 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2017/2190(INI)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclo relativo al documento : A8-0139/2018

Textos presentados :


Debates :

PV 02/05/2018 - 21
CRE 02/05/2018 - 21

Votaciones :

PV 03/05/2018 - 7.9
Explicaciones de voto

Textos aprobados :


Acta literal de los debates
Miércoles 2 de mayo de 2018 - Bruselas

21. Informe anual de 2016 sobre el control de las actividades financieras del BEI (debate)
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest sprawozdanie sporządzone przez Marco Vallego w imieniu Komisji Kontroli Budżetowej w sprawie sprawozdania rocznego z kontroli działalności finansowej EBI za rok 2016 (2017/2190(INI)) (A8-0139/2018).


  Marco Valli, relatore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, vorrei ringraziare innanzitutto i colleghi relatori ombra per il lavoro svolto insieme e per il testo prodotto, nonché la BEI, la Banca europea per gli investimenti, per essersi messa a disposizione del lavoro mio e dei colleghi.

La BEI è la banca pubblica più grande del mondo per volumi e svolge un ruolo importante, come quello svolto dalla commissione CONT, nell'evidenziare prontamente – spesso con critiche anche dure ma costruttive – gli aspetti necessari al miglioramento delle istituzioni.

Solo nel 2016, anno di riferimento di questa relazione, l'importo dei finanziamenti totali del gruppo BEI è stato pari a 83,8 miliardi di euro, con la mobilitazione, nello stesso anno, di investimenti totali per 280 miliardi di euro. Vorrei cominciare con gli investimenti per le piccole e medie imprese. Le PMI svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nell'economia europea, generando posti di lavoro e ricchezza e promuovendo l'innovazione: rappresentano infatti oltre il 90 % delle imprese dell'UE e impiegano due terzi della popolazione attiva. Il sostegno all'accesso ai finanziamenti per le PMI e le imprese a media capitalizzazione deve rimanere pertanto una priorità fondamentale per la Banca europea per gli investimenti e la BEI deve fare di più per sostenere le piccole imprese europee.

Per quanto riguarda il FEIS, vorrei innanzitutto sottolineare in questo caso l'importanza dei criteri di addizionalità, che devono essere debitamente documentati – cosa non accaduta nell'ambito del FEIS 1.0. Questo Parlamento si è battuto tanto sull'addizionalità ed è un criterio fondamentale. Sottolineo quindi l'importanza della trasparenza riguardo al quadro di indicatori del FEIS e accolgo pertanto con soddisfazione il fatto che il quadro di indicatori sarà reso pubblico per regolamento nell'ambito del FEIS 2.0. Vogliamo avere parametri riguardo al sociale, all'ambiente, al reale ed effettivo interesse economico nell'approvare degli investimenti nell'ambito di questo tipo di strumento. È comunque preoccupante il fatto che solo il 20 % dei finanziamenti del FEIS abbia sostenuto progetti volti a contribuire alla mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici e all'adattamento agli stessi, mentre il portafoglio standard della BEI ha raggiunto la soglia del 25 %. Sono investimenti che devono andare nella direzione dell'abbattimento delle emissioni.

Nella relazione sono poi menzionati alcuni progetti specifici. Un punto a me caro è il finanziamento da parte della BEI del progetto del gasdotto transadriatico, che non rispetta, in misura diversa nei paesi di transito (Albania, Grecia e Italia) le norme ambientali e sociali minime degli Equator Principles.

Ricordo inoltre che lo scandalo Dieselgate ha sollevato diversi interrogativi in merito all'ottenimento dei prestiti della BEI da parte di Volkswagen attraverso mezzi fraudolenti e ingannevoli, ed è bene che la BEI esegua le raccomandazioni dell'OLAF relative all'adozione di provvedimenti concreti nell'attuazione della sua politica antifrode.

Sulla trasparenza e responsabilità, mi compiaccio che i verbali del consiglio di amministrazione della BEI siano stati pubblicati e a tal proposito la sollecito affinché pubblichi i verbali delle riunioni del comitato di gestione. È necessario prevedere norme più severe sui conflitti di interessi e criteri chiari, rigorosi e trasparenti per evitare qualsiasi forma di corruzione. Mi compiaccio inoltre delle proposte del Comitato di etica e di conformità della BEI in materia di governo societario e trasparenza, come l'introduzione di aspetti di ordine etico nel suo ambito di competenze. Sottolineo anche l'importanza di rafforzare gli obblighi di integrità successivi alla cessazione del rapporto di lavoro e di predisporre sanzioni concrete per i potenziali casi di "porte girevoli" tra gli alti dirigenti della BEI e il settore privato.

Invito la BEI ad applicare rapidamente la legislazione e le norme pertinenti dell'UE in materia di elusione fiscale, paradisi fiscali e altri aspetti connessi nonché a esigere a sua volta dai propri clienti il rispetto di tali regole e a prevenire in modo più efficace i rischi di corruzione e di infiltrazione della criminalità organizzata.

Lascio la parola ai miei colleghi per aprire la discussione e sono pronto anche ad altre considerazioni nel follow up che ci sarà in chiusura.


  Corina Crețu, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first of all, I would like to stress that the Commission greatly values the important role that this House plays in scrutinising the activities of the European Union institutions, including the EU Bank. We therefore welcome Marco Valli’s report. The importance that Parliament attaches to monitoring the European Investment Bank mirrors the key role that the Bank plays in the financial implementation and delivery of our political priorities. The European Investment Bank is an indispensable partner in financing infrastructures and in supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises, innovation, employment, climate change, sustainable transport and policies related to external actions.

I would like to focus on the Commission’s actions in two fields of particular relevance highlighted in your report. First, on compliance: we cannot – and must not – allow taxpayers’ money to be channelled through complex structures with high tax avoidance or risk or through tax jurisdictions which do not comply with international tax good governance standards. The European Union has achieved unprecedented progress in its efforts to counter tax avoidance.

Let me give you a few examples. We have swiftly adopted all the elements of the anti-tax avoidance package, dramatically increased tax transparency and adopted the first ever EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. All these collective actions have put the European Union at the forefront of international efforts to improve tax good governance. At the same time, we have been taking steps to improve consistency between our tax policy objective and the delivery of EU funds through international financial institutions. As a result, a number of regulations governing the use of EU funds now contain clauses intended to ensure that EU-funded projects do not contribute to tax avoidance.

All EU partners entrusted with the implementation of the European Union budget will need to meet these requirements. In order to ensure effective application of the new legal rules, the Commission adopted a communication on 24 March providing guidance on the new legal requirements. We have also asked our implementing partners to reflect this guidance as quickly as possible in their policies. However, the impact of the guidance depends on the Union’s ability to send a unified message. For this to happen, it is important that Member States’ representatives in governing bodies of international financial institutions, development financial institutions, and national promotion banks, along with other institutions supporting projects through the use of public funds, adopt a consistent approach that reflects our joint commitment to countering tax avoidance. Parliament’s continued support in this endeavour is most important, not least in order to reach out to the Member States as shareholders of the EIB.

Secondly, on the transparency and the addition of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the first detailed reasoning for the decisions of the EFSI Investment Committee approving the use of the EU guarantee was recently published on the EIB website in line with the new requirements under the EFSI 2.0 Regulation. The first scoreboards related to those decisions have also been made publicly available. They give detailed information on the four-pillar assessment that each project has undergone before being submitted to the EFSI Investment Committee. This significantly increases the transparency in decision-making on EFSI support.

Responding to the criticism in this House, I would say three things. Firstly, you have to bear in mind that EFSI was a revolution for the EIB in terms of expectations as regards the type of operation and risk. Secondly, today’s results are overwhelmingly positive, as all Member States are covered, smaller projects are being pooled through investment platforms and new instruments are being developed, including for the social sector. The top five users of the EFSI are currently Greece, Estonia, Bulgaria, Portugal and Spain.

Finally, I am convinced that collectively we have made a lot of improvements through the EFSI 2.0 Regulation, including on additionality, transparency and both sectorial and geographical balance. I would like to assure you that the Commission continues to be attentive to Parliament’s observations and is committed to ensuring that those observations are best informed. Thank you very much for your attention, and I look forward to the debate.


  Sander Loones, Rapporteur voor advies van de Commissie internationale handel. – Voorzitter, wanneer het niet goed gaat in de Europese Unie uiten wij kritiek. Ik denk terecht. Wanneer het wel goed gaat, moeten we dat ook durven erkennen en kunnen erkennen. Eerlijk gezegd, bij de Europese Investeringsbank gaat het redelijk goed, misschien omdat het een intergouvernementeel samenwerkingsverband is tussen lidstaten dat van onderuit is gegroeid omdat ze willen samenwerken en niet omdat van bovenaf wordt opgelegd dat ze dat moeten doen.

Ik vind het bijvoorbeeld interessant om te zien dat de Europese Investeringsbank erkent dat ook onze Vlaamse regering serieus werk aflevert. We zien dat zeer concreet, omdat een lening is goedgekeurd door de Europese Investeringsbank voor onze Oosterweelplannen van één miljard euro.

Zo zullen wij serieus werk kunnen doen. Werk dat nodig is in de Europese Unie, grote infrastructuurprojecten die goed zijn voor onze leefbaarheid en goed zijn voor onze economie en in totaliteit ook voor de Europese economie. Ligt er werk op de plank? Ja, en dat wordt ook erkend in dit goede verslag. In het bijzonder wil ik het werk voor onze kmo's onderstrepen. Ook zij moeten meer dan ooit toegang hebben tot vlotte financiering en wij roepen wij de Europese Investeringsbank dan ook op om de hindernissen en obstakels weg te werken.


  Andrey Novakov, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, at the beginning, I would like to congratulate Mr Valli for his hard work on this well-balanced report and especially for his openness to work with all of us, the shadow rapporteurs. This is the third year in a row I’ve been involved in a way in the consideration of the annual report of the activities of the European Investment Bank, and I can see improvement. I can see progress, especially, by the way, in the communication with the Parliament – this is something that we should all welcome. However, there is room for further improvement. For example, I think – especially now with the current proposal of next MFF, bearing in mind that probably the share of financial instruments will be even bigger – the European Investment Bank should guarantee a well-balanced (in geographical terms) distribution of these financial instruments. Moreover, I think not just geographical balance but the distribution of financial instruments towards the different sectors of our economy is crucial as well. I think this is achievable and I’m sure that the good communication between the bank and the Parliament will continue, and I’m looking forward to a fruitful discussion that we’ll have today.


  Georgi Pirinski, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, the Valli report acquires added relevance in light of the post-2020 MFF perspective just announced by the Commission. One important aspect is the spending on social investments. The report highlights that EFSI investments in human capital, culture and health amounted to only 4%. Furthermore, it is regrettable that within the annual EIB portfolio social investments amount to less than 6%.

The focus of the EU budget and new challenges such as migration, borders and defence underline the increased need for the EIB to promote investments in priorities set out in the Treaty, such as cohesion.

Given that social cohesion is a key horizontal priority goal for the EIB, and while the bank is still struggling to achieve the mandatory 30% threshold, it is now evermore called upon to identify and include in its activities new forms of investments which are suitable and effective for the social sector and to implement them on a broader geographical scale, taking into consideration the need to implement the social pillar, as well as to counter inequalities, parities and disparities within the EU. Mr President, without adequate social investments, the very future of the European project will be severely jeopardised.

And by the way, Mr President, how come there is no representative of the Bank at this discussion? Is it possible that Parliament failed to invite any Bank representatives? President Hoyer always takes part in a very engaged way. I would be grateful if you would find out how this most unusual situation could have arisen.


  Przewodniczący. – Panie pośle, przyjmuję to pańskie zapytanie. Postaramy się wyjaśnić, jak doszło do tej niezwykłej sytuacji.


  Ryszard Czarnecki, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Komisarz! Panie Przewodniczący! Rok temu w czasie tej debaty mieliśmy gościa z Luksemburga, dwa lata temu i trzy lata temu też, i tak mogę wymieniać – jestem posłem trzeciej kadencji. Zawsze prezes EBI był. Nie wiem, co się stało, i jest to dziwne.

Proszę Państwa! Niestety Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny w moim przekonaniu pełni rolę mniejszą, słabszą niż jeszcze kilka lat temu. Czemu? Bo nagle zapragnął być bankiem takim jak i inne, bo bardziej mu teraz zależy na rankingu AAA, na tych ratingach, na tych ocenach ekspertów, natomiast nie rozumie swojej specjalnej roli, także w kontekście krajów nowej Unii, krajów naszego regionu.

Myślę, że EBI w tej chwili zamknął się na inwestycje w nowoczesne technologie, bardzo ograniczył te inwestycje, które są trochę bardziej ryzykowne, ale bez takich inwestycji nie będzie postępu ekonomicznego w naszej Europie. W tej chwili EBI ściga się z bankami komercyjnymi – to jest bez sensu, to nie jest ta liga, on nie po to został powołany, między innymi z naszym – Unii Europejskiej – udziałem. Myślę, że –kończąc, Panie Przewodniczący – myślę, że EBI jest bankiem specjalnym i nie powinien udawać, że jest takim samym bankiem, jak inne, bankiem komercyjnym. Powinien podejmować większe ryzyko przy projektach i inwestycjach.


  Luke Ming Flanagan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Mr President, first of all I’d like to congratulate Mr Valli on what I believe is an excellent report. Unfortunately, however, and as happens so often in these cases where one of their own isn’t the rapporteur, the EPP and its supporters have managed to dilute the report somewhat, forcing Mr Valli into the position of trying to introduce in plenary, via amendments to his own file, elements that were rejected in committee. I have a problem with the European Investment Bank in the manner in which it has funded what is meant to be a semi-state body in Ireland called Coillte but which is in fact run like its own little kingdom, dominating the timber supply market in Ireland. These loans are provided at interest rates that ordinary farmers who might like to get into agri-forestry, or even individuals who would like to get into the timber supply, can only dream of. Perhaps the EIB would like to revisit the issue and at least create a level playing field. Again, I congratulate Mr Valli and I wish him well with these amendments.


  Przewodniczący. – Sprawdziliśmy: ostatni raz gościliśmy pana prezesa Hoyera w Strasburgu 7 lutego 2018 r., kiedy to rozpatrywaliśmy Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank. To była debata. To jest pierwsze wyjaśnienie, że na pewno pan prezes Hoyer i EBI nie lekceważą naszej instytucji. Dlaczego nie ma ich dzisiaj? To będzie osobne pytanie.


  Barbara Kappel, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, danke auch an den Berichterstatter Herrn Valli und an die Schattenberichterstatter! Ich selber mache das dritte Mal in Folge jetzt für CONT den Jahresbericht der Europäischen Investitionsbank, und ich muss sagen, dass es mir eine große Freude bereitet hat, denn man lernt diese Bank somit näher kennen, und es ist eine der wirklichen Erfolgsstorys; die EIB ist nämlich die größte multilaterale Bank und der größte öffentliche Kreditgeber der Welt, die Bank der EU und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten – also eine wirkliche Erfolgsstory, und das soll auch einmal gesagt sein, es wurde auch heute schon kurz angesprochen.

Die Gesamtfinanzierung wurde bereits besprochen: 83,8 Milliarden Euro, insgesamt konnten 280 Milliarden mobilisiert werden. Was wichtig ist: Ein Viertel davon hing direkt mit EFSI-Finanzierungen zusammen, was wiederum wesentlich für das Schließen der Investitionslücke auf europäischer Ebene ist, 1,1 Prozent BIP-Wachstum und das Schaffen von 1,4 Millionen zusätzlichen Arbeitsplätzen. Insgesamt gab es im Jahr 2016 vier Politikbereiche, in denen die EIB investiert hat: Innovation und Wissen, KMU- und Midcap-Finanzierungen, Infrastruktur sowie Umwelt und Klimaschutz. Knapp ein Drittel der Finanzierungen oder 21,3 Milliarden Euro gingen an kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen. Insgesamt wurden 385 000 KMU von der EIB finanziert – diese haben auch Priorität, denn die KMU spielen die entscheidende Rolle, sind das Rückgrat der europäischen Wirtschaft. Wichtig ist, dass der Zugang zu Finanzmitteln deshalb einfacher und effektiver wird und auch im Ausland tätige Mittelständler Unterstützung durch die Handelsfinanzierungsfazilität bekommen.


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já myslím, že tato debata by měla do Lucemburku vyslat velmi jasný signál, že v globalizovaném světě se velmi rychle mění priority a že je potřeba na ně efektivně a flexibilně reagovat. K tomu je také zapotřebí efektivních a flexibilních nástrojů, jako jsou rychlé půjčky, a právě tyto půjčky musí umět Evropská investiční banka poskytovat s prioritami Evropské unie a musí umět je zaměřit do sektorů, které jsou pro Evropskou unii tak důležité.

Já bych chtěl říct několik příkladů. Jeden za všechny. Třeba myslím si, že investice na dopravní stavby a infrastrukturu by se daly využít právě díky Evropské investiční bance a daly by se dát a nasměrovat do projektů, které mohou mít přidanou hodnotu nebo které mohou mít pákový efekt pro ekonomiku daného státu.

Také investice do start-up, nových technologií, to všechno můžeme realizovat skrze tyto půjčky, které můžou mít přidanou hodnotu právě pro příjemce na základě toho, že Evropská investiční banka dokáže perfektně strukturovat ty projekty a dokáže ocenit i riziko z těchto projektů.

A také může vlastně odrážet závazky Pařížské dohody. Zároveň může také přilákat nové investory a to si myslím, že Evropská investiční banka nedokáže v současné době příliš využít. Také bych jí vyzval k tomu, aby veškeré projekty, které podporuje, byly více viditelné.


Elnökváltás: JÁRÓKA LÍVIA
alelnök asszony


  Inés Ayala Sender (S&D). – Señora presidenta, bienvenida, señora comisaria. Agradezco al señor Valli su informe, que es muy interesante, aunque algunos temas localistas a veces desmerecen.

Solamente plantearé dos preocupaciones. En primer lugar, en relación con el BEI, hay que denunciar la falta dramática de adaptación a los microcréditos, fundamentales en la cooperación al desarrollo. En regiones como el Magreb, o, en general, en África o en América Latina, nos encontramos con que hay muchos contratos firmados pero nada implementado. Ahora que el FED, por fin, entra en el seno del presupuesto comunitario, es más importante que nunca conseguir que ese tipo de microcréditos tenga su representación.

En segundo lugar, su falta de adaptación a las start-ups y la necesidad de cubrir el riesgo necesario para avanzar. Ese sería un gran valor añadido: que no tengan que acudir a los Estados Unidos para la financiación.

Y finalmente, al no estar aquí el señor Hoyer, tal vez la comisaria pueda explicármelo. Una curiosidad: ¿de qué modo se ha integrado el Banco Europeo de Inversiones y su hub asesor de excelencia —en todo caso por lo que nos cuesta— en la configuración del nuevo instrumento de financiación de la Unión Europea? Si es verdad que no se ha trabajado en conjunto, ¿cómo se nos explica y por qué? ¿En qué entidades está, pues, pensando la Comisión Europea?


  Dennis de Jong (GUE/NGL). – Voorzitter, ik sluit me graag aan bij de woorden van mensen die zeggen dat het belangrijk is geworden, het werk van de EIB, ook voor het beleid van de Europese Unie. Maar juist omdat het een steeds grotere bank wordt met steeds meer middelen is het ook belangrijk dat de transparantie en integriteit perfect worden geregeld en daar is echt nog wel het een en ander aan te doen.

De rapporteur zei het al, de notulen van het beheerscomité moeten openbaar worden gemaakt. Ook moet het voorstel van de Europese ombudsman worden overgenomen voor een aanscherping van de gedragscode tegen belangenverstrengeling, mede om te voorkomen dat mensen die bij de Bank gewerkt hebben weer in diezelfde sector gaan werken of omgekeerd, dat het een soort draaideur wordt.

En dan tenslotte – wat mijzelf betreft – het klachtenmechanisme. Daar is een hervorming voor en daarvoor heb ik allerlei voorstellen gedaan in de raadpleging. Die komen ook in dit verslag weer terug. Maar de Bank reageert niet! Ik zou heel graag willen – en daarom is het jammer dat de heer Hoyer er niet is – dat we daar heel snel duidelijkheid over krijgen. Klachten zijn voor transparantie en integriteit heel belangrijk. Die moeten onafhankelijk bekeken worden en daar is op dit moment in de voorstellen van de Bank nog geen sprake van.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (ENF). – Madame la Commissaire, en 2012, avec Philippe Maystadt, président de la Banque européenne d’investissement, je proposai la mise en place d’une agence d’investissement pour promouvoir les synergies nationales au niveau européen, mais aussi pour développer de nouveaux projets. C’est cela l’Europe des nations.

L’erreur du plan Juncker vient du fait d’un financement de projets qui se serait fait de toute façon – l’effet d’aubaine – sans de nouvelles dynamiques de développement dans le sud de l’Europe, mais aussi le développement et la sécurité en Afrique. C’est la combinaison, au sein d’une telle agence européenne d’investissement à bâtir sur des bases nationales, d’un plan de développement européen, du montage de projets dans les pays en difficulté, du financement à capital et de la mobilisation des acteurs privés qui est indispensable.

L’actuelle politique ne répond pas suffisamment à ce besoin. Elle est donc inutile si on ne mène concurremment une agence européenne d’investissement et de développement bâtie sur la base des synergies de l’Europe des nations.


  Inese Vaidere (PPE). – Eiropas Investīciju banka ir svarīgs instruments, lai mēs sasniegtu Eiropas Savienībā mūsu ekonomiskās attīstības mērķus.

Par vienu no darbības aspektiem, proti, par Eiropas Stratēģisko investīciju fondu. Kopumā šis fonds ir darbojies veiksmīgi, sākotnējais trīs gadu periods ir pagarināts, taču es domāju, ka gan Eiropas Investīciju bankai kopumā, gan arī Stratēģisko investīciju fondam tomēr vairāk ir jāpievēršas kohēzijas politikas mērķiem.

Ko mēs šodien dzirdējām, budžeta jautājumus apspriežot? Tātad daudzgadu finanšu shēmā ir paredzēts 7 % samazinājums kohēzijas mērķiem. Lūk, Eiropas Investīciju banka ir tas instruments, ar ko mēs šos mērķus varētu īstenot, bet, kad mēs apskatām kopumā aizdevumus projektiem Eiropas Savienības iekšienē, tad piecas valstis — Spānija, Itālija, Francija, Vācija un Apvienotā Karaliste — ir saņēmušas 55 % procentus, bet, piemēram, Baltijas valstīm paredzētie līdzekļi pat nedaudz ir samazinājušies.

Protams, mums ir vajadzīga ļoti kvalitatīva infrastruktūra (es domāju — tas ir viens no galvenajiem mērķiem), tāpat arī mazie un vidējie uzņēmumi, un kopumā ir vajadzīgs daudz vairāk pievērsties arī tehniskai palīdzībai, kas sevišķi ir svarīgi mikrouzņēmumiem un mazajiem un vidējiem uzņēmumiem.


  Ivana Maletić (PPE). – Gospođo predsjedavajuća, želim se složiti sa svim što su rekli moji kolege i naglasili da su aktivnosti EIB-a jako važne za gospodarski rast i razvoj te za održavanje poželjne razine investicija u Europskoj uniji.

Međutim, isto tako su naglasili da je jako bitna uloga Europske investicijske banke za ravnomjerni razvoj svih krajeva Europske unije i kohezijsku politiku, i upravo ono što je u ovom izvješću istaknuto, to jest da je 70 % svih kreditnih aktivnosti bilo usmjereno u šest država članica, a niti jedna od tih šest država članica ne spada u onih EU 13 novih država članica, koje su i najveće korisnice kohezijske politike. To je ono što Europska investicijska banka mora promijeniti.

Ovo je izvješće za 2016. godinu, sada u 2018. možemo vidjeti da je više aktivnosti tehničke pomoći za pripremu projekata i za nove investicijske instrumente i financijske instrumente usmjereno u manje razvijene države članice. To podržavam i želim da EIB nastavi na taj način još snažnije raditi.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Inwestowanie to sztuka, a skoro jest to sztuka prawdziwa, to powinna uwzględniać także przemysły kreatywne. Niestety nie uwzględnia. Chcę zwrócić uwagę nie tyle w imieniu Komisji Kultury, ale z Komisji Kultury, że bardzo często zwracamy uwagę na to, że przemysły kreatywne nie mieszczą się w projektach, nie mieszczą się w priorytetach, nie mieszczą się w tych instrumentach i oprzyrządowaniu, które bank preferuje w ramach EFSI.

Zwracam na to uwagę dlatego, że to co nas otacza – przedmioty design, rozmaite start-upy – bardzo często bazuje właśnie na tej kreatywności. I krótko mówiąc, domagam się, aby poszerzać cele inwestowania, zwracać uwagę na kulturę i uwzględniać siłę właśnie tkwiącą w kulturze, jeżeli chodzi o, także, efekt finansowy.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κατ’ αρχάς να συγχαρώ τον συνάδελφο Valli για την αρχική του έκθεση για την Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων. Θα επισημάνω βεβαίως ότι την ώρα που η Τουρκία απειλεί την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο, την ώρα που η Τουρκία παραβιάζει τα κυριαρχικά δικαιώματα της πατρίδας μου, την ώρα που κρατά παράνομα τους δύο στρατιωτικούς μας, η Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων δίνει πακτωλό χαμηλότοκων δανείων στην Τουρκία. Είναι έβδομη στη σειρά των τρίτων χωρών στα χρήματα τα οποία λαμβάνει. Το 2014 η Τουρκία πήρε δάνεια 2,1 δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ· το 2016 2,3 δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ.

Επομένως πρέπει να υπάρξει πλήρης διακοπή των κονδυλίων που δίνει η Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων προς την Τουρκία, για να συνέλθει, για να αναγκαστεί να σέβεται το διεθνές δίκαιο. Και σε σχέση με αυτά που είπε προηγουμένως ο κ. Oettinger, εγώ ζήτησα να μην υπάρχουν κονδύλια στον προϋπολογισμό για την Τουρκία. Ο κύριος Επίτροπος είπε ότι παγώσαμε τα κονδύλια αυτά. Όμως τίποτε δεν μας εγγυάται ότι στο μέλλον δεν θα ξεπαγώσουν. Πρέπει να μην πηγαίνουν κονδύλια στην Τουρκία όσο παραβιάζει το διεθνές δίκαιο και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, the EIB has come more into focus, especially in recent years with the development of EFSI. There is no doubt that this has been a huge success, which has been recognised internationally by many people who very dubious about it initially. So credit goes to the EIB, the Commission and particularly President Juncker.

I myself have hosted four or five public events in my constituency on EFSI. There was a big attendance and the attendees were really appreciative, especially of the presence of Mr Murphy, who is the head of the EIB Office in Dublin. I think that all this is helping to bridge what was once a financial gap, create employment and give a good positive image of European institutions and especially of the EIB itself. One thing that speakers mentioned – and which I would reiterate – is that, if at all possible, we need to do more for SMEs so that thresholds can be lowered and SMEs can benefit from the great work of the EIB.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége)


  Corina Crețu, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, I would like first of all to thank you for this interesting debate which we have had today. We will surely have the opportunity to continue the discussions on the EIB’s role as a strategic implementing partner in the forthcoming months in the context of the Commission’s proposal for the next multiannual financial framework. As I said in my opening debate, this strategic investment fund was a revolution for the EIB, and we have worked together also on the omnibus to make some blendings between structural funds and strategic investment funds in order to maximise the impact, and we are working very well with the EIB.

Also, regarding the request of Mrs Ines Ayala, I would like to say that the EIB has adapted and changed its business model with EFSI, taking on more risk, developing new products and benefiting smaller projects. You know that small and medium-sized enterprises incentivising start-ups are the biggest beneficiary so far of EFSI. We expect more than 611 000 SMEs to benefit from the EFSI fund.

For start-ups, we just launched the so-called ‘Venture EU’, which will target specifically start-ups to help them grow in Europe, and also we expect to attract EUR 55 billion with this new initiative to support over 150 000 start-ups and scale-ups.

As I said, we are continuing to pay attention to the valuable observations and suggestions of the European Parliament. I would like to thank once again the rapporteur for this important work and of course, it’s a pity that the representative of the EIB is not here, but hopefully we will have the opportunity to speak again. Thank you Madam President, thanks to the rapporteur and also the honourable Members who have the patience to say so much today.


  President. – We thank you so much for your points.


  Marco Valli, relatore. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, ringrazio tutti per i complimenti, è stato un buon lavoro che abbiamo fatto insieme e vedo un ampio consenso trasversale, soprattutto su alcuni temi, tra cui la necessità di aumentare gli investimenti per le piccole e medie imprese, che sono la colonna portante dell'economia europea, e soprattutto le startup innovative che possono generare posti di lavoro, soprattutto in settori innovativi, e che quindi possono portare un contributo notevole alla crescita nell'eurozona e nell'Unione europea in generale.

Per quanto riguarda il FEIS, il Parlamento si e già speso molto per chiedere dei criteri di addizionalità che siano definiti in modo concreto con il regolamento 2.0. Quindi vogliamo che questi criteri siano applicati, che venga resa trasparente tutta la questione legata all'impatto ambientale, sociale (perché è importante che ci sia un impatto sociale, con la creazione di posti di lavoro) ed economico (cioè che ci siano i criteri per la sostenibilità economica e che non si vadano a finanziare delle opere che poi sono un buco nero per le casse pubbliche, perché la garanzia della Banca europea per gli investimenti è pubblica).

Trasparenza fiscale: mi raccomando, su questo punto siamo tutti d'accordo, non bisogna che la Banca europea per gli investimenti incentivi operazioni in paradisi fiscali e con aziende che si dimostrano incapaci di gestire in modo trasparente la propria dimensione interna relativa alle questioni di trasparenza fiscale. Conflitti di interessi e revolving doors: sono una delle cose principali che chiede il Parlamento con questa relazione, bisogna evitare che ci siano queste pratiche e trovare delle soluzioni innovative e all'avanguardia.

Per quanto riguarda la redistribuzione geografica, è fondamentale che ci siano più investimenti in alcuni paesi ed è fondamentale che questi paesi si dotino delle strutture per riuscire ad attrarre questi investimenti, ovvero le banche di promozione sul territorio. Se implementeranno questo tipo di strutture, sicuramente vedranno anche più investimenti arrivare sul territorio.

Ringrazio ancora tutti per l'ottimo lavoro che abbiamo fatto.


  Elnök asszony. – A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2018. május 3-án, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Ignazio Corrao (EFDD), per iscritto. – La Banca europea per gli Investimenti rappresenta la banca più grande del mondo per volumi e svolge un ruolo chiave nell'integrazione e coesione socio-economica all'interno dell'Unione europea. Ritengo la relazione nel complesso soddisfacente, in quanto fornisce un quadro analitico esaustivo dei punti critici e delle debolezze delle attività della BEI, in particolar modo per quanto concerne la necessità di migliorare la prevenzione dei conflitti di interesse, definendo norme più severe e criteri più rigorosi e trasparenti al fine di evitare qualsiasi forma di corruzione. Mi compiaccio del fatto che la BEI sia stata invitata a fornire una relazione annuale più armonizzata, completa e dettagliata sulle sue attività d'investimento e sull'impatto atteso. Nello specifico, ritengo molto positiva la richiesta affinché la banca provveda a un miglioramento della presentazione delle informazioni, includendovi una descrizione dettagliata e attendibile degli investimenti approvati, firmati ed erogati, nonché le informazioni relative ai beneficiari e la specificazione delle fonti di finanziamento impegnate e i settori sostenuti, includendo infine i risultati delle valutazioni ex post. Con l'auspicio che le valutazioni e le raccomandazioni scaturite da questa relazione possano avere un seguito e un'applicazione concreta, mi complimento coi colleghi per l'ottimo lavoro svolto.


  Carolina Punset (ALDE), por escrito. – El mensaje oficial de la Comisión Europea es la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono que alcance la neutralidad de emisiones en 2050, pero la realidad es otra bien distinta. Al mismo tiempo que el comisario Cañete y el vicepresidente Šefčovič insisten en la importancia de la reducción de emisiones, el BEI se dedica a financiar los combustibles fósiles, destinando miles de millones de euros a la construcción de infraestructuras para este tipo de combustibles. Esta bochornosa financiación institucional lanza un mensaje contradictorio a los inversores privados en energías renovables, cuyos precios en continuo descenso ponen en riesgo de convertir las infraestructuras financiadas en activos varados en pocos años. En aras de la diversificación y la seguridad de suministro, lo único que asegura la UE es el negocio de los combustibles fósiles, y pone en riesgo el cumplimiento del Acuerdo sobre el clima, al promocionar el uso de combustibles fósiles, como el gas natural, con preocupantes tasas de fuga y un potente impacto sobre el calentamiento global equiparable a las emisiones derivadas de la quema de lignito, el carbón más contaminante. Financiar inversiones en combustibles fósiles mina las exceptivas de desarrollo de las energías renovables y siembra incertidumbre en un mercado energético en transición.

Última actualización: 29 de junio de 2018Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad