 Texte intégral 
Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Jeudi 31 mai 2018 - Strasbourg Edition révisée

5.1. Situation des personnes ayant à la fois une nationalité de l'Union et la nationalité iranienne emprisonnées en Iran
Vidéo des interventions

  Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η συζήτηση επί πέντε προτάσεων ψηφίσματος σχετικά με την κατάσταση των φυλακισμένων ατόμων που έχουν διπλή ιθαγένεια (ΕΕ-Ιράν) στο Ιράν (2018/2717(RSP)


  Charles Tannock, author. –Mr President, Iran’s detention of a number of dual nationals continues to place a strain on relations between it and EU Member States. Today’s resolution topic is sometimes lost in the midst of broader issues such as the unrelated JCPOA on the nuclear deal. Iran, sadly, continues to support terrorist groups and does indeed practice internal repression and human rights abuses at home. Many of these EU dual nationals, including Mrs Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British citizen, have been detained on spurious charges without any recognised due process by international standards and are often denied access to consular assistance, as Iran doesn’t recognise their second EU nationality. Whilst detained, many are reported to face solitary confinement and cruel treatment during interrogation.

So I today support the call for the release of all those detained solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, but also for those, such as Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who are being detained on spurious charges invoking bogus national security concerns.




  Klaus Buchner, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! Unsere Beziehung mit dem Iran ist durch die Kündigung des Atomvertrags durch die USA einer besonderen Belastung ausgesetzt. Wir müssen alles dafür unternehmen, dass dieser Vertrag bestehen bleibt, damit mit ihm die nukleare Aufrüstung in der ganzen Region verhindert wird. Das kann aber keinesfalls bedeuten, dass wir unsere Grundsätze aufgeben. Natürlich sind uns die Menschenrechte dabei besonders wichtig.

Wir werden heute eine Entschließung beschließen, in der wir den Iran bitten, die Urteile gegen Personen zu überprüfen beziehungsweise aufzuheben, die die doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit besitzen – die der EU und die des Iran. Das muss auch in dieser schwierigen Situation möglich sein. Denn gerade unter Freunden kann man Wünsche und Bitten äußern. Alles andere wäre doch ein Zeichen mangelnden Vertrauens.

Unsere iranischen Partner wissen, dass wir in einigen Bereichen – und gerade bei der Rechtsprechung – völlig andere, entgegengesetzte Auffassungen haben. Unsere Auffassungen haben wir uns in jahrhundertelangem Ringen erkämpft. Wir können davon nicht abrücken. So bitte ich die iranischen Behörden herzlich, die vier Personen, die in den Entschließungen genannt sind, nach Europa zurückkehren zu lassen. Das gilt in ganz besonderem Maß für Herrn Doktor Ahmadreza Djalali.


  Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, I demand the release of unfairly-jailed persons and jailed human rights defenders, and that the EU must remain determined to put human rights concerns with Iran as a priority on every possible occasion. The arrests of dual nationals are part of a wider crackdown on human rights in Iran. Also, women are facing prosecution for protesting against Iran’s compulsory dress code. I am very worried about the reports of recent deaths in detention, especially as no Iranian official has ever been held accountable for the violations of human rights of persons in state custody. Cases where imprisoned individuals are sentenced to death are also extremely worrying. The EU is committed to the universal abolition and an immediate stop of the death penalty, and I am committed to seeing the stop of all state killings.


  Lars Adaktusson, författare. – Herr talman! Sedan april 2016 är den svensk-iranske forskaren Ahmadreza Djalali fängslad i Iran. Amnesty International och oberoende FN-experter anser att anklagelserna som riktas mot honom är grundlösa. Trots det är han dömd till döden. Detta är ett övergrepp mot en enskild EU-medborgare, och det är också en skymf mot människovärde och mot demokratiska värderingar. Trots förhoppningar om förändring i Iran blir situationen allt värre. Regimens stöd till terrorismen ökar; avrättningarna blir fler liksom brotten mot mänskliga rättigheter.

För att inte störa relationerna till regimen hävdar vissa att tyst diplomati ska tillämpas i fallet Djalali. Denna tysta diplomati är fram till i dag resultatlös. Därför är den resolution som vi i dag ska behandla så viktig. Från Europaparlamentet säger vi direkt till den iranska regimen: frige Ahmadreza Djalali, respektera mänskliga rättigheter, avskaffa dödsstraffet.


  Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, while human rights in Iran are systematically violated, European leaders have most attention for the rescue of the JCPOA. Preserving the nuclear deal is important, but we must be able to address human rights as well as Iran’s toxic role in the Middle East.

Dual nationals are used by Iran’s rulers as political pawns. They suffer in prisons without access to lawyers, doctors and EU diplomats. Often they are forced into confessions, after which torture and possibly the death penalty can follow. The fact that EU citizens are seen as only Iranians when they still have that nationality tells us all we need to know about the countless Iranians and how they are treated unjustly in prisons. We call for their release, and we appeal to High Representative / Vice-President Mogherini and Member State leaders not to allow talks on the nuclear agreement to overshadow our responsibility to address the grave human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


  Janusz Lewandowski, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Dziś omawiamy i głosujemy nad rezolucją nietypową, która ma bardzo personalny charakter – upominamy się o uwięzione osoby posiadające podwójne obywatelstwo unijno-irańskie. Na początku był to tylko pan Djalali, o którego upominaliśmy się wielokrotnie, teraz są tam cztery nazwiska. Kwestia praw człowieka była, jest i będzie na agendzie delegacji do spraw Iranu, ale wiem, że nie wszystkie kraje i nie wszystkie rodziny godzą się na tak publicznie stawiane interwencje. Wyrażam nadzieję, że nasza rezolucja pomoże osobom tam wymienionym.

Ale dzieje się to w czasie szczególnym. Unia Europejska dźwiga większą odpowiedzialność za powstrzymanie nuklearnego wyścigu zbrojeń w tym najbardziej „wulkanicznym” regionie świata, niż wtedy, gdy stroną tego układu były Stany Zjednoczone. Jak podtrzymać sojusz transatlantycki w epoce prezydenta Trumpa, jak ocalić porozumienie nuklearne, nie rezygnując ze stawiania praw człowieka? Oto jest prawdziwe nasze wyzwanie.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, despite our goodwill and engagement, Iran continues to be a massive violator of human rights. According to Amnesty International, in 2017, the country was responsible for a majority of the world’s executions that year. In late 2017 and January 2018, massive demonstrations happened. Then thousands of Iranian people – young people mostly – were imprisoned, including dual nationals of both EU Member States and other democracies’ nationalities. A number of them have also died in the most suspicious conditions, including well-known Iranian-Canadian, Professor Emami.

We have to appeal to High Representative Mogherini to take the floor and put this topic high in the agenda in her dialogue with Iran. We have to support the role of the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran and Iran’s authorities allowing him entry to the country and continuation of the report.


  Frédérique Ries, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Monsieur le Président, c’est un collègue urgentiste qui a vu ces photos récentes qui le dit: Ahmad Reza Jalali est à peine reconnaissable, il a l’air mourant. En janvier dernier déjà, j’ai interpellé dans cet hémicycle la haute représentante sur le sort de ce suédo-iranien, professeur à la VUB de Bruxelles, condamné à mort après une farce de procès et sous un prétexte fallacieux, il y a deux ans. Il croupit depuis dans une cellule, dans l’attente de son exécution sans cesse repoussée, heureusement, sous la pression internationale, mais sans accès ni à un avocat ni à un médecin. De nombreux binationaux sont dans la même situation, comme le chercheur britannico-iranien Abbas Edalat, arrêté il y a un mois, sans qu’aucun chef d’accusation ne lui ait été communiqué.

Que fait-on? À l’heure où Donald Trump menace de sortir de l’accord nucléaire, l’Iran a plus que jamais besoin du partenaire européen que nous sommes. C’est là que nous disposons d’une arme, d’un levier plutôt, Monsieur le Commissaire, pour forcer l’Iran à libérer tous ces otages politiques.


  Bodil Valero, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Under 2017 avrättades 507 personer i Iran. Det motsvarar 60 procent av alla bekräftade avrättningar i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika. Iran kommer som vanligt god tvåa efter Kina i antal utdömda dödsstraff. Iran är ett land där det är väl känt att mänskliga rättigheter inte respekteras av den persiska regimen. Det är ett land där yttrandefrihet, religionsfrihet, föreningsfrihet men även miljöengagemang kan leda till att oskyldiga människor torteras och döms till döden på allehanda oklara grunder.

Under de senaste åren har landet intensifierat gripandet av civila samhällsaktivister, människorättsförsvarare, miljöaktivister och politiska aktivister. Många är de fall som Amnesty med flera uppmärksammat under åren. Idag vill jag särskilt uppmärksamma den svenska forskaren Ahmadreza Djalali, som suttit fängslad i två år i ett av världens farligaste fängelser, Evinfängelset. Det är ett fängelse som är ökänt för sina tortyrliknande metoder och där det rapporterats om att flera fångar torterats till döds. I två år har Djalali varit borta från sin familj och haft knapp kontakt med omvärlden. I januari i år dömdes han till döden anklagad för spioneri, något som många personer med dubbelt medborgarskap drabbas av. Djalali har under det senaste halvåret förlorat uppemot 25 kilo. Hans hälsa har drastiskt försämrats men han nekas sjukvård, och jag vädjar därför till de persiska myndigheterna att garantera Djalali rätt till sin advokat och medicinsk behandling – förutom att dödsdomen omedelbart måste upphävas och att han ska släppas fri och få möjlighet att resa hem till Sverige.

Det finns inga dödsstraff som kan rättfärdigas. Dödsstraffet är snarare ett brott i sig. Det är ett brott som vi här i parlamentet har en skyldighet att uppmärksamma, för alla dem vars röster redan har tystats eller riskerar att tystas.


  Cornelia Ernst, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Wie der Iran mit doppelten Staatsbürgern, den sogenannten EU-Iranern, umgeht, ist ein Riesenskandal. Wie wir jetzt wissen gibt es zahlreiche Fälle, wo Leute inhaftiert sind, gefoltert werden, mit dem Tode bedroht werden, keinerlei Rechtsbeistand haben. Wir müssen ganz klar sagen, dass Menschen- und Bürgerrechte damit mit Füßen getreten werden. Auch wenn die EU in der Anti-Atomfrage natürlich an der iranischen Seite steht und diese unterstützt, weil es um nukleare Abrüstung in dieser Region gehen muss, dürfen wir die massenhafte Verletzung von Menschenrechten nicht zur zweitrangigen Frage machen.

Deshalb fordern wir als Fraktion Frau Mogherini auf, unverzüglich tätig zu werden. Zunächst einmal ist festzustellen, wie viele Leute das wirklich betrifft, die hier inhaftiert sind, und es müssen Wege gefunden werden, diese Inhaftierten endlich freizulassen. Die EU muss dafür sorgen, dass ihre Staatsbürger auch sicher sind, und zwar egal wo.

Wenn der Iran normale Beziehungen zur EU herstellen will – Wirtschaftskontakte beispielsweise –, dann muss die auch Sicherheit unserer Bürgerinnen und Bürger gewährleistet sein. Man kann nicht das Eine ohne das Andere haben. Die brutale und menschenrechtswidrige Justiz im Iran muss beendet werden. Der Menschenrechtsdialog mit dem Iran braucht Konsequenzen – wir werden nicht lockerlassen.


  Bill Etheridge, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, I wish to draw attention to two British citizens in particular held in Iran: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Kamal Foroughi. I will not discuss details of the cases due to the sensitivity. I would just say that Iran must start behaving in a more reasonable way, with respect for other countries and their citizens, if it wishes to be taken seriously and treated with respect by the rest of the world. The release of these British citizens would be a very welcome first step in that direction towards re-engagement with the world and a more sensible, reasonable approach.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, nie je to prvý raz, čo vyjadrujeme znepokojenie nad stavom ľudských práv v Iráne. Je neprípustné, že pokračujú prípady nespravodlivých súdnych procesov, ktoré postihujú občanov s dvojitým EÚ-iránskym občianstvom. Tieto prípady porušujú medzinárodné dohody a podkopávajú dôveru v rozvíjanie spoločných vzťahov. Musíme žiadať iránske autority, aby zabezpečili spravodlivé procesy a prepustili nespravodlivo odsúdených a väznených. Pri tejto príležitosti treba zopakovať, že Irán by mal čo najskôr umožniť návštevu špeciálneho spravodajcu OSN. Som znepokojený správami od ľudsko-právnych organizácií. O týchto prípadoch máme málo informácií, sú však obrazom režimu, ktorý prenasleduje a oberá o základné ľudské práva vlastných občanov. Je dôležité, aby sme práve my upozorňovali na tieto prípady a naliehavo a opakovane apelovali na dodržiavanie ľudských práv v Iráne.


  Jytte Guteland (S&D). – Herr talman, kommissionär Stylianides! Vi står här och kräver högt och tydligt att Ahmadreza Djalalis dödsdom upphävs, att han får komma hem till Sverige till sin familj, och att Kamran Ghaderi, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, Abbas Edalat omedelbart friges. Ett till mycket brådskande fall är Ramin Hossein Panahi, endast 22 år gammal, dömd till döden i en grovt orättvis rättegång. Släpp honom och de andra fria omedelbart.

Situationen för mänskliga rättigheter i Iran är mycket allvarlig. Som part i den internationella konventionen om medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter har Iran skyldigheter. Trots det har gripanden av aktivister och människorättsförsvarare ökat under nuvarande presidentskap. EU har en viktig roll att engagera sig inte bara för det viktiga kärnenergiavtalet utan också för mänskliga rättigheter i Iran. Vi måste alltid stå upp mot dödsstraffet och vi måste alltid säkra de mänskliga rättigheterna.


  Anders Primdahl Vistisen (ECR). – Hr. Formand! Iran har længe spillet et farligt spil, hvor man har brugt truslen om at udvikle atomvåben til at få verden til at se den anden vej. Det handler om den terrorisme, de begår mod deres egne borgere, det handler om den terrorisme, de spreder i regionen og i hele verden, og det handler om den generelle ustabilitet i hele Mellemøsten, som i høj grad har sit udspring i Iran.

Desværre har iranerne også i alt for høj grad og alt for længe fået os til at se den anden vej for så vidt angår menneskerettighedsovertrædelser i Iran, fordi den større trussel om en atommagt mere i verden har stået i forgrunden, så det at sætte effektivt ind imod de iranske brud på menneskerettighederne er kommet i baggrunden. Det er den situation, der bringer os frem til vores debat i dag, der i min optik har et alt for snævret fokus, men trods alt stadigvæk har et meget centralt og vigtig fokus, nemlig spørgsmålet omkring de personer med dobbeltstatsborgerskab, som sidder fængslet under fuldstændig frygtelige forhold i iranske fængsler.

Jeg synes godt, man kunne have udvidet det til også at omhandle alle de iranske statsborgere, som bliver retsforfulgt hver eneste dag på grund af deres politiske overbevisning eller politiske holdninger eller endda deres seksualitet, men vi har taget et godt første skridt på vejen. Jeg håber, at vi her i Europa-Parlamentet vil begynde at sætte et mere kritisk fokus på Iran og landets ageren i verden og ikke kun fokusere på Irans atomaftale.


  Gérard Deprez (ALDE). – Monsieur le Président, aujourd’hui, au moins quatorze ressortissants binationaux et étrangers sont emprisonnés en Iran. Certains – vous l’avez dit – sont condamnés à mort. Je pense en particulier à Ahmad Reza Jalali, qui est bien connu et apprécié dans notre pays, mais aussi à tous les autres. Qu’ont-ils fait? Personne ne le sait. Les procès en Iran sont des simulacres, les aveux sont le plus souvent obtenus sous la torture et sur la base d’accusations invérifiables. En réalité, en Iran, la justice n’est rien d’autre qu’un instrument répressif de la dictature théocratique des mollahs.

L’Union européenne essaie, à bon droit – et je soutiens ses efforts –, de sauver l’accord international sur le nucléaire avec l’Iran. Ce n’est pas une raison pour fermer les yeux sur les violations perpétrées en permanence dans ce pays, non seulement contre les binationaux, mais aussi contre tous les citoyens iraniens qui sont en désaccord avec la dictature cléricale en place.

Nous exigeons la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle de tous les binationaux injustement détenus et nous exigeons la libération de tous les citoyens iraniens injustement condamnés et emprisonnés. Ne pas le faire, c’est se rendre complice des abus d’une dictature.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE). – Pane předsedající, jak bylo řečeno, snaha o záchranu jaderné dohody nemůže zastínit ochranu lidských práv, protože tato ochrana patří k ústavním základům Evropské unie. S lidskými právy se neobchoduje. Jak můžeme věřit v respektování jaderné dohody s Evropskou unií, když Írán nerespektuje občany Evropské unie. Írán jenom bohužel potvrzuje, že je zemí, která nechce dodržovat základní lidská práva, popravuje stovky lidí ročně, přechod ke křesťanství se tam trestá deseti až patnácti lety vězení. Občané Evropské unie jsou v Íránu odsuzováni na základě vynucených doznání. Paní Zaghariová-Ratcliffeová je v íránském vězení držena již více než dva roky. V případě občanů Evropské unie vězněných Íránem musí Evropská unie využít všechny možnosti a dosáhnout propuštění nejen paní Zaghariové-Ratcliffeové, ale všech dalších.


  Flavio Zanonato (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la situazione dei molteplici casi di detenzione dei cittadini con doppia nazionalità, già descritta da molti miei colleghi anche con casi specifici, in Iran è davvero molto allarmante.

Le gravi condizioni di queste detenzioni e i trattamenti durante gli interrogatori sono qualcosa di assolutamente inaccettabile. È fondamentale che le autorità iraniane agiscano con urgenza e in collaborazione con le ambasciate degli Stati membri dell'Unione europea e con tutte le altre istituzioni europee a Teheran, per trattare tutti questi casi, i casi di questi detenuti, con l'obiettivo di liberarli.

Va ribadito che, in accordo con il diritto internazionale, è necessario garantire una difesa in cui l'imputato possa scegliere il proprio avvocato, e garantire soprattutto un processo giusto ed equo. Ritengo inoltre fondamentale che il dialogo tra l'Unione europea e l'Iran sul rispetto dei diritti umani vada portato avanti in tutte le sedi possibili, e che si continui ad affrontare questioni cruciali come la pena di morte e la libertà di espressione.

Per questo ritengo basilare che gli impegni presi con l'accordo sul piano congiunto di azione globale vengano portati avanti e rispettati, soprattutto alla luce del possibile impatto della cooperazione internazionale sulla situazione interna e sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Iran.


  Mark Demesmaeker (ECR). – Voorzitter, commissaris, collega's, kijkt u even mee. Dit is Ahmadreza Djalali, gastdocent aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Een echtgenoot en een vader van twee die zich altijd heeft ingezet voor mens en wetenschap. Twee foto's van dezelfde man: na twee jaar in een Iraanse cel nauwelijks te herkennen, een schim van zichzelf, en hij rekent op onze hulp.

Uit angst voor economische represailles houden de Iraanse leiders Ahmadreza en andere Europese gedetineerden in leven, maar hen vrijlaten zou deze leiders intern gezichtsverlies opleveren. Deze hypocrisie zorgt voor een uitzichtloze lijdensweg voor Ahmadreza en zijn familie.

Als Europese Unie mogen we niet blind zijn voor deze duistere realiteit. Iran is en blijft een theocratie die flirt met het Westen, maar niet van plan is af te wijken van zijn dictatoriale koers.

De aspiratie van de EU naar stabiliteit mag ons niet de andere kant doen uitkijken als het over mensenrechten gaat, ook niet in de nasleep van de terugtrekking van de Verenigde Staten uit het nucleair akkoord.

Ik roep alle Europese leiders op om bij élk overleg, élk contact met het land de mishandeling van Europese gedetineerden scherp te veroordelen en hun vrijlating te vragen.


  Jozo Radoš (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, gospodine povjereniče, stanje sa zatvorenicima u Iranu koji imaju i europsko državljanstvo najbolji je pokazatelj općeg stanja ljudskih prava i stanja u iranskim zatvorima. I nije teško pretpostaviti da je stanje sa zatvorenicima koji nemaju dvostruko državljanstvo, a takvih je većina, još puno teže.

Nakon velikih protesta u siječnju, kada je 5 000 ljudi uhapšeno, a 14 umrlo u zatvorima pod sumnjivim okolnostima, nemiri u Iranu se nastavljaju. Proteklih mjeseci svoje su nezadovoljstvo položajem u Iranu iskazali profesori, vozači kamiona, prosvjednici prilikom proslave prvoga maja, a u gradu Kazerunu, u trećem mjesecu ove godine, prilikom prosvjeda ubijena su tri prosvjednika, a više njih je ozlijeđeno i zatvoreno.

Stoga svako produbljivanje i proširivanje odnosa s Iranom, razvijanje tih odnosa, mora biti praćeno poboljšanjem stanja zatvorenika i stanja u iranskim zatvorima i generalno, stanja ljudskih prava u Iranu.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE). – Mr President, Commissioner, of special concern today is the Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Djalali, sentenced to death. There at least 14 other persons of dual citizenship who have been persecuted. In fact, Iran has intensified arrests of civil society activists, human rights defenders and journalists. We call for the immediate release of all of them – but calling is not enough. On Iran, I think we need a similar approach to that proposed in our next resolution on Saudi Arabia. First, introduction of targeted measures against individuals responsible for grave human rights violations, and second, providing active support for civil society groups and defenders of human rights. I would like here to extend our sympathy and support for the Iranian people who have, since the end of last year, repeatedly demonstrated for social and political rights. If we are serious about our own values, it is our first duty to be actively on their side in their quest for civil liberties, human dignity and democracy.



Procedura "catch the eye"


  Jean-Paul Denanot (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, l’accord sur le nucléaire avec l’Iran, que nous souhaitons voir maintenu malgré l’attitude des États-Unis, n’autorise pas tout. Sur la question des droits de l’homme, le comportement du gouvernement iranien n’est pas en accord avec le pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, dont il est pourtant partie prenante.

La question qui nous préoccupe aujourd’hui est celle des binationaux. L’Union européenne ne peut accepter que six ressortissants binationaux n’aient pas accès à l’ambassade du pays européen dont ils dépendent ou à l’ambassade d’un autre pays européen. Elle ne peut accepter non plus qu’ils n’aient pas accès à un avocat, qu’ils soient emprisonnés sans preuve et sans procès parce qu’ils sont simplement militants des droits de l’homme, de l’écologie ou qu’ils sont militants politiques.

Nous devons donc exiger la libération des binationaux incarcérés et demander davantage de coopération de l’Iran au mécanisme de protection des droits de l’homme, notamment dans le cadre du dialogue de haut niveau entre l’Union européenne et ce pays.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, situace v Íránu je podle mého názoru naprosto neúnosná. Írán podporuje teroristické skupiny, soustavně hromadně porušuje lidská práva. Množstvím poprav svých vlastních občanů se ocitá na špici světového žebříčku. Vidíme občany, jak protestují v Íránu a následně mizí a už se nikdy neobjeví. Já si myslím, že tento režim zasluhuje jednoznačné odsouzení a tlak mezinárodního společenství.

Dvojí státní příslušnost musí Írán respektovat a my se musíme ozvat, zejména v této situaci, kdy Spojené státy americké odstoupily od jaderné dohody. Situace je pro nás do jisté míry výhodnější, můžeme to využít jako páku. Prosím, ozvěme se důsledně k ochraně lidských práv, vyzvěme instituce Evropské unie, aby tato lidská práva hájily v jednání s Íránem. Samozřejmě vyzývám k propuštění nespravedlivě trestaných.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, señor comisario Stylianides, con enormes dificultades y forzada por la dramática posición adoptada en el cambio de guardia de la Casa Blanca por los Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea ha hecho lo correcto, sosteniendo diplomáticamente el acuerdo nuclear con Irán, del que forman parte Estados miembros de la Unión Europea. Pero, al mismo tiempo, tiene que redoblar sus esfuerzos diplomáticos para dar la cara por los ciudadanos europeos con doble nacionalidad —tres británicos, dos suecos, un austriaco— que están padeciendo ese infierno en Irán: condenados en juicios secretos sin asistencia consular, sin asistencia médica, sin la asistencia ni la presencia de las organizaciones no gubernamentales que podrían estar prestando ayuda, ignorando por completo la vinculación de la Convención de Viena, Derecho internacional en lo relativo a la situación de los presos.

La Unión Europea tiene que garantizar diplomáticamente la liberación de los ciudadanos europeos con doble nacionalidad. Esa tiene que ser la contrapartida de la política firme que está sosteniendo, incluidas la denegación de visados y restricciones a Irán adoptadas el pasado 12 de abril.


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, in recent weeks the Iranian people have bravely continued their protests and uprisings. We have seen unprecedented a workers’ protest on 1 May; a teachers’ protest on 10 May; the Baluchis in Zahedan on 20 May; massive protests in the city of Kazerun, where four people were shot dead by security forces on 17 May; lorry drivers who had been on a nationwide strike in more than 200 cities all over Iran for more than a week.

People are demanding their rights in Iran, but there is almost no mention of these uprisings and protests and human rights of the Iranian people by our EU institutions or our EU officials. Instead of focusing only on the nuclear deal, we need to listen to the people in Iran who are fed up with the dictatorship. They want this regime to go, and they deserve our attention.


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, many dual nationals are currently detained in Iran without due process, including two Brits: Abbas Edalat and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. All these cases have their heart-breaking details. I want to specifically mention the case of Nazanin, who took her toddler to Iran to celebrate Nowruz with family in 2016. She was convicted of plotting to overthrow the Iranian Government and now faces new, vague charges. Nazanin is innocent, and she is missing her daughter’s childhood. She is only allowed to see her daughter for 90 minutes a week. I have been in touch with her family, and they appreciate this Parliament’s decision to call for the release and fair treatment of EU-Iranian dual nationals. While we debate these arrests of dual nationals, we must also highlight that these actions are part of a wider crackdown on freedom of assembly in Iran. I urge the External Action Service to firmly and collectively engage their Iranian counterparts, echoing the message of this resolution that we debate today. They must call for the release of all those arbitrarily and unfairly-detained as well as imprisoned human rights defenders. We have to do everything we can to bring Nazanin and her daughter home.


  Heinz K. Becker (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Wir stehen mit dem Iran einem Regime gegenüber, das mit aller Brutalität für die Hälfte aller Todesurteile in der Welt steht – laut Amnesty International gegen alle Menschenrechte und Werte der EU.

We face a brutal dictatorship which is responsible for half of all death penalties in the whole world, against all human rights and values of the EU.

Junge Frauen und Männer protestieren in den Straßen des Iran für Freiheit und Demokratie. Es ist unsere Verpflichtung als europäische Politiker, diese Menschen zu unterstützen. Es muss damit aufgehört werden, immer nach dem Atomvertrag und Verträgen zu schielen.

We have to stop only looking for the nuclear agreement and the business we are chasing ahead. So it is clear that we have to stop our policy. We also face Iran with a regime which threatens the whole peace in the world by trying to extinguish Israel.

Wir müssen damit aufhören, dieses Regime zu unterstützen. Hisbollah und Hamas müssen von der Finanzierung durch iranische Geldmittel abgeschnitten werden. Stoppen wir das iranische Regime heute!


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the recent uprising in Iran led by women gives hope to all of us who believe in the possibility of a free Iran, including freedom for the Anglo-Iranian mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been imprisoned in Iran for more than two years now on trumped-up charges. The complete disregard by the Iranian authorities of her right to a fair trial and to consular assistance is appalling. It is equally appalling to see how in Europe, governments – including the British Government – have failed to address her case in a proper manner. As Nazanin remains jailed and separated from her family, I urge the High Representative to act on her behalf to urge the Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release her, as well as the four other EU-Iranian dual nationals. With the Iran nuclear deal now weakened by the United States, it is more important than ever to continue to fight for human rights in Iran. Normalised relations with Iran will come through upholding our highest standards in terms of human rights, as well as by standing by the deal that the European Union helped to negotiate.



  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, nos últimos anos, têm sido contínuos os julgamentos à porta fechada e as prisões arbitrárias de cidadãos irano—europeus no Irão, já para não falar do número excessivo de execuções. Desde 2015, a Guarda Revolucionária prendeu 30 pessoas com segundo passaporte, a maioria por suposta espionagem, sendo que, destes trinta, dezanove têm nacionalidade de países europeus, como bem sabe.

Caros colegas, o facto de o regime dos aiatolas não reconhecer o estatuto da dupla nacionalidade coloca estes cidadãos numa situação de particular vulnerabilidade, já que nem sequer têm a possibilidade de receber assistência consular. Acresce que os seus advogados e familiares alegam que a Guarda Revolucionária os está a usar como moeda de troca nas relações internacionais e como forma de desincentivar o investimento estrangeiro naquele país.

Senhor Comissário, a União Europeia, ao mesmo tempo que tenta, e bem, salvar o plano abrangente da ação conjunta de 2015 e neutralizar os efeitos extraterritoriais das sanções norte-americanas, não pode deixar de pressionar o supostamente moderado Presidente Rohani para cumprir a sua promessa eleitoral de um maior respeito pelos direitos civis e políticos dos seus cidadãos, incluindo dos que também são cidadãos europeus.


(Fine della procedura "catch the eye")


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the European Union is aware of a number of cases of dual nationals imprisoned in Iran and regularly raises them with the Iranian authorities. We call for their release on humanitarian grounds, we ask for appropriate legal counselling and for adequate medical care to be provided to those in need.

Given that primary responsibility for consular protection of European Union citizens abroad lies with their Member State of origin, European Union action is always coordinated and done at the request of the Member States and/or the respective families. In this vein, we will continue to closely follow the situation on the ground and use every opportunity to discuss the issue of dual nationals with the Iranian authorities.

When in April 2016 the European Union negotiated a joint statement with Iran on the future of our relations, the High Representative / Vice-President said very clearly that human rights had to be an integral part of our engagement. We have established a high-level dialogue with Iran, which is the framework in which all issues are discussed, including human rights. I wish to underline that the European Union has never refrained from raising human rights issues in our contacts with the Iranian authorities. We have constantly called for the respect of human rights, both in public statements and in particular in private conversations.

In 2016, during the European Union-Iran High-Level Dialogue, the European Union had a first direct exchange with interlocutors from the Iranian judiciary on human rights in more than 10 years. The second meeting took place in Tehran in November 2017, and again, a number of issues were raised, including the death penalty, women’s rights and conditions in the Iranian prisons.

Beyond our bilateral engagement, we have been active in multilateral for a, where we supported both the work of the UN Special Rapporteur and the UN Resolution on the situation of human rights in Iran. We have been carrying out démarches and issuing public statements whenever there were major violations in Iran.

We will continue to do so, and we will also continue our informal discussion on human rights to progressively address our concerns through this channel. We feel there is openness also on the Iranian side to engage constructively, even if this means discussing difficult and potentially contentious matters.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà oggi, giovedì 31 maggio 2018.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), per iscritto. – Sono convinto che, nonostante il momento delicato, sia necessario "normalizzare" le nostre relazioni con l'Iran, il che significa trattarlo, né più né meno, nello stesso modo in ci comportiamo con tutti gli altri paesi, senza subire pressioni o influenze esterne. Non dobbiamo quindi aver timore nel confermare il nostro supporto all'accordo nucleare e nel constatare, come vi siano stati alcuni passi avanti, per quanto concerne la situazione dei diritti umani. Al contempo, non possiamo però esimerci dal condannare la repressione dei cittadini iraniani con doppia nazionalità. È emblematico il caso di Ahmadreza Djalali, cittadino svedese-iraniano, già ricercatore presso l'Università di Novara, arrestato mentre si trovava in Iran per dei seminari, obbligato a firmare una confessione e condannato a morte con l'accusa di spionaggio. Djalali è solo uno, dei molti che stanno subendo gli stessi, inaccettabili abusi. Cari amici Iraniani, vi chiediamo di aiutarci ad aiutarvi: è importante che i nostri rapporti rimangano saldi in questo periodo di incertezza, ma questo non può e non deve andare a discapito del più basilare rispetto dei diritti umani. Liberate Djalali e tutti coloro che sono stati arrestati ingiustamente e prepariamoci, assieme, ad affrontare le difficili sfide che il prossimo futuro indubbiamente ci riserverà.


  Svetoslav Hristov Malinov (PPE), in writing. – Many members of the European Parliament are concerned about the situation of human rights in Iran. More than half of the executions in the world take place in Iran. Women have been beaten up, humiliated and arrested in public for refusing to comply with strict rules on compulsory wearing of the veil (hijab). In late December 2017 and January this year, nationwide anti—government protests and uprisings shook the country and covered 142 towns and cities in all the 31 provinces of Iran. Thousands were arrested during the protests and 14 individuals have died in custody following their arrest. The top leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran have professed a leading role for the opposition PMOI in organising the protests. The protests have continued in Iran. For example, on 16 May in the city of Kazerun, government forces opened fire on protesters, leaving 4 dead and many more wounded. Also, truck drivers all over Iran have gone on a strike since 22 May, which has paralysed the country. I believe we should make human rights a condition for our relations with Iran. Human rights and recognising the uprisings in Iran should be our priority, instead of being obsessed with the nuclear deal.


  Monica Macovei (ECR), în scris. – Continuarea detenției persoanelor cu dublă cetățenie, europeană și iraniană, în urma unor procese incorecte trebuie să înceteze imediat, iar deținuții să fie eliberați de îndată. Autoritățile iraniene trebuie să răspundă pentru încălcarea drepturilor acestora. Este foarte grav că mai există cazuri de condamnare la pedeapsa cu moartea, care este interzisă demult în Europa, fără nicio excepție. Iranul trebuie să interzică pedeapsa cu moartea, iar până la legiferare să oprească orice execuție. De asemenea, trebuie să înceteze utilizarea detenției arbitrare în ceea ce privește persoanele cu dublă cetățenie, precum și a străinilor și să ofere garanții procedurale pentru a asigura procese corecte.

Președintele Hassan Rouhani a numit un comitet care să investigheze decesele recente înregistrate în centrele de detenție din Iran, însă, până în prezent, nu a fost făcută publică nicio informație din anchetă. Investigațiile independente ale arestărilor, precum și ale acuzațiilor de utilizare excesivă a forței în timpul protestelor recente din Iran, sunt vitale pentru ca oamenii să aibă o minimă încredere în instituțiile statului și pentru a opri încălcarea brutală a drepturilor civile și politice.

Dernière mise à jour: 18 septembre 2018Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité