16. Гаранционен фонд за външни дейности - Предоставяне на гаранция от ЕС на Европейската инвестиционна банка за загуби по операции по финансиране на инвестиционни проекти извън Съюза (разискване)
Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η κοινή συζήτηση σχετικά με:
– την έκθεση της Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Προϋπολογισμών, σχετικά με την πρόταση κανονισμού του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου που αφορά την τροποποίηση του κανονισμού (ΕΚ, Ευρατόμ) αριθ. 480/2009 σχετικά με την ίδρυση Ταμείου εγγυήσεων για τις εξωτερικές δράσεις (COM(2016)0582 – C8-0374/2016 – 2016/0274(COD)) (Α8-0132/2017)
– την έκθεση της Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Προϋπολογισμών, σχετικά με την πρόταση απόφασης του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου για την τροποποίηση της απόφασης αριθ. 466/2014/ΕΕ με την οποία χορηγείται εγγύηση της ΕΕ στην Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων για την κάλυψη ζημιών από χρηματοδοτικές δραστηριότητες που υποστηρίζουν επενδυτικά έργα εκτός της Ένωσης (COM(2016)0583 – C8-0376/2016 – 2016/0275(COD)) (Α8-0135/2017)
Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, ponente. – Señor presidente, comisario Katainen, presidente Hoyer, en los últimos años ha habido una fuerte crítica a la Unión Europea por su inacción ante la crisis de los refugiados y, de hecho, desde esta Cámara han sido numerosas las veces que hemos reclamado tanto al Consejo como a la Comisión que actuaran urgentemente para poner soluciones encima de la mesa: actuaciones a corto plazo, pero también actuaciones a más largo plazo, para poder abordar de una manera más estructural el fenómeno migratorio y la situación de los países de nuestro entorno que están acogiendo masivamente a los refugiados.
Y al igual que criticamos esa inacción, creo que también es justo reconocer que el Plan Europeo de Inversiones Exteriores, que presentó la Comisión Europea en junio de 2016, da respuesta a una parte de esas necesidades que veníamos señalando. En julio de 2017 este Pleno ya dio luz verde a uno de los componentes de ese Plan, que fue el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Sostenible, y hoy debatimos aquí otro de sus componentes, que es la modificación del mandato de préstamos exteriores del BEI, cuyas actividades están garantizadas por el presupuesto de la Unión.
Tras ocho meses de duras negociaciones con la Presidencia maltesa primero y con la Presidencia estonia después, hemos conseguido cerrar un acuerdo que creo que mejora sustancialmente el actual mandato de préstamos exteriores.
Me gustaría empezar recordando que todos los países de la Unión, y la Comisión también, firmaron los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y que, por lo tanto, todas nuestras actuaciones tienen que ir encaminadas a su cumplimiento.
Con la modificación de este Reglamento, vamos a mejorar cuantitativa y cualitativamente la actuación de la Unión Europea a través del BEI en el exterior y, sobre todo, en los países de la vecindad Sur y Este.
Mejoramos cuantitativamente porque aumentamos la capacidad de inversión hasta los 32 300 millones de euros de aquí al 2020, con un esfuerzo muy especial en los países del Mediterráneo y en los Balcanes.
En cuanto a la mejora cualitativa de nuestras inversiones, hemos trabajado en varios aspectos. El primero, y probablemente el más importante, es que hemos añadido un nuevo objetivo prioritario y transversal para que todas las iniciativas financiadas a través de este programa contribuyan a cumplir con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y así erradicar las causas por las que las personas deben abandonar sus hogares.
Dentro de este nuevo objetivo no nos hemos querido olvidar de los países de nuestro entorno que, en una clara demostración de solidaridad, acogen a millones de refugiados y cuyos servicios públicos e infraestructuras están completamente desbordados.
Además, para cumplir con los acuerdos de París y con nuestro compromiso de ayudar a los países en desarrollo hemos aumentado el porcentaje que se debe dedicar a inversiones relacionadas con el cambio climático del 25 % al 35 %.
Otra de las áreas en la que también hemos trabajado y hemos mejorado la Decisión ha sido el apoyo al desarrollo del sector privado local, mejorando el acceso de las pymes a la financiación, fomentando la transición de una economía informal al sector formal y procurando un especial apoyo a proyectos de inversión en zonas rurales, sobre todo para el tratamiento de agua potable, el saneamiento y las energías renovables.
Y, por último, como mejora cualitativa, me gustaría destacar la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en todas las operaciones financiadas por el BEI. Aprobamos los apartados 8 bis y ter, y con esta aprobación garantizamos que se cumplan los compromisos de la estrategia de igualdad y de su plan de acción y, además, fomentaremos el respeto de los principios de transparencia salarial e igualdad de remuneración.
Y, para finalizar, me gustaría destacar dos aspectos muy importantes de esta legislación. Por un lado, hemos introducido todo un nuevo capítulo que tiene que ver con la evaluación del programa; hemos establecido una serie de parámetros y sus correspondientes indicadores para poder evaluar los resultados de las inversiones desde un punto de vista social, medioambiental y económico.
Y, por otro lado, hemos introducido una legislación mucho más restrictiva en la prevención del blanqueo de capitales, la lucha contra la financiación del terrorismo, la fiscalidad y los territorios no cooperadores. Y, en este sentido, el BEI deberá presentarnos cada año un informe sobre la aplicación de esta política, incluyendo un informe país por país y una lista de los intermediarios con los que colabora.
Como decía al principio de mi intervención, creo que este acuerdo mejora sustancialmente el mandato de inversiones del BEI y espero que mañana sea respaldado ampliamente por esta Cámara y que el BEI pueda ponerlo en marcha lo antes posible.
Nirj Deva,rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Development. – Mr President, a year ago the House backed my proposal to establish stronger ties with the private sector, marking a revolution in EU development financing, a new way of mobilising private capital, key to wealth creation and the fight against global poverty.
As rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Development on this proposal, I supported the overall increase in the EU guarantee from EUR 27 billion to EUR 32.2 billion in order to address the root causes of migration. As part of the external investment plan, together with the EIB, this Marshall Plan for Africa is of paramount importance in implementing the shift from global grants to loans, promoting investment rather than handouts.
International development is not just about eliminating poverty, it is also about delivering security, stability and economic opportunities to poor and fragile communities, thereby preventing citizens from having to flee their home country in search of a better life. For the West – eager to stem the flow of refugees and migrants from Africa and the Middle East – supporting development is a much more effective approach than building walls and razor-wire fences.
Jyrki Katainen,Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I want to thank the rapporteur, Ms Gardiazabal Rubial, and also Mr Siegfried Mureşan, who chaired the trilogues, for their very constructive work. Following fruitful cooperation among the three EU institutions, I believe we have finally agreed an excellent compromise.
The Commission welcomes the agreement on the compromise package, which was approved successfully by the Committee of the Permanent Representatives (Coreper) on 1 December and by the Committee on Budgets on 4 December by a large majority. This compromise will allow the European Investment Bank to continue rapidly implementing its economic resilience initiative in support of the southern neighbourhood and the Western Balkans and to continue supporting EU external policy objectives in eligible countries.
As soon as adopted, the text will enable the EIB to contribute rapidly to the new objectives by providing up to EUR 2.3 billion of additional financing to private sector beneficiaries. The increase of EUR 5.3 billion in the size of the EU Guarantee Fund over the period 2014-2020 will also reinforce substantially the EIB’s capacity to grant loans in the neighbourhood, as well as in Asia and Latin America. It will allow the EIB to act effectively in line with EU external policy priorities.
The compromise will increase the flexibility for the EIB to switch amounts under the regional ceiling allocations from the current 10% between regions to 20%, but only in the direction of high priority regions for the Union, in particular, Ukraine and migration-response-related regions or any forthcoming challenges within the remaining part of the mandate 2014-2020.
The climate-change dimension of the mandate is also reinforced. It includes an increase of the target from 25% to 35% of total EIB financing operations outside the EU by the year 2020.
On taxation and non-cooperative jurisdictions, the compromise text will align with provisions agreed for the EFSI 2.0 and the European Fund for Sustainable Development legislative files. The outcome is very welcome and reflects successful negotiations.
As regards asset management, following negotiations in Council and Parliament, a cross-file compromise was agreed. The EIB will continue to undertake the asset management of the Guarantee Fund while the Commission will do the asset management of the new European Fund for Sustainable Development Guarantee Fund. It was agreed to review the situation in 2019.
Honourable Members, I want to thank you for your excellent cooperation. This is a big step forward and it enables us to be more efficient in order to achieve our external policy goals.
Werner Hoyer,President of the European Investment Bank. – Mr President, it is a great pleasure to be here today on the occasion of the formal adoption of the European InvestmentBank’s revised external lending mandate (ELM), which is a key tool for the bank’s activities outside the European Union. I will take the opportunity to thank the members of the Committee on Budgets, in particular the rapporteur, Madam Gardiazabal, and Commission Vice-President Katainen for their excellent cooperation on this difficult matter.
The mid-term review of the ELM began in 2016 and I’m pleased to say it once again recognised the ELM as a highly efficient instrument that allows the EIB to deliver external and development action with real impact on the ground and at a minimal cost to the EU budget. The increase in both scope and size of the revised mandate is, I hope, a sign that you as co-legislators believe in our ability to deliver EU foreign-policy goals under this mandate. I thank you for this endorsement and for your support in ensuring the ELM was adapted in such a way as to allow the bank to deliver in supporting new and continuing priorities outside the EU up until 2020.
Some key changes have been made to the ELM to allow us to address better the latest EU external priorities. We have been called upon to give particular support to countries outside the Union affected by migration, whether host countries, countries of transit or countries of origin. Significantly, the scope of the guarantee has been extended to allow coverage for private-sector lending operations under our new Economic Resilience Initiative, allowing the bank to take more risk in this area. This is fundamental to the success of the Resilience Initiative in the southern neighbourhood and the Western Balkans.
The overall increase in the ELM ceiling from EUR 27 billion to EUR 32.3 billion will also help us meet our objectives under the Economic Resilience Initiative while at the same time ensuring that we continue to meet ambitious lending levels across all regions covered by the mandate.
We have demonstrated our ability to react to evolving EU priorities, not only with the Resilience Initiative but also when we increased our lending to Ukraine to EUR 3 billion over three years as part of the Union’s special support package to Ukraine. And we have stepped up considerably our support for climate action. Having committed to providing a minimum of 25% climate action financing (and, by the way, we did 27-point-something in 2017), at 33% for external lending we are already almost reaching the objective of getting to 35% by 2020. So we are on a very good track in this respect.
We’ve also supported additional requirements for the bank in terms of transparency and accountability, and I know how important this is to the Members of the European Parliament. This is particularly the case in the fields of tax avoidance, fraud and evasion, non-compliant jurisdictions, the prevention of money laundering and the fight against terrorism. I want to assure you that we take these requirements seriously and I will speak more about them later in the debate on the EIB’s annual report.
No sooner have we finalised the revision of the ELM that will take us to the end of the current Multiannual Financial Framework than we now have to prepare the landscape for EU spending post 2020. I look forward to exchanges with you on this in the coming months. I can already say with confidence that, given the success of the ELM to date and its ability to leverage investments to an order of 30-40 times the budget provisioning required, I’ve no doubt that it will continue to be a key tool for the EU post 2020.
Eduard Kukan, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. – Mr President, my congratulations to Ms Gardiazabal for finalising this report. It is becoming increasingly important to steer our external investments and activities, especially when it comes to our neighbourhood. In this respect, external lending could be a powerful instrument to achieve our policy objectives. However, it needs strategic focus and clear direction. I hope that the European Investment Bank will be a strong partner in executing our policy objectives. The EU is not immune to instability behind our borders. Mounting crises mixed with worsening socio-economic situations in many countries in our neighbourhood exposed us to unprecedented waves of migration. However, we have been able to react and mobilise resources in order to respond to root cases of migration. I’m glad that the renewed lending mandate will contribute to stepping up our investment activities to strengthen resilience, tackle root cases of migration and promote new forms of private sector participation, especially in neighbourhood countries.
Siegfried Mureşan, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, firstly I would like to thank Eider Gardiazabal Rubial who was our rapporteur on this file for the final agreement which she managed to negotiate. I think this reflects the view of the vast majority of the Members of the House and of the political groups, and it is with great pleasure that we are going to support this.
I would also like to thank Vice—President Jyrki Katainen for the very helpful role that the Commission has played throughout the nine trialogues which we held together with two Presidencies, the Maltese and the Estonian, before we managed to agree on this important file. And President Hoyer, to you and to the staff of the EIB, I also thank you for always having been by our side with the adequate expertise.
We have always said from the beginning that we were going to review the External Lending Mandate based on the needs on the ground; we have seen that since the beginning of the External Lending Mandate.
Politically, we have decided to take a more active role in the eastern neighbourhood of the Union to support countries which have embarked on a pro-European path there and also to engage more actively in the southern neighbourhood of the Union to help tackle, of course, the migration and refugee crises.
What we have done with these changes to the External Lending Mandate was to use the flexibility to increase and enlarge it where possible, and also to make use of the reduced exposure in Turkey due to the fact that less financeable projects could be found there; to make use of all of this flexibility to enable us to put resources where they are needed and to respect the political commitments which we have made.
We are of course as a Parliament disappointed that the Council, the Member States, did not agree to increase the overall level of ceilings. It would have meant only increasing the burden on the budget of the Union in a very small manner – by EUR 34 million – and it would have enabled even more predictability in terms of the EIB’s engagement in the long term. But I believe that the compromise, the solution found is a good one. And I am looking forward to the vote and a large majority tomorrow in plenary.
Isabelle Thomas, au nom du groupe S&D. – Monsieur le Président, je voulais tout d’abord remercier ma collègue Eider Gardiazabal Rubial qui a su, avec patience et détermination, construire une majorité solide au Parlement et faire valoir cette position lors du trilogue. C’est un travail de longue haleine qui porte ses fruits aujourd’hui, et je tiens à l’en féliciter.
Ces rapports constituent des progrès majeurs pour la transparence et le cap à tenir pour l’avenir de l’Union européenne. Ils auront vocation à inspirer les prochaines politiques de l’Union et inspirent déjà les propositions du Parlement pour le prochain cadre financier pluriannuel.
En premier lieu, bien sûr, il y a le combat contre la fraude et l’évasion fiscale. Il est, en effet, inacceptable que l’argent public puisse concourir à des structures d’évasion fiscale et à des planifications fiscales agressives. Elles sont non seulement de profondes injustices, mais elles participent de surcroît à la déstabilisation d’États et constituent des obstacles dans notre lutte contre la criminalité et le terrorisme.
Avec ces rapports, la Banque européenne d’investissement sera préservée de toute relation avec des pays qui ne coopèrent pas avec l’Union en matière fiscale. Les rapports d’aujourd’hui serviront d’exemples dans ce domaine. Ces textes sont également l’occasion de fixer un nouveau cap, un nouvel horizon à la stratégie globale de développement externe de l’Union européenne.
Avec l’accord de Paris, avec les objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies, l’Union européenne et les États membres ont pris des engagements climatiques et de civilisation historiques et majeurs. Nous sommes désormais garants de ces engagements et que ces engagements ne se transforment pas en vœux pieux, en effets d’annonce ou en faux-semblants. Ils doivent rapidement se traduire par des évolutions concrètes et tangibles, comme ont réussi à le faire ces rapports en inscrivant ces engagements parmi les objectifs de la politique externe de l’Union.
Mais nous devons voir plus loin, faire en sorte que ces objectifs soient des boussoles aux politiques européennes et, en premier lieu, au futur cadre financier pluriannuel. Enfin, prenons garde – et ces rapports y parviennent – à ne pas tomber dans un piège, celui d’instrumentaliser la politique de développement au bénéfice d’autres objectifs.
Non, il ne s’agit pas d’une politique de contrôle des frontières, ni de gestion des flux migratoires ou d’accords de réadmission. Non, ce n’est pas un outil de chantage pour financer des régimes corrompus. Au contraire, le développement est une politique de long terme en direction de nos voisins, de nos partenaires. Ces rapports le rappellent clairement et nous devrons en faire une ligne dure pour les programmes du futur cadre financier pluriannuel.
Stanisław Ożóg, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni Państwo! EKR popiera ogólny kierunek zmian zawartych w raportach. Zajęcie się przyczynami imigracji to jeden z istotniejszych elementów obecnej strategii działania Unii Europejskiej. Rozszerzenie upoważnienia EBI do udzielania pożyczek na rzecz państw trzecich, podniesienie poziomu gwarancji Unii Europejskiej do poziomu 32,3 mld euro to niezbędny element, aby ten cel osiągnąć. Niezrozumiałe jest jednak przeniesienie tego zakresu z EBI – jak się proponuje – do Komisji. Po przeanalizowaniu kosztów i korzyści tego rozwiązania uważam osobiście, że ta ewentualna zmiana nie powinna nastąpić przed 2021 r. Zwracam też uwagę, że jeśli chodzi o zmiany co do mandatu zewnętrznego EBI i podniesienie pułapów, należałoby szczególnie uwzględnić potrzeby wymiaru wschodniego, co strategicznie przyśpieszyłoby proces integracji gospodarczej oraz partnerstwa politycznego pomiędzy Unią Europejską a tymi państwami, szczególnie mam na myśli Białoruś i Ukrainę.
Gérard Deprez, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Monsieur le Président, félicitations tout d’abord à notre excellente collègue Eider Gardiazabal Rubial pour la qualité de son travail et sa ténacité dans les négociations.
À l’évidence, Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, la pression migratoire qui s’exerce sur les pays de l’Union est un défi majeur pour notre avenir. Chacun mesure bien les tensions que cela entraîne déjà entre les pays de l’Union et les risques politiques pour l’avenir de nos démocraties, qui apparaissent déjà çà et là, à l’occasion des élections.
La gestion des flux migratoires est donc une priorité politique, et pour la construction européenne elle-même et pour la santé de notre démocratie.
C’est sous cet angle principal que je veux apporter mon appui et celui de mon groupe à la proposition de décision qui vise à permettre à la BEI d’élargir quantitativement et qualitativement son mandat de prêt extérieur. Concrètement, cela signifie plusieurs avancées que je veux saluer.
Premièrement, un quatrième grand objectif horizontal consistant à remédier aux causes profondes de la migration est intégré au mandat de prêt extérieur de la BEI. Deuxièmement, le plafond maximal applicable aux opérations de financement est porté à 32,3 milliards étant entendu que 1,4 milliard pourrait être affecté à des projets menés par le secteur public en direction des réfugiés et des communautés d’accueil et qu’un montant de 2,3 milliards, relevant d’un mandat de prêt au secteur privé, pourrait être affecté à des projets remédiant aux causes profondes de la migration.
Bien sûr, ces montants sont modestes, même s’ils s’inscrivent dans le cadre plus global d’une stratégie d’investissement extérieur. Mais, au moment où la démographie explose en Afrique, au moment où les effets du réchauffement climatique se font sentir, au moment où la Chine accapare à son profit une partie de la richesse de l’Afrique, nous ne pouvons pas nous résigner à ce que les laissés-pour-compte de ce continent n’aient pas d’autre choix que celui de l’exil européen.
L’avenir démocratique de l’Europe et la stabilité de notre continent se jouent pour une bonne part en Afrique. Nous devons en avoir conscience et prendre les mesures qui s’imposent.
Xabier Benito Ziluaga, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor presidente, quieren presentar estos fondos como una contribución generosa y humanitaria de la Unión Europea a la cooperación al desarrollo. Y nada más lejos. Esto reúne toda la estrategia insolidaria hacia la que se orienta la Unión Europea.
Estos fondos de garantía convierten la cooperación al desarrollo en un negocio y en un instrumento financiero cuyos beneficios se embolsan las empresas privadas y cuyas pérdidas, en caso de haberlas, se cubren con recursos públicos. Tanto el fondo de garantía de acciones exteriores como el fondo para pérdidas por operaciones exteriores son, ambos, los brazos financieros para hacer de la política de cooperación una política de retención de la migración y un negocio privado.
Y alguien lo tiene que decir, señor Hoyer. El Banco Europeo de Inversiones es a día de hoy una organización criminal. El BEI promueve beneficios financieros y crímenes contra los derechos humanos y contra el medio ambiente. Ayer ustedes aprobaron 1 500 millones de euros para el TAP, un gasoducto sin informe de impacto climático y que obvia las violaciones de derechos humanos en Azerbaiyán, en Turquía y la represión en el sur de Italia. En las islas Canarias, 125 millones para infraestructuras de gas en vez de renovables. Ustedes otorgan grandes sumas a proyectos destructivos, como el monocultivo de eucalipto en Brasil y Uruguay o la minería en Madagascar, que desplaza a la población y contamina el agua.
Lo que está haciendo el BEI es convertir la financiación para el desarrollo en una ayuda pública para incrementar los beneficios de las empresas privadas y del capital privado, y esto es algo que no se puede tolerar.
Por eso, urgimos al BEI a no invertir más fondos públicos en proyectos innecesarios, injustos, insostenibles y, cuando menos, financieramente imprudentes.
Heidi Hautala, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, owing to the efforts of the European Parliament and its very competent rapporteur, MsEider Gardiazabal Rubial, we have seen improvements through this decision. In particular, the improvements with regard to transparency, to tax justice and climate spending are very positive outcomes. Now we need to monitor to make sure that these requirements are effectively implemented.
It is very important that now it is mentioned explicitly that the aim is, above all, to address the root causes of migration. Let’s be honest: this means good, sound development policy, eradication of poverty, combating other global challenges and the EU and Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals really need to be internalised and understood properly by the European Investment Bank (EIB), especially if it wishes to have a more prominent role in EU development policy.
I would also like to see the energy lending criteria be very much taken care of. We need to make sure that the Paris Climate Agreement is implemented. We are very happy – it could have been better but it is already very good – that we have the 35% climate-proofing mentioned in that decision.
The World Bank has announced that it will not finance upstream oil and gas projects after 2019. I think this is something that the EIB also should consider.
David Coburn, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, the external investment plan was set up with the aim of tackling the root cause of migration by helping to achieve development goals in third countries through loans and grants, financing projects to create jobs. This is another version of the idiotic Juncker Plan which is economically daft. It is a plan to pump-prime businesses with government money.
When will the EU learn that this does not work? Governments do not create jobs. Businesses create jobs, and those sort of false jobs are unsustainable. Give these Third World countries trade deals not handouts. We need to give these people trade deals so that they can create businesses themselves.
As for today’s ludicrous inclusion of Tunisia on the financial blacklist, Mr President, for money laundering or something of that ilk: they have done a lot to stop it but they have been included on this list and it is going to damage Tunisian businesses and send waves of migrants to Europe. What can be more ridiculous? Over the past 10 months the European Investment Bank (EIB) has given 136 loans, worth seven billion, to finance projects in non-EU countries, making trade much easier than throwing away money. At the same time, the European Investment Bank owes Britain GBP 35 billion and refuses to pay this bill in 2019. We want our money back.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
President. – Mr Coburn, I am not able to give you your money back, but you have a blue card.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card question. – Mr Coburn, you are always very loud, you come from a very civilised country and I had supposed that you were a very civilised person, especially in this very important institution of the European Union. I think that you should have to apologise because you were using the term ‘idiotic’ when referring to the Junker plan. I don't think it is appropriate in such a room to use these words. As you are leaving the European Union, you shouldn't have to use these words because the future of the United Kingdom, Mr Coburn, will always be linked with European Union. Remember this.
President. – That was not a question. It was something else, a comment. But you could answer.
David Coburn (EFDD), blue-card answer. – I think I can manage, I am big enough and ugly enough to manage it. Well, thank you for your question. Well, ‘idiotic’ – perhaps I was being very naughty. Perhaps I shouldn’t have said ‘idiotic’. Perhaps ‘economically illiterate’ might have been better, so I hope you'll excuse me, I should use the word ‘economically illiterate’, but the Juncker plan was economically illiterate, as illiterate as these plans that you're trying to put forward at the moment. Thanks again for your question.
Stanisław Żółtek, w imieniu grupy ENF. – Panie Przewodniczący! Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny pożycza ogromne kwoty do egzotycznych państw, gdzie niczego nie można sprawdzić. Programy, na które bank daje pożyczki, mają piękne nazwy: „walka z bezrobociem”, „ocieplenie klimatu”, „równouprawnienie kobiet”. Część pieniędzy jest malwersowana i pożyczki nie są oddawane, ale Unia Europejska te straty bankowi zwraca. Dla zaciemnienia sprawy Unia Europejska spłaca bankowi dziesiątki miliardów euro hurtem rocznie, nazywając to konto funduszem gwarancyjnym. Bank pokrywa z tego funduszu swoje straty. Pracować w takim banku to cudowna sprawa. Dzisiaj Komisja Europejska uznała, że ona też ma swoich ludzi. Oni też muszą z czegoś żyć i ona sama chce zarządzać tym funduszem. To kilkadziesiąt lukratywnych pensji najbliżej do tych bezzwrotnych pożyczek. Co na to Parlament Europejski? Nic. Jedyne, co zaproponował Parlament Europejski, to dodanie kilku banałów do treści typu: „należy zachować najwyższe standardy przejrzystości i rozliczalności demokratycznej”; „należy wyeliminować ubóstwo, nierówności, brak zatrudnienia, zmiany klimatu”. Uff! A ja proponuję zażądać zamknięcia tego funduszu, tej maszynki do robienia fortun.
José Manuel Fernandes (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, queria cumprimentar o Senhor Vice-Presidente, também o Presidente do Banco Europeu de Investimento, e realçar aqui a importância do Banco Europeu de Investimento até na promoção dos valores da União Europeia. Um banco importante em termos internos mas também em termos externos e, como é evidente, tem como missão e como obrigação defender os objetivos definidos pela União Europeia nos projetos que financia tanto dentro como fora da União Europeia.
E esses objetivos, todos concordámos com eles: apoiar o crescimento, apoiar o emprego, atuar no sentido de evitar e de mitigar as alterações climáticas, apoiar o crescimento e o desenvolvimento sustentável e fazer face aos novos desafios, como é a questão das migrações, procurando que os investimentos nos países parceiros ajudem à estabilidade política e que as pessoas tenham oportunidades nos seus países.
Por isso, saudamos este reforço, proposto também neste relatório, para aumentar para 32,3 mil milhões de euros o Fundo de Garantia para as Ações Externas e a flexibilidade que é sempre necessária na gestão do Fundo, nomeadamente entre regiões beneficiárias, assim como sempre pugnamos pelo aumento da transparência.
Estou certo que, com este reforço, com a aprovação deste relatório, o Banco Europeu de Investimento fará ainda mais investimentos nos sítios onde são necessários e, nomeadamente, nos países parceiros.
Jean-Paul Denanot (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, permettez-moi d’abord de m’associer à tous les remerciements à Eider Gardiazabal Rubial pour le travail remarquable sur ce dossier et pour les négociations qui ont été aussi longues que difficiles.
Nous sommes nombreux, ici, à reconnaître la Banque européenne d’investissement comme la principale institution de soutien aux investissements publics et privés au sein de l’Union. Nous sommes également nombreux à apprécier le rôle important qu’elle joue en dehors de l’Union européenne par ses activités de prêt extérieur.
Mais le rayonnement à l’international de l’Union européenne et son engagement concret en matière de coopération au développement en dehors de ses frontières ne sauraient faire oublier que sa capacité d’influence devrait résider également dans l’affirmation de ses valeurs universelles de solidarité, de respect des droits humains et sociaux et d’exercice de la démocratie.
Réduire la pauvreté dans le monde, favoriser le développement économique, social et environnemental, promouvoir la démocratie, l’état de droit, la bonne gouvernance et le respect des droits de l’homme, oui, bien entendu. Mais ces priorités ne peuvent être uniquement tributaires d’engagements financiers privés, dont l’objectif demeure le rendement et le retour sur investissement.
Depuis longtemps, je plaide pour que l’Union aille au-delà de la simple garantie par le financement des investissements mais soit en capacité de mettre de l’argent frais pour amorcer les projets. Ce qui est valable au sein de l’Union européenne, l'est aussi pour ses interventions extérieures dans des pays comme l’Afrique, qui sont aussi accompagnés par de grandes puissances plus généreuses que l’Union européenne.
Je crois que nous devons accorder notre totale confiance à la Banque européenne d’investissement, mais nous devons l’accompagner davantage. Il faut que – je le crois – le prochain cadre financier pluriannuel au-delà de 2020 apporte une primeur aux investissements publics. C’est mon souhait le plus profond.
(L’orateur accepte de répondre à une question «carton bleu» (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))
Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Recht herzlichen Dank! Ich möchte mich auch beim Kollegen Denanot sehr herzlich bedanken, weil er, glaube ich, einen Punkt hervorgestrichen hat, der ganz wichtig ist: Mit diesem Programm kann auch die soziale Sicherheit dementsprechend gestärkt werden.
Glauben Sie, dass auch hier kleine und mittlere Unternehmen eine Chance bekommen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Ländern, die dringend hier Bedarf haben?
Jean-Paul Denanot (S&D), réponse «carton bleu». – Il est évident que l’argent de la BEI doit aller en priorité – je le dis très clairement – en direction des PME. Je crois que c’est le tissu économique de l’Union européenne qui est en question.
André Elissen (ENF). – Voorzitter, vandaag bespreken wij het voorstel om het budget voor het garantiefonds voor extern optreden te verhogen. Daarbij wordt ook het financieel beheer van het fonds aan de Commissie overgedragen.
Wat mijn partij betreft, stoppen we direct met deze ontwikkelingshulp. Waarom heeft de Europese Investeringsbank tientallen vestigingen in allerlei exotische oorden? Wat hebben we te zoeken in Bogota, Dakar, Nairobi en Caïro? De EIB lijkt meer op een reisbureau dan op een investeringsbank. Het plan is om het bedrag waarvoor het Europees Parlement garant moet staan, met meer dan vijf miljard euro te verhogen. Wie gaat dat betalen, voorzitter? Om nog maar niet te spreken over de landen die het meest zullen profiteren van het extra budget, landen als Syrië, Iran en Turkije, islamitische dictaturen waar geen cent Europees belastinggeld naartoe zou moeten gaan.
Turkije spant daarbij de kroon, nota bene een land dat totaal niet voldoet aan de voorwaarden die de EIB stelt in verband met behoorlijk bestuur, het respecteren van mensenrechten en persvrijheid. Zo'n land verdient geen steun en zou de status van kandidaat-lidstaat moeten worden ontnomen.
Voortaan worden ook commerciële risico's gedekt door het garantiefonds. Speculeren met geld van de belastingbetaler. Kwalijk en verwerpelijk. Er is geen sluitend bewijs dat de overdracht van het beheer naar de Commissie enig nut heeft. Dit is niet mijn conclusie, maar de mening van de rapporteur van de Commissie buitenlandse zaken. Men heeft op dit moment geen idee van de kosten en baten.
Ik wil tot slot alle parlementariërs bedanken die afgelopen maandag hun ware gezicht hebben laten zien. Zij stemden tegen het verzoek om enkel de stemmingen met één dag te verplaatsen in verband met de begrafenis van onze gewaardeerde collega Edouard Ferrand. Normen, waarden en solidariteit waar men in dit Parlement geen genoeg van krijgt, waren ver te zoeken.
(De spreker wordt door de voorzitter onderbroken)
Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, τα προηγμένα κράτη στηρίζουν τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη στις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες, επιπλέον της εξυπηρέτησης των στρατηγικών τους επιδιώξεων, από τον περιορισμό των αιτιών της λαθρομετανάστευσης, μέχρι την καταπολέμηση της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Εφόσον υφίστανται συγκεκριμένες δεσμεύσεις και προϋποθέσεις, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν τις αρχές της αιρεσιμότητας και της ανταποδοτικότητας, υπάρχει πεδίο στοχευμένης διάθεσης κονδυλίων.
Αντιμετωπίζω με σκεπτικισμό την περαιτέρω εκχώρηση στην Επιτροπή οικονομικών αρμοδιοτήτων, η οποία ερμηνεύει, κατά περίπτωση, λανθασμένα τις πολιτικές ανθρωπιστικής και αναπτυξιακής βοήθειας και που επηρεάζεται από εξωθεσμικούς παράγοντες και κέντρα αποφάσεων.
Αντιθέτως, παρά τις όποιες αστοχίες, η Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων διαθέτει συγκριτικά μεγαλύτερο βαθμό ανεξαρτησίας, κατάλληλη τεχνογνωσία και χρηματοοικονομική εμπειρία.
Αμφιβάλλω λοιπόν κατά πόσο οι προτάσεις εξυπηρετούν το κοινοτικό κεκτημένο, τις Συνθήκες, τη νομολογία και τις αξιακές αρχές της Ένωσης και όχι τις πολιτικές φιλοδοξίες μιας Επιτροπής που ψάχνει για συνεργούς και συνενόχους.
Paul Rübig (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Ich möchte mich vor allem bei der Berichterstatterin bedanken, weil es, glaube ich, gar nicht so einfach war, hier diesen Rahmen so abzustecken, dass die meisten Interessen dementsprechend berücksichtigt werden konnten. Für mich aus dem Entwicklungspolitikausschuss ist das natürlich ein Meilenstein der Europäischen Union, der hier gesetzt wurde, wo wir sehen, dass wir tatsächlich vor Ort Investitionen tätigen können, die den Menschen helfen. Herr Denanot hat es auch gut gesagt: Das bringt auch einen sozialen Aufstieg, da können kleine und mittlere Betriebe aktiv werden.
Ich glaube, dass es ganz entscheidend ist, dass wir auch die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung damit fördern können, gerade im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energie das SDG7 oder das SDG6, wo man den Menschen endlich sauberes Wasser und Abwasser zur Verfügung stellen kann, damit sie gesund bleiben und auch gesunde Lebensmittel in der Landwirtschaft dementsprechend produzieren können, dass investiert wird für die Zukunft dieser Menschen und nicht nur in Konsum, der schnell verbraucht wird und wo das Geld dann oft in falsche Kanäle läuft.
Ich möchte hier für die Zukunft absolut betonen, dass es für die Menschen nicht nur in diesen Entwicklungsländern ein großer Vorteil ist, sondern auch für unsere Wirtschaft in Europa, weil hier neue Partnerschaften gefunden werden können, weil ein return on investment vorhanden ist, weil hier auch dementsprechend Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen wurden, die unser europäisches Modell in andere Länder exportieren. Ich glaube, darauf können wir durchaus stolz sein.
Daniele Viotti (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, anch'io mi unisco in modo non formale ai ringraziamenti alla collega Gardiazabal Rubial per il grandissimo lavoro che ha fatto e per l'impegno che ci ha messo, così come unisco a questi complimenti anche il lavoro fatto dal Vicepresidente Katainen e dalla BEI.
È un documento importante quello che voteremo domani, perché siamo in un'epoca in cui non manca giorno in cui non si accusi l'Europa di non fare nulla, di non essere in grado di affrontare i problemi, di non saper risolvere i problemi alla radice. Io credo invece che con quanto approveremo domani, specie su un tema che è molto importante e molto delicato come quello delle migrazioni, molto delicato per il paese da cui provengo, si darà un esempio totalmente diverso.
Parte di queste proposte arrivano anche dal governo italiano, che negli anni si è fatto promotore di portare avanti un rafforzamento degli interventi per eliminare alla radice le cause dell'immigrazione, e quindi si va in questo senso qua. Non solo quindi aiuti umanitari, ma anche aiuti allo sviluppo vero e proprio, alla crescita e al progresso nei paesi.
Io credo e mi fa piacere ricordare, visto che sono già stati toccati anche molti altri aspetti di natura tecnica, che questo è un documento che si basa fortemente sui valori dell'Unione europea. Naturalmente i valori della solidarietà e della cooperazione, come è naturale e come è evidente per quel che si tratta, ma anche i valori che sono fondamentali per noi: la trasparenza, la lotta alle frodi, i principi saldi per non finanziare regimi autoritari e naturalmente una lotta vera e sincera per i diritti umanitari.
Io mi auguro naturalmente, ribadendo i complimenti alla collega Gardiazabal Rubial, che domani questo documento possa avere una larghissima maggioranza perché va veramente nello spirito dell'Unione europea.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, thank you and thanks for this debate. I’ve just come from a meeting of our group where I will be discussing the next MFF and the various funding mechanisms which will apply, areas where there will be increases, areas where there will probably be cuts – you name it. The key point is that we use the funds we get wisely, and there are certain areas where the European Union has a moral obligation to ensure that we look at the external actions that we can help with. Especially now, I think that, unfortunately, Donald Trump’s America has kind of retreated into isolationism, so the world needs the European Union to give leadership, to put the rule of law first and to try and encourage progress all over the world. We are renowned as the best funder for humanitarian development aid and that makes sense, but also we have to work hard to ensure that when there are areas of conflict, et cetera, that we can do something to bring the situation under control and to stimulate progress for people, because whether people are in the European Union or outside of the European Union, I think we have a great opportunity to help them and funding is key to that.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Mr President, I would like first of all to congratulate the rapporteur, Ms Gardiazabal Rubial, for managing to make this a progressive tool for promoting sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as objectives. The Guarantee Fund for external actions is part of the external investment plan, as well as the European Fund for Sustainable Development, which was already voted on in plenary in July 2017. The European Investment Bank (EIB) establishes a coherent, integrated framework to foster investment in Africa and the European neighbourhood, with the aim of promoting decent job creation and inclusive and sustainable development.
I would like to emphasise that, yes, it is also addressing secondary root causes of migration, but it is crucially important to sustain the development of the European Union’s eastern neighbourhood, including three countries that are associated with the European Union. The fund protects the EU budget from shocks that might otherwise emerge in the event of defaults on loans guaranteed by the European Union.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
David Coburn (EFDD), blue-card question. – I thought I would do the honour of giving you a question as well, since you were so kind as to ask one of me. Don’t you see the problem – that handing money to people to create fake businesses is simply a waste of the taxpayers’ money? What you should be doing is helping to encourage trade, and you should know this, sir, because you lived in an East European country, which was dominated by socialism and communism for the best part of 50 years. That experiment was a catastrophe in Russia and a bigger catastrophe in Eastern Europe. It led to authoritarianism, dictatorship and robbing people of their savings. How can you come here and promote the same nonsense?
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card answer. – Unfortunately, it seems that you do not understand and you do not know the mechanism involved with how this fund is functioning. It is so important for the European Union, and especially for those countries, to promote development and to promote job creation, decent jobs and a better life for all those people. You have to support the same thing if you are a Democrat. If not, unfortunately, you will probably one day come to say that it was a big mistake for you and for your colleagues to support Brexit.
Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio anch'io la relatrice Gardiazabal Rubial. La nostra discussione rientra nell'ambizioso piano per gli investimenti esterni dell'Unione europea in relazione al partenariato con i paesi terzi. Questo argomento è uno dei pilastri dell'Agenda europea sulla migrazione.
Qui trattiamo anche di questioni di bilancio collegate a strumenti finanziari per l'attuazione delle politiche che definiamo. Il mio contributo vuol essere un sostegno alle necessità di assicurare tali garanzie, così da permettere alla BEI di ampliare lo spazio per consentire una più efficace partecipazione del privato economico e sociale all'attuazione delle politiche stabilite nella logica della sussidiarietà. Per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile occorre creare le condizioni di una maggiore sinergia fra i diversi attori. La lotta alla povertà e alle cause profonde dell'emigrazione sarà efficace se gli strumenti finanziari della BEI saranno flessibili e garantiti.
Questo tema richiama quello della moltiplicazione dei Trust Fund in direzione degli ACP, in particolar modo l'Africa. Anche in questo contesto occorrerà istituire garanzia di bilancio e copertura delle politiche di cooperazione. Richiamo qui anche la coerenza delle nostre politiche.
Procedura "catch-the-eye"
Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, al di là dei programmi, la lotta all'immigrazione irregolare si persegue soprattutto attraverso l'azione concreta di rimozione alla radice delle cause del fenomeno migratorio. Il conseguimento di una crescita inclusiva e sostenibile e la creazione di posti di lavoro permangono tra le sfide cruciali per i paesi in via di sviluppo.
Il clima degli investimenti e il contesto politico generale nel vicinato dell'Unione europea e in Africa non sono sempre favorevoli agli investimenti nel settore privato. L'ampliamento degli obiettivi e delle garanzie fornite dalla BEI per l'azione esterna europea consentirà all'Unione europea di dare il buon esempio nello sviluppo di partenariati più efficaci con i paesi partner e nell'attuazione degli impegni internazionali in materia di finanziamento dello sviluppo.
Le sovvenzioni sono state e restano fondamentali, ma per una strategia di lungo respiro era necessario andare oltre la tradizionale assistenza allo sviluppo, mediante garanzie e strumenti finanziari innovativi a sostegno degli investimenti, degli scambi commerciali, della mobilitazione delle risorse nazionali e della buona governance, moltiplicando l'impatto sul campo delle ricadute dell'azione esterna europea.
(Fine della procedura "catch-the-eye")
Werner Hoyer,President of the European Investment Bank. – Mr President, I thank you very much for this debate and I thank you for the support that the European Parliament has always given to the European Investment Bank, the EU bank. I will have to come back to many of you because I cannot respond to each and every question right now because of time limitations. Let me concentrate on just a very few points.
Number one: the migration crisis has opened the eyes, hearts and minds of many people in Europe with regard to development policies. I think many had closed their eyes vis-à-vis the real problems in developing countries. Now we need to address the root causes of that migration, which finally opens up the possibility to really talk about migration. There is a paradigm change going on in development policy: we are moving from donor-recipient thinking to partnership thinking and development. That’s huge progress and it goes hand in hand with the second big paradigm change in budget policies. It was a hugely courageous move by President Juncker to go in the direction of reserving budgetary funds – very limited ones, by the way – EUR 60 billion – from subsidies and grants to guarantees and loans. This is a paradigm change in the use of the budget. Ms Georgieva would have said ‘better spending’, and that’s exactly what we need in the field of development, too, because if we want to achieve the sustainable development and climate goals, we will need to crowd-in the private sector. We need to broaden the financial base, and the crowding-in institution of the European Union is the EU bank, the EIB.
Second remark – the Juncker plan: one day we will write the history of the European Union in this decade, and I’m pretty sure that the Juncker plan will be one of the outstanding events of this decade when it comes to the history of the European Union and the further development of our instruments.
There have been words about the loss of money and lack of control. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the leanest bank among the multilateral banks in general and also among commercial banks. With 3 500 people, we produce a volume of roughly EUR 80 billion per year. Go to the World Bank, they do roughly half of what we’re doing with 18 000 people, and that is the reason why we are not in each and every place in the world with boots on the ground, that’s why we need the partnership of other institutions when we are in developing countries, too. We only have 100 people out of 3 500 not residing in Luxembourg.
Finally, the loss of assets. Ladies and gentlemen, we have never lost more than 0.4% of non-performing loans. This is the lowest figure you’ll find for any big bank, at least in Europe, probably in the world.
I don’t comment on the world of the criminal organisation, I don’t chair any criminal organisation, and I’m very proud to chair a very decent institution which delivers success. We are the EU bank, we are the only institution that’s owned and controlled only by the EU and the EU Member States, and that means the objectives are set by the Treaty and by the European Council in connection with Parliament and the Council and the Commission. That means we are bound to the values of the European Union, whether that’s on human rights, the social dimension, the environmental dimension, on procurement law, whatsoever, and this means that you can expect us to deliver on this promise of sticking to the values of the European Union.
Jyrki Katainen,Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, thank you very much for a mostly very constructive, forward-looking discussion. Thank you once more for an excellent job that Parliament has done with the other institution, the European Investment Bank (EIB).
I can be very brief. With this tool we can increase investments in order to achieve our three goals: first, the sustainable development goals; second, climate change; and third: to strengthen long-term economic resilience. The beauty of this tool is that it helps to crowd-in private resources in order to address all these or answer all these challenges. That is why we have an EU bank. And thanks to the EIB’s activity we can reach these goals faster and to a larger extent than just providing grant financing for the same purposes.
I once more want to thank all those who participated in this discussion and their work in finalising the file.
Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, ponente. – Señor presidente, en mi primera intervención ya he intentado resumir el acuerdo al que llegamos con el Consejo, así que me gustaría utilizar este minuto para agradecer primero el tono del debate, porque creo que ha sido muy constructivo. Quiero dar las gracias a la Comisión y al equipo del Banco Europeo de Inversiones, que nos han facilitado estas duras negociaciones, que, como decía, han durado ocho meses y, por supuesto, quiero dar las gracias por el trabajo y el apoyo que he recibido de la mayoría de los grupos y de los ponentes alternativos, y en especial de mi colega Siegfried Mureşan porque, además de ser ponente alternativo, ha sido quien ha liderado las negociaciones presidiendo todas esas interminables horas de negociación en los trílogos.
Creo que hemos conseguido, fundamentalmente, la mayoría de los objetivos que nos pusimos en este Pleno; solo nos quedó uno, ya que desde el Parlamento Europeo queríamos incluso haber aumentado todavía más esa garantía del Banco Europeo de Inversiones, pero, al final con los movimientos de posiciones con Turquía, pudimos reorganizar esas inversiones y al final volver a poner el foco tanto en la vecindad Este como en el Mediterráneo, y por lo tanto el objetivo ha sido igualmente cumplido. Así que yo solo quiero agradecer el trabajo de todos.
Presidente. – La discussione congiunta è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà giovedì 8 febbraio 2018.
Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)
Monika Beňová (S&D), písomne. – Dlhodobo sa debatuje o tom, ako vyriešiť migračnú krízu, a prečo sa vlastne deje. Jeden z najčastejšie skloňovaných spôsobov je vyriešiť takzvané root causes, to znamená konkrétne dôvody, ktoré vedú k odchodu utečencov z ich domovskej krajiny. Európska únia pripravila, ako súčasť nového Externého Európskeho Investičného balíčka plán ako postupne zlepšovať situáciu v krajinách, kde sú ľudia, ktorí sa kvôli zlej socio-ekonomickej situácii rozhodnú k odchodu do EÚ. Podpora infraštruktúry, ale aj rozvoja sociálnej politiky v rozvojových krajinách na periférii Európskej únie je zároveň aj investícia do našej bezpečnosti a ekonomického rozvoja. Veľké množstvo prognóz ukazuje, že práve rozvojové krajiny budú v najbližších rokoch zažívať silný ekonomický rast. Nakoniec treba podotknúť, že naše úsilie budovať stabilnejší a udržateľný systém vo svete je dnes dôležitejšie ako kedykoľvek v histórii. Úroveň globalizácie je na rekordných leveloch a úspech a bezpečnosť regiónov je priamo napojená na stabilitu zvyšku sveta a predovšetkým susedných krajín.
Janusz Zemke (S&D), na piśmie. – Polityka zagraniczna jest instrumentem realizacji przez UE jej interesów i celów. Siła polityki zewnętrznej UE nie polega jednak na wykorzystywaniu głównie środków militarnych, lecz na stosowaniu innych instrumentów. Jednym z takich najskuteczniejszych instrumentów jest wspieranie na miejscu państw, które przeżywają problemy związane z wojną, gwałtownymi konfliktami czy też dużą falą migracji. W ostatnich dwóch latach ta polityka potwierdza swoją skuteczność, czego wyrazem jest duże zmniejszenie niekontrolowanej fali migracji do państw UE. Wspieranie na miejscu takich państw jak Jordania czy Liban oraz państw z Zachodnich Bałkanów stwarza szanse na ich bezpieczeństwo i stabilizację. Kluczową rolę we wspieraniu inwestycji w tych państwach odgrywa Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny i jego gwarancje dla lokalnych przedsiębiorców. Warto przypomnieć, że na działania zewnętrzne UE przewiduje wydać w latach 2014–2020 32,3 mld euro. Z przekonaniem chcę zatem wesprzeć proponowane rozporządzenie, gdyż w interesie UE jest wspieranie stabilności w państwach leżących w sąsiedztwie Unii Europejskiej, zarówno na południu, jak i na wschodzie.