cetățenii noștri nu-l acceptă. Suntem cetățeni europeni, suntem cetățeni cu drepturi egale, dorim mai multă Europă, dorim mai multă încredere în Europa și trebuie ca cei care au creat această Uniune să înțeleagă că de încredere depinde totul, nu de jocuri politice partizane ieftine. Dacă Franța, dacă Olanda, dacă Austria, dacă Germania, doresc mai multă Europă, vor trebui să voteze la Consiliul European pentru spațiul Schengen. Așa vor dovedi că au încredere în ceea ce spun în discursurile lor publice și că nu folosesc un dublu limbaj, antamat politic în relațiile cu alte țări.

România nu este o colonie, România nu este un stat periferic, România este stat membru al Uniunii Europene, are o limbă care este limbă a Uniunii Europene și, pentru asta, cetățenii români cer respectul acelora care au uitat să ni-l acorde de prea multă vreme.


  Mara Bizzotto (ENF). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, oggi in quest'Aula discutiamo se ampliare e rafforzare Schengen, se permettere quindi la libera circolazione delle persone all'interno dell'Unione europea senza nessun tipo di controlli ai confini.

Io dico invece chiaramente che i controlli ai confini vanno fatti, anzi dico di più: le frontiere vanno chiuse, perché in questi anni a circolare liberamente in Europa sono stati i terroristi islamici. O vi siete dimenticati degli attentati di Parigi, Bruxelles, Nizza, Londra, Barcellona? Vi siete dimenticati delle centinaia di persone morte a causa del fanatismo assassino, a causa del terrorismo islamico?

Questo ragazzo è Luca Russo, anzi era Luca Russo. Aveva 25 anni, era un ingegnere, viveva a Bassano del Grappa, a pochi chilometri da casa mia. Il 17 agosto era a Barcellona assieme alla sua fidanzata Marta. Marta è tornata ferita, lui è morto.

La famiglia di Luca Russo mi ha pregato di non dimenticare mai questo ragazzo. Gli amici di Luca Russo mi hanno chiesto di fare di tutto per bloccare questi bastardi! Di intervenire per fermare questo terrorismo islamico. Questa supplica la rivolgo a voi: dobbiamo fermare questi terroristi, dobbiamo fermare il terrorismo islamico, l'invasione, gli immigrati che stanno arrivando. Dobbiamo controllare i confini.

Schengen va sospeso, dovete ripensare Schengen, dobbiamo bloccare i confini, dobbiamo fermare questa invasione. Non bastano più i minuti di silenzio, non bastano più le manifestazioni: serve un ripensamento di Schengen.


  Željana Zovko (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, niz aktualnih zbivanja i sigurnosnih izazova, izbjeglička i migracijska kriza s kojom se Republika Hrvatska suočila krajem 2015. godine, kada je kroz državu prošlo više od pola milijuna izbjeglica, učinila je sigurnost granica jednim od glavnih prioriteta Vlade Republike Hrvatske.

Od tog razdoblja do danas učinjeno je mnogo. Pripremajući se za punopravno članstvo u schengenskom prostoru, Hrvatska je iskoristila skoro sva sredstva schengenskog instrumenta: nabavila je brodove, helikoptere za nadzor granica, izgradila novu i obnovila postojeće granične policijske postaje i time pridonijela u nastojanjima pune primjene schengenske pravne stečevine. Smatram kako bi se posebna pažnja trebala posvetiti jačanju vanjskih granica Europske unije, koje su ujedno i naše nacionalne granice, posebice ako uzmemo u obzir da Hrvatska ima najdužu vanjsku granicu s Europskom unijom.

Sve navedeno ukazuje na nužnost što skorijeg uključenja Republike Hrvatske u schengenski prostor. Nadam se da će Hrvatska što prije ispuniti tehničke kriterije i očekujem u 2019. godini da bude punopravna članica Schengena.


  Claude Moraes (S&D). – Mr President, when the Commissioner spoke, it was a detailed explanation of why the full integration of Romania and Bulgaria must happen now. At the heart of that, he said that Schengen was precious to the whole idea of the European Union. I have never heard, in all the years that I have been here, a stronger case made for anything about the central cause of this European Union. Let us also be clear about this institution, the European Parliament, for anyone who is in any doubt.

Since 2011, for six long years, the European Parliament in its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), has had unambiguous majority debates, well—examined, detailed debates, making one conclusion, namely that second class status for Romania and Bulgaria is not an option. They must be fully integrated into Schengen. We have supported the measures to grant Romania and Bulgaria access to the Entry-Exit System, the Visa Information System. We have even talked about visa-free travel to the US. We are doing this and being proactive in this cause, not just because we believe it, but because we have examined the case for these countries. This is a case not just for justice but for practicality. This is not just a case for the politics, but for understanding what it means for Romania and Bulgaria to be full members.

Then I refer again to the Commission and I ask the Council on this: this has not been a static process. In all of these six years, we have been strengthening the external border: Entry-Exit System, external border controls, the border agency, one of the fastest files ever created in this Parliament. All these measures and the hard work that has gone on with all of the issues of privacy and individual liberties that we had to tackle was to safeguard the external border. With all of this, we can surely ask that today there is an unambiguous and clear demand that two countries have justice and are fully integrated Member States of the European Union. Schengen is precious, all the measures are coming to make it, and I echo what the Commissioner said: together, all of us together, will make this happen.


  El Presidente. – Observo algunas peticiones de uso de la tarjeta azul. La cuestión es que en debates de esta naturaleza el Reglamento no contempla ni el uso del procedimiento de la «tarjeta azul» ni tampoco el de «catch the eye». Al principio del debate lo señalé, pero observo que hay quienes lo solicitan. Es una cuestión puramente reglamentaria, no es arbitrario, no es un capricho de quien en este momento está presidiendo el Pleno, simplemente me ajusto al Reglamento. Gracias por su comprensión.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Gospodine predsjedniče, veliki migracijski pritisci i teroristička prijetnja ostavili su traga na Schengenu koji nije ni predviđen za okolnosti koje trenutno vladaju u Europi i njezinom neposrednom susjedstvu.

Dokazane slabosti, međutim, nisu razlog za odbacivanje Schengena, već pravi poticaj za njegovo unaprjeđenje. Ono što schengenski prostor predstavlja od prvog svog dana – prostor povjerenja, sigurnosti i mira, danas nam je u Europi potrebnije nego ikad u posljednjih dvadeset godina.

No, cijeli je koncept prilično obesmišljen ako u njega nisu uključene sve države s vanjskim granicama. Naravno, postoje vrlo objektivni kriteriji koje trebaju ispuniti, ali sad kad nam je taj cilj nadohvat ruke trebali bismo pogurati Hrvatsku, Bugarsku i Rumunjsku da što prije uđu u Schengen.

Zato s ovog mjesta još jednom pozivam sve koji sudjeluju ili doprinose u procesu odlučivanja da maksimalno ubrzaju pristupanje ovih triju država schengenskom prostoru.


  Jozo Radoš (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, gospodine povjereniče, gospodine ministre, želim zahvaliti kolegama iz S&D-a na ovoj vrlo aktualnoj temi koju su pokrenuli.

S povećanjem sigurnosnih ugroza povećava se i potreba za stvaranjem jedinstvenog europskog prostora sigurnosti odnosno uključenja svih zemalja Europske unije u schengenski prostor. Razbijeni schengenski prostor ne samo da otežava kontrolu vanjskih granica i sigurnost nego i komunikaciju, slobodno kretanje ljudi, roba, kapitala i usluga i time slabi gospodarsku snagu Europske unije, a pogotovo stvarajući neravnopravnost među državama članicama i među građanima Europske unije.

Stoga, pozdravljam najavljeni ulazak Rumunjske i Bugarske u schengenski prostor, kao i moje zemlje Hrvatske čim ispuni uvjete. Drago mi je da su i ministar i povjerenik rekli da je Hrvatskoj preostalo vrlo malo kriterija koje treba ispuniti da bi postala članica schengenskog prostora i kao što se protivim svim nejednakostima i nejednakom tretmanu Bugarske i Rumunjske prilikom njihovog ulaska u schengenski prostor tako očekujem da će odluka o ulasku Hrvatske biti donesena temeljem kriterija, temeljem tehničke i upravne sposobnosti, a nikako temeljem političkih kriterija, zahtjeva i uvjeta.


  Franz Obermayr (ENF). – Herr Präsident! Es ist schon einigermaßen verwirrend, wenn der Präsident der Kommission, Herr Juncker, den jüngsten Bericht seiner eigenen Behörde betreffend Rumänien und Bulgarien offensichtlich ignoriert.

Denn in dem Bericht wird ja klar festgehalten, dass weder die Reform der Justiz noch die Bekämpfung der Korruption und der organisierten Kriminalität zufriedenstellend ist. Nun will Herr Juncker beide Länder so schnell wie möglich in den Schengen-Raum aufnehmen, in der Schengen-Informationssystem einbinden – sie sollen die europäische Außengrenze sichern.

Natürlich wäre es wünschenswert, wenn die europäische Außengrenze etwas weiter südöstlich gesichert und geschützt würde. Aber es müssen auch die Rahmenbedingungen dafür passen, und der Bericht der Kommission spricht ja eindeutig dagegen. Wie eine verlässliche Grenzsicherung bei Korruption in der Polizei und auch in der Justiz gehen soll, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, aber vielleicht hat hier Herr Juncker eine passende Antwort.

Eines ist allerdings klar: Schengen, das ist heute schon mehrmals festgestellt worden, muss überarbeitet werden, Schengen ist reformbedürftig. Und klar ist auch: Mit dem Schnellschuss einer Erweiterung, bei der die Rahmenbedingungen noch nicht passen, wird Europa nicht sicherer, die Grenzen werden nicht sicherer! Und ob Sie es hören wollen oder nicht, unsere Bürger in Europa sehen es genauso.


  Jaromír Štětina (PPE). – Pane předsedající, minulý týden jsme měli slavit v České republice desetileté výročí od vstupu do schengenského prostoru. Oslavy však byly téměř nepostřehnutelné. Jedinečná myšlenka, díky které se mohou lidé volně a bez kontrol pohybovat napříč Evropskou unií, je dnes mnohými z nás považována za samozřejmou.

Česká republika je navíc ekonomicky takřka závislá na bezproblémovém fungování pohybu zboží. O to víc je překvapivé, že schengenský prostor nedokážeme ocenit. Mnozí politici se v souvislosti s migrační a bezpečnostní politikou nerozpakují schengenský prostor zneužít ke svým populistickým hrám. Schengenský prostor je podrobován zásadní zkoušce ve svém fungování. Jen pro představu, zrušení schengenského prostoru by podle studie Evropského parlamentu přišlo na sto až dvě stě třicet miliard EUR během deseti let. Schengenský prostor byl od začátku koncipován jako organismus, který zahrnuje prvky svobody a bezpečnosti.

Svoboda volného pohybu bez vnitřních hranic je od počátku této myšlenky vyvažována. Vyvažována nejenom důležitou ochranou vnějších hranic, ale i systémem řady dalších navazujících předpisů. Za poslední dva roky právě bezpečnostní aspekt schengenského prostoru výrazně posílil. Posílily pravomoci Frontexu, ke zkvalitnění kontroly na hranicích jsme schválili zavedení systému vstupu/výstupu (EES) a řadu dalších předpisů.

Těším se na nové členy schengenského prostoru. Bulharsko a Rumunsko a Chorvatsko musí být do schengenského prostoru přijata okamžitě po splnění všech závazných kritérií.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). – Gospodine predsjedniče, prije svega želim zahvaliti Gianniju Pittelli i svojoj grupi, na čiji prijedlog danas raspravljamo o proširenju Schengena. Rasprava, posve opravdano, pored Bugarske i Rumunjske, uključuje i Hrvatsku. Hvala i povjereniku Avramopoulosu na jasnim i ohrabrujućim stajalištima Komisije.

Čak milijardu i dvjesto pedeset milijuna putovanja zabilježi se godišnje na schengenskom prostoru. O gospodarskim, političkim i integrativnim učincima tog velikog dostignuća Europske unije ne treba previše govoriti. Pravila pristupanja su jasna – to je opsežan popis tehničkih kriterija koje zemlja treba ispuniti prije pristupanja. Međutim, na kraju je potreban ključni – politički – pristanak svih članica Europske unije.

Važno je nastaviti s provedbom schengenske stečevine. To jača stupanj povjerenja među članicama schengenskog prostora. Jednako tako, treba imati povjerenja i prema članicama koje već dugo intenzivno rade na ispunjavanju svih kriterija.

Ističem kako je Hrvatska od pristupanja Schengenskom informativnom sustavu u samo 4 mjeseca obavila 75 milijuna kontrola i identificirala preko 4000 prekršaja. Dokaz da već obavljene pripreme donose rezultate. Osim toga, Hrvatska od svih članica ima najdužu vanjsku kopnenu granicu Europske unije. Želimo doprinijeti boljoj sigurnosti našeg dijela vanjskih granica Europske unije. Želimo unutarnje granice Europske unije bez bodljikave žice koja nas danas dijeli od naših susjeda.

Na Hrvatskoj je da ispuni sve kriterije za pristupanje Schengenu, što očekujemo do kraja sljedeće godine. Na Vijeću je potom da uvaži sve što je napravljeno. Kredibilitet Europske unije jasno će se potvrđivati na ovom pitanju.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, Κύριε Αβραμόπουλε, ενώ η Βουλγαρία, η Ρουμανία και η Κροατία γίνονται μέλη της Σένγκεν, οι Έλληνες επιβάτες αεροπορικών πτήσεων από την Ελλάδα υποβάλλονται σε παράνομους ελέγχους στα γερμανικά και βελγικά αεροδρόμια. Την επιβολή γερμανικής καραντίνας κατά των ελλήνων επιβατών είχα καταγγείλει σ’ αυτήν εδώ την αίθουσα στις 15 Νοεμβρίου. Παρά ταύτα οι παράνομοι έλεγχοι των ελλήνων επιβατών όχι μόνο συνεχίζονται στα γερμανικά αεροδρόμια, αλλά επεκτάθηκαν και στο αεροδρόμιο των Βρυξελλών στις 4 Δεκεμβρίου, ζήτημα για το οποίο σάς υπέβαλα, κύριε Αβραμόπουλε, κατεπείγουσα γραπτή ερώτηση και αναμένω την απάντησή σας.

Επιπλέον, εδώ στο αεροδρόμιο του Στρασβούργου, όλοι οι επιβάτες Σένγκεν, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ευρωβουλευτών, υποβάλλονται κατά την άφιξη και αναχώρησή τους σε διαβατηριακούς ελέγχους. Έτσι, ενώ η Γερμανία, το Βέλγιο, η Γαλλία και η Αυστρία δεν εφαρμόζουν τη Σένγκεν, τελικά αυτή εφαρμόζεται απ’ την Ελλάδα, με αποτέλεσμα η πατρίδα μας να έχει μετατραπεί σε μαγνήτη για τους χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες και παράνομους μετανάστες. Ενόψει όλων αυτών η Ελλάδα οφείλει εδώ και τώρα να αποχωρήσει από τη Σένγκεν. Το έχω ξαναπεί σ’ αυτήν εδώ την αίθουσα.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). – Domnul președinte, zilele astea se fac șapte ani de când avea loc ultima evaluare tehnică a dosarului României privitor la Schengen. Din vara lui 2011, Comisia și Parlamentul consideră că România e gata să între în zona de circulație liberă.

Tot de atunci, câteva guverne europene s-au opus acestei intrări. Argumentul a fost că securitatea zonei Schengen e afectată de felul defectuos în care funcționează statul de drept din România. Mecanismul de Cooperare și Verificare a devenit astfel cheia care trebuia să deschidă poarta Shengen. În ultimii cinci ani, guvernele de la București au avut trei atitudini referitoare la MCV.

Prima a fost subminarea directă a justiției, inclusiv a celei constituționale. Guvernul Ponta și majoritatea PSD-PNL au aruncat România, în vara lui 2012, într-o criză instituțională foarte gravă, adăugând noi criterii de îndeplinit în dosarul MCV. Ulterior, supărați că europenii așteptau o justiție independentă, premierul Ponta și ministru de externe Corlățean au zis că nu-i mai interesează Schengen-ul.

A doua atitudinea, a fost efortul de a îmbunătăți funcționarea justiției. E perioada scurtă, din păcate, în care premier a fost Dacian Cioloș.

În fine, de la începutul anului, asaltul împotriva domniei legii a fost reluat de guvernele Grindeanu și Tudose. Majoritatea PSD-ALDE vrea limitarea independenței magistraților și protejarea corupților. În ianuarie au folosit o ordonanță de urgență adoptată la miezul nopții. De câteva săptămâni au la îndemână o mașină de vot, bine unsă de corupți, de veleitari sau de deputați incompatibili. Cum criticii de acum 6 ani din alte state membre nu și-au schimbat opinia despre relația Schengen-MCV, câtă vreme nu va fi dreptate în România, nu va fi nici libertate deplină de mișcare pentru români.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, comisario. Érase una vez un tiempo en que en la Unión Europea todas las instituciones —al hablar de Schengen— hablábamos la misma lengua, conscientes de que se trata, junto al modelo social europeo, del activo más preciado y más precioso de la construcción europea para quinientos millones de europeos.

Pero ese tiempo se ha encontrado ahora con un problema. Y el problema se llama Consejo, que no solamente ha suspendido la libre circulación de personas, el activo más preciado por los europeos —Schengen—, sino que amenaza con prorrogar la suspensión hasta 2020 y, sobre todo, excluye de esa libre circulación a dos Estados miembros de la Unión Europea que han hecho sus deberes, que han cumplido con todos los criterios técnicos. Y, por tanto, perpetra una grave injusticia contra Rumanía y Bulgaria y amenaza con hacer lo mismo con Croacia, impidiendo la libre circulación de personas a ciudadanos europeos que lo son de cuerpo entero y de pleno derecho.

El Grupo socialista les quiere decir a los rumanos y a los búlgaros que apoya plenamente su derecho de libre circulación y no quiere que los rumanos y los búlgaros, ni mañana los croatas, sean menos ciudadanos que otros en la Unión Europea y le dice, comisario, que la suspensión de Schengen deteriora la credibilidad de la Unión Europea como actor global y deteriora la consistencia del proyecto europeo ante los europeos. Y, por tanto, alimenta a esos enemigos rampantes que amenazan y acechan a la Unión Europea: el nacionalismo excluyente y el populismo.


  Емил Радев (PPE). – Г-н Председател, уважаеми г-н Комисар, дами и господа, десет години след присъединяването на България към Европейския съюз нашата страна ще поеме за първи път председателството на Съвета на ЕС и ще води Съюза в един важен момент за неговото развитие от гледна точка на промените в миграционната политика и Шенген. В същото време обаче България не е пълноправен член на Шенген, въпреки че прилага изцяло шенгенските актове, използва активно Шенгенската информационна система, получи пасивен достъп до визовата информационна система и е в обхвата на новосъздадената система за вход/изход.

Изпълнила всички технически критерии за влизане в Шенген – единствените критерии за присъединяване, България се е доказала като надежден партньор в охраната на външната европейска граница. Време е многократно получаваното признание на думи да бъде подкрепено с ясни и категорични политически действия от страна на европейските ни партньори.

В момент на нарастващ политически популизъм, традиционните партии, особено когато са управляващи, следва да проявят разум и да не се поддават на популистки похвати. Не следва да се потъпкват европейските правила и закони в името на печеленето на гласове. Не е и проява на солидарност, както и правно не е издържано, правилата за едни да бъдат променяни за други.

Затова призовавам държавите членки да вземат положително решение колкото се може по-скоро за присъединяването на България и Румъния в Шенген. Само така ще докажат, че думите им са подплатени с реални намерения в рамките на правила, които самите те са написали.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Ich bin in Oberösterreich aufgewachsen, in einer Region, die von Grenzen umgeben war, Schlagbäume und Stacheldraht engten meinen Horizont ein.

Diese Grenzen schützten uns nicht, sie hinderten uns, Kontakte aufzunehmen und schwächten unsere Region. Europa: Das war für meine Generation der Traum, ohne Grenzbalken zu leben. Schengen hat Europa verändert, hat die Menschen zusammengebracht und unseren Wohlstand gemehrt. Besonders Österreich hat davon profitiert.

Offene Grenzen sind ein wertvolles Gut. Sie setzen Vertrauen voraus, und mit diesem Vertrauen muss man sorgfältig umgehen. Aber wir dürfen deswegen nicht andere davon abhalten, in den Genuss eben dieser Freizügigkeit zu kommen. Vor allem, wenn sie – wie Rumänien und Bulgarien –alle Voraussetzungen erfüllen, und das schon seit sieben Jahren, wie das der Vorsitzende Moraes gerade eindrucksvoll erklärt hat. Das ist unfair und ungerecht, unklug noch dazu, und es zerstört das Vertrauen in das gemeinsame Europa.

Es ist höchste Zeit, endlich das zu tun, was man schon längst hätte tun sollen.


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, membre de la Commission. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, je vous remercie pour vos interventions.

Je ne le répéterai jamais assez, mais l’espace Schengen est, pour moi, la plus grande réalisation de l’Union européenne, pour les citoyens surtout, et leurs droits en tant qu’Européens, mais aussi pour nos économies. Plus que cela, Schengen est un symbole de confiance entre les États membres. C’est un signe que les pays européens travaillent ensemble, vivent ensemble et non les uns contre les autres.

Si les défis migratoire et sécuritaire nécessitent que nous renforcions, adaptions, réformions l’espace Schengen, y faire face n’implique surtout pas de revenir en arrière. Les États membres doivent, au contraire, affronter ensemble ce défi commun, unis dans un espace Schengen plus fort. C’est pourquoi il est grand temps que la Bulgarie et la Roumanie, elles aussi, deviennent membres à part entière de l’espace Schengen et que la Croatie fasse de même dès qu’elle sera prête. La Bulgarie et la Roumanie ont démontré leur capacité à devenir membres à part entière de l’espace Schengen et devraient donc être en mesure d’y adhérer dans un avenir très proche.

L’avenir de l’espace Schengen réside dans le juste équilibre entre deux principes importants: la liberté de circulation et la nécessité de pouvoir faire face à d’importantes menaces à la sécurité. Ainsi, la réintroduction des contrôles aux frontières internes reste l’exception, je le répète, reste l’exception.

C’est pourquoi la Commission a présenté une proposition visant à modifier les codes frontières Schengen afin de maintenir précisément cet équilibre et d’assurer une approche coordonnée de l’Union européenne en matière de contrôles aux frontières intérieures. En contrepartie d’une possibilité plus longue de réintroduire le contrôle aux frontières internes, nous proposons de renforcer les procédures et le devoir de coopérer avec les États membres voisins. Je suis vraiment ravi de constater que la Bulgarie, qui assurera la prochaine présidence, est déterminée à faire avancer ces dossiers en priorité.

Maintenant, permettez-moi de parler pour quelques minutes en grec pour répondre aux préoccupations des membres grecs du Parlement.

Κύριε Πρόεδρε, είπα ακριβώς ότι θα μου επιτρέψετε να απαντήσω στα Ελληνικά σχετικά με τις ανησυχίες ελλήνων ευρωβουλευτών.

Είναι αλήθεια, κυρίες και κύριοι βουλευτές, ότι η Γερμανία έχει επιβάλει ηυξημένους ελέγχους στις πτήσεις από την Ελλάδα. Αλλά τόσο οι ελληνικές όσο και οι γερμανικές αρχές συνεργάζονται για την επίλυση του συγκεκριμένου ζητήματος και βέβαια με τη σειρά μου ενθαρρύνω τη συνέχιση αυτής της συνεργασίας. Βρισκόμαστε και εμείς σε επαφή με τις αρχές και των δύο χωρών. Όπως ενδεχομένως θυμόσαστε, με πρωτοβουλία της Επιτροπής πραγματοποιήθηκε τριμερής συνάντηση εμπειρογνωμόνων στις 22 Νοεμβρίου, δηλαδή της Ελλάδας, της Γερμανίας και της Επιτροπής. Η συνάντηση διευκόλυνε την εποικοδομητική ανταλλαγή απόψεων και τη συζήτηση σχετικά με τα πρακτικά ζητήματα για να περιοριστεί κυρίως η επιβάρυνση των επιβατών.

Δεν σας κρύβω ότι δέχθηκα με ικανοποίηση τις διαβεβαιώσεις που έδωσε η Γερμανία, σύμφωνα με τις οποίες οι έλεγχοι θα γίνονται πλέον μόνο στην πύλη εντός του χώρου αφίξεων Σένγκεν των γερμανικών αεροδρομίων. Οι έλεγχοι πρακτικά περιορίζονται στον έλεγχο της ταυτότητας και στην εγκυρότητα των ταξιδιωτικών εγγράφων. Μέχρι στιγμής δεν έχουμε λάβει καμία πληροφορία για το αντίθετο ούτε από τη γερμανική ούτε από την ελληνική πλευρά. Επίσης με ικανοποίηση δέχθηκα τη διευκρίνιση εκ μέρους των εκπροσώπων της Ελλάδας σχετικά με την ενίσχυση των υφιστάμενων ελέγχων στα ελληνικά αεροδρόμια. Θα συνεχίσουμε να συνεργαζόμαστε στενά και με εποικοδομητικό πάντα πνεύμα με τη Γερμανία και την Ελλάδα, για να επιλυθεί αυτό το ζήτημα.

Όσον αφορά στο Βέλγιο, οι βελγικές αρχές μάς ενημέρωσαν επίσημα ότι πραγματοποιούν μη συστηματικούς δηλαδή απλά σποραδικούς αστυνομικούς ελέγχους στο αεροδρόμιο των Βρυξελλών, στη βάση εκτιμήσεων κινδύνου, κι αυτό όχι μονάχα με πτήσεις που έρχονται από την Ελλάδα αλλά και από άλλες χώρες μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Το ίδιο πρέπει να σας πω κάνουν κατά καιρούς και οι ελληνικές αρχές, όταν ακριβώς υπάρχει μία εκτίμηση κινδύνου. Αυτό το δικαίωμα το έχουν όλες οι χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και κατά καιρούς το ασκούν όταν υπάρχει κάποια ειδοποίηση. Συνεπώς ήταν κάτι που συνέβη μια φορά· δεν έχει συμβεί ενδιάμεσα. Να σας πω ότι κι εγώ ταξιδεύω από την Ελλάδα στο Βέλγιο και δεν αισθάνθηκα ότι υπήρχε κάτι το ιδιαίτερο. Νομίζω ότι ήταν υπερβολική η αντίδραση αλλά σωστά, εν πάση περιπτώσει, έγινε, για να ξεκαθαρίσει και αυτό το θέμα.

Επιτρέψτε μου να σας θυμίσω ότι αυτοί οι αστυνομικοί έλεγχοι δεν γίνονται αυθαίρετα. Προβλέπονται από τον κώδικα συνόρων Σένγκεν και περί αυτού και μόνο πρόκειται. Ειδικά για τη Γαλλία, μιας και έγινε αναφορά πρωτύτερα, θα μου επιτρέψετε να θυμίσω ότι έχει επανεισαγάγει προσωρινούς συνοριακούς ελέγχους όπως και άλλες χώρες. Στην εισαγωγική μου ομιλία εξήγησα πώς έχει η κατάσταση.

Τώρα θα μου επιτρέψετε πάλι να αλλάξω και να μιλήσω στα Αγγλικά, για να απαντήσω σε ερωτήσεις συναδέλφων σας.

I will turn to English to answer some of your questions. One of them was from Ms Fajon. Yes, six Member States are currently carrying out temporary internal border controls in line, as I said before, with the Schengen rules. I welcome that these Member States too share the goal of returning to an area without internal border controls. According to these Member States, the controls are being carried out in a targeted manner and strictly limited to safeguarding public policy or internal security, and the impact on free movement will be limited. The Commission is in close contact with them. My services are finalising the analysis of all letters received and, whenever further clarifications are needed, follow-up letters will be sent. As I said already, internal border controls are an exception used only as a measure of last resort.

It is important now that Member States make progress in the discussions on a proposal to update the Schengen Borders Code to be fit for the current context. Here I want to be crystal clear: the Commission’s objective is and will continue to be to preserve and strengthen the Schengen area as an area without controls at internal borders. I am glad to see that we here share the same objective.

I have also carefully listened to the strong message of Mr Moraes, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). I would like to qualify him as a guardian of Schengen because he has been advocating and fighting for it from the very first moment. He has been expressing the full support of this House, through the LIBE Committee, for Bulgaria and Romania and Croatia to join Schengen as soon as possible.

Once more, I hope that the Council – because it is now up to the Council to take the final decision – will hear this double call from this room: the call of the Commission and the call of Parliament, and that we will all of us very soon be in the happy position of opening the doors of the European Union to our co-citizens, co-Europeans, of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia.


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, please be reassured that the Presidency has taken good note of all the comments that were made today on this subject, including that of Commissioner Avramopoulos at the end of the debate. I would like to reiterate the Council’s strong determination to carry on with our work until we reach our ultimate goal, which is the preservation and further development of Schengen, including via enlargement, which will be on the Council agenda in the coming months.




  Monica Macovei (ECR). – Domnule președinte, nu este un „point of order”, este un răspuns, o declarație personală, pentru că numele meu a fost menționat de un coleg din Parlament, domnul deputat PSD Boștinaru și, potrivit Regulamentului de procedură, am dreptul să răspund.

Am fost întrebată de domnul Boștinaru dacă știu ce înseamnă Schengen, că a considerat că nu trebuie să îmi dea lecții și vreau să îi spun că da, știu ce înseamnă Schengen. Am fost raportor al Parlamentului pentru modificarea codului Schengen și am introdus România și Bulgaria între statele care trebuie să asigure frontiera externă a Uniunii Europene, cu drepturi și obligații egale față de celelalte state membre. Deci, am făcut un pas înainte, tocmai pentru aderarea țării mele și a Bulgariei la Schengen, pentru că în raportul inițial al Comisiei nu existau România și Bulgaria.

Dar ce a făcut acest guvern socialist și ALDE în România? Din cele peste 60 de milioane, fonduri alocate pentru componenta „frontieră și control frontiere”, au folosit până acuma sub 10 %. Nu au cumpărat niciun scanner pentru verificarea celor care intră și ies din Uniunea Europeană și pentru protejarea Uniunii împotriva terorismului (oratorul a fost întrerupt).


  Presidente. – Scusi onorevole, il regolamento Le dà facoltà di respingere le affermazioni che sono state fatte sul Suo conto, non di riaprire il dibattito. Quindi Lei ha smentito le dichiarazioni che Le attribuivano di non conoscere le questioni relative a Schengen e la questione può finire qui. La ringrazio, onorevole.

La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D), in writing. – The Schengen area is the largest free travel area in the world and the biggest achievement of the European Union. It has marked a significant step forward for the benefit of people travelling in the enlarged Schengen area with no internal border controls. Romania and Bulgaria have fulfilled all the necessary conditions and have made significant efforts to guarantee the security of the EU’s external borders. It is time to take the necessary steps to enable those countries to finally become full members of the Schengen area in order to make citizens’ lives easier and boost our economies.


  Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan. – Pristupanje schengenskom prostoru jedan je od strateških prioriteta Republike Hrvatske kojem se pristupa s velikom ozbiljnošću i predanošću jer hrvatska vanjska granica predstavlja najdužu vanjsku granicu EU-a.

Europska migracijska kriza te problem radikalizacije i vehabijskih naselja koja rastu s druge strane granice, u BiH, čine pitanje proširenja i nužnost ulaska Hrvatske u schengenski prostor neodgodivim i nužnim. Spomenuta naselja služe kao centri za zapošljavanje i osposobljavanje radikaliziranih članova koji su izravna prijetnja europskoj sigurnosti stoga je pojačana kontrola i međusobna suradnja i podrška s ostalim članicama Schengena važan element sigurnosti vanjske granice EU-a s BiH što će ujedno rezultirati i adekvatnim sankcioniranjem i sprečavanjem ilegalnih prelazaka vanjske granice.

Cilj Republike Hrvatske je ostvariti tehničku spremnost tijekom 2018. godine kako bi Vijeće najkasnije početkom 2019., a svakako prije kraja mandata sadašnje Europske komisije, moglo donijeti političku odluku o pristupanju Hrvatske schengenskom prostoru. To bi predstavljalo značajnu odluku i poslalo pozitivnu poruku koja bi išla u prilog ujedinjenoj i snažnoj Europi, jer samo je zajedničkim naporima moguće pružati adekvatnu zaštitu europskim građanima.

Ovim putem izražavam podršku ulasku Bugarske i Rumunjske u schengenski prostor te smatram kako je Europa bez granica jedini put prema jedinstvenoj i sigurnoj Europi.


  Kati Piri (S&D), schriftelijk. – Vandaag debatteren wij over het toelaten van Kroatië, Bulgarije en Roemenië tot het Schengengebied. Volgens de Commissie voldoen Bulgarije en Roemenië aan alle gestelde criteria. Als we het hebben over Schengen, hebben we het ook over grenzen. Afgelopen zomer hebben wij meer dan 200 klachten ontvangen over misstanden aan de grens in Bulgarije: lange wachttijden, het moeten betalen van smeergeld en onterechte boetes - het kwam allemaal voorbij. Uit eigen onderzoek is bovendien gebleken dat geen enkele grensambtenaar tot op heden is veroordeeld. Een groot struikelblok hierin vormt de integriteit. Men staat open voor smeergeld, maar is de stap naar georganiseerde misdaad dan niet snel gemaakt? Al met al betekent het dat Bulgarije na tien jaar lidmaatschap nog steeds niet aan de eisen voldoet en er ondanks alle EU-subsidies weinig vooruitgang wordt geboekt. Dat kan niet langer. Het wordt tijd dat het land de corruptie nu eens serieus gaat aanpakken en zich niet langer verschuilt achter schijnoplossingen.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE), írásban. – Azt gondolom, hogy a schengeni övezet kibővítését nem lehet tovább halogatni: a Bizottság már leszögezte, hogy Románia és Bulgária készen áll a csatlakozásra és ezek az országok és polgáraik évek óta várják a pozitív döntést az uniós belügyminiszterektől. A két ország igazságszolgáltatási rendszerének uniós monitorizálása semmilyen kapcsolatban nincs a schengeni csatlakozással, az európai jog megsértése, ha ezt a két dolgot összekötik. Megfontolhatná továbbá a Bizottság, hogy a monitoring–jelentéshez hasonló uniós mechanizmust az összeg tagállamra vezessen be, hiszen a tagállamok akkor fogják elfogadni ezt a fajta kontrollt, ha nem tesznek különbséget közöttük és nem érzik azt a kettős mérce megnyilvánulásának. Ezt a fajta monitoring-mechanizmust természetesen nagy körültekintéssel lehetne alkalmazni és működtetni, de ha valóban a polgárok Európájának kialakítását tűzzük ki célul, akkor az EU nem tehet mást.


  Claudia Țapardel (S&D), în scris. – În urma eforturilor depuse de România pentru a îndeplini criteriile de aderare la spațiul Schengen, este evident că țara noastră nu mai poate trăi din promisiuni deșarte și trebuie să facă parte din acest spațiu. Așa cum recunosc și Comisia Europeană și PE, de mai bine de șase ani, țara noastră îndeplinește toate criteriile tehnice. Mai mult chiar, România face parte deja și implementează sistemele instituite pentru a gestiona mai bine frontierele externe ale Uniunii, precum Sistemul de Informații Schengen sau Sistemul de Informații privind Vizele. Consider însă că acest statut ambiguu în care România este deopotrivă observator, dar și un participant de facto trebuie să înceteze.

Ar trebui, în schimb, să ne axăm pe consolidarea spațiului Schengen actual și a frontierelor sale externe și să punem mai mult accent pe solidaritate. Refuzul de a extinde spațiul Schengen în România trădează o lipsă de solidaritate și desconsideră angajamentele asumate. Aderarea la Schengen nu este un favor acordat României sau Bulgariei, ci o situație de normalitate și necesitate pentru Europa. Această permanentă amânare nu face altceva decât să aducă gustul amar al nedreptății și să erodeze popularitatea proiectului european și a principiului de egalitate între statele membre.


  Ivica Tolić (PPE), napisan. – Pristupanje schengenskom prostoru strateški je prioritet Hrvatske. Sve dok to ne postignemo, ne možemo govoriti o jednakopravnosti svih članica Europske unije.

Postupak evaluacije primjene schengenske pravne stečevine u Hrvatskoj se primjenjuje od srpnja 2014. godine. Europskoj komisiji predali smo izjavu o našoj spremnosti za evaluaciju te smo dostavili odgovore na 384 pitanja i prijevode svih relevantnih pravnih akata u kolovozu 2015. godine. Do sada su provedene evaluacije u 6 područja (zaštita podataka, zajednička vizna politika, upravljanje vanjskim granicama, povrat i ponovni prihvat, policijska suradnja i propisi o vatrenom oružju). Za sve uočene nedostatke i preporuke za korektivne mjere, Hrvatska je dostavila akcijske planove za otklanjanje nedostataka te je većina preporuka ispunjena. U okviru schengenskog instrumenta, Hrvatskoj je na raspolaganju bilo 120 milijuna eura, od čega je utrošeno 116,7 milijuna ili 97,33%. Naš cilj je ostvariti tehničku spremnost tijekom 2018. godine, kako bi Vijeće najkasnije početkom 2019. godine moglo donijeti političku odluku o pristupanju Hrvatske schengenskom prostoru.

U tom smislu, cijenjene kolegice i kolege očekujemo i vašu potporu, potporu Europskog parlamenta ovom realnom planu.

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