12.6. Inrättande av ett centraliserat system för identifiering av medlemsstater som innehar uppgifter om fällande domar mot tredjelandsmedborgare och statslösa personer för att komplettera och stödja det europeiska informationssystemet för utbyte av uppgifter ur kriminalregister (Ecris-TCN-systemet) (A8-0018/2018 - Daniel Dalton) (omröstning)
Helga Stevens, deputising for the rapporteur. – Mr President, firstly, Mr Dalton apologises that he is unable to be here to speak on this report himself.
This regulation is an important step to close loopholes and improve cooperation between Member States in the fight against criminality. The efficient exchange of information on previous criminal convictions in the EU Member States is vital, in order to ensure trust, confidence and mutual recognition in the area of judicial cooperation. It is also only right that there is equality in the exchange of information on convictions of EU nationals and third-country nationals. Today, under the current European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS), we identify previous criminal convictions in the EU for EU nationals but not for third-country nationals. Our report closes this gap.
The report had wide support in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) precisely because it provides a fair balance between protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring that past criminal convictions are correctly attributed. It is about ensuring that judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies have a complete picture in order to carry out their work. As an instrument it offers clear safeguards and protection. It is only for convictions handed out by EU Member States, and it can be accessed only under certain very specific circumstances. A robust and secure system for sharing conviction information with clear safeguards is needed, and this is what the LIBE Committee has proposed.
João Pimenta Lopes (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, é um ponto de ordem à mesa. Já trouxemos esta questão aqui ao plenário. Estamos a pronunciar-nos sobre um relatório que está apresentado aos deputados desta Câmara apenas numa versão linguística, em inglês.
Trata-se de uma clara violação do princípio do multilinguismo que decorre também daquilo que são os cortes que esta Casa tem aprovado, nomeadamente nos mecanismos de tradução. É inaceitável a pronúncia dos deputados num documento que só é apresentado numa única língua.
President. – As I was reminded, we are now deciding on the decision of the committee and not on the text as such.