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Pirmdiena, 2018. gada 28. maijs - Strasbūra Pārskatītā redakcija

22. Komisijas lēmums par trešo mobilitātes paketi (debates)
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  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la dichiarazione della Commissione sulla decisione della Commissione adottata sul terzo pacchetto sulla mobilità (2018/2601(RSP)).


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to address you on the first plenary since we adopted the first Mobility Package. This was the last set of proposals under the Energy Union, and I am proud that we managed to deliver on this ambitious project well ahead of the end of the mandate. This should leave us enough time to negotiate the entire Energy Union into law and leave it as a significant legacy of this mandate.

Miguel and Violeta will explain the Third Mobility Package in detail, but allow me to set the tone and the context. I am sure that, whichever constituency or political party you come from, you will appreciate the main objectives: road safety, clean mobility, inclusion and boosting of our industrial competitiveness.

First, on safety. The number of fatalities on EU roads has been, unfortunately, still the same for some years already. It is simply too high. 26 000 fatalities per year or 70 fatalities per day is simply too many, and we know that today we can definitely save more lives, and it is our duty to do so. That is why we propose infrastructure improvements, and we will have new advanced safety features which will become obligatory in three years. These include automatic emergency braking, lane-keeping assist and distraction recognition or technology facilitating the use of alcohol interlocks. This is also one of the reasons why we are paving the way for connected and automated driving. Of course, the advantages are numerous: serving to increase the inclusion of people who cannot drive or have no access to a car, boosting Europe’s competitive advantage and creating new, quality jobs. By 2025 we expect automated mobility to generate revenues of EUR 620 billion for the EU automotive industry and EUR 180 billion for our electronic sector.

The majority of Europe’s population is in favour of trying driverless cars, but of course there are still legitimate concerns. Surely, a lot of work remains until we can rely on this technology. Significant investments will be needed to develop and deploy the key technologies and to create the necessary infrastructure support. That is why we need a joined-up EU strategy.

From safety to connectivity. Let me move on to sustainability. Transport is responsible for almost a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, and this share is growing, as opposed to other sectors. That is why, for the first time, the EU is proposing CO2 standards for new heavy-duty vehicles. Other major economies like the US, Canada, Japan and China already have them, so it’s about time we caught up.

Our proposals for 2025 and 2030 are both realistic and ambitious, and they incentivise the trade users to catch the low-hanging fruit of existing solutions, but they also leave enough time for new technologies to be developed.

This brings me to the strategic action plan on batteries. I think by now we all realise that battery production is a strategic imperative, and we have to move fast in this global race. It has huge potential for investment and jobs – we are talking about EUR 250 billion per year as of 2025. With this Action Plan we put forward a robust set of measures, for example ensuring access to critical raw materials and limiting their use; stepping-up EU research and innovation to better link it with industry’s future needs; establishing robust regulatory requirements for safe and sustainable battery production to comply when placed on EU markets; developing the skills we need in Europe to deploy the next generation of high-performing, sustainable battery technology.

As you might know, we are already working with Member States, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and industrial consortia to support large-scale manufacturing projects in Europe as a part of the EU battery alliance, and I would like to thank the honourable Members of this House for setting up the ‘Friends of Batteries’ group, because I am sure in the future months and years it will have a lot to discuss.

To conclude, I would like to underline that this is the last time a legislative package will be proposed under the Energy Union strategy. It is clear that the Energy Union and its transition to clean energy will have a strong, long-term positive impact on all of us and on the future of our mobility. Together, with my colleagues, we are looking forward to discussing with you this package in greater detail, and I hope we can accelerate the legislative adoption of the Energy Union files.

We now rely on you to make sure that you transform these proposals into binding laws.




  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, this is the first time ever a proposal has been made to set CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles. We need this new legislation for three key reasons. First, we need to tackle the growing emissions of this sector, which are set to increase by almost 10% by 2030. Second, we want to support transport operators and help them to reduce their fuel costs. Third, we want to keep Europe’s industrial leadership, as other key countries such as the United States, China and Japan have already regulated this sector.

To address these challenges, we propose ambitious and realistic targets: a mandatory target of -15% for 2025 and an aspirational target of at least -30% for 2030 compared to 2019. The European Commission is convinced that the targets proposed strike the right balance. The 2025 target can be achieved with technologies which are already available on the market but are not yet widely deployed, even though their costs are low. Furthermore, an early review is foreseen in 2022 to set the 2030 target based on additional information on the new technologies needed to meet this target. The proposal will apply initially to the four most representative categories of vehicles, which are responsible for almost 10% of heavy-duty vehicle emissions.

The review will also be the occasion to expand the scope of the proposal to all remaining categories of heavy-duty vehicles, including buses and coaches. The package also contains additional policy measures to help us meet these targets. Manufacturers will be able to put on the market more rounded and aerodynamic heavy-duty vehicles, reducing emissions and improving road safety. Tyre labelling will be improved and extended to heavy-duty vehicles generating significant annual fuel savings for consumers and transport operators.

Besides the targets, the proposal includes an incentive system to speed up our transition to zero- and low-emission heavy-duty vehicles. Today around 98% of our trucks rely on diesel. There are virtually no large zero-emission trucks on European roads, and few zero-emission buses in cities. We want to support these technologies and foster innovation by proposing an incentive scheme. This system of super credits will reward those manufacturers who will invest more in innovative technologies while preserving the environmental integrity of the CO2 targets. It also includes zero-emission buses, which are needed for cleaner air in cities.

In conclusion, the key benefits of these proposals are that we will fight climate change and improve air quality; transport operators, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, will save money at the pump – this proposal will help them save EUR 25 000 in fuel costs in the first five years of the use of a new truck; we will keep and create new jobs here in Europe; we will use and import less oil, and the proposal will in total save more than 200 million tonnes of oil up to 2040; and last but not least we will set the right conditions to invest and innovate here in Europe. I look forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation with the rapporteur Mr Turmes, the shadow rapporteurs and the whole Parliament, to ensure swift progress and the adoption of this proposal before the end of the mandate of this Parliament.


  Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I am really pleased to be here with colleagues to present to you yet another set of important mobility reforms, the third and final package of its kind by the Commission. As the Vice-President already highlighted, the objective of the Third Mobility Package is to let all Europeans benefit from safer traffic, less polluting vehicles and more advanced transport technologies, while simultaneously supporting EU industrial competences and competitiveness. Concretely, the package sets out measures to support the transition to mobility that is safe, clean, connected, automated and inclusive.

Let me first say a couple of words on safety. Safety is always our top priority. I am a firm believer in Vision Zero, our ambition to reduce death and serious injuries on European roads to zero by 2050. We have made some progress lately: we recorded the lowest fatality rate ever last year, roughly a 2% decrease compared to 2016. But still, last year, 25 300 Europeans lost their lives on EU roads. All these lives lost are irreplaceable. And this comes with an enormous cost to society, emotional and financial.

This is why the EU needs a fresh approach, and this is what we are delivering. With the Third Mobility Package, we set out principles for a new road safety framework for the next decade based on the so-called Safe System. This idea is to build a number of protective layers that protect all road users. It takes into account all factors: infrastructure, vehicle safety and design, and people’s behaviour. In this framework, we are setting new targets on the way to Vision Zero. Between 2020 and 2030 we want to cut the number of deaths and serious injuries by half.

There is an action plan in which you can see all the measures that we are planning. The first two elements that are already part of the package are legislative proposals on infrastructure and vehicles. We are proposing to make a number of new vehicle safety technologies mandatory, and the Vice—President has already mentioned many of them so I will not repeat them. This will make sure that all road users will be able to benefit from the latest developments in technology. This will bring important benefits and pave the way to automated mobility.

We are also proposing to improve the rules on infrastructure safety management, not only applying these rules to the roads of the TEN-T networks, which are already by far the safest ones – only 8% of fatalities happen on the core corridors – but also extending them to other main roads where 39% of all fatalities happen. This is the largest share of all, and that is why we are introducing network-wide risk mapping which will show us which EU roads are the safest and which ones are less so. But more importantly, that will set priorities for our future investments in infrastructure.

Second, let me say a couple of words on autonomous mobility. With the Third Mobility Package we are proposing a strategy to make the EU an engaging global leader in autonomous mobility systems. Autonomous mobility holds the enormous promise of making transport safer, more accessible, inclusive and sustainable, and on cooperative, connected and automated mobility the Commission sets out a clear forward-looking and ambitious European agenda based on three core pillars. First, a legal framework that creates a single market for autonomous mobility covering road safety, cyber security, access to data and data protection. Second, financial support to establish a new partnership for a sector-wide approach towards research and development. And the third pillar is an in-depth assessment of the socio-economic and ethical aspects of autonomous mobility.

We are also proposing to digitalise and simplify the communication from business to administration, and from administration to administration in freight transport. The regulation on electronic freight transport information will ensure the wide use and acceptance of electronic documents and information exchange among all players involved in cargo transport operation. For example, e-consignment notes will now follow the cargo from source to final destination regardless of the transport mode used. The potential for efficiency gains in all transport modes over 2018 to 2040 are estimated at EUR 20-27 billion.

The regulation on the European Maritime Single Window environment will establish harmonised reporting interfaces, procedures and data formats for ships calling at EU ports. This will cut red tape and contribute to multimodal solutions even further.

Very quickly, on clean mobility, it has been really well described already by my colleague Mr Arias Cañete, but let me add that to facilitate further CO2 reductions, the Commission also proposes to allow manufacturers to bring new heavy goods vehicles earlier onto the market with more rounded and aerodynamic-effect cabs and help reach the future CO2 standards for trucks. Such cabins will also be safer, give better visibility to drivers, as well as improved comfort. We also propose improved labelling for tyres.

Last but not least, investments and infrastructure. Infrastructure is a vital tool for the deployment of clean, safe, digital and connected solutions in transport systems. To make sure we deliver the core trans-European transport network on time by 2030, the package proposes a regulation on streamlining measures for advancing the implementation of the trans-European transport core network, the so-called Smart TEN-T Regulation. It aims to simplify permit granting, cross-border public procurement and other procedures, with a view to delivering better administrative efficiency. Our initiative will significantly reduce delays as permits should be granted within three years and cut the related costs.

I am also pleased to announce that the Commission’s proposals in the Mobility Package are accompanied by an additional EUR 450 million of CEF funds to support safe mobility and digitalisation across transport modes. The outcome of this CEF Transport call should be announced in the first quarter of 2019.

I hope for your strong support for these ambitious measures and look forward to working with you on all these proposals.


  Przewodniczący. – Dziękuję bardzo, Pani Komisarz. Panie i Panowie! Rzadko się zdarza, żeby Komisja w postaci wystąpień trzech komisarzy promowała nam swoje propozycje. Zatem Państwo zwróciliście się do nas, a teraz, bardzo proszę, wysłuchajcie, co na ten temat na tej sali my mamy do powiedzenia.

Tradycyjnie w imieniu grupy Europejskiej Partii Ludowej zabierze głos pan Wim van de Camp.


  Wim van de Camp, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, ik wil allereerst mijn oprechte felicitaties uitbrengen aan de drie commissarissen. Ik weet dat het met drie commissarissen en misschien wel 20 DG's heel moeilijk is om een dergelijk pakket samen te stellen. Dat is ook mijn enige kritiekpunt: ik vind dat het pakket te laat is gekomen, zeker als je kijkt in deze legislatuur.

Van de andere kant, als wij dit pakket kunnen realiseren, dan zal het Europese transport, maar ook de energie, schoner, veiliger en beter gedigitaliseerd worden, een betere infrastructuur krijgen en meer belangen opleveren voor de Europese industrie.

Wie het gelezen heeft, weet dat er een enorm pakket ligt en we moeten kijken hoe ver we komen in deze periode. Afronden met mobiliteitspakket 1 en 2 zal moeilijk zijn, maar ik beloof de Europese Commissie: wij doen ons best.


  Ismail Ertug, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar, Frau Kommissarin! Zunächst einmal meinen Dank auch im Namen der Sozialistischen Fraktion für dieses dritte Paket. Tatsächlich sind sehr, sehr viele zukunftsweisende Themen darin. Das ist sehr erfreulich.

Wenn ich die Themen kurz durchgehen darf: In Bezug auf die Fahrsicherheit hat mich ganz besonders gefreut, dass wir bei der Erkennung von Fußgängern und Radfahrern in Zukunft endlich diesen toten Winkel verbessern oder auflösen können. Jährlich sterben immer noch viel zu viele Fahrradfahrer und Menschen im Straßenverkehr eben wegen diesem Fehlen dieser Technologien.

Zur Batteriestrategie: Das ist, glaube ich, mit das Beste und das Weitreichendste, was in den letzten Jahren vorgelegt worden ist. Herzlichen Dank, Herr Šefčovič, für diese Thematik, auch deshalb, weil Sie die komplette Wertschöpfungskette von den Rohstoffen bis hin zum Recycling berücksichtigt haben und den Fokus auf Forschung und Entwicklung legen. Meine Frage ist: Wie kann das Parlament Sie dabei unterstützen? Denn es ist noch sehr allgemein gehalten, und wir haben noch keinen konkreten Zeitplan, nach dem wir vorgehen können.

Abschließend zum autonomen Fahren: Sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar! Die Weichen sind auch dort, Frau Kommissarin, in die richtige Richtung gestellt. Was ganz entscheidend ist: Wir müssen nun zeitnah Gesetzgebung vorlegen und sicherstellen, dass sie in der gesamten Europäischen Union funktioniert und gleich umgesetzt wird, damit das für alle in der Europäischen Union Wirklichkeit wird.

Herzlichen Dank nochmal an die Kommission.


  Pavel Telička, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I would also like to express my appreciation for the efforts made by the Commission because the Mobility Package is – even with some difficulties, maybe some disagreements – quite impressive, and this is something that businesses will feel, industries will feel, our citizens will feel and consumers will feel. I think that this needs to be said.

I especially appreciate that on the Third Mobility Package, we might be short on time, but still the emphasis is on safety. This is an element which is clearly new, an element where the Commission has made a real effort and which I think, in the past, has been left aside.

On emissions, I will leave the figures aside, but I do appreciate what Commissioner Cañete has said on the question of incentives. I think that without incentives, we will not manage. Another issue in this respect is that we could overemphasise just one source of energy, and that is electricity – not in the proposal, but in general. We know that we’ve got hydrogen, we’ve got a synthetic, and if we want to make a real change then we need to manage with those vehicles which are on the market, and this is not primarily about electricity.

It is complex. Let’s treat it that way. Good luck, we will work with you on that.


  Karima Delli, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, Madame et Messieurs les commissaires, chers collègues, on nous présente un peu tard ce paquet, qui rassemble une série de mesures un peu fourre-tout pour le secteur routier. Vous avez raison, on peut avoir des accords sur la sécurité routière et cela sera une priorité, mais je voudrais insister sur deux grands points.

D’abord sur la question du climat: la norme CO2 est trop faible pour les camions. Vous dites moins 30 % pour 2030, alors qu’on s’était tous mis d’accord lors de la COP 21 – et vous y étiez – sur un objectif minimum de moins 40 %. De plus, selon la feuille de route, les camions de moins de 16 tonnes ne seront pas concernés, alors que c’est tout le secteur routier qui doit faire des efforts contre le réchauffement climatique.

Deuxième point: Madame Bulc, vous avez raison sur la question de la voiture autonome. On ne peut pas la voir arriver sur nos routes tant qu’il n’y a pas de législation spécifique. Ces véhicules doivent être encadrés dès l’expérimentation, parce qu’ils posent des vraies questions, en particulier sur la cybersécurité, sur l’accès aux données et sur la responsabilité en cas d’accident. Leur contrôle ne peut pas être confié au système européen actuel, très largement défaillant ??, qui n’a pas vu venir le «dieselgate». C’est donc à ces conditions qu’on pourra aborder sereinement l’avenir du véhicule autonome, qui remplacera la mobilité individuelle par la mobilité partagée.


  Kateřina Konečná, za skupinu GUE/NGL. – Pane předsedající, s velkým očekáváním přistupujeme k debatě o třetím a posledním balíčku opatření v oblasti mobility. Jsem ráda, že Komise reaguje na podnět ze strany Evropského parlamentu a věnuje se bezpečnosti našich občanů.

Jenom za rok 2017 zemřelo na evropských silnicích přes 25 tisíc osob a 135 tisíc utržilo těžká zranění. Nová doba poskytuje možnost nových bezpečnostních prvků, které by měly být cenově dostupné a zachraňovat životy všech Evropanů. A v tomto smyslu, doufám, že Komise své návrhy připravila. Evropa se také musí připravit na budoucnost autonomních vozidel a stát se průkopníkem v této oblasti.

Z hlediska České republiky však velmi oceňuji iniciativu ke zjednodušení postupu pro udělování povolení pro projekty transevropské dopravní sítě. Kde však Komise tragicky zaspala, byly standardy CO2 u nákladních vozidel. To, že nám je Komise představuje až nyní, je trestuhodné a zcela nepochopitelné.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, τα έργα υποδομής είναι ένα βασικό μέσο ανάπτυξης για όλα τα κράτη μέλη της Ενώσεως. Η απόφαση αυτή της Επιτροπής οφείλω να ομολογήσω πως έχει ορισμένα θετικά στοιχεία. Υπάρχουν προβλέψεις για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος, αν και όχι στον βαθμό που θα θέλαμε. Επίσης δεν μπορεί να αμφισβητήσει κανείς τον ιδιαιτέρως θετικό αντίκτυπο που θα έχουν ορισμένα από τα έργα αυτά κυρίως στα κράτη που υστερούν στον τομέα των υποδομών. Επιπλέον, η έμφαση που δίνεται στους σιδηροδρόμους εξασφαλίζει πιο καθαρές και με περισσότερη ασφάλεια μεταφορές εμπορευμάτων. Αναγνωρίζουμε πως η ασφάλεια στις μεταφορές γενικά είναι εξόχως σημαντική. Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι χάνουν κάθε χρόνο τη ζωή στους ευρωπαϊκούς δρόμους, πρέπει όμως τα μέτρα που θα ληφθούν να έχουν πραγματικό αντίκτυπο και να μην είναι απλώς εμπόδια που δεν θα προσφέρουν τίποτε στους πολίτες. Επιπλέον, χρειάζονται ακόμη μεγαλύτερες προσπάθειες για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Πρέπει όμως όλες οι δράσεις να είναι ορθά σχεδιασμένες και να υπολογιστεί και ο πιθανός αρνητικός αντίκτυπος που μπορεί να έχουν και να μην βλάψουν την ανταγωνιστικότητα των οικονομιών των κρατών, καθώς επίσης και να μην δημιουργούν υπερβολικά βάρη στις μικρότερες ή και ατομικές επιχειρήσεις που δραστηριοποιούνται στις μεταφορές.


  Dieter-Lebrecht Koch (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Verehrte Kommissare, ich begrüße den dritten Teil Ihres Mobilitätspakets außerordentlich. Er ist für mich – ohne die anderen abschwächen zu wollen – der allerwichtigste, denn er dient unmittelbar der Rettung von Menschenleben. Die Überarbeitung der Verordnung zur allgemeinen Fahrzeugsicherheit ist von immenser Bedeutung für die Straßenverkehrssicherheit, welche mir seit vielen Jahren ganz besonders am Herzen liegt. Sogar 92 % aller Unfälle sind auf menschliches Fehlverhalten zurückzuführen. Da ist der verpflichtende Einbau von sicherheitsrelevanten Fahrerassistenzsystemen wie dem Notbremsassistenten mit Fahrradfahrer- und Fußgängererkennung bei allen Neufahrzeugen oder dem Abbiegeassistenten bei Lkw und Bussen geradezu eine Notwendigkeit. Wir brauchen diese stillen Beifahrer, die uns in Gefahrensituationen nicht nur warnen, sondern auch eingreifen können, um einen Unfall zu verhindern oder um Unfälle zu minimieren.

Ich will alles tun, damit wir bis zum Ende dieser Legislaturperiode die Gesetzgebung verabschieden können. Wir sind es den 25 300 Getöteten und 135 000 Schwerverletzten, die jährlich auf den europäischen Straßen zu verbuchen sind, schuldig.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D). – Fil-fatt, kwalunkwe policy għandha mhux biss tindirizza l-isfidi tal-lum imma trid tara kif tħejji l-aħjar triq għall-futur biex verament ingawdu minn trasport modern, sigur u li ma jniġġisx; u se niffoka fuq aspett ewlieni tal-proposti: it-tnaqqis fl-emissjonijiet minn karozzi kbar bħalma huma t-trakkijiet.

Dawn it-targets biex inaqqsu l-emissjonijiet huma pass pożittiv ‘il quddiem meta tqis li sal-ġurnata tal-lum m’għandna l-ebda standards simili għal dak li għandhom pajjizi oħra, anki f’kontinenti oħra.

Veru li t-trakkijiet u l-heavy duty vehicles jammontaw għal anqas minn ħamsa fil-mija tal-vetturi fit-toroq Ewropej imma huma responsabbli għal kważi ħamsa u għoxrin fil-mija tal-Greenhouse Gas Emissions fit-toroq tagħna u ma nistgħux ma nagħmlu xejn għaliex inkella ser jibqgħu jiżdiedu.

Issa, jekk verament irridu naħdmu favur kwalità ta’ arja aħjar, allura rridu nnaqqsu mhux biss l-emissjonijiet ta’ karozzi żgħar imma anki l-emissjonijiet ta’ trakkijiet kbar; u dan huwa settur ieħor fejn il-kompetizzjoni minn barra l-Ewropa hija b’saħħitha bil-produzzjoni ta’ trakkijiet u buses elettriċi.

Nittama li dawn il-proposti jwasslu biex il-produtturi Ewropej jaħdmu ferm aktar biex nimxu lejn karozzi aktar nodfa b’teknoloġija aktar moderna u biex ikollna l-infrastruttura adegwata mal-Unjoni Ewropea kollha kemm hi.


  Gesine Meissner (ALDE). – Herr Präsident, liebes Kommissartrio, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich finde es klasse, dass gleich drei Kommissare hier sind und das vorstellen, das zeigt die Bedeutung dieses Pakets, und eine vierte Kommissarin, Frau Bieńkowska, hat sogar die Pressemitteilung mit herausgegeben. Dies ist tatsächlich eine tolle Sache – es kommt ziemlich spät, das stimmt –, aber wenn wir uns anstrengen, schaffen wir es noch, dieses Mobilitätspaket durchzubekommen.

Sie haben gesagt: Europa soll tatsächlich führend in der Welt sein für einen automatisierten und verbundenen Verkehr. Die Chance dazu haben wir, das wäre gut für Europa. Erprobt haben wir das schon bei Ubahnen, bei Platooning zum Beispiel im LKW-Bereich. Das ist umweltfreundlicher, es ist sicherer – gerade was die Toten angeht zum Beispiel –, es ist effizienter. Es wäre auch gut für Leute mit reduzierter Mobilität. Es wäre auch gut für den ländlichen Raum, der wird oft vergessen, aber der hat da auch eine Chance. Es ist die letzte Meile der Lieferkette, wahrscheinlich sehr stark verändert in Zukunft.

Das Problem ist tatsächlich: Wir sollten einmal technologieoffen darangehen, das ist auch besser für die Emissionen. Nur Elektromobilität, sagte mein Kollege Pavel Telička schon, ist nicht das allein Seligmachende. Wir müssen wirklich vorankommen mit der Digitalisierung und mit der Connecting Europe Facility. Wir brauchen eine Infrastruktur für alternative Energien und für digitale Dinge und auch eine Verkehrsinfrastruktur. Daran müssen wir entscheidend arbeiten, dann können wir es auch schaffen, in Europa führend zu sein.


  Andor Deli (PPE). – Mr President, first I would like to congratulate the Commissioners for achieving this great deal for delivering all parts of the Mobility Package. Let me give you three short remarks.

First I would like to commend your efforts to increase the overall road safety by the initiative to include new advanced safety features into cars and trucks. Now we must make sure that they are going to be accessible to every future car owner, because safety must not become a privilege of luxury-car owners.

Secondly, while I fully agree that heavy-duty vehicles’ (HDV) CO2 emissions should be decreased, I must say that, if we really want to make a change, we must not focus only on tailpipe CO2 emissions. Instead we have to use a broader well-to-wheels analysis for tackling emissions.

Thirdly and finally, I do regret that your proposal for a regulation on electronic freight transport information did not come a little bit earlier, in the first mobility package, because it could have served as a solid legal base for the enforcement part of the lex specialis on posting or for the Cabotage Directive. This way we might end up creating legal discrepancies which may hamper efficient enforcement in practice.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, domnilor comisari, sigur și eu o felicit că, iată, avem o armonizare între trei comisari care s-au gând să ne ofere, să ne pună pe masa al treilea pachet pentru mobilitate. Așa cum a rezultat și din cele spuse de doamna comisar Bulc, sigur, dorim o mobilitate sigură, curată și conectată, însă, sigur, aceste lucruri țin de niște condiții: în primul rând de calitatea infrastructurii. Pentru a avea securitatea transportului avem nevoie de o infrastructură - la nivel european, la nivel național- pe care pot circula autovehiculele. Apoi avem nevoie de o industrie constructoare de mașini performantă, care să poată să ofere modele noi. Avem nevoie de cercetare și inovare în industria constructoare de mașini și, nu în ultimul rând, sigur, avem nevoie de a susține potențialul IMM-urilor de a intra în această industrie și a putea să producă la nivel european și, de ce nu, să fim pionieri în autovehiculele cu combustibil alternativ.

Recent am participat la un test cu mașini cu hidrogen în țara mea și am putut să beau apa de la evacuare, curată. Deci iată că putem să atingem și această problemă a aerului curat pe care îl respirăm!


  Claudia Schmidt (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Ich sehe das mit dem Lob leider ein bisschen anders. Die Automobilproduzenten samt ihrer Zulieferindustrie sind ja das industrielle Rückgrat Europas. Hier sind wir immer noch der tonangebende Kontinent. Über 50 % der weltweiten Patente zum autonomen Fahren kommen entweder aus München, Ingolstadt oder Stuttgart. Und gleichzeitig ist es der einzige IT-Bereich, wo Europa das Maß der Dinge ist. Wir wissen, dass autonomes Fahren unsere Gesellschaft massiv verändern wird. Und dann sollte man doch meinen, dass der Bereich Priorität hat. Er ist ja auch für Arbeitsplätze, Handels-, Energie-, Umweltpolitik und Forschung nicht wirklich unwesentlich.

Von der Kommission kam aber lange Zeit nichts, und jetzt, wo der Hut brennt, wird schnell hier oder da etwas hinzugeflickt, wie bei Platooning, oder zumindest einmal eine Strategie verkündet. Flapsig wird angemerkt, dass die Daten der Autos auch für die Behörden interessant wären oder auch für Drittfirmen. Ja, natürlich! Aber es reicht nicht aus, dass das im Hintergrund verschiedene Stakeholder feststellen, die Kommission es verkündet, und der Autoverkäufer muss die Weisheit dann einfach schlucken. Das ist genau jene Bevormundung, jene Hinterzimmerpolitik, die selbst für überzeugte Europäer schwer zu schlucken ist. Better lawmaking geht anders, und die Vorgangsweise grenzt meiner Meinung nach an Missachtung des Parlaments.


  Pavel Poc (S&D). – Pane předsedající, k této třetí části balíčku mobility mám pouze tři konkrétní poznámky. Za prvé, smysluplná elektromobilita je podmíněna využitím elektřiny z obnovitelných zdrojů. Elektromobilita, která využívá elektřinu produkovanou z fosilních zdrojů, řeší jenom lokální problém, a to ještě za cenu velkých ztrát účinnosti způsobených během konverzí a přenosu energie.

Za druhé, pokud chceme mluvit o nulových emisích, je třeba brát v úvahu celý produkční řetězec, celou uhlíkovou stopu, včetně výroby, nejenom samotný provoz vozidla.

Za třetí, široké využívání energie z obnovitelných zdrojů není možné bez jejího účinného, technicky vyspělého ukládání. Musíme podporovat evropské inovátory, omezit únik nových technologií do třetích zemí a rozvíjet celý produkční řetězec baterií. Děkuji v této souvislosti panu místopředsedovi Šefčovičovi za aktivní přístup k této problematice a vítám iniciativu Evropské komise EU Battery Alliance. V Evropském parlamentu se této konkrétní oblasti bude věnovat pracovní skupina Friends of Batteries, kterou jsem inicioval, a já se velice těším na další spolupráci.


  Karoline Graswander-Hainz (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Vom Klimaschutz reden alle gern. Aber gleichzeitig ist es eine Tatsache, dass der CO2-Ausstoß im Verkehrssektor weiter ansteigt, weil immer mehr Waren auf der Straße transportiert werden. Nur über den Klimaschutz zu sprechen, wird nicht ausreichen, um den Klimaschutz voranzutreiben und die Emissionen zu senken. Es braucht endlich Taten!

Mit der Vorlage des Vorschlags hat die Kommission das erkannt und kommt vom Reden endlich ins Handeln. Strenge Emissionsvorgaben für schwere Nutzfahrzeuge und eine Industrieinitiative für eine saubere Batterieproduktion in Europa sind längst überfällig. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass Sie nicht länger vor den Interessen der Autoindustrie in die Knie gehen, die die europäischen Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten über Jahrzehnte hinweg belogen hat.

Die ökologische Verkehrswende muss kommen, daran führt kein Weg vorbei. Die Vorschläge der Kommission richten ihren Fokus auf die Reduktion von Treibhausgasen im Verkehrssektor. Das stimmt mich positiv und optimistisch, dass wir die Wende schaffen können.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhores Comissários, este pacote que visa que, neste sector industrial, que é estratégico, a União Europeia se mantenha na fronteira tecnológica, é positivo, responde a questões chave de segurança, normalização e regulação de automação e intercâmbio de dados, alarga os objetivos da redução de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa aos camiões.

São, portanto, linhas de ações muito importantes, mas cuja eficácia depende do sucesso obtido nos dois quadros estruturantes deste pacote.

Em primeiro lugar, o Plano Estratégico para as baterias e, em segundo lugar, a harmonização de procedimentos de autorização de projetos na rede transeuropeia.

Os 450 milhões de euros, que vão ser investidos através do mecanismo Interligar a Europa, vão ser disponibilizados para que os Estados-Membros promovam a segurança rodoviária, a digitalização e a multimodalidade, e por isso não podem ser esgotados em projetos avulso.

Espero que seja esse o significado de estarem aqui três comissários. Temos que ter projetos conjuntos para ajudar a catapultar de novo a União Europeia para a liderança num domínio industrial e tecnológico chave, que já liderámos, mas em que nos últimos dois anos temos vindo a perder a liderança em relação aos principais competidores.


  Przewodniczący. – Dziękuję bardzo panu Zorrinho. Niech mi wolno będzie przy okazji złożyć Panu najlepsze życzenia urodzinowe: Happy Birthday!

Zgłoszenia z sali


  Henna Virkkunen (PPE). – Arvoisa puhemies, on erittäin hyvä, että komissio on nyt viimeinkin tarttunut tanakasti tähän liikenteen päästöjen vähentämiseen, koska tiedämme, että liikenne on ainoa sektori, jossa päästöt ovat vain kasvaneet, ja kun liikennemäärät kasvavat jatkuvasti, se merkitsee sitä, että nyt tarvitaan todella suuria uudistuksia koko liikennesektorille.

Tämä ehdotus, jossa myös rekoille ehdotetaan päästönormeja, on tervetullut ja täydentää aikaisempia esityksiä ja on varmasti osaltaan vauhdittamassa alan innovaatioita. Tiedämme, että autoteollisuus on Euroopan merkittävin teollisuudenala ja kaikkein suurin tutkimus- ja tuotekehittäjä ja investori Euroopassa. On hyvin tärkeää, että se pysyy mukana globaalissa kilpailussa, koska edelleenkin Eurooppa voi olla puhtaan liikenteen edelläkävijä maailmassa.

Samaan aikaan, kun kehitämme ajoneuvoteknologiaa, on tärkeä edelleenkin edistää uusiutuvia, vaihtoehtoisia polttoaineita. Niillä on erittäin merkittävä rooli, samoin kuin koko logistisella ketjulla. Tässä sekä jäsenvaltiot että alueet tarvitsevat tukea omille innovaatioilleen, koska nämä logistiset haasteet ratkaistaan hyvin pitkälti paikallistasolla.




  José Blanco López (S&D). – Señor presidente, la descarbonización de nuestra economía, si queremos cumplir los objetivos de París, tiene un objetivo fundamental, que es conseguir que el 94 % de los combustibles fósiles, que es lo que consume el transporte, avance de una forma decidida en su descarbonización.

Por eso, es importante el paquete que nos acaba de anunciar la Comisión. Este paquete se une al otro con el que estamos trabajando, el paquete de invierno, y, en concreto, a la Directiva sobre energías renovables, que se va a fijar también un objetivo de descarbonización del sector del transporte para impulsar una movilidad limpia y conseguir una mayor penetración de renovables. Creo que es el camino por el que tiene que continuar la Unión Europea.

Todos los europeos debemos beneficiarnos de un tráfico más seguro, menos contaminante, y de soluciones tecnológicas más avanzadas, al tiempo que apoyamos la competitividad de nuestra industria, de la industria del automóvil, tan importante en países como el mío, España.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η τρίτη δέσμη μέτρων για την κινητικότητα περιέχει προτάσεις με ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον. Χρειάζονται όμως εξειδίκευση και χρειάζεται και συγκεκριμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα εφαρμογής. Θεωρώ το θέμα της οδικής ασφάλειας το πιο σημαντικό ζήτημα αυτή τη στιγμή. Όπως αναφέρθηκε, 25 300 συμπολίτες μας στην Ευρώπη κάθε χρόνο πεθαίνουν λόγω των τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων. Φυσικά πρέπει να ληφθούν μέτρα, κυρίως για τα δυστυχήματα που προκαλούνται από τα φορτηγά. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι θα πρέπει να ληφθούν και μέτρα για τα φορτηγά τρίτων χωρών. Ιδίως αυτή τη στιγμή τα φορτηγά που προέρχονται από την Τουρκία λειτουργούν μέσα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και στην Ελλάδα, κυρίως στην Εγνατία, κυκλοφορούν με φθαρμένα λάστιχα, με προβλήματα μηχανικής κατάστασης, και οι οδηγοί τους δεν έχουν τα προσόντα. Έχω ζητήσει και από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση να λάβει συγκεκριμένα μέτρα. Θα πρέπει να ληφθούν συγκεκριμένα μέτρα ούτως ώστε τα φορτηγά τρίτων χωρών να έχουν πραγματικά τις προδιαγραφές ασφαλούς κυκλοφορίας.


  João Pimenta Lopes (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, sejamos sérios. O pacote de mobilidade prossegue os objetivos de consolidação do mercado único, de acelerar o processo de privatização do que ainda persiste no controlo público, de comprometer ainda mais as capacidades de decisão soberana dos Estados na definição das suas políticas de transportes, de beneficiar processos de concentração de capital ao mesmo tempo que aumenta a exploração dos trabalhadores.

As propostas em discussão não promovem a melhoria das condições laborais ou de segurança. Pelo contrário, ao aumentarem os períodos de trabalho entre períodos de descanso contribuem para o aumento da fadiga. A exigência de condições de descanso dignas é negligenciada.

O aumento ilimitado das operações de cabotagem alimentam e legitimam a exploração laboral, baseada em baixos salários e larguíssimas e desreguladas jornadas de trabalho, quantas vezes pagas ao quilómetro e sob pressão inaceitável do operador.

O grande objetivo deste pacote não é a melhoria das condições laborais e sociais. É agravá-las em nome do lucro, fornecendo serviços e mão de obra barata de países como Portugal às grandes empresas e potências europeias.


  Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident! Der Verkehr ist der einzige Sektor, in dem die Emissionen seit 1990 gestiegen sind – um 28 %! In der Industrie haben wir es erreicht, sie um 35 % zu senken. Der Verkehr frisst also all das auf, was mit Milliarden unserer Steuergelder in den anderen Sektoren erreicht wurde. Und innerhalb des Verkehrs macht der Straßenverkehr 72 % aus. Deshalb brauchen wir eine Verlagerung, eine Vermeidung und eine Verbesserung.

Da müssen wir aber auch sehen: Wo kommt der Strom her? Der kommt nicht aus der Steckdose, sondern wir müssen den ganzen Zyklus anschauen – die Produktion, die Nutzung und das Recycling. Da müssen wir hingehen. Und vor allen Dingen brauchen wir einen fairen Wettbewerb – das wurde ja schon gesagt –, denn wenn wir praktisch den Schienenverkehr, der umweltfreundlich ist, permanent teuer machen und den Straßenverkehr, der klimaschädlich ist, permanent verbilligen, erreichen wir unsere Ziele nicht. Ohne eine Veränderung der Mobilität werden wir den Klimawandel nicht stoppen. Wir müssen ihn aber stoppen, damit unsere Kinder und deren Kinder eine Perspektive haben, auf diesem Planeten zu leben.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il terzo pacchetto sulla mobilità è fondamentale per consentire a tutti i cittadini di beneficiare dei vantaggi della mobilità sicura, di veicoli meno inquinanti e di soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate.

Sebbene il numero delle vittime sulla strada si sia più che dimezzato, 25 300 persone hanno perso la vita nel 2017 e ben 135 000 sono rimaste gravemente ferite. Ne discende, dunque, l'importanza dell'equipaggiamento dei veicoli con dispositivi di sicurezza avanzati, come ad esempio quelli di frenata d'emergenza automatica.

Fondamentali sono le norme sulla mobilità pulita, in particolare quelle relative alla qualità dei carburanti e alla riduzione delle emissioni dei nuovi veicoli pesanti, a mio avviso necessari per consentirci di raggiungere gli obiettivi dell'accordo di Parigi. Utile al riguardo è il piano d'azione per le batterie per facilitare la diffusione dell'auto elettrica.

Per consentire all'Europa di diventare però effettivamente leader mondiale per i sistemi di mobilità connessa e automatizzata, dovremmo riuscire ad implementare in tempi brevi un ambiente interamente digitale per lo scambio di informazioni nel trasporto merci.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, treći paket za mobilnost nudi niz mjera koje će promet po europskim cestama učiniti sigurnijim, čišćim i ugodnijim. Zajednički napori u osmišljavanju i provedbi ovih mjera iznimno su važni jer je kretanje ljudi i roba danas u Europi lakše nego ikada prije i ostvaruje značajne prekogranične učinke.

U tom kontekstu treba promatrati i presudu njemačkog upravnog saveznog suda iz Leipziga iz veljače ove godine kojom je njemačkim gradovima omogućeno da zabrane prometovanje starijim dizelašima. Zabrana bi se odnosila na sva dizel vozila do ekološke norme Euro6.

Počnu li njemački gradovi doista zabranjivati prometovanje starijim dizel vozilima, u Hrvatskoj i drugim slabije razvijenim članicama može se zbog pada cijena takvih vozila očekivati značajan porast njihova uvoza iz Njemačke.

To bi bilo protivno ciljevima trećeg paketa i Komisija mora u suradnji s nacionalnim tijelima nešto poduzeti kako pojedine članice ne bi postale svojevrsna skladišta za vozila koja ne udovoljavaju ekološkim standardima.


(Încheierea intervențiilor la cerere)


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, first I really would like to thank you for the positive reaction and what I feel was overall support. You are right, there are three of us here to demonstrate how important the mobility issues and all the packages we presented to you are for the Commission, and you are also right that it was a collective effort and the result of very good Energy Union team spirit. I would like to assure you that we are ready to use this positive spirit to work with you, day and night, and if you are talking about trilogies, you’re speaking mostly about the night sessions. But we are ready to work with you to make sure that we use every single day. We still have almost a one year ahead of us to make sure that all the proposals we put to you for the area of modernising mobility will be approved. So we can really start the next decade to be the new framework and with all the efforts which are necessary to make sure the citizens are safer, our roads are better and our industry is much more competitive.

If you allow, Mr President, I know that we are running out of time, so I just wanted to save some time for my colleagues, for Miguel and Violeta, also to contribute to the debate with their responses.


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank all of you for your contributions in the debate on your support for the Commission proposals. Following the intervention of Ms Dalli regarding the achievement of our target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% compared with 1990 by 2030, let me start with some clarifications and explain how the transport sector will contribute. For sure, the Commission is putting forward a different set of proposals in order to achieve those targets, but in the new Effort Sharing Regulation, we set out binding national greenhouse gas emission targets for the period 2021-2030 for Member States. These targets cover all the sectors of the economy that fall outside the scope of the European Union Emissions Trading System, including road transport. No sectoral targets are set under the Effort Sharing regulation. Nevertheless, the analytical work underpinning the Effort Sharing Regulation proposals shows the cost—effectiveness of a European Union-wide emission reduction of 25% compared with 2005 for road transport by 2030. Under the baseline, emission reductions are around 70%, so there is an eight percentage point difference.

With our 2017 proposals for post-2020 emissions standards for cars and vans, this difference gets significantly smaller – it shrinks to four percentage points, and the gap could be progressively closed by one percentage point with the implementation of the proposed CO2 standards for lorries, which have to reduce their emissions by 30% compared with 2019 by 2030. The remaining gap will be addressed through other additional policies with impact on road transport greenhouse gas emissions. These concern, for example, the minimum share of renewable fuels in transport, which is proposed by the Commission in the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive as well as the proposals for the Eurovignette, Clean Vehicles and Combined Transport Directives.

With all this legislation, we will make sure that transport also contributes to achieving our 40% minimum reduced emissions target by 2030.

To conclude, let me stress that the Commission has tabled ambitious and realistic proposals which we think strike the right balance between environmental, consumer and employment objectives. That is why the Commission would like to call on our colleagues later and all the stakeholders to work closely together to ensure the swift adoption and implementation of the proposal for CO2 emissions standards for lorries – so that the benefits for European Union industry, businesses and citizens can be maximised and generated as soon as possible.


  Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, thank you very much for all your comments and the real support for the Mobility Package. I take on board your criticism that we might have introduced this package a little bit late into our mandate but, believe me, it was done in a very systematic and comprehensive way, so I do believe that together we can really deliver on it, with the confidence that we will also deliver on the results, and we are all really looking forward to those results.

I am very much in favour of removing silent killers from European society, and transport is contributing a few of them, so please give your full support to three very clear vision zeros. Zero fatalities on European roads, zero pollution from European transport and zero red tape in mobility solutions by 2050.

I know it’s ambitious, but it is achievable if we join our forces and we are really serious about delivering on this objective. For that reason, I’m very much looking forward to engaging immediately with you and seeing how far we can get under our mandate, and I'm sure that the Commission and the Commissioner that will come after me will be equally devoted to these goals and we will deliver on those so badly needed objectives by 2050.


  Președintele. – Acest punct de pe ordinea de zi a fost închis.

Declarații scrise (articolul 162)


  Ivo Belet (PPE), schriftelijk. – Met het derde mobiliteitspakket dat de Europese Commissie op 17 mei heeft voorgesteld, zetten we een belangrijke stap om het aantal verkeersslachtoffers drastisch te verminderen. In 2017 waren er in de Europese Unie 25 300 dodelijke slachtoffers in het verkeer. Dat zijn er 25 300 te veel.

Met de aangekondigde maatregelen zullen auto’s, vrachtwagens en bussen in de komende jaren, te beginnen vanaf eind 2021, worden uitgerust met onder andere een noodremsysteem ter bescherming van zwakke weggebruikers, een zwarte doos in elke wagen, een intelligente snelheidsassistent en achteruitrijcamera. Ook het in kaart brengen van gevaarlijke verkeerspunten en bijkomende investeringen in infrastructuur moeten het aantal slachtoffers drastisch verminderen. We moeten echt alles op alles zetten om het aantal verkeersslachtoffers zo snel mogelijk tot nul te herleiden.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), in writing. – I welcome the adoption of the third set of measures for a cleaner and safer transport system in Europe. The new package puts forward CO2 targets for heavy-duty vehicles for the first time and an action plan on batteries, which commits to the ethical use of resources, pursuant to the re-use and recycle logic of the circular economy, as well as a forward-looking strategy on connected and automated mobility. Furthermore, the measures also include proposals on passenger and road user safety, which will contribute to diminish fatalities and severe injuries in road accidents, as they envisage that new models of vehicles are equipped with advanced safety features. These initiatives, along with the circular economy and recent legislation on energy efficiency and renewables pave the way for a sustainable and healthier economic model. The objective is to ensure safer traffic, less polluting vehicles and provide more advanced technological solutions, while upholding the competitiveness of the EU industry. Indeed, I believe that the proposed measures lay the ground for a new model, but, in order for the latter to bring the expected benefits, I share the opinion that it has to be matched by appropriate financial incentives and investments.


  Olga Sehnalová (S&D), písemně. – Vítám předložené návrhy Evropské komise, která svou iniciativu v třetí části balíčku mobility zaměřuje i na zlepšení bezpečnosti na silnicích. Navržená opatření jsou podle mého názoru důležitá, abychom se posunuli o krok blíže k dlouhodobě stanoveným cílům snížení počtu obětí a vážných zranění v dopravních nehodách. K tomu také přispěje představený strategický akční plán bezpečnosti silničního provozu obsahující další návrhy opatření a stanovení cílů pro následující dekádu. Téměř polovinu obětí tvoří nejzranitelnější účastníci dopravních nehod, jako jsou motocyklisté, cyklisté nebo chodci. Proto je nutné, aby nová legislativní opatření zlepšila jejich ochranu a zvýšila bezpečnost vozidel. To může přispět ke snížení následků dopravních nehod, které končí fatálními následky nebo vážným zraněním.


  Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – O pacote de mobilidade prossegue os objetivos de consolidação do mercado único, de acelerar o processo de privatização do que ainda persiste no controlo público, de comprometer ainda mais as capacidades de decisão soberana dos Estados na definição das suas políticas de transportes e beneficiar processos de concentração de capital, ao mesmo tempo que aumentam a exploração dos trabalhadores.

As propostas em discussão não promovem a melhoria das condições laborais ou de segurança. Pelo contrário. Ao aumentarem os períodos de trabalho entre períodos de descanso, contribuem para o aumento da fadiga. A justa exigência das condições de descanso dignas são negligenciadas. O aumento ilimitado das operações de cabotagem alimentam e legitimam a exploração laboral baseada em baixos salários e larguíssimas e desreguladas jornadas de trabalho, quantas vezes pagas ao km e sob pressão inaceitável dos operadores.

O grande objetivo deste pacote não é a melhoria das condições laborais e sociais, é agravá-las em nome do lucro, fornecendo serviços e mão-de-obra barata de países como Portugal às grandes empresas e potências europeias.

Pēdējā atjaunošana: 2018. gada 7. septembrisJuridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika