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Teisipäev, 16. jaanuar 2018 - Strasbourg

13. Olukord Keenias (arutelu)
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  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärung der Vizepräsidentin der Kommission und Hohen Vertreterin der Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik zur Lage in Kenia (2018/2511(RSP)).

Auch hier ist Frau Mogherini leider verhindert und wird von Frau Malmström vertreten.


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, the High Representative is unfortunately ill, and at very short notice I am replacing her.

Kenya is an essential player in East Africa, an economic powerhouse and an important pivot for regional stability. We all know how fragile the Horn of Africa is, with conflicts in Somalia, Burundi, Sudan and South Sudan. And we all know how important this region is for Europe as a connection between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, between Europe, Africa and Asia.

We Europeans are strongly committed to that region, with our development cooperation, with our investment, with our military and civilian missions, but also a growing diplomatic engagement. Let me recall the meeting, convened by High Representative Mogherini and ministers of the member countries of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in late September in Brussels, and we intend to repeat that meeting this year.

This makes Kenya a natural and vital interlocutor for us. Kenya’s positive role in regional dynamics is impossible to underestimate, and relative prosperity, democracy and stability are essential to the whole of East Africa.

Kenyan troops are contributing to peace and security around Africa, starting with Somalia, and the country has given shelter to about half a million refugees fleeing from war in other African countries. Kenya’s strength matters for all of us, but also for its own citizens and for the rest of Africa and the European Union.

Kenya’s strength and resilience very much depend on democracy and rule of law in that country, and that is why Kenya’s rising middle-class demands that its business environment is improved and that more investment is attracted. All Kenyans aspire to free and fair elections with credible and accountable institutions.

We have always supported Kenya in its path towards stronger democracy, including by sending election observers to every Kenyan presidential election since 2002. This is also an example of Kenya’s commitment to transparency and its relationship with the European Union.

Our observation missions are never meant to declare a winner, that’s not our job. They are there to observe, to report and to make recommendations on how to strengthen the electoral process. The electoral observation mission to Kenya last year has reported substantial progress compared to previous elections, and yet the 2017 electoral process was still marked by some irregularities, political polarisation and acts of violence.

As you know, the mission’s final report was published last week. The chief observer, Marietje Schaake, and her team covered both the August general election and the unforeseen but historic decision by the Kenyan Supreme Court to order a re-run of the presidential election last October.

The mission’s recommendation for the re-run election has already played a constructive role. In particular, they helped the Kenyan Electoral Commission to make systematic changes which largely eliminated irregularities in the transmission and tallying of results, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Marietje Schaake and her team for the fantastic job that they did there.

The mission’s conduct has been balanced, constructive and highly professional, in line with the terms of the agreement with the Kenyan authority. Throughout the electoral process, Ms Schaake and her colleagues have reported on both the irregularities and the progress they witnessed, in the best interests of Kenya’s democracy and of Kenyan citizens.

Despite this overall positive environment, the mission has received criticism from supporters on both political sides. This wasn’t just unpleasant, it was totally unjustified. The mission’s final report provides a good basis to discuss how to further improve Kenya’s electoral system, and we are ready to support this work, and High Representative Mogherini has sent senior officials to Nairobi on Saturday to pass this message on to the Kenyan authorities, even if no government is yet fully formed. There is room to build on the progress already achieved, and there is a duty to do so for the people of Kenya.

Kenya can move towards a more inclusive governance and more inclusive development. All communities and ethnic groups should feel that they have a role in the country’s present and future. Kenyans have already decided on the devolution of powers, using the existing constitutional tool to achieve this goal.

Kenya has huge potential for economic and human development, it can be a force for stability and growth in the whole region. But the only way to unleash its potential is by making democracy stronger and more credible. The people of Kenya can count on the European Union to help them achieve their potential, and I know that the people of Kenya can count on the European Parliament.

So again, thank you for the work that you have been doing. It is difficult, it can be exhausting, but it is truly contributing to peace, security in democracy in our common region.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Jak już pani komisarz wspomniała, podczas powtórzonych wyborów prezydenckich w Kenii w październiku zeszłego roku podniesiono standardy w dziedzinie przejrzystości procedur i weryfikacji wyników. I pomimo uchybień i pewnych błędów, które mimo wszystko komisja wyborcza dostrzegła, to jednak zwycięstwo Uhuru Kenyatty zostało uznane za prawomocne przez kenijski Sąd Najwyższy.

Jednocześnie jednak poważnym powodem do niepokoju jest rosnący konflikt polityczny wynikający z konsekwencji późnych zmian prawnych w ordynacji wyborczej, jak i zmian osobowych w składzie komisji wyborczej. Reforma procesu wyborczego powinna być przeprowadzona na długo przed wyborami i opierać się na szerokim konsensusie między wszystkimi zainteresowanymi stronami.

Uważam, że istotne jest, aby został nawiązany dialog pomiędzy zwolennikami obozu prezydenta oraz opozycji w celu uniknięcia dalszej polaryzacji społecznej, która zaczyna nabierać wymiaru konfliktu etnicznego, pociągając za sobą ryzyko masowej przemocy. Ważne jest, aby zgodnie z rekomendacjami misji obserwacyjnej Unii Europejskiej strona rządząca była otwarta na współpracę z ugrupowaniami opozycyjnymi na rzecz zagwarantowania bezstronności organów wyborczych. Wzmocnienie pozycji kenijskiej niezależnej komisji wyborczej jest niezbędne, aby zapobiec podważaniu wyników wyborów w przyszłości.

Godne potępienia z naszej strony, jak i międzynarodowej są także przypadki użycia siły i stosowania represji przez służby bezpieczeństwa względem opozycji, szczególnie użycie broni palnej przeciwko demonstrantom, które doprowadziło do śmierci ponad 60 osób.

Ale także lider opozycji Raila Odinga powinien powstrzymać się od działań godzących w ład konstytucyjny kraju, takich jak planowane jednostronne ogłoszenie się tzw. prezydentem ludu. Dlatego istotne jest, aby ugrupowanie Odingi przyjęło rolę konstruktywnej opozycji budującej swoją pozycję polityczną za pomocą legalnych i pokojowych środków.

Wszystkie siły polityczne w Kenii muszą działać razem, żeby nie dopuścić do otwartego konfliktu na wzór fali przemocy z lat 2007–2008, w wyniku której – jak wiemy – zginęło ponad 1,5 tys. obywateli tego kraju. Zalecenia zawarte w raporcie misji obserwacyjnej Unii Europejskiej są dobrymi wskazówkami na rzecz poprawy procesu wyborczego oraz ustalenia ram prawnych, skutecznych praktyk i silnych instytucji, które razem tworzą podstawę demokracji.

Mimo zaistniałych problemów należy skupić się na przyszłości tego jednego z najbardziej stabilnych i demokratycznych krajów w Afryce. Zwłaszcza w tym kontekście Unia Europejska i Kenia powinny dążyć do lepszej współpracy w kolejnych latach.


  Julie Ward, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, after a troubled electoral year the situation in Kenya is still very tense. I visited the country three times in the 12 months from December 2016 and also received members of Kenyan civil society in my office. I have developed relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, therefore, and I want to reiterate my support to the Kenyan people who were so keen to engage in democratic life.

When I visited Kenya in my role as a European Parliament election observer last August, I was struck by the enthusiasm of the citizens who turned out in huge numbers, waiting patiently in line in the cold and in the dark, including many women with babies on their backs, waiting for hours for the polling stations to open so that they could cast their votes. We do not often see such enthusiasm in Europe, so the Kenyans have much to teach our citizens about the importance of freedom and democracy.

As we know, the presidential election was subsequently cancelled by the Kenyan Supreme Court, a brave and unparalleled decision which gave hope to many who believed the election process to be seriously flawed. This should have paved the way for better democracy and increased trust. However, the continuing intransigence of political forces has dashed the hopes of many.

I know that colleagues from different political groups share my concerns about Kenya’s future, especially in light of reports about the use of excessive force by the police and the serious situation of human rights defenders on the ground, including indigenous people such as the Sengwer recently violently evicted from their forest homes, with two reportedly shot this very morning by the Kenyan authorities.

My Group and I encourage all political forces in Kenya to genuinely engage in constructive dialogue in order to find solutions to the deep crisis in which the country still finds itself. They owe it to the citizens and especially to those who contributed to the writing of the Kenyan Constitution adopted in 2010 following earlier election violence.

The European Union must continue to support Kenyan institutions in order to increase transparency and credibility, and improve governance. The institutions, including the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), must regain the trust of the Kenyan people. Political forces in the country, including the government, must also respect the institutions, especially the judiciary, and the election observation mission (EOM) report very clearly states that the judiciary institutions have shown their independence during these difficult times, but have also come under increasing pressure from political forces. This is unacceptable and must stop.

As a frequent electoral observer, I can also say that my experience has taught me that we should improve the way we observe elections, in particular with regard to recent technological innovations made to processes worldwide. Electoral voting changes the way that votes are counted and transmitted, and fraud cannot be observed in the same way if votes are cast on paper or on a machine, and counted by hand or number crunched on a computer. The interference in democratic processes in the UK, the USA and in Kenya by big data companies such as Cambridge Analytica, as reported by Carole Cadwalladr, amounts to a hijacking of democracy, and we must be alert to these dangers.

In accordance with our Socialist values my group and I support civil society organisations as an essential component of peaceful elections, and I was pleased to be invited to a recent event facilitated by the Quaker Movement on preventing deadlocked and violent elections in Kenya and elsewhere. It is very important to ensure that women and young people are included in political processes at all levels in order to prevent conflict around elections, and this can only be efficient if done through civil society organisations working at a grassroots level.

The shrinking space of civil society is extremely concerning in this regard, and not only in Kenya. So as a member of the EOM I want to highlight and support the work of Marietje Schaake as chief observer. I stand by Ms Schaake’s final report and conclusions and support its recommendations. It is important that all parties involved understand we must remain critical friends.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, 2017 was indeed a very difficult year for Kenya. As democrats in this House, we all feel a profound sense of sadness when we observe elections that are flawed, and reading the reports from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and our own EU Election Observation Mission, this seems to have been the case for both elections in Kenya last year.

It was hoped that the historic ruling of the Supreme Court last September calling for fresh presidential elections would have made way for a new and fairer poll. However, evidence shows that, on the contrary, independent institutions were attacked by political leaders, the police again used disproportionate force and the independence of the judiciary and the Electoral Commission were still put into question. It is particularly worrying that the Supreme Court was unable to hear a case seeking postponement of polling the day before the fresh election was due to take place, due to the lack of a quorum of judges. Was pressure applied on the judges not to turn up on the day? It is also deeply regrettable that opposition candidate Raila Odinga felt he had no choice but to withdraw as a candidate.

Where does Kenya go from here? The weight of responsibility now clearly lies on the shoulders of the Jubilee Party and President Kenyatta. The world will be watching closely. It is a testament to the courage and resilience of the Kenyan people that their country has not descended into civil war, frankly. Kenya must now come together again to uphold the rule of law and fundamental freedoms that are indispensable to a flourishing, democratic modern nation. The EU and the African Union must fully support Kenya in all these aspirations.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, when I was in Kenya leading the EU election observation mission (EOM), people would often ask whether we were holding Kenya or Africa to lower standards of democracy. The resounding answer is no. It is unacceptable to hold Kenya, or any country for that matter, to a lower standard. Instead, the EU assesses the extent to which elections meet Kenya’s own legal standards and commitments under human rights and international law. Unfortunately, during the 2017 elections, people’s rights were not always upheld and trust was eroded.

Our final report, which is available for everyone to read, looks at the gap between law and practice and gives 29 recommendations. The elections laid bare existing tensions and created new ones that all Kenyans suffer from. No, the standoff has not resulted in as many casualties as in the past, but every death – and every death by a police bullet – is one too many.

Some Kenyans complained that the world only has attention for the country when tensions escalate into violence. I believe the EU should be smarter and engage Kenya on core topics that benefit all Kenyans: strengthening the rule of law and good governance, supporting civil society and respect for human rights, fighting corruption and overcoming ethnic tensions. These are just a few areas that I do not think we hear enough about, while we hear lots about countering terrorism and trade and other such issues.

Anyone who has followed the discussions on Kenya knows that over the past week strong words have been used against me. These statements have been revealing, but I hope mudslinging will not distract from the substantial discussion on our recommendations on electoral reform and on the joint way forward for Kenyans. I would like to thank the Commissioner, the External Action Service and colleagues for their words of support for the work of my team and the recommendations that we make. I am glad that the EU speaks with one voice. I call on Kenya’s political leaders from both sides to show constructive leadership and rebuild trust. Integrity should be baked into the electoral system, regardless of who is in charge and the independence of institutions such as the judiciary should clearly be respected by all.

Over the past days, when people read the more critical remarks in our report, they said: ‘But Kenya is the most successful country in East Africa’. Yet, just because things could be worse, it does not mean that they are good or good enough. I remain convinced that we should never hold Kenya to a lower standard, including on the respect for human rights. I have met many Kenyans who are keen to enjoy the highest levels of democracy in their country. I wish them strength going forward and for the EU to be their principled partner.


  Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora presidenta; gracias, señora comisaria, lamento que la señora Mogherini no esté aquí hoy y le deseo una pronta recuperación.

Aun así, queremos transmitirle que la solución pasa por que la Unión Europea abandone políticas de tipo injerencista, que utilice exclusivamente medios pacíficos y que los fondos de desarrollo no sean utilizados para fines militares. La Comisión Europea debe trabajar para empoderar a las clases populares, favoreciendo su acceso a los medios de producción, los recursos naturales, y garantizando la soberanía alimentaria.

Creemos también que en Kenia hay que trabajar sin descanso para poner fin al acaparamiento de tierras y favorecer un reparto justo ―el 98,4 % del campesinado solo dispone de un 11,7 % de la tierra—, al igual que favorecer el acceso a las semillas y al agua para que sean las campesinas y los campesinos de Kenia quienes puedan alimentar a su pueblo. Creemos que es necesario favorecer, apoyar el acceso de la población al agua y a los servicios públicos, como la salud o la educación.

Creemos también que la Unión Europea debe velar por garantizar la seguridad, la alimentación y unas condiciones de vida dignas para las personas refugiadas somalíes en el campamento Dadaab, que huyen de la violencia, la pobreza, la sequía y el hambre desde que la intervención militar de los Estados Unidos, hace más de veinte años, destrozó Somalia, y trabajar para que Kenia no fuerce su retorno.


  Bodil Valero, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Fru talman! Det tar tid att bygga en fungerande demokrati och det är något som vi som haft demokrati sedan mycket länge ofta glömmer. Vi tar den för given, och det är väldigt farligt eftersom vi då slutar slåss för att upprätthålla den när den faktiskt hotas. Vi har en del unga demokratier bland EU:s medlemsstater också, och där kan vi se att det som vi menar är de demokratiska spelreglerna ibland sätts ur spel.

Samma eller likartade problem ser vi i många länder. Grunden för en fungerande demokrati är förstås att val kan hållas under ordnade former, att organisationen av valet ska vara så säker att valfusk inte ska kunna förekomma, att partier kan delta på lika villkor och att vinnare och förlorare kan hantera eventuella maktskiften på ett fredligt sätt. I dag när vi talar om Kenya så vet vi att de förutsättningarna inte varit helt uppfyllda under de senaste valen och resultatet har som vi hört blivit våld mellan olika grupper och en stor mängd döda. Det senaste valet är inget undantag.

Inför dagens debatt så kontaktade jag mina gröna kollegor i Kenya för att få deras bild av vad det är som Kenya behöver i dag för att komma vidare på sin väg mot en bättre demokrati. Först på deras lista är långtgående reformer av valsystemet i syfte att garantera trovärdiga val, vid varje val och under valens genomförande. Respekten för institutioner och rättsstatens principer som grundsten för demokratin behöver stärkas. Det finns därför också ett behov av konstitutionella reformer som stärker institutionerna och ökar respekten för lagar och regler. Det behövs en oberoende utredning om våldet efter det senaste valet och förövarna måste ställas inför rätta.

Medborgarna behöver också demokratiutbildning, där den politiska mobiliseringen organiseras kring specifika frågor och ideologier i stället för kring motstående etniska allianser och personliga intressen framför de gemensamma.

Men inte bara utbildning behövs. Gräsrotsdemokratin och medborgarnas aktiva deltagande behöver stärkas, inte bara under själva valen utan i policyfrågor och beslutsfattande både inom och utanför regeringen. Med på listan är också att skapa likvärdiga förutsättningar för kvinnor, minoriteter och funktionshindrade att kunna delta i politiken, till exempel att bli folkvalda. Sist men inte minst så uppmärksammar mina gröna vänner vikten av att skydda visselblåsare.


  Raymond Finch, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, the present reaction to the situation in Kenya is worrying. Kenya should be seen as a keystone of democracy in the continent. Africa and its partners across the world rely on Kenya to lead the way regarding elections and democracy.

I have a strong belief that Kenya’s democratic institutions can and do work and must be supported and strengthened. The democracy of Kenya is crucial, not only for Kenya, but for the whole of Africa and for Africa’s relationships with the wider world.

A strong and free Kenya brings security to the Horn of Africa and can be an important strategic ally for us all. The European Union must not destabilise Kenya by simply picking one side. This helps nobody except those who wish ill to democracy. One must ask why, alone amongst international observers, the European Union refuses to acknowledge that the election was comparatively free of issues. There needs to be international help for Kenya to enable trust, rather than trying to kick away the foundations. In this matter, the EU is running the risk of being perceived as acting in a high-handed and a neo-colonialist manner.

It needs to be understood that Kenya is a pivotal country in Africa and is a key partner for us all in the fight against terrorism. So let us understand that to hold Kenya to a different standard than other nations is both unfair and runs the risk of alienating our true friends.


  Philippe Loiseau, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, que dirions-nous si le Kenya jugeait nos élections? Eh bien moi, je ne suis pas sûr que des observateurs kényans trouveraient très démocratique la façon dont l’Union européenne s’attelle à museler l’opposition dans différents pays d’Europe.

Ceci dit, un processus électoral a eu lieu au Kenya et, du fait d’irrégularités, s’est tenu en deux fois.

La réélection de M. Kenyatta est-elle frauduleuse? Aujourd’hui, je pense que nul ne peut le dire, puisque même Mme Schaake, qui est intervenue tout à l’heure et qui est à la tête du cortège d’observateurs de l’Union, a changé d’avis entre août et octobre 2017.

Ce que nous devons voir en revanche, ce sont les qualités du Kenya: tout d’abord, une vie politique plus apaisée que chez bon nombre de ses voisins, un moteur de la croissance régionale et, enfin, un pôle de stabilité en Afrique de l’Est.

Vu la situation dramatique des pays frontaliers, notamment le Soudan du Sud et la Somalie, il est l’un des remparts les plus efficaces contre le terrorisme islamiste. Vous n’êtes pas sans voir, d’ailleurs, la résurgence de la milice islamique Al-Chebab et le combat que mène courageusement le Kenya pour l’endiguer.

Le Kenya ne correspond peut-être pas à la vision démocratique, droit-de-l’hommiste et vertueuse de l’Union européenne, mais c’est un État souverain et, qui plus est, engagé dans un combat commun avec nous contre l’islamisme.

Il est donc risqué, je pense, de le déstabiliser sans avoir les éléments pour décider du bien-fondé ou non d’une élection au suffrage universel direct.

Enfin, les missions d’observation de l’Union sont, comme leur nom l’indique, composées d’observateurs, et non de juges. Il me paraît donc bien plus utile d’encourager ce pays dans nos luttes communes que de s’ingérer dans son processus électoral.


  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η Κένυα, μετά την ανεξαρτητοποίησή της από τη Μεγάλη Βρετανία, παρασύρθηκε, όπως και άλλες αφρικανικές και ασιατικές χώρες πρώην αποικίες, στη δίνη πολιτικών οικονομικών και κοινωνικών αναταραχών. Οι αποικιοκράτες μπορεί τυπικά να αποχώρησαν, παρέμεινε όμως η επιρροή τους, μέσω της τοποθέτησης ανδρείκελων σε κυβερνητικές θέσεις, ο οικονομικός στραγγαλισμός, η εκμετάλλευση των πλουτοπαραγωγικών πηγών και η δημιουργία συνθηκών οικονομικής και πολιτικής εξάρτησης από τις πρώην αποικιοκρατικές μητροπόλεις. Στα παραπάνω πρέπει να προσθέσουμε το πρόβλημα του υπερπληθυσμού, τον θρησκευτικό φανατισμό, τη λειψυδρία, τις ενδοφυλετικές αψιμαχίες και την έξαρση θανατηφόρων επιδημιών. Λογικά σκεπτόμενος, δεν αναμένω τις ευρωπαϊκές πρώην αποικιοκρατικές χώρες να κυριευθούν από κρίση ανθρωπισμού και να αποδεσμεύσουν πλήρως τις πρώην αποικίες τους. Με γνώμονα όμως το καλό της Ευρώπης, προτείνω να προχωρήσουν επιτέλους σε πολιτικές οι οποίες θα αντιμετωπίζουν κατάλληλα τα προβλήματα λαθρομετανάστευσης, τους κινδύνους μετάδοσης λοιμωδών ασθενειών στην Ευρώπη και την ανθρωπιστική κρίση στις τρίτες χώρες.


  David McAllister (PPE). – Madam President, the EU, including the European Parliament, has deployed election observation missions to all Kenyan general elections since 2002. The presence of an election observation mission has always been seen as an important instrument to support Kenya in navigating a potentially difficult election and consolidating the country’s democratic path under its new constitution. So naturally for the 2017 elections an election observation mission was also deployed. I was in Nairobi for the elections on 8 August, heading a seven-Member EP delegation which was integrated in the long-term EU mission headed by our chief observer, Marietje Schaake. It is important to stress that our EU election observation mission made a very balanced evaluation of the electoral results. All the Members who were there, including myself, observed the process in Nairobi, Kajiado and Naivasha and reach conclusions which were fully in line with the mission’s findings.

I would also like to point out that right after the elections when the opposition issued a press statement that the election IT systems had been hacked and the election results fundamentally compromised, it was the international observers, and especially the EU election observation mission, who unanimously called on political leaders to act responsibly, to pursue any complaints through legal dispute mechanisms, and to ensure their supporters remained calm. This was a crucial moment in this difficult electoral process. We should support the EU election observation mission and our chief observer Marietje Schaake, the analysis and conclusions they made and the ensuing 29 recommendations which were presented last week in Brussels.

As in the past in Kenya, the entire electoral process has been extremely difficult and created a lot of tension in the country. Now it is time for the government and the opposition to engage in a constructive dialogue in a spirit of reconciliation. It is time for the Kenyan politicians to bring the people together and work towards an inclusive and socially cohesive society for all Kenyans. Political parties have an important responsibility in this process, including by becoming more programme- and more policy-focused, and overcoming their reliance on ethnic divisions.

Finally, the challenges and questions around the Kenyan elections have triggered a reflection, including consideration of the growing role of technology. We as the European Parliament, together with the European External Action Service, should reflect on how to better face the new electoral challenges in this respect. In addition, in mid-2018 the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group will organise a high-level election observation conference with the participation of representatives of EU national parliaments and international organisations, where the case of Kenya will also be further discussed and looked into.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, en août dernier, le Kenya a connu un exploit démocratique. Quand la Cour suprême a annulé les présidentielles pour des raisons procédurales, c’est tout le pays qui a progressé vers la démocratisation, étant donné que l’autorité judiciaire s’est montrée libre de tout conditionnement. Cet acte courageux a donné de l’espoir à tout un continent toujours plus affamé de démocratie. Le candidat et président sortant, Uhuru Kenyatta, s’est conformé à la décision des juges, ce qui n’est pas rien, vu les diktats qui sévissent ailleurs. Sauf qu’à partir de ce moment, le processus électoral a pris une très mauvaise tournure avec des défections à la commission électorale, qui souffrait déjà du décès suspect de son directeur, à la veille des élections. Malheureusement, en octobre, les élections ont suscité moins d’engouement. Ce que nous regrettons le plus, c’est que les élections kényanes ont de nouveau occasionné des pertes en vies humaines et que le pays soit sorti divisé des urnes. Déjà, lors des élections précédentes, le Kenya avait connu une véritable guerre civile, qui avait occasionné de nombreuses victimes, de sorte qu’aujourd’hui, les Kényans risquent de se méfier et de se détourner de l’appel aux urnes.

Nous devons exiger des autorités de ce pays de ramener les processus électoraux à une pratique politique pacifique. C’est ainsi que je dénonce avec fermeté les irrégularités qui ont sapé le processus électoral au Kenya et qui continueront de l’entraver: la caducité de l’état de droit, souvent inexistant dans certains villages du pays, l’éternel recommencement de l’enrôlement des électeurs à la veille de chaque élection, la formation in extremis des agents électoraux. Ces maux minent aussi la démocratie kényane et la prédisposent à former le terreau de controverses et de conflits ouverts; il faut donc trouver un remède durable à ces maux structurels.

L’Union européenne doit trouver le moyen d’accompagner plus fortement la marche démocratique du peuple kényan.


  Bernd Lucke (ECR). – Frau Präsidentin, meine Damen und Herren! Wenn ich manche von den Redebeiträgen heute gehört habe, dann möchte ich doch als eines der Mitglieder der Wahlbeobachtungskommission, die im August in Kenia gewesen ist, davor warnen, dass hier nicht ein Zerrbild der kenianischen Wahlen erzeugt wird. Wir haben als Wahlbeobachter nicht gesehen, dass der Wahlprozess seriously flawed – grob verzerrt – gewesen wäre. Wir haben auch nicht gesehen, dass er gekapert worden wäre von irgendwelchen multinationalen Organisationen oder Unternehmen. Was wir gesehen haben, war ein freier und fairer Wahlgang. Überall, wo wir hinkamen, waren die Kenianer imstande – und sie haben darauf bestanden, dazu imstande zu sein –, ihre Stimme frei und geheim und ungehindert abzugeben. Und die Wahlen waren auf dem lokalen Niveau, zumindest da, wo wir beobachtet haben, ausgesprochen gut organisiert.

Der Bericht, den wir verabschiedet haben, hebt das auch hervor. Und er hebt hervor, dass die Wahlbeobachtungskommission der Europäischen Union über 1 500 Resultate, die auf der lokalen Ebene ausgezählt und dort dokumentiert worden sind, verglichen hat mit den zentral veröffentlichten Resultaten, und dass keine irgendwie signifikante Abweichung festzustellen gewesen wäre, die das Ergebnis des einen oder des anderen Kandidaten maßgeblich begünstigt hätte. Wenn hier von Irregularitäten die Rede gewesen ist, dann handelt es sich um Irregularitäten, die weitaus kleiner gewesen sind als das, was erforderlich gewesen wäre, um dieses Wahlergebnis auch tatsächlich zu verändern. Dass hier das Vertrauen in den demokratischen Prozess in Kenia maßgeblich gestört worden ist, ist die Verantwortung des unterlegenen Kandidaten Herrn Odinga gewesen, und es ist sehr bedauerlich, dass das in dieser scharfen Form von NASA und von Herrn Odinga vorgetragen worden ist, denn Kenia hatte eine große Chance, hier Vertrauen in Institutionen aufzubauen und die Demokratie im eigenen Lande zu stärken. Leider ist diese Chance weitgehend verspielt worden. Das Land ist jetzt gespalten. Aber die Chance hat bestanden. Und die EU sollte auch Klartext sprechen, wer die Schuld daran trägt, dass diese fatale Entwicklung eingesetzt hat.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL). – Madame la Présidente, membre de la mission d’observation électorale en août dernier, j’en suis revenue avec des sentiments ambigus et mitigés. Les Kényans semblaient tant avoir peur de la répétition des violences de 2007 qu’attendre beaucoup de ces élections, comme en témoignaient, effectivement, les files d’attente que nous avons pu observer.

Nous n’avons vu qu’une infime partie des seules opérations de vote et de dépouillement, et non la remontée des résultats.

Ai-je été surprise par la décision, historique en Afrique, de la Cour constitutionnelle? Oui, comme beaucoup d’autres, mais elle a abouti à la réélection d’Uhuru Kenyatta, avec plus de 93 % des voix et une faible participation de 39 %, contrairement au mois d’août, Raila Odinga ayant appelé au boycott.

Selon les ONG, cette séquence électorale a fait au moins 90 morts et de très nombreux viols collectifs ont été signalés, dont les auteurs seraient des policiers et des hommes en uniforme.

Les Kényans avaient la volonté d’effacer le passé. On leur a fait croire que la technologie allait rétablir la confiance et c’est l’inverse qui s’est produit. Les mois, les années qui viennent vont être essentiels pour que le respect de la société civile et le dialogue permettent d’éviter le pire, qui est à craindre.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Kenya non è soltanto un posto meraviglioso, dove passare le vacanze tra safari e resort da sogno, è soprattutto un paese che lotta coraggiosamente da anni, con tutte le sue forze, per rimarginare le ferite della guerra interetnica in nome di un sogno democratico, un sogno che è sembrato diventare realtà quando la Corte suprema ha deciso di annullare le elezioni presidenziali per le pesanti irregolarità ravvisate. Ma non è bastato. L'elezione di Kenyatta, il boicottaggio delle opposizioni, le imperdonabili violenze della polizia, l'uso indiscriminato della forza, persino contro semplici passanti, durante le manifestazioni e le centinaia di donne brutalmente stuprate: il sogno del Kenya oggi sta tornando a essere l'incubo della sua gente. Non basta limitarci a non presentare la relazione finale della missione di osservazione.

Senza pressioni politiche, economiche e commerciali incisive su Nairobi il terreno faticosamente coltivato dai kenyoti inaridirà e il seme della democrazia sarà soffocato dal peso dell'impunità. Davanti alla sordità dei governi abbiamo il dovere di difendere il coraggio dei cittadini.


  Joachim Zeller (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Es ist von der Kommissarin und auch von meinen Vorrednern bereits hervorgehoben worden: Kenia ist eines der Schlüsselländer in Afrika, was Stabilität, wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Union anbelangt. Deswegen wurden die Wahlen in Kenia am 8. August letzten Jahres auch mit großer Spannung erwartet. Gewählt wurden nicht nur der Präsident, sondern auch die Mitglieder des Parlaments, die Mitglieder des Senats und die Verantwortungsträger auf der regionalen und lokalen Ebene.

Nachdem es bei vorhergehenden Wahlen immer zu gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen kam, bei denen viele Tote zu beklagen waren, und auch der Vorwahlprozess von heftigen Auseinandersetzungen begleitet war, stellte sich die Frage, ob die Wahlen am 8. August friedlich verlaufen würden, zumal ein neues elektronisches Wahlverfahren ausprobiert wurde und kurz vor den Wahlen das für das Wahlverfahren zuständige Mitglied der zentralen Wahlkommission gefoltert und ermordet aufgefunden wurde. Umso größer war meine positive Überraschung als Wahlbeobachter, dass der Wahltag friedlich verlief und die Kenianer engagiert an die Wahlurnen gingen und mit großer Disziplin das zeitraubende Wahlverfahren in Kauf nahmen.

Umso mehr sind die Ereignisse nach den Wahlen zu beklagen. Der augenscheinliche Wahlverlierer Odinga wollte seine dritte Niederlage in Folge nicht einsehen. Das oberste Gericht annullierte die Präsidentschaftswahlen – aber nur diese, nicht die anderen fünf Wahlgänge, die nach derselben Methode durchgeführt wurden wie die Präsidentschaftswahlen –, und kurz vor dem Termin zur Wahlwiederholung zog der Herausforderer Odinga seine Kandidatur zurück. Er will sich jetzt, so hört man, von seinen Gefolgsleuten zum Präsidenten vereidigen lassen. Konflikte zwischen den verschiedenen Ethnien, denen Kenyatta und Odinga angehören, sind bereits an der Tagesordnung und forderten bereits viele Todesopfer.

Die Wahlbeobachtungsmission der EU hat vorurteilsfrei den Wahlprozess analysiert und Empfehlungen gegeben, wie die Wahlen transparenter, fairer und nach demokratischen Grundsätzen durchgeführt werden können. Es ist höchst bedauerlich, dass die Veröffentlichung des Berichts der EU-Wahlbeobachtung in Kenia von den dortigen Autoritäten unterbunden wurde. Kenia braucht Europa als Absatzmarkt, aber auch als Partner, um Stabilität in der Region zu wahren, aber die EU braucht aus eben demselben Grund auch Kenia als Partner. Wir sollten unbedingt den Dialog mit den Verantwortlichen in Kenia aufrechterhalten, aber auch den Menschen im Land dort das Gefühl vermitteln, dass die EU sie in der schwierigen Situation, in der sie sich befinden, nicht alleine lässt.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Madam President, when Kenyan people, including five million young people went to the ballot boxes last year, their hope was to help shape the future of their country. It is deeply disappointing that political leaders and security forces traded this for dispute and division, intimidating citizens, polling staff, civil society and the judiciary ahead of the October rerun.

The result is a country bitterly divided along political and ethnic lines, at a time when the EU is looking at Kenya to be the engine of growth for East Africa and a partner in managing migration. We are one of the most generous providers of aid. Half a billion in the current financing period for projects under the Africa Trust Fund. Our priority should be to use this as leverage to support democracy and civil society in a meaningful way, not as a tick-box exercise. We really have to ensure that recommendations made by electoral observation missions are fully implemented and are in sync with the project we are supporting there.

Commissioner, numerous priorities need to be addressed, but I will highlight one in particular which other colleagues have already spoken about: the horrifying and wide- spread use of sexual violence against women and girls by police and security forces. In the 2007 and 2008 electoral violence, thousands of women were raped. This was met with impunity and indifference by the Kenyan Government. Ten years on, we are really seeing a repeat of the same atrocious crimes documented in a chilling report by Human Rights Watch.

So, my question to you Commissioner is: will we make accountability for sexual violence and inclusiveness of women a priority for our relations with Kenya? Secondly, how do we move from this tick-box approach towards democracy-building and engaging civil society in Kenya in a meaningful way? Finally, how will we ensure a proper long-term follow-up of vital recommendations on these and other issues where there is significant room for improvement as far as our EOMs are concerned?


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey (GUE/NGL). – Señora presidenta, la Unión Europea y Kenia son socios preferenciales. Sin embargo, parece que hemos dejado de lado algunas de las disposiciones del Acuerdo de Cotonú. Mientras promovíamos las que representan intereses estrictamente comerciales, parece que hemos olvidado otras fundamentales.

Por ejemplo, fomentar la lucha contra el lavado de dinero y la evasión fiscal; fomentar el Estado de Derecho y el sistema judicial; dar apoyo financiero a programas de soberanía alimentaria; en materia de derechos humanos, ejercer presión para el desarrollo de los programas de defensores de los derechos humanos y reforzar a la sociedad civil. Y no está de más recordar que Kenia cuenta con más de 600 000 refugiados en un estado de abandono absoluto.

Para terminar, y de forma prioritaria, debemos ejercer presión sobre el Gobierno para que emprenda un proceso amplio e inclusivo de reconciliación nacional, orientado a superar las divisiones étnicas, que han quebrado y quiebran pueblos y barrios. Sin justicia social, la democracia no podrá abrirse paso.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Já se připojuji k popisu situace, tak jak jej učinili moji předřečníci a kolegové. Znovuzvolený keňský prezident Uhuru Kenyatta se ujal funkce, složil přísahu a čeká ho další 5letý mandát. Opozice sice tvrdí, že nebyl zvolen legálně, svolává demonstrace, nicméně i místní organizace, která se zabývala dohledem nad volbami a jejich výsledkem, tvrdí, že výsledek byl v pořádku. Policie ovšem protestující rozhání slzným plynem a to už nepochybně v pořádku není a v tomto kontextu je třeba zásadně nesouhlasit s tím, kdy při velkých protestech v minulém období zahynulo více než 70 obětí. Jakkoli tedy označuje opozice tyto volby za zmanipulované, je třeba se smířit s tím, že došlo k ustavení prezidenta a jeho funkční období. Ostatně k jeho vítězství poblahopřála např. Velká Británie i šéfka unijní diplomacie paní Mogheriniová a další diplomaté.

Co má v této situaci EU udělat? Já myslím, že je důležité rozhodně podpořit úsilí skupiny význačných afrických osobností vedené Kofim Annanem a poskytnout jakoukoli potřebnou pomoc právě této skupině ze strany EU. Také Rada zmínila, že je nezbytné, aby mezinárodní společenství jednotně podporovalo dialog probíhající pod vedením Kofiho Annana. Je také důležité, podle mého mínění, podpořit aktivity OSN v reakci na události v Keni, které uskutečňuje nejen na politické úrovni, ale také konkrétní podporou postiženého civilního obyvatelstva. Je tudíž podle mého názoru velmi podstatné, aby EU prováděla nejen ten politický dialog, ale byla přítomna i v dané zemi konkrétní aktivitou, která pomůže situaci postiženého civilního obyvatelstva.

Dokud nebude dohodnuto legitimní politické řešení, EU a její členské státy podle mého názoru nemohou s Keňou udržovat obvyklé vztahy. Situaci v Keni bude důležité i nadále pozorně sledovat. Mělo by se podpořit veškeré úsilí o ukončení násilí, to je samozřejmě prioritní, ale také zajištění demokracie stability a dodržování lidských práv. To si myslím, že by svědčilo pozici EU.


  Francisco Assis (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, Senhora Comissária, o que se passou o ano passado no Quénia, do ponto de vista eleitoral, reflete bem as potencialidades, as dificuldades e as contradições que afetam grande parte do continente africano.

Há, hoje, uma nova esperança em África, uma esperança de crescimento e de desenvolvimento económico, uma esperança de construção e consolidação de verdadeiras democracias, assentes no respeito pelos direitos humanos. E em vários países africanos, felizmente, estamos a assistir a mudanças com grande significado.

No Quénia, pudemos precisamente presenciar esses dados contraditórios. Por um lado, um povo com uma enorme vontade de participar num ato eleitoral democrático. Cinco milhões de jovens com uma grande vontade de participar nesse ato eleitoral democrático. A seguir, uma decisão inédita em África de um Tribunal Supremo, que considerou que aquelas eleições tinham que ser repetidas por violação de normas legais, o que é algo que não pode aqui deixar de ser salientado, porque isto aponta, de facto, para a consagração de um princípio fundamental de qualquer democracia séria, que é o princípio da separação dos poderes. E, depois, a parte negativa que foi a incapacidade das lideranças políticas de lidarem com esta situação da forma devida.

Ora, o papel da União Europeia não pode ser senão outro, fora de qualquer horizonte neocolonialista que, verdadeiramente, se não coloca hoje nas nossas mentes. O papel da União Europeia não pode ser senão este, que é o de ajudar à consolidação do desenvolvimento e ajudar à consolidação das instituições democráticas em África e, neste caso, no Quénia em particular.




  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Já naváži na to, co říkali již moji kolegové, zkrátka a dobře, Keňa je klíčová země východní Afriky. Je to náš klíčový obchodní partner. My tady víceméně dnes vyhodnocujeme volební rok v Keni, rok 2017. Samozřejmě je tam mnoho problémů, o kterých se zde dnes hovořilo, protesty, lidé, kteří bohužel zemřeli při protestech, na druhou stranu je třeba říci, že ta situace v Keni naštěstí není jako v jiných některých afrických státech, kde probíhají občanské války, kde bojují různé islámské teroristické organizace.

Přesto je co zlepšovat a já jsem rád, že dnes ta debata vede k tomu, že EU a hlas EP v zásadě jednotně zní v duchu, že vyzýváme jednotlivé politické síly v Keni, aby spolu spolupracovaly, vyzýváme poraženého kandidáta v prezidentských volbách nebo toho, který v zásadě ani nekandidoval během říjnových voleb, aby respektoval vítěze voleb, protože jaké je dnes jiné řešení pro Keňu? Je třeba klid, vytvořit prostor pro politické národní smíření, prostor pro reformy, prostor pro fungování státu a permanentní zpochybňování volebních výsledků v prezidentských volbách zkrátka nikam nepovede, zvláště ve chvíli, kdy ty volební výsledky byly uznány mezinárodním společenstvím, jak říkal můj kolega doktor Polčák, Velká Británie uznala tyto výsledky atd. Pozice Velké Británie samozřejmě ve vztahu ke Keni je naprosto klíčová.

Přesto vítám v tom procesu zajímavé a důležité pozitivní momenty, např. to, že nejvyšší soudce se nebál zrušit první prezidentské volby, které proběhly v srpnu. Ve chvíli, kdy shledal, že ty volby neproběhly zcela v souladu s tamními předpisy, tak zkrátka konal, reagoval. Já tak vnímám, že Nejvyšší soud Keni funguje v zásadě nezávisle. To je určitě pozitivní moment, ale do budoucna by právě na základě toho, jaké třeba byly nepřesnosti během celého volebního procesu, bylo dobré, aby mezinárodní společenství a EU vyzvaly keňské politiky, aby úpravou zákonu, volební reformou tyto problémy do budoucna odstranili. Takže platí, co říkali moji kolegové. Působme prosím na keňského prezidenta, aby dělal vše pro smíření politických elit v Keni, abychom působili v duchu tzv. konstruktivního dialogu a tato země se dále rozvíjela.


  Andi Cristea (S&D). – Mr President, after a difficult political year for Kenya, unfortunately the situation in the country remains extremely tense and volatile. We are concerned about the prolonged period of instability and the latest developments. The enthusiasm and commitment of the Kenyan people to the democratic process and to shaping the country’s future has been marred by tensions amongst political forces escalating into outright violence. Many shortcomings in the electoral process were identified by the EU Election Observation Mission led by our colleague, Ms Schaake.

Since the elections, the situation has failed to stabilise and the use of force by the police and the persistent attacks against human rights defenders on the ground are a cause for grave concern. It is high time for all forces in Kenya to show political maturity and to come together to lay the preconditions for an environment conducive to constructive dialogue in order to address the many challenges the country faces today.


  Michela Giuffrida (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, elezioni invalidate ad agosto, le nuove elezioni subito dopo, ricorsi e annullamenti, la violenza della polizia, l'orgoglio e la tenacia del popolo che chiede democrazia, trasparenza, diritti: dopo la missione degli eurodeputati in Kenya, a maggior ragione dobbiamo rilanciare il nostro impegno e la nostra vigilanza su quanto accade in quel paese, promuovere la cooperazione, un sistema elettorale sano, il rafforzamento del potere giudiziario a garanzia dei cittadini e nel rispetto dei diritti umani. Il popolo kenyota, il governo stesso e le istituzioni hanno il diritto e il dovere di consolidare la democrazia.

La Commissione europea deve garantire il maggiore accesso alle risorse e tutti noi dobbiamo, ad esempio, lavorare ancor di più perché gli agricoltori, soprattutto i giovani, abbiano maggiore accesso alla terra e alla sua coltivazione e che a tutti, ma proprio a tutti, sia garantito il diritto all'acqua.

L'Unione europea rafforzi il suo impegno per l'Africa, in questo caso per il Kenya, per il suo popolo. È nel continente africano che si gioca una grande scommessa e noi dobbiamo essere garanti di tutto questo.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Michael Gahler (PPE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir wünschen uns Kenia als einen stabilen und wirtschaftlich prosperierenden Staat. Ich hoffe, dass das nicht nur wishful thinking ist. Ich denke, wir haben allen Anlass, im Rahmen unserer Zusammenarbeit unseren Beitrag dazu zu leisten, dass sich in Kenia die Stabilität politisch und wirtschaftlich verbessert. Dazu haben wir auch die Wahlbeobachtung entsandt, und wir haben für Kenia keine speziellen Regeln eingeführt, sondern wenden die Regeln an, die wir überall anwenden.

Deswegen erwarte ich von der Kommission und auch vom Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienst, dass sie sich voll hinter die Leiterin unserer Beobachtungsmission stellen, die eine hervorragende Arbeit geleistet hat, und es nicht zulassen, dass sie in unflätiger Weise von verschiedenen politischen Seiten in Kenia kritisiert wird. Das erinnert mich fast an die Art und Weise, wie der amtierende Vizepräsident eine Kollegin hier in Polen herabsetzt. Das ist auch eine unwürdige Art, und ich hoffe, dass es die letzte Sitzungsleitung unter diesem Vizepräsidenten ist.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Mr President, following the worrying situation in Kenya, especially regarding the disappointment of last year’s presidential elections, I would like to express my support to the Kenyan people involved in democratic life. Unfortunately the last elections brought frustrations after the repeated confrontation of the opposition against the Electoral Commission, during which more than 90 people died, shot by police. In the light of these violent and tragic episodes, Kenya’s democratic functioning and the situation of human rights defenders was weakened. Therefore, I would like to support the call to immediately end the violent conflict and to encourage the political forces in Kenya to find solutions. The European Commission has to play a very important role in this situation using its full tools of soft power.

Last, but not least, I would like to thank publicly Vice President Czarnecki for his activity as Vice—President of this Parliament.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η Κένυα, από αρκετές πλευρές εμφανίστηκε ως δήθεν επιτυχημένη χώρα. Όμως πρόκειται για μια χώρα όπου η αρπαγή γης είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη. Ο λαός της Κένυας χρειάζεται πρόσβαση στην υγεία και στην εκπαίδευση. Η εκμετάλλευση από τις πολυεθνικές συνεχίζεται ενώ το δημόσιο χρέος συνεχώς αυξάνεται. Μέσα σε αυτό το οικονομικό πλαίσιο, διεξάγεται η πολιτική διαδικασία η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από τη λογική του πελατειακού κράτους, από την μη συμμόρφωση και τήρηση των αρχών του κράτους δικαίου και της προστασίας και του σεβασμού των πολιτικών ελευθεριών. Πλέον η κατάσταση στην Κένυα έχει ξεφύγει με συγκρούσεις των οπαδών του Προέδρου αλλά και των οπαδών του αρχηγού της αντιπολίτευσης, με αστυνομική βία, με νεκρούς, ακόμη και με βιασμούς γυναικών. Δυστυχώς, τον τελευταίο χρόνο η Κένυα έχασε την ευκαιρία για ειρηνική μετάβαση στη δημοκρατία. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να συμβάλει στη διευκόλυνση της ομαλοποίησης της πολιτικής ζωής στην Κένυα, αλλά οι Κενυάτες πρέπει να αντιληφθούν ότι αν δεν αντιμετωπίσουν ενωμένοι τις οικονομικές προκλήσεις της χώρας τους δεν πρόκειται κανείς ξένος να τους δώσει τη λύση.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η Κένυα, λόγω της γεωγραφικής της θέσεως αλλά και της σταθερότητος του κράτους της, αποτελεί μία χώρα στρατηγικής αξίας για την ασφάλεια και την ειρήνη στην περιοχή του Κέρατος της Αφρικής, διότι επηρεάζει όλες οι γειτονικές της χώρες. Επιπλέον, εξασφαλίζει και εγγυάται την ομαλή διεξαγωγή του εμπορίου και τη μεταφορά ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση προς τις χώρες του Κέρατος της Αφρικής μέσω της Ερυθράς Θαλάσσης. Επιπλέον, συμβάλλει στην αντιμετώπιση της διεθνούς τρομοκρατίας, του θρησκευτικού φανατισμού, της παράνομης διακινήσεως μεταναστών και της παράνομης διακινήσεως όπλων και ναρκωτικών. Εάν, λόγω αποσταθεροποιήσεως, η Κένυα δεν μπορέσει να πραγματοποιήσει αυτές τις δραστηριότητες οι επιπτώσεις για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα είναι πολύ μεγάλες και σημαντικές. Για αυτό ακριβώς τον λόγο η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να στηρίξει τη σταθερότητα της χώρας, να έρθει σε επαφή και με την κυβέρνηση και με την αντιπολίτευση, να προσπαθήσει να συμβάλει στον εκδημοκρατισμό της και να εξυπηρετηθούν τα συμφέροντα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως ως συνόλου και όχι μόνο ορισμένων χωρών αυτής.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, this has been a very useful exchange, and as someone said: ‘the voice of the European Parliament is basically united’, and that is important. We have sent a strong message to Kenya and the Kenyan people.

I would like to thank you for your speeches and also express thanks on behalf of the High-Representative / Vice-President. Thank you again, Ms Schaake and your team for the fantastic job that you have been doing and also the people on the ground in Kenya who made it possible for everybody involved in the election observation mission.

The report and the recommendations that the mission produced are very useful and helpful. The European Union will continue to engage with Kenya to support it in its path to strengthen democracy and the rule of law. As has been said, Kenya is an important friend, and we will stand by the Kenyan people.

I also want to use this opportunity extend my gratitude on behalf of the High-Representative to all the European electoral missions and the teams in the European Parliament who make such essential contributions to peace and democracy all across the world.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE), in writing. – Firstly, I would like to welcome and further encourage the strengthened bilateral relations between the EU and Kenya. Despite the difficulties and instability in the area, this state has proven to have a great humanitarian sense and considerable capacity for solidarity, hosting already almost half a million refugees. However, Kenya’s stability and further development are closely linked to the rule of law. During the last electoral process, citizens showed their determination to live in a functional democratic system. Given Kenya’s key role of providing stability in the East Africa area, I find it crucial to have persistence on EU missions in the area, in order to strengthen democracy, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. Finally, I would like to emphasise the special warmth shown by Kenyan citizens during my visit to the region. It is an attitude from which we all should learn. Therefore, I would like to end by expressing my respect, support and sympathy for the Kenyan people.


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D), in writing. – Unfortunately, the last elections were marred by serious human rights violations by Kenyan security forces, who used excessive force to break up protests and carry out house—to—house operations, during which more than 90 people died, shot by police. The Kenyan authorities have failed to adequately investigate a range of abuses across the country, undermining basic rights to free expression and association. Human rights activists and journalists face numerous obstacles and harassment. The Kenyan authorities should condemn the recent violence, rein in any police abuses, and investigate scores of killings, most of them by police, during the prolonged electoral period. We have to encourage all political forces in Kenya to genuinely engage in constructive dialogue in order to find a solution to the deep crisis in which the country still finds itself. We really have to ensure that recommendations made by the EOM to Kenya are fully implemented.

Viimane päevakajastamine: 15. mai 2019Õigusteave - Privaatsuspoliitika