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Tisdagen den 13 mars 2018 - Strasbourg

4. Förberedelse av Europeiska rådets möte den 22–23 mars 2018 (debatt)
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  Presidente. – Prima di passare al prossimo dibattito, devo purtroppo darvi una brutta notizia: è morto poco fa il nostro collega svedese Jens Nilsson, del gruppo socialista. Lo ricorderò prima del voto e faremo un minuto di silenzio.

L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione sulle dichiarazioni del Consiglio e della Commissione sulla preparazione della riunione del Consiglio europeo del 22-23 marzo 2018 (2018/2502(RSP)).


  Monika Panayotova, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, next week, leaders will meet in Brussels for a series of key debates. As usual for its spring meeting, the European Council will focus on jobs, growth and competitiveness. The overall picture is positive. The European economy is growing at a fast pace across Member States and unemployment is falling. Looking ahead, this robust performance is expected to continue in the coming years.

The global environment, however, remains uncertain, and we need to continue to ensure the conditions to support confidence. One essential aspect, in order to foster jobs and growth and promote innovation, is to unlock the full potential of the Single Market. The European Council will address the different single market strategies, including when it comes to the Digital Single Market, the Capital Markets Union and the Energy Union, to ensure sustained progress.

Delivering on these strategies in the current institutional cycle is a shared responsibility that will require co-legislators to continue to work closely on a number of legislative files and to speed up the process where necessary.

Policy priorities under the European Semester also help create the right conditions for growth. We will have the opportunity to discuss this tomorrow night. The European Council will provide guidance on the priorities for 2018 and will be invited to endorse the recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area. The European Council will also return to social issues following the debate held in December.

Last but not least, we know how vital trade is to our common prosperity in Europe and globally. That is why any attempts to undermine the rules-based multilateral trading system affect all of us. The European Union should play a leading role in opposing them. The European Council will discuss international trade relations following the US announcements. I know you will discuss this tomorrow and will review ongoing work in the field of trade policy and free trade agreement negotiations.

Beyond the formal session of the European Council, leaders will also exchange views on taxation as part of the Leaders’ Agenda. They will hold an open debate, with a particular focus on the challenges associated with digital taxation. In keeping with the spirit of the Leaders’ Agenda, there will be no conclusions or formal outcome on this point next week.

Finally, leaders of the euro area will meet in the margins of the European Council. They will hold an open debate on long-term issues that are specific to the euro area. So, altogether, the leaders next week will touch upon many aspects that underpin our economic and social future.

The European Council will also deal with a number of other issues: it will address the preparations for the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia on 17 May 2018, since a specific priority of the Bulgarian Presidency is the European perspective and connectivity of the Western Balkans. As you know, this is a major event for the Presidency. The Council will also discuss relations with Turkey.

As you just discussed, the European Council on Article 50 will meet on Friday to review the state of the negotiations with the United Kingdom and adopt additional guidelines on the future relationship with the UK.


  Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the Commission. – Mr President, just under two weeks ago, I returned from a tour of the Western Balkans. It was a memorable trip for many reasons. What struck me the most was the passion and conviction in the European Union. This gave me a renewed sense of belief and hope that if a region, a dramatic region like the Western Balkans, is so determined to reform from top to bottom in order to join our Union, then we must be a Union worth being part of. The Western Balkans clearly see much more in us then we ourselves see in our Union. I want to see the same belief in our Union across all 27 Member States.

Of course, there is a great deal of work to be done. All bilateral disputes must be resolved and more unity is needed. Each of the Western Balkan partners must continue their reform path, especially when it comes to the rule of law and fundamental freedoms and values.

As I said to all leaders in the region, there will be no fast-tracking. We will put substance over speed. Each case will be taken on its own merits, with no fixed dates or firm deadlines. But I came back from the trip more convinced than ever that it is our shared future. It is about reconciling our history and geography, but it is also another reason to focus on building a stronger, more democratic and united Union. This is what the March European Council is about.

I would like to thank this House and the Bulgarian Presidency for leading the way in recent weeks. The breakthrough on posted workers will ensure that fairness comes first in our labour market. As we collectively agreed: equal pay for equal work in the same place. The agreement on 5G shows that we are serious about our digital leadership and equipping ourselves with the tools we need to thrive in the society of tomorrow.

Mr President, Europe believe in open and fair trade based on a global rule book. Our economy depends on it and our consumers expect it. But as I have said all along: we are not naive free traders. So we will not sit idly by if our industry is hit with unfair trade measures that put European jobs at risk. We will defend our workers; we will defend our industry, and we will do so while respecting the rules that the world agreed to under the WTO.

The United States has regrettably decided to impose restrictions on steel and aluminium which will impact a significant amount of EU trade. We believe in win-win trade, but going it alone on tariffs is a lose-lose for all. Yes, the global steel industry has an overcapacity problem. This is why, since December, along with Japan and the US, we have been looking at how to address this issue globally. Commissioner Malmström met with both of her counterparts this weekend to deepen that cooperation further. And she also expressed our concerns to the United States on the tariffs being imposed on national security grounds.

Exports from the European Union are clearly not a threat to the United States’ national security. We are long-standing and trusted security partners and we work together to keep each other safe and secure. As their own figures show, the US only needs 3% of its annual steel production to serve the Pentagon’s needs. We will keep making this point in the run-up to the European Council next week. We are expecting more clarity from the American side in the coming days, and we will continue to work with our partners to push for an exemption from these measures.

As always, we will – and we have to – prepare for all eventualities. Should the need arise, the European Union will respond in three ways. Firstly, under WTO rules we have the right to rebalance these measures, and we stand ready to do so. Secondly, we will be ready with safeguard measures if there is a surge in imports into the European Union as a result of the US closing its market. And thirdly, we will seek dispute settlement consultations in the WTO, in conjunction with other affected countries.

Herr Präsident, meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren! Wenn wir unserer Union mehr Stärke, mehr Handlungsfähigkeit verleihen wollen, müssen wir auch in die Architektur unserer Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion investieren und sie zukunftsfester machen. Die Umstände dafür sind so günstig wie selten zuvor. Die europäische Wirtschaft wächst über Erwarten, in den vergangenen zwei Jahren mit mehr als zwei Prozent. Und sie wächst schneller als die US-amerikanische Wirtschaft. Gleichzeitig haben wir in Europa mehr Menschen in Arbeit als jemals zuvor, 236,3 Millionen – ein neuer Rekord. Das sollte uns Bestätigung und Ansporn zugleich sein, unseren Reformkurs konsequent fortzusetzen.

Und genau das tun wir. So legt die Kommission heute am frühen Nachmittag ein Paket zur Bankenunion vor. Es geht darum, die Finanzstabilität zu sichern, indem wir uns noch stärker mit notleidenden Krediten beschäftigen. Dort haben wir schon einige Erfolge erzielt. Seit 2014 ist der durchschnittliche Anteil notleidender Kredite in der EU schon um ein Drittel gesunken. Dabei wollen wir es nicht belassen. Das ist umso wichtiger, weil bei der Vollendung der Bankenunion Risikominderung und Risikoteilung Hand in Hand gehen. Eine vollendete Bankenunion wäre ein wichtiger Schritt, um unsere Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion zu stärken.

Genau darum geht es beim Gipfel. Über die Vorschläge, die die Kommission im Dezember vorgelegt hat, haben wir hier im Hause und bei einem früheren Eurogipfel schon diskutiert. Wir wollen den europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus schrittweise zu einem europäischen Währungsfonds ausbauen. Außerdem wollen wir die Mitgliedsstaaten und solche, die es werden wollen, bei den Reformen unterstützen sowie mit einer Stabilisierungsfunktion sicherstellen, dass selbst im Falle von schweren Schocks Investitionen in Bildung und Infrastruktur weiterhin gewährleistet bleiben.

Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs, chers collègues, compléter l’union économique et monétaire n’est pas une fin en soi, c’est un moyen de créer les conditions d’une vie meilleure, d’une vie plus prospère et plus équitable pour tous nos concitoyens.

Égalité des chances, conditions de travail équitables, protection et insertion sociales doivent devenir une réalité pour tous. C’est pour cela que nous nous sommes engagés à mettre en œuvre le socle européen des droits sociaux. 16 millions de nos concitoyens, par exemple, vivent et travaillent dans un autre État membre que le leur. C’est deux fois plus qu’il y a dix ans et ce phénomène ne fera que s’amplifier. Ces personnes ont, comme tout un chacun, des droits qui doivent être respectés et effectivement mis en œuvre dans un marché européen du travail.

C’est la raison pour laquelle la Commission va présenter aujourd’hui sa proposition de création d’une Autorité européenne du travail qui ne viendra pas se substituer aux autorités nationales mais qui renforcera la coopération et la coordination entre elles. Ceux qui travaillent à temps partiel, ceux qui relèvent du statut des travailleurs intérimaires ont eux aussi droit à une protection sociale convenable. C’est une responsabilité commune, celle de mettre en œuvre le socle des droits sociaux. Il faut évidemment continuer à parfaire le marché intérieur, notamment les marchés de l’électricité qui, en Europe, s’ils étaient totalement interconnectés, les Européens feraient des économies de 40 milliards d’euros par année. Si l’Europe numérique fonctionnait, cela nous apporterait 415 milliards d’euros de croissance nouvelle chaque année. Donc rien que sur l’interconnectivité de l’électricité et de la mise en place totale de l’Europe numérique, nous réaliserions un bénéfice – si je peux m’exprimer de la sorte – de 450 milliards.

Nous avons tous, je crois, conscience qu’il serait essentiel, souhaitable, bienvenu que nous puissions mettre en œuvre tous les éléments dont je viens de vous parler d’ici les élections européennes de l’année prochaine.



  Le Président. – Monsieur le Président, je suis heureux que vous envoyiez aujourd’hui, après la réunion du Collège, le texte sur les prêts non performants parce que c’est à la Commission, au Parlement et au Conseil de décider au niveau législatif. Ce n’est pas le conseil de surveillance prudentielle de la Banque centrale européenne qui doit faire des lois mais les institutions européennes, Commission, Parlement et Conseil.


  Angelika Niebler, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, verehrte Frau Vertreterin des Rates, verehrter Herr Kommissionspräsident, liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen! Ich möchte gerne drei Themen ansprechen. Zum Einen: Im Nachgang zu unserer Diskussion über den Brexit möchte ich nur nochmal klar formulieren, auch in Richtung der britischen Regierung: Die Europäische Union ist kein Supermarkt, in den man hineingeht, Waren auswählt und möglichst billig Waren einkauft. Wir haben den europäischen Binnenmarkt, und der europäische Binnenmarkt ist kein Selbstbedienungsladen. Von Michel Barnier und der Kommission sind zur künftigen Zusammenarbeit gute Vorschläge vorgelegt worden. Und wenn wir morgen unsere Entschließung verabschieden, dann haben wir da meiner Ansicht nach auch geliefert und gezeigt, dass wir eine Vorstellung davon haben, wie gute partnerschaftliche Nachbarschaft künftig aussehen soll.

Das zweite Thema, das auch beim Ratsgipfel nächste Woche angesprochen wird, ist das Thema digitaler Binnenmarkt und vor allem auch die Frage der Besteuerung. Ich möchte ausdrücklich unterstreichen, dass ich die Vorschläge der Kommission zur Besteuerung der digitalen Wirtschaft sehr gut finde. Es ist ein ganz wichtiges Thema auch für unsere Bürger und Bürgerinnen, dass es auch bei der Steuergesetzgebung in dieser Europäischen Union gerecht zugeht. Das wird auch Thema im TAXE 3-Ausschuss sein, über das wir ja auch morgen abstimmen. Und da müssen wir auch mit Blick auf den Brexit genau hinschauen, was sich gerade bei den Britischen Jungferninseln tut. Wir können es nicht zulassen, dass neben dem europäischen Binnenmarkt hier Steueroasen eingerichtet werden.

Letzter Punkt: Thema Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen, darüber werden wir noch intensiv diskutieren. Wie Sie wissen, bin ich kein Freund einer Haftungsgemeinschaft. Ich bin der Auffassung, dass Risikoübernahme und Haftung Hand in Hand gehen müssen, und dass wir deshalb hier keine Vergemeinschaftung der Haftung brauchen. Da gibt es unterschiedliche Vorschläge der Kommission. Im Hause werden wir das sicher noch rauf und runter diskutieren.


  Maria João Rodrigues, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, this European Council is taking place at a very special moment, where we have polls around the world coming up with a nationalistic tone in Russia, China and the United States. In this context, the European Union needs to assert its own vision and its own way of life and to have a long—term strategy, which should be based on human dignity, fairness, democracy and a clear commitment to sustainable development. Yes, climate change is there, and we need to have a growth strategy driven by sustainable development goals. Yes, the digital revolution can change our way of life, but we want to make the best of this by framing this revolution.

That is why our commitment to the European Pillar of Social Rights is so crucial. We need to tackle not only the old inequalities, but also the new ones. We are now waiting for the final content of the Social Fairness Package to be adopted by the Commission because we need to make sure that all citizens can have access to full coverage via social protection. But can we say that all citizens now have real access to all these benefits? This is not the case. We still have many inequalities across the Union, and that is why we in the European Parliament really expect a forward—looking Community budget – the financial framework – to ensure that these promises will be delivered.

The same applies to the eurozone. We need to stop the trend for divergence. That is why we expect the Commission’s proposed budget line to build up fiscal capacity for the eurozone. But then we come to the big problem. How can we finance this? That is where the discussion on taxation, which will take place in this European Council, is so crucial. Let me give a very simple figure. When it comes to large corporations, something very weird is happening. In 2000, their profits were taxed at around 34%; now their profits are taxed at just 24%. So the situation we have is that large corporations are paying less and less tax, while our governments are under pressure to make cuts to welfare and healthcare systems. Something is wrong, and we should not be surprised that citizens are now feeling insecure and that nationalistic and xenophobic positions are gaining ground. We need to reverse this trend. The only way to reverse this trend is for the European Council to say, ‘if we want everybody to benefit from this strategy and for the social pillar to be implemented, we need to have the means’, and the means will be fair taxation. If the European Council really wants to change the situation in Europe, it needs to be bold on fair taxation.



  Helga Stevens, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, beste collega's, mijnheer Juncker, dank u voor uw komst vandaag, want we hebben u gisteren erg gemist tijdens het interessante debat over de aanstelling van uw kabinetschef Selmayr tot secretaris-generaal van de Europese Commissie.

Nu wil ik het hebben over de toekomst van Europa die sociaal moet zijn. We moeten aan opwaartse convergentie werken en van de EU een plek maken waar het voor eenieder goed is om te leven. Dit doen we onder meer door fraude en sociale dumping aan te pakken. Dit is terecht een prioriteit van de Commissie Juncker, al stel ik me wel kritische vragen bij de manier waarop de Commissie deze sociale doelstelling wil bereiken. Commissaris Thyssen zal vanmiddag bijvoorbeeld haar voorstel voor een Europese arbeidsautoriteit uit de doeken doen. Dit nieuw Europees agentschap zou volgens Thyssen het ontbrekende puzzelstukje moeten zijn in de strijd tegen sociale fraude.

Ik wil echter benadrukken dat we ons goed moeten beraden over de toegevoegde waarde van nieuwe organen. Hebben we die autoriteit echt wel nodig? Voegt ze echt iets toe dat lidstaten zelf niet kunnen? Waarom schaffen we bijvoorbeeld het nog recentelijk opgerichte platform tegen zwartwerk af om het te vervangen door de autoriteit? Het creëren van dure Europese organen mag alleszins geen doel op zich zijn. En het doel van de autoriteit mag evenmin zijn zich in de plaats van de lidstaten te gaan stellen. Ook al is dit vandaag misschien nog niet de openlijke ambitie, ik vraag me af hoe deze Europese arbeidsautoriteit verder in haar rol zal groeien. Haar naam en permanente karakter wijzen in ieder geval op verdere toekomstplannen.

Ik denk dat we erg moeten oppassen voor een sluipende bevoegdheidsuitbreiding, waarbij de Unie beetje bij beetje de bevoegdheden van de lidstaten gaat uithollen. Als vandaag een rookgordijn van goede bedoelingen wordt opgetrokken, maar de ware doelstelling is een Europese sociale inspectie op te zetten, dan betreur ik deze manoeuvre. Ik herhaal dat de toekomst van Europa sociaal moet zijn, maar voeg eraan toe dat Europa geen toekomst heeft zonder het respect voor en van zijn lidstaten.


  Guy Verhofstadt, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I want to urge the Council to add two specific items to the normal agenda (the Western Balkans, which President Juncker has spoken about).

The first is that we need from the Council a common reaction from the EU, together with our friends in the UK, on the new aggression by the Kremlin on what is still European soil – in Britain – and I am referring to the poisoning case of Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Mrs May has said that it is an attack against Britain as a country, and I think that a common reaction in the next European Council is absolutely needed and counter—measures need to be decided by the EU.

My second point, naturally, is that, regarding the type of solidarity that we need still to have with the UK, that we hope also for it to be returned. Solidarity from the UK, for example, in our policies towards Mr Trump: it should absolutely be avoided that, behind the EU’s back, they send somebody to the US to find a special deal on these trade measures. If Mr Trump finds that there are horrific tariffs from our side, there are also horrific tariffs from their side. He is talking about the 10% on the import of US cars in Europe, and we paid only 2.5%. But there are other examples: tariffs on a train carriage, for example, are 14% in the US, or for pickups – and there are a lot of pickups in the US – we have to pay 25% in tariffs. I think what the European Council should do now is say that there are two options in this starting of a trade war. Either we start a trade war and a war on tariffs by increasing them from both sides, or we do what should be the thing to do: to lower the tariffs in both cases, the tariffs on the European side and the tariffs on the US side, which both sides find so horrific. I hope that that can be the common position. We have no interest in starting a trade war. What we have to offer instead is a trade deal from the European side. In fact, there are many people who were against TTIP but now see that if we had got TTIP we could have avoided what is happening today. I hope that this measure will be taken – no trade war, but a new trade deal.


  Reinhard Bütikofer, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissionspräsident, sehr geehrte Vertreterin des Rates! Bevor die Gipfelteilnehmer überhaupt anreisen werden, ist die erste und wichtigste Enttäuschung dieses Gipfels schon zu konstatieren. Die besteht darin, dass offenkundig das Versprechen, das Präsident Macron und Kanzlerin Merkel im Dezember abgegeben haben, dass sie im März, also zu diesem Gipfel, gemeinsame Vorschläge zur Diskussion mit den Kollegen aus den anderen Mitgliedstaaten über die Entwicklung der europäischen Union präsentieren wollten, was gerade unter dem Druck von außen, sei es von Russland, sei es von China, sei es aus den USA, dringlich notwendig ist, nicht eingelöst wird. Diese Enttäuschung wird nicht dadurch aufgewogen, dass der Gipfel sich mit in der Tat sehr wichtigen Themen – von Arbeitsplätzen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bis zum Westbalkan, von der Handelspolitik bis zur sozialen Säule, von der Steuerpolitik bis zu außenpolitischen Fragen – beschäftigen wird.

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Vertreterin des Rates, die größte Dringlichkeit besteht meines Erachtens darin, dass wir diese Grundorientierung der Union klarkriegen. Hinter der Vertagung der Vorschläge aus Berlin und Paris liegt eine fundamentale Differenz. Wollen wir ein Kerneuropa, wie es Macron vorschwebt? Oder wollen wir ein inklusives Europa? Wollen wir eine Zweiteilung in eine Luxus-EU und eine Holzklassen-EU, oder wollen wir eine gemeinsame europäische Zukunft? Das muss geklärt werden!

Wir brauchen eine Vision von Europa, die inklusiv ist, die die Vielfalt schätzt, die Bürger schützt, Selbstbestimmung stärkt, die Wirtschaft gerechter macht und die ökologisch-soziale Transformation realisiert, die wir unseren Kindern und der ganzen Welt schulden.


  Νεοκλής Συλικιώτης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κύριε Πρόδρε, κύριε Juncker, εκπρόσωποι του Συμβουλίου, στην ερχόμενη σύνοδο οι ηγέτες της Ένωσης θα πάρουν αποφάσεις για τα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα που ταλανίζουν την Ευρώπη: οικονομική κρίση, προσφυγικό, μπρέξιτ, ενεργειακή ένωση και εξωτερικές σχέσεις. Ωστόσο, όσο το Συμβούλιο συνεχίζει τις ίδιες αντιλαϊκές πολιτικές, εμβαθύνοντας και θεσμοθετώντας το νεοφιλελεύθερο μοντέλο, η κρίση θα οξύνεται. Για να δοθούν λύσεις που να εξυπηρετούν πραγματικά τις ανάγκες των λαών, πρέπει να προωθηθούν μέτρα που να δώσουν ώθηση στην πραγματική οικονομία, πολιτικές που θα ενισχύουν την κοινωνική και περιφερειακή συνοχή και θα αντιμετωπίζουν τις ανισότητες που συνεχώς διευρύνονται.

Όσον αφορά την ενεργειακή ένωση, οι προτάσεις που προωθούνται, αντί να επιλύσουν τα προβλήματα που υπάρχουν στον ενεργειακό εφοδιασμό, δημιουργούν νέα αδιέξοδα, καθώς ακυρώνουν τα κυριαρχικά δικαιώματα των κρατών μελών στη διαμόρφωση της ενεργειακής τους πολιτικής. Ένα παράδειγμα αποτελεί η νέα οδηγία για την εσωτερική αγορά φυσικού αερίου, με την οποία επιδιώκεται χειραγώγηση των κρατών με τη μεταφορά μεγαλύτερων εξουσιών στην Κομισιόν, κι ως αποτέλεσμα θα δημιουργηθούν επιπρόσθετα προβλήματα στη δημιουργία νέων υποδομών για την εισαγωγή αλλά και την εξαγωγή φυσικού αερίου.

Έπειτα, όσον αφορά τις ευρωτουρκικές σχέσεις, δυστυχώς η Τουρκία, με τις παράνομες ενέργειες στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο και το Αιγαίο, συνεχίζει να παραβιάζει το διεθνές δίκαιο, το δίκαιο της θάλασσας, καθώς και τα κυριαρχικά δικαιώματα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και της Ελλάδας. Την ίδια στιγμή εισβάλλει στο Afrin, αιματοκυλίζοντας τους Κούρδους της Συρίας, ενώ συνεχίζει να καταπατά τις πολιτικές ελευθερίες και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα των ίδιων των πολιτών της. Η Ένωση οφείλει να παρέμβει, ώστε να τερματίσει τις παράνομες ενέργειές της η Τουρκία. Αναμένουμε έμπρακτη αλληλεγγύη και πιο δραστικά μέτρα. Ζητάμε να ασκηθούν πιέσεις στην Τουρκία για να σεβαστεί τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, να τερματίσει την εισβολή στη Συρία, να σεβαστεί τα κυριαρχικά δικαιώματα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και να στηρίξει την επανέναρξη ενός ουσιαστικού διαλόγου για λύση του Κυπριακού. Δυστυχώς όμως, η Ένωση συνεχίζει να χαϊδεύει την Τουρκία, με τη δρομολόγηση της έγκρισης της νέας οικονομικής βοήθειας, ύψους 3 δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ, για το προσφυγικό, καθώς και με τις συζητήσεις για ενίσχυση της τελωνειακής ένωσης και ελευθεροποίησης των θεωρήσεων διαβατηρίων για τους Τούρκους πολίτες.


  Laura Agea, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Presidente Juncker, membri del Consiglio, le proposte del prossimo Consiglio europeo sono come sempre tante e mirabolanti, ma il nostro timore è che ancora una volta siano solo grandi annunci che difficilmente si tradurranno in qualcosa di concreto per i nostri cittadini.

Cominciamo dalle priorità del semestre europeo. Per noi le politiche economiche dell'area euro non possono in nessun modo continuare secondo la ricetta sbagliata di questa Commissione, basata esclusivamente su austerity e rigore, ai quali noi ci opponiamo senza se e senza ma, perché solo attraverso investimenti in settori ad alto ritorno e politiche espansive sarà possibile creare vera occupazione sostenibile nel medio-lungo periodo.

Per garantire crescita e competitività ci vuole un impegno concreto del Consiglio nel permettere il rispetto del principio di reciprocità, sia nei mercati sia negli appalti pubblici, monitorando gli investimenti esteri e mettendo in atto regole vincolanti di sviluppo sostenibile, manovre che dovrebbero rientrare in tutti gli accordi commerciali e che invece vengono spesso sacrificate.

Per questo motivo vogliamo sapere cosa sta facendo di concreto il Consiglio in merito, e come sta garantendo che i nostri partner stiano rispettando i nostri standard, evitando così una guerra commerciale che rischierebbe di danneggiare le nostre imprese e il "made in", che ci aspettiamo torni ad essere una priorità per l'Europa, per la Commissione e per il Consiglio.

Anche sul mercato digitale troppo spesso è mancato coraggio a questa Commissione. Ad inizio legislatura era stato annunciato il completamento del mercato unico digitale attraverso 16 iniziative: molte di queste, però, sono rimaste a metà, come il geo-blocking, dove dal campo di applicazione sono stati esclusi gli audiovisivi, l'area dove i blocchi geografici basati sulla nazionalità sono più evidenti.

L'obiettivo prioritario è uscire dalla spirale recessiva dove siamo piombati, e in questo contesto diventa evidente la priorità che assume l'attuazione dei principi e dei diritti definiti nell'ambito del pilastro europeo dei diritti sociali. E un elemento fondamentale del pilastro sociale è l'attuazione negli Stati membri di politiche di reddito minimo di cittadinanza, così come richiesto da questo stesso Parlamento che ha approvato al riguardo, a larghissima maggioranza, la risoluzione del Movimento 5 Stelle.

Il voto in Italia è la riprova che i cittadini chiedono di tornare ad essere protagonisti, tutelati e difesi dalle istituzioni, e il Movimento 5 Stelle rappresenta oggi la possibilità per l'Italia di tornare ad essere voce forte, autorevole e credibile all'interno delle istituzioni europee.


  Harald Vilimsky, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren! Wieder einmal debattiert der Rat über die Fragen Migration und Asyl, und wieder einmal wird nichts anderes als heiße Luft produziert. Seit 2014/2015 erfolgt immer wieder diese Diskussion, und seit 2014/2015 ist es so, dass Millionen von Menschen auf unseren Kontinent drängen. Ja, da sind auch Schutzbedürftige dabei, wo ich meine, es wäre besser, diesen Schutz in der Region zu gewähren. Aber neben diesen sind auch Kriminelle dabei, neben diesen sind auch Terroristen dabei. Und wir haben die Situation – ob das jetzt in Brüssel war, ob das in Paris war, ob das in München war –, dass jetzt auch Österreich Opfer einer terroristischen Aktion geworden ist, wo eine aus Ägypten stammende Person einen Wachsoldaten attackiert hat, ihn mit einem Messer erstechen wollte, nur weil es eine Involvierung des Iran in Syrien gibt – und das alles auf österreichischem Boden.

Ich sage: Es ist höchste Zeit, die Außengrenzen zu schützen. Wir diskutieren schon lange darüber, gemacht wird es nicht. Und solange die Außengrenzen nicht effektiv geschützt werden, appelliere ich dafür, dass man den Mitgliedstaaten das Recht überlässt, ihre Grenzen zu schützen. Da verhandelt Österreich jetzt auf europäischer Ebene, und ich ersuche Sie nur, hier dieser Lösung auch Ihre Zustimmung zu geben.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). – Kedves kollegák! Juncker urat szerettem volna megszólítani, de ő szokás szerint nem bírta ki a vita végéig, távoznia kellett. Minden vonatkozásban jobbulást kívánunk neki. Így akkor Timmermans úrhoz és Tajani elnök úrhoz is szólok. Juncker úr az előző háromórás, igen keserű, a brexitről szóló vita végén azt mondta, hogy most már nem a múltba, hanem a jövőbe kell néznünk. A jövőbe nézve, a jövő heti európai tanácsi ülés kapcsán hadd kérdezzem: Levonta-e az Európai Unió a brexitből azt a következtetést, hogy nem lehet a végletekig kényszeríteni a tagállamokat arra, hogy olyan értékrendeket és olyan intézkedéseket vegyenek át, amelyek az adott népektől, nemzetektől teljesen idegenek? Reménykedhetünk-e mi magyarok abban, hogy e következtetést levonva – és nagyon várom Timmermans úr válaszát – abbahagyják végre Magyarországnak a folyamatos fenyegetésekkel való kényszerítését arra, hogy befogadjuk a tömeges migrációt? Nem szeretnénk és nem fogjuk. Várom válaszát.




  Pilar del Castillo Vera (PPE). – Señora presidenta, muchas gracias al Consejo y también al vicepresidente de la Comisión.

Si volvemos la vista atrás a los orígenes de la Unión Europea, el mercado único constituía una visión de futuro acerca de la necesidad de actuar conjuntamente, si queríamos que las economías europeas tuvieran un ámbito para optimizar su desarrollo y poder competir en el mundo.

Esto, que en principio era simplemente una idea, se fue desarrollando lentamente y, ahora, en el siglo XXI, se ha convertido en la única posibilidad que tienen los distintos países europeos para que sus economías sean competitivas y para que sus ciudadanos alcancen cada vez más bienestar. Y, en ese contexto, el mercado único digital es fundamental.

Si nos volvemos a hace cuatro años, creo que fue un acierto extraordinario, tanto por parte de la Comisión como por parte del Parlamento, centrar uno de los puntos de actuación y decisión en el desarrollo de la transformación digital, y favorecer todo aquello que lo permitiera. Hoy podemos decir que se ha cumplido —we have delivered in that sense—. Y, en ese sentido, yo creo que nos vamos a presentar a unas elecciones dentro de poco con un conjunto de decisiones tomadas que son decisivas para que la economía europea alcance precisamente esos niveles de competitividad mundial.

Quiero subrayar la importancia que tiene el acuerdo provisional que se ha alcanzado en materia de espectro radioeléctrico, que es pionero y que va a permitir que el 5G esté en condiciones de desarrollarse en Europa antes de finales de 2020, ofreciendo unas posibilidades extraordinarias para el desarrollo de la transformación digital en Europa.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! Die kommende Ratstagung verspricht endlich wieder mal eine Tagesordnung, die nicht nur aus dem Reagieren besteht. Es werden Fragen aufgegriffen, auf deren Beantwortung die Bürgerinnen und Bürger seit langem Warten: Jobs, Wachstum und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der europäischen Wirtschaft. Da gibt es durchaus einiges vorzuweisen. Der Binnenmarkt ist das Kernstück unserer Union. Ihn weiter auszubauen, vor allem im digitalen Bereich, ist eine wichtige Investition in die Zukunft. Hier sind wir auch schon sehr weit gekommen. Wir sollten gerade jetzt nicht zulassen, dass das durch nationale Alleingänge gefährdet wird.

Leider sind solche Tendenzen auch in der Wirtschaftspolitik bemerkbar. Gerade in der Eurozone aber braucht es mehr europäische Impulse, besonders zu einem Zeitpunkt, wo sich zeigt, dass die Kriseninterventionen entgegen allen Unkenrufen erfolgreich waren. Manches hätte erfolgreicher sein können, hätte man sich nicht vom Austeritätsdogma einengen lassen. Vor allem werden wir vom portugiesischen Ministerpräsidenten hören, wie es auch hätte gehen können. Für uns Sozialdemokraten ist die schwarze Null kein Dogma, uns geht es um einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Budgetmitteln. Das bedeutet vor allem auch den Mut, öffentliche Investitionen zu tätigen, vor allem wenn es darum geht, ein Auseinanderdriften der Gesellschaft zu verhindern. Daher begrüßen wir, dass sich der Rat seit langem auch wieder mit sozialen Rechten beschäftigt. Nur wenn wir die soziale Säule festigen, dann festigen wir auch unsere Zukunft. Erlauben Sie mir noch zu sagen: Ich glaube, dass es wichtig wäre, dass der Rat auch zu den schrecklichen Entwicklungen in Afrin Stellung bezieht.


  Marek Jurek (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie i Panowie Posłowie! Przede wszystkim czas przestać nas dzielić. Ataki na Polskę czy Węgry nie szkodzą rządom naszych państw, dlatego że opinia publiczna raczej konsoliduje się wobec władz, lecz szkodzą przede wszystkim Europie, którą destabilizują. Europa chce dzisiaj zmian, o czym dobitnie świadczą ostatnie wybory w Austrii czy we Włoszech, i czas, żeby ten głos usłyszały władze Unii Europejskiej – im szybciej, tym lepiej. W perspektywie nadchodzącego szczytu Rady Europejskiej należy oczekiwać jednego: mocnej świadomości tego, że polityka imigracyjna, a już szczególnie azylowa, musi szanować suwerenne kompetencje poszczególnych państw. Im szybciej zrozumiemy, czego chcą narody Europy, tym lepsza będzie nasza współpraca.


  Pavel Telička (ALDE). – Madam President, I apologise for my naivety, but I must say I really expected this to be a political debate. I am sorry, Ms Panayotova, but with all due respect and sympathy to you, we have received a list of what is to be on the agenda. I would expect at least an attempt from the side of the President of the Commission to say: these are the priorities, this is how we analyse the situation, the bottlenecks, this is what the ambition is, this is what the President of the European Council and the Presidency expects. Of course, I know that you cannot go into detail, but not to give us any hint on any of the political issues is, I think, really a failure. No wonder, in fact, that the European Council is at a standstill. We are not delivering. We have got issues such as the reform of the EU, greater efficiency, real issues of security, trade, other political sensitivities that we need to address. We are not delivering. This is something that we would like to address concretely in this House with the Council. I do apologise, but this system, is in my opinion, unacceptable for the future. Guy Verhofstadt referred to the Russian attack in the UK: I think it is an attack, and I would expect that the Council would hint that this is to be on the agenda and will be debated, with concrete measures against the Russians and concrete concessions vis-à-vis the citizens, the entrepreneurs, the scientists, etc. This is the kind of issue we want to debate and the way we want to debate it.


  Rolandas Paksas (EFDD). – Europos Sąjungą graužia biurokratinio trumparegiškumo vėžys. Praktiškai visų institucijų, neišskiriant ir Vadovų Tarybos, darbotvarkės yra perkrautos sudėtingų klausimų ir neaktualiausių klausimų, kuriais tik imituojamas problemų sprendimas. Europos Sąjunga šiandien yra nepajėgi aprėpti ir valdyti bendrųjų ekonominių bei socialinių procesų, kurie turės lemiamos reikšmės Bendrijos likimui. Šalių ekonominiai ir socialiniai skirtumai yra tokie dideli, jog net euro zonos šalims, pavyzdžiui, tokioms kaip Lietuva, kyla grėsmė ilgainiui prarasti visą savo žmogiškųjų išteklių kapitalą. Tai veikiau panašu į fiktyvią ekonominę sąjungą, kuri realiai nefunkcionuoja, kurioje nėra bendros politikos kriterijų ir taisyklių, o laisvas darbo jėgos judėjimo principas tapo rykšte ar net masiniu tautų perkėlimu. Manyčiau, kad atsakingos Europos institucijos turėtų žymiai jautriau reflektuoti tokius neigiamus procesus valstybėse narėse, kurie ne tik neleidžia kalbėti apie žmonių gerovę, bet liudija didėjančią socialinę atskirtį, skurdą ir diskriminaciją. Manau, kad būtų laikas baigti šį užsitęsusį politinį spektaklį ir sugrįžti prie bendros politikos darbotvarkės, prie esminių Europos Sąjungos tikslų ir prioritetų įgyvendinimo kelių paieškos.


  Gilles Lebreton (ENF). – Madame la Présidente, Jean-Claude Juncker vient de se rendre dans six États des Balkans, auxquels il a fait miroiter une adhésion à l’Union européenne dès 2025. Le Conseil européen doit en débattre.

L’adhésion de la Serbie est une bonne idée, car c’est un pays qui est un allié traditionnel de la France. L’amitié franco-serbe est d’ailleurs magnifiquement symbolisée par le monument de reconnaissance à la France, que la Serbie a érigé à Belgrade.

L’adhésion du Kosovo serait, en revanche, un cauchemar, car c’est un nid de djihadistes. Un général djihadiste, Lavdrim Muhaxheri, vient, par exemple, de revenir de Syrie avec 400 combattants pour y implanter une antenne du califat islamique.

L’adhésion de l’Albanie serait tout aussi catastrophique, car c’est un État tellement corrompu qu’il fait fuir ses habitants. La seule ambition de ce pays en voie de clochardisation est de se transformer en décharge à ciel ouvert de tous les déchets ménagers de l’Union européenne.

C’est une Europe de la coopération entre peuples souverains que je veux, pas cette Europe du djihad et de l’exploitation de la pauvreté.


  Kinga Gál (PPE). – Elnök Asszony! A márciusi Európai Tanács keretében – ha nem is fő témaként – a migráció kérdéséről, a dublini rendszer felülvizsgálatáról is várható újabb vita a bolgár elnökség beszámolója és kiinduló javaslata alapján. Ám ez a javaslat továbbra is a kötelező migránsszétosztáson alapul, ami csak további megosztáshoz vezet majd a tagállamok között, és így bizonyosan nem lehet a valódi megoldás része. Hiszen nem lehet a tagállamoktól elvenni azt a jogot, hogy eldöntsék, kit engednek be és kit nem életvitelszerűen a területükre. Az Unió döntéshozóinak már jó ideje rá kellett volna jönniük, hogy semmilyen kötelező migránsszétosztáson alapuló rendszer nem lesz képes megoldani Európa bevándorlási problémáját. Hiszen azt meghívónak fogják tekinteni az indulásra váró migránsok százezrei. Ehelyett vissza kell szereznie Európának a külső határai feletti teljes ellenőrzést, ugyanis ez az illegális migráció megállításának alapfeltétele. Ezért a szolidaritás megnyilvánulásaként kellene végre tekinteni a külső határok védelmét és az erre fordított milliárdokat, hiszen az európai örökségünk védelméhez és a kontinens stabilitásának megőrzéséhez járul hozzá.


  Tanja Fajon (S&D). – Evropska komisija je predstavila jasno zavezanost k prihodnosti širitve zahodnobalkanskih držav. Države Zahodnega Balkana so v dvajsetih letih znatno reformirale institucije in zakone, v nasprotju kar je govoril moj predhodnik v zvezi s Kosovom in Albanijo. Obljubili smo jim članstvo, če bodo vztrajale na tej poti.

Unija je za ta cilj sodelovala po večini s političnimi elitami. Zdaj je čas, da aktivno vključi tudi državljane. Če želimo, da bodo investicije dvajsetih let vzdržne, morajo biti na naši strani tudi državljani. Naša zaveza v naporih in denarju mora biti dvojna. Članstvo ni le politični cilj, postati mora demokratični dosežek za vse družbe Zahodnega Balkana. Pozivam, da se evropski voditelji na vrhu jasno zavežejo k širitvi, glede vrha tudi maja v Sofiji, in da širitev uvrstijo tudi na junijsko zasedanje.

Z zahodnobalkanskimi voditelji moramo sodelovati odprto in iskreno. Dokler pogoji niso izpolnjeni, napredek ni mogoč. Največji del odgovornosti je v rokah voditeljev na Balkanu. Turčija je denimo padla na testu pravne države in spoštovanja človekovih pravic. Več kot 130.000 priprtih ljudi od poletja 2016 dokazuje, da to ni ne varna ne demokratična država.

Zato za vse tiste EU države, ki na žalost verjamejo nasprotno in zapirajo vrata prosilcem političnih azilov: kolega, Unija potrebuje Zahodni Balkan – in nasprotno – za lažje premagovanje skupnih izzivov, stabilnost in mir za mlade, ki namesto bega potrebujejo upanje, varnost in pa evropsko prihodnost.


  Mario Borghezio (ENF). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la nostra posizione sul tema è molto chiara, perché per noi l'idea di rilanciare il progetto europeo con ulteriori allargamenti è quanto di più sbagliato vi sia.

Non ha senso infatti per noi mettere insieme paesi come Finlandia e Montenegro, non ha senso mettere i paesi dell'Est in competizione con quelli balcanici, dopo aver già messo in competizione quelli del Sud con quelli dell'Est. Vorrei ricordare le gravi conseguenze, per esempio, della questione Embraco, della questione del trasferimento di un'azienda produttiva del mio paese in Slovacchia.

Noi pensiamo che piuttosto dovremmo lavorare e contribuire allo sviluppo e alla stabilità della regione, senza cercare di realizzare sconsiderati passi avanti per mettere tutti sotto la bandiera dell'Unione e scoprire dopo quanto sia stata affrettata e mal preparata un'Unione che peraltro già oggi funziona piuttosto male.

La strategia illustrata dalla Commissione europea fa acqua in realtà da tutte le parti, e ripropone, aggravati, i problemi che poneva già in precedenza il processo di allargamento ad Est. Non sono state stabilite scadenze precise per nessuno, e al di là delle chiacchiere solo Serbia e Montenegro, in realtà, hanno iniziato i colloqui formali per aderire all'Unione europea e sembrano in grado – e concludo – di poter raggiungere l'obiettivo entro il 2025.


  Paulo Rangel (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, Presidência búlgara, Senhor Vice—Presidente, queria dizer que há alguma frustração na agenda deste Conselho, porque aquilo que esperávamos, chegando a março, é que, naturalmente, o Presidente Macron e a Chanceler Merkel estivessem em condições de apresentar, pelo menos, um primeiro roteiro para a reforma da zona euro.

Se isso não é possível, ao menos que se façam os princípios e as linhas fundamentais para preparar esse trabalho para a Cimeira ou para o Conselho Europeu de junho.

Entretanto, penso que há dois pontos que são muito importantes. Um é a resposta a Trump e à sua limitação ao comércio internacional, que é totalmente inaceitável e que vai totalmente ao contrário daquela que é a linha da União Europeia. Devo dizer que hoje estaríamos num mundo mais seguro e mais próspero se o TTP com os Estados Unidos e o TTIP com a Europa e os Estados Unidos estivessem já devidamente em vigor ou, pelo menos, muito adiantados – isso sim, poderia combater a concorrência desleal, social e ambiental de alguns mercados, como mercado chinês, e não propriamente outro tipo de retaliações, como esta.

Finalmente, queria dizer que noto, com alguma pena, que a parente pobre deste Conselho é a União da Energia – só o Presidente Juncker falou nela. Para Portugal e para Espanha é decisivo, para a União Europeia é decisivo que se façam as interligações entre a França e a Península Ibérica.

No dia em que forem feitas, a nossa dependência de Putin e a nossa dependência da Rússia diminuirão muito e a Europa ganhará muito com isso.


  Pervenche Berès (S&D). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Vice-Président, lors de ce Conseil européen, vous allez, sous l’autorité de la présidence, évoquer la question de l’union des marchés des capitaux.

C’est tout à fait essentiel que l’Union avance dans ce domaine, y compris au moment où, malheureusement, nous devons envisager le Brexit. Mais cela ne sera raisonnable que si, en parallèle, nous progressons dans les conditions de supervision des marchés. J’invite donc vraiment le Conseil à être allant sur ce dossier, sans que cela n’épuise nullement la question des progrès dans l’Union économique et monétaire. Et là, franchement, on a parfois, au-delà du réalisme, l’impression d’attendre Godot. On attendait les élections allemandes, on attendait le gouvernement allemand, maintenant on attend l’accord franco-allemand. Cela n’est pas raisonnable, y compris parce que, dans la guerre commerciale qui nous oppose dorénavant aux États-Unis, la meilleure arme de la zone euro, c’est de progresser dans son intégration en matière fiscale et en matière de stratégie d’investissement. J’espère que c’est le message que vous porterez dans ce Conseil.


  Luděk Niedermayer (PPE). – Madam President, I am pleased to see that economic subjects form a big part of the Council meeting agenda. After all, economic performance plays a very important role in the way that people perceive the functionality of the European Union. I am especially pleased to see that tax issues are an informal part of the Council meeting. I hope that not just digital taxation but also VAT reform and CCCTB will be discussed and we will get closer to their adoption. I call on the leaders of the Member States to proceed and, if necessary, go to enhanced cooperation in the case of CCCTB.

Secondly, I want to mention the energy union. After a very good Commission proposal, short—term national interests, as well as the interests of some groups, could now weaken the result and this would be unfortunate. It would be a lost opportunity for Europe and for our citizens.

Last but not least, I also want to mention the issue of trade, but instead of going into details, I will just declare my support for what President Juncker said about this subject. I hope that we will achieve our goal, which is to support deferred and open trade globally.


  Knut Fleckenstein (S&D). –Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Nur ein paar Sätze zur Vorbereitung des Balkan-Gipfels, da dieser Punkt ja auch eine Rolle spielt: Ja, wir haben versprochen, die Staaten des westlichen Balkans an die EU heranzuführen, und wir haben versprochen, ihnen bei der Umstrukturierung und bei der Reform ihrer Länder zu helfen. Wir fordern immer mehr und immer wieder, dass diese Länder ihre Schularbeiten machen, bevor sie in die EU hineinkommen. Aber jetzt sind wir in der EU dran, unsere Hausaufgaben zu machen. Und deshalb bitte ich die bulgarische Ratspräsidentschaft: Werben Sie dafür, dass der Rat die Westbalkanstrategie der Kommission positiv annimmt und weiterentwickelt. Sprechen Sie mit unseren griechischen Freunden darüber, wie wir ihnen helfen können bei den mehreren Problemen, die es mit Balkanstaaten gibt, und sorgen Sie bitte dafür, dass keiner der sechs Partner am Katzentisch sitzt, nur weil einige noch nicht so weit sind wie die Mehrheit der europäischen Länder.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospođo predsjednice, pitam se hoće li sljedeći samit 22. i 23. ožujka moći apsolvirati ovoliki broj tema koje su na dnevnom redu. U svakom slučaju, drago mi je da su tu i ekonomske teme, a da su i teme koje se odnose na vanjsku politiku i vanjsko djelovanje. Drago mi je da se spominju radna mjesta, rast, konkurentnost i, naravno, zajedničko tržište.

Prošli tjedan je naša EPP grupa boravila u Valenciji gdje smo razgovarali o digitalnom valu, u kojemu Europska unija mora predvoditi. To smatram iznimno važnom temom za nadolazeći sastanak Vijeća i drago mi je da će se raspravljati upravo o digitalnoj Europi. Osobno vjerujem da inovacije mogu promijeniti živote naših građana, a naš zadatak je da inovacije postanu glavnim prioritetom sljedećeg razdoblja.

Vidimo da europsko gospodarstvo jača, vidi se da se rast povećao iznad očekivanja, da se nezaposlenost smanjila, da se ulaganja oporavljaju, da se stanje javnih financija poboljšava. No, moramo voditi računa o našim odnosima sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Oni se ne smiju temeljiti na sučeljavanju, kao što je rekao gospodin Juncker. Važno je postići kompromis.

Također mi je drago spomenuti da je predsjednik Juncker obišao zemlje zapadnog Balkana ili jugoistoka Europe, kako mi volimo kazati, drago mi je da je primijetio da one vjeruju u europsku budućnost, ali kao što je rekao gospodin Fleckenstein, na nama je da odradimo našu zadaću, da im pomognemo na tom putu. Moramo pružiti punu podršku tim zemljama i omogućiti da što prije ispune uvjete za ulazak u Europsku uniju.


  Agnes Jongerius (S&D). – Voorzitter, in november vorig jaar kwamen de regeringsleiders bijeen in Göteborg en zij tekenden daar samen voor de Europese sociale pijler. Die pijler begint langzamerhand vorm te krijgen, maar het tempo moet omhoog. Het voorstel van de Commissie voor een Europese arbeidsinspectie wordt vandaag gepresenteerd, maar het eerder aangekondigde socialezekerheidsnummer is inmiddels alweer van de wagen gevallen. De Europese arbeidsinspectie is een stap in de goede richting, een stap naar een fatsoenlijke en eerlijke Europese arbeidsmarkt, door uitbuiting en oneerlijke concurrentie tussen werknemers en oneerlijke concurrentie tussen bedrijven aan te pakken op Europees niveau. Het voorstel geeft Europa ook tanden om te bijten als het om grensoverschrijdende misstanden gaat. Maar, Voorzitter, als de regeringsleiders werkelijk een sociaal Europa willen, moeten ze nu wel doorpakken. We willen daden zien en niet louter woorden.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, the next Council has much to discuss, and discuss they will, but one area I think they need to focus very strongly on is the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the next budget: Europe without a good budget can be talking forever about what they would like to do, but they cannot do much about it. Especially now that the United Kingdom will be leaving the European Union, regretfully, there will be a EUR 14 billion or so deficit in the budget. I think it is incumbent on the Member States to make up that deficit. After all, if they are all talking about the need to stick together to preserve what we have built, then I think also a strong budget is the key to that. I was delighted to hear our own Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, say here in this very Chamber in January that Ireland will commit itself to increasing our percentage contribution from 1% to 1.1% or 1.2%. But every other Member State needs to do the same, because if we are to do the things we want to do in relation to security, Erasmus, development aid, the single market, migration or climate change, it is going to take funding. It is estimated that every euro in Europe generates about EUR 4 in added value. This is where the added value is, but the Council must give the commitment to do that now, unanimously, and then we can progress.


  Nicola Danti (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, a 25 anni dalla sua nascita, occorre fare una riflessione strategica sul senso e sul futuro del mercato unico.

In molti settori il suo completamento è difatti ancora lungi dall'essersi compiuto e viene percepito nelle opinioni pubbliche con distacco, come una sovrastruttura burocratica che limita la libertà di impresa e non protegge a sufficienza i consumatori. Il digitale, la nuova frontiera del mercato unico, viene poi considerato una dimensione senza regole e ostile ai settori dell'economia tradizionale.

Per questo motivo è il momento di un rinnovato slancio politico e di scelte ambiziose. Abbiamo bisogno di un sistema fiscale armonizzato che aiuti una concorrenza virtuosa interna, una tassa europea per i giganti del web, una sorveglianza di mercato dei prodotti efficaci, e nuovi strumenti di tutela dei consumatori.

Ci auguriamo che il prossimo Consiglio faccia proprie queste istanze e rilanci il mercato unico come motore economico e sociale dell'Europa. Il mondo oggi corre veloce: per fare ciò non abbiamo i 25 anni che ci stanno alle spalle, ma i 25 mesi davanti a noi.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE). – Madam President, the Estonian Presidency managed to focus the attention of the Council on the digital dimension. It was good, but not enough. Now it is crucial to move ahead, including with the files on the digital market. EU Governments need to decisively deepen the single market, especially their services market, and put an end to deep-seated national protectionism, otherwise optimistic talk about deep integration will remain just talk. By the way, I hope that President Trump’s hurried decisions could be used as a positive incentive to finally overcome the EU’s traditional cautiousness about our own free trade. Regarding the energy market, yesterday the British Prime Minister declared that there could be no business as usual with Russia after their apparent use of chemical weapons on UK territory. How can one think today that there can still be business as usual on Nord Stream 2? The Council cannot continue to avoid this challenge. It is not about differences between the Council and Commission legal services; it is about protecting EU common interests, exercising our energy solidarity in practice and preventing Mr Putin from undermining EU security and unity on such vital issues.


  Patrizia Toia (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non vorrei essere pessimista, ma certamente una lettura di come stanno le cose, delle relazioni che oggi sono state presentate, ci porta a dire che il Consiglio europeo del prossimo 22-23 marzo si profila come l'ennesima riunione delle decisioni rimandate, l'ennesima riunione delle occasioni mancate.

Penso che l'Unione europea non possa ulteriormente mancare le occasioni che si presentano, pena davvero la sua difficoltà profonda. Le elezioni in Italia sono anche state un segnale chiaro da questo punto di vista: l'Unione europea deve iniziare a dare risposte concrete ai cittadini, deve essere un'istituzione percepita come amica, come vicina, e non come un'istituzione lontana e indifferente alle più gravi sfide che i cittadini europei stanno vivendo. Io penso al mio paese, penso al tema dell'immigrazione, penso al tema di una politica economica che non è riuscita a incentivare lo sviluppo, a dare risposte al lavoro in maniera sufficiente.

E così oggi la riforma dell'eurozona, il pilastro sociale dell'UE e le tante, troppe mancanze dell'Unione europea, a partire dalla mancanza di un sussidio sulla disoccupazione europea, che pure era stato posto nel programma, non possono più attendere ritmi lenti e contraddizioni delle politiche nazionali, e così i temi dell'equità fiscale, e mi rifaccio all'intervento di Maria João Rodrigues.


  Λευτέρης Χριστοφόρου (PPE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, παρά την ισχυρή απόφαση του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου ενάντια στην Τουρκία για τις απαράδεκτες, προκλητικές και παράνομες παραβιάσεις της, τόσο στην Κύπρο όσο και στο Αιγαίο, η Τουρκία για μια ακόμη φορά κάνει αυτό που κάνει πάντοτε: περιφρονεί, προσβάλλει και προκαλεί τις αποφάσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η υπόθεση της Κύπρου, η υπόθεση της εισβολής στην κυπριακή ΑΟΖ, οι παραβιάσεις στο Αιγαίο, η προσβολή χωρών μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης από μία χώρα που συμπεριφέρεται πειρατικά και τρομοκρατικά, όπως την Τουρκία, θεωρώ ότι δεν είναι υπόθεση της Κύπρου και της Ελλάδας, αλλά είναι υπόθεση ευρωπαϊκή, γιατί ένας βασικός θεμελιακός κανόνας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης είναι η αλληλεγγύη των χωρών μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και θεωρώ ότι είναι πολύ σημαντικό η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να απαντήσει σε αυτή την προκλητική στάση και συμπεριφορά της Τουρκίας.

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δοκιμάζεται γι’ αυτό το ζήτημα και αναμένουμε από το Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο, που θα συνεδριάσει στις 22 και 23 Μαρτίου, ότι επιτέλους θα στείλει το ισχυρό μήνυμα ότι δεν ανέχεται άλλο να την περιφρονεί και να την προσβάλει η Τουρκία και ότι θα πάρει μέτρα, ούτως ώστε, εάν συνεχίσει τις παραβιάσεις στην Κυπριακή ΑΟΖ και δεν τις σταματήσει αμέσως, τότε η Τουρκία δεν μπορεί να προσβλέπει και να προσδοκά τίποτε από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Ταυτόχρονα, θα ήθελα να απευθύνω έκκληση, αλλά και να απαιτήσω από τον αγαπητό αντιπρόεδρο της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, τον κύριο Timmermans, να εναρμονιστεί επιτέλους και η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή με το Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο και το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και να σταματήσει να λαμβάνει αποφάσεις για αναβάθμιση των σχέσεων Τουρκίας-Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Πρέπει να δώσουμε το μήνυμα ότι δεν μπορούν να γίνουν πλέον ανεκτές αυτές οι συμπεριφορές, γιατί δυστυχώς η Τουρκία αποθρασύνεται και, κλείνοντας, θα σας καλέσω να πάρετε μέτρα, γιατί αύριο θα είναι πολύ αργά με αυτήν την Τουρκία, την Τουρκία του Ερντογάν.


  Elly Schlein (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Ministra, Presidente Juncker, ha detto prima che al prossimo Consiglio discuterete di un'Unione più forte e democratica. Cominciate a dimostrare più forza contro l'evasione e l'elusione fiscale delle multinazionali, che ci costano mille miliardi all'anno: si pagavano tre "piani Juncker" di investimenti, con quella cifra.

E se solo aveste volontà politica, già domani potreste approvare misure fondamentali di contrasto, come la rendicontazione pubblica Stato per Stato o la CCCTB, per stabilire un principio semplice: che le tasse si pagano dove si fanno i profitti. E molto più coraggio vogliamo sulla riforma di Dublino: le bozze che circolano al Consiglio sono un insulto al nostro ruolo e mortificano quest'Aula. Solidarietà solo volontaria, che nulla ha mai risolto, procedure di inammissibilità obbligatorie che violano il diritto internazionale e aggravano gli oneri dei paesi di frontiera, meno garanzie per i minori e sanzioni che violano i diritti fondamentali e li monetizzano: una vita vale davvero per voi 30 000 euro?

Il Parlamento vi incalza ad avere una posizione ambiziosa, che superi il criterio ipocrita del primo paese di accesso e lo sostituisca con un meccanismo permanente di condivisione delle responsabilità. Un'Unione più forte, sì, ma con i forti, non con i deboli.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). – Gospođo predsjednice, sastanak Vijeća sljedećeg tjedna dobra je prilika da se napravi pregled stanja stvari u Europskoj uniji, da vidimo do kud se stiglo s nekima od najvažnijih inicijativa i zakonskih prijedloga.

Podržavam fokus na radna mjesta, rast i konkurentnost, na praćenje provedbe europskog stupa socijalnih prava te prijedlog Komisije o europskom nadzornom tijelu za rad.

Najave Washingtona o uvođenju dodatnih carina na sve dužu listu proizvoda traže odgovor europskih lidera. Europska unija treba imati strategiju kako se nositi s ovim prijetnjama.

Kao zastupnik iz Hrvatske podržavam predviđeno usvajanje zaključaka o zapadnom Balkanu uoči samita u svibnju u Sofiji. Nadam se da će u zaključcima biti prevladane određene rezerve prema proširenju. Zemlje zapadnog Balkana zaslužuju vjerodostojnu perspektivu članstva.

Nadogradnja europskog projekta u 21. stoljeću od iznimne je važnosti za budućnost Unije, a upravo je proširenje jedan od stupova europskog identiteta i jedna od najuspješnijih politika Europske unije od njenog nastanka.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já jsem přesvědčen, že výzev, před kterými stojí Evropská unie, je opravdu celá řada. Je jich nespočet, je to brexit, jsou to azylové a migrační otázky, víceletý finanční rámec a role kohezní politiky. Tlak na rozpočet je obrovský a v tomto duchu je třeba vyzvat Evropskou radu, aby byla skutečně jednotná.

To hledisko jednomyslnosti, si myslím, že má svoji klíčovou roli.

Na druhou stranu ti, kteří volají po jednomyslnosti, musí vést upřímný dialog. Myslím si, že to je důležité zdůraznit šéfům vlád, a je to důležité i pro předsednictví. Já bych si dovolil rovněž vyzdvihnout otázku Kypru, protože jsem byl na tomto ostrově v uplynulém období a byl jsem docela šokován, jak je to město rozděleno, jak je rozdělen tento ostrov. Je to trochu ostuda v 21. století pro Evropu, že Kypr zůstává takto rozděleným ostrovem, a myslím si, že by se na to skutečně evropské předsednictví a rovněž Evropská rada měly zaměřit


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamna președintă, domnule comisar, stimați colegi, sigur, e foarte importantă întâlnirea Consiliului. Au spus foarte mulți colegi aici, cred că trebuie să definim ce vrea să fie Uniunea Europeană. Domnul Juncker spunea: perfecționarea pieței interne, interconectivitatea. Foarte bine, dar avem încă țări de rang unu, țări de rangul doi, cetățeni de rangul trei, avem produse cu dublu standard. Clarificăm care este viitorul Uniunii Europene? Avem de negociat un Brexit.

Foarte importante sunt temele de la summit. Problema este ca și cum am croi un costum fără să știm mărimea lui. Trebuie să știm ce vrem în viitor și, domnule Timmermans, cu tot respectul, vă rog să nu mai aveți un limbaj dublu. Mergeți în statele noastre și spuneți ceva cetățenilor, veniți aici și vorbiți altceva. Este cazul României, în care v-ați dus ați spus ceva, aseară la LIBE, din nou nominalizați România ca o țară care nu respectă statul de drept. Spuneți ce nu respectăm, pentru că altfel cetățenii sunt nemulțumiți și sigur vom dezvolta euroscepticismul.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Gospođo predsjednice, Europsko vijeće u svojoj raspravi i zaključcima o tzv. zapadnom Balkanu ima priliku utvrditi pravo stanje na terenu, postaviti realne ciljeve i poslati jasnu poruku da niti jedna od neintegriranih država neće postati članicom dok ne udovolji svim kriterijima.

Svjedoci smo da Europska unija, ta navodna oaza ljudskih i građanskih prava u svijetu, ignorira činjenicu da je na čelu jedne države kandidatkinje – Srbije, autoritarni vladar koji ugrožava demokratske standarde i vladavinu prava, onemogućuje slobodne izbore i gazi medijske slobode.

Toleriranje Aleksandra Vučića samo je potvrda davno prepoznatog europskog licemjerja zbog kojega Unija gubi ugled u svijetu. Ne zaboravimo, pristupni proces potpuno je besmislen ako kroz njega države kandidatkinje ne postignu značajan napredak. Ne samo deklarativni, već suštinski. Način na koji Vučić vlada Srbijom jasan je znak da takav napredak od te države ne trebamo očekivati dok je on na njezinu čelu.


  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η έκρυθμη κατάσταση στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια θυμίζει τις συνθήκες που επικρατούσαν πριν τον Α΄ Παγκόσμιο και τους Βαλκανικούς Πολέμους. Ο διάχυτος αλυτρωτισμός και η καταφανής ρητορική μίσους, ειδικά της Αλβανίας και της κυβέρνησης των Σκοπίων κατά της Ελλάδας, δημιουργούν ένα εκρηκτικό μείγμα, με την ανοχή κυρίως της Merkel και για λόγους που οι Έλληνες γνωρίζουμε καλά. Πέραν των παραπάνω, η Τουρκία του Ερντογάν σφαγιάζει κυριολεκτικά Κούρδους αμάχους στο Αφρίν, έχοντας εισβάλει παράνομα σε συριακό έδαφος.

Η πολιτική της Ένωσης, των προτροπών, των παραινέσεων για κατάπαυση του πυρός, των προφορικών καταδικών, των καλεσμάτων σε διάλογο δεν φέρνει κανένα αποτέλεσμα. Αντιθέτως, η Ένωση συντηρεί το κλίμα μέσω δηλώσεων από επίσημα χείλη, συνεχίζει τις προενταξιακές διαπραγματεύσεις αυτών των χωρών και τις χρηματοδοτεί, αντί να τις απομονώνει και να τους επιβάλλει κυρώσεις. Η Ιστορία όμως, τουλάχιστον για εμάς τους Έλληνες, δεν αλλοιώνεται. Τα σύνορα δεν παραχαράσσονται, οι εθνικές συνειδήσεις δεν εξαγοράζονται και τα εθνικά κράτη μέλη δεν απεμπολούν τα κυριαρχικά τους δικαιώματα.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, in reaction to what was said I have a few remarks.

First of all, I want to say something about the poisoning of people in Salisbury. Just try to get your mind around this: in Salisbury, people have been poisoned by a Novichok nerve agent, which is a substance that is banned under a UN convention. A nerve gas was actively used against civilians in one of our Member States. I believe that the European Council should, in clear terms, express its full solidarity with the British people and the British Government in addressing this issue. I believe it is of the utmost importance that those who are responsible for what has happened see very clearly that there is unequivocal, unwavering and very strong European solidarity, so that those responsible are really punished for what they did. We cannot have nerve gas being used in our societies. This should be addressed by all of us and not just left to Prime Minister May and the British Government. It is a collective European responsibility, including under the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) rules.

I want to thank your Parliament, Madam President, for its clear support for my words right now because it will also send a clear message to all those involved and to the European Council next week.

Yesterday, I was at Dillinger Hütte, in Saarland, to meet with representatives of the European steel industry from Saarland, from Lorraine and from Luxembourg – a very competitive steel industry, able to innovate, able to create green steel in the future, to make sure that steel remains an essential element of the European economy, in a way that is sustainable. Of course, people there were extremely worried about the measures announced by President Trump. I had a very clear message for the people there and I want to repeat it today: the Commission is working day and night to convince our American partners that there are no grounds for these measures. We are security partners. How on earth could European steel be a threat to American security? It is simply impossible, so there are no grounds for these measures. We hope we can convince our American partners of this, but if that fails, if we cannot convince them and they persist in this, the Commission will act with the support of the Member States to protect our European economy.

We do not believe in protection. No war could be predicted in terms of its outcome except for a trade war because we know that a trade war only has losers. Nobody can win a trade war. We hope that we can convince President Trump of that reality, but we will protect our interests if need be and we will help the European steel industry and the European economy to be competitive.

Let me end on this. This is something that will be discussed at the European Council: jobs, competitiveness, growth. The world is changing at breakneck speed. We will need to be more competitive to keep up, but there are different ways of doing this. You can be competitive by lowering your prices, but then you will demolish the social fabric which is the very backbone of Europe. You can also be competitive by being smarter, more innovative, investing, inventing new things. This is what Europe has always been great at – all European nations – and that is why I believe that if we talk about the future of Europe, we talk about better taxation, so that people pay taxes where they make profits and that they do not get away with playing one Member State against another.


We have to make sure that we develop the skills necessary to be able to act on the world stage. It is a delusion to think that we can protect the steel industry of individual Member States if Member States act individually on the world scale. We need the European Union to act together on this. At the end of the day, it will be necessary to build Europe on the basis of the values Europeans share: a social market economy where the values are protected, where the race to the bottom is stopped and where we make sure that through solidarity and by working together, Europe has a strong position on the world stage.



  Monika Panayotova, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, first of all I would like to thank the House for its remarks and comments. I will convey all of them to the President of the European Council. I took careful note of the suggestions that were addressed to me personally by Ms Berès, Mr Verhofstadt and Mr Fleckenstein, and I assure you that I will bring all of them to the attention of Mr Tusk.

In response to Mr Telička’s criticisms, I would like to bring to your attention three main points. The first one is that it is the role of the Presidency to present to you the state of play in preparations for the European Council meeting. So I am here to listen to you and you can be sure that I will convey your remarks, proposals and ideas to President Tusk. That is the purpose of this debate.

Secondly, Mr Tajani will intervene at the opening of the meeting and he will also have the opportunity to express Parliament’s views. Thirdly, President Tusk will be in plenary in April for a full debate with you on all these topics.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we need to ensure that the decisions taken by leaders will be implemented in full over time. In that spirit, the Council will continue, under the Bulgarian Presidency, to regularly discuss the implementation of the European Council conclusions.




  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (S&D), por escrito. – El próximo Consejo Europeo tiene lugar en un momento crucial, donde los vientos nacionalistas soplan con fuerza en Rusia, China y los Estados Unidos. En este contexto, la UE necesita reivindicar su propio proyecto de vida con una estrategia a largo plazo basada en la dignidad humana, la justicia, la democracia y el desarrollo sostenible. Nuestro compromiso con el Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales es irrenunciable. Esperaremos el contenido final del paquete de justicia social propuesto por la Comisión, el cual debe garantizar a nuestros ciudadanos una protección social completa para erradicar las desigualdades. La financiación del Pilar Social nos conduce a un asunto fundamental objeto de discusión en el próximo Consejo Europeo: la fiscalidad equitativa. Es inaceptable que las multinacionales paguen cada vez menos impuestos mientras que nuestros Gobiernos aplican recortes en el Estado del bienestar. Si queremos evitar la inseguridad que rodea a nuestros ciudadanos, así como que las fuerzas nacionalistas y xenófobas continúen ganando terreno, debemos revertir esta tendencia. Si los dirigentes de la UE desean realmente cambiar el contexto socio-económico de la UE, su compromiso con una fiscalidad justa debe ser una realidad en el próximo Consejo Europeo.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), in writing. – I welcome the European Council reunion next spring, where pressing issues are going to be discussed. Romania cannot accept, it is completely unacceptable an EU with two or more speeds. If taken, this path could step by step destroy the nowadays EU. There is generally one change for Europe – a solidary EU, with equal rights for members and citizens. It is unfair and incorrect to keep Romania outside the Schengen area, with all kinds of pretexts invoked mainly by Netherland for trade and economic interests, having nothing to do with Schengen area requests and standards. To put it blindly, to keep the advantages of Rotterdam harbour as a main gate for entrance within EU of foreign goods. Constanta harbour, in Romania, to the Black Sea might make a huge competition to the Rotterdam harbour, having lots of geographic and strategic advantages. This situation cannot continue in this way. The Presidency of Romania has to rise this issue stronger than ever at the next European Council meeting, on 22 and 23 March 2018. There are unfortunately double standards inside EU. I addressed again and again this situation which can jeopardise, on a medium and long term basis the EU’s future.


  Iratxe García Pérez (S&D), por escrito. – El próximo Consejo Europeo tiene lugar en un momento crucial, donde los vientos nacionalistas soplan con fuerza en Rusia, China y los Estados Unidos. En este contexto, la UE necesita reivindicar su propio proyecto de vida con una estrategia a largo plazo basada en la dignidad humana, la justicia, la democracia y el desarrollo sostenible. Nuestro compromiso con el Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales es irrenunciable. Esperaremos el contenido final del paquete de justicia social propuesto por la Comisión, el cual debe garantizar a nuestros ciudadanos una protección social completa para erradicar las desigualdades. La financiación del Pilar Social nos conduce a un asunto fundamental objeto de discusión en el próximo Consejo Europeo: la fiscalidad equitativa. Es inaceptable que las multinacionales paguen cada vez menos impuestos mientras que nuestros Gobiernos aplican recortes en el Estado del bienestar. Si queremos evitar la inseguridad que rodea a nuestros ciudadanos, así como que las fuerzas nacionalistas y xenófobas continúen ganando terreno, debemos revertir esta tendencia. Si los dirigentes de la UE desean realmente cambiar el contexto socio-económico de la UE, su compromiso con una fiscalidad justa debe ser una realidad en el próximo Consejo Europeo.


  Κώστας Μαυρίδης (S&D), γραπτώς. – Το κράτος δικαίου στην Τουρκία παραβιάζεται κατάφορα. Πρόσφατα, ψηφίσαμε συντριπτικά στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο ότι στην Τουρκία δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει καν δίκαιη δίκη για τους πολιτικούς διαφωνούντες με το καθεστώς Ερντογάν. Αυτό λοιπόν το κράτος, που καταπιέζει τους λαούς εντός Τουρκίας, που φυλακίζει τους διαφωνούντες, που περιφρονεί την ομόφωνη απόφαση του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ για κατάπαυση των στρατιωτικών επιχειρήσεων και συνεχίζει την εισβολή στο Αφρίν, που συνεργάζεται με τους πλέον διαβόητους τρομοκράτες, ενώ βαφτίζει τρομοκράτη όποιον είναι Κούρδος, που παρεμβαίνει με τον στόλο της στους ενεργειακούς σχεδιασμούς της Κύπρου και πλήττει τα ενεργειακά συμφέροντα της ΕΕ, που απειλεί την Ελλάδα και συνεχίζει παράνομα την κατοχή στο βόρειο μέρος της Κύπρου, αυτό λοιπόν το κράτος της Τουρκίας τυγχάνει αδιανόητα ευνοϊκής μεταχείρισης. Το ερώτημα είναι απλό: Στο όνομα ποιων ευρωπαϊκών αξιών ή ποιων συμφερόντων, που είναι επικρατέστερα των πιο πάνω, επιβάλλεται αυτή η στρεβλωτικά ευνοϊκή μεταχείριση της Τουρκίας; Τόσο στρεβλωτική, που θα της εκχωρήσουμε άλλα τρία δισ. ευρώ των ευρωπαίων πολιτών για τη διαχείριση των προσφύγων από τη Συρία, την ίδια ώρα που προκαλεί νέα ανθρωπιστική τραγωδία διογκώνοντας την έξοδο προσφύγων από τη Συρία και ενδυναμώνοντας το Ισλαμικό Κράτος, που για χρόνια χρηματοδοτούσε.


  Olga Sehnalová (S&D), písemně. – Vážené kolegyně a kolegové, zařazení sociálních otázek na jednání Evropské rady je nutné jednoznačně přivítat. Sociální a pracovní standardy jsou neodmyslitelným rozměrem jednotného trhu, proto je nutné o nich poctivě diskutovat. Poctivě diskutovat znamená diskutovat se všemi, kterých se opatření s dopadem mohou týkat. Po brexitu bude 85 procent HDP EU tvořeno zeměmi eurozóny. Znamená to, že názor ostatních zemí již tedy není nutné znát a začnou se vytvářet paralelní instituce a summity, které budou rozhodovat za všechny? Je svolání summitu Evropské rady pro pouze 19 zemí signálem, že se takto bude postupovat v budoucnu? Takovýto přístup zpochybňuje onen princip jednoty, o kterém tak často rádi hovoříme, a je krokem zpátky.

Senaste uppdatering: 5 juni 2018Rättsligt meddelande - Integritetspolicy