 Fuld tekst 
Procedure : 2016/0149(COD)
Forløb i plenarforsamlingen
Dokumentforløb : A8-0315/2017

Indgivne tekster :


Forhandlinger :

PV 12/03/2018 - 17
CRE 12/03/2018 - 17

Afstemninger :

PV 13/03/2018 - 7.4

Vedtagne tekster :


Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Mandag den 12. marts 2018 - Strasbourg

17. Grænseoverskridende pakkeleveringstjenester (forhandling)
Video af indlæg

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Lucy Anderson, a nome della commissione per i trasporti e il turismo, sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio relativo ai servizi di consegna transfrontaliera dei pacchi (COM(2016)0285 - C8-0195/2016 - 2016/0149(COD)) (A8-0315/2017).


  Lucy Anderson, rapporteur. – Mr President, I am delighted to have the chance to present to Parliament this new regulation on cross-border parcels. The regulation started out as a proposal in 2016 as part of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy, with the objective of helping to boost cross-border e—commerce by improving parcel delivery. Thanks to the hard work of many MEP colleagues and staff, the Commission and the Estonian Presidency, we have a provisionally agreed text today. I urge everyone to support this text in the form of the new cross-border parcels regulation in tomorrow’s vote.

The initial aims of the regulation were to help secure a more efficient parcel sector, increase transparency of tariffs, and assess prices where necessary. Together, I believe we have secured these aims and also added a stronger focus on consumer needs and the interests of small- and medium-sized enterprises when ordering goods from other EU countries. As emphasised in recital 2 of this regulation, Article 14 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union highlights the place occupied by services of general economic interest, such as postal and parcel services, in the shared values of the Union, as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion.

The main elements of the regulation are as follows: we have agreed to expand the scope of key provisions to a certain extent where necessary to all cross-border parcel delivery service providers, not just those designated as providing a universal service. This is right, especially since universal service providers do not always have a large share of the cross-border parcels market. The regulation also covers multinationals and newer players in the parcel sector, including those with alternative business models.

On the provision of information to national regulators, Article 4 applies not only to cross—order parcel operators, but to all parcel delivery companies, other than those with fewer than 50 persons working for them. Regulators can also, where justified, include smaller companies with between 25 and 49 workers. As part of this duty, parcel companies will give information each year on the employment status of workers delivering parcels, along with details of the sub-contractors they use. This, in my view, will help to expose the activities of some businesses who do not give their parcel workforce proper terms and conditions of employment, and instead require them to operate on a self-employed or precarious basis. It is encouraging that this aspect of the regulation has been particularly welcomed by trade unions.

Rules on cross-border parcel tariffs in Articles 5 and 6 empower and enable national authorities more specifically to monitor delivery prices and assess cross-border prices that they deem unreasonably high. Whilst the regulation does not impose a cap on prices, it will allow users more easily to compare domestic and cross-border tariffs. Parcel companies will have to disclose prices ,and these will be published by the Commission on a dedicated website.

Where parcel delivery is subject to universal service obligations, authorities will have a clearer power to investigate further, where necessary, taking into account the likely impact of prices, including on anyone who is disabled or who has reduced mobility, and smaller companies and citizens in remote areas.

The factors that authorities shall take into account in any assessment also include any relevant costs, quality of service standards and volumes, as well as tariffs of comparable parcel delivery services providers. The existence of price regulation and abuses of dominant market position may also be taken into account, if necessary. These provisions have been drafted, as has the regulation as a whole – and I emphasise this point with care – to make sure that the principles of the Postal Services Directive are not undermined or contradicted.

In line with the 2011 Consumer Rights Directive, Article 7 of this regulation emphasises that consumers are to be provided with proper information on delivery options and charges payable and complaints-handling policies, where applicable. Given the concrete evidence on problems with parcel deliveries in quite a few cases, I would have preferred this provision to be stronger, but it is still a good start. There is indeed plenty of evidence on problems with parcel deliveries.

Finally, I am pleased that the Commission is working with the support of Parliament on a comprehensive study on parcel delivery, and the regulation underlines that standardisation work should include environmental considerations and require a first review two years after entry into force, including on affordability, consumer protection and standards issues.


  Biljana Borzan, izvjestiteljica za mišljenje Odbora IMCO. – Gospodine predsjedniče, svaki dan u Europskoj uniji dostavi se oko 11 milijuna paketa. Cijene dostave su netransparentne, a neki poštanski operateri i grupe potrošača u izrazito nepovoljnoj poziciji.

Ovom Uredbom se uvodi red na jedno vrlo nelogično tržište prema kojem je, primjerice, dostava u jednom smjeru bila tri puta skuplja od dostave za istu udaljenost u drugom smjeru.

Ova Uredba rezultirat će i rastom e-trgovine. Dostava je potrošačima najvažniji faktor pri online kupnji. Čak 70 % građana Europske unije žali se da im je dostava preskupa, a 50 % njih ne zna što treba učiniti u slučaju problema. Zato sam posebno zadovoljna što je usvojena obveza da potrošaču pri kupnji trgovac mora navesti sve oblike dostave koji su mu na raspolaganju, s usporedbom cijena. Isto tako, prije kupnje mora se informirati potrošača što učiniti u slučaju problema.

Želim zahvaliti svojim izvjestiteljima u sjeni u Odboru za unutrašnje tržište i zaštitu potrošača te kolegici Lucy Anderson na odlično obavljenom poslu.


  Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I would first like to thank the rapporteur, Ms Anderson, the shadow rapporteurs and the Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN). Thanks to your hard work, we were able to reach an agreement on this regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services last December. It is an important step for eCommerce and the Digital Single Markets.

Today’s rules do not support cross-border eCommerce. 68% of internet users in the European Union shopped online last year, but only 33% of these e—shoppers bought goods or services from sellers based in another EU country. 17% of SMEs in the European Union sold online in 2016, but only 7.5% of SMEs did so across borders.

High delivery prices are one of the reasons why the potential of cross-border eCommerce still remains untapped in the European Union. They are a major concern for consumers and companies, especially SMEs. Delivery prices vary a lot across Europe, often without justification. On average, someone who sends a two-kilogram parcel to another EU country pays three to five times more than the domestic price. In some cases, it is much higher – up to 22 times as high. With this new regulation, we are addressing these issues through more price transparency and a stronger role for regulators.

A month ago, I was here for the debates on the regulation against unjustified geo-blocking. Today, I am pleased that we can fill in another new and important piece of the puzzle, building on other recent agreements to simplify VAT rules for eCommerce and to strengthen consumer protection. Step by step, we are creating a Digital Single Market. Thank you for your support.


  Markus Ferber, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen! Zu einem vollständig integrierten europäischen Binnenmarkt für Verbraucher gehört es auch, dass Produkte, die grenzüberschreitend gekauft werden, auch zum Kunden kommen, und zwar sicher und möglichst kostengünstig. Leider sind wir in Europa von diesem Punkt noch ein ganzes Stück entfernt. Um nur mal ein Beispiel zu nennen: Wie kann es sein, dass ein Päckchen von Brüssel nach Aachen ungefähr viermal so teuer ist wie ein Paket von München nach Berlin, obwohl das viermal weiter ist? Dabei wird schon ganz schnell offensichtlich, worum es geht. Mit nationalen Lohnstrukturen oder Transportkosten hat das jedenfalls nichts zu tun. Wir haben schon den Eindruck, dass es sich einige Anbieter zunutze machen, dass Menschen kein Gefühl dafür haben, was ein grenzüberschreitendes Paket überhaupt kosten kann. Deswegen ist es das zentrale Ziel dieser Verordnung, Preistransparenz zu schaffen, insbesondere für den Verbraucher, aber auch für kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen, die besonders unter überzogenen Preisen leiden, aber die gerade die Möglichkeiten des Binnenmarkts im Internethandel auch nutzen wollen.

Wir als EVP-Fraktion werden dieser Einigung zustimmen. Ich bedanke mich bei der Berichterstatterin. Es hat ein bisschen gedauert, bis wir uns aufeinander zubewegen konnten, aber dann haben wir eine gute Lösung gefunden, die am Ende auch den Rat weitestgehend überzeugt hat. Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir über kurz oder lang durch diese Regelung auch sinkende Verbraucherpreise bekommen werden, und das war alle Mühen wert.


  Ismail Ertug, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, verehrte Kommission, Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Zunächst geht mein Dank an die Berichterstatterin Lucy Anderson und an die Schattenberichterstatter für die hervorragende Arbeit, was letztendlich zu einem guten, tragfähigen Kompromiss geführt hat. Denn es ist klar, dass der Online-Handel in den letzten Jahren deutlich zugelegt hat. Wir sehen, dass er bereits drei Prozent des BIP ausmacht, des Bruttoinlandsprodukts, und insbesondere im grenzüberschreitenden Bereich nimmt er deutlich zu. Ich glaube, der Kompromiss kann sich auch deshalb sehen lassen, weil wir einige Verbesserungen für die Kundinnen und Kunden heraushandeln konnten, zum Beispiel was die Preistransparenz anbelangt, vor allem aber auch was den Verbraucherschutz anbelangt. Versandhändler zum Beispiel müssen zukünftig eindeutig über die Preise für den Versand und für den Rückversand bei internationalen Paketsendungen informieren, was zum Beispiel die Marktaufsicht anbelangt, und die nationalen Regulierungsbehörden müssen die Paketzustellung im Rahmen der Universaldienstverpflichtungen dann letztendlich auch auf hohe Tarife hin prüfen. Rundherum ist das eine gute Lösung. Danke nochmal an alle, die mitgewirkt haben.


  Pavel Telička, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the e-commerce of the 21st century is a beautiful combination of the free movement of goods and the freedom to provide services. This creates enormous opportunities, and it is important that it does so throughout the European Union. We wanted to make sure that these opportunities are not just for large companies, large operators and large—scale platforms, but also for small retailers and small craft shops that can then rely on reliable and affordable services.

So we have taken an important step in this direction, even though – if it were up to me – we would have gone even further. I am glad that the proposals that I made in terms of the scope – and that is single piece parcel services’ tariffs – has been taken on board, because that will in fact enable us to compare like with like. Every single operator, regardless of size, will have to make his or her tariffs public, and they can then be independently reviewed, if need be, by national regulators.

If anyone expected that parcels would be cheaper tomorrow, this is bad news, but we have made significant progress towards greater transparency, more competition and more clarity for consumers in the future. We have fallen short – and I am happy to say so – of price regulation, which was also in the air. I would like to thank the rapporteur, my colleagues and the shadow rapporteurs. I think that we should clearly vote ‘yes’ in favour in the coming hours.


  Marie-Christine Arnautu, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, les députés du Front national voteront contre ce rapport sur la livraison de colis entre États membres pour une raison sociale. Diminuer à tout prix le coût des livraisons se fera au détriment des conditions de travail des salariés, déjà largement victimes du travail dissimulé, du recours abusif aux prestataires de services et du travail détaché.

Contre aussi pour préserver l’équilibre financier des structures chargées du service public, qui n’est possible que grâce à la livraison concomitante de colis. Réduire les marges et accentuer la concurrence lui nuiront nécessairement. Les vœux pieux concernant le service universel serviront, bien sûr, de prétexte à la prétendue gauche ralliée au libéralisme économique généralisé pour voter favorablement.

Contre enfin puisque sur le plan écologique, l’intensification des liaisons aggravera les émissions polluantes, alors même que, dans le secteur des transports, cet argument nous est rebattu jusqu’à la nausée pour favoriser de nouvelles taxes. Encourager les circuits courts constituerait une réelle solution écologique et sociale, solution jamais abordée car contraire aux intérêts financiers des multinationales et aux dogmes du marché unique.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, αδιαμφισβήτητο γεγονός είναι πως οι τιμές διασυνοριακής αποστολής δεμάτων είναι σχετικά υψηλές. Η περίφημη απελευθέρωση των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών δεν οδήγησε σε χαμηλότερες τιμές για τους πολίτες ή για τις μικρές και μεσαίες επιχειρήσεις. Για συγκεκριμένα προϊόντα οι πωλήσεις μέσω Διαδικτύου είναι απαγορευτικές λόγω των υψηλών τιμών των ταχυδρομικών τελών. Δυστυχώς όμως δύσκολα μπορεί να αντιμετωπιστεί το πρόβλημα αυτό. Θα πρέπει να επιστρέψουμε στο μοντέλο λειτουργίας των εθνικών Ταχυδρομείων και την αντιμετώπισή τους ουσιαστικά σαν υποδομών του κράτους. Ναι στην ιδιωτική πρωτοβουλία, αλλά χωρίς την υπονόμευση και υποβάθμιση του δημόσιου χαρακτήρα των Ταχυδρομείων υπέρ των γιγαντιαίων πολυεθνικών.

Θεωρώ απαράδεκτη την επιδότηση ιδιωτικών εταιρειών με χρήματα των φορολογούμενων πολιτών, με σκοπό να προσφέρουν υπηρεσίες τις οποίες παρείχε μέχρι προ ολίγων ετών το δημόσιο ταχυδρομείο προς όλους τους κατοίκους της χώρας, όπου και αν βρίσκονται, σε σταθερή βάση, προσιτή τιμή και καθορισμένη ποιότητα. Πρέπει να εξασφαλίζονται τα παρακάτω κριτήρια, τα οποία είναι σημαντικά στον τομέα των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών: να είναι προσιτά σε όλους, να πληρούν τους κανόνες του υγιούς ανταγωνισμού, να είναι ανάλογα του κόστους παροχής των υπηρεσιών και, τέλος, να πληρούν τους κανόνες της διαφάνειας και της δημοσιότητας. Επιπλέον, οι ιδιωτικές ταχυδρομικές εταιρείες έχουν συχνά δώσει αρνητικότατα δείγματα γραφής, με καταπατήσεις των ασφαλιστικών και εργασιακών δικαιωμάτων.

Τέλος, όσον αφορά τις αποστολές δεμάτων εντός των κρατών, ήδη υπάρχουν εποπτικές αρχές και δεν χρειάζεται τίποτα παραπάνω από συντονισμό μεταξύ τους, ώστε να ρυθμίσουν και τις διασυνοριακές αποστολές.


  Henna Virkkunen (PPE). – Arvoisa puhemies, tämä rajat ylittäviä pakettipalveluita koskeva asetus on todellakin tervetullut askel kohti tehokkaampia sisämarkkinoita ja hyvää jatkoa viimeksi hyväksytylle maarajoitusten eli geoblokkauksen kieltämiselle.

On selvää, että korkeat toimitusmaksut ovat yksi suurimmista esteistä ostosten tekemiselle verkossa toisista jäsenmaista, koska paketin lähettäminen EU-maiden välillä saattaa maksaa jopa viisi kertaa enemmän kuin maan sisäiset lähetykset. Näin ollen tällä muutoksella pystymme nyt toivon mukaan vauhdittamaan verkkokauppaa ja lisäämään läpinäkyvyyttä ja tehokkuutta EU:n sisämarkkinoilla.

Mutta samaan aikaan kun laitamme sisämarkkinoita kuntoon tässä mielessä, haluaisin nostaa esiin yhden suuren epäkohdan ja se on kiinalaisten verkkokauppojen jyllääminen Euroopan markkinoilla. Tiedän, että komissaari Ansip tuntee erittäin hyvin tämän kysymyksen ja että tässä tärkeä tekijä on ennen kaikkea kiinalaisen postin kehitysmaatariffi. Se vääristää nyt aika tavalla kilpailua verkkokaupan markkinoilla Euroopassa. Onko komissiossa suunnitteilla mitään, mitä tämän asian eteen voisi tehdä nopeasti?


  Olga Sehnalová (S&D). – Pane předsedající, pokud chce dnes někdo poslat balík do jiného členského státu, může být nemile překvapen, ať již tím, kolik za takovou službu zaplatí, nebo způsobem doručení své zásilky. Informace o cenách a podmínkách doručování jsou bohužel často nejasné a neúplné.

Vyjednavači Evropského parlamentu v čele se sociálně-demokratickou zpravodajkou Lucy Andersonovou během trialogu s Radou dosáhli zlepšení, například pokud jde o transparentnost sazeb pro spotřebitele i podniky či pravomoci regulačních orgánů k posouzení nepřiměřenosti cen. Za úspěch považuji i to, že se nová pravidla budou vztahovat na všechny hlavní hráče v odvětví doručování balíků, včetně nakupování na internetu. Je ovšem důležité mít před sebou i pracovní podmínky lidí, kteří v tomto odvětí pracují. Cenová konkurence nemůže být na jejich úkor.


  Georg Mayer (ENF). – Herr Präsident! Die Paketzustellung, das ist etwas, mit dem wir heute viel mehr als noch etwa vor 15 oder 20 Jahren in unserem täglichen Leben beschäftigt sind. Die Paketzustellung ist aber auch im höchsten Maße vom Wettbewerb und von einer Schnelllebigkeit geprägt, die das Internet uns heute natürlich auch aufzwingt. Es werden in Europa insgesamt vier Milliarden Pakete im Jahr verschickt. Das heißt, irgendjemand bestellt sie und irgendjemand liefert sie auch an jemanden. Wie dieser Prozess geschieht und vor allem wie sich die Preise bilden, das bleibt sehr oft im Dunkeln, und das ist vor allem auch für den Konsumenten in Europa sehr schwer zu durchschauen. Insofern stehe ich dieser Initiative auch positiv gegenüber, mit der man hier Transparenz für den Konsumenten schafft.

Auf der anderen Seite lässt sich natürlich auch trefflich darüber streiten, wie sehr man in diesen Markt eingreifen soll, denn eine Marktregulierung bedeutet auch immer, dass ich natürlich den Markt in einer gewissen Art und Weise in eine Richtung bewege. Es ist also schon auch ein massiver Eingriff in die unternehmerische Freiheit und ein erheblicher Bürokratieaufwand, bezüglich dessen noch zu bewerten bleibt, ob er sich auch wirklich lohnt.


  Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE). – Señor presidente, quiero sobre todo darle la enhorabuena a Lucy Anderson, porque siempre que hace un informe lo hace muy bien y ha sido un placer, como siempre, trabajar con ella.

Desde el Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo hemos querido defender, como siempre lo hemos hecho en todos los informes, a las pequeñas y medianas empresas y a los consumidores. Los consumidores tendrán precios más transparentes, podrán comprar a los proveedores y elegir los servicios estando mejor informados.

Además, este Reglamento no solo se aplica a los operadores tradicionales —los correos postales—. Hemos querido asegurar que las empresas emergentes, es decir, las nuevas plataformas de comercio electrónico, tuvieran que informar de sus tarifas. Hemos defendido que, a día de hoy, dado que los bienes adquiridos en línea llegan a los consumidores a través de numerosos agentes, hay que incluirlos a todos a la hora de dar información.

No obstante, para evitar que los pequeños operadores locales se vean desbordados de carga administra, se han excluido aquellas empresas que tengan menos de 50 trabajadores. Solo espero que eso no conlleve que los nuevos modelos de negocio con fuerte irrupción en el mercado, como Amazon, queden exentos de facilitar información.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, con l'accordo raggiunto in trilogo, le imprese di trasporto dovranno finalmente fornire alle rispettive autorità di regolamentazione una serie di dati per consentire valutazioni oggettive e individuare carenze di mercato. Allo stato, purtroppo, le autorità di regolamentazione di molti paesi non hanno accesso a tali dati, il che ostacola il monitoraggio della concorrenza nei mercati per la consegna dei pacchi.

A seguito di questo accordo, i servizi di consegna transfrontaliera dei pacchi nell'Unione europea saranno più trasparenti e meglio controllati. Una maggiore trasparenza dei prezzi e una sorveglianza più efficace contribuiranno ad aumentare l'efficienza del mercato e a determinare una riduzione delle tariffe, che fino ad oggi non sempre erano pienamente giustificate. La maggiore trasparenza favorirà sicuramente prezzi più bassi per i cittadini, in particolare coloro che vivono nelle zone rurali, e potrà consentire possibilità di sviluppo alle piccole e medie imprese che, come è noto, dispongono di potere negoziale limitato.

Questo regolamento mette ordine in un settore importante ed è fondamentale per lo sviluppo dell'e-commerce. Importante è infine la previsione di criteri di accessibilità economica nel quadro dell'obbligo di servizio universale.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, four billion parcels that are ordered online across the EU each year, and this has the potential to grow much more. 44% of EU consumers buy online, but only 15% order online in another country. Why? Because of concerns about delivery, including the high delivery tariffs. A fully functional digital single market could bring the range of around EUR 415 billion to European economy.

This regulation is very important, because it brings efficiency to the sector, transparency of tariffs and terminal rates, and affordable prices. It will make markets work more effectively by making regulatory oversight of the parcels market more effective and consistent. Delivery operators will have to provide national regulatory authorities with appropriate data and transport of tariffs. This will all help consumer confidence, which will help the market to grow. That will help everybody, and we will complete the digital single market.


Procedura "catch-the-eye"


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, νομίζω ότι ο κανονισμός αντιμετωπίζει ορισμένα από τα ζητήματα τα οποία υπάρχουν, διότι η διασυνοριακή παράδοση των εμπορευμάτων πάσχει επειδή είναι πανάκριβη, και είναι πανάκριβη διότι έχουμε μία κατάχρηση της δεσπόζουσας θέσης των ιδιωτικών μονοπωλιακών επιχειρήσεων, οι οποίες στην ουσία έχουν καταλάβει το χώρο. Μετά την απελευθέρωση στον τομέα των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών, αυτό που είδαμε ήταν να αναπτύσσονται πολλές ιδιωτικές επιχειρήσεις και, ενώ ο τομέας αυτός είναι μια καθολική υπηρεσία, επί της ουσίας οι ιδιωτικές αυτές επιχειρήσεις επιβάλλουν αυξημένες τιμές, με αποτέλεσμα να έχουμε μία δυσμενή μεταχείριση και των καταναλωτών και των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων.

Επειδή λοιπόν πρόκειται για καθολική υπηρεσία, είναι προφανές ότι οι αρμόδιες ρυθμιστικές αρχές πρέπει να παρέμβουν, για να μπορέσουμε να έχουμε χαμηλές τιμές στη διασυνοριακή παράδοση των εμπορευμάτων.


  João Pimenta Lopes (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, esta discussão enquadra-se nas políticas de assalto ao serviço postal universal como serviço público, que a União Europeia, há décadas, promove. Valoriza-se a privatização e a fragmentação do serviço e elimina-se qualquer referência a serviço público. Legitima-se a desregulação e a precariedade laboral, criam-se as condições para facilitar fenómenos de concentração de serviços, por um lado, e a degradação e o aumento do custo do serviço ao utente.

As consequências das vossas políticas estão, aliás, bem patentes no processo de degradação do serviço postal universal em Portugal, bem expressa pela realidade dos CTT e evidenciada nos últimos meses.

A empresa privatizada distribui lucros milionários, desvirtua o objeto principal da sua atividade, promove o encerramento de balcões – mais de vinte –, tendo anunciado o despedimento de oitocentos trabalhadores. Encareceu o serviço, degradou a resposta, nomeadamente nas localidades de menor dimensão ou mais isoladas.

Aproveitamos, por isso, para saudar a luta dos trabalhadores dos CTT na defesa da empresa e da revogação da sua privatização, retomando o serviço postal público e universal de qualidade que sempre prestaram.


(Fine della procedura "catch-the-eye")


  Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I would again like to thank Parliament for its work on this regulation, which is part of our efforts to improve cross-border parcel delivery in the European Union. The Commission is following closely and welcomes steps to improve interoperability between national networks, as well as the development of technical standards by the European Committee for Standardisation.

We are also monitoring progress on the commitments made by European universal service providers to introduce new services, such as cross-border track-and-trace and common labels.

Terminal rates are negotiated in the Universal Postal Union, where the European Union is an observer. New rules apply from the beginning of this year and are already lower for China. We are aware of the issue, but it must be agreed among 192 members.

It is essential that we support all these developments by removing obstacles and aligning rules across Europe. This is the aim of the Digital Single Market strategy where we plan to conclude all pending legislative initiatives by the end of this year.


  Lucy Anderson, rapporteur. – Mr President, I listened with great interest to all the contributions to that debate. You could tell, particularly from the contributions from colleagues from the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and the Committee on Transport and Tourism, that it was very much a team effort. Thank you very much to everyone for their kind comments.

It is absolutely right – and the Commissioner put this well – that this is an important step for eCommerce and for the digital single market. I absolutely agree with that and also that this regulation will go some way towards dealing with the issues around pricing. It also fits in very well with the geo-blocking regulation. In terms of price transparency, we still have some way to go. I welcome the comments from Mr Telička about small retailers and making sure this regulation works for them too.

On the point about Chinese companies and tariffs, part of that has to do with issues regarding the universal postal union rules. I do not think that point was answered by the Commission, but we should go back to it. In terms of privatisation and the impact of privatisation, I do agree in principle with the colleague from the GUE/NGL Group, Mr Pimenta Lopes. That is why I made the point at the beginning on Article 14 and the importance of services of general economic interest. We must not trample over the services and workforces that are of key importance for the functioning of the European Union and for our social cohesion. I hope that we can continue to work on this agenda together.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà domani, martedì 13 marzo 2018.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Jill Evans (Verts/ALE), in writing. – I would like to congratulate the rapporteur on achieving a consensus on this important issue. Some aspects of it were controversial but she was able to build broad consensus. The cost of sending parcels across Europe can vary massively. Even posting the same parcel on the same journey in opposite directions can cost very different amounts to the customer. In order to better understand this market and monitor its proper functioning, the provision of information on tariffs, company structures and staffing are essential. In turn, this gives consumers more transparency and choice. There is still much work to do to improve the functioning of the single market – a market that we in Wales would very much like to remain a member of.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – Desde há décadas que a União Europeia vem promovendo o assalto ao serviço postal universal como serviço público, defendendo - e impondo - a sua liberalização e privatização. Esta discussão insere-se neste contexto e os termos adoptados são elucidativos quanto aos objectivos subjacentes ao relatório. Valoriza-se a privatização e a fragmentação do serviço e elimina-se qualquer referência a serviço público. Legitima-se a desregulação e a precariedade laboral. Cria-se as condições para facilitar fenómenos de concentração de serviços, por um lado, e a degradação e aumento de custos do serviço ao utente, por outro lado. Uma história bem conhecida. As consequências destas políticas estão bem patentes no processo de degradação do serviço postal universal em Portugal, olhe-se à realidade dos CTT evidenciada nos últimos meses. A empresa privatizada distribui lucros milionários, desvirtua o objecto principal da sua actividade, promove o encerramento de balcões - mais de 20 - tendo anunciado o despedimento de 800 trabalhadores. Encareceu o serviço, degradou a resposta, nomeadamente nas localidades de menor dimensão ou mais isoladas. Aproveitamos por isso para saudar a luta dos trabalhadores dos CTT, na defesa da empresa e da reversão da sua privatização, retomando o serviço postal público e universal de qualidade que sempre prestaram.


  Beata Gosiewska (ECR), na piśmie. – Obecne opłaty za usługi międzynarodowego doręczania paczek pobierane przez operatorów świadczących usługę powszechną są nawet do pięciu razy wyższe niż opłaty za przesyłki krajowe. Ceny za dostawę przesyłek transgranicznych mogą się znacznie różnić i bywają umowne oraz mylące. Parlament Europejski pragnie, by wszyscy obywatele wiedzieli, za co płacą. Dlatego wprowadzamy przepisy mające na celu zwiększenie przejrzystości usług świadczonych przez operatorów przesyłek oraz pobieranych przez nich opłat. Nowe zasady wpłyną na poprawę transgranicznych usług doręczania paczek dzięki większej przejrzystości stawek oraz rozszerzeniu uprawnień do nadzorowania rynku przysługujących organom regulacyjnym. Nowe przepisy ułatwią konsumentom i przedsiębiorcom sprawdzenie, która firma przesyłkowa proponuje najkorzystniejsze ceny. Zachęci to konsumentów do korzystania z szerszej oferty produktów i do częstszych zakupów w internecie. Większe możliwości zyskają także sprzedawcy detaliczni, którzy do tej pory nie mieli wystarczającej siły przebicia, by negocjować lepsze stawki.


  Ева Майдел (PPE), в писмена форма. – Отключването на потенциала на дигиталната търговия минава през намирането на работещи решения за физическата доставка на колетни пратки в целия ЕС. На практика този регламент е едно от условията за завършване на единния дигитален пазар в ЕС. Ако желаем малките и средните предприятия да се възползват от възможността да работят с клиенти в цяла Европа, нужно е да осигурим прозрачност при образуването на цените на доставките, ясна възможност за избор на доставчици на международни пратки и повече иновации и в сектора.

Териториалното и икономическо сближаване в ЕС също е пряко зависимо от услугите от общ икономически интерес, като доставката на пратки. Повече конкуренция при доставките ще даде възможности на бизнеса и клиентите от по-отдалечени региони на ЕС да получат качествена услуга при намалени разходи. Потребителите и бизнесът често не са информирани, че съществуват различни варианти за доставка. Улесняването на достъпа до тази информация и инструменти за нагледно сравняване на цените са следователно ключови.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), napisan. – Sve većim rastom sektora dostave paketa javlja se potreba za transparentnošću cijena usluga.

Veća transparentnost omogućila bi potrošačima uvid u cijene usluga i odabir najpovoljnije opcije, a pružateljima usluga bi omogućila uspoređivanje s ostalim konkurentima te bi došlo do pravednog tržišnog natjecanja. Pristupačnost informacija o cijenama usluga dostave trebala bi dovesti do povećanja povjerenja građana u prekograničnu dostavu.

Također, pristupačnost informacija spada u prava potrošača koja moraju biti zajamčena. Ovom odlukom će se povećati i pristup ruralnih područja, koja dosad nisu imala veliki i isplativ izbor usluga, online trgovini. Hrvatski građani, kao i mala i srednja poduzeća, imat će direktnu korist od poboljšanja usluge prekogranične dostave paketa jer se smanjuju naknade za prekograničnu dostavu. To će imati izravan pozitivan učinak na konačnu cijenu proizvoda, a u isto vrijeme se poboljšava i kvaliteta dostave.

Cijene dostave će se izražavati i objavljivati transparentnije kako bi se spriječile moguće malverzacije. Na taj se način teži stvaranju jedinstvenog digitalnog tržišta prilagođenog potrošačima, među kojima su i građani Republike Hrvatske.


  Romana Tomc (PPE), pisno. – Dostava paketov je konkurenčno, inovativno in hitro rastoče področje znotraj sektorja. V EU vsako leto preko spleta naročimo in dostavimo okoli štiri milijarde paketov.

Kar 44 % potrošnikov v EU kupuje znotraj lastne države, veliko manj, zgolj 15 %, pa nakupuje v drugi državi članici. Pri tem potrošniki in mala podjetja v EU izpostavljajo pomisleke predvsem, ko gre za čezmejno dostavo blaga ter razmeroma visoke poštne stroške, kar seveda veča končno ceno. Študije so namreč pokazale, da so cene čezmejnih paketov v povprečju trikrat do štirikrat višje kot domače cene.

Približno 40 % cen čezmejnih paketov ni mogoče razložiti z gospodarskimi dejavniki, kot so stroški dela. Visoke cene dostave in vračila pa so najpogosteje področje kritik, ki jo pri čezmejnem nakupovanju prek spleta izražajo potrošniki. Visoke cene dostave so tudi ovira za e-trgovce na drobno, ki prodajajo prek spleta. Bolj kot na večja podjetja vplivajo na mala in srednja.

Učinkovite rešitve za dostavo so ključnega pomena za podjetja in najpomembnejše za tiste, ki delujejo ali pošiljajo na obmejna območja. Pravni okvir, ki ustvarja preglednejši, cenovno ugodnejši in zanesljiv servis za dostavo paketov, ima potencial za povečanje spletnih nakupov blaga. Direktiva o dostavi paketov ponuja dober primer razširitve okvirjev za trgovino z malimi in srednjimi podjetji, zato take ukrepe podpiram.


  Janusz Zemke (S&D), na piśmie. – Na rynku pocztowym w UE występują dynamiczne zmiany. Z jednej strony, zmniejsza się skala i wartość tradycyjnych usług pocztowych, a rośnie rynek przesyłek kurierskich sięgający już 47 proc. wartości ogółu usług pocztowych w UE. Z drugiej strony, stopniowo wzrasta liczba przesyłek międzynarodowych, tak że stanowią one już 11 proc. ogólnej wartości usług pocztowych w UE. Proponowane zmiany zakładają zatem słusznie pogodzenie liberalizacji rynku europejskich usług pocztowych z zagwarantowaniem powszechnej dostępności do przesyłek. Chcę silnie podkreślić, że proponowane rozwiązania nie mogą się skupiać wyłącznie na otwieranie rynku dla wszystkich podmiotów, gdyż mogą się one kierować tylko kryterium zysku. Równie ważnym kryterium musi być dostępność usług i zapewnienie ich rozsądnych cen.

Seneste opdatering: 29. maj 2018Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik