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Procedure : 2018/2527(RSP)
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PV 08/02/2018 - 12.10
CRE 08/02/2018 - 12.10

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Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Torsdag den 8. februar 2018 - Strasbourg

13.4. Den aktuelle menneskerettighedssituation i Tyrkiet (B8-0079/2018, RC-B8-0082/2018, B8-0082/2018, B8-0084/2018, B8-0091/2018, B8-0092/2018, B8-0095/2018, B8-0097/2018, B8-0103/2018)
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Oral explanations of vote


  Jan Zahradil (ECR). – Mr President, I have always been a supporter of Turkey, including its attempt to join the European Union, but I have to say that even I am gradually changing my mind because what is going on in Turkey these days is simply crossing a red line. We see that gradually democracy in this country is being curbed. We see political pressure on free media, on the judiciary, on state administration, on the school system and universities. We see various strange conspiracy theories being spread around and we see also a gradual departure from the secular character of the State. I think that it is time, therefore, to call particularly on the ruling party to stop this and therefore such a resolution is fully justifiable, and I supported it.


  Monica Macovei (ECR). – Domnule președinte, mă bucur că am colegi de la ECR care împărtășesc această viziune. Am votat pentru această rezoluție privind condamnarea Turciei și, de altfel, am avut acest discurs, constant, de-a lungul vremii, de când Erdogan a instaurat dictatura.

Mii de persoane au fost strămutate și câteva sute au fost ucise de la începutul incursiunii militare a Guvernului turc împotriva unor miliții kurde în enclava Afrin din nord-vestul Siriei. Observatorul sirian pentru drepturile omului estimează că 67 de cetățeni sirieni au fost uciși ca urmare a acestei operații militare. Din acești 67, 20 sunt copii.

Situația este foarte gravă și se deteriorează. Guvernul Turciei este hotărât să încalce orice obligație internațională, orice tratat internațional, ignoră faptul că este membru al ONU, astfel încât nu cred că discuțiile diplomatice vor mai putea avea o finalizare pozitivă.

Reamintesc că Olanda, recent, a întrerupt relațiile diplomatice, a înghețat relațiile diplomatice cu Turcia, spunând că, în acest moment, nu este cazul să mențină relații diplomatice. Toate statele membre ar trebui să facă asta.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Mr President, I supported the resolution on human rights in Turkey, but I want to focus on Afrin, where Turkey is justifying its intervention as self-defence against terrorism. Yet there has been no attack from Afrin on Turkey. This is a blatant violation of international law, with Turkish bombs targeting hospitals, civilians and children. Turkey is even teaming up with the Jihadist militia to kill Kurdish fighters, who have been our key allies in pushing back the Daesh.

Language used by authorities on social media reeks of ethnic cleansing, leaving little room for doubt about the Turkish agenda, and this is yet another blow to the Geneva process. We need to break silence on the Turkish invasion – not only in the UN, but also in NATO – ensure humanitarian access to Afrin and put this high on the agenda of the upcoming Syria Donor Conference, and adopt a leading role on Syria, bringing the Geneva process back to the forefront and making the EU strategy adopted last year worth its name.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, tacaím go hiomlán leis an dtuairisc seo. Is páirtnéir tábhachtach don Aontas Eorpach í an Tuirc agus mar thír iarrthóra tá uirthi caighdeán árd daonlathais a choimeád.

Táim buartha faoin nós atá sa Tuirc ball de lucht an fhreasúra dhaonlathaigh, iriseoirí, cosainteoirí na gceart daonna, dlíodóirí, ionadaí den tsochaí shibhialta agus fir agus mná léinn a chur sa phríosún. Tá tuairiscí á dtabhairt mar gheall ar an drochíde a thugtar do na bpríosúnaigh seo agus ar an gcéasadh a dhéantar orthu.

Níl meas dá laghad ar shaoirse creidimh agus tá an t-ardú san idirdhealú in aghaidh na gCríostaithe go huafásach ar fad. Muna n-athróidh an Tuirc go luath, ní féidir léi, ná an tAontas a bheith dáiríre faoina stádas mar thír iarrthóra chun a bheith ina bhall den Aontas Eorpach. Tá súil agam go dtiocfaidh athrú ar an scéal go luath sa Tuirc.


  Eleonora Forenza (GUE/NGL). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, credo sia un fatto assolutamente positivo che il Parlamento europeo abbia espresso tutta la sua preoccupazione per il deterioramento dei diritti umani in Turchia, a danno di accademici, a danno di giornalisti, a danno delle opposizioni.

In prima persona ho potuto constatare ad Ankara, dove mi sono recata nel mese di dicembre per provare ad assistere al processo dei due copresidenti dell'HDP, quale sia la gravità di questa negazione, alla delegazione internazionale è stato impedito di assistere ai processi. Aggiungo che però la risoluzione non basta. Noi dobbiamo richiedere che il PKK sia eliminato dalla lista delle organizzazioni terroristiche e dobbiamo solidarizzare con il Rojava, con le donne curde, e dobbiamo condannare seriamente, senza se e senza ma, quello che il governo turco sta facendo ad Afrin.


  Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). –Mr President, as we all know, Turkey is becoming less and less respectful of human rights. At the same time it is becoming a more and more important regional power and its every political move may have severe repercussions on security in Europe. Erdoğan is able to justify any human rights repressions and the use of brutal force as a pretext for fighting terrorism and the desire for revenge for the failed attempted coup in 2016.

This strategy means that we are probably going to see even more crackdowns on civil society in the months to come. What is even more worrying is that the international community is going to have less information on what really happens in Turkey. I have a journalistic background and I can personally testify to the crucial importance of free mass media in a country’s political trajectory. Current persecutions, jailing and physical attacks on journalists is unacceptable. That is why I voted in favour and sincerely hope that corresponding political decisions by the Member States will follow.


  Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE). – Mr President, I voted in favour of the resolution on the current human rights situation in Turkey as I am deeply concerned about the situation. The government’s repressive measures under the state of emergency are disproportionate and they breach the basic rights and freedoms enshrined in international conventions to which Turkey is a state party.

The lack of respect for the freedom of religion and increased discrimination against Christians is as worrying as the imprisonment of a large number of members of the democratic opposition and journalists like the German, Deniz Yucel, human rights defenders like peace activist, Osman Kavala, lawyers, civil society representatives and nearly five thousand academics in Turkey.

I expect a candidate country to uphold the highest standards of democracy, including respect for human rights, the rule of law, fundamental freedoms, such as the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and association, as fundamental pillars of any democratic society.

Seneste opdatering: 15. maj 2018Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik