20. Bloqueo geográfico y otras formas de discriminación por razón de la nacionalidad o del lugar de residencia o de establecimiento de los clientes (debate)
Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest sprawozdanie sporządzone przez Różę Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein w imieniu Komisji Rynku Wewnętrznego i Ochrony Konsumentów w sprawie blokowania geograficznego oraz innych form dyskryminacji ze względu na przynależność państwową klientów, ich miejsce zamieszkania lub miejsce prowadzenia działalności na rynku wewnętrznym oraz w sprawie zmiany rozporządzenia (WE) nr 2006/2004 i dyrektywy 2009/22/WE (COM(2016)0289 - C8-0192/2016 - 2016/0152(COD)) (A8-0172/2017)
Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein, sprawozdawczyni. – Panie Przewodniczący! Są takie dni, kiedy należy się cieszyć, kiedy należy odczuwać satysfakcję. Dzisiaj właśnie mamy taki dzień, bo dzisiejszy dzień wieńczy pracę wielu ludzi, wielu instytucji, wielu organizacji. Dziś możemy powiedzieć, że wspólną pracą osiągamy coś mierzalnego dla obywateli Unii Europejskiej, coś, co naprawdę wpłynie pozytywnie na życie każdego z nas.
Prawie dwa lata temu tutaj obecny komisarz Andrus Ansip zaproponował zakaz odmowy sprzedaży online ze względu na narodowość czy ze względu na lokalizację klienta. Bo nie jest przecież normalne, aby w zjednoczonej Europie XXI wieku, gdzie swobodnie się poruszamy między państwami, wciąż istnieją tak bezsensowne ograniczenia w świecie handlu elektronicznego.
Dziś możemy powiedzieć, że idziemy po sukces, sukces jeszcze niepełny, bo jest bardzo dużo do zrobienia, ale dzięki nowemu prawu każdy z nas odczuje konkretne zmiany na lepsze. Jutro, proszę państwa, głosujemy. Koniec z odmową sprzedaży przy zakupie towarów lub usług online z powodu miejsca zamieszkania lub narodowości klienta. Koniec barier technicznych w dostępie do stron internetowych i aplikacji. Koniec z automatycznym przekierowywaniem na stronę internetową sprzedającego w innym kraju bez zgody klienta. Koniec ze stosowaniem w tym samym sklepie różnych warunków sprzedaży towarów i usług, w tym też ceny, w zależności od narodowości lub miejsca zamieszkania klienta. Koniec z odmową sprzedaży ze względu na kraj wydania karty kredytowej.
Zadbaliśmy również o interesy sprzedawców. Jeśli przedsiębiorca nie kieruje swojej oferty, jeśli nie kieruje swojej działalności gospodarczej do danego kraju, to konsument nie jest w dalszym ciągu geoblokowany, ale organizuje sobie sam odbiór towaru, i dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu mali sprzedawcy nie muszą znać przepisów każdego z 28 krajów Unii Europejskiej z osobna, bo tych przepisów jeszcze nie zharmonizowaliśmy.
Nie ukrywam, my chcieliśmy więcej. Zabiegaliśmy razem z Komisją o włączenie do tego rozporządzenia przynajmniej treści nieaudiowizualnych, tych strzeżonych prawem autorskim: iBooks, muzyka, oprogramowanie, gry. Niestety nie udało się nam się przewalczyć oporu Rady. Wdzięczna jestem moim koleżankom i kolegom za współpracę i za gotowość do kompromisu, bo dzięki temu geoblokowanie – na razie tylko produktów fizycznych – przechodzi do przeszłości.
Kieruję słowa uznania do przedstawicieli prezydencji estońskiej – taki mały kraj i jego znakomici przedstawiciele pokazali, jak sprawnie można prowadzić złożone negocjacje, tym bardziej że często więcej wyzwań stawało przed nimi wśród partnerów z Rady niż w trakcie negocjacji z Parlamentem i Komisją. Więc jeszcze raz wszystkim dziękuję: członkom Komisji Rynku Wewnętrznego i Ochrony Konsumentów, w tym szczególnie innym sprawozdawcom, oraz moim dzielnym i kompetentnym współpracownikom.
Andrus Ansip,Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, I would like to thank Parliament for this important achievement, and particularly the rapporteur, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein. You have demonstrated your belief in this proposal and how it will benefit Europeans. Thank you for helping it become reality.
The Geo-Blocking Regulation lies at the heart of the e-commerce package that we designed to remove barriers for consumers and companies trading online. It will end artificial segmentation and unjustified discrimination based on nationality or residence. Using either of these as a reason to deny access to websites, goods or services will finally no longer have a place in Europe’s single market, either online or offline.
Today, only 37% of websites allow consumers to buy from another EU country, because people get blocked and rerouted elsewhere. This situation cannot exist in a digital single market, and we have to end it. Our aim is that, by Christmas, all Europeans will be able to enjoy online shopping without being blocked, rerouted or discriminated against. That is why we need to adopt this regulation without any further delay.
I would also like to ask for your support and commitment to make the entire digital single market a reality on the ground. Again, the clock is ticking. We have to move quickly, and adopt and implement initiatives where the co-legislators have already reached agreement. We are making good progress on e-commerce, and European consumers should soon feel the benefits of recent political agreements, which need to be implemented quickly. From 1 April this year, new rules on the cross-border portability of online content services will allow Europeans to access their music and e-books when they travel to other EU countries. To make sure this happens, companies should comply with the rules as from their dates of application.
We recently agreed on new rules to make prices for cross-border parcel delivery services more transparent and affordable. Consumers and companies, in particular SMEs, will be able to send and receive products across the EU with greater ease and confidence. It is also essential for the success of the Geo-Blocking Regulation that we work as hard as we can for this regulation to be quickly and formally approved.
In December, new rules on VAT for electronic commerce were adopted. They will facilitate VAT collection when consumers buy goods and services online and make it easier for online businesses to comply with their VAT obligations. Member States should now work quickly and efficiently to transpose this directive.
In addition, it is vital that we make progress on other proposals that are still being negotiated and are necessary for the digital single market. I am talking about the proposals on digital contracts, which concern contract rules on the supply of digital content and the online sale of goods.
Thank you for your attention, I am looking forward to the discussion.
Εύα Καϊλή, Εισηγήτρια της γνωμοδότησης της Επιτροπής Βιομηχανίας, Έρευνας και Ενέργειας. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τους συναδέλφους μου για το αποτέλεσμα των διαπραγματεύσεων των τριμερών διαλόγων, διότι έγινε ένα εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένο βήμα προς την ολοκλήρωση της ενιαίας ψηφιακής ευρωπαϊκής αγοράς. Είμαι ιδιαίτερα χαρούμενη καθώς, ως εισηγήτρια εκ μέρους της Επιτροπής Βιομηχανίας Έρευνας και Ενέργειας, βλέπω ότι οι προτεραιότητές μας στην επιτροπή έχουν διασφαλιστεί και, μάλιστα, με το παραπάνω. Όλοι οι πολίτες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης θα έχουν πλέον πρόσβαση χωρίς γεωγραφικούς αποκλεισμούς σε διαδικτυακές προσφορές προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών άλλων χωρών, χωρίς να ανακατευθύνονται σε άλλες ιστοσελίδες και να πληρώνουν διαφορετικές τιμές για το ίδιο προϊόν.
Συγχαρητήρια και σε εσάς, κύριε αντιπρόεδρε, γιατί παραμείνατε φιλόδοξος ώστε να έχουμε πλέον πρακτικά πρόσβαση σε καλύτερες τιμές και τέλος των διακρίσεων ανάμεσα στους ίδιους τους ευρωπαίους πολίτες· κάτι που δεν ήταν και εύκολο. Μερικές φορές ήταν πιο εύκολο να εξαγάγεις στην Κίνα, παρά να ξεπεράσεις τα εμπόδια που υπήρχαν στην αγορά της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Μάλιστα, η υποχρεωτική πλέον αποδοχή των πιστωτικών καρτών θα διευκολύνει τις συναλλαγές στο Διαδίκτυο, χωρίς να εξαιρούνται ούτε οι χώρες στις οποίες ισχύουν περιορισμοί στην κίνηση κεφαλαίων. Η άρση αυτών των εμποδίων είναι ένα αποφασιστικό βήμα προς όφελος των πολιτών και δημιουργούμε νέες δυνατότητες και για τις επιχειρήσεις, ώστε να μπορούν να αναπτύξουν τις δραστηριότητές τους και να προωθούν τα ποιοτικά τους προϊόντα εντός Ευρώπης. Παράλληλα, διασφαλίζεται σε δύο χρόνια, κατά τη διάρκεια της αναθεώρησης του κανονισμού, η επέκτασή του και σε άλλους τομείς για άλλα προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες σε χαμηλές τιμές και στην καλύτερη δυνατή ποιότητα. Αυτό δημιουργεί μια πιο ισχυρή Ένωση σε πολλούς τομείς.
Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Verfasser der Stellungnahme des mitberatenden Ausschusses für Kultur und Bildung. – Herr Präsident! Ein voll funktionsfähiger digitaler Binnenmarkt ist wichtig für den europäischen Kultur- und Kreativsektor. Wir begrüßen den Ansatz der Kommission, elektronisch erbrachte Dienstleistungen, die Zugang zu urheberrechtlich geschützten Inhalten gewährt, aus dem Geltungsbereich der vorgeschlagenen Verordnung herauszulassen. E-Books oder Musikdienste haben unterschiedliche Finanzierungs- und Lizenzierungsmodelle, die eine sorgfältige Analyse erfordern. Der Kulturausschuss unterstützt daher die Überprüfungsklausel unter der Bedingung, dass besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Besonderheiten von Kulturgütern und -dienstleistungen gelegt werden muss.
Es muss aber auch daran erinnert werden, dass im Bereich von audiovisuellen Diensten und territorialen Urheberrechtsregelungen besondere Komplexität besteht. Aus diesem Grunde werden audiovisuelle Dienste in einem speziellen, eigenen rechtlichen Rahmen behandelt, in der AVMD-Richtlinie und in der SatCab-Richtlinie. Wie auch der Kommissar sagte, laufen die Triloge zu den beiden Dossiers.
Der Vorschlag zum Geoblocking sollte keine audiovisuellen Dienste umfassen. Der Kulturausschuss spricht sich gegen die Änderung der Regulierung audiovisueller Dienste durch die Hintertür und außerhalb des sektorspezifischen rechtlichen Rahmens aus.
Antanas Guoga, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, the future regulation on geo-blocking is a big step towards strengthening the e-commerce sector in Europe. It will give EU citizens access to a wider choice of goods and services. Today only 15% of Europeans buy products from online shops based in another EU country. One of the main reasons is precisely the geo-blocking practice, and we need to get rid of this. EU citizens have a right to be able to shop online in another EU country just like the locals do. That is the core idea behind the digital single market that we have been working on in the European Parliament.
I would like to thank the EPP rapporteur, Ms Róża Thun, for her commitment and a great job during the negotiation process with the Commission and the Council during the Estonian Presidency. The agreement between the Council and the Parliament will remove barriers to e-commerce by avoiding discrimination based on a consumer’s nationality, place of residence or place of establishment. It will prevent discrimination for consumers and companies based on access to prices, sales or payment conditions when buying products and services in another EU country.
EU consumers will benefit now from better prices when buying online, and traders will be protected with a clearer set of rules laid down in this draft regulation. It is unfortunate that the inclusion of non-audiovisual copyrighted content in the scope of the regulation was rejected by the Council. I, as shadow rapporteur on this file in the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), together with Ms Thun, will work towards a review in two years’ time.
All in all I believe it is a balanced approach.
Virginie Rozière, au nom du groupe S&D. – Monsieur le Président, je voudrais tout d'abord remercier mes collègues et particulièrement Mme la rapporteure pour l’excellent travail et la collaboration sur ce dossier.
Je pense que le texte que nous nous apprêtons à adopter est un bon compromis, qui permettra de réaliser un pas supplémentaire vers un marché numérique approfondi et plus efficace au bénéfice des consommateurs. Parce que je voudrais rappeler que le marché intérieur est l’un des piliers de la construction européenne et que, si internet bouleverse les modes de consommation, il ne doit pas être un moyen de revenir sur les bases de notre Union.
En particulier, les discriminations entre consommateurs au sein du marché intérieur sont inacceptables. Lorsque je me rends dans une boulangerie en Belgique ou lorsque nos collègues, ici, vont dans un commerce à Strasbourg, on ne doit pas leur opposer un refus de leur vendre ce qu’ils souhaitent acheter, sous prétexte qu’ils sont italiens ou belges ou parce qu’ils résident dans un autre État membre. Sur internet, c’est exactement la même chose et je me réjouis que ce règlement mette fin aux situations de discrimination.
Ce règlement va donc se traduire par un choix plus large pour les consommateurs et un bénéfice supplémentaire pour eux. Mais, de la même manière que les discriminations sont inacceptables, il aurait été tout aussi inacceptable d’amoindrir injustement la protection des consommateurs au prétexte qu’il s’agit d’un achat en ligne. Ce règlement, fort heureusement, comme notre groupe l’a demandé, permettra de maintenir un haut niveau de protection des consommateurs qui s'engagent dans des transactions transfrontalières.
Je voulais aussi souligner ici qu’il était important d’être prudent quant à l’impact de ce règlement sur des secteurs spécifiques, avec un modèle économique spécifique. Aussi, je me réjouis que le secteur de la culture puisse faire l’objet d’une évaluation ultérieure dans le cadre d’une éventuelle révision prochaine.
Mais ce que ce texte montre surtout, au-delà des avancées que nous avons pu mettre en place, c’est que c’est dans le cadre d’une harmonisation toujours plus exigeante en matière de protection des consommateurs que nous pourrons construire un marché intérieur toujours plus efficace. Je pense que c’est dans ce sens-là, aussi, que l’Union européenne doit avancer.
Anneleen Van Bossuyt, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, ik ben heel blij dat de Europeanen vanaf eind dit jaar in heel Europa op koopjesjacht kunnen gaan zonder dat ze daarbij op allerlei hindernissen stoten vanwege de plaats waar ze zich bevinden. Door de nieuwe regels waarover we zullen stemmen zal de winkelervaring immers veel leuker worden. De onlinemarkt zal heel wat ruimer zijn, met in veel gevallen een goedkoper aanbod van goederen en diensten. De bedrijven zullen ook niet op de hoogte moeten zijn van de wetgeving van álle Europese lidstaten. Zo zullen zij ook aangemoedigd worden om ook in andere lidstaten te verkopen. Onze bedrijven zullen dan ook kunnen genieten van een bredere klantenbasis, een win-win situatie dus.
De audiovisuele sector wordt niet geraakt door deze regels, en gelukkig maar. Deze sector speelt immers een belangrijke rol bij de vorming van onze taal en onze cultuur. Een onvoorwaardelijke universele toegang tot series of andere producties zou de financiering daarvan in het gedrang kunnen brengen en dat zou dan weer negatieve effecten hebben op de culturele diversiteit.
Dita Charanzová, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I had the honour to chair the negotiations on this file on behalf of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, and I can truly thank Ms Thun for all her work and all her efforts. This regulation is a good first step.
No longer can Disneyland say that the French can get cheaper tickets than Czechs. This regulation fixes this. No longer can a company redirect customers without their consent. If I ask for the German website, I want a German website, not a Czech one. This regulation fixes this.
No longer can a company refuse because a credit card was issued in another country. If I go shopping in Austria, my Visa card is just as good as an Austrian Visa card. This regulation fixes this.
This said, we must address the elephant in the room: copyrighted content. Let’s be honest, this regulation will not fix the problem of blocked access to movies, TV, software or even e—books. It will not fix the first item that people think of when they hear the word geo—blocking and we must continue to move towards the end of this type of geo—blocking. We must end this artificial barrier in the digital single market.
Julia Reda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, at the outset of the Commission’s efforts to tackle geo—blocking, research showed that digital borders were widespread in the EU, that they cost businesses millions in sales and that people supported decisive action against them. A very important and popular topic indeed.
This week we are voting on the second of three legislative actions on the issue, but all three have turned out to be no more than baby steps, merely carving out exceptions for certain groups of people in certain situations. After they are implemented, geo—blocking will remain widespread. That is a missed opportunity.
I applaud all the steps forward that have been taken in this legislation, and I thank the rapporteur Róża Thun for her efforts to make it even more ambitious, but I deeply regret that these efforts were shot down by the governments in Council and that, as a result, digital media, like video games, e—books or music, will be unaffected by this regulation, and that fear prevailed over the commitment to building a true digital single market, which cannot develop until we abolish digital borders and not just reduce them.
John Stuart Agnew, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, the ultimate aim of this legislation and other such proposals, is the furthering of the single market and harmonisation of legislation across Europe. Such reports exist in order to fulfil one political objective, a United States of Europe. Recent events in the UK prove that there is no appetite for this. Differences in prices are because of supply and demand, ultimately a common sense approach adopted by businesses. The European Union is made up of 28 Member States, all of whom carry different cultures and identities, a one-size-fits-all approach to such diversity just does not work.
It is of course a positive to be giving citizens better access to goods and services, however businesses should be free to conduct sales as they see fit, without the EU telling them what to do.
If it worked for businesses to implement the aims of this legislation they would have already done so themselves. The Commission should recognise this and leave Member States and businesses to determine what is in their own best interests and act as they see fit.
Mylène Troszczynski, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, selon le rapporteur, 15 % des consommateurs, je dirais «seulement» 15 % des consommateurs et 8 % des professionnels ont acheté ou vendu en ligne dans un autre État membre.
C’est la raison d’être et la justification du règlement dont nous débattons aujourd’hui. Voici l’illustration du sens des priorités à la sauce du marché unique numérique. Les législateurs européens sont convaincus de trouver ici, avec ce règlement, le remède à la crise existentielle que traverse l’Union européenne.
Alors que dit ce texte? Que les raisons de ces faibles taux de consommation transfrontalière ont pour origine les barrières injustifiées infligées par les États membres à travers la technique du géoblocage, éloignant les consommateurs européens du nirvana de la consommation.
Le «géoblocage» est un concept qui désigne en fait les frontières numériques. Ce concept est largement méprisé par le législateur européen qui le définit comme – je cite – une discrimination en fonction de la nationalité ou du lieu de résidence. Le règlement souhaite tout simplement en interdire l’usage aux professionnels.
Malgré l’exclusion, toute temporaire, des services audiovisuels du champ d’application du règlement – que je salue –, je veux dénoncer cette nouvelle intervention unilatérale brutale dans les équilibres économiques, une mesure qui aura de lourdes conséquences sur de très nombreux opérateurs, qui verront leurs consommateurs partir consommer là où c’est moins cher.
Udo Voigt (NI). – Herr Präsident! Die Verordnung des Europäischen Parlaments über Geoblocking sorgt dafür, dass eine Rechtsgrundlage da ist, dass Handelsgeschäfte zwischen Kunden und Anbietern ohne ungerechtfertigte Diskriminierungen abgeschlossen werden können. Das hört sich so weit, so gut an. Aber wenn es ungerechtfertigte Diskriminierungen gibt, dann gibt es ja auch gerechtfertigte Diskriminierungen. Die vermisse ich hier, und ich vermute, das sind die politischen Diskriminierungen. Denn wir haben doch gerade erst auf der letzten Sitzung des Parlaments Geoblocking gegenüber Russland aus politischen Gründen erlaubt und dafür sogar eine eigene Truppe installiert. Was ist denn mit der Scheinheiligkeit gegenüber meinem Land, Deutschland, wo das Merkel-Regime erst ein Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz geschaffen hat, das es erlaubt, dass in einem privaten Unternehmen wie Facebook jetzt eine ganze Zensurarmee auf die Füße gestellt worden ist und hier plötzlich Leute abgeschaltet werden können – ohne rechtliches Gehör, ohne die Möglichkeit, ein freies Verfahren zu bekommen?
Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE). – Voorzitter, ik ben blij dat ik na de heer Voigt spreek, want die haalt alles door elkaar. Waar het om gaat is een bindend besluit binnen de EU. Dit heeft niets met Rusland of daarbuiten te maken. Het gaat hier om de interne markt en de wijze waarop we de zaak hebben ingericht. En onze burgers verdienen dat. Weg met de prijsdiscriminatie online. Het maakt niet uit waar je je aankoop in de EU doet. Het raakt iedereen. Want waarom zou een huurauto op mijn nationale luchthaven Schiphol in Nederland mij meer kosten dan een inwoner uit een andere lidstaat die aan de balie komt? En waarom zou een ticket voor Eurodisney in Parijs mij meer kosten dan de Fransen als ik online boek? Weg met de willekeur, ook in de voorwaarden en in de kortingen die worden geboden.
Ik ben ook blij dat Rosa Thun zich zo hard heeft ingezet en met de steun van het Estse Voorzitterschap heeft gezorgd voor een helder resultaat dat ook handhaafbaar is door toezichthouders. We openen hiermee de bladzijde naar de digitale interne markt waarvoor we nu zoveel voorstellen doen. Slechts 15 % van de consumenten doet aankopen over de grens in de Unie en het aantal bedrijven dat nu op de digitale markt begint, is ook nog laag. Dus een goede stap. De volgende etappe betreft de digitale audiovisuele diensten. Dat kan binnen twee jaar. Ik ben zeer blij. Ik begrijp niet waar u uw voorbeeld vandaan haalt.
(De spreker gaat in op een "blauwe kaart"-vraag (artikel 162, lid 8, van het Reglement))
Udo Voigt (NI), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Herr Kollege! Ich hätte nur eine ganz kurze Frage: Ist Ihnen denn bekannt, dass man auch über Facebook Waren, nämlich Werbung, kaufen kann und dies in Deutschland vielfach abgeschaltet wird, ohne ein Gerichtsverfahren, ohne die rechtliche Möglichkeit, hiergegen etwas zu tun?
Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE), "blauwe kaart"-antwoord. – Waar het om gaat, is dat we hier in de Europese Unie bedrijven en ook burgers op dezelfde manier moeten behandelen. Ik weet niet hoe het precies zit met reclame, of je die kunt tegenhouden. Ook daarvoor geldt dat er op dezelfde manier moet worden omgegaan. Reclame maakt soms deel uit van de boodschappen die worden verstrekt. Maar de kern is dat de burgers waar ze ook een aankoop doen, op dezelfde manier worden behandeld.
Nicola Danti (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, la fine del geoblocco ingiustificato rappresenta un'ulteriore tappa del processo di costruzione del mercato unico digitale. Dopo l'abolizione del roaming e dopo che abbiamo consentito la portabilità dei contenuti online, i cittadini europei potranno finalmente vedere la fine di quelle barriere e discriminazioni ingiustificate, che fino ad oggi hanno costituito un impedimento alla possibilità di avere un e-commerce europeo.
La Commissione, infatti, ha rilevato che oltre il 63 % dei siti di vendita online applica ancora forme di blocco che spesso terminano con l'impossibilità pratica di concludere un acquisto o di scegliere l'offerta più conveniente. Da oggi gli acquisti online saranno più facili. Ad esempio, la possibilità di noleggiare una macchina senza pagare alcun sovrapprezzo a seconda della nazionalità o dell'ubicazione del consumatore è certamente una conquista.
Tuttavia, in conclusione, rimangono sfide importanti davanti, che non potranno essere vinte fintanto che non sarà definito un quadro armonizzato di regole fiscali, di garanzia per la sicurezza dei prodotti e di piena tutela dei consumatori.
Daniel Dalton (ECR). – Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur, who has done a good job here. E—commerce is one of our fastest growing industries. Consumers no longer recognise borders and boundaries when shopping. The internet gives them the choice to look for anything, anywhere. That is a revolution in choice. But sadly, the law and many companies have yet to catch up with shoppers. That is why this regulation is important: breaking down artificial barriers and ending unfair price discrimination.
Now I am sad that I cannot yet pay to watch cricket coverage and other audiovisual stuff here in Belgium, but that will come in the future. Because with more competition, we get lower prices and better service: everyone wins. We have come a long way from the Commission’s original proposal, which needed some work, but no company now has to sell where it cannot deliver. But everything will see more transparency and cheaper pricing. This is a digital revolution in action.
So I commend this report as an action of good policy – but a warning: do not cut the EU off from the rest of the world. This should be a template for global e—commerce. We should see customs de minimis thresholds brought in line with offline thresholds. E—commerce and consumers should not be punished just for shopping online.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
Janusz Korwin-Mikke (NI), pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki. – Przypuśćmy, że rząd francuski dofinansowuje coś, powiedzmy Disneyland. Czy w tym momencie nie wolno Disneylandowi wprowadzić ulgowych cen dla Francuzów?
Daniel Dalton (ECR), blue-card answer. – Well, as I understand it, we’re in a single market and in a single market there’s a principle that consumers cannot be discriminated against on nationality. That’s the principle of the single market in general and it should be a principle that applies in the digital single market. We can’t have two different rules for online and offline commerce.
Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Wenn wir morgen die Verordnung zum Geoblocking verabschieden, dann sind wir dem digitalen Binnenmarkt einen großen Schritt näher gekommen. Geoblocking widerspricht dem Ziel eines gemeinsamen Binnenmarktes diametral. Es ist absurd, dass für immaterielle Güter künstliche Grenzen errichtet werden. Der morgige Beschluss ist ein wichtiger Etappensieg, weil er die Rechte der Konsumenten stärkt, den Wettbewerb fördert und zur Verfestigung eines gemeinsamen Marktes beiträgt. Wir haben viel erreicht, und dem Dank an die Berichterstatterin und an die Schattenberichterstatterinnen kann ich mich gerne anschließen.
Wir sollten uns aber nicht darauf ausruhen. Wir haben noch viel zu tun. Unser Ziel muss ein wirklich grenzenloses Internet sein, das für alle Angebote und Plattformen gilt. Deshalb ist unsere gegenwärtige Arbeit an der Copyright-Gesetzgebung so wichtig. Wir müssen sie verantwortungsvoll ausführen und dürfen dabei den gesamteuropäischen Aspekt nicht verlieren.
Zgłoszenia z sali
Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, zákaz diskriminace na základě státní příslušnosti stanovuje již směrnice o službách na vnitřním trhu. Pravidla vnitřního trhu musíme přizpůsobit dnešní digitální realitě a blokování říci jasné ne. Díky tomuto nařízení budou občané na vnitřním trhu moci nakupovat zboží elektronicky za férových podmínek, rezervovat ubytování, využívat služby po celé EU a konečně bez rozdílu původu zákazníků.
Návrh je podle mého názoru rozumně vyvážený. Zákazníci by měli mít přístup ke zboží a ke službám za stejných podmínek, ale pro podnikatele to nebude znamenat nepřiměřené náklady a ani automaticky nevznikne povinnost dodržovat právní řád státu spotřebitele, ani povinnost doručovat zboží na celém území EU. Považuji za správné, že nařízení se nebude vztahovat na elektronicky dodávané služby a díla, která jsou chráněna copyrightem, jako jsou knihy, hudba a další, a mělo by tomu být do té doby, než vyřešíme spravedlivé financování autorů.
Olga Sehnalová (S&D). – Pane předsedající, diskriminace spotřebitelů na základě jejich národnosti nebo země pobytu je bohužel každodenní realitou vnitřního trhu Evropské unie, a to nejen v online prostředí. Omezená možnost výběru, odlišné platební podmínky, neopodstatněné cenové rozdíly, ale také odlišná kvalita na první pohled stejného zboží jsou nepříjemnou zkušeností pro řadu spotřebitelů.
Nařízení o zeměpisném blokování některé z těchto diskriminačních praktik omezí a usnadní spotřebitelům přístup k řadě zboží a služeb. Jedná se o krok správným směrem a ráda bych za něj poděkovala zejména paní zpravodajce Różi Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein.
Práce na dotváření férového vnitřního trhu, kde mají spotřebitelé rovný přístup ke zboží a službám, ale také kde nejsou spotřebitelé vědomě a úmyslně klamáni, jeho přijetím rozhodně nekončí. Věřím, že toto vezme Komise v potaz i při přípravě balíčku opatření nové politiky pro spotřebitele, na který už netrpělivě čekáme.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η ενιαία αγορά είναι μια σημαντική κατάκτηση της ίδιας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και φυσικά, στο πλαίσιο της ενιαίας αγοράς δεν επιτρέπονται διακρίσεις οποιουδήποτε τύπου. Είναι λογικό λοιπόν ότι η ενιαία ψηφιακή αγορά πρέπει να λειτουργεί με τον ίδιο τρόπο. Το γεγονός ότι το Διαδίκτυο αξιοποιείται πλέον για την αγορά υπηρεσιών ή προϊόντων δεν σημαίνει ότι νομιμοποιούνται οι διακρίσεις εις βάρος των καταναλωτών. Δεν μπορούν να υπάρχουν διακρίσεις αναλόγως της εθνικότητας του καταναλωτή ή αναλόγως του τόπου διαμονής ή του τόπου κατοικίας. Επομένως, οι αποφάσεις τις οποίες λαμβάνουμε και ο κανονισμός, ο οποίος πλέον καταργεί όλες αυτές τις διακρίσεις, είναι ένα σημαντικό βήμα σε επίπεδο Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Όμως θα πρέπει να παύσουν και οι διακρίσεις που αφορούν το μουσικό περιεχόμενο και τα βιβλία. Αυτά κακώς έχουν μείνει εκτός κανονισμού.
João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, o comércio, mesmo na sua forma dita eletrónica, parte de processos de produção e distribuição concretos e de relações sociais de produção concretas, reais e não virtuais, não desmaterializáveis.
A venda de bens e serviços no Mercado Único, mesmo pela via eletrónica, exprime uma ligação que se estabelece por via desse mercado entre os diversos produtores, entre os trabalhadores dos diferentes países, postos em concorrência direta, aproveitando as diferenças salariais e de direitos para forçar uma desvalorização geral da sua força de trabalho.
Numa integração capitalista é este o sentido da tão propalada liberdade de circulação de mercadorias e serviços: nivelar por baixo, aumentar a exploração, conquistar mercados e aumentar lucros em linha ou fora dela.
Obviamente que está ainda por libertar todo o potencial do comércio eletrónico, como em geral o enorme potencial das aquisições da ciência e da técnica em benefício dos trabalhadores e dos consumidores.
É verdade que há obstáculos no ambiente em linha que frustram naturais expetativas dos consumidores, mas trabalhar para os superar não nos deve fazer perder de vista este quadro mais geral.
Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). – Gospod predsednik, vsak dan umetne digitalne meje blokirajo milijone Evropejcev pri naročanju blaga, gledanju filmov, poslušanju glasbe po spletu, gledanju športnih prenosov in vse to zaradi tako imenovanega geoblockinga, zaradi te tako imenovane nepravične in nedopustne diskriminacije.
To, kar imamo sedaj na mizi, to uredbo, na neki način ne moremo biti čisto zares veseli, ker pomeni tudi razočaranje, ker so bili odstranjeni številni dobri elementi, predvsem pa je uredba v celoti izključila videoposnetke, glasbo, e-knjige, spletne računalniške igre, to je tisto področje, ki se največ uporablja pri naročanju, samo zato, ker pač je nekdo iz neprave države in ta geografska blokada zaradi držav izvora je seveda nedopustna in se pravi geoblocking lahko odpravimo v celoti ali pa ne.
Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Blokowanie geograficzne to problem, z którym na co dzień boryka się wielu obywateli. Badania wskazują, że około 30 % konsumentów robiących zakupy online przynajmniej raz napotkało problemy z zakupem towaru na stronie zagranicznej. Praktyki takie jak przymusowe i automatyczne przekierowanie na stronę lokalną w sposób oczywisty stoją w sprzeczności z zasadą równego dostępu do usług i dyskryminują klientów. Zapisy dyrektywy usługowej niestety okazały się niewystarczające, aby uniknąć takich sytuacji. Dlatego też popieram inicjatywę Komisji, która ma na celu wprowadzenie większej jasności prawnej i wykonalności.
Sprawa jest jednak niezwykle złożona, więc tym bardziej cieszę się, że po półtora roku intensywnej pracy udało się osiągnąć porozumienie, które wydaje się być bardzo rozsądnym kompromisem. Zakaz przekierowanie na inne strony bez wyraźnej zgody użytkownika oznacza, że konsumenci uzyskają dostęp do szerszej, niedyskryminującej nikogo oferty.
Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, I welcome the collective effort to combat discrimination against consumers by removing unnecessary barriers for accessing the same level and quality of online services for the benefit of citizens across the EU.
Nevertheless, for some online services it is important to keep a balanced perspective and ensure the viability of content creation, in particular for creative and media content. The principle of territoriality is at the core of the economic models of many European content producers, media services providers and channels. It is also in many cases how the production of high-quality European works of all types is ensured, nourishing a vibrant cultural diversity.
I am particularly concerned about small independent creators and artists. It is very difficult for smaller enterprises to earn a living today and I want to make sure that their interests are defended along with increased accessibility of content and cultural diversity for users.
(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)
Andrus Ansip,Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, this debate was just music to my ears. Let’s remember from where we had to start. We organised a so-called ‘mystery-shopping survey’ and according to those results 2% of those people who tried to buy some goods and services from another EU Member State just could not get access to those websites.
Then 27% of those lucky people who got access to those websites were not able to register because their IP addresses were wrong addresses: they were from France, from Germany, from Austria, from Poland – from some EU Member State that was wrong in some way.
Then 32% of those lucky people who were able to register were faced with delivery problems and to find solutions for those problems we launched our parcel delivery proposal, and I am happy that we were able to find consensus on that proposal.
But even 26% of those people who did not have issues of any kind with delivery problems, could not pay because their credit cards were issued in wrong the countries: in Sweden, in Finland, in Latvia, in Lithuania, in the United Kingdom – in some EU Member State that was wrong in some way.
All in all, just 36.6% of all those people who tried to buy some goods and services from another EU Member State were able to conclude those purchases successfully.
This is not the single market we would like to have in the European Union when only every third person is able to conclude those purchases successfully.
We have to hurry up. We have to have some votes here in Parliament, in the Council, then publishing, then a signing ceremony and then nine months, and then it will already be Christmas time. But our people deserve to enjoy their Christmas shopping next year without being afraid of being blocked or re-routed. So I would like to ask you to hurry up.
Then I would like to state very clearly that the Commission is fully committed to carrying out a comprehensive assessment of this regulation’s scope to identify if other sectors should also be included.
We will pay particular attention to the non-audiovisual copyright protected services like software, games, e—books and music that the regulation only covers only partially now. We will keep our promise to the co-legislators.
Once again I would like to cordially thank the rapporteur Ms Róża Thun and all the Members of the European Parliament.
Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein, rapporteur. – Mr President, I would like to thank the Commission Vice-President for his words and for the excellent cooperation, and thanks also to your wonderful team, Mr Vice-President.
Colleagues, thank you for this constructive debate, which has been music to my ears. This compromise was long, this compromise was difficult but we have managed to achieve it. This compromise, thanks to the determination and hard work of many of us, will bear good fruits. I am asking for your broad support in the vote tomorrow.
We proved today that the European Union can deliver concrete results for citizens all over Europe, bringing positive changes in our daily lives, but for the full completion of the digital single market we still need many reforms and a lot of work. We need to do our best to break down national silos. There is no place for protectionism in our common European market. The next step we should take is harmonisation of the VAT rules. We also need to unify copyright protection rules and open up the services market in the audio-visual sector. We need to improve the functioning of parcel delivery within the EU, and this is not all.
I am counting on the Commission to continue the role of a leader in this extremely important process. I hope that the Council will help us in these efforts. As for us, in Parliament, I hope to see this project at the forefront of our agenda. Already now, I am looking forward to the review in two years, which you have just mentioned Mr Vice-President. Citizens want improvement, they want changes, for a more united digital single market, and we will keep working on delivering that improvement.
Przewodniczący. – To była prawdziwa przyjemność przewodniczyć tej debacie. Już dawno nie było tak dalece posuniętej jednomyślności na tej sali. Bardzo dziękuję panu wiceprzewodniczącemu Ansipowi i życzę miłego wieczoru w Strasbourgu.
Zamykam debatę.
Głosowanie odbędzie się we wtorek 6 lutego 2018 r.
Declarações escritas (artigo 162.º)
Isabella Adinolfi (EFDD), per iscritto. – Il geoblocking rappresenta una pratica commerciale discriminatoria impiegata per segregare artificialmente i mercati, così da massimizzare i profitti. In altre parole, ciò che accade in pratica è che i venditori online: o impediscono ai consumatori di accedere a un sito Internet in quanto il loro indirizzo IP indica una specifica ubicazione geografica, oppure li rindirizzano verso un sito locale di vendite online che pratica prezzi diversi. Proprio alla luce di ciò ed in vista della realizzazione del mercato digitale unico, le pratiche di geoblocking dovrebbero essere vietate, soprattutto in quei settori quali l'audiovisivo dove una tale pratica risulta evidente ed ingiustificabile agli occhi del comune cittadino. Il regolamento in questione rappresenta dunque un atto normativo rilevante, ma a causa dell'esclusione dall'ambito di applicazione dello stesso dei contenuti audiovisivi, della musica in streaming, dei videogiochi e degli e-book, la sua efficacia è stata drasticamente depotenziata. Cui prodest? Di sicuro non ai cittadini europei che continueranno a subire la pratica dei blocchi geografici, con un impatto negativo tanto per la circolazione dei contenuti che per la promozione e salvaguardia della diversità culturale. Gli interessi economici di pochi hanno avuto, ancora una volta, la meglio sugli interessi della collettività.
Nicola Caputo (S&D), per iscritto. – Impedire i blocchi geografici e altre forme di discriminazione dei clienti basate sulla nazionalità, il luogo di residenza o il luogo di stabilimento.
Валентин Радев , в писмена форма. – Уважаеми колеги, забраната за блокиране на географски принцип е важен елемент на стратегията за цифровия единен пазар. С премахването на този принцип ще се разшири свободата на електронната търговия и европейските граждани ще получат по-добър достъп до уебсайтове за електронни продажби. Търговците вече няма да имат право да блокират или ограничават достъпа до своя онлайн интерфейс от страна на клиентите по причини, свързани с тяхното гражданство или място на пребиваване.
Имайки предвид, че днес едва 15% от европейците пазаруват онлайн от установени в други държави магазини, прекратяването на географското блокиране ще допринесе за развитието на единия пазар и ще премахне важни пречки пред търговията. Това ще бъде от полза и за европейските предприятия, които ще могат да се възползват от силното развитие на трансграничната онлайн търговия.
За момента услугите, свързани със защитено с авторско право съдържание или произведения в нематериална форма, са изключени от приложното поле на регламента. Но се надявам след две години, когато се направи преглед на неговото прилагане, да бъдат включени и тези услуги. Така ще можем да допринесем за премахване на оставащите пречки пред свободното движение на стоки и услуги и максималното развитие на вътрешния пазар.
Romana Tomc (PPE), pisno. – Se vam je že kdaj zgodilo, da vas je spletna stran, ki je prodajala določeno storitev, po tem, ko je zaznala, da ste iz druge države, preusmerila na drugo stran, kjer so bile po možnosti te storitve dražje?
Vesela sem, da z uredbo to odpravljamo, saj bo od sedaj blokiranje ali preusmerjanje zaradi potrošnikovega državljanstva, kraja prebivališča ali njegove začasne lokacije na drugo spletno mesto prepovedano.
Glede na raziskavo Glasu evropskih potrošnikov pri standardizaciji (ANEC) je skoraj četrtina vprašanih že doživela, da je bilo njihovo spletno naročilo zavrnjeno, ker so doma iz druge, ''napačne'' države EU. Uredba trgovcem omogoča, da čezmejnim strankam dovoljuje dostop do spletnih strani, značilnih za posamezne države.
Upam, da bo ta uredba odpravila prikrajšanost in omogočila boljši dostop do blaga in storitev strankam.
Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), in writing. – We aspire to support the realisation of the full potential of the internal market as an area without internal barriers. Ensuring the free movement of goods and services is one of our greatest values and achievements. Nowadays, the internal market includes also e-Commerce, which is one of the main key drivers for the growth. According to statistics only 15% of consumers buy online from other EU countries and 8% of traders sell cross-border (as compared to 24% of domestic sales), which is absolutely not enough. Therefore, we should try to reduce trade barriers as fast as possible. It is unacceptable for the consumers to be prevented from accessing certain websites, not be able to buy certain goods in other Member States or have to pay a different price - only based on their place of residence or even temporary location. I appreciate hard work and effort of the Rapporteur Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein. The adopted report covers many important issues that required difficult inter-institutional negotiations. The final agreement opposes discrimination in the e-Commerce which is an important step forward for the EU.
Iuliu Winkler (PPE), in writing. – The debate on the Regulation addressing geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on nationality is timely and vital for our citizens. By seeking to effectively implement the Single Market, not only for goods, but also for services, digital commerce, capital and energy, we would create 4 million new jobs for our citizens, while adding approximately 1.5 billion to the EU economy. Even though this is a step in the right direction, the proposal at hand is yet imperfect, given that it does not address all forms of discrimination, particularly copyrighted content. This includes transmissions of films, television, music or e-books. I see a link here to the truly worrying situation of almost 50 million people, those citizens belonging to ethnic and linguistic minorities across Europe, who continue to be affected by such discriminatory practices. It is exactly these citizens who have come together and signed the Minority SafePack Initiative, aiming to address such key deficiencies and tackle discrimination based on ethnicity. The geo-blocking of copyrighted content is an important factor here, and it is the obligation of the EP to also hear the voice of citizens belonging to minorities and address this shortcoming in the revision of this Regulation.