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Verfahren : 2018/2668(RSP)
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Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : O-000012/2018

Eingereichte Texte :

O-000012/2018 (B8-0015/2018)

Aussprachen :

PV 02/05/2018 - 30
CRE 02/05/2018 - 30

Abstimmungen :

Angenommene Texte :

Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018 - Brüssel

30. Verbesserung der Sicherheit in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in der EU (Aussprache)
Video der Beiträge

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung an die Kommission über die Verbesserung der Sicherheit in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in der EU von Mairead McGuinness im Namen der Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei (Christdemokraten) (O-000012/2018 - B8-0015/2018) - (2018/2668(RSP)).


  Mairead McGuinness, author. – Mr President, I have been trying to get this on the agenda for quite some time, so I’m happy that at least there are a few of us interested and in the Chamber, because a lot of people depend on farmers and they’re probably out eating at the moment.

I was particularly struck by one of our own farm safety specialists in Ireland, and I’ll read again the heading of an article which he contributed to where he said ‘Europe is being fed on the lives of 1,000 farmers every single year’, and he was angry because he also added that in Europe we know how many calves are born, we know about their welfare but we cannot tell how many farmers are killed every year, and he described that as a disgrace and I agree with him. It is true that far too many people on farms in my country and across the European Union are killed while going about their daily lives. It’s also true that many suffer terrible accidents on farms – children, men and women. It is a silent and hidden problem and it’s something that we need to lift the lid on. So I hope that this debate this evening is a start in that process.

Commissioner we need a clear picture of what’s happening on all farms across Europe. I spoke about my own Member State, and the situation there is not good, but we don’t know with any great accuracy the level of fatalities and accidents. We hear anecdotal stories, but we need the facts and we need to ask why this is happening. Is there relentless pressure on farmers today that perhaps is intensified because they are more isolated and farming alone more than in the past? Long hours, sleeplessness, physical activity when people are tired all add to the stresses and strains. I know that recently we’ve had terrible weather conditions in many countries and that affects the physical well-being of farmers and their mental well-being, and when people are tired and emotionally drained accidents do and will happen.

But there is another question that I think we need to address here this evening. We all talk about the family farm. It’s a romantic notion and we defend it and we want to contribute to its survival and we hold it dear, but we need to ask ourselves is the combination of family and farm part of the problem?

I’m not advocating that we move away from the family farm model, but I think we do need to ask the hard questions that by not separating the business and the family we may be creating more difficulties around accidents and fatalities – it is a question that we need to discuss. Farms are now more intensive, there are fewer people working on them, and therefore one of the things I’ve tried to do when we talk about getting the facts on this situation is to get details into one of the files we’re working on integrated farm statistics.

I think there’s a lot of resistance among Council and Member States to actually work together to get accurate statistics, counting the same things, and I would have thought it’s an issue that there should be some unity on, so perhaps the Commission could help us in that regard.

I want to talk also about well-being and health generally, because in my own Member State there are some very disturbing figures around the high incidence of occupational injury and disease amongst farmers. They are a very high-risk group for lifestyle diseases and yet the image of farmers is that they work outdoors, it’s fresh air and it’s healthy, while in fact the reality for many farmers is that their health is not good and indeed in the research that I’ve looked at from the Irish researchers shows that farmers in my country have significantly higher mortality rates from cardiovascular disease, cancers and other causes of death compared with other occupational groups. So again those statistics are anything but comforting.

When I talk to you about the pressures farmers are under – and Commissioner you know we talked about the European budget today, so it’s not a night to discuss it in detail – farmers will be anxious about pressures on their budgets. They will welcome your attempt to tackle unfair trading practices. I dare say there are many farmers who are looking at this massive merger that’s happening in the United Kingdom between Asda and Sainsbury’s and saying to themselves, ‘well that’s something to look forward to!’ This is part of the relentless pressure farmers are under: that massive merger will put some people ‘in the money’, as the gentleman sang when he was being interviewed, but it would be very bad for suppliers who expect to see a 10% cut in the prices they get.

There is a link in all of this. You can push people very far and too far, and in my view the pressures in the food supply chain heap back on the producers and on farmers, that’s why we have the horror story of accidents and fatalities, and something’s got to be done about it.


  Phil Hogan, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, as you know I am taking this point on behalf of my colleague, Commissioner Thyssen. I am happy to do so because both Vice-President McGuinness and I are, unfortunately, only too familiar with the issue of farm safety and the devastating effect that loss of life and life-changing injuries can have on victims and their families.

Before I deal with that issue, Ms McGuinness mentioned the announcement today of the budget. This was a proposal that has been in gestation for a considerable period of time and I think that the announcement today is certainly a very good attempt to mitigate the worst effects of what may have been proposed some months ago in relation to the budget. Organisations like Farm Europe were saying that there is a cut of 15% in the CAP budget, when it is actually 5%. It should be seen for what it is, fake news.

We are all aware that farmers have to work in all weathers and all conditions. This year’s long winter and frequent storms have heightened the risk to farmers working in poor light and unsafe conditions. Commissioner Thyssen and I share your concerns that the number of accidents and fatalities on European farms is far too high. Indeed, in 2015, there were more than 500 fatal accidents in agriculture, forestry and fishing. This is nearly six fatal cases per 100 000 persons employed in these sectors, and this is precisely why the protection of occupational safety and health of workers, including farmers and others working in the agricultural sector, remains a high priority for this Commission.

In this respect, the European Pillar of Social Rights emphasised the right of workers to a healthy, safe and well-adapted work environment. Over the years, the EU has developed a comprehensive acquis on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), which applies to all economic sectors, including agriculture. For example, according to the EU directives, the employers have the obligation to determine and assess the risks of hazardous chemical agents used on farms, such as pesticides, cleaning agents, veterinary medicines, fuels and oils, and the risks related to whole-body vibrations when driving tractors. They also have the obligation to provide, if necessary, personal protective equipment, free of charge.

The available data on accidents at work show that the application of the acquis on OSH has contributed to improving workers’ protection in the EU, including in the agricultural sector. For example, the number of fatal accidents in farming decreased by nearly a quarter between 2008 and 2015, in the EU28. This means 100 fatal cases less, albeit it’s still a very big number, and any death is a tragedy for their family and the statistics do not show that.

Applying health and safety regulations is also beneficial for businesses. Studies show that the employer may have a double return on every euro spent on OSH. At the same time, we are conscious that implementing the EU health and safety rules would be something of a challenge for farmers and small enterprises in the agricultural sector.

I also take note of the concern of Ms McGuinness that there might be an unacceptable level of farm accidents on farms with low incomes. Although there is no evidence to confirm this link at this stage, it is a point that is worth taking into account. We do know that there is a particular risk to part-time farmers who often have to check their stock when they come home from work and often in poor conditions.

Our main priority is to help farmers and SMEs to meet their obligations under the EU acquis. I am aware that around one-third of the workforce in the farming sector is self-employed, including farmers, and that the EU OSH Directives are not applicable to them. This is why it is important that Member States take measures at national level to promote the safety and health of self-employed workers.

I note with great interest your question as to whether we would propose to fund farm safety schemes in the context of the next CAP reform. The CAP is not necessarily the framework for setting rules on working conditions or occupational health and safety at work. I would be more than happy to see the CAP used to encourage greater farm safety and I am certainly open to any ideas on how the CAP could be a positive driver of change in this area.

The second pillar of the CAP provides for on-farm investment which could be used for farm safety measures. Vice-President McGuinness will be aware, and other Members will also be interested to know, that the Irish Department of Agriculture included a farm safety scheme as part of its Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS, as we call it) under the Rural Development Programme. The objective was to improve the standard of safety on Irish farms by providing grant aid for a number of specified investments. Farmers could apply for grant aid of up to EUR 8000 per holding.

As I said, and reflecting Commissioner Thyssen’s concern, the occupational safety and health of all EU workers, including farm safety across the EU, is a priority. In this sense, the 2017 Commission Communication on Safer and Healthier Work for All clearly indicates our key actions for improving and modernisation of our occupational safety and health legislation and policy: firstly, fighting occupational cancer, and this is relevant for the agricultural sector as well, in particular the updates to the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive; secondly, supporting SMEs in complying with rules for occupational health and safety and, again, this applies to farms; and thirdly, ensuring better enforcement of the rules. These three actions aim at improving the safety and health of workers in the agricultural sector.

Last, but not least, I would like to stress the importance of further developing the monitoring tools, as evidence-based policies require high quality, comparability and, as Ms McGuinness said, timely data. We need to get the Member States to give us more data in order to have a more coordinated approach at EU level on how we can tackle this issue. For that, we need to work closely with our Member States and our social partners to develop the tools and to improve the quality of the data. That is not there at the moment.




  Daniel Buda, în numele grupului PPE. – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, fără discuție, activitățile din sectorul agricol generează o rată ridicată a incidentelor la locul de muncă. Astfel, potrivit Eurostat, au avut loc peste 500 de accidente fatale în agricultură, silvicultură și pescuit numai în 2015, ceea ce mi se pare foarte grav. Desfășurarea acestor activități în zone uneori greu accesibile, în spații deschise, în bătaia vântului sau în arșița soarelui limitează posibilitățile de intervenție a echipajelor de specialitate în caz de nevoie sau în situația unor accidente. Factorul timp, lipsa de resurse umane calificate, dar și presiunile financiare determină fermierii să își intensifice activitățile, ceea ce creează foarte ușor premisele unor accidente inacceptabile. Munca în condiții de izolare, absența echipamentelor de protecție, oboseala dar și stresul sunt factori de risc la care sunt expuși zilnic lucrătorii din aceste domenii. La toate acestea se adaugă lipsa conștientizării, a programelor de pregătire și de consiliere psihologică, dar și de informare asupra riscurilor. De multe ori, viața și sănătatea celor care asigură pentru mulți banalul litru de lapte sau kilogram de carne ori de brânză sunt puse în pericol de activitatea extrem de complexă dintr-o fermă.

Plecând de la aceste realități, Comisia Europeană împreună cu statele membre trebuie de îndată să demareze proceduri de combatere a acestui fenomen. De asemenea, consider că trebuie să acordăm o atenție sporită măsurilor de pregătire și prevenție în aceste sectoare, precum și introducerii programelor de sensibilizare privind siguranța lucrătorilor în exploatațiile agricole.


  Eric Andrieu, au nom du groupe S&D. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, les métiers de l’agriculture font partie de ceux qui comptent non seulement le plus d’accidents, mais aussi le plus de maladies professionnelles et de décès précoces.

Les cancers sont la première cause de décès chez les agriculteurs, et en particulier les cancers liés à l’utilisation de produits chimiques. Sur ce point, Monsieur le Commissaire, nous devons accompagner la transition par des moyens dédiés et abandonner au plus vite l’usage de ces produits dont les agriculteurs sont les premières victimes.

La deuxième cause de décès chez les agriculteurs – et je voudrais, si vous me le permettez, profiter de ce débat pour revenir sur ce point – c’est le suicide. Il s’agit de la catégorie socioprofessionnelle la plus à risque à cet égard. La surmortalité par suicide chez les agriculteurs est de 20 à 30 fois supérieure à la moyenne de la population. En France, on enregistre le suicide d’un agriculteur tous les deux jours. Au cours des deux dernières années, ce sont près de 300 agriculteurs qui se sont donné la mort dans mon pays. L’insuffisance de revenus et de trésorerie, souvent liée à un mauvais fonctionnement des marchés, joue sur l’état psychologique de nos agriculteurs qui ne demandent qu’à vivre de leur travail.

Nous devons, Monsieur le Commissaire, sécuriser leurs revenus et donc, à cette fin, garantir les prix. Cela nécessite, comme vous le savez, la mise en œuvre d’outils de régulation des marchés. Voilà un des défis majeurs de la future réforme.


  James Nicholson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I congratulate Mairead McGuinness on bringing this forward, and my Group is very happy to support her in bringing this forward. I think it is very timely and very good that we are debating this today, because for many, when an accident occurs on the farm, it leaves very long-term consequences and very sad families after it.

I have to say there is no easy solution to many of the problems that arise, but also, many are avoidable. Many of them actually happen during times when pressure is on, and the pressure can be on the farmer at times when he has to sow the seed, harvest the crops, do the ploughing, spread the slurry. That is when sometimes caution is thrown to the wind and that is when some mistakes happen.

Where I come from in Northern Ireland we have a Stop and Think safety policy, and that is fine and good, but I believe we could do more. I think maybe the Commissioner might want to take this on board because when finance is short, corners are cut, and that is also a danger, so I think we should look maybe at Pillar 2 to see how we can actually give some help to this particular area, especially in slurry-related accidents which have been very prevalent in my region. I take Mr Andrieu’s point, and the suicide levels as well. These are all extremely worrying to people who work in farming. And the food supply chain – by continually pushing for margin reduction – has to ask how much more can they achieve. Yes, farmers must be more aware, more conscious and realistic of danger, but when you are under pressure to get it finished, the weather is changing, then they do throw caution to the wind at times.


  Ulrike Müller, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar! Ich möchte Ihnen unser deutsches landwirtschaftliches Sozialversicherungssystem vorstellen. Wir haben Krankenkassen, Berufsgenossenschaften und Alterskassen, finanziert durch die Mitgliedsbeiträge der Landwirte und durch einen Bundeszuschuss. Leider sind die Unfälle auch bei uns extrem hoch: Wir haben 1,5 Millionen Unternehmen, und im letzten Jahr wurden 150 000 Unfälle registriert und gemeldet, davon leider 138 tödliche Arbeitsunfälle, vor allem im Wald mit Traktoren, aber auch Tierunfälle. Auch die psychischen Belastungen nehmen in der Landwirtschaft enorm zu. Und was machen wir dagegen? Wir haben mit unseren Sozialversicherungsträgern tatsächlich ein gutes Präventionssystem vorbereitet: Wir haben Präventionskurse, wir haben partnerschaftliche Beratung, über 160 000 Betriebsbesuche werden vor Ort abgehalten, und wir haben in Kooperation mit der Landfrauenarbeit auch Sicherheitstage für Kinder mitkreiert. All das sind Dinge, die wir dringend brauchen. Das Wichtigste ist, dass wir aufklären und hier gute Angebote schaffen.

Was kann die EU-Ebene tun? Vielleicht sollten wir im Mehrfachantrag tatsächlich auch die Betriebssicherheit abfragen. Leider hat das Tierwohl ja einen höheren Standard als das Menschenwohl. Das könnten wir hier integrieren. Wir haben seit 2006 Richtlinien der EU zur Maschinensicherheit. Allerdings werden die Landmaschinenhersteller nicht nachhaltig darauf hingewiesen, dass man das auch dort mit einbringen muss. Und wir müssen uns überlegen, ob wir in der GAP im Rahmen der zweiten Säule vielleicht nicht auch für mehr Sicherheit auf Forstwegen oder im Forst schaffen können. All das sind wichtige Themen. Ich danke meiner Kollegin, dass sie dieses Thema heute auf die Tagesordnung gesetzt hat.


  Thomas Waitz, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Es ist ein gefährlicher Beruf. Wir arbeiten mit schweren Tieren, wir arbeiten mit schweren Maschinen, wir arbeiten an der Motorsäge. Ich habe drei Kinder großgezogen mit landwirtschaftlicher Arbeit. Die Frage am Ende des Tages ist: Kann ich nach sieben, acht oder neun Stunden an der Motorsäge meine Maschine wegstellen, weil ich es mir leisten kann, weil ich genug Geld verdient habe, um meine Familie zu ernähren? Mehrere von unseren Abgeordneten haben darauf hingewiesen: Es geht darum, dass die landwirtschaftlichen Einkommen so gestaltet sein müssen, dass ich eine Familie davon ernähren kann und nicht noch zehn, elf, zwölf Stunden arbeiten muss, damit ich mir das leisten kann. Das ist die entscheidende Frage! Denn wenn ich müde bin und mir ein Baum auf den Kopf fällt, hilft mir die beste Sicherheitsausrüstung nichts.


  Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, consideramos de grande importância abordar hoje aqui a questão da saúde e do bem-estar das agricultoras e dos agricultores no desenvolvimento da sua atividade.

É necessário implementar medidas de prevenção dos acidentes no âmbito do trabalho, mas também é necessário reconhecer as doenças profissionais das agricultoras e dos agricultores, e também sensibilizar para os riscos do uso e manipulação dos pesticidas.

Sabemos que a exposição a pesticidas e outros produtos químicos é considerada como a segunda causa de risco para a saúde dos agricultores e das agricultoras. Por isso, pensamos que, além da prevenção para a sua utilização, é necessário que a Comissão e os Estados—Membros façam estudos sérios, rigorosos e independentes sobre os efeitos potenciais a longo prazo na saúde das pessoas expostas e a sua relação com os cancros, alergias e outras doenças. Consideramos também necessário incorporar a abordagem de género nas medidas de prevenção dos riscos na atividade agrícola.


  John Stuart Agnew, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, one of the positive attributes of farmers is their ‘can do’ attitude in overcoming the challenges of limited weather opportunities or emergency machinery repairs.

The obverse of this though is a recklessness in undertaking activities that could result in death or serious injury. The thought process is ‘I know what I’m doing, I have done it before, and it’s not going to affect anybody else’, and I have been guilty of this attitude personally – despite knowing two people who died in farm accidents, and two more who lost limbs. I’ve had some near misses myself, getting away with minor injuries instead. I see here a similarity with the attitude to drinking and driving held by most of my peer group in my youth. Over the years, social pressure has changed this attitude quite significantly, and social pressure could play a part in reducing farm accidents.

For a self-employed, one—man—band farmer, the onus of this social pressure falls on his immediate family. Using the right psychology, a great deal could be achieved here. A family discussion about inviting a health and safety officer to come and visit the farm for a chat would send a very powerful message. Changing attitudes is the key to reducing most farm accidents, but money can play a part as well. The second highest cause of farm fatalities, with vehicle incidents as the first, is contact with aggressive livestock. If all cattle farms possessed top—of—the—range mobile handling and restraining equipment, I think farmers would use it. If a Pillar 2 grant was available to finance it and Member States brought in punitive penalties for failing to use it, then farmers would use it.

I also believe that EU legislation on chrysotile, or asbestos, is making matters worse.


  Jacques Colombier, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, la question posée sur les accidents qui touchent nos agriculteurs, aussi pertinente et hélas tragique soit-elle, doit poser de façon plus générale les responsabilités accablantes de la Commission.

La Commission est depuis 25 ans en service commandé. Elle est l’exécutrice des basses œuvres des intérêts mondialistes et, au passage bien sûr, de ceux des États-Unis. En démantelant les aides à nos agriculteurs, elle répond aux ordres mondialistes et américains qui visent à faire disparaître ceux-ci. Du plan Mansholt à la PAC dite réformée, la disparition de notre agriculture traditionnelle et familiale est programmée.

La Commission est responsable et coupable du mal-être des agriculteurs, des accidents à leur suicide massif – un suicide tous les deux jours, dans mon pays la France. Alors que disparaisse la Commission dans le cadre d’une autre Europe au service des nations et en premier lieu de ses paysans. Nos agriculteurs doivent vivre et vivre dignement du fruit de leur dur travail.


  Paolo De Castro (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, come ricordatoci dalle celebrazioni della Festa del Lavoro di ieri, le morti bianche in Europa continuano a rappresentare un problema inaccettabile, ancor di più nel settore agricolo, dove purtroppo il livello di morti sul lavoro è in costante aumento.

Come giustamente evidenziato dalla Vicepresidente McGuinness, che ringrazio, le misure messe in atto fin qui dall'Unione europea e dagli Stati membri appaiono del tutto insufficienti a contrastare un trend le cui cause sono da ricercarsi nel declino della redditività agricola, che non sempre consente un adeguamento e un ammodernamento tecnologico della meccanizzazione.

I nostri agricoltori hanno bisogno di politiche certe e adeguatamente finanziate che, insieme a una migliore formazione professionale, li supportino a fare tutti gli investimenti necessari per svolgere la loro attività in piena sicurezza. Proprio in considerazione di questo, caro Commissario, ci auguriamo che il dibattito iniziato oggi sul futuro quadro finanziario – così come quello ormai alle porte sulla futura PAC – possa portare a una politica efficace e davvero comune che salvaguardi non solo la dimensione ambientale ma anche quella della sicurezza del lavoro nelle aziende agricole.


  Arne Gericke (ECR). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich danke zunächst der Kollegin Mairead McGuinness für die Anfrage zur Sicherheit in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben – ein wichtiges Thema auch auf europäischer Ebene. Lassen Sie mich dennoch drei Punkte ergänzend erwähnen. Erstens: die Anwendbarkeit. Was immer wir hier an neuen Sicherheitsregeln für den Bauernhof initiieren – lassen Sie uns das gemeinsam mit den Bauern tun. Sie haben die Erfahrung, sie wissen, wo neue Vorschriften Sinn machen. Zweitens: die Familie am Arbeitsplatz. Bedenken wir, dass bäuerliche Landwirtschaft daheim passiert. Das heißt: Nicht selten sind Familienmitglieder, oft Kinder, die Opfer landwirtschaftlicher Unfälle. Es gilt, sie besonders zu schützen. Und drittens: der Urlaubsort Bauernhof. Hier mengen sich oft der Agrarbetrieb und das Ferienvergnügen der Gäste – ebenfalls eine Gefahrenquelle, der wir uns im Zuge dieser Überlegungen widmen sollten.

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam dafür sorgen, dass unsere Landwirte auch in Zukunft ihren Dienst nicht nur mit voller Leidenschaft tun, sondern auch in absoluter Sicherheit!


  Ricardo Serrão Santos (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, caros colegas, a ocorrência de incidentes mortais nas explorações agrícolas exige uma abordagem em várias frentes para evitar o que é evitável. A proporção de acidentes fatais na agricultura é superior relativamente a outras áreas da economia.

A prevenção e a formação são palavras-chave. São necessários incentivos financeiros e o pagamento de preços justos aos agricultores que lhes permitam ser devidamente remunerados pela sua atividade. É fundamental criar as condições para que seja feita a devida manutenção dos equipamentos e, por outro lado, fornecer informação adequada e sensibilizar sobre os perigos de manuseamento inadequado das máquinas agrícolas.

A formação profissional aos agricultores deve ser alvo de incentivos adequados, tendo como prioridade promover as boas práticas no sentido de garantir a maior segurança na utilização de máquinas e veículos agrícolas.


Intervenții la cerere


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já bych chtěl v této věci podpořit svoji kolegyni a vlastně všechny své předřečníky, protože ta otázka je podle mého názoru mimořádně závažná. Jde o bezpečnost v zemědělských farmách a podnicích obecně.

Nehody, které zatěžují tyto provozy, jsou mimořádně nebezpečné a ten provoz je skutečně stresující. Jednou jsem se bavil s jedním zemědělcem, který mi říkal, že je ve stresu ze své práce i z počasí, z toho, že prší anebo že vůbec neprší, protože hrozí sucho a hrozí deště. Ti lidé jsou skutečně na hranici i svých psychických možností, a to nehodnotím ta zdravotní rizika právě plynoucí z těchto nebezpečných provozů.

Já myslím, že jim můžeme pomoci. Nejde pouze o otázku evropského rozpočtu, když dneska nedostali příliš dobrou zprávu. Myslím si, že jde o organizování především preventivních programů a dále o využití i tlaku například na pojišťovny na sjednávání férových podmínek pojistných, protože mnohdy právě tito zemědělci čelí neférovému jednání i ze strany pojišťoven.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, vreau să o felicit și eu pe inițiatoarea întrebării. Este un lucru foarte serios. Aș vrea însă să subliniez că aici avem responsabilități partajate. Trebuie să fim realiști. Nu poate Comisia să rezolve tot. Trebuie să colaboreze cu statele membre. Comisia poate să gândească politici și să împărtășească experiențe pozitive, poate să gândească un sistem de finanțare pentru educație și pentru pregătirea profesională și pregătirea pentru prevenirea accidentelor, dar trebuie mai ales să lucreze cu statele membre, pentru a avea pe de o parte programe de finanțare la nivel național și european în privința securității muncii.

Pe de altă parte vorbim aici de accidente, dar și de îmbolnăviri profesionale și este nevoie de multă informație pentru a ști cum să utilizeze substanțele pe care le folosesc, cât timp trebuie să lucreze, cum să prevină anumite îmbolnăviri și accidentele, evident, prin protecția muncii, care trebuie făcută cu regularitate.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, κύριε Hogan, επιτρέψτε μου να συγχαρώ την κυρία McGuinness για την ερώτηση την οποία κατέθεσε, γιατί πραγματικά θίγει το σοβαρό θέμα της αντιμετώπισης της ασφάλειας των γεωργικών εκμεταλλεύσεων στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Άλλωστε τα στοιχεία της Εurostat δείχνουν ότι έχουμε πάνω από 500 θανατηφόρα ατυχήματα στον τομέα της γεωργίας το 2015. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι, παρά τα μέτρα που έχουν ληφθεί σε ένα πρώτο επίπεδο στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, χρειάζονται συγκεκριμένες προσπάθειες. Χρειάζεται κατάρτιση, χρειάζεται εκπαίδευση, χρειάζεται χρηματοδότηση προγραμμάτων ασφάλειας των γεωργικών εκμεταλλεύσεων, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπιστούν τα πολλά δυστυχήματα τα οποία συμβαίνουν. Πολλές φορές θύματα είναι και τα ίδια τα παιδιά. Έχουμε δει αγρότες τους οποίους καταπλακώνουν τα τρακτέρ τους και δυστυχώς πεθαίνουν. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό λοιπόν απαιτείται η λήψη συγκεκριμένων μέτρων, για να υπάρξει ασφάλεια στις γεωργικές εκμεταλλεύσεις.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η ενασχόληση με τον ευρύτερο γεωργικό τομέα από την αρχαιότητα ακόμη αποτελούσε μια δύσκολη, επίπονη και επικίνδυνη δραστηριότητα για τον άνθρωπο. Δυστυχώς και στη σημερινή εποχή γινόμαστε μάρτυρες πολλών θανατηφόρων ατυχημάτων τα οποία κυρίως οφείλονται σε έλλειψη ασφάλειας εγκαταστάσεων, σε ανυπαρξία μέσων υψηλής τεχνολογίας και σε ελλιπή ενημέρωση και εκπαίδευση όσων ασχολούνται με τις δραστηριότητες αυτές. Εάν σε αυτά προσθέσουμε και τους θανάτους και τις ασθένειες που προκαλούνται από τις δύσκολες συνθήκες εργασίας, από ατυχήματα καθώς επίσης και από τη χρήση φυτοφαρμάκων, καταλήγουμε στο συμπέρασμα ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει να δραστηριοποιηθεί, να εκδώσει προγράμματα χρηματοδοτήσεως για την ασφάλεια των εγκαταστάσεων και επιπλέον να δημιουργήσει κίνητρα ούτως ώστε να ασχοληθούν οι νέοι με τις γεωργικές εργασίες, κυρίως στη Νότιο Ευρώπη και στην Ελλάδα, που είναι κατεστραμμένη από τα μνημόνια.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, zahvaljujem prije svega gospođi McGuinness na njenom predanom radu i brizi za poljoprivrednike koju osobno dijelim jer sve nas trebaju zabrinuti podaci Eurostata iz 2015. godine, koji upućuju na to da je bilo više od 500 nesreća sa smrtnim ishodom u sektoru poljoprivrede.

Dakle, baviti se poljoprivredom znači da se bavimo i dalje opasnim poslom i da mjere koje su poduzete na razini Europske unije za poboljšanje sigurnosti na radu još uvijek nisu dostatne te da moramo pronaći i dodatno financiranje u okviru nacionalnih i europskih programa. Dugi rad, nespavanje, emocionalna iscrpljenost, elementarne nepogode, nepoštena trgovačka praksa, velike kamate na kredite, sve to ima naravno utjecaj na poljoprivrednike.

Ako znamo da se u Francuskoj godišnje ubije oko 300 poljoprivrednika zbog loše situacije, onda moram čestitati hrvatskim poljoprivrednicima jer u puno lošijim uvjetima se bore i pokušavaju ustvari napraviti korak prema naprijed; oni su moji pravi heroji.


  Inés Ayala Sender (S&D). – Señor presidente, quería aprovechar este debate tan importante en relación precisamente también con la seguridad de los vehículos agrícolas. Porque todos sabemos que ha entrado en marcha y está en aplicación actualmente el eCall y que desde el Parlamento hemos exigido que se aplique también a los vehículos agrícolas. Porque a menudo nos encontramos con que, así como en la seguridad vial las cifras han ido descendiendo en los últimos años, sin embargo los accidentes con vehículos agrícolas ―en los que el agricultor además está lejos, aislado o no le resulta fácil conseguir auxilio rápidamente― suelen ser, a menudo y por desgracia, accidentes mortales. Por no hablar de aquellos en pleno tráfico viario, donde, por las circunstancias específicas, también suelen ser accidentes graves.

Por lo tanto, querríamos hacer un llamamiento al comisario precisamente para que se pueda incentivar e impulsar cuanto antes que la maquinaria agrícola, que no es una maquinaria de gran precio y gran coste, se pueda incluir cuanto antes.


(Încheierea intervențiilor la cerere)


  Phil Hogan, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I want to thank all Members for their contribution. The Members have made sincere interventions in relation to this report, which I think we will find very useful. I think I can conclude from the debate that we all share the same concerns for the occupational safety and health of all our EU workers, including our farmers and others working in the agricultural sector. And of course, as Mr Nicholson mentioned, income pressure, weather, all the risks associated with agriculture, contribute at various times towards putting additional pressure on our farmers and therefore it requires more care and attention in terms of how they farm and how they go about their business.

As far as the Commission is concerned, we will continue to focus on the actions that we mentioned in the 2017 Occupational Safety and Health Communication, which includes the updated carcinogens directive. We will also continue to work closely with the Member States to support them in line with what Madam Grapini said – and I agree that the European Commission cannot do everything in relation to the rules and enforcement of trying to assist our farmers to actually farm more safely. That is not what has been said by most people with the exception of one speaker, Mr Colombier. The Member States and ourselves need to coordinate better, provide additional supports, and those supports are available under the pillar 2 at the moment – under the targeted measures that I mentioned under pillar 2 – but not every Member State programmes them. And perhaps in the legislative proposal that we are discussing at the moment, we could include this as a mandatory reason for the Member States to include in their strategic plan the need to look at the issue of farm safety in pillar 2. This may help to concentrate the minds of Member States in relation to the measures they need to propose to deal with this issue and the training that is required, as mentioned by Mr Agnew and others, in order to assist our farmers to be able to cope better and to understand better the need to not take the short cuts that they often do at times of pressure.

So, I want to thank all of the speakers that have contributed to this debate, and there is a willingness on my part to do whatever we can in the context of the CAP proposal.


  Președintele. – Dezbaterea a fost închisă.

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