 Full text 
Procedure : 2017/2256(INI)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A8-0160/2018

Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 29/05/2018 - 18
CRE 29/05/2018 - 18

Votes :

PV 30/05/2018 - 13.12
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 30 May 2018 - Strasbourg

14.7. Annual Report on the functioning of the Schengen area (A8-0160/2018 - Carlos Coelho)
Video of the speeches

Dichiarazioni di voto orali


  Monica Macovei (ECR). – Domnule președinte, am adus România și Bulgaria mult mai aproape de Schengen. Ele pot acum să folosească informațiile introduse de alte state membre în baza de date Schengen și, de asemenea, toate statele membre pot vedea informațiile introduse de România și Bulgaria în această bază de informații. Ca atare, vor putea colabora perfect și în timp real. Când ai informații, ai știință, ai putere și poți să previi terorismul, migrația ilegală, criminalitatea transfrontalieră. De asemenea, poți să-i identifici și să-i prinzi pe cei care se pregătesc să comită astfel de infracțiuni sau pe cei care deja le-au comis și se plimbă dintr-o țară în alta sau, în fine, se ascund pe undeva.

Aplicarea acestor lucruri, care sunt deja în lege, stau în viziunea, în știința, în capacitatea politică a conducătorilor, a politicienilor care ne conduc și a instituțiilor judiciare, polițienești, de frontieră și așa mai departe. Nu mai avem nici o secundă de pierdut.


  Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE). – Mr President, to begin with, I want to emphasise that the Schengen agreement is a fundamental part of the European Union’s project, and the benefits it brings to the citizens’ daily lives and businesses are undeniable. However, during recent years, due to the ongoing migration crisis and influx of unregulated migrants caused by the failure to protect common external borders, the Schengen area experienced serious challenges, including some Member States even changing their legislation. I believe that this is very alarming, and we need to guarantee the free movement of people and services, as this comprises a crucial part of European Union.

I fully support the rapporteur’s call on the Member States to swiftly implement the Commission’s roadmap on bringing back the Schengen.


  Diane James (NI). – Mr President, I did not support the adoption of this report. It is the duty of every sovereign nation to keep its borders safe and intact and to ensure the safety of its people. The Schengen agreement has undermined this principle fundamentally, and if I could change a key sentence in the report, it would actually say that the Schengen agreement has been one of the greatest failures of the European Union, not an achievement.

The enormous number of migrants who have been able to vanish within the Schengen area has actually led to one of the most significant threats to the European continent, and by reintroducing border controls, certain Member States have been able to fulfil their primary duty to help keep their people safe. The United Kingdom never signed up to Schengen, and with very good reason, and we will continue to support those countries who assert their right to say who can, and who cannot, cross their borders.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η λειτουργία της Συνθήκης Σένγκεν έχει αποτύχει πλήρως. Η Γερμανία, η Γαλλία, η Αυστρία, η Δανία και το Βέλγιο έχουν επαναφέρει τους εσωτερικούς ελέγχους. Στα γερμανικά αεροδρόμια και στο αεροδρόμιο των Βρυξελλών επιβάλλεται καραντίνα σε όσους επιβάτες προέρχονται από αεροπορικές πτήσεις από την Ελλάδα. Μάλιστα, υπάρχει και πλήρης νομιμοποίηση από την Επιτροπή, μια και στις συνεχείς διαμαρτυρίες μας και στις ερωτήσεις που έχουμε υποβάλει η Επιτροπή θεωρεί ότι αυτό είναι μια δήθεν νόμιμη διαδικασία. Για ποια λειτουργία της Σένγκεν μιλούμε; Ακόμη και εδώ στο Στρασβούργο, επί τρία χρόνια, όλοι, ακόμη και οι ευρωβουλευτές, υποβάλλονται σε έλεγχο διαβατηρίων. Αποδεικνύεται, λοιπόν, πλήρης η αποτυχία της λειτουργίας της Σένγκεν. Ταυτόχρονα, η περίφημη Frontex δεν κάνει τίποτε. Τα νησιά του Αιγαίου έχουν γεμίσει από προσφυγές και παράνομους μετανάστες και η Frontex απλά παρακολουθεί. Βρίσκεται εκεί με όλες της τις δυνάμεις. Δεκαεξίμιση χιλιάδες είναι αυτή τη στιγμή οι πρόσφυγες και οι παράνομοι μετανάστες στα νησιά του Αιγαίου. Δεν αντέχουν άλλο τα νησιά του Αιγαίου


  Marek Jurek (ECR). – Zasadniczym, a w istocie rzeczy jedynym źródłem kryzysu systemu Schengen – systemu otwartych granic – jest nielegalna imigracja. To sprawozdanie zamiast mówić o tym wyraźnie, postuluje po pierwsze starą już ideę, powtarzaną przez Komisję Europejską, tj. legalizację nielegalnej imigracji, a co więcej, niestety w tym sprawozdaniu znalazły się tak kuriozalne sformułowania, jak branie określenia „nielegalna imigracja” w cudzysłów albo mówienie o „tak zwanej nielegalnej imigracji”. No jak można kwestionować jej nielegalny charakter, a jednocześnie opowiadać bez przerwy o rządach prawa?

Ochrona granic jest obowiązkiem wszystkich państw, obowiązkiem potrójnym: wobec własnych obywateli, wobec prawa, które to nakazuje, ale również – jeżeli chodzi o zewnętrzne granice Unii – wobec naszych zgodnych ustaleń. I pora najwyższa, żeby to władze Unii Europejskiej zaczęły prawo Unii szanować.

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