 Full text 
Procedure : 2017/2087(INI)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A8-0165/2018

Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 30/05/2018 - 29
CRE 30/05/2018 - 29

Votes :

PV 31/05/2018 - 7.11
CRE 31/05/2018 - 7.11
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 31 May 2018 - Strasbourg

7.11. Implementation of the Ecodesign Directive (A8-0165/2018 - Frédérique Ries) (vote)

– Before the vote on Amendment 5:


  Ashley Fox (ECR). – Madam President, I am moving this oral amendment so that Parliament has the opportunity to express its support for the current exemption for stage lighting from the ecodesign regulations. This is vital for small theatres across Europe. I propose that we add a new Recital La as follows: ‘Whereas the existing exemption for stage lighting from the Commission Regulations 244/2009 and 1194/2012 has been an appropriate and effective way to respect the special needs and circumstances for theatres and the whole entertainment industry and should be continued’.


– The oral amendment was adopted.

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