MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 2 May 2018 - Brussels
 1.Resumption of the session
 2.Opening of the sitting
 3.Statement by the President
 4.Approval of the minutes of the previous sittings : see Minutes
 6.Composition of Parliament : see Minutes
 7.Verification of credentials : see Minutes
 8.Request for waiver of immunity: see Minutes
 9.Composition of committees and delegations: see Minutes
 10.Negotiations ahead of Parliament's first reading (Rule 69c): see Minutes
 11.Corrigendum (Rule 231): see Minutes
 12.Request for consultation of the European Economic and Social Committee (Rule 137(2)): see Minutes
 13.Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 78)
 14.Questions for oral answer (submission): see Minutes
 15.Documents received: see Minutes
 16.Action taken on Parliament’s positions and resolutions: see Minutes
 17.Delegated acts (Rule 105(6)): see Minutes
 18.Implementing measures (Rule 106): see Minutes
 19.Order of business
 20.Commission decision adopted on the MFF post-2020 package (debate)
 21.Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2016 (debate)
 22.Presidential elections in Venezuela (debate)
 23.Annual report 2016 on the protection of EU’s financial interests - Fight against fraud (debate)
 24.Cohesion policy and thematic objective ‘promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures’ (debate)
 25.Stalking crimes and victim protection in the EU (debate)
 26.Request for consultation of the European Economic and Social Committee on (Rule 137(2)): see Minutes
 27.Spain's application of international standards on the definition of sexual violence in light of the recent 'La Manada' case
 28.Protection of children in migration (debate)
 29.A global ban on animal testing for cosmetics (debate)
 30.Addressing farm safety in the EU (debate)
 31.Composition of committees: see Minutes
 32.Current situation and future prospects for the sheep and goat sectors in the EU (short presentation)
 33.Media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union (short presentation)
 34.One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
 35.Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes
 36.Closure of the sitting
Verbatim report of proceedings (907 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings (4425 kb)
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