Πρόεδρος. – Το πρώτο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η συζήτηση επί της ερώτησης με αίτημα προφορικής απάντησης προς την Επιτροπή σχετικά με την απάντηση στις αναφορές σχετικά με την αντιμετώπιση της επισφάλειας και της καταχρηστικής χρησιμοποίησης συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου, που κατέθεσε η Cecilia Wikström, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Αναφορών (O-000054/2018 - B8-0022/2018) (2018/2600(RSP)
Cecilia Wikström, author. – Mr President, in the name of my committee – the Committee on Petitions – I am very proud to present the oral question and the resolution responding to petitions on tackling precariousness and the abusive use of fixed-term contracts.
My committee has received, during the past few years, 80-plus petitions on the use of fixed-term contracts, zero-hours contracts and temporary contracts from different Member States (actually10 different Member States) and therefore the committee decided in November to organise a hearing under the title ‘Protection of the rights of workers in temporary or precarious employment’. The hearing looked in detail at all the issues raised in these petitions. A study on temporary contracts was also commissioned by Policy department C, and was presented during the hearing. It focused on two broad areas: first, atypical forms of employment and franchising; and, second, recommendations on adopting a holistic, comprehensive approach to address these problems.
In January of this year, the committee coordinators unanimously decided, as a follow-up to these two activities, to draft an oral question and a motion for a resolution responding to petitions. In May this year, we also adopted the oral question and the amended draft for a motion. So the oral question tabled by the committee focuses on the correct implementation of EU law regarding the protection of workers in the EU, and on the compatibility of some specific types of contract, such as the currently much-talked-of zero-hours contracts, with European legislation – i.e. whether there is compatibility or not.
Thirdly, action is needed to address the abusive use of fixed-term contracts and precarious forms of employment. We want to ensure proper implementation of employment directives in the public and private sectors. We have also highlighted the legislation proposed by the Commission and the need to ensure the predictability and sustainability of employment. And, lastly, we want to ask the Commission about the state of play in current infringement procedures for violation of EU labour legislation.
When you look at the text of the resolution, you should bear in mind the increase in the number of workers with fixed-term and part-time contracts and the significant increase in temporary employment contracts and atypical contracts, in both the public and private sectors. In the light of this large number of petitions that we have received, we consider there is a need for a debate on the situation of workers in the European Union. We would have liked to do this together with the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, but it takes two to tango and we were simply turned down. Nevertheless, we, as the Petitions Committee, need to address all those citizens everywhere in the Member States who actually came to us pointing out their difficulties.
We must not forget that petitions are a reflection of citizens and their situation, and are an important signalling mechanism to the legislative committees of this House and to the Commission. These petitions reveal gaps in the legislation, or in the implementation of legislation, and the petitions sent to my committee regarding precarious employment should therefore be taken extremely seriously. We would like – and I am talking here on behalf of all the political groups in the Committee – to invite the Commission not only to review the legal instrument but also to think of how, in future, to avoid the harmful situations of which all these people are victims.
We should find ways to ease the life of EU citizens who are suffering from precariousness, and the oral question and the resolution have been put on the plenary agenda in order to draw attention to the concrete problems faced by European citizens. We are – and I personally am – now expecting the Commission not only to reply to the specific points in the oral question but also to commit to making all the necessary efforts to ensure the best possible protection of all workers in the European Union. They deserve it.
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, addressing precarious work remains high on the Commission’s agenda. I referred to the debate which took place in July 2017 when Parliament adopted its resolution on working conditions and precarious employment. The Commission has provided comprehensive answers to your resolution and has also proposed new initiatives.
Our priority now is to ensure that the prosperity generated by the recovering European economy benefits society fairly. We made huge efforts and the economy is growing again. But we are not done yet; we must ensure that no one is left behind. This is the essence of the European Pillar of Social Rights, jointly proclaimed in November last year.
Today’s debate is essentially about our ability to bring the Pillar agenda forward together – in the Commission, Parliament and the Council. On the Commission side, in recent years we have set milestones in the social area. Before the end of this mandate, we must show EU citizens, in a very tangible way, our determination to make the Union fairer and more inclusive. We should not ignore the fact that precarious work has a toll, not only on individuals but on our societies and economies as a whole.
The Union has developed and extended its response to this issue over the years. It has done so through specific EU directives on non-standard forms of work and through enhanced cooperation and coordination with the Member States. This cooperation includes the European Platform on Undeclared Work. This year we issued country-specific recommendations in the European Semester on tackling the informal and shadow economy for Bulgaria and Italy. The European Social Fund provides financial support for disadvantaged youth or the long-term unemployed.
Let me assure you that the Commission is strongly committed to ensuring compliance across the EU. Where necessary, we initiate infringement proceedings, which may ultimately lead the Commission to refer the matter to the Court. The work undertaken by the Committee on Petitions strongly supports and influences our efforts to ensure effective action is undertaken. Thank you so much for this support.
We took concrete actions and put forward a comprehensive set of proposals: firstly, for a directive on predictable and transparent working conditions; secondly, for a Council Recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed; and thirdly, for a regulation establishing a European labour authority.
Through these initiatives, we want to prevent EU workers from being subjected to unfair and precarious working conditions by guaranteeing basic standards for all workers, including workers subject to particularly flexible forms of employment, such as on-demand work or zero-hour contracts; by ensuring social protection coverage regardless of the employment status; and by supporting administrative cooperation and better information to enforce existing rules.
All workers in non-standard forms of employment must benefit from these basic standards. Current EU rules often leave their scope to be determined by national law, which has left out too many workers from protection. It is essential for our initiatives on working conditions that all workers are covered.
This legislative work must be pursued with utmost celerity so that we make these further steps towards fairness and inclusiveness in employment together before the elections.
Jarosław Wałęsa, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, I would like to start by underlining the importance of petitions. This is the way that citizens communicate with us directly and inform us about breaches of EU law. For us, the EPP Group, precarious employment means employment that does not respect European and national law. We want to guarantee flexibility for employers but, at the same time, proper social security for all types of workers.
Now, I need to point out a few facts about this resolution. First of all, I would like to remind you that the conversion of a fixed-term contract into an indefinite one is not an obligation for Member States, but an exclusive national competence. We should not mix EU and national competences regarding labour and social policies. Secondly, when we speak about different directives, we have to recall the fact that they are in place especially to prevent abuses. Thirdly, when we refer to specific cases, we have to take into account all the observations of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
In addition to the current legislation, the Commission issued in December a proposal for a directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU and adopted proposals for a European labour authority and for better access to social protection. I welcome these proposals aimed at improving the existing legislation.
Jude Kirton-Darling, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, in my home region of the North East of England, unemployment reached an all-time low this year, falling below 5%, a figure that would appeal to many economy ministers across Europe. But there’s a catch, because, in the North East, we are the capital for zero-hours contracts in the UK. One out of ten workers has a precarious job, most of them in the form of a zero-hours contract.
Not only does a zero-hours contract come with job insecurity but precariousness at work also leads to inadequate access to social protection, such as benefits and protection from unfair dismissal. It impinges on career development and training and therefore results in precariousness in life more generally.
We, as the Committee on Petitions in this Parliament, have received a large number of petitions calling for European action. In 2016, the Committee on Petitions received submissions from McDonald’s workers who testified that some of their most basic rights, such as the right to maternity leave, paid holidays and redundancy rights, were being withheld because of zero-hours contracts. We have taken this up in Parliament, and I’m proud to support McDonald’s workers – including those brave people who have taken industrial action in the struggle for their rights at work – as well as all the other precarious workers across Europe with the resolution that we’re putting on the table today.
We now need the Commission to act. Commissioner, your representatives confirmed in our Committee on Petitions’ hearing that zero-hours contracts fall within the remit of the EU Part-Time Workers’ Directive, which guarantees the same employment protection for part-time workers as for full-time workers. What will you now do to enforce these rules and give McDonald’s workers across Europe all of the rights that they deserve at work?
Νότης Μαριάς, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας ECR. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η λιτότητα και η βίαιη δημοσιονομική προσαρμογή γέμισαν την Ευρώπη με στρατιές και εκατομμύρια φτωχών και ανέργων. Ταυτόχρονα, οδήγησαν στη μείωση των μισθών και στη διάλυση των εργασιακών σχέσεων. Οι περίφημοι στόχοι της μεταπολεμικής Ευρώπης για πλήρη απασχόληση έγιναν πλέον στόχοι και εφαρμογή στο πεδίο της μερικής απασχόλησης, των άτυπων μορφών εργασίας, της επισφαλούς εργασίας, της εργασίας ορισμένου χρόνου, των συμβάσεων μηδενικών ωρών. Έτσι, λοιπόν, έχουμε μια πλήρη καταχρηστική λειτουργία και της οδηγίας 1999/70/ΕΚ για τις συμβάσεις ορισμένου χρόνου αλλά και, συνολικά, της εργασιακής νομοθεσίας στην Ευρώπη. Στην Ελλάδα επικρατεί πλέον εργασιακή ζούγκλα, μια και η τρόικα και οι μνημονιακές κυβερνήσεις έχουν διαλύσει τις εργασιακές σχέσεις και έχουν καταργήσει τις συλλογικές συμβάσεις εργασίας. Χαιρετίζουμε τη χθεσινή μεγαλειώδη απεργία στην Ελλάδα και τις κινητοποιήσεις των εργαζομένων που έστειλαν αποφασιστικό μήνυμα στην κυβέρνηση ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΑΝΕΛ ότι δεν πάει άλλο και στο θέμα των εργασιακών σχέσεων. Οι στρατιές των συμβασιούχων στην Ελλάδα και το πρόβλημα με τους χιλιάδες εργαζόμενους σε προγράμματα stage καταδεικνύουν το τεράστιο πρόβλημα που υπάρχει. Ειδικότερα, κύριε Επίτροπε, το θέμα με τους χιλιάδες εργαζόμενους σε προγράμματα stage, οι οποίοι πλέον έμειναν εκτός εργασίας, είναι μια κλασική περίπτωση παραβίασης της κοινοτικής νομοθεσίας. Σας καλούμε από το βήμα αυτό να λάβετε συγκεκριμένα μέτρα και να παραπέμψετε την Ελλάδα, διότι έχει παραβιάσει τη νομοθεσία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και να δικαιωθούν έτσι οι χιλιάδες απασχολούμενοι ή πρώην απασχολούμενοι στα προγράμματα stage. Εμείς στην Επιτροπή Αναφορών στηρίξαμε, ως Ομάδα ECR και εγώ ως συντονιστής, αυτή την πρωτοβουλία για ερώτηση και συζήτηση της υπόθεσης η οποία μας απασχολεί. Δεν πρέπει να επιτρέψουμε την κατάχρηση της λειτουργίας των συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου. Όχι στην εργασιακή ζούγκλα.
Yana Toom, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, petitions are an important signal for this Parliament. They show the concerns of Europeans and reflect the situation on the ground. In this case they showed problems regarding precarious work.
During this mandate the Committee on Petitions has received over 80 petitions from 10 different Member States on precariousness and abusive use of fixed-term contracts. As a response, the Committee organised hearings on these issues and now we have an oral question and a resolution.
This resolution sends a powerful message. It sends a message to the petitioners that we have heard them. It sends a message to those who are in precarious employment that we care, and it sends a message to the Commission and Member States that we all need to act.
In the last few years the labour market has been changing. There is a trend to move away from traditional contracts and to move towards more flexibility – flexibility for the employer and the employee. But this shift was not foreseen in the current EU labour laws. Therefore, it sometimes happens that these more flexible workers are less protected. As the labour market changes, we need to adapt.
The gaps in current laws should be closed to guarantee inclusive labour standards. But it is not only the EU which needs to act. The Member States have the most important task: they need to implement the laws to protect the workers. Incorrect implementation leads to insecurity. Infringement proceedings started by the Commission take a long time, even years, and during that entire period the workers suffer.
There are also occasions when Member States can do more, by introducing, for example, better safeguards against abusive use of fixed-term contracts. Member States have the competence and power and should definitely use it. I am therefore happy to see that this resolution covers these issues.
People in precarious working conditions are always in the weaker position. They need us to stand up for them and ensure that they are protected.
Ana Miranda, em nome do Grupo Verts/ALE. – Senhor Presidente, estamos muito preocupados, na nossa Comissão das Petições, com a precariedade no trabalho, como acaba de dizer a presidente. Esta pergunta é a resposta a muitas petições realizadas sobre a precariedade e o abuso nos contratos de trabalho.
O perfil do trabalhador mudou na Europa. Há uma nova categoria de trabalhadores. Ter um trabalho não é ter uma vida. Ter um trabalho, agora, significa muitas vezes ser pobre. Tens trabalho, és pobre. Esta é a nossa realidade.
A maior precariedade laboral da Europa está na Espanha, o Estado onde mais se trabalha com contratos precários, não por vontade, porque já é impossível ter um contrato indefinido. 91,4% dos trabalhos na Espanha são precários. A origem está na estrutura do mercado de trabalho. A eventualidade implica que ter um emprego é estar em situação de pobreza. Na Galiza, o meu país, um em cada 4 empregados tem um contrato a termo, um contrato precário e temporário, registando-se uma das taxas mais altas da União Europeia, de 26,8 %.
Relativamente à juventude, 3 em cada 4 jovens, ou 73,3 %, têm um contrato temporário, seguidos da Eslovénia, da Polónia, de Portugal, da Itália e da Croácia. Ademais, Espanha também lidera na precariedade.
Este é um risco social para a Europa, um risco social, Sr. Comissário. É por isso que dia 19, na Galiza, vamos fazer greve. É por isso também que temos de fazer uma moção de censura à precariedade no trabalho.
Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, είμαστε λίγοι σήμερα το πρωί στην αίθουσα, όμως λίγα μέτρα έξω από αυτούς τους τοίχους, λίγα χιλιόμετρα μακριά από εμάς, εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες άνθρωποι αποτελούν μια θλιβερή στρατιά ανθρώπων που ζουν κάτω από τις τραυματικές εμπειρίες της επισφαλούς εργασίας, για να μην αναφερθώ στην ανεργία. Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες άνθρωποι που υποφέρουν έχοντας μια εργασία δύο ωρών την ημέρα, διότι δήθεν δεν μπορεί να τους προσφερθεί περισσότερο, ή τεσσάρων ή έξι ωρών, και πληρώνονται ίσως και πολύ λιγότερο από αυτό. Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες άνθρωποι για να μην πω εκατομμύρια στις χώρες του Νότου, αλλά και στις χώρες της Βόρειας Ευρώπης, ζουν αυτό το απίστευτο τραύμα του να ζουν κάτω από συνθήκες που δεν επιτρέπονται στη σύγχρονη Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Χθες συζητούσαμε εδώ τη δυνατότητα εργοστασίων εταιρειών να μετακινούνται από κράτος σε κράτος. Δικαίωμά τους να μεταφέρουν την εταιρεία τους όπου θέλουν, όπως και τα εργαλεία τους, τα αυτοκίνητά τους, τα κτίριά τους. Οι άνθρωποι δεν είναι εργαλεία να τα πάρεις να τα μετακινήσεις από ένα κράτος σε άλλο. Συνδέονται τα δύο στα οποία αναφέρομαι, και η επισφαλής εργασία και η υποχρέωση να μετακινηθείς χρησιμοποιώντας μάλιστα το φοβερό επιχείρημα του δικαιώματος της ελεύθερης διακίνησης. Αυτό είναι δικαίωμα, δεν είναι υποχρέωση. Κλείνω λέγοντας ότι το θέμα που συζητούμε σήμερα αφορά πολλά αδέρφια μας, συγγενείς μας, ανθρώπους έξω από αυτή την αίθουσα, αλλά είμαστε εμείς οι ίδιοι που οφείλουμε να τους εκπροσωπήσουμε.
Eleonora Evi, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il precariato è una piaga che espone chi ne è vittima ad un'enorme vulnerabilità sul piano socioeconomico. E questo è ciò che dice questa risoluzione, che prende forma e sostanza dalle numerosissime petizioni inviate dai lavoratori precari, lavoratori precari della scuola, della sanità, della pubblica amministrazione in genere, ma anche del settore privato.
È un dato inequivocabile che nell'Unione europea i precari siano aumentati esponenzialmente, e che tale numero sia stato aggravato dalla evidente incidenza delle politiche di austerità. È chiaro, inoltre, il collegamento diretto tra le condizioni di lavoro precario e l'assenza di misure legislative efficaci per prevenire e sanzionare le discriminazioni e gli abusi in materia di contratti a termine, come nel caso dell'Italia.
La Commissione europea ha una responsabilità diretta in questo perché ha perso tempo, ha accumulato ritardi e ha di fatto quindi consentito l'uso reiterato e abusivo dei contratti a termine in violazione dei diritti dei lavoratori.
È da anni, infatti, che la Corte di giustizia europea afferma che la normativa dell'Unione prevede che i contratti di lavoro a tempo indeterminato debbano costituire la forma comune dei rapporti di lavoro, e che i contratti a tempo determinato siano riconducibili solo alle specificità di alcuni settori e per determinate occupazioni ed attività.
Colleghi e Commissario, in Italia siamo arrivati addirittura al caso limite in cui un lavoratore che ha visto una sentenza favorevole da parte del giudice del lavoro, che lo riconosce come vittima dell'uso abusivo e reiterato dei contratti a termine, viene licenziato.
Questo ovviamente è inaccettabile, dobbiamo rimettere al centro del lavoro la stabilità, la dignità e misure di protezione sociale efficaci.
Dominique Martin, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, la lutte contre la précarité et le recours abusif aux contrats à durée déterminée devient l’un des nombreux serpents de mer de ce Parlement et une énième résolution ne fera rien à l’affaire.
On rejoint là l’impossible défi de la convergence sociale, comme cette harmonisation fiscale tant évoquée. À croire finalement qu’on en parle tout en souhaitant que cela n’arrive jamais, le dumping social étant l’un des moteurs des économies des pays de l’Est comme de l’Ouest, mais pour des intérêts divergents.
Rappelons ici l’évidence. La précarisation des emplois cessera quand et seulement quand nos économies respectives auront retrouvé une croissance réelle qui générera mécaniquement de l’emploi. Il est indispensable de se protéger de la mondialisation par un protectionnisme intelligent, accompagné d’un patriotisme économique. Dans l’Union, il faut acheter ce que produit l’Union, d’abord.
De plus, il est urgent de lutter contre le dumping social organisé par nos propres directives. Malheureusement, la révision de la directive sur les travailleurs détachés, votée ce mardi, montre qu’on est très loin du compte. Loin de ces objectifs qui devraient être prioritaires, votre projet de résolution devient un véritable fourre-tout, où l’on retrouve les désormais inévitables notions de travail inclusif, d’égalité entre les sexes, d’emplois atypiques et non standard, j’en passe et des pires...
Parlons également des nombreuses contradictions de cette proposition. Vous souhaitez trouver des solutions à l’échelon européen alors que, dans votre considérant B, vous énoncez, je cite: «la politique sociale et du travail de l’UE est fondée sur le principe de subsidiarité». Dans votre article 3, vous souhaitez promouvoir les emplois de qualité sûrs et bien rémunérés et renforcer les inspections du travail, alors que, dans votre article 6, vous défendez le droit de chercher un emploi supplémentaire, ce qui justement est de l’emploi précaire.
Ce qui est véritablement grave, c’est le retour de la vulnérabilité des travailleurs pauvres, qui ne peuvent plus se loger, des caissières à temps partiel forcé, des mini-contrats dans les services publics renouvelés à l’infini, des contrats «zéro heure» à la protection sociale incertaine, voire inexistante. Pire, vous parlez de la directive 1999/70/CE et vous espérez une action de la Commission, mais la Commission elle-même viole ce texte, avec les contrats temporaires de certains de ses agents, alors que ce sont des postes permanents. Manifestement, il vous reste bien du chemin à faire.
Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, όταν η απαίτηση του κεφαλαίου για γενίκευση ελαστικής και προσωρινής απασχόλησης είναι η ψυχή της πολιτικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, είναι μύθος το περί προστασίας των επισφαλών εργαζόμενων, όπως η οδηγία που στο όνομα αποφυγής κατάχρησής τους, οι συμβάσεις ορισμένου χρόνου δεν ανανεώνονται και απολύονται οι συμβασιούχοι. Η οδηγία δεν υπόσχεται μόνιμη δουλειά. Είναι μύθος. Αντίθετα, απειλεί και τιμωρεί με υποτιθέμενη υποχρέωση μονιμοποίησης όποιον δεν ανακυκλώνει τακτικά περισσότερους ανέργους. Η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των νέων προσλήψεων είναι προσωρινής απασχόλησης. Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ σαν αντιπολίτευση θεωρούσε παράδεισο μονιμοποίησης την οδηγία αυτή. Σαν κυβέρνηση τη χρησιμοποιεί απολύοντας χιλιάδες συμβασιούχους στους δήμους. Η Επιτροπή, απαντώντας σε ερωτήσεις του ΚΚΕ ξεκαθαρίζει: η οδηγία δεν προβλέπει μετατροπή συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου σε αορίστου. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δεν αναγνωρίζει δικαίωμα στη μόνιμη και σταθερή δουλειά. Μάλιστα, το ίδιο το ψήφισμα μιλάει για μη επιβάρυνση των εργοδοτών, των οποίων ο ρόλος αναβαθμίζεται, και διατήρηση της προσαρμοστικότητας της αγοράς εργασίας. Τέλος λοιπόν, οι μύθοι. Πανεργατικός αγώνας για μόνιμη δουλειά με δικαιώματα, και κατάργηση κάθε μορφής ελαστικής απασχόλησης.
Deirdre Clune (PPE). – Mr President, I think it’s important as well, as others have said this morning, to recognise that when we have petitions from citizens, we need to pay attention and approach them with the correct attitude and in the spirit that they were meant. Actually, working conditions are a combination of EU and national competences, and I think we should recognise that and that there are differences, but I also think the European Union can play a very strong role in this area – and has done. The transparent and predictable working conditions currently in Parliament ... We’ve had a hearing recently in the Employment Committee and the European Labour Authority recognises that workers across Europe need to be protected. In my own country, in Ireland, we recently introduced legislation to ban zero—hours contracts and to address insecure contracts and for those who are working variable hours in precarious situations. All of that is there to prevent the exploitation of workers.
I’d say to employers that it is in their interest to ensure that their workers are committed to their job and to their employment and that, in turn, will create loyalty. We know well that if you exploit workers, you will not get committed workers in that area. But I’d also say to all of us who are consumers as well, and I know a colleague here earlier in the chamber mentioned a particular fast food chain, we have a voice to speak with if we are not content with the way those workers have been treated with regard to the unpredictability of their hours. The fast food chains can certainly predict their hours. They know their hours of opening, so they can certainly give more certainty in that area. I think as consumers we should use our voices as well because the world of work is changing, but at the same time, as consumers we will race to the bottom of the lowest price, but yet we want the best of standards, and we’re willing to buy online and neglect local retailers. I think we all have to play a role in this, but the most important thing is that we do recognise that workers are being exploited and can be exploited, and we need to work together to ensure that adequate protection is put in place to prevent precarious work, particularly zero—hours contracts, which are really giving our workers across the EU no certainty in terms of social commitments or commitments to their families.
Siôn Simon (S&D). – Mr President, there are literally millions of workers in the United Kingdom on zero hours and other exploitative contracts, and the highest proportion of them is in my constituency in the West Midlands, which is the capital of zero-hours contracts in the United Kingdom.
It will seem surprising to some here that a very large number of those people being exploited on those contracts in the United Kingdom – maybe even most of them, but certainly a very large number of those millions – will have voted for Brexit, and it is therefore the right answer that has been sent out from these institutions since the referendum that here, these institutions will deepen and re-double the efforts to tackle those abuses. That is the right answer to send to those people.
However, in order for it to be a real answer, it has to be meaningful legislation, and this petition reflects the voice of our citizens. I did an INI report on this, which was great, but we have to say to the Commission that INI reports and petitions are no longer enough; we need real legislation, we need a recognition of this in the Written Statement Directive. The time for action has come.
Enrique Calvet Chambon (ALDE). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, quiero hablar aquí como coordinador de empleo de ALDE y como ponente del informe sobre la Directiva sobre previsión y transparencia de los contratos de trabajo.
No estamos hablando aquí del problema de las «cero horas»: eso lo tendrá que tratar la Comisión EMPL en su momento. Estamos hablando de contestar a una serie de ciudadanos que han manifestado su preocupación por su situación laboral y por las situaciones laborales, lo cual en época de crisis es absolutamente normal y, de hecho, me extraña que haya tan pocas peticiones. Tendría que haber más, porque todos estamos descontentos en una situación de crisis.
Lo que quiero decir es que hay dos tipos de preguntas. Los que dicen que la ley no se ha desarrollado en su país, etcétera: que vayan a los jueces. Y todas las que nos solicitan que hagamos mejor las cosas. Y desde luego, quiero decirles que el Parlamento está en ello, y que precisamente la Directiva sobre previsión y transparencia de los contratos de trabajo y la forma de trabajo, junto con el work–life balance, junto con el número de la seguridad social, es una andanada, una ofensiva del Parlamento, junto con la Comisión, para atender esas peticiones y mejorar los mercados de trabajo para los trabajadores.
Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). – Prihajam iz Slovenije, kjer je stopnja prekarnosti med višjimi v Evropi. Žal prekarno delo predstavlja in postaja nova oblika sužnjelastniških razmerij 21. stoletja. In prekarnost je za mnoge – žal – edina izbira in je tudi sinonim za kruto negotovost in stanje, kjer delavske in socialne pravice v resnici ne obstajajo. In ta fleksibilnost, popolna fleksibilnost, ki se zahteva od delavca, pomeni, da se mora za to odreči praktično vsemu, tudi lastnemu dostojanstvu. To je žal naša praksa.
Vendar ne smemo pozabiti, ne na evropski ravni, ne v državah članicah, da je pravica do dela temeljna človekova pravica, kar pomeni, da gre za pravico najvišjega pravnega ranga, ki jo zagotavljata seveda tudi mednarodno pravo, tudi ustave, in da tukaj ne gre za pravico, do katerega koli dela, pač pa za pravico do dostojnega dela. In mislim, da smo dolžni prihodnjim in tudi zdajšnjim generacijam ponuditi prihodnost, vredne človeka.
Κωνσταντίνα Κούνεβα (GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κάθε φορά που βρίσκομαι στην Ελλάδα αντιμετωπίζω την απελπισία των εργαζομένων σε συνθήκες επισφάλειας. Γυναίκες πάνω από 50 ετών με προσωρινές συμβάσεις έργου πάνω από 15 χρόνια. Απλήρωτοι καθηγητές με εννεάμηνες συμβάσεις. Άλλοι με συμβάσεις 2 μόνο ημερών την εβδομάδα. Έχουμε και τους εργαζόμενους οι οποίοι προσλαμβάνονται το πρωί και απολύονται το απόγευμα. Αυτό συμβαίνει και αλλού. Σε χώρες που δεν είχαν μνημόνια, το ξέρουμε. Όμως, οι αντοχές τελειώνουν. Πρέπει να υπάρξει πειστική απάντηση. Το ευρωβαρόμετρο μας λέει ότι το 75% των πολιτών δεν είναι ευχαριστημένο από τις προοπτικές στην Ευρώπη. Ο κόσμος δεν αντέχει άλλο να περιμένει. Θα το συναντήσετε μπροστά σας, αν δεν αλλάξετε πολιτική. Σας ερωτώ, λοιπόν, τι κάνουν οι θεσμοί της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στην πράξη για τους απροστάτευτους εργαζόμενους;
Laura Agea (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, i nostri cittadini oggi stanno pagando, ed evidentemente a caro prezzo, gli ultimi dieci anni di riforme strutturali che l'Europa ci ha chiesto, e che hanno provocato soltanto l'aumento del precariato, delle disuguaglianze e della povertà.
In Italia due milioni e mezzo di lavoratori hanno un contratto a tempo determinato. Negli ultimi tre anni gli occupati precari sono cresciuti dell'8,5 % a causa dei danni provocati dal "jobs act" e dalla "buona scuola". Solo nell'ultimo anno è stato creato un milione di contratti di lavoro, ma solo 27 000 sono a tempo indeterminato. Il resto appartiene alla giungla dei contratti non standard, come quelli a zero ore, che sono addirittura aumentati del 124,7 %.
Queste nuove forme di occupazione stanno inoltre rendendo meno netti i confini tra lavoro dipendente e lavoro autonomo, portando a un peggioramento della qualità del lavoro e all'aumento del lavoro autonomo fittizio. Oggi abbiamo sentenze che certificano l'assenza di tutele efficaci per chi è vittima di abusi della contrattazione a termine, in violazione della normativa europea sul lavoro a tempo determinato.
Oggi, in buona sostanza, certifichiamo il fallimento delle riforme attuate nel nostro paese, su richiesta dell'Europa, poiché, come sempre ricordiamo, imporre riforme strutturali senza una valutazione ex ante è veramente deleterio.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já bych chtěl podtrhnout důležitost této petice, protože Evropský parlament by měl reagovat na množství těchto petic a porušování směrnice o pracovních poměrech na dobu určitou ve veřejném sektoru, zároveň také na nejisté pracovní podmínky pracovníků se smlouvami na nulový počet pracovních hodin a problémy zastupování odborů a rozdílnosti v systémech sociálního zabezpečení.
Já bych chtěl říci, že Česká republika například změnila svoji pracovní legislativu právě po vstupu do Evropské unie nebo pod vlivem vstupu do Evropské unie a že ten vliv evropského práva byl na pracovní trh jednoznačně pozitivní. Chtěl bych zdůraznit, že souhlasím s tím, že by měly státy a samozřejmě evropské instituce bojovat proti nejistému zaměstnávání, jakým jsou například právě smlouvy na nulový počet pracovních hodin, zajištěním toho, že budou respektovány právě evropské právní předpisy, a zejména také judikatura Soudního dvora, jak už na ni poukázali moji kolegové. Myslím si, že by zároveň Evropská komise měla uvažovat o legislativě, kterou by byl právě účinně řešen problém zaměstnavatelských praktik vedoucích k nejistým pracovním podmínkám.
Na druhou stranu chci zdůraznit, že i pro zaměstnavatele jsou podmínky na trhu volné soutěže také poměrně nejisté, a proto jsem přesvědčen, že jeden opakovaný pracovní poměr na dobu určitou je přípustný. Souhlasím s tím, že jistota pracovníků by měla být ovšem také posílena. Chtěl bych zároveň závěrem odsoudit prodlužování pracovních smluv na dobu určitou s cílem pokrýt potřeby, které nejsou svou povahou dočasné, to znamená vlastně obcházení legislativy, kdy zaměstnavatel zneužije možnosti případného opakovaného uzavření tohoto pracovního poměru.
Marlene Mizzi (S&D). – Grazzi Sur President, Sur Kummissarju. Mill-bidu ta’ din il-leġiżlatura, il-Kumitat tal-PETI rċieva numru kbir ta’ petizzjonijiet dwar it-tħassib taċ-ċittadini fuq il-kuntratt tax-xogħol tagħhom, fuq bażi temporanja jew b’kundizzjonijiet prekarji. Huwa allarmanti verament li l-impjiegi prekarji qegħdin jiżdiedu madwar l-Ewropa, b’aktar u aktar ħaddiema jispiċċaw mingħajr sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol, mingħajr ħlas suffiċjenti jew protezzjoni soċjali.
Il-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol, l-impjiegi diċenti u d-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema m’humiex biss indispensabbli għall-ġustizzja soċjali u għal ekonomija xierqa tas-suq imma wkoll għall-politika ta’ koeżjoni u għall-integrazzjoni ekonomika u soċjali bla xkiel fl-Istati Membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea u r-reġjuni tagħha.
Importanti li nifhmu li l-Unjoni Ewropea għandha bżonn road map ċara u ambizzjuża kontra l-inugwaljanzi biex tegħleb il-prekarjat fis-suq tax-xogħol. Il-ħaddiema kollha, jgħid x’jgħid il-kuntratt tagħhom, irid ikollhom il-garanzija ta’ żewġ drittijiet bażiċi: kuntratt tax-xogħol ċar u diċenti u l-aċċess sħiħ għall-protezzjoni soċjali.
Ángela Vallina (GUE/NGL). – Señor presidente, hoy, desde luego, traemos a debate y votación esta propuesta de Resolución de este Parlamento condenando la precariedad laboral en un contexto en el que los contratos a tiempo parcial y por tiempo determinado se han multiplicado en toda la Unión en los últimos quince años.
En opinión de nuestro Grupo, hemos entrado en una carrera a la baja de las condiciones laborales de las trabajadoras y los trabajadores en toda Europa y en mi país, España, desde luego de manera exponencial.
La crisis económica y financiera ha sido la tormenta perfecta para que los mercados de inversión, las agencias de calificación de deuda, el Banco Central Europeo y la derecha neoliberal en general ataquen las condiciones de vida de las clases trabajadoras.
Estamos, señor comisario, en un punto crítico, volviendo a niveles de precarización del trabajo que no se veían en Europa desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El escenario es terrible y la respuesta, por tanto, debe ser, ante todo, también ideológica.
Deben reforzarse las Directivas que regulan la contratación, la protección laboral en la legislación estatal y el diálogo social como marco de regulación de las condiciones de trabajo. No puede haber justicia social si avanzamos hacia nuevas formas de esclavitud encubiertas.
Sofia Ribeiro (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, a resposta aos cidadãos que se dirigem massivamente por petições à União Europeia requer o máximo respeito, que tem de estar expresso na qualidade da resposta, que tem de ser célere e não pode ser evasiva nem desfasada das realidades político-administrativas regionais, nacionais e comunitárias.
Estamos perante cidadãos que confiam na União Europeia e a nós recorrem na expetativa de que resolvamos os seus problemas, mesmo contra poderes instalados.
Senhor Comissário, é muito grave recebermos inúmeras petições de cidadãos europeus sobre situações de precariedade e utilização abusiva de contratos de trabalho a termo, violando uma diretiva europeia, o que sucede quer no setor privado quer no setor público.
Os números são assustadores. Em Portugal, 82 % dos trabalhadores temporários são-no involuntariamente, situação que afeta essencialmente os jovens, o que, de acordo com uma avaliação da Comissão, evidencia uma elevada segregação laboral que urge corrigir. São situações em que, contrariamente à sua expetativa, os trabalhadores são forçados a aceitar trabalho a tempo parcial, sazonal, com um horário indefinido ou falso trabalho independente.
Já no que concerne ao abuso de contratos sucessivos a termo, são os próprios governos dos Estados-Membros os primeiros a violar a diretiva europeia, quando deviam ser os primeiros a dar o exemplo ao setor empresarial. Isto também sucede no meu país e na minha região, em especial na classe docente.
Enquanto isto, a Comissão ignora o amontoado de queixas e arranja subterfúgios burocráticos para adiar ou evitar respostas que vão contra os governos nacionais. Há uma duplicidade de critérios que é inaceitável. Se, por um lado, estamos a exigir ao setor privado – e muito bem – mecanismos de proteção dos trabalhadores, não podemos, por outro lado, fechar os olhos à ação dos governos nacionais.
Senhor Comissário, é necessário dar respostas céleres, adequadas e sem receios dos poderes instalados, defendendo uma verdadeira Europa Social.
Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (S&D). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, realmente lo que debatimos aquí, hoy, son las consecuencias del tratamiento de la crisis, tratamiento que optó por la austeridad para mejorar la competitividad y que lo que nos trajo es disminución de los derechos sociales, disminución de los salarios, disminución de los estándares laborales —al fin y al cabo— de los trabajadores, inseguridad y precariedad laboral, que muy especialmente afectan a las mujeres y a los jóvenes, y que lastrarán el futuro de la Unión Europea.
Eso es lo que debatimos hoy, el resultado de este tratamiento de la crisis.
Pero llama la atención que existe una amplia normativa europea y llama la atención que, mientras esto ocurre, la Unión Europea está mirando para otro lado. Y mira para otro lado cuando los peticionarios se quejan incluso de que no se contestan sus peticiones a tiempo o no se les llega a contestar. Y es cierto.
Desde aquí se han exigido reformas, se han exigido medidas, pero no se ha exigido que, al mismo tiempo, se garantice lo que la Directiva en materia laboral exigiría.
Por lo tanto, eso es lo que le pido a la Comisión que exija ese seguimiento, ese cumplimiento y que abra los expedientes por infracción que se tengan que abrir, y que aquellos que están abiertos se concluyan; pero muy especialmente que las políticas del Semestre Europeo exijan el cumplimiento de los estándares laborales.
También le pido, de forma muy específica, que se tomen medidas para que se elimine y se acabe, de una vez por todas, con el encadenamiento sucesivo de contratos temporales que realmente son indefinidos —esto ocurre en toda la Unión Europea y debe terminarse— y que se regulen los contratos de cero horas.
Por lo tanto, la Comisión Europea tiene un papel muy importante que ejercer para garantizar los derechos de los trabajadores y acabar con este lastre que es la precariedad laboral de los ciudadanos europeos.
Tania González Peñas (GUE/NGL). – Señor presidente, la Directiva 1999/70/CE del Consejo indica que los contratos indefinidos deben ser la forma general de relación laboral. Sin embargo, vivimos en el boom del empleo atípico, temporal y a tiempo parcial no deseado. Hay Estados que incumplen de manera sistemática esa legislación, pero la Comisión sigue retrasando la tramitación de procedimientos de infracción, de la misma manera que sigue sin dar respuesta al aumento de nuevas peticiones sobre la materia.
Existen muchos colectivos afectados por la trampa de la precariedad: trabajadores en prácticas, falsos autónomos, repartidores de Amazon y Deliveroo, las kellys —las camareras de piso de los hoteles—, las cuidadoras profesionales —en su gran mayoría, mujeres inmigrantes— o, por ejemplo, las empleadas de hogar, a quienes, en España, lejos de mejorar sus condiciones, una enmienda del Partido Popular y Ciudadanos va a retrasarles cinco años más su incorporación al Régimen General de la Seguridad Social, prolongando, de manera insostenible, su precarización.
La Comisión debe tomar medidas para acabar con las cláusulas abusivas y apostar por una legislación garantista y, además, tenemos que tomarnos en serio una reordenación del tiempo para pensar la relación entre el trabajo y la vida que ponga en el centro a los cuidados y a las personas.
Agnes Jongerius (S&D). – Voorzitter, geen garantie of je je huur morgen kan betalen. Geen garantie ook of je morgen kan werken en onzekerheid over de verzekering voor pech tijdens het werk. Niemand wil onzekerheid en toch zijn er werkgevers – in mijn land, Nederland, voorop – die steeds meer verslaafd zijn aan flexibele arbeid.
Aan de ene kant zien we de geldberg van multinationals als McDonald's en Uber en die van hun aandeelhouders groeien, en anderzijds betalen ze niet mee aan de collectieve voorzieningen en zadelen zij hun personeel op met onzekere contracten. Daarmee worden de Deliveroo's van deze wereld de Dagobert Ducks van Europa.
Werk lijkt geen garantie meer te zijn om niet arm te zijn en daarom moet de economische koek anders en eerlijker verdeeld worden. Verhoog de belasting op kapitaal, verhoog de lonen, zoals ook het IMF bepleit, en maak ten slotte een einde aan de onzekere contracten, want een baan met onzekerheid, dat vreet aan mensen.
Διαδικασία «catch the eye»
Peter Jahr (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Ich möchte in Ergänzung zu meinem Koordinatorkollegen Wałęsa noch ein paar ergänzende Bemerkungen machen. Erstens: prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse, das ist ein Thema – selbstverständlich, könnte ich sagen, sonst hätten wir ja auch nicht die Petitionen im Petitionsausschuss, die vorliegen. Zweitens: Besteht Handlungsbedarf? Ja, es besteht Handlungsbedarf! Wo ist nun das eigentliche Problem? Das eigentliche Problem ist, dass wir aufpassen müssen, dass wir dann zum Schluss nicht zu viel wollen. Es geht im Prinzip um die Problematik, den scheinbaren Konflikt aufzulösen zwischen fair und Vertragsfreiheit, und ich denke, wir können diesen Konflikt auflösen, denn für mich gibt es immer eine Grenze zwischen anständig und unanständig.
Genau diese Grenze müssen wir aus europäischer Sicht formulieren, und deshalb auch meine Bitte an die Kolleginnen und Kollegen: Wir sollten uns auf diese wichtige Aufgabe konzentrieren. Manchmal wollen wir zu viel, und wir machen die Europäische Union auch nicht besser, wenn wir hier Dinge verabschieden, die dann wirklich in den Mitgliedstaaten nicht umsetzbar sind. Deshalb arbeiten wir zusammen, um diese prekären, unanständigen Arbeitsverhältnisse aufzulösen, etwas Ordnung in das System zu bringen und natürlich die Vertragsfreiheit damit nicht zu töten.
Tonino Picula (S&D). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, gospodine povjereniče, potpuno podržavam inicijative Odbora za predstavke. Kapital i tržišta su se globalizirali zadnjih tridesetak godina, veoma snažno. Nažalost, nisu se istodobno globalizirala i radna prava po kojima je europska država blagostanja (welfare state) bila poznata u globalnim razmjerima.
Negativne posljedice globalizacije dovele su do pojave prekarijata, koji je na putu da zamijeni proletarijat, čak i u nekim razvijenim dijelovima svijeta. Mladi, žene i stariji radnici uvelike su pridonijeli redefiniranju zaposlenosti. Podaci pokazuju da je svaka generacija manje zastupljena u trajnom zapošljavanju od prethodne. U analizu treba uključiti radne i prisilne migracije, kao i demografske promjene. Na primjer, moja domovina, Republika Hrvatska, jedna je od zemalja s najvišim postotkom stanovništva starijim od 60 godina, a čak 25 % radnika radi u prekarnim uvjetima.
Ovo je vrijeme rasprava o budućnosti Europske unije. One moraju ponuditi odgovore na ovaj ozbiljan problem jer se vremenom pokazalo da je europsko integriranje jednostrano. Previše se inzistiralo na tržištu i monetarnoj integraciji, a uvelike su se zanemarile socijalne i politike zapošljavanja.
Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ο τομέας εργασίας είναι ένας από εκείνους στους οποίους η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει αποτύχει. Αντί να προστατεύει τα δικαιώματα των εργαζομένων, προσπαθεί να τα περιορίσει. Πριν μερικά χρόνια, θέματα όπως της επισφάλειας στην εργασία, καταχρηστική χρησιμοποίηση συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου εργασίας, συμβάσεις μηδενικών χρόνων εργασίας ήταν άγνωστα. Τώρα, όχι μόνο είναι γνωστά, αλλά αποτελούν και τη βάση της λειτουργίας του συστήματος εργασίας έχοντας δημιουργήσει έναν εργασιακό μεσαίωνα, στον οποίον υποφέρουν, ταλαιπωρούνται και εξευτελίζονται οι ευρωπαίοι εργαζόμενοι, κυρίως οι νέοι ιδιαίτερα δε οι νέοι της καθημαγμένης από τα μνημόνια Ελλάδος. Όλα αυτά γίνονται για να μειωθούν οι μισθοί και οι συντάξεις και να υποχρεωθούν οι ευρωπαίοι εργαζόμενοι να αποδεχθούν τις απαιτήσεις ενός αντεργατικού και αντιλαϊκού εργασιακού συστήματος. Αυτός, άλλωστε, είναι και ο λόγος για τον οποίον επιτρέπεται η πρόσβαση νέων από τρίτες χώρες στην Ευρώπη και νομιμοποιούνται κατά χιλιάδες νέοι παράνομοι μετανάστες. Όλοι αυτοί δημιουργούν την πίεση στους ευρωπαίους νέους είτε να δεχθούν την κατάσταση που υπάρχει είτε να παραμένουν άγνωστοι. Θέλω να πιστεύω ότι στις επόμενες ευρωεκλογές οι εγκέφαλοι αυτής της απαράδεκτης καταστάσεως θα λάβουν την αρμόζουσα απάντηση.
Κώστας Μαυρίδης (S&D). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, οι παραβιάσεις των όρων εργασίας μιας αξιοπρεπούς θέσης προϋπήρχαν της οικονομικής κρίσης. Ωστόσο, η ισορροπία ανάμεσα στους εργοδότες και στους εργαζόμενους έχει διασαλευθεί προς το χειρότερο μετά την οικονομική κρίση είτε με την απειλή της οικονομικής κρίσης. Για να επανέλθουμε πίσω σε ένα επίπεδο ισορροπίας που προϋπήρχε με τις συλλογικές συμβάσεις, αυτό θα πάρει χρόνο. Επομένως, το ερώτημα που όλοι αντιμετωπίζουμε είναι πώς περιορίζουμε τις καταχρηστικές συμπεριφορές των εργοδοτών απέναντι στους εργαζόμενους. Νομίζω ότι δύο είναι τα εργαλεία. Είτε με νέα νομοθεσία είτε πρωτίστως με αποτελεσματική εφαρμογή της υφιστάμενης και νέας νομοθεσίας και προτείνω δύο πράγματα. Το ένα το έχει πει ο κύριος Juncker: νέα αρχή εφαρμογής της νομοθεσίας σε πανευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο που να περιλαμβάνει και τις δικαστικές αποφάσεις. Το δεύτερο: γρήγορους εξωδικαστικούς μηχανισμούς. Εδώ και η Κύπρος μπορεί να δείξει ένα σωστό παράδειγμα. Για παράδειγμα, εννοώ με αποφυγή των καταχρηστικών όρων εργασίας.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, le large soutien que les pétitions ont recueilli envoie un message fort sur la nécessité d’un changement immédiat. L’abus de droits de MacDonald’s ou d’autres entreprises dans le secteur public ou privé doit prendre fin immédiatement. Les travailleurs ayant un emploi précaire sont encore plus exposés à la vulnérabilité socio-économique et risquent davantage de ne pas disposer des ressources suffisantes pour mener une vie décente.
Comme le souligne la résolution, il faut «ajuster les politiques de lutte contre la précarité au caractère dynamique de celle-ci, tout passant par des trains de mesures à tous les niveaux et intégrés, qui soutiennent des normes inclusives et concrètes en matière de travail, couplées à des mesures efficaces permettant de veiller au respect du principe d’égalité».
En outre, je partage l’opinion selon laquelle la Commission et les États membres doivent lutter contre l’emploi précaire, tel que les contrats «zéro heure», en s’appuyant sur de nouveaux instruments et en assurant le respect cohérent de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, ainsi que l’application concrète de la législation nationale et européenne au niveau national, afin de lutter contre la pénurie d’emplois décents et de mettre en œuvre une stratégie basée sur les droits.
(Λήξη της διαδικασίας «catch-the-eye»)
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, this debate shows once more the relevance and the urgency of our initiatives to tackle precarious work.
The Commission has tabled some proposals that specifically target precariousness in employment. No doubt new challenges are developing continuously in today’s labour market. There is a growing risk of lack of protection of workers, especially those in new and non-standard forms of employment. This is the situation on the ground.
Therefore, our efforts must be sustained and intensified. As the Commission, we count on your support to rapidly translate the Commission’s recent proposals into reality, and with the degree of ambition and protection that EU citizens expect from the EU. We have to meet the expectations of our citizens.
Πρόεδρος. – Έχω λάβει, σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 128 παράγραφος 5 του Κανονισμού, μία πρόταση ψηφίσματος.
Η συζήτηση έληξε.
Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί την Πέμπτη 31 Μαΐου.
5. Συζήτηση για περιπτώσεις παραβίασης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, της δημοκρατίας και του κράτους δικαίου (συζήτηση)
5.1. Κατάσταση των φυλακισμένων ατόμων που έχουν διπλή ιθαγένεια (ΕΕ-Ιράν) στο Ιράν
Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η συζήτηση επί πέντε προτάσεων ψηφίσματος σχετικά με την κατάσταση των φυλακισμένων ατόμων που έχουν διπλή ιθαγένεια (ΕΕ-Ιράν) στο Ιράν (2018/2717(RSP)
Charles Tannock, author. –Mr President, Iran’s detention of a number of dual nationals continues to place a strain on relations between it and EU Member States. Today’s resolution topic is sometimes lost in the midst of broader issues such as the unrelated JCPOA on the nuclear deal. Iran, sadly, continues to support terrorist groups and does indeed practice internal repression and human rights abuses at home. Many of these EU dual nationals, including Mrs Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British citizen, have been detained on spurious charges without any recognised due process by international standards and are often denied access to consular assistance, as Iran doesn’t recognise their second EU nationality. Whilst detained, many are reported to face solitary confinement and cruel treatment during interrogation.
So I today support the call for the release of all those detained solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, but also for those, such as Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who are being detained on spurious charges invoking bogus national security concerns.
Klaus Buchner, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! Unsere Beziehung mit dem Iran ist durch die Kündigung des Atomvertrags durch die USA einer besonderen Belastung ausgesetzt. Wir müssen alles dafür unternehmen, dass dieser Vertrag bestehen bleibt, damit mit ihm die nukleare Aufrüstung in der ganzen Region verhindert wird. Das kann aber keinesfalls bedeuten, dass wir unsere Grundsätze aufgeben. Natürlich sind uns die Menschenrechte dabei besonders wichtig.
Wir werden heute eine Entschließung beschließen, in der wir den Iran bitten, die Urteile gegen Personen zu überprüfen beziehungsweise aufzuheben, die die doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit besitzen – die der EU und die des Iran. Das muss auch in dieser schwierigen Situation möglich sein. Denn gerade unter Freunden kann man Wünsche und Bitten äußern. Alles andere wäre doch ein Zeichen mangelnden Vertrauens.
Unsere iranischen Partner wissen, dass wir in einigen Bereichen – und gerade bei der Rechtsprechung – völlig andere, entgegengesetzte Auffassungen haben. Unsere Auffassungen haben wir uns in jahrhundertelangem Ringen erkämpft. Wir können davon nicht abrücken. So bitte ich die iranischen Behörden herzlich, die vier Personen, die in den Entschließungen genannt sind, nach Europa zurückkehren zu lassen. Das gilt in ganz besonderem Maß für Herrn Doktor Ahmadreza Djalali.
Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, I demand the release of unfairly-jailed persons and jailed human rights defenders, and that the EU must remain determined to put human rights concerns with Iran as a priority on every possible occasion. The arrests of dual nationals are part of a wider crackdown on human rights in Iran. Also, women are facing prosecution for protesting against Iran’s compulsory dress code. I am very worried about the reports of recent deaths in detention, especially as no Iranian official has ever been held accountable for the violations of human rights of persons in state custody. Cases where imprisoned individuals are sentenced to death are also extremely worrying. The EU is committed to the universal abolition and an immediate stop of the death penalty, and I am committed to seeing the stop of all state killings.
Lars Adaktusson, författare. – Herr talman! Sedan april 2016 är den svensk-iranske forskaren Ahmadreza Djalali fängslad i Iran. Amnesty International och oberoende FN-experter anser att anklagelserna som riktas mot honom är grundlösa. Trots det är han dömd till döden. Detta är ett övergrepp mot en enskild EU-medborgare, och det är också en skymf mot människovärde och mot demokratiska värderingar. Trots förhoppningar om förändring i Iran blir situationen allt värre. Regimens stöd till terrorismen ökar; avrättningarna blir fler liksom brotten mot mänskliga rättigheter.
För att inte störa relationerna till regimen hävdar vissa att tyst diplomati ska tillämpas i fallet Djalali. Denna tysta diplomati är fram till i dag resultatlös. Därför är den resolution som vi i dag ska behandla så viktig. Från Europaparlamentet säger vi direkt till den iranska regimen: frige Ahmadreza Djalali, respektera mänskliga rättigheter, avskaffa dödsstraffet.
Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, while human rights in Iran are systematically violated, European leaders have most attention for the rescue of the JCPOA. Preserving the nuclear deal is important, but we must be able to address human rights as well as Iran’s toxic role in the Middle East.
Dual nationals are used by Iran’s rulers as political pawns. They suffer in prisons without access to lawyers, doctors and EU diplomats. Often they are forced into confessions, after which torture and possibly the death penalty can follow. The fact that EU citizens are seen as only Iranians when they still have that nationality tells us all we need to know about the countless Iranians and how they are treated unjustly in prisons. We call for their release, and we appeal to High Representative / Vice-President Mogherini and Member State leaders not to allow talks on the nuclear agreement to overshadow our responsibility to address the grave human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Janusz Lewandowski, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Dziś omawiamy i głosujemy nad rezolucją nietypową, która ma bardzo personalny charakter – upominamy się o uwięzione osoby posiadające podwójne obywatelstwo unijno-irańskie. Na początku był to tylko pan Djalali, o którego upominaliśmy się wielokrotnie, teraz są tam cztery nazwiska. Kwestia praw człowieka była, jest i będzie na agendzie delegacji do spraw Iranu, ale wiem, że nie wszystkie kraje i nie wszystkie rodziny godzą się na tak publicznie stawiane interwencje. Wyrażam nadzieję, że nasza rezolucja pomoże osobom tam wymienionym.
Ale dzieje się to w czasie szczególnym. Unia Europejska dźwiga większą odpowiedzialność za powstrzymanie nuklearnego wyścigu zbrojeń w tym najbardziej „wulkanicznym” regionie świata, niż wtedy, gdy stroną tego układu były Stany Zjednoczone. Jak podtrzymać sojusz transatlantycki w epoce prezydenta Trumpa, jak ocalić porozumienie nuklearne, nie rezygnując ze stawiania praw człowieka? Oto jest prawdziwe nasze wyzwanie.
Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, despite our goodwill and engagement, Iran continues to be a massive violator of human rights. According to Amnesty International, in 2017, the country was responsible for a majority of the world’s executions that year. In late 2017 and January 2018, massive demonstrations happened. Then thousands of Iranian people – young people mostly – were imprisoned, including dual nationals of both EU Member States and other democracies’ nationalities. A number of them have also died in the most suspicious conditions, including well-known Iranian-Canadian, Professor Emami.
We have to appeal to High Representative Mogherini to take the floor and put this topic high in the agenda in her dialogue with Iran. We have to support the role of the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran and Iran’s authorities allowing him entry to the country and continuation of the report.
Frédérique Ries, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Monsieur le Président, c’est un collègue urgentiste qui a vu ces photos récentes qui le dit: Ahmad Reza Jalali est à peine reconnaissable, il a l’air mourant. En janvier dernier déjà, j’ai interpellé dans cet hémicycle la haute représentante sur le sort de ce suédo-iranien, professeur à la VUB de Bruxelles, condamné à mort après une farce de procès et sous un prétexte fallacieux, il y a deux ans. Il croupit depuis dans une cellule, dans l’attente de son exécution sans cesse repoussée, heureusement, sous la pression internationale, mais sans accès ni à un avocat ni à un médecin. De nombreux binationaux sont dans la même situation, comme le chercheur britannico-iranien Abbas Edalat, arrêté il y a un mois, sans qu’aucun chef d’accusation ne lui ait été communiqué.
Que fait-on? À l’heure où Donald Trump menace de sortir de l’accord nucléaire, l’Iran a plus que jamais besoin du partenaire européen que nous sommes. C’est là que nous disposons d’une arme, d’un levier plutôt, Monsieur le Commissaire, pour forcer l’Iran à libérer tous ces otages politiques.
Bodil Valero, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Under 2017 avrättades 507 personer i Iran. Det motsvarar 60 procent av alla bekräftade avrättningar i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika. Iran kommer som vanligt god tvåa efter Kina i antal utdömda dödsstraff. Iran är ett land där det är väl känt att mänskliga rättigheter inte respekteras av den persiska regimen. Det är ett land där yttrandefrihet, religionsfrihet, föreningsfrihet men även miljöengagemang kan leda till att oskyldiga människor torteras och döms till döden på allehanda oklara grunder.
Under de senaste åren har landet intensifierat gripandet av civila samhällsaktivister, människorättsförsvarare, miljöaktivister och politiska aktivister. Många är de fall som Amnesty med flera uppmärksammat under åren. Idag vill jag särskilt uppmärksamma den svenska forskaren Ahmadreza Djalali, som suttit fängslad i två år i ett av världens farligaste fängelser, Evinfängelset. Det är ett fängelse som är ökänt för sina tortyrliknande metoder och där det rapporterats om att flera fångar torterats till döds. I två år har Djalali varit borta från sin familj och haft knapp kontakt med omvärlden. I januari i år dömdes han till döden anklagad för spioneri, något som många personer med dubbelt medborgarskap drabbas av. Djalali har under det senaste halvåret förlorat uppemot 25 kilo. Hans hälsa har drastiskt försämrats men han nekas sjukvård, och jag vädjar därför till de persiska myndigheterna att garantera Djalali rätt till sin advokat och medicinsk behandling – förutom att dödsdomen omedelbart måste upphävas och att han ska släppas fri och få möjlighet att resa hem till Sverige.
Det finns inga dödsstraff som kan rättfärdigas. Dödsstraffet är snarare ett brott i sig. Det är ett brott som vi här i parlamentet har en skyldighet att uppmärksamma, för alla dem vars röster redan har tystats eller riskerar att tystas.
Cornelia Ernst, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Wie der Iran mit doppelten Staatsbürgern, den sogenannten EU-Iranern, umgeht, ist ein Riesenskandal. Wie wir jetzt wissen gibt es zahlreiche Fälle, wo Leute inhaftiert sind, gefoltert werden, mit dem Tode bedroht werden, keinerlei Rechtsbeistand haben. Wir müssen ganz klar sagen, dass Menschen- und Bürgerrechte damit mit Füßen getreten werden. Auch wenn die EU in der Anti-Atomfrage natürlich an der iranischen Seite steht und diese unterstützt, weil es um nukleare Abrüstung in dieser Region gehen muss, dürfen wir die massenhafte Verletzung von Menschenrechten nicht zur zweitrangigen Frage machen.
Deshalb fordern wir als Fraktion Frau Mogherini auf, unverzüglich tätig zu werden. Zunächst einmal ist festzustellen, wie viele Leute das wirklich betrifft, die hier inhaftiert sind, und es müssen Wege gefunden werden, diese Inhaftierten endlich freizulassen. Die EU muss dafür sorgen, dass ihre Staatsbürger auch sicher sind, und zwar egal wo.
Wenn der Iran normale Beziehungen zur EU herstellen will – Wirtschaftskontakte beispielsweise –, dann muss die auch Sicherheit unserer Bürgerinnen und Bürger gewährleistet sein. Man kann nicht das Eine ohne das Andere haben. Die brutale und menschenrechtswidrige Justiz im Iran muss beendet werden. Der Menschenrechtsdialog mit dem Iran braucht Konsequenzen – wir werden nicht lockerlassen.
Bill Etheridge, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, I wish to draw attention to two British citizens in particular held in Iran: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Kamal Foroughi. I will not discuss details of the cases due to the sensitivity. I would just say that Iran must start behaving in a more reasonable way, with respect for other countries and their citizens, if it wishes to be taken seriously and treated with respect by the rest of the world. The release of these British citizens would be a very welcome first step in that direction towards re-engagement with the world and a more sensible, reasonable approach.
Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, nie je to prvý raz, čo vyjadrujeme znepokojenie nad stavom ľudských práv v Iráne. Je neprípustné, že pokračujú prípady nespravodlivých súdnych procesov, ktoré postihujú občanov s dvojitým EÚ-iránskym občianstvom. Tieto prípady porušujú medzinárodné dohody a podkopávajú dôveru v rozvíjanie spoločných vzťahov. Musíme žiadať iránske autority, aby zabezpečili spravodlivé procesy a prepustili nespravodlivo odsúdených a väznených. Pri tejto príležitosti treba zopakovať, že Irán by mal čo najskôr umožniť návštevu špeciálneho spravodajcu OSN. Som znepokojený správami od ľudsko-právnych organizácií. O týchto prípadoch máme málo informácií, sú však obrazom režimu, ktorý prenasleduje a oberá o základné ľudské práva vlastných občanov. Je dôležité, aby sme práve my upozorňovali na tieto prípady a naliehavo a opakovane apelovali na dodržiavanie ľudských práv v Iráne.
Jytte Guteland (S&D). – Herr talman, kommissionär Stylianides! Vi står här och kräver högt och tydligt att Ahmadreza Djalalis dödsdom upphävs, att han får komma hem till Sverige till sin familj, och att Kamran Ghaderi, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, Abbas Edalat omedelbart friges. Ett till mycket brådskande fall är Ramin Hossein Panahi, endast 22 år gammal, dömd till döden i en grovt orättvis rättegång. Släpp honom och de andra fria omedelbart.
Situationen för mänskliga rättigheter i Iran är mycket allvarlig. Som part i den internationella konventionen om medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter har Iran skyldigheter. Trots det har gripanden av aktivister och människorättsförsvarare ökat under nuvarande presidentskap. EU har en viktig roll att engagera sig inte bara för det viktiga kärnenergiavtalet utan också för mänskliga rättigheter i Iran. Vi måste alltid stå upp mot dödsstraffet och vi måste alltid säkra de mänskliga rättigheterna.
Anders Primdahl Vistisen (ECR). – Hr. Formand! Iran har længe spillet et farligt spil, hvor man har brugt truslen om at udvikle atomvåben til at få verden til at se den anden vej. Det handler om den terrorisme, de begår mod deres egne borgere, det handler om den terrorisme, de spreder i regionen og i hele verden, og det handler om den generelle ustabilitet i hele Mellemøsten, som i høj grad har sit udspring i Iran.
Desværre har iranerne også i alt for høj grad og alt for længe fået os til at se den anden vej for så vidt angår menneskerettighedsovertrædelser i Iran, fordi den større trussel om en atommagt mere i verden har stået i forgrunden, så det at sætte effektivt ind imod de iranske brud på menneskerettighederne er kommet i baggrunden. Det er den situation, der bringer os frem til vores debat i dag, der i min optik har et alt for snævret fokus, men trods alt stadigvæk har et meget centralt og vigtig fokus, nemlig spørgsmålet omkring de personer med dobbeltstatsborgerskab, som sidder fængslet under fuldstændig frygtelige forhold i iranske fængsler.
Jeg synes godt, man kunne have udvidet det til også at omhandle alle de iranske statsborgere, som bliver retsforfulgt hver eneste dag på grund af deres politiske overbevisning eller politiske holdninger eller endda deres seksualitet, men vi har taget et godt første skridt på vejen. Jeg håber, at vi her i Europa-Parlamentet vil begynde at sætte et mere kritisk fokus på Iran og landets ageren i verden og ikke kun fokusere på Irans atomaftale.
Gérard Deprez (ALDE). – Monsieur le Président, aujourd’hui, au moins quatorze ressortissants binationaux et étrangers sont emprisonnés en Iran. Certains – vous l’avez dit – sont condamnés à mort. Je pense en particulier à Ahmad Reza Jalali, qui est bien connu et apprécié dans notre pays, mais aussi à tous les autres. Qu’ont-ils fait? Personne ne le sait. Les procès en Iran sont des simulacres, les aveux sont le plus souvent obtenus sous la torture et sur la base d’accusations invérifiables. En réalité, en Iran, la justice n’est rien d’autre qu’un instrument répressif de la dictature théocratique des mollahs.
L’Union européenne essaie, à bon droit – et je soutiens ses efforts –, de sauver l’accord international sur le nucléaire avec l’Iran. Ce n’est pas une raison pour fermer les yeux sur les violations perpétrées en permanence dans ce pays, non seulement contre les binationaux, mais aussi contre tous les citoyens iraniens qui sont en désaccord avec la dictature cléricale en place.
Nous exigeons la libération immédiate et inconditionnelle de tous les binationaux injustement détenus et nous exigeons la libération de tous les citoyens iraniens injustement condamnés et emprisonnés. Ne pas le faire, c’est se rendre complice des abus d’une dictature.
Pavel Svoboda (PPE). – Pane předsedající, jak bylo řečeno, snaha o záchranu jaderné dohody nemůže zastínit ochranu lidských práv, protože tato ochrana patří k ústavním základům Evropské unie. S lidskými právy se neobchoduje. Jak můžeme věřit v respektování jaderné dohody s Evropskou unií, když Írán nerespektuje občany Evropské unie. Írán jenom bohužel potvrzuje, že je zemí, která nechce dodržovat základní lidská práva, popravuje stovky lidí ročně, přechod ke křesťanství se tam trestá deseti až patnácti lety vězení. Občané Evropské unie jsou v Íránu odsuzováni na základě vynucených doznání. Paní Zaghariová-Ratcliffeová je v íránském vězení držena již více než dva roky. V případě občanů Evropské unie vězněných Íránem musí Evropská unie využít všechny možnosti a dosáhnout propuštění nejen paní Zaghariové-Ratcliffeové, ale všech dalších.
Flavio Zanonato (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la situazione dei molteplici casi di detenzione dei cittadini con doppia nazionalità, già descritta da molti miei colleghi anche con casi specifici, in Iran è davvero molto allarmante.
Le gravi condizioni di queste detenzioni e i trattamenti durante gli interrogatori sono qualcosa di assolutamente inaccettabile. È fondamentale che le autorità iraniane agiscano con urgenza e in collaborazione con le ambasciate degli Stati membri dell'Unione europea e con tutte le altre istituzioni europee a Teheran, per trattare tutti questi casi, i casi di questi detenuti, con l'obiettivo di liberarli.
Va ribadito che, in accordo con il diritto internazionale, è necessario garantire una difesa in cui l'imputato possa scegliere il proprio avvocato, e garantire soprattutto un processo giusto ed equo. Ritengo inoltre fondamentale che il dialogo tra l'Unione europea e l'Iran sul rispetto dei diritti umani vada portato avanti in tutte le sedi possibili, e che si continui ad affrontare questioni cruciali come la pena di morte e la libertà di espressione.
Per questo ritengo basilare che gli impegni presi con l'accordo sul piano congiunto di azione globale vengano portati avanti e rispettati, soprattutto alla luce del possibile impatto della cooperazione internazionale sulla situazione interna e sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Iran.
Mark Demesmaeker (ECR). – Voorzitter, commissaris, collega's, kijkt u even mee. Dit is Ahmadreza Djalali, gastdocent aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Een echtgenoot en een vader van twee die zich altijd heeft ingezet voor mens en wetenschap. Twee foto's van dezelfde man: na twee jaar in een Iraanse cel nauwelijks te herkennen, een schim van zichzelf, en hij rekent op onze hulp.
Uit angst voor economische represailles houden de Iraanse leiders Ahmadreza en andere Europese gedetineerden in leven, maar hen vrijlaten zou deze leiders intern gezichtsverlies opleveren. Deze hypocrisie zorgt voor een uitzichtloze lijdensweg voor Ahmadreza en zijn familie.
Als Europese Unie mogen we niet blind zijn voor deze duistere realiteit. Iran is en blijft een theocratie die flirt met het Westen, maar niet van plan is af te wijken van zijn dictatoriale koers.
De aspiratie van de EU naar stabiliteit mag ons niet de andere kant doen uitkijken als het over mensenrechten gaat, ook niet in de nasleep van de terugtrekking van de Verenigde Staten uit het nucleair akkoord.
Ik roep alle Europese leiders op om bij élk overleg, élk contact met het land de mishandeling van Europese gedetineerden scherp te veroordelen en hun vrijlating te vragen.
Jozo Radoš (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, gospodine povjereniče, stanje sa zatvorenicima u Iranu koji imaju i europsko državljanstvo najbolji je pokazatelj općeg stanja ljudskih prava i stanja u iranskim zatvorima. I nije teško pretpostaviti da je stanje sa zatvorenicima koji nemaju dvostruko državljanstvo, a takvih je većina, još puno teže.
Nakon velikih protesta u siječnju, kada je 5 000 ljudi uhapšeno, a 14 umrlo u zatvorima pod sumnjivim okolnostima, nemiri u Iranu se nastavljaju. Proteklih mjeseci svoje su nezadovoljstvo položajem u Iranu iskazali profesori, vozači kamiona, prosvjednici prilikom proslave prvoga maja, a u gradu Kazerunu, u trećem mjesecu ove godine, prilikom prosvjeda ubijena su tri prosvjednika, a više njih je ozlijeđeno i zatvoreno.
Stoga svako produbljivanje i proširivanje odnosa s Iranom, razvijanje tih odnosa, mora biti praćeno poboljšanjem stanja zatvorenika i stanja u iranskim zatvorima i generalno, stanja ljudskih prava u Iranu.
Tunne Kelam (PPE). – Mr President, Commissioner, of special concern today is the Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Djalali, sentenced to death. There at least 14 other persons of dual citizenship who have been persecuted. In fact, Iran has intensified arrests of civil society activists, human rights defenders and journalists. We call for the immediate release of all of them – but calling is not enough. On Iran, I think we need a similar approach to that proposed in our next resolution on Saudi Arabia. First, introduction of targeted measures against individuals responsible for grave human rights violations, and second, providing active support for civil society groups and defenders of human rights. I would like here to extend our sympathy and support for the Iranian people who have, since the end of last year, repeatedly demonstrated for social and political rights. If we are serious about our own values, it is our first duty to be actively on their side in their quest for civil liberties, human dignity and democracy.
Procedura "catch the eye"
Jean-Paul Denanot (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, l’accord sur le nucléaire avec l’Iran, que nous souhaitons voir maintenu malgré l’attitude des États-Unis, n’autorise pas tout. Sur la question des droits de l’homme, le comportement du gouvernement iranien n’est pas en accord avec le pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, dont il est pourtant partie prenante.
La question qui nous préoccupe aujourd’hui est celle des binationaux. L’Union européenne ne peut accepter que six ressortissants binationaux n’aient pas accès à l’ambassade du pays européen dont ils dépendent ou à l’ambassade d’un autre pays européen. Elle ne peut accepter non plus qu’ils n’aient pas accès à un avocat, qu’ils soient emprisonnés sans preuve et sans procès parce qu’ils sont simplement militants des droits de l’homme, de l’écologie ou qu’ils sont militants politiques.
Nous devons donc exiger la libération des binationaux incarcérés et demander davantage de coopération de l’Iran au mécanisme de protection des droits de l’homme, notamment dans le cadre du dialogue de haut niveau entre l’Union européenne et ce pays.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, situace v Íránu je podle mého názoru naprosto neúnosná. Írán podporuje teroristické skupiny, soustavně hromadně porušuje lidská práva. Množstvím poprav svých vlastních občanů se ocitá na špici světového žebříčku. Vidíme občany, jak protestují v Íránu a následně mizí a už se nikdy neobjeví. Já si myslím, že tento režim zasluhuje jednoznačné odsouzení a tlak mezinárodního společenství.
Dvojí státní příslušnost musí Írán respektovat a my se musíme ozvat, zejména v této situaci, kdy Spojené státy americké odstoupily od jaderné dohody. Situace je pro nás do jisté míry výhodnější, můžeme to využít jako páku. Prosím, ozvěme se důsledně k ochraně lidských práv, vyzvěme instituce Evropské unie, aby tato lidská práva hájily v jednání s Íránem. Samozřejmě vyzývám k propuštění nespravedlivě trestaných.
Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, señor comisario Stylianides, con enormes dificultades y forzada por la dramática posición adoptada en el cambio de guardia de la Casa Blanca por los Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea ha hecho lo correcto, sosteniendo diplomáticamente el acuerdo nuclear con Irán, del que forman parte Estados miembros de la Unión Europea. Pero, al mismo tiempo, tiene que redoblar sus esfuerzos diplomáticos para dar la cara por los ciudadanos europeos con doble nacionalidad —tres británicos, dos suecos, un austriaco— que están padeciendo ese infierno en Irán: condenados en juicios secretos sin asistencia consular, sin asistencia médica, sin la asistencia ni la presencia de las organizaciones no gubernamentales que podrían estar prestando ayuda, ignorando por completo la vinculación de la Convención de Viena, Derecho internacional en lo relativo a la situación de los presos.
La Unión Europea tiene que garantizar diplomáticamente la liberación de los ciudadanos europeos con doble nacionalidad. Esa tiene que ser la contrapartida de la política firme que está sosteniendo, incluidas la denegación de visados y restricciones a Irán adoptadas el pasado 12 de abril.
Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, in recent weeks the Iranian people have bravely continued their protests and uprisings. We have seen unprecedented a workers’ protest on 1 May; a teachers’ protest on 10 May; the Baluchis in Zahedan on 20 May; massive protests in the city of Kazerun, where four people were shot dead by security forces on 17 May; lorry drivers who had been on a nationwide strike in more than 200 cities all over Iran for more than a week.
People are demanding their rights in Iran, but there is almost no mention of these uprisings and protests and human rights of the Iranian people by our EU institutions or our EU officials. Instead of focusing only on the nuclear deal, we need to listen to the people in Iran who are fed up with the dictatorship. They want this regime to go, and they deserve our attention.
Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, many dual nationals are currently detained in Iran without due process, including two Brits: Abbas Edalat and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. All these cases have their heart-breaking details. I want to specifically mention the case of Nazanin, who took her toddler to Iran to celebrate Nowruz with family in 2016. She was convicted of plotting to overthrow the Iranian Government and now faces new, vague charges. Nazanin is innocent, and she is missing her daughter’s childhood. She is only allowed to see her daughter for 90 minutes a week. I have been in touch with her family, and they appreciate this Parliament’s decision to call for the release and fair treatment of EU-Iranian dual nationals. While we debate these arrests of dual nationals, we must also highlight that these actions are part of a wider crackdown on freedom of assembly in Iran. I urge the External Action Service to firmly and collectively engage their Iranian counterparts, echoing the message of this resolution that we debate today. They must call for the release of all those arbitrarily and unfairly-detained as well as imprisoned human rights defenders. We have to do everything we can to bring Nazanin and her daughter home.
Heinz K. Becker (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Wir stehen mit dem Iran einem Regime gegenüber, das mit aller Brutalität für die Hälfte aller Todesurteile in der Welt steht – laut Amnesty International gegen alle Menschenrechte und Werte der EU.
We face a brutal dictatorship which is responsible for half of all death penalties in the whole world, against all human rights and values of the EU.
Junge Frauen und Männer protestieren in den Straßen des Iran für Freiheit und Demokratie. Es ist unsere Verpflichtung als europäische Politiker, diese Menschen zu unterstützen. Es muss damit aufgehört werden, immer nach dem Atomvertrag und Verträgen zu schielen.
We have to stop only looking for the nuclear agreement and the business we are chasing ahead. So it is clear that we have to stop our policy. We also face Iran with a regime which threatens the whole peace in the world by trying to extinguish Israel.
Wir müssen damit aufhören, dieses Regime zu unterstützen. Hisbollah und Hamas müssen von der Finanzierung durch iranische Geldmittel abgeschnitten werden. Stoppen wir das iranische Regime heute!
Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the recent uprising in Iran led by women gives hope to all of us who believe in the possibility of a free Iran, including freedom for the Anglo-Iranian mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been imprisoned in Iran for more than two years now on trumped-up charges. The complete disregard by the Iranian authorities of her right to a fair trial and to consular assistance is appalling. It is equally appalling to see how in Europe, governments – including the British Government – have failed to address her case in a proper manner. As Nazanin remains jailed and separated from her family, I urge the High Representative to act on her behalf to urge the Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release her, as well as the four other EU-Iranian dual nationals. With the Iran nuclear deal now weakened by the United States, it is more important than ever to continue to fight for human rights in Iran. Normalised relations with Iran will come through upholding our highest standards in terms of human rights, as well as by standing by the deal that the European Union helped to negotiate.
José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, nos últimos anos, têm sido contínuos os julgamentos à porta fechada e as prisões arbitrárias de cidadãos irano—europeus no Irão, já para não falar do número excessivo de execuções. Desde 2015, a Guarda Revolucionária prendeu 30 pessoas com segundo passaporte, a maioria por suposta espionagem, sendo que, destes trinta, dezanove têm nacionalidade de países europeus, como bem sabe.
Caros colegas, o facto de o regime dos aiatolas não reconhecer o estatuto da dupla nacionalidade coloca estes cidadãos numa situação de particular vulnerabilidade, já que nem sequer têm a possibilidade de receber assistência consular. Acresce que os seus advogados e familiares alegam que a Guarda Revolucionária os está a usar como moeda de troca nas relações internacionais e como forma de desincentivar o investimento estrangeiro naquele país.
Senhor Comissário, a União Europeia, ao mesmo tempo que tenta, e bem, salvar o plano abrangente da ação conjunta de 2015 e neutralizar os efeitos extraterritoriais das sanções norte-americanas, não pode deixar de pressionar o supostamente moderado Presidente Rohani para cumprir a sua promessa eleitoral de um maior respeito pelos direitos civis e políticos dos seus cidadãos, incluindo dos que também são cidadãos europeus.
(Fine della procedura "catch the eye")
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the European Union is aware of a number of cases of dual nationals imprisoned in Iran and regularly raises them with the Iranian authorities. We call for their release on humanitarian grounds, we ask for appropriate legal counselling and for adequate medical care to be provided to those in need.
Given that primary responsibility for consular protection of European Union citizens abroad lies with their Member State of origin, European Union action is always coordinated and done at the request of the Member States and/or the respective families. In this vein, we will continue to closely follow the situation on the ground and use every opportunity to discuss the issue of dual nationals with the Iranian authorities.
When in April 2016 the European Union negotiated a joint statement with Iran on the future of our relations, the High Representative / Vice-President said very clearly that human rights had to be an integral part of our engagement. We have established a high-level dialogue with Iran, which is the framework in which all issues are discussed, including human rights. I wish to underline that the European Union has never refrained from raising human rights issues in our contacts with the Iranian authorities. We have constantly called for the respect of human rights, both in public statements and in particular in private conversations.
In 2016, during the European Union-Iran High-Level Dialogue, the European Union had a first direct exchange with interlocutors from the Iranian judiciary on human rights in more than 10 years. The second meeting took place in Tehran in November 2017, and again, a number of issues were raised, including the death penalty, women’s rights and conditions in the Iranian prisons.
Beyond our bilateral engagement, we have been active in multilateral for a, where we supported both the work of the UN Special Rapporteur and the UN Resolution on the situation of human rights in Iran. We have been carrying out démarches and issuing public statements whenever there were major violations in Iran.
We will continue to do so, and we will also continue our informal discussion on human rights to progressively address our concerns through this channel. We feel there is openness also on the Iranian side to engage constructively, even if this means discussing difficult and potentially contentious matters.
Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà oggi, giovedì 31 maggio 2018.
Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), per iscritto. – Sono convinto che, nonostante il momento delicato, sia necessario "normalizzare" le nostre relazioni con l'Iran, il che significa trattarlo, né più né meno, nello stesso modo in ci comportiamo con tutti gli altri paesi, senza subire pressioni o influenze esterne. Non dobbiamo quindi aver timore nel confermare il nostro supporto all'accordo nucleare e nel constatare, come vi siano stati alcuni passi avanti, per quanto concerne la situazione dei diritti umani. Al contempo, non possiamo però esimerci dal condannare la repressione dei cittadini iraniani con doppia nazionalità. È emblematico il caso di Ahmadreza Djalali, cittadino svedese-iraniano, già ricercatore presso l'Università di Novara, arrestato mentre si trovava in Iran per dei seminari, obbligato a firmare una confessione e condannato a morte con l'accusa di spionaggio. Djalali è solo uno, dei molti che stanno subendo gli stessi, inaccettabili abusi. Cari amici Iraniani, vi chiediamo di aiutarci ad aiutarvi: è importante che i nostri rapporti rimangano saldi in questo periodo di incertezza, ma questo non può e non deve andare a discapito del più basilare rispetto dei diritti umani. Liberate Djalali e tutti coloro che sono stati arrestati ingiustamente e prepariamoci, assieme, ad affrontare le difficili sfide che il prossimo futuro indubbiamente ci riserverà.
Svetoslav Hristov Malinov (PPE), in writing. – Many members of the European Parliament are concerned about the situation of human rights in Iran. More than half of the executions in the world take place in Iran. Women have been beaten up, humiliated and arrested in public for refusing to comply with strict rules on compulsory wearing of the veil (hijab). In late December 2017 and January this year, nationwide anti—government protests and uprisings shook the country and covered 142 towns and cities in all the 31 provinces of Iran. Thousands were arrested during the protests and 14 individuals have died in custody following their arrest. The top leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran have professed a leading role for the opposition PMOI in organising the protests. The protests have continued in Iran. For example, on 16 May in the city of Kazerun, government forces opened fire on protesters, leaving 4 dead and many more wounded. Also, truck drivers all over Iran have gone on a strike since 22 May, which has paralysed the country. I believe we should make human rights a condition for our relations with Iran. Human rights and recognising the uprisings in Iran should be our priority, instead of being obsessed with the nuclear deal.
Monica Macovei (ECR), în scris. – Continuarea detenției persoanelor cu dublă cetățenie, europeană și iraniană, în urma unor procese incorecte trebuie să înceteze imediat, iar deținuții să fie eliberați de îndată. Autoritățile iraniene trebuie să răspundă pentru încălcarea drepturilor acestora. Este foarte grav că mai există cazuri de condamnare la pedeapsa cu moartea, care este interzisă demult în Europa, fără nicio excepție. Iranul trebuie să interzică pedeapsa cu moartea, iar până la legiferare să oprească orice execuție. De asemenea, trebuie să înceteze utilizarea detenției arbitrare în ceea ce privește persoanele cu dublă cetățenie, precum și a străinilor și să ofere garanții procedurale pentru a asigura procese corecte.
Președintele Hassan Rouhani a numit un comitet care să investigheze decesele recente înregistrate în centrele de detenție din Iran, însă, până în prezent, nu a fost făcută publică nicio informație din anchetă. Investigațiile independente ale arestărilor, precum și ale acuzațiilor de utilizare excesivă a forței în timpul protestelor recente din Iran, sunt vitale pentru ca oamenii să aibă o minimă încredere în instituțiile statului și pentru a opri încălcarea brutală a drepturilor civile și politice.
5.2. Υπερασπιστές των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών στη Σαουδική Αραβία
Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su sette proposte di risoluzione sui difensori dei diritti delle donne in Arabia Saudita (2018/2712(RSP)).
Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, like many around the world, I reacted with optimism to Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud’s ‘Vision 2030’ reform agenda in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and lifting the ban on women drivers is, of course, a very good start. Positive steps towards the protection of individual rights are being made, and I welcome these wholeheartedly.
However, if Saudi Arabia wishes to cement its position as an influential key actor in the Middle East and North Africa region, the process of judicial reform must be in line with accepted international standards. That’s why it is deeply worrying that this month has seen a wave of arrests of women’s rights activists whose names have not been publicised and whose rights to communication with their lawyers whilst in prison have not been upheld.
The world will be watching whether the Crown Prince will hold fast to his reform agenda and prove that his desire for greater freedom for his people is a genuine one. For all Saudi Arabian citizens, I sincerely hope that this is the case.
Barbara Lochbihler, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident! Seit Mitte Mai sind in Saudi—Arabien sieben Frauen und vier Männer wegen ihres Engagements für die Rechte von Frauen verhaftet worden. Vier der Frauen sind vor wenigen Tagen wieder freigelassen worden. Sie haben sich gegen die extreme Diskriminierung von Frauen engagiert und die Abschaffung des Fahrverbots für Frauen gefordert, das nun am 24. Juni laut Dekret des Königs aufgehoben werden soll. Frauen in Saudi—Arabien bleiben grundlegende Menschenrechte weiterhin verwehrt. Sie sind auf die Zustimmung eines männlichen Vormunds angewiesen, wenn sie reisen, arbeiten oder heiraten wollen.
Die vorsichtigen Reformen der letzten Monate bleiben bisher Schaufensterpolitik. Die jüngsten Verhaftungen sind Ausdruck zunehmender Repression gegen Kritiker und völlig inakzeptabel. Die Aktivisten müssen unverzüglich und bedingungslos freigelassen werden. Es ist beschämend, dass die EU-Außenbeauftragte Mogherini noch nicht öffentlich deren Freilassung gefordert hat. Wenn es König Mohammed bin Salman mit seinen angekündigten Reformen ernst ist, so müssen alle inhaftierten Menschenrechtsverteidiger sofort freigelassen werden. Dazu zählt auch der zu zehn Jahren verurteilte Sacharow-Preisträger Raif Badawi.
Von der Aufhebung des Fahrverbots für Frauen in Saudi-Arabien profitieren auch die europäischen Automobilkonzerne. Ich fordere, dass auch sie sich konsequent und deutlich hörbar für die Rechte ihrer zukünftigen Kundinnen einsetzen.
Pier Antonio Panzeri, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'abolizione del divieto di guida per le donne e la volontà di modificare le regole del tutoraggio maschile sono solo alcune delle promesse che il re saudita Mohammed bin Salman ha espresso di fronte ai protagonisti della diplomazia mondiale, tra i quali l'Unione europea.
Impegni importanti, certo, ma che tuttavia si sono dimostrati semplicemente specchietti per le allodole. Perché, mentre il giovane re si presenta al mondo mostrando l'Arabia Saudita come la locomotiva del progresso nella regione mediorientale, la situazione dei diritti umani e civili percorre binari che conducono in tutt'altra direzione.
Il sistema di tutoraggio regola la società saudita, impedendo alle donne di svolgere autonomamente le azioni più semplici, e la violenza di genere non è un crimine riconosciuto. Un quadro, quindi, in forte contraddizione con il paese tratteggiato dalle promesse del sovrano, ma in contraddizione anche con il ruolo che questo paese riveste in quanto membro della commissione sullo status delle donne alle Nazioni Unite.
Per tutto questo, chiedo alle autorità saudite di trasformare le parole in fatti, di non ingannare l'opinione pubblica. Chiedo che il sistema di tutoraggio maschile venga abolito affinché le donne saudite possano godere dei loro diritti, compresi quelli sessuali e riproduttivi. E rivolgo, infine, un appello al re: che sia liberato il premio Sacharov, Raif Badawi, in carcere per avere espresso le sue opinioni, e tutti gli altri difensori dei diritti umani che sono nelle stesse condizioni.
Tomáš Zdechovský,Autor. – Pane předsedající, prvně bych chtěl poděkovat, myslím si, že se nestává příliš často, že tady vyjednáváme nějakou rezoluci tak dlouze a že na ni strávíme tolik času. Myslím si, že je důležité říci, že jsme se opravdu zamýšleli nad každým paragrafem, který je v této rezoluci uveden, protože situace v Saúdské Arábii není jednoduchá a myslím si, že je potřeba ji vnímat v nějakém kontextu.
Já osobně bych se chtěl vyjádřit k porušování lidských práv žen v Saúdské Arábii, kterým se věnovala tato rezoluce. Jsem rád, že se nám podařilo vyjednat rezoluci s poměrně schůdnými kompromisy. Saúdská Arábie je hlavním aktérem ve vztazích Evropské unie a Blízkého východu, a tak nesmíme přehlížet situaci, kdy jsou porušovány mezinárodní závazky, ke kterým se sama Saúdská Arábie v ochraně lidských práv a v ochraně práv žen zavázala. Na druhé straně chci ocenit obrovský pokrok, který Saúdská Arábie v posledních měsících učinila, neboť práva žen jsou kontinuálně posilována a – z našeho pohledu – došlo k obrovským reformám.
Rezoluce vyjadřuje poměrně zásadní obavy z detence několika žen a mužů, kteří protestovali v oblasti lidských práv. Myslím si, že je důležité, aby Saúdská Arábie tyto případy důkladně prošetřila a vysvětlila a aby dala mezinárodnímu společenství jasný signál, že v oblasti dodržování lidských práv chce udělat výrazný pokrok. Právo na spravedlivý proces, právo na přístup k zákonnému soudu, právo na obhajobu a další práva musí být i v Saúdské Arábii dodržována.
Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, despite charm offensives by Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is showing its true colours by arresting prominent women’s rights activists, right when the driving ban that these women fought for is promised to be lifted. Then, state-linked media labelled these women as traitors, and they have since been charged with serious crimes.
This sends a chilling signal to all human rights defenders in the kingdom and beyond. It is also a wake-up call for those who still needed it. It will be unsustainable to repress the population and women in such a systematic way, as happens in Saudi Arabia every day. The promise of reforms under the 2030 strategy has been tarnished, and we should hold Saudi Arabia to its acts, not just its beautiful promises made alongside celebrities in foreign countries.
The release of women’s rights activists should be the first step and would be a first important step, as we urge, to grant basic rights to all people in Saudi Arabia. We will not be impressed with some small gestures.
Ignazio Corrao, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in un contesto di continua persecuzione dei difensori dei diritti umani, dal 2013 le autorità saudite continuano sistematicamente ad arrestare, prendere di mira e condannare gli attivisti della società civile, nel tentativo di limitare ulteriormente la libertà di espressione nel paese.
Nonostante l'Arabia Saudita abbia promesso una serie di tentativi di riforma volti ad allentare le restrizioni sulle donne, non si tratta di altro se non di fumo negli occhi, una sorta di illusione di libertà proveniente da un governo che agisce in base a principi e presupposti totalmente opposti. Presupposti che in realtà ostacolano o rischiano di rendere sterile l'efficacia delle riforme stesse.
Non stupisce infatti che siano proprio le blogger e le attiviste di spicco ad essere state incarcerate per essere alla guida. Non ci stupisce affatto in uno Stato come l'Arabia Saudita. Forse la paura è che le donne inizino a contare qualcosa in uno degli Stati più misogini e retrogradi del pianeta, e questa sì che sarebbe una chiara minaccia al potere in Arabia Saudita.
Soraya Post, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, in Saudi Arabia, women are treated as less than human. It is good news that women can now start to enjoy some of their most basic human rights which they have long been denied, such as launching their own business and driving. But, without a fully-functioning democracy, even these freedoms cannot be enjoyed. 11 women’s rights activists are right now detained in prison – the very same who have been tirelessly campaigning against a ban on driving and the repressive and inhuman guardian system. The human rights defenders must be released immediately and the reforms in Saudi Arabia must go further and faster. Why should women wait to enjoy their basic human rights? It is time for Saudi to understand that without women, you are nothing, so please release these women from prison so they can enjoy their basic human rights.
Jadwiga Wiśniewska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Arabia Saudyjska jest krajem muzułmańskim, którego prawo opiera się na szariacie. Praktykowanie innych religii niż islam jest przestępstwem. Prawa kobiet w Arabii Saudyjskiej właściwie nie istnieją. To ostatni kraj na świecie, który przyznał prawa wyborcze kobietom – dopiero w 2015 r. W Arabii Saudyjskiej kobiety będące ofiarami zbiorowego gwałtu trafiają do więzień. Niepełnoletnie dziewczynki wykorzystuje się jako swoisty środek płatniczy przy regulowaniu długów. Saudyjki same nie mogą wciąż pójść do lekarza, a za nieposłuszeństwo mogą być więzione w tzw. kobiecym pokoju przez całe życie. Ostatnie aresztowania działaczy walczących o prawa kobiet potwierdzają, że proponowane reformy są tak naprawdę tylko i wyłącznie mydleniem oczu. Upomnijmy się głośno, jako Parlament Europejski, o prawa kobiet w Arabii Saudyjskiej, bo one tak naprawdę nie istnieją.
Petras Auštrevičius, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, Commissioner, colleagues, the fact that we are again gathered here in this House to discuss the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia is appalling. We see a well-funded media campaign aimed at demonstrating as if reforms in the country were being implemented one after another. However, the reality is different. In fact, we see a crackdown on women’s rights and human rights activists taking place. Since 15 May only, already 12 women’s rights activists, including those promoting women’s right to drive, have been arrested, defamed and labelled as traitors. The aim is to silence all of those who openly speak out. This cannot go on. Here, today, we call on the Saudi authorities to put an end to the treatment of Saudi women as second-class citizens and immediately and unconditionally release all of them. I also call for the immediate freeing of Raif Badawi, Sakharov Prize laureate, who has been imprisoned for solely exercising his right to freedom and expression.
Bill Etheridge, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly a repressive regime. Their treatment of women and abuse of their rights is backward and uncivilised. What is worse, they seek to export their medieval values worldwide. I consider the best way to counter this is to export our values of freedom through trade. Free market capitalism has always been the gateway to free peoples, as we saw with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Any suggestion that the 6 000 UK firms exporting over GBP 7 billion worth of goods to Saudi be stopped is folly. What we must do is increase our trade and expose the Saudi people to the values of freedom through free markets. Trade sanctions and embargoes, as with other parts of the world, is merely cutting our nose off to spite our face. Freedom is an unstoppable, uncontrollable ideal. No repressive state or religious superstition can ever defeat it in the long run. Its promotion is our greatest weapon against the forces of darkness and repression, many of these forces so well highlighted by the regime in Saudi and the ideals that they export through their funding of mosques in other parts of the world. It is crucial that we stay strong, free and open, and that we expose people to our values, to our trade, to the free market. Through that, civilisation and free peoples will undoubtedly follow.
Mylène Troszczynski, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, votre proposition de résolution met en lumière les incarcérations et les condamnations arbitraires de plusieurs militants pacifiques pour les droits de l’homme et des femmes.
Vous soulignez aussi, très justement, les violences qui ciblent les minorités religieuses, et j’en profite ici pour rendre hommage aux chrétiens de ce pays qui subissent silencieusement ces violences.
Vous invitez ensuite le royaume d’Arabie saoudite à abandonner ce que vous appelez la culture du patriarcat, qui met les femmes sous tutelle. N’ayez pas peur des mots! Le problème ici, c’est la loi islamique, la charia, qui non seulement est la norme en Arabie saoudite, mais qui pointe aussi le bout de son nez en Europe et commence sérieusement à menacer nos concitoyennes. Vous vous inquiétez de ce qui se passe là-bas, mais vous ne faites jamais mention de la menace que représente l’emprise grandissante de l’Arabie saoudite en Europe et en France, notamment via les réseaux islamiques et le financement des mosquées, d’organisations ou d’associations ouvertement salafistes.
Cette résolution est donc largement incomplète et se contente de donner à l’Union européenne un rôle de vierge effarouchée devant le spectacle des exécutions ou des arrestations arbitraires.
Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, Commissioner, colleagues, if Prince Mohammed bin Salman is true to his promise of modernising the country and advancing women’s rights, then a major first step would be releasing all women’s rights defenders and activists who have been arrested and imprisoned in the recent crackdown. Following my visit to the Kingdom last year, I praised the Saudis on the project Vision 2030 and its efforts in reforming, as well as taking positive steps with the lifting of the ban on women driving. I know the country is on a journey to modernisation, but that journey will get more difficult if it takes the regressive steps of arresting and imprisoning women while fighting discrimination. I am also aware that the male guardian system is currently being reviewed and will, hopefully, be reformed very soon, enabling women to act and participate independently in society. Women in Saudi Arabia need their basic human rights to be acknowledged, upheld and enhanced. I believe Saudi Arabia as a country will be a stronger one through its inclusivity, empowerment and participation of women. The more successful nations in the world are the ones who are true pioneers of gender equality.
Pina Picierno (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, le donne in Arabia Saudita vengono maltrattate, vengono discriminate, vengono sminuite in ogni aspetto della loro vita. È stato detto, vige un sistema di segregazione che le vuole totalmente sottoposte al controllo degli uomini, di un uomo, si tratti di un padre, di un marito, di un fratello.
E allora è compito di questo Parlamento difendere e promuovere l'autodeterminazione delle donne in ogni parte del mondo. E allora noi non possiamo non condannare quanto avviene ancora oggi in Arabia Saudita, non possiamo non chiedere il rilascio immediato delle attiviste che si battono per la difesa di queste donne, e il rilascio immediato, signor Presidente, del premio Sacharov Raif Badawi.
Non possiamo non chiedere che alle parole seguano finalmente dei fatti, e che finalmente si metta in campo una svolta che segni finalmente un miglioramento delle condizioni di queste donne.
Procedura "catch the eye"
José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, aqueles que achavam que o decreto do príncipe Mohammed bin Salman que permite que, a partir do próximo dia 24 de junho, as mulheres sauditas possam conduzir era uma prova nova de uma viragem progressista no reino saudita wahabita viram as suas ilusões rapidamente desfeitas com a campanha de intimidação contra destacadas defensoras dos direitos das mulheres. Muitas foram ameaçadas com consequências legais, caso cometessem essa decisão, e várias delas foram até detidas.
Caros colegas, importa dizer, nesta Casa, de forma clara e inequívoca, que, apesar deste decreto, a situação dos direitos destas ativistas na Arábia Saudita permanece um verdadeiro escândalo. Elas continuam, enquanto mulheres, submetidas a um regime patriarcal, que assenta na desigualdade de género, sujeitas a um sistema de tutela que as subjuga à autorização de um membro masculino da família para estudar, viajar ou exercer determinadas profissões, e enfrentam um contexto ultrarrepressivo que silencia qualquer voz dissidente.
Senhor Comissário, Caros Colegas, são estas mulheres que ousam reivindicar publicamente os direitos humanos e a sua emancipação. Termino, Senhor Presidente, dizendo que as verdadeiras reformadoras do reino são estas e não os ortodoxos e ultraconservadores sauditas.
Presidente. – Sarò rigorosissimo nei tempi, perché noi abbiamo le votazioni a mezzogiorno e abbiamo un altro dibattito, per cui mi raccomando, il rispetto dei tempi.
Jean-Paul Denanot (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, les signes positifs donnés par le prince héritier saoudien sur la scène internationale en faveur de l’émancipation des femmes en Arabie saoudite sont malheureusement contredits par le comportement de l’État à l’intérieur du pays.
La population saoudienne, que l’on sait très connectée aux réseaux sociaux, attend impatiemment une libération des mœurs et l’égalité homme-femme. Malgré cela, la presse et les médias, indispensables à l’équilibre des pouvoirs, ne sont toujours pas libres. Nous déplorons, comme beaucoup de collègues l’ont dit, que Raïf Badawi, lauréat 2015 du prix Sakharov, soit toujours emprisonné pour délit d’opinion.
Le combat pour la libération de la femme en Arabie saoudite ne fait que commencer. L’Union européenne doit peser pour une évolution effective de ce pays, soumis à un système patriarcal d’une autre époque qui méconnaît le droit des femmes à être autonomes et à décider librement de leur vie quotidienne.
Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL). – Monsieur le Président, la différence de ton des urgences de ce matin montre combien, ici, tous les pays ne sont pas traités à la même enseigne par certains. Il y a les pays amis, partenaires et les autres.
La lettre envoyée par l’ambassade saoudienne est un morceau d’anthologie. Le pays serait dans une phase de réformes massives. Dont acte. Il y a du chemin à parcourir pour le sortir du Moyen Âge, notamment pour les femmes qui vivent encore sous l’entière tutelle des hommes. En effet, les femmes vont enfin avoir le droit de conduire. Quelle avancée en 2018! Et qu’en penser quand, quelques jours avant l’entrée en vigueur de ce droit, des militantes et des militants des droits des femmes sont arrêtés, comme Loujain al-Hathloul, pour avoir commis un crime de lèse-majesté en assistant à une réunion de la CEDAW, et sont mis au secret.
Alors, si le prince Ben Salmane a une réelle volonté de réforme, ces hommes et ces femmes, dont Raïf Badawi, notre prix Sakharov, qui ne sont pas au service d’étrangers, mais à celui de la liberté, doivent être libérés et le prince doit cesser de martyriser le peuple yéménite.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, era il 15 maggio quando Loujain al-Hathloul, attivista per i diritti delle donne, veniva brutalmente prelevata dalla sua abitazione e trascinata in carcere, essendo già stata arrestata precedentemente per aver osato mettersi al volante. In completo isolamento e senza alcun contatto con l'esterno è stata ingiustamente accusata di tradimento e cospirazione contro il paese: un'accusa grave che può portare ad anni di prigione.
Come lei, altre lo stesso giorno. La loro unica colpa, aver lottato pacificamente per la difesa dei loro diritti. Dove sono le attesissime promesse di riforma del principe ereditario saudita, a cui tanto clamorosamente molti applaudivano? Finché questa sarà la politica saudita, finché Raif Badawi sarà ancora imprigionato, quelle del principe saudita saranno solo ed esclusivamente parole, saranno vuote e inutili parole di una retorica che, francamente, noi non accettiamo più.
Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, United Nations (UN) human rights officials have warned this week that allegations against six women and three men known to have been taken into custody by the Saudi authorities appear to be very serious and could lead to draconian sentences. Indeed, they could face the death penalty.
The detainees are being held by Saudi authorities at unknown locations, with one woman detained completely incommunicado. If, as it appears, their detention is related solely to their work as human rights defenders and activists on women’s issues, they should be released immediately. These women have been subjected to a smear campaign in the Saudi media, being branded as traitors, which is a very worrying development for women human rights defenders and activists.
These arrests also come amid a PR push by the Saudi State, particularly targeting Western media, that attempts to sell de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as a great reformer. In reality, the Saudi authorities have increased their repression of activists at home and are continuing their British and US-backed war on Yemen.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, my jsme zde již mnohokráte řešili otázky související s porušováním lidských práv v Saúdské Arábii, ostatně musím opětovně vyzvat k propuštění držitele Sacharovovy ceny pana Badávího, který je neustále bohužel ve vězení.
Chtěl bych ovšem zároveň ocenit ten reformní kurz, který nastolil korunní princ, ať se týká zákazu řízení nebo omezení toho mužského poručenství. Nicméně bych chtěl říci, že podle určitého přísloví se strom pozná po ovoci. Já si nejsem jistý v tuto chvíli, jaké to ovoce v Saúdské Arábii nyní je. Myslím si, že v tomto okamžiku je důležité se ozvat a promluvit, že tuto situaci sledujeme, že ji sledujeme velmi bedlivě a vyzvat korunního prince, aby skutečně nepoužíval pouze slova, ale i konkrétní činy. I na konkrétně propuštěných lidech a na razantním zlepšení situace lidských práv v Saúdské Arábii.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζω το ψήφισμα, το οποίο άλλωστε συνυπογράφω. Η παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στη Σαουδική Αραβία είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη. Δεν υπάρχει ελευθερία του Τύπου, δεν μπορούν οι ακτιβιστές να εκφραστούν. Κυρίως, υπάρχει μία συστηματική καταπίεση των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών, οι οποίες μέχρι πρόσφατα δεν μπορούσαν καν να οδηγήσουν μόνες τους αυτοκίνητο. Υπάρχει η διαδικασία της ανδρικής κηδεμονίας, όπως λέγεται. Οι γυναίκες, λοιπόν, προκειμένου να κάνουν διεθνή ταξίδια, να έχουν πρόσβαση σε υπηρεσίες περίθαλψης, να έχουν δικαίωμα επιλογής κατοικίας και να υποβάλουν καταγγελίες, πρέπει πρώτα να πάρουν την άδεια είτε του συζύγου, είτε του πατέρα, είτε του αδελφού. Είναι προφανές, λοιπόν, ότι αυτή η κατάσταση στη Σαουδική Αραβία δεν μπορεί να συνεχιστεί. Υπάρχει παραβίαση συστηματική των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών και, φυσικά, άδικα κατηγορούνται και έχουν συλληφθεί οι εφτά ακτιβίστριες γυναίκες που αναφέρονται στο ψήφισμα. Άμεση απελευθέρωσή τους!
Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, στη Σαουδική Αραβία συλλαμβάνονται αντιφρονούντες και βασανίζονται όπως, δυστυχώς, συμβαίνει με τον κάτοχο του βραβείου Ζαχάρωφ, Raif Badawi. Οι καταδικασμένοι σε θανατικές ποινές εκτελούνται με συνεχώς αυξανόμενους ρυθμούς και, γενικά, παραβιάζονται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. Βεβαίως, παραβιάζονται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και των γυναικών κατά τρόπους που ήδη αναφέρθηκαν και αποτελούν προσβολή, όχι μόνο για τον πολιτισμό, αλλά κυρίως για τον ανθρωπισμό μας. Επισήμως και υποκριτικά, το καθεστώς ανακοινώνει μεταρρυθμίσεις για να χορηγήσει δικαιώματα στις γυναίκες. Από την άλλη όμως πλευρά, με τρόπους νομικιστικούς, προσπαθεί να αποφύγει την υλοποίηση αυτών των μεταρρυθμίσεων. Είναι μια απαράδεκτη κατάσταση, η οποία πρέπει να λήξει και, για αυτό ακριβώς τον λόγο, πρέπει να επέμβει και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Εάν θελήσουμε να επιδιώξουμε και να επιτύχουμε την καταδίκη αυτής της καταστάσεως και την μεταβολή της, θα πρέπει να ληφθούν σκληρές αποφάσεις. Πρέπει να επιβληθούν σκληρά διπλωματικά οικονομικά μέτρα εναντίον της Σαουδικής Αραβίας και, κυρίως, πρέπει να απαγορευθεί στις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες να πωλούν όπλα στη χώρα αυτή.
Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE). – Domnule președinte, semnale foarte contradictorii vin din Arabia Saudită. Am salutat cu toții unele deschideri ale Prințul Mohammad Bin Salman, cum ar fi ridicarea interdicției femeilor de a conduce, care va începe în 24 iunie. Dar faptul că exact activiștii care au reușit prin campaniile lor să determine ridicarea acestei interdicții au fost arestați, este un semnal foarte negativ. Se pare că cel puțin 11 activiști, cei mai mulți dintre ei fiind femei, au fost întemnițați și Parlamentul European trebuie să ceară eliberarea imediată a acestor activiști. Reformele trebuie să continue, pentru că încă situația precară a drepturilor omului și ale femeilor în Arabia Saudită este de netolerat.
Arabia Saudită trebuie să pună în aplicare angajamentele lor internaționale în domeniul drepturilor omului și Uniunea Europeană trebuie să facă uz de toate formulele diplomatice și economice, pentru a se asigura că acest lucru va fi implementat.
(Fine della procedura "catch the eye")
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, we started to follow, immediately after the information was made public, the situation and the developments in the specific case of the arrest of several human-right defenders, including a group of prominent women activists, in Saudi Arabia. The European Union is both surprised and disappointed by these developments. These arrests take place as Saudi Arabia has embarked on a programme of socio-economic transformation and modernisation, and against the background of recent commitments by the Saudi leadership to women’s empowerment.
These activists have, for many years, been promoting women’s rights and women’s empowerment in line with the Saudi leadership’s commitments under ‘Vision 2030’. Our delegation in Riyadh was in contact with some of them because, as usual, we support on the ground the cause and the effort of people who try actively to improve human-rights standards in our partner countries. Hence our surprise and disappointment, as these arrests are in direct contradiction with the messages we have heard – and have welcomed – from the Saudi leadership in recent times.
Moreover, the arrests happened one month before the end of the female driving ban, expected to enter into effect on 24 June, a ban against which most of these women and men had campaigned. Adding to our surprise was the severity of the accusations brought against these human-rights defenders and the defamatory campaign conducted against them in the media – before any legal action had been started and therefore against the principle of presumption of innocence.
The European Union immediately sought clarification from the authorities on the circumstances around the arrests and notably on the specific accusations brought. We are waiting for a reply from the authorities and we will persist in our diplomatic engagement in order to shed some light on these arrests.
The situation is fluid and information is limited. We have noted with satisfaction the release of four of the women who had been arrested, including a 70-year-old, although we understand that new arrests of further human-rights defenders have taken place, after the first wave of arrests on 15 May – thus giving very mixed messages on the overall situation.
Recent reforms in Saudi Arabia have allowed women to attend sports events, apply for government jobs, and enjoy the country’s first public cinema screening in 35 years. We are encouraged by these reforms and we hope they will indicate a new pattern in the Saudi commitments. The European Union wants to encourage the authorities to maintain that trajectory, and to continue improving the Saudi social fabric. Setbacks such as those just witnessed are therefore deplorable.
The European Union stands ready to support and accompany modernisation efforts in Saudi Arabia, notably those that aim at strengthening human rights and fundamental freedoms. This is the message that the High Representative / Vice-President transmits relentlessly to the Saudi authorities in all her contacts.
Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà oggi, giovedì 31 maggio 2018.
Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)
Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan. – Koncept ljudskih prava odnosi se na pravnu, filozofsku i političku ideju prema kojoj svako ljudsko biće bez obzira na spol, etničko porijeklo, državljanstvo ili vjersko uvjerenje ima stanovita prava – neotuđiva i univerzalna.
Kada je riječ o temeljnim pravima žena, Saudijska Arabija jedan je od lidera u njihovu kršenju i diskriminaciji žena i djevojčica. Iako je po svom državnom uređenju muslimanska nasljedna monarhija, temeljna ljudska prava, kao univerzalna, mora poštivati. Iako je saudijska vlada u nekoliko navrata obećavala reforme, one se provode „puževim korakom” dok su žene u Saudijskoj Arabiji tretirane kao građanke drugog reda.
Zabrana vožnje za žene ukida se u 2018. godini. Svega 38 žena nalazi se na političkim funkcijama diljem zemlje koja ima više od 32 milijuna stanovnika, a kandidatura im je dopuštena tek prije tri godina. Od 2016. godine tjelesni je odgoj za djevojčice u školama diljem zemlje zabranjen. Saudijski zakoni su rigorozni i žene u potpunosti podređuju pod tzv. sustav muškog skrbništva, budući da bez dopuštenja muškarca (supruga, oca, brata ili čak maloljetnog sina) žene ne mogu učiniti neke osnovne svakodnevne stvari.
Nedopustivo je da se borce za temeljna prava žena uhićuje jer to nije znak otvorenosti prema reformama, upravo suprotno.
5.3. Σουδάν, και ιδίως η κατάσταση της Noura Hussein Hammad
Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su sei proposte di risoluzione sul Sudan, in particolare la situazione di Noura Hussein Hammad (2018/2713(RSP)).
Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, Noura Hussein Hammad was just a teenage girl when she entered into a forced marriage with a man who brutally raped her. Tragically, she stabbed her husband to death in self-defence and now faces the death sentence for what the Sudanese authorities claim to be a premeditated murder. In the light of these events, I join the one million people currently petitioning for justice for Noura, calling for the rescinding of her death sentence and a free and fair retrial.
As tragic as Noura’s story is, however, it is but one in an ongoing pattern of constant human rights violations, particularly against women, that happens in Sudan on a daily basis. I therefore strongly support today’s resolution urging the Sudanese Government to stand by their international human rights commitments, seriously address the patterns of human rights violations in that country, and outlaw the unacceptable practices of child marriage, forced marriage and violence against women, both inside and outside of marriage.
Jordi Solé, author. – Mr President, yesterday we debated a resolution on gender equality and women’s empowerment through EU external relations and today we have another horrible case of clear violation of the rights of women and girls.
The role of the European Union in Sudan raises serious concerns. It looks like the European Union is only concerned with migration flows. However, the EU and individual Member States that cooperate with Sudan have the responsibility to urge the regime to respect human rights, particularly the rights of women and girls, and to call on the Sudanese Government to reform its legal system in accordance with international human rights standards.
My Group is committed to the promotion, protection and guarantee of human rights. We therefore tabled an amendment to highlight how the EU is abandoning its core values in its relations with Sudan and I hope that all the Groups will be willing to support this justified criticism.
Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, I call on the Sudanese authorities to remove the death sentence on Noura Hussein. This is an inhuman and unjust sentencing of a girl, a child bride who was physically and psychologically abused by her family and raped by her husband. Noura was defending herself from being raped again by a man she was forced to be married to when she was only 16. In its judgment, the court did not take into account forced marriage, rape and other forms of gender-based violence as evidence, so Noura did not even get a fair trial. Marital rape is illegal, child marriage is illegal, violence against women is illegal. Noura was acting in self-defence. She is the victim. She deserves full respect for her right to a fair trial and appeal, in line with international standards, not to be judged to that sentence.
Joachim Zeller, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! In diesem Monat erschreckte die internationale Öffentlichkeit das Schicksal von Noura Hussein Hamad, einer jungen Frau aus dem Sudan. Als Minderjährige von ihren Eltern zwangsverheiratet mit einem Mann, den sie nicht liebte, wurde sie von ihrem Mann und seinen Verwandten mehrfach vergewaltigt. Aus Notwehr verletzte sie den Mann tödlich, worauf ein Gericht in Omdurman sie zum Tode verurteilte, weil – so die Begründung – es Vergewaltigung in der Ehe nicht gebe.
Dieses Urteil und das, was Noura widerfahren ist, wirft ein grelles Schlaglicht auf die Lage vieler Mädchen und junger Frauen im Sudan, aber auch in vielen anderen Ländern, in denen Zwangsverheiratung und Gewalt gegen Frauen in der Familie gang und gäbe sind und eine mehr als fragwürdige Rechtsprechung das auch noch deckt. Es ist unsere Pflicht, Gerechtigkeit, die Achtung der Würde von Noura Hussein Hamad und die Aufhebung des Todesurteils zu verlangen. Der Sudan empfängt trotz eines fragwürdigen und repressiven Regimes viele Hilfen von der EU. Wir sollten gleichzeitig die Achtung der universalen Menschenrechte von den sudanesischen Machthabern einfordern.
Miguel Urbán Crespo, autor. – Señor presidente, Nura Huseín fue obligada a casarse con dieciséis años. Violada, maltratada y ahora condenada a muerte por matar a su marido mientras este la violaba. No es un caso aislado. En Sudán las mujeres pueden ser obligadas a casarse con diez años. Sufren violencia sexual y física, como latigazos por no vestir adecuadamente, mientras que los responsables disfrutan de una impunidad total. Y esto pasa con una Unión Europea que se dice garante de los derechos humanos y que financia proyectos por 275 millones de euros de ayuda al desarrollo, asistencia humanitaria y operaciones de control fronterizo en Sudán.
El matrimonio forzado es una de las causas más frecuentes de persecución por motivos de género que alegan las mujeres como Nura cuando solicitan asilo en Europa. Y se les deniega. Los derechos de las mujeres no pueden seguir siendo derechos de segunda división. Mientras negamos pasajes seguros para todas aquellas que huyen de la guerra, la miseria y la violencia patriarcal, pagamos a dictaduras como Sudán para que nos hagan de policía de fronteras, perpetuando la violencia estructural contra las mujeres.
Exigimos a la Unión Europea ser consecuente con sus discursos y condicionar sus fondos y relaciones comerciales al respeto de los derechos humanos. Desde aquí exigimos el indulto para Nura y la libertad para todas las Nuras que en Sudán siguen oprimidas y excluidas.
Urmas Paet, author. – Mr President, it is imperative that Sudan overturn the death sentence on Noura Hussein Hammad, ensure her safety and give her access to psychological help. Hopefully the movement ‘Justice for Noura’ and the international attention this case has been given will help in Noura’s case, but will also spread wider knowledge in Sudanese society about the rights of women and children that need to be upheld.
The Sudanese authorities are the ones that need to review and reform the laws in Sudan as regards the rights of women and children. The age of marriage needs to be raised. All cases of gender—based violence and sexual violence need to be prosecuted and their perpetrators held liable. The implementation of laws which already exist must be enforced. Forced marriage and marital rape is a deep-rooted problem in Sudanese society and regarded as something normal. This needs to be tackled at the highest level, starting with the President of Sudan, who should also finally acknowledge the role of the ICC.
Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Domnule președinte, drepturile femeilor au fost pe agenda discuțiilor pe care le-am avut în cadrul delegației Subcomisiei pentru drepturile omului, care s-a deplasat la Khartoum în decembrie 2017. Am putut, cu această ocazie, vizita și închisoarea Omdurman. În această închisoare se află și Noura Hussein Hammad, a cărei situație a mobilizat, pe bună dreptate, publicul la nivel mondial. Așa cum au spus și colegii mei, această tânără a fost măritată cu forța la doar 16 ani și apoi violată de către soț cu ajutorul rudelor. Noura Hussein Hammad și-a apăra viața și demnitatea, motiv pentru care astăzi, iată, e condamnată la moarte.
Din păcate, justiția din Sudan nu a luat în seamă împrejurările, dea dreptul revoltătoare, pe care le-am amintit aici. Vreau să insist, așa cum au făcut și colegii mei, pentru comutarea sentinței primite de Noura Hussein Hammad. Reamintesc, în primul rând, faptul că Uniunea Europeană are o poziție fermă față de pedeapsa cu moartea. În plus, potrivit regulilor internaționale, atunci când pedeapsa capitală e pronunțată împotriva dovezilor clare de legitimă apărare, ea poate fi asimilată unei execuții arbitrare. De aceea, rog oficialitățile din Sudan să ia în seamă solicitările pe care le facem astăzi, iată, toate grupurile politice din Parlament.
Julie Ward, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, Noura Hussein Hammad was sentenced to death by the Sudanese authorities because she killed her rapist husband. She isn’t the first woman to find herself in this situation, and I fear she won’t be the last. The fact that Noura was forced to use deadly violence to defend herself demonstrates the appalling state of affairs regarding women’s rights around the world.
Forced marriage and conjugal rape are two ways in which patriarchy operates and gives power to men over women’s bodies and consciences. Noura was married at the age of 16 against her will and subjected to sexual violence and humiliation. She deserves to have access to a fair and transparent trial that gives her the opportunity to defend herself. As part of the European Union struggle for gender equality, I urge the High Representative to use all the means at her disposal to prevent the Sudanese authorities from executing Noura, who was a victim of sexual violence. She is our sister in the global struggle to end gender-based violence.
Jacques Colombier, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, victime d’un mariage forcé, immobilisée par deux membres de sa belle-famille, puis violée à 19 ans par l’homme à qui on la destinait, la faute de Noura Hussein Ahmad fut de ne pas accepter cette violence, de résister et d’avoir tué son violeur. Son sort mérite notre condamnation sans appel. Nous devons la sauver, par tous les moyens, de la peine de mort que lui promet le régime soudanais. Depuis Hassan Al-Tourabi, ce régime fonde ses principes sur l’islam le plus radical qui soit.
Nombre d’européistes ne sont pas choqués de voir la charia infester nos sociétés, de Molenbeek à Birmingham, des banlieues françaises à celles de Rotterdam. À tel point qu’en 2004, il a fallu réformer le Code civil français pour faire remonter l’âge de la nubilité des femmes en France de 15 à 18 ans, pour éviter les dizaines de mariages forcés ou arrangés, désormais imposés par des mœurs totalement étrangères à notre civilisation.
Le cas de cette jeune femme n’est que l’expression la plus dramatique d’un plan que nombre d’entre vous feignent ici d’ignorer. L’islamisation à marche forcée de nos sociétés, c’est une réalité que nous devons combattre à tout prix.
Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Panie Przewodniczący! Będę głosował przeciwko tej rezolucji i namawiam wszystkich do tego, nie dlatego, że zgadzam się z wyrokiem na Nourę Hussein Hammad, bo jest on prawdopodobnie niesłuszny. Ale po pierwsze, Parlament Europejski ma stanowić prawo w Europie, a nie recenzować wyroki sądów w Sudanie. Jest to niedopuszczalne wychodzenie poza swoje kompetencje. Nie macie do tego wiedzy ani uprawnień.
Po drugie, wzywacie Sudan do zmiany wyroku sądowego, co jest prawdopodobnie nielegalne, jest złamaniem prawa. Jest niedopuszczalne, żeby władza wykonawcza wtrącała się w działania władzy sądowniczej.
Po trzecie, żeby zmniejszyć szanse na poważne potraktowanie, pouczacie Sudan, jak ma reformować swoje państwo. Po co?
Po czwarte: ustęp 2: „... orzekanie kary śmierci na podstawie wyraźnych dowodów na obronę konieczną stanowi arbitralne zabójstwo, zwłaszcza w przypadku kobiet.” Jak to „zwłaszcza w przypadku kobiet”? Co to znaczy? To „wszystkie zwierzęta są równe, ale świnie są równiejsze od innych”? Dlaczego wartościujecie życie ludzkie na podstawie płci? To jest oburzający seksizm. Dlatego będę głosował przeciwko.
Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la Costituzione del Sudan stabilisce che lo Stato protegge le donne dalle ingiustizie e promuove l'uguaglianza di genere.
Ci rivolgiamo alle autorità sudanesi affinché questo principio trovi piena applicazione, e anche nel rispetto delle disposizioni contenute nel protocollo di Maputo, anche per quelli che sono gli accordi di Cotonou che ci legano con i paesi ACP – Africa, Caraibi e Pacifico – affinché tutte le donne possano vedersi riconosciuti i loro diritti fondamentali, affinché non ci siano più casi di stupro coniugale, che è e resta una forma di violenza sessuale e di genere.
Ci aspettiamo un segnale forte da questo paese, ribadendo la nostra più ferma opposizione alla pena di morte in tutti i casi e in tutte le circostanze. Il Sudan dimostri a quest'Aula e alla comunità internazionale che lo stupro e la violenza di genere vanno contro i principi imposti dalla stessa Costituzione.
Il Sudan dia prova di clemenza, salvando la vita di una giovane donna, Noura Hussein Hammad, la cui vita è stata già peraltro distrutta dagli abusi e dalle violenze subite.
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). – Mr President, when I heard the story of Noura Hussein Hammad, I was deeply hurt because it is not only her who has suffered such cruelty; this cruelty is part of society in Sudan.
Our resolution may raise awareness among some of the officials there and may bring to light the atrocities of women’s lives in Sudan, but it will barely diminish the culture of cruelty. Hussein, a girl only 16 years old, suffered too many atrocities inflicted by society, to become a martyr. There is no honour in honour crimes. Hussein suffered extreme loneliness as nobody, not even her family, protected her. What we must do is to show our solidarity and provide assistance to such women in Muslim countries. The culture of cruelty is not a fate. We can change it with difficulty, but still we can make a small change by giving a voice and a face to such victims.
Procedura "catch the eye"
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζω το ψήφισμα, το οποίο άλλωστε έχω συνυπογράψει. Η τραγική υπόθεση της Noura Hussein Hammad αναδεικνύει το σοβαρό πρόβλημα των καταναγκαστικών γάμων των γυναικών, που υπάρχει στο Σουδάν και σε άλλες μουσουλμανικές και αφρικανικές χώρες. Η κινητοποίηση ενός εκατομμυρίου συμπολιτών μας, που ζητούν δίκαιη δίκη και ταυτόχρονα μη εκτέλεση της θανατικής ποινής κατά της Noura, δείχνει ένα μεγάλο κίνημα συμπαράστασης. Κίνημα συμπαράστασης, το οποίο εκτείνεται και εδώ στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο. Είναι δεδομένο ότι πρέπει αυτός ο αναχρονιστικός και καταναγκαστικός θεσμός των αναγκαστικών γάμων, που αναγκάζονται τα κορίτσια από δέκα, δώδεκα, δεκατριών ετών να παντρεύονται χωρίς καν να το επιθυμούν, πρέπει να σταματήσει και, φυσικά, να μην μπορεί να περάσει ούτε στην Ευρώπη αλλά να μην ισχύει και σε συγκεκριμένες χώρες στις οποίες εφαρμόζεται. Κύριε Επίτροπε, σταματήστε να δίνετε κονδύλια στο Σουδάν.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, povera, giovane, ma soprattutto donna. Esserlo in Sudan è un po' come una condanna, una condanna a essere considerata come schiava del proprio padre, del proprio marito, della propria tribù. Una condizione agghiacciante ma normale per le donne e le bambine sudanesi, spesso costrette dagli stessi genitori a sposarsi a partire dall'età di dieci anni.
Noura ne aveva 16 quando ha dovuto sposare Abdulrahman, un marito-padrone che, dopo averla violentata con l'aiuto dei fratelli e del cugino, avrebbe voluto abusare di lei anche una seconda volta. Ma quel giorno Noura non si è piegata alla paura del marito stupratore, ha reagito per proteggere il suo corpo, ma soprattutto la sua mente dalla minaccia dell'ennesimo sopruso. Oggi il prezzo che Noura deve pagare per una legittima difesa sfociata nella morte del suo oppressore è però molto e troppo alto: non solo la perdita della libertà, ma anche quella della vita stessa.
Chiediamo al Sudan di annullare immediatamente la sentenza di morte, tenendo conto dei fatti, di innalzare l'età del matrimonio a 18 anni e riconoscere la violenza sessuale come reato anche all'interno del matrimonio. E chiediamo all'Unione europea di sospendere immediatamente i fondi che sono erogati finché questo paese non si conformerà a quel minimo di diritti umani che dovrebbero far parte di qualsiasi comunità su questo pianeta.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, Súdán zde probíráme skutečně rovněž opakovaně a je to neustále o tomtéž, porušování práv žen, dětské otroctví, dětská nucená práce, dětské sňatky a nyní hovoříme o trestu nejvyšším. Trest smrti za znásilnění, které bylo objektivní, ta žena říkala ne a ne je ne. Kolikrát se zde budeme ještě věnovat Súdánu?
Já jsem přesvědčen, že my musíme vyvolat opravdu diplomatický tlak na tuto zemi a naším nejzazším možným opatřením je případné omezení rozvojové podpory a věnování těchto prostředků neziskovým organizacím, které třeba v daném prostoru působí. Takže ano, prosím, zvyšme diplomatické úsilí.
V tom čase, který mi zbývá, bych chtěl hluboce odsoudit to, co tady řekl kolega Sośnierz, to je skutečně obrovská ostuda, jaká slova zde volil, a já si myslím, že je to stejně odsouzeníhodné jako postup Súdánu.
(Fine della procedura "catch the eye")
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the human rights situation in Sudan remains a continuing worry for the European Union. The shrinking space for civil society organisations and restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly remain among the main areas of our concern.
I personally raised this issue during my visit to Sudan last October, but the case of Noura Hussein, who has been sentenced to death at the tender age of 19 after being forced into marriage at the age of 16 and raped, brings to the forefront many of the country’s complex and interrelated human rights problems, ranging from sexual violence, child and forced marriage to the continuing use of capital punishment. Consequently, Noura’s story has caused public outcry not only internationally but, more importantly, also within Sudan.
Criminal justice systems ought to offer prevention and protection for women and girls against all forms of violence. This is sadly not the case in Sudan. Rape, including by habitual or cohabiting partners, should never be tolerated under any circumstances. Moreover, Sudan’s Personal Status Law, allowing for child marriage without the consent of the intending spouses, needs urgent revision.
As reiterated in the local statement issued by the EU on the case, the European Union is opposed to the death penalty under all circumstances and in all cases, with no exception, and aims at its universal abolition. The EU is also concerned at the recent news of attempts by the state security apparatus to intimidate Noura’s defence team, and it calls on Sudan to allow the lawyers to work without fear of reprisals.
The EU will continue to make use of the various means at our disposal to promote and protect girls’ and women’s human rights in Sudan. This includes by enhancing the access of women and girls to good-quality education and healthcare services, raising awareness on girls’ and women’s rights among communities, in particular with a view to reducing harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), as well as supporting women’s economic empowerment through relevant training and micro-credit programmes.
The EU also calls on the Government to take the necessary steps to accelerate the ratification and the full, effective and non-discriminatory implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in order to advance the equal recognition, enjoyment and exercise of all the human rights of women. In this regard, the EU welcomes the Sudanese Government’s intention to ratify the Convention, as announced by the Minister of Justice this week.
I would like to assure you that the EU will continue closely to follow the case of Noura and to raise it with the relevant authorities. We will also continue to team up with women’s human-rights defenders and women’s organisations to tackle the underlying causes leading to cases such as that of Noura.
Presidente. – Grazie al Commissario, anche per essere stato con noi gran parte della mattinata.
La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà oggi, giovedì 31 maggio 2018.
Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)
Rolandas Paksas (EFDD), raštu. – Manau, kad bausmė privalo būti adekvati, proporcinga padarytam nusikaltimui. Sudano valdžia turėtų imtis neatidėliotinų veiksmų, siekiant užtikrinti tinkamą žmogaus teisių standartų laikymąsi šalyje, garantuoti teisę į teisingą bylos nagrinėjimą, peržiūrėti už nusikalstamas veikas numatomas bausmes ir užtikrinti jų adekvatumą, proporcingumą padaryto nusikaltimo atžvilgiu. Nepritariu mirties bausmės taikymui visais atvejais ir visomis aplinkybėmis. Bet kokia nežmogiška prievarta, nehumaniškas, žiaurus elgesys, kankinimai yra nepateisinami. Prievarta santuokos sudarymo kontekste yra nepateisinama, asmuo privalo turėti galimybę pats apsispręsti šiuo klausimu. Ypatingą dėmesį noriu atkreipti į tarptautinius įsipareigojimus. Todėl labai svarbu, kad Sudanas ratifikuotų Konvenciją prieš kankinimą ir Konvenciją dėl visų formų diskriminacijos panaikinimo moterims ir užtikrintų visapusišką vietos įstatymų ir tarptautinių įsipareigojimų laikymąsi.
Eleonora Forenza (GUE/NGL). – Signora Presidente, volevo chiedere se è ammissibile, ai sensi del regolamento del Parlamento europeo, quanto ha dichiarato il collega Markus Ferber, che la troika dovrebbe invadere Roma e prendere in mano il ministero delle Finanze.
Io vorrei ricordare al collega che la Repubblica italiana si fonda sulla Costituzione nata dalla Resistenza, e che se l'Unione europea fosse improntata agli stessi principi, e non all'ordoliberismo tedesco, forse ci sarebbe meno euroscetticismo e di sicuro più giustizia sociale. Chiedo intanto alla Presidenza di prendere nota di quelle dichiarazioni.
President. – We take note of your comments and we also have a point of order from Ms García Pérez.
Iratxe García Pérez (S&D). – Señora presidenta, esta misma mañana el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo ha anulado la decisión de la Mesa de este Parlamento con respecto a las sanciones al diputado Korwin-Mikke por insultar y atacar a la dignidad de las mujeres europeas.
Quiero decir que se le podrá devolver el dinero, pero en ningún caso se le va a devolver la decencia y la dignidad; y que entre los valores de la Unión Europea está el respeto a la dignidad de las mujeres y, por lo tanto, frente a esas posiciones y frente a esas intervenciones, esta Cámara tendrá que continuar siendo firme defensora de los derechos de las mujeres.
President. – The judgment has just been made as you say, and will be studied.
Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Ja chciałbym odpowiedzieć. Parlament Europejski przede wszystkim powinien bronić wolności słowa we własnych ławach, kiedy poucza cały świat o tym, jak powinien respektować prawa człowieka. A karanie kogoś za treść wypowiedzi w Parlamencie jest absolutnie niedopuszczalne. W związku z tym ten wyrok Trybunału jest triumfem wolności słowa i praworządności w Europie i cieszę się z niego.
Roberto Gualtieri (S&D). – Come presidente della commissione affari economici e monetari, ho letto con grande sconcerto le dichiarazioni del mio primo vicepresidente, signor Ferber, secondo cui la "Troika in Rom einmarschieren und das Finanzministerium übernehmen sollte".
Io penso che una persona con un incarico istituzionale non può dire queste cose. Le trovo inaccettabili, quindi aspettiamo...
(Applausi in Aula)
Attendiamo delle scuse formali e un ritiro di queste affermazioni inaccettabili, perché se no sarà molto difficile cooperare con il mio vicepresidente nei giorni futuri.
Markus Ferber (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen! Ich wurde vom deutschen Fernsehen gefragt: Was würde passieren, wenn Italien nicht mehr zahlungsfähig ist? Daraufhin habe ich korrekt geantwortet: Wenn Italien nicht mehr zahlungsfähig ist, dann müsste die Troika – wie das in der Eurozone üblich ist – sich darum kümmern.
(Zwischenrufe und Unruhe)
Wir haben uns gerade darüber gefreut, dass der Europäische Gerichtshof die Meinungsfreiheit stärkt. Ich hoffe, dass das dann auch für alle hier in diesem Haus gilt.
Die Formulierung, wie sie gerade vom Herrn Ausschussvorsitzenden gewählt wurde, war nicht meine Formulierung. Wahrscheinlich gibt es da Übersetzungsprobleme. Ich habe nur darauf hingewiesen, wie der Mechanismus ist, wie er in der Vergangenheit war. Und ich glaube, wenn Sie das in der Originalsprache nachlesen, ist es nicht so schlimm, wie es in Italien dargestellt wurde.
President. – That concludes the points of order. I would respectfully suggest that this issue is dealt with in committee. I think that is the appropriate place first.
Soraya Post (S&D). – Madam President, I am absolutely shocked to find that the PPE has asked for a separate vote on paragraph 8 to eliminate the condemnation of Saudi Arabia for the male guardianship system. So my question is: who do you serve, women’s rights or whom?
President. – I am sorry. That is not appropriate at this time.
7.4. Διορισμός μέλους στην επιτροπή επιλογής για την Ευρωπαϊκή Εισαγγελία (B8-0237/2018) (ψηφοφορία)
7.5. Παραποίηση των δεδομένων των μετρητών διανυθέντων χιλιομέτρων στα οχήματα με κινητήρα: αναθεώρηση του νομικού πλαισίου της ΕΕ (A8-0155/2018 - Ismail Ertug) (ψηφοφορία)
Elisabetta Gardini, Relatore. – Signora Presidente, io chiedo che la nostra relazione, questa che abbiamo appena votato, sia rimandata alla commissione ENVI per essere la base del negoziato interistituzionale in conformità dell'articolo 59, paragrafo 4, dell'articolo 59 bis e dell'articolo 69 septies.
– The request to refer the report back to committee was approved.
7.9. Ισότητα των φύλων και χειραφέτηση των γυναικών: μεταμορφώνοντας τις ζωές των κοριτσιών και των γυναικών μέσα από τις εξωτερικές σχέσεις της ΕΕ 2016-2020 (A8-0167/2018 - Linda McAvan, Dubravka Šuica) (ψηφοφορία)
7.10. Εφαρμογή της στρατηγικής της ΕΕ για τη νεολαία (A8-0162/2018 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial) (ψηφοφορία)
7.11. Εφαρμογή της οδηγίας για τον οικολογικό σχεδιασμό (A8-0165/2018 - Frédérique Ries) (ψηφοφορία)
– Before the vote on Amendment 5:
Ashley Fox (ECR). – Madam President, I am moving this oral amendment so that Parliament has the opportunity to express its support for the current exemption for stage lighting from the ecodesign regulations. This is vital for small theatres across Europe. I propose that we add a new Recital La as follows: ‘Whereas the existing exemption for stage lighting from the Commission Regulations 244/2009 and 1194/2012 has been an appropriate and effective way to respect the special needs and circumstances for theatres and the whole entertainment industry and should be continued’.
– The oral amendment was adopted.
7.12. Απάντηση στις αναφορές σχετικά με την αντιμετώπιση της επισφάλειας και της καταχρηστικής χρησιμοποίησης συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου (B8-0238/2018) (ψηφοφορία)
8.1. Παραποίηση των δεδομένων των μετρητών διανυθέντων χιλιομέτρων στα οχήματα με κινητήρα: αναθεώρηση του νομικού πλαισίου της ΕΕ (A8-0155/2018 - Ismail Ertug)
Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, chci vysvětlit, proč jsem podpořila tuto zprávu, zejména se domnívám, že z tohoto opatření by měli velký prospěch spotřebitelé. Je to opatření proti podvodníkům ve všech členských státech. Věřím, že spolupráce mezi státy na trhu je nezbytná, a očekávám také, že Evropská komise bude koordinovat tuto činnost proti přeshraničním podvodům.
Přetáčení odometrů a podvádění v této oblasti poškozuje spotřebitele napříč celou Evropou. Z tohoto důvodu chci vyjádřit podporu používání systému EUCARIS, který již některé státy využívají. V neposlední řadě považuji také za důležité, aby všechny členské státy uznaly, že tato manipulace s odometry je trestný čin, podobně jako to judikovali české soudy.
Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Elnök Asszony, az Európai Parlament többségével és azon belül a szocialisták és demokraták frakciójával egyetértve szavazatommal támogattam a jelentést. Sajnos a futásteljesítménnyel kapcsolatos csalás széles körben megjelenő jelenség, amely súlyos fenyegetést jelent a közúti közlekedésbiztonságra. Emellett torzítja a belső piac megfelelő működését és méltánytalan többletköltséget jelent a fogyasztók, a biztosítók, a használtautó-kereskedők, a lízingtársaságok és a gyártók számára egyaránt. Egy csalás a nemzeti piacokon az autók 5-12%-át érinti, de a határokon átnyúló kereskedelemben az összes autó 30-50%-át érintheti. A teljes EU által elszenvedett gazdasági kár becslések szerint 5,6 és 9,6 milliárd euró között van. Jó megoldásnak tartom én is a Belgium és Hollandia által használt olyan adatbázis rendszereket, amelyek tárolják az időszakos műszaki vizsgálatok, karbantartás és más szervizelés során a futásteljesítményre vonatkozó rögzített adatokat.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já jsem tuto zprávu podpořil. Slovy českého filmu, již trochu klasického: „Rozmohl se nám tu tak trochu určitý nešvar.“ Ten nešvar je skutečně podvodné jednání – přetáčení tachometru, uvádění spotřebitelů, zákazníků, kupujících v omyl.
Jsem velmi rád, že se Evropský parlament shodl poměrně široce na potřebě nové legislativy, a je třeba tlačit další evropské instituce, především Evropskou komisi, aby se také rozhýbala v této věci. Je důležité chránit naše spotřebitele, my poslanci jsme na to připraveni a teď je důležité, aby ta jednotná evropská akce byla skutečně zaštítěna těmi dobrými příklady ze zahraničí, jako je slovenský model, belgický model.
Já se chci rozhodně postavit proti tomuto podvodnému jednání ze strany podvodníků a myslím si, že máme na to provést jednoduchou, administrativně nesložitou akci po celé Evropě.
Monika Smolková (S&D). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, neoprávnené zasahovanie do počítadla kilometrov ojazdených áut výrazne prispieva k strate dôvery spotrebiteľov, predajcov ojazdených áut, a tak narúša fungovanie vnútorného trhu a spravodlivú hospodársku súťaž. Rovnako ma znepokojuje, že motorové vozidlá nie sú kontrolované na základe skutočne najazdených kilometrov a manipulácia s počítadlom najazdených kilometrov v motorových vozidlách má negatívny vplyv na bezpečnosť cestnej premávky a negatívne ovplyvňuje životné prostredie.
Podporila som uznesenie, lebo si myslím, že sa musia nájsť technické riešenia, ktoré neprofesionálom neoprávnené zasahovanie do počítadiel kilometrov sťažia. Za dôležité to považujem aj preto, že mnohé členské štáty stále neposkytujú spotrebiteľom potrebné nástroje, ktoré by im umožnili overiť históriu ojazdených vozidiel. Verím, že odstraňovanie podvodov spojených s počítadlami kilometrov zásadným spôsobom zvýši bezpečnosť a istotu pri cezhraničnom nákupe vozidiel, čím sa zníži rozsah nekalých praktík, a tiež povedie k významným prínosom pre milióny európskych spotrebiteľov.
Branislav Škripek (ECR). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, ja tiež vítam túto schválenú správu o pretáčaní kilometrov na automobiloch, pretože je to cynická, bezohľadná prax a na podvody s týmito autami najviac doplácajú ľudia s nižším príjmom a zo sociálne slabšieho prostredia, a to najmä zo strednej a východnej Európy, pretože sa stalo praxou dovážanie áut zo západnej Európy k nám do krajín strednej Európy. Odhaduje sa, že na Slovensku je až jeden milión vozidiel s pretočeným počítadlom. Akákoľvek snaha o obmedzenie tejto manipulácie je však dopredu odsúdená na neúspech, pokiaľ nedokážeme dostatočne a lepšie, účinnejšie podchytiť aj manipuláciu na vozidlách dovážaných z členských krajín Únie.
Riešením môže byť spoločná databáza – o ktorej sa tu hovorí – všetkých automobilov v Európskej únii, kde sa bude evidovať počet reálne najazdených kilometrov pri rôznych opravách alebo manipuláciách s autom. Avšak táto databáza musí spĺňať všetky štandardy na osobnú ochranu údajov, aby sa nemohli zneužiť, lebo k takým prípadom už prichádza. Je dôležité uplatniť riešenia pretáčania počítadla kilometrov na úrovni Európskej únie, keďže jednotlivé štáty nemôžu zabrániť podvodom spojeným s cezhraničným obchodovaním s ojazdenými motorovými vozidlami.
8.2. Μηχανισμός πολιτικής προστασίας της Ένωσης (A8-0180/2018 - Elisabetta Gardini)
Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, všichni si přejeme Evropu, která chrání občany, a vážím si proto snahy posílit mechanismus spolupráce civilní ochrany. S ohledem na to, že v Evropě přibývají a sílí přírodní pohromy, je samozřejmě důležité, abychom posílili tento systém. Zatím je pouze dobrovolný a tato dobrovolná spolupráce nezajišťuje dostatečně účinnou pomoc. Proto vítám vytvoření systému rescEU a považuji za logické, aby o poskytnutí pomoci prostřednictvím nových kapacit rescEU rozhodovala přímo Evropská komise.
Bohužel ale návrh rozhodnutí jsem nemohla podpořit, protože zásadně nesouhlasím s tím, aby Erasmus+ byl využíván na jiné účely, než je vzdělávání a mobilita mládeže. V návrhu rozhodnutí z výboru se totiž objevilo toto doporučení a návrh na školení civilních pracovníků právě prostřednictvím tohoto programu a s tím nemohu souhlasit.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já musím úvodem říci, že jsem u této zprávy skutečně váhal i z toho důvodu, že například česká poslanecká sněmovna uplatnila vůči tomuto návrhu připomínky, nesouhlasila s tímto návrhem a namítala porušení zásady subsidiarity.
Samozřejmě, pokud jde o přírodní katastrofy s dopadem na civilní obyvatelstvo, musíme se zasazovat o zlepšení toho systému, to je nepochybné. Na druhou stranu, pokud se do tohoto rámce dávají návrhy, které skutečně nemají co do činění například se vzdělávacími aktivitami Erasmus+, tak nad tím jsem musel velmi vysoko zdvihnout obočí.
Pro mě bylo podstatné při mém rozhodování, že ta civilní ochrana a její mechanismus by se měl skutečně zlepšit a o to bychom se měli zasadit. Nakonec jsem tuto zprávu s tímto vědomím podpořil, a proto podávám i toto své ústní vysvětlení.
José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, votei a favor desta resolução, por não conseguir esquecer a vaga devastadora de incêndios que acometeu Portugal e outros países do sul da Europa no ano passado.
Ficou demonstrado que uma Proteção Civil assente apenas num sistema voluntário de assistência mútua entre Estados-Membros não chega para dar resposta à série de catástrofes naturais, ambientais ou causadas pelo homem com que nos deparámos nos últimos anos.
O sistema “rescue” levará mais longe a capacidade de interajuda com uma força de reserva da União que irá permitir suplementar os esforços dos Estados-Membros em necessidade. Precisamos de conhecer os recursos e articular as ações, não só na resposta de proteção civil aos mais vulneráveis, mas também através da aposta na prevenção, reunindo o ativo de conhecimento de cada Estado-Membro para fazer face às situações futuras.
Temos de acabar, de uma vez por todas, com as mortes evitáveis de cidadãos europeus.
Monika Smolková (S&D). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, mechanizmus Únie v oblasti civilnej ochrany je konkrétny prejav solidarity pri rôznych živelných alebo prírodných katastrofách, keď sa zachraňujú ľudské životy a materiálne hodnoty. Jednotlivé členské štáty majú vlastné mechanizmy civilnej ochrany, ale mnohokrát je potrebná pomoc viacerých členských štátov pre rýchle zvládnutie katastrof. Lepšiu kooperáciu, viac technických prostriedkov, účinnejšiu a rýchlejšiu pomoc pri lesných požiaroch, povodniach či zemetraseniach, ktorých máme každý rok skoro v každom členskom štáte, ocení každý občan, ktorému sa takejto pomoci dostane.
Sama som pred niekoľkými rokmi ako starostka mestskej časti v Košiciach bola pri evakuácii obyvateľstva pred povodňou, preto som vlastnú skúsenosť zúročila aj podaním pozmeňovacích návrhov, ktoré sme dnes aj schválili, za čo sa vám chcem, milí kolegovia, poďakovať. Týkajú sa toho, aby pri akejkoľvek záchrane ľudí sme mysleli aj na starých a hendikepovaných ľudí, aby sme materiálno-technické a ochranné prostriedky prispôsobili aj ich zdravotnému stavu.
Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Ponad dwadzieścia miliardów na instrument „Łącząc Europę” wydawałoby się satysfakcjonujące. Niestety, tak nie jest. Jesteśmy cały czas dalecy od prawidłowego realizowania bardzo ważnego celu, rzeczywiście łączącego Europę w strukturze przede wszystkim transportu. Ale to, co jest najbardziej niepokojące, to ta kolejna perspektywa. Jeżeli popatrzymy na ceny stałe, to de facto mamy zmniejszenie ilości środków finansowych, jak również wydłużenie projektu jeżeli chodzi o osiągnięcie tych zasadniczych celów. To musi budzić niepokój i muszę na to zwrócić uwagę.
Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Gospođo predsjedavajuća, da sam putovao iz grada, vozom, u kojem sada živim, iz Stockholma, trebalo bi mi otprilike šest sati. Da sam putovao iz grada u kojem sam rođen, iz Sarajeva, koji je isto udaljen od Strasbourga kao i Stockholm, trebalo bi mi 28 sati. Zar to sve ne govori?
Ovaj Connecting Europe Facility je instrument za bolje povezivanje Europe i u području transporta, energije i digitalne politike te zapadni Balkan ne može biti iz toga isključen jer je zapadni Balkan već na putu priključivanja Europi. Europska unija treba da podržava ove zemlje, treba da im omogući i samopovezanost tog nekog regiona, a i povezanost regiona s Unijom. I, dakle, granične prijelaze treba napraviti, osigurati infrastrukturu željeznice i tako dalje. I time će se i povećati ekonomski razvoj i poboljšati život građana.
Zapadni Balkan je dio Europe, a onda je vjerojatno potrebno da se može i da dođe do tog zapadnog Balkana. Puno hvala.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, vótáil mé ar son na tuarascála seo agus áthas orm é sin a dhéanamh.
I think the Connecting Europe Facility is a wonderful facility, connecting people, making it easier to take goods right across the European Union. Recently I co-hosted with Shannon Foynes Port a seminar in Limerick, where we looked at the possibilities, especially for Ireland, post-Brexit, because we are too dependent on the land bridge, and it was clear there that there is huge potential in all our ports in Ireland to connect directly with Europe. Indeed the Connecting Europe Facility is under utilised in the maritime sector; only 4% of the funds go for maritime.
So that is something I think that needs to be addressed as we go forward because it is a great opportunity to take trucks and travel off the road, put them on the sea and obviously reduce emissions and also of course, where Ireland is concerned, connect us to Europe post-Brexit.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já jsem podpořil tento návrh usnesení. Považuji tento nástroj za skutečně mimořádně důležitý. On podporuje podstatnými financemi konkrétní projekty v dopravě, v energetice, v digitálním světě. Je důležitý i pro dekarbonizaci, například pro splnění cílů Pařížské dohody.
Pro Českou republiku, která je jakýmsi srdcem Evropa z hlediska i dopravních cest, je tento nástroj také nesmírně důležitý, takže já jsem toto usnesení podpořil. Zároveň bych chtěl říci, že považuji tu částku, která má směřovat na podporu tohoto nástroje, za skutečně nedostatečnou, je třeba ji zvyšovat a i z tohoto důvodu chci, aby evropské instituce posílily tento nástroj v budoucím období. Já jsem s radostí podpořil tento návrh usnesení již teď.
José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, votei a favor desta resolução sobre a Nicarágua, da qual fui um dos seus subscritores, porque entendo que esta Casa tem de condenar de forma clara e inequívoca a violenta repressão de que foram vítimas os milhares de nicaraguenses que pacificamente protestaram contra a gravíssima deterioração das suas condições de vida depois de três mandatos orteguistas consecutivos, ao arrepio dos princípios constitucionais da Nicarágua.
Entendo que a União Europeia deve apoiar todas as tentativas de diálogo nacional inclusivo e construtivo que permitam pôr cobro ao autoritarismo do regime repressivo sandinista e à violência naquele país. Sigamos, pois, o bom exemplo da Colômbia e envidemos todos os nossos esforços para que os coletivos armados, as fraudes eleitorais, a repressão e a censura não transformem a Nicarágua numa segunda Venezuela.
8.5. Ισότητα των φύλων και χειραφέτηση των γυναικών: μεταμορφώνοντας τις ζωές των κοριτσιών και των γυναικών μέσα από τις εξωτερικές σχέσεις της ΕΕ 2016-2020 (A8-0167/2018 - Linda McAvan, Dubravka Šuica)
Urszula Krupa (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Głosowałem przeciwko sprawozdaniu w sprawie wspólnego dokumentu roboczego służb pod tytułem „Równość płci i wzmocnienie pozycji kobiet: odmiana losu dziewcząt i kobiet w kontekście stosunków zewnętrznych UE w latach 2016–2020”, mimo że miało ono mieć na celu równość płci i wzmocnienie pozycji kobiet poprzez zapewnienie integralności psychofizycznej, promując gospodarkę, prawa socjalne, a także wzmacniając ich upodmiotowienie.
W dokumencie najbardziej dostrzegalnymi problemami są: edukowanie na temat zdrowia reprodukcyjnego i seksualnego, które w różnych aspektach powtarza się dwadzieścia dwa razy, odniesienie do aborcji i zabijania dziecka poczętego – dwanaście razy, a przemoc i wykorzystanie seksualne – dwadzieścia razy. Ponadto czytamy o zapobieganiu chorobom przenoszonym drogą płciową i wypełnianiu luki finansowej powstałej z powodu zaprzestania finansowania aborcji przez rząd USA.
Nasuwa się pytanie, czy zapewnienie integralności cielesnej i psychicznej kobiet i dziewcząt oraz równouprawnienie skutkujące odmianą ich losu nie powinny uwzględniać innych ważnych dla życia i zdrowia oraz rozwoju potrzeb?
Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Głosowałem przeciwko, ponieważ jest niedorzecznością, że Parlament Europejski rości sobie prawo do nawracania całego świata i zarażania go swoim seksizmem. To, że tutaj Państwo chcecie dzielić uprawnienia ludzi według płci, to jest jeden problem, a to, że chcecie zarażać cały świat tą ideologią – to narażacie się po prostu na śmieszność. Unia Europejska zachowuje się jak świadkowie Jehowy. Wchodzi komuś do domu i chce go przemeblowywać według swoich upodobań. Jest to niedopuszczalne i tak naprawdę śmieszne, ponieważ nikt nie będzie chciał robić interesów z państwem, które wtrąca się w wewnętrzne sprawy każdego, z kim próbuje ten interes zrobić.
8.6. Εφαρμογή της στρατηγικής της ΕΕ για τη νεολαία (A8-0162/2018 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)
Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Strategia dla młodzieży ma swój finał w bieżącym roku, roku 2018. To długookresowa strategia, o której możemy powiedzieć, że nie przyniosła spodziewanego efektu. W grupie 15–24 lata mamy ponad 15-procentową grupę młodych ludzi, którzy nie pracują, nie uczą się i na rynku są traktowani jak zbędny element społeczności europejskiej. To mocne słowa, ale uważam, że strategia budowana na następny okres musi być zdecydowanie bardziej konsekwentna, zdecydowanie bardziej skuteczna, zdecydowanie bardziej konkretna i przynosić efekt w postaci poprawy sytuacji młodych ludzi na rynku – nie tylko pracy, ale także w systemie edukacji. Jest to też odpowiedź dla przeciwników programu Erasmus+. My ten program obroniliśmy, podwoiliśmy kwotę na następną perspektywę, ale widać, jak programy edukacyjne Europy są potrzebne, aby poprawić mobilność najmłodszego pokolenia.
Момчил Неков (S&D). – Г-н председател, дадох подкрепата си за доклада относно прилагането на стратегията на Европейския съюз за младежта, защото смятам, че той обръща внимание на няколко много важни аспекта.
На първо място, подкрепям тезата, че програмите и политиките, насочени към младежта като Еразъм+ и младежката гаранция, трябва да разполагат с достатъчно амбициозен бюджет в следващата многогодишна финансова рамка. Единствено чрез стабилно финансиране можем да очакваме резултати в дългосрочна перспектива.
На второ място, вярвам, че ако действително младите хора са приоритет на Европейския съюз, то програмите, насочени към тях, трябва да бъдат достъпни не само за високообразованите младежи и тези, които разполагат с финансови средства. Младежите с ниски квалификации и тези, които се намират в неравностойно положение трябва да имат равен достъп до възможности.
В заключение искам да кажа, че при изработването на следващата стратегия на Европейския съюз за младежта, трябва да дадем повече гласност на младите хора и младежките организации, които се чувстват встрани от този процес. Не можем да правим политики за младите хора без тяхното участие.
Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Elnök Asszony, szavazatommal támogattam az Európai Unió ifjúsági stratégiájának végrehajtásáról szóló jelentést. Egyetértek azzal a megállapítással, hogy az európai ifjúsági programokat erősíteni, javítani kell, és megfelelő finanszírozást kell azokhoz biztosítani. Annál is inkább, mivel a szegénységnek és a társadalmi kirekesztettségnek leginkább kitett fiatalok jövőjének alakulása nagyban határozza meg az európai projekt jövőjét is. A társadalmi kirekesztés súlyos negatív hatással van a fiatalok életkörülményeire, polgári szerepvállalására és egészségére. Amennyiben nem teszünk ez ellen, az az Európai Unió versenyképességi mutatóiban is észlelhető lesz. Fontosnak tartom továbbá, hogy a jelentés hangsúlyozza a tagállami felelősséget is, hiszen az ifjúságpolitikának alapvető kompetenciája a tagállamokon belül helyezkedik el. Meg kell jegyezzem, hogy ez a jelenlegi magyar kormány ifjúsági és társadalompolitikájának tükrében különösen kritikus, hiszen hazánkban évek óta semmibe veszik a magyar diákok oktatáspolitikai követeléseit, elzárkóznak a párbeszédtől, és a fiatalok társadalmi szerepvállalását a kormány időnként rendőri eszközökkel igyekszik visszaszorítani.
José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, votei a favor desta resolução, porque entendo que o futuro da União tem de estar assegurado através de cidadãos europeus capacitados e que isso só se conseguirá promovendo a igualdade de oportunidades transversalmente nos Estados-Membros no que diz respeito ao acesso à educação, ao mercado de trabalho, à inclusão social e à promoção dos valores de solidariedade e cidadania ativa dos mais jovens.
Se queremos uma Europa unida em torno de valores como a responsabilidade individual e social, a tolerância, a democracia, o diálogo e o crescimento sustentável, se queremos uma Europa que possa constituir-se como um farol de boas práticas e um exemplo à escala global, é precisamente na juventude que temos de investir.
Monika Smolková (S&D). – Vážená pani predsedajúca, hlavným cieľom stratégie EÚ pre mládež je investovať do mladých ľudí, čo znamená investovanie do budúcnosti. Za pozitívne považujem, že doterajšie výsledky z pohľadu vykonávania stratégie EÚ pre mládež sú priaznivé. V Európskej únii pozorujeme pokračujúce oživovanie: európske hospodárstvo je na ceste k pomernému silnému rastu s klesajúcou nezamestnanosťou.
Mrzí ma však, že v Európskej únii je stále vysoká nerovnosť a riziko chudoby postihuje predovšetkým mladých Európanov. O nelichotivej situácii mladých ľudí svedčí aj to, že v eurozóne je ich miera nezamestnanosti stále nad 20 %. Okrem toho aj mnoho zamestnaných ľudí čelí rizikám, ako sú neisté pracovné podmienky z hľadiska miest, stresu či dĺžky trvania pracovnej zmluvy.
Podporila som uznesenie, pretože verím, že stratégia EÚ pre mládež sa v ďalšom období bude oveľa intenzívnejšie zameriavať na vytvorenie väčšieho počtu rovnakých príležitostí pre všetkých mladých ľudí, najmä v oblasti vzdelávania a trhu práce.
8.7. Εφαρμογή της οδηγίας για τον οικολογικό σχεδιασμό (A8-0165/2018 - Frédérique Ries)
Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Elnök Asszony, szavazatommal támogatom a jelentést, hiszen az megfelel azon iránynak, amely szerint az EU elkötelezett, hogy az európai gazdaságot fenntarthatóbb, karbonszegény gazdasággá alakítsa. Ez nemcsak szlogenek szintjén található meg, hanem erről tanúskodnak a különböző politikák és intézkedések is. Az Unió vezető szerepet vállalt az éghajlatváltozásról szóló Párizsi Megállapodás megkötésében, az uniós költségvetésből több mint 220 millió eurót ruházott be zöld és alacsony szén-dioxid-kibocsátású projektekbe, valamint a fogyasztók jobb tájékoztatása érdekében egyértelmű jogi kereteket vezetett be az energiacímkézés tekintetében. A környezettudatos tervezésről szóló irányelvben rejlő valamennyi potenciált akkor lehet kihasználni, ha a termék teljes környezetvédelmi dimenzióját számításba vesszük. A körforgás és a gazdaság szellemében ezek az összeszerelés, a tartósság, a szétszerelés, a javíthatóság és az újrahasznosíthatóság. Ezeket és a jelentés további ajánlásait reményeim szerint a magyar kormány is megfontolja.
Sander Loones (ECR). – In onze gemeente Koksijde, Oostduinkerke, hebben wij een schitterend cultureel centrum, het Casino, gekend in de ganse regio door de uitstekende programmatie voor jong en oud. In de eerste plaats is dat natuurlijk te danken aan een fantastisch team van cultuurmedewerkers die zich dagelijks inzetten met hart en ziel. Het is jammer om te zien dat net die mensen teleurgesteld zouden worden door de Europese Unie.
Europa is namelijk van plan nieuwe regels in te voeren voor podiumverlichting in theaterproducties, maar zelfs de nieuwste verlichting zou aan die regels niet kunnen voldoen. Dat kan toch niet. Cultuurcentra die continu investeren in nieuwe, duurzame, meer groene apparatuur, die zouden wij moeten belonen in plaats van te bestraffen. Net daarom heeft mijn partij, de N-VA, en heeft onze fractie hier in het Europees Parlement een amendement ingediend om een bijzondere regelgeving te behouden voor de theaterverlichting. Ik ben alvast bijzonder blij dat dat amendement met een ruime meerderheid is goedgekeurd. Wij rekenen op evenveel gezond verstand bij de andere Europese instellingen om dit te behouden.
8.8. Απάντηση στις αναφορές σχετικά με την αντιμετώπιση της επισφάλειας και της καταχρηστικής χρησιμοποίησης συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου (B8-0238/2018)
Alex Mayer (S&D). – Madam President, I have spoken before in this Chamber about the brave McDonald’s workers who are standing up to their bosses with the Bakers Union, one of the key players behind the original petition leading to today’s resolution. Once again I praise their efforts.
McStrike is a global phenomenon and what is clear from the US’s Fight for 15, the anger across Europe and from my own constituents, especially in Cambridge and Watford, is that there is now a new brand of activism. This is the fightback of the Millennials. The workers in my constituency – predominantly young – are sick and tired of zero hours contracts, they want GBP 10 an hour and wages not based on ages. They are angry and they are rallying public support to their cause.
So I welcome today’s resolution which sends an important message to government and to people like Steve Easterbrook. Now we need action as we stand in solidarity with those in poorly paid, insecure and unprotected jobs.
Rory Palmer (S&D). – Madam President, 75 000 people in the East Midlands are on zero hours contracts – that is 75 000 people who do not know from one day to the next wherever they have work or whether they will bring in a pay packet at the end of the week. So I will continue to press for zero hours contracts to be banned. We need to get back to when work was about valuing people, their rights, and when work was about dignity. So in casting my vote today, I am clear that it is time to end the low pay, zero hours, precarious, unstable, dehumanising nature of work for so many people today. It is time to sack zero hours contracts.
President. – That concludes the explanations of vote.
9. Διορθώσεις και προθέσεις ψήφου: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά
La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur la grande interpellation avec demande de réponse écrite et débat de Marietje Schaake, Eva Kaili, Hilde Vautmans, Rory Palmer, Petras Auštrevičius, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, Igor Šoltes, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Liliana Rodrigues, Monika Beňová, Dominique Martin, Jordi Solé, Merja Kyllönen, Michaela Šojdrová, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Patricia Lalonde, Marian Harkin, Maria Gabriela Zoană, António Marinho e Pinto, Catherine Bearder, Fredrick Federley, Renate Weber, Nathalie Griesbeck, Nadja Hirsch, John Howarth, Luke Ming Flanagan, Brando Benifei, Frédérique Ries, Takis Hadjigeorgiou, Wajid Khan, Morten Helveg Petersen, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Tanja Fajon, Ana Gomes, Soraya Post, Jan Zahradil, Svetoslav Hristov Malinov, José Inácio Faria, et Monica Macovei, à la Commission (Vice-Présidente / Haute Représentante): VP/HR - Réaction de l’UE face aux comportements sexuels répréhensibles dans les organisations humanitaires (G-000003/2018 – B8-0020/2018) (2018/2723(RSP)).
Fredrick Federley, author. – Madam President, various cases of sexual abuse and misconduct within international aid organisations have recently come to light. These include the sexual exploitation of Syrian refugees by those delivering aid on behalf of the United Nations and other well-known international organisations. Several countries, including the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, have announced investigations into the funding they provide to these and other international organisations, and that they intend to make measures to prevent similar situations in the future.
Through its external financial instruments and the European Development Fund, the EU provides billions of euros in assistance to third countries through international organisations among other channels. I therefore have a few questions for the High Representative on a response from the European Union. First of all, will the Commission or the High Representative order a thorough investigation to determine whether EU funds have financed, either directly or indirectly, the organisations where sexual abuse has been established?
Secondly, what is the response by the Commission and the High Representative to the abuse cases that have recently come to light? In order to combat and prevent sexual misconduct within international aid organisations, is there room for guidelines within the EU’s external financial instruments that would make funding strictly conditional upon respect for principles, oversight, guidelines accountability and regular reporting from beneficiaries on this issue?
Last but not least, will the Commission and the High Representative consider working with Member States such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to set up contact points in third countries including in crisis zones for victims of abuse?
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I am really grateful for your initiative to discuss the EU’s response to sexual misconduct in aid organisations. Thank you so much for your questions. Let me respond also on behalf of High Representative / Vice—President Federica Mogherini and my dear colleagues, Commissioner Hahn and Commissioner Mimica.
I welcome the opportunity to inform you of developments regarding our collective response and, most importantly, to reiterate our firm position on sexual misconduct. Through our humanitarian work we save lives and through our development aid work we empower people. Our partners play a vital role in our efforts to deliver this much—needed assistance. We expect them – UN agencies, international organisations and NGOs – to abide by the strictest ethical standards, and we do not accept any misconduct that compromises our vital work on the ground. When we became aware of allegations of sexual misconduct by individual staff members in certain organisations, our message was loud and clear: zero tolerance of any form of misconduct and zero tolerance towards any organisation receiving EU funding. We take allegations of misconduct very seriously. Whenever an allegation comes to our attention, we make sure that all procedures are activated.
We have in place a number of measures to make sure that EU funding is used properly, according to the highest ethical principles, professional rules and codes of conduct.
First, our zero tolerance policy for sexual exploitation and abuse is appended to our contracts with our humanitarian partners. We demand that they have in place effective and coordinated prevention, reporting and response mechanisms. For development funding, contracts include a number of obligations on human rights, labour standards, etc. We are currently working to further reinforce this ethical process, to explicitly address sexual abuse and exploitation. So this is a new effort in order to cover the state of play on the ground, as professional misconduct can lead to suspension and termination of contracts or exclusion from further funding. Our partners are obliged to share information with us on allegations or cases of misconduct in a proactive and fully transparent way. We may of course also refer a case to OLAF for allegations of misappropriation of EU funds.
In response to the allegation of sexual misconduct, as soon as we were informed, we acted in a quick and decisive way. First, we reminded all of our partners of their duty to fully comply with the highest ethical and professional standards. This is more than two hundred organisations. We recalled their contractual, but also moral, obligations towards the European Union, and of course towards the people they serve. We asked them to inform us of the concrete measures and procedures they have in place to prevent, detect and address sexual exploitation and abuse. Nearly all partners have replied. Those who have not are informed that we will review our funding to them and even cease our funding and terminate our partnership if needed. So zero tolerance means we take action where needed. In fact, we have put on hold the signature of further contracts with certain organisations.
Secondly, we support our partners’ efforts for increased accountability and more effective internal oversight mechanisms. We have strengthened our audits in this regard. The audit programme for humanitarian actions will include the assessment of mechanisms put in place by organisations to prevent, detect and handle cases of sexual abuse and exploitation.
Thirdly, we rely on the EU presence in the field in our delegations and in our network of humanitarian offices worldwide – closest, of course, to the beneficiaries, where our humanitarian and development partners operate on a daily basis.
Fourthly, we will continue raising awareness about the possibility to report sexual misconduct directly to us, anonymously and in full confidentiality.
Finally, we want to address this issue in a comprehensive manner, having everybody on board. We are engaging – since you ask, this is our answer to the question about our collaboration with our Member States. We are engaged with our Member States and other international donors for a thorough review and harmonisation of policies and practices. We want to raise standards whenever and wherever this is required and appropriate. In this context, the Commission joined the safeguarding donor working group, and this issue will be discussed at the G7 ministerial meeting on development.
There is no doubt that what has happened in a small number of organisations has tarnished the work of the aid community as a whole. Now it is up to the aid community to show the world that these issues will not be tolerated. Let me be clear: any such misconduct is an abuse of power towards the most vulnerable, the very ones that aid agencies are supposed to help. Our principle is ‘do no harm’, and I intend to keep on pressing this message forward to our partners in the field and at headquarters to all donors and all those in the humanitarian and development community.
Andrejs Mamikins, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, it is important to understand that, in any aid emergency, there is a risk of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation and the abuse of somebody who is in need of assistance. We are gravely concerned that the culture of silence, intimidation and abuse will continue as soon as the media spotlight on this issue begins to dim.
The European Union should reconsider funding for Oxfam, one of the largest charity organisations providing assistance in natural disasters, after reports that some of its employees paid for sex while on a mission to assist after the devastating earthquake in 2010. While the UN claims to have had no knowledge of the abusive exploitation of Syrian women, it has been as an ongoing issue for years. It was first reported three years ago by Danielle Spencer, a humanitarian adviser. Spencer was informed about the allegation by Syrian women in a refugee camp in Jordan.
Women and girls need to be protected when they are trying to receive food and basic items to live. The last thing you need is a man who you were supposed to trust and supposed to be receiving aid from asking you to have sex with him and withholding aid from you. The ongoing abuse can no longer be ignored. It is horrible enough that these women have to rely on international aid for survival. But for them to fear this aid is unacceptable.
Action must be taken to prevent the sexual exploitation of Syrian women and girls. In June 2015, the International Rescue Committee surveyed 190 women and girls from the area and found that 40% had experienced an act of sexual violence when seeking supplies at a distribution centre. This is unacceptable, colleagues. This is unacceptable.
Staff who pay for sexual services are incompatible with the values and mission of the aid organisations. This is the real problem. It is systemic, large scale, and simply ugly. We have to fix it.
Urszula Krupa, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Wbrew konwencji stambulskiej, która dotyczy zwłaszcza przemocy domowej, okazuje się, że przemoc seksualna stosowana jest przez wysokich rangą urzędników organizacji pomocowych, którzy zamiast pomocy dopuszczają się perwersji seksualnych nawet w stosunku do nieletnich wolontariuszy. Agencja do spraw przestępczości od dwudziestu lat ostrzegała o wykorzystywaniu dzieci w państwach rozwijających się, gdzie mimo istnienia przepisów karnych trudno jest je wyegzekwować w praktyce, zwłaszcza na obszarach objętych wojnami albo katastrofami.
Poza brakiem reakcji prawnej jest to dowód ogromnej patologii, jaka wynika z braku zasad moralnych. Problem nadużyć seksualnych określany jest czasem w piśmiennictwie jako czubek góry lodowej. Także organizacje takie jak Save the Children, British Red Cross, a nawet Lekarze bez Granic potwierdzały doniesienia o przestępstwach. Choć molestowanie seksualne przy okazji niesienia pomocy humanitarnej powinno być zwalczane za pomocą norm karnych prawa krajowego poszczególnych państw, Unia Europejska powinna też zaprzestać wspierania finansowego organizacji, które brały udział w takich przestępstwach, pomagając w inny sposób.
Ana Miranda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. – Señora presidenta, el comisario ha hablado con contundencia sobre el papel importante de la ayuda al desarrollo y de las misiones de observación electoral, y de la importancia que la propia Comisión le da a este tipo de enfoque político y a la necesidad de tener voz en el mundo, en el mundo más pobre, en el mundo con más violencia, en las zonas de conflicto.
Pero es evidente que estas noticias que saltaron a la prensa pero que, de algún modo, podían ser ya conocidas por comentarios de las ONG o por comentarios, incluso, de determinadas personas afectadas, pues, el hecho de que las haya recogido el New York Times les ha puesto un foco y una luz, y nos han preocupado muchísimo, tanto como para dirigirnos al Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior con un tema que, desde luego, es vergonzoso. Y, por eso, también, agradecemos al comisario esas palabras de tolerancia cero. Tolerancia cero contra posibles conductas de abuso, reprobables, de observadores electorales y de cooperantes; evidentemente.
Yo creo que coincidimos todos los grupos en esto y es muy importante que haya también una señal del Parlamento para que se verifique ese tipo de actuaciones. Porque de estas conductas, en definitiva —también en esta Cámara, donde tenemos tantos personajes machistas, que hoy, por cierto, no están—, es muy bueno que se diga que responden a un modelo patriarcal. El abuso sexual, el acoso sexual, la toma de drogas, el uso excesivo del alcohol, el recurso a la prostitución son síntomas del patriarcado, del machismo existente muchas veces en conductas que se trasladan fuera de Europa a otros lugares.
Por eso tenemos que reforzar los aspectos éticos con el Código de Conducta para los Observadores y tener una tolerancia cero ante comportamientos prohibidos, totalmente prohibidos. Es verdad que pagan justos por pecadores y hay que también honrar y recordar el enorme trabajo de muchas ONG.
Pero, sobre todo, yo quisiera acabar, presidenta, diciendo que, primero, investigación por parte de la Comisión; después, sanción en el caso de que existan estas conductas reprobables, pero lo más importante es la prevención: anticiparse.
Jörg Meuthen, im Namen der EFDD-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, verehrte Kollegen! Wir reden heute über eine ziemlich unglaubliche Geschichte. Es sind Fälle bekannt geworden, in den Entwicklungshelfer Flüchtlinge sexuell ausgebeutet haben – es geht also um das Personal der NGOs. Es geht um Gutmenschen, die sich als das Gegenteil dessen herausgestellt haben. Betroffen sind in allererster Linie die Schutzbefohlenen, an denen sich die Entwicklungshelfer vergangen haben. Wir bedauern zutiefst, was den Opfern widerfahren ist. Ich habe Vertrauen in die Justiz, dass die Täter zur Verantwortung gezogen werden und den Opfern Gerechtigkeit widerfährt.
Wir müssen aber auch politische Konsequenzen ziehen – auch für die grundsätzliche Zusammenarbeit mit den NGOs. Denn die NGOs müssen sich das missbräuchliche Verhalten ihrer Mitarbeiter zurechnen lassen. Oxfam muss für seine Versäumnisse bei Auswahl und Überwachung der Mitarbeiter Konsequenzen spüren. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Osfam darf also nicht auf die gleiche Weise fortgesetzt werden; hier ist auch die Kommission gefordert.
Außerdem braucht die Entwicklungshilfepolitik eine Richtungsänderung. Wir wissen, dass von jedem Spenden- und Entwicklungshilfe-Euro nur ein Bruchteil bei den wirklich Bedürftigen ankommt. Zwischen die Geldquelle und die Empfänger hat sich eine Vielzahl von Akteuren gedrängelt – Bürokraten, NGOs und Entwicklungshelfer und auch eine in vielen afrikanischen Ländern anzutreffende kleptokratische politische Klasse. Die falschen Leute machen sich mit Entwicklungshilfe leider die Taschen voll. Die Lösung liegt nicht in mehr Geld und auch nicht in der staatlichen Finanzierung von NGOs. Der richtige Weg ist eine neue und bessere Handelspolitik. Wir müssen aufhören, unseren Agrarsektor zu subventionieren, und ihn stattdessen für Produkte aus den Entwicklungsländern stärker öffnen. Viel zu wenige in diesem Haus wollen sich darauf einlassen – es ist der einzige Weg. Es ist auch der einzige Weg, um Fluchtursachen, über die hier so gerne geredet wird, zu beseitigen.
André Elissen, namens de ENF-Fractie. – Voorzitter, vandaag spreken we over de misstanden bij hulporganisaties zoals Oxfam. De afgelopen maanden zijn er verhalen opgedoken van perverse seksfeesten op Haïti. Medewerkers van Oxfam hebben zich daar schandalig misdragen, onder andere op kosten van de Europese belastingbetaler. Sinds 2010 worden honderden miljoenen euro's naar Haïti gestuurd. Pas sinds begin dit jaar beginnen we een beeld te krijgen van hoe dat geld gespendeerd is, en dat beeld is niet fraai, kan ik u zeggen.
Het schandaal in Haïti blijkt helaas niet bepaald op zichzelf te staan. Zo blijken enkele Oxfam-medewerkers die zich in Haïti hebben misdragen zich enkele jaren eerder in Tsjaad aan dezelfde praktijken schuldig te hebben gemaakt. Schandalig en onacceptabel.
Oxfam vormt hier zeker geen uitzondering, want ook bij andere organisaties zijn schandalen schering en inslag. Neem bijvoorbeeld Greenpeace. Twee dagen geleden werd bekend dat maar liefst 44 voormalige medewerkers uit Zuid-Amerika uit de school zijn geklapt. Er zouden de afgelopen jaren verschillende gevallen van ongewenst gedrag en misbruik hebben plaatsgevonden. De klagers werden ontslagen, de daders werd de hand boven het hoofd gehouden. Schandalig.
De lijst met voorbeelden van misbruik wordt langer en langer. Zo'n beetje elke hulporganisatie heeft ermee te maken. Voorzitter, dan nog kijkt de meerderheid van dit Parlement de andere kant op en wordt er stoere tekst uitgesproken en worden er zogenaamd forse maatregelen aangekondigd. Maar als puntje bij paaltje komt, blijft alles zoals het was.
Ieder jaar wordt er vanuit Europa meer dan 75 miljard euro uitgegeven aan ontwikkelingshulp en aan aanverwante zaken. Hiervan wordt 10 miljard door het Europees Parlement weggegeven.
Voorzitter, het wordt tijd om te stoppen met het schaamteloos overmaken van miljarden, overmaken van miljarden naar corrupte, dictatoriale regimes en zogenaamde hulporganisaties. Dit terwijl die uitgaven niet of nauwelijks gecontroleerd worden en men dus eigenlijk geen idee heeft van waar het geld aan uitgegeven wordt. Dit moet stoppen. Ontwikkelingshulp en allerlei aanverwante uitgaven moeten opnieuw een exclusieve bevoegdheid worden van de lidstaten. Ieder land moet zelf kunnen bepalen of, en zo ja hoeveel geld er naar de bodemloze put die ontwikkelingshulp heet, moet worden overgemaakt.
Voorzitter, wat mij en mijn partij betreft is het helder: geen cent naar corrupte dictatoriale regimes en zogenaamde hulporganisaties. Mensen die zich misdragen hebben, moeten keihard strafrechtelijk worden aangepakt.
Interventions à la demande
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, I am sorry about the decision. I think this is an extremely important topic and the police have expressed their outrage at some of the events that have been reported in recent times.
It has been a very bad time for charities in general. I know that in my own country there were a number of scandals relating to financial misappropriation, where various charities, who had the confidence of the public, were collecting money and then it was seen not to be used for the proper purposes. They were giving themselves some very big wages, employing family members and were not 100% accountable. Then, as was pointed out here by members of the House and the Commissioner, the worst situation was where aid organisations which are very reputable and have a highly-valued reputation were seen to be doing the exact opposite to helping people and were exploiting them. I welcome the Commissioner’s guarantees that there be zero tolerance for this, and I think that is the key.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D), zilās kartītes jautājums. – Priekšsēdētājas kundze! Kelly kungs! Es zinu, ka, salīdzinot ar manu valsti, Latviju, Īrija ir krietni progresīvāka — es teiktu — cīņā pret sieviešu seksuālu izmantošanu, it īpaši, kad zem aizsega, zem labdarības organizācijām tiek padarīti tik nežēlīgi noziegumi. Varbūt jūs varētu padalīties ar pieredzi — burtiski nosaukt to labāko, ar ko jūs varbūt varētu lepoties kā ievēlētais deputāts no savas valsts.
Seán Kelly (PPE), blue-card answer. – Thank you very much, Mr Mamikins. Indeed, but, as I said, even in Ireland we had some scandals – mainly financial – and it really rocked genuine charities, because the funding for many of them, who would do wonderful work, went way down accordingly. I think the same will happen with the likes of Oxfam and many more unless we can actually prove and show people here in the European Parliament that we are on top of our game, that we know what is happening with the funding, and that, where there are any exploitative measures being been taken, that we have zero tolerance. I trust the Commission to do that.
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, uzeo sam riječ prije svega da podržim kolegu Federleya koji je predložio ovu točku dnevnog reda jer ide za tim da se nema što skrivati. Kad su skandali kakvi jesu, kao što je Oxfamov skandal, zaista nemamo što skrivati.
I tu moram reći odmah na početku da i podržavam liniju kojom ide Komisija. Mislim da je povjerenik Stylianides danas vrlo jasno rekao koje su ambicije Komisije i kojim će putem ići. Zašto? Zato što smo maloprije čuli, prije koju minutu, kolege s krajnje desnice koji bi htjeli takve avanturiste, da ne kažem nasilnike, iskoristiti da bi upravo ukidali pomoć onima kojima je najpotrebnije.
Nemojmo imati takva mjerila. Mi vrlo vrlo dobro znamo da je mnogima itekako potrebna europska pomoć. Mnogima koji pate. A ti koji rade ovakve skandale, njih treba krajnje goniti i naravno do kraja svim pravnim sredstvima kažnjavati.
(Fin des interventions à la demande)
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Madam President, thank you so much for your remarks and for you suggestions. I completely agree with you about zero tolerance and, of course – above all – prevention. The recent cases of sexual misconduct reminded us firstly, that we need to continue to work towards a zero-tolerance culture against sexual exploitation and abuse. There is absolutely no room for relaxed efforts and lenient behaviour towards allegations of any kind of misconduct.
Secondly, we need to live up to our ethical and legal responsibilities as a leading donor of humanitarian and development assistance across the world. We need to support all our partners in their efforts to prevent, to identify at an early stage, and to respond to cases of sexual misconduct.
We also need more transparency and more accountability across the board. We need to safeguard our work. Our role is unique; saving lives and empowering people is a fair and upright duty. So our work is too important to be compromised. This is my very strict message to all our partners.
I shall now answer some specific issues, and I would like to start with Oxfam. We have collectively suspended the conclusion of any new contracts – these amount to a total of more than EUR 90 million – until we are satisfied with the new mechanisms put in place to prevent, report and respond to sexual abuse.
With regard to our support to António Guterres’s efforts, as the European Union we fully apply the UN standards of behaviour in its Common Security and Defence Policy missions, and this year the Council adopted revised standards of behaviour. Of course, as António Guterres has said many times, again, no zero tolerance for sexual abuse allegations. And as regards our monitoring of the use of our funding: first, we assess the financial, operational and administrative capacities of the NGOs that apply to receive funding. Secondly, we carry out regular on-site visits during the implementation of the project on the ground. Third, audits of management and control systems are performed during the implementation of the action, and this includes visits to the project sites, implementing partners and beneficiaries. And fourth, there are audits of legality and regularity of the operations once the projects are finished. By way of example, in the humanitarian field (in my field), last year 50 projects with a value of almost EUR 500 million were audited during their implementation and no issues relating to sexual misconduct were detected during these audits. So no doubt we have to continue in order to fight against any sexual abuse, but there is also the other side of the coin, and this is why I mention our audits through 50 partners on the ground.
La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.
Déclarations écrites (article 162)
Iratxe García Pérez (S&D), por escrito. – Los socialistas europeos consideran que es indispensable tener presente que en cualquier emergencia humanitaria existe un riesgo serio de abuso y/o explotación sexual de las personas en situación de extrema vulnerabilidad. Por ello, nos preocupa gravemente que la cultura del silencio, la intimidación y el abuso continúe tan pronto como se aparte el foco mediático de este problema. La Unión Europea debería reconsiderar la financiación de organizaciones no gubernamentales como Oxfam tras haberse conocido informes que revelaban que algunos de sus empleados pagaron durante años por sexo a víctimas de desastres mientras se encontraban en misiones humanitarias. Mención aparte merecen las Naciones Unidas, que han hecho oídos sordos a las alegaciones de abusos sobre mujeres sirias que desde hace al menos tres años venían realizando algunos de sus empleados y organizaciones como el Comité Internacional de Rescate. Es necesario visibilizar este problema y garantizar la protección de mujeres y niñas a fin de impedir la explotación sexual en situaciones de guerra o en el contexto de catástrofes humanitarias de cualquier índole. No es posible continuar ignorando los abusos sistemáticos ni tolerar que las víctimas teman precisamente a aquellas organizaciones que se supone deben garantizar su bienestar y, en último término, su supervivencia.
Enrique Guerrero Salom (S&D), por escrito. – Los socialistas europeos consideran que es indispensable tener presente que en cualquier emergencia humanitaria existe un riesgo serio de abuso y/o explotación sexual de las personas en situación de extrema vulnerabilidad. Por ello, nos preocupa gravemente que la cultura del silencio, la intimidación y el abuso continúe tan pronto como se aparte el foco mediático de este problema. La Unión Europea debería reconsiderar la financiación de organizaciones no gubernamentales como Oxfam tras haberse conocido informes que revelaban que algunos de sus empleados pagaron durante años por sexo a víctimas de desastres mientras se encontraban en misiones humanitarias. Mención aparte merecen las Naciones Unidas, que han hecho oídos sordos a las alegaciones de abusos sobre mujeres sirias que desde hace al menos tres años venían realizando algunos de sus empleados y organizaciones como el Comité Internacional de Rescate. Es necesario visibilizar este problema y garantizar la protección de mujeres y niñas a fin de impedir la explotación sexual en situaciones de guerra o en el contexto de catástrofes humanitarias de cualquier índole. No es posible continuar ignorando los abusos sistemáticos ni tolerar que las víctimas teman precisamente a aquellas organizaciones que se supone deben garantizar su bienestar y, en último término, su supervivencia.
Javi López (S&D), por escrito. – Los socialistas europeos consideran que es indispensable tener presente que en cualquier emergencia humanitaria existe un riesgo serio de abuso y/o explotación sexual de las personas en situación de extrema vulnerabilidad. Por ello, nos preocupa gravemente que la cultura del silencio, la intimidación y el abuso continúe tan pronto como se aparte el foco mediático de este problema. La Unión Europea debería reconsiderar la financiación de organizaciones no gubernamentales como Oxfam tras haberse conocido informes que revelaban que algunos de sus empleados pagaron durante años por sexo a víctimas de desastres mientras se encontraban en misiones humanitarias. Mención aparte merecen las Naciones Unidas, que han hecho oídos sordos a las alegaciones de abusos sobre mujeres sirias que desde hace al menos tres años venían realizando algunos de sus empleados y organizaciones como el Comité Internacional de Rescate. Es necesario visibilizar este problema y garantizar la protección de mujeres y niñas a fin de impedir la explotación sexual en situaciones de guerra o en el contexto de catástrofes humanitarias de cualquier índole. No es posible continuar ignorando los abusos sistemáticos ni tolerar que las víctimas teman precisamente a aquellas organizaciones que se supone deben garantizar su bienestar y, en último término, su supervivencia.
12.2. Εορτασμός της Διεθνούς Ημέρας της Οικογένειας (15 Μαΐου)
La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur la grande interpellation avec demande de réponse écrite et débat deJörg Meuthen à la Commission: Célébration de la journée internationale des familles (15 mai) (G-000004/2018 – B8-0021/2018) (2018/2722(RSP)).
Jörg Meuthen, Verfasser. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, verehrte Kollegen! Wir sprechen jetzt über meine große Anfrage anlässlich des Internationalen Tags der Familie. Die für diese Politik verantwortlichen Kommissare Jourová und Timmermans bleiben dieser Aussprache fern. Herr Timmermans erholt sich womöglich vom Christopher Street Day in Brüssel. Stattdessen schickt die Selmayr-Kommission den Katastrophenschutz-Kommissar, um eine Beamtenantwort zu verlesen.
Die EU hat den Internationalen Tag der Familie der Vereinten Nationen totgeschwiegen. Alle Menschen guten Willens erkennen, dass die EU die Familie aufbauend auf der Ehe von Mann und Frau nicht wertschätzt, doch am mysteriösen Internationalen Tag gegen Homophobie, Transphobie und Biphobie flatterte die Regenbogenfahne der Gender-Ideologen an den EU-Gebäuden. So entwertet Brüssel die Hoheitssymbole der Mitgliedstaaten. Die Personalabteilungen unternahmen gewaltige Anstrengungen für transsexuelle Eurokraten am Arbeitsplatz. Das sind die Prioritäten der EU bei der Steuerung von Werten und Normen. Was die EU für Ehe und Familie tut, ist, die Scheidung binationaler Ehepaare zu vereinfachen, die grenzenlose Vielfalt der Ehe für alle zu fordern, auch dort, wo es gar niemand will, die Wertschöpfung durch Frauen ausdrücklich nur auf den formalisierten Arbeitsmarkt zu beschränken und Kinder in Ganztagesbetreuung geschlechtsneutral und identitätslos fremderziehen zu lassen. Wann erklärt die Selmayr-Kommission wohl Leihmutterschaft zur grenzüberschreitenden Dienstleistung?
Diese Europäische Union setzt alle kommunistischen Rezepte um, die Karl Marx zur Zerstörung funktionierender Familien empfohlen hat. Von christdemokratischen Parteien können Sie dabei übrigens keine Gegenwehr erhoffen. Das beweisen die Ergebnisse unserer namentlichen Abstimmung. Hierin sehe ich eine wesentliche Ursache für die selbstverschuldete Selbstverzwergung der Union. Daher danke ich ausdrücklich meiner slowakischen Kollegin Anna Záborská, die sich als Vorsitzende der Familien-Intergruppe unermüdlich dafür einsetzt, dass sich Europa aufgrund falscher politischer Prioritäten nicht eines Tages noch selbst abschafft.
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Madam President, on behalf of my dear colleagues Věra Jourová and Marianne Thyssen, I am here to address this issue: the International Day of the Family. You know that it is a United Nations initiative. As UN members, EU Member States may observe this day. However, as it is not an EU initiative, as such, it does not receive any specific support from the Commission.
Family policy is primarily a Member State competence. The Commission supports Member States’ efforts on family and child policies through political guidance, including in the context of the European Semester. EU financial support is also available. The EU rules can affect family law in cross-border cases affecting, for example, divorce and separation, marriage, civil partnership and property issues like succession and wills, and in this area of civil law the Commission has proposed, in the recent period, rules to better protect children in cross-border family proceedings.
The European Pillar of Social Rights, adopted on 26 April 2017, is our reference framework to screen the performance of our labour markets and social protection systems with respect to challenges and people’s needs. It puts forward a new generation of rights, in particular access to social protection, thus promoting universality of support for all in need, starting with children and their families. The Pillar constitute the EU’s main implementation tool for translating the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals into a European context.
Concretely, the Commission put forward an initiative to support work/life balance for parents and carers. This package seeks to modernise work/life balance policies across the EU and to deliver measures that will improve the daily lives of many families. We hope that the Council will reach a political agreement on the text shortly, opening the way for constructive negotiations with the European Parliament.
The role of families is also crucial for the successful integration of migrants. For example, evidence suggests that immigrant children and natives with immigrant parents typically have worse education and labour market outcomes than their peers with native parents. Migrant parents’ level of education and employment status has a significant impact on their children’s outcome. Investing in integration measures for family migrants, especially for women, is key for the future well-being, prosperity and cohesion of our societies – European societies – and, of course, labour markets.
The Commission also provides important financial support to various NGOs, including Eurocarers, Eurochild and COFACE Families Europe. The action undertaken by these NGOs substantially contributes to EU policy-making in the social area and increases awareness-raising on the issues related to the work of family members.
I think it is quite important to have this discussion in Parliament, and thank you so much for your interpellation.
Anna Záborská, za skupinu PPE. – Vážená pani predsedajúca, tohtoročnou témou medzinárodného dňa rodiny OSN sú rodiny a inkluzívne spoločnosti. My na Slovensku sme si pre deň rodiny zvolili motto „Stojíme pri sebe“. Spoločným menovateľom týchto dvoch pohľadov je vzájomná solidarita, ktorá vzniká v rodine a odtiaľ sa prelieva do širšieho spoločenstva.
Aj v Európskej únii hovoríme veľa o inklúzii. Pravá inklúzia je založená na schopnosti a ochote ľudí stáť nie vedľa seba, ale pri sebe. Silní pri slabých, zdraví pri chorých, bohatí pri chudobných, tí, ktorí žijú v prebytku, pri tých, ktorí majú nedostatok. „Stojíme pri sebe“ je vyjadrením blízkosti, ktorá umožňuje podať ruku, podoprieť, utešiť, jednoducho pomôcť si navzájom vždy, keď je to potrebné.
Tejto blízkosti, tejto solidarite sa učíme v rodine. Pokiaľ ide o priame ovplyvňovanie sociálnej politiky vrátane sociálnej ochrany, Európska únia má len veľmi obmedzené právomoci. Jej úlohou, vymedzenou v zmluvách, je podporovať a doplňovať v tejto oblasti činnosti členských štátov. Každé politické rozhodnutie na úrovni Európskej únie má však nepriamy vplyv na rodinu. Pravidlá, ktorými sa riadi jednotný európsky trh, zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika, práva a povinnosti občanov Európskej únie, dokonca aj zákaz diskriminácie, to všetko ovplyvňuje rodinný život. Pán komisár, kolegyne a kolegovia, preto je také dôležité, aby Komisia začlenila do svojich úvah aj dosah ňou navrhovanej legislatívy na rodinu.
Andrejs Mamikins, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, although families all over the world have transformed greatly over the past decades, in terms of their structure and as a result of global trends and demographic changes, the United Nations still recognises the family as a basic unit of society, and the International Day of Families which is observed by the UN on 15 May every year is the best proof of that.
I am convinced that, with time, everybody realises that the most important values, in life is family. No amount of money, clothes or even a good job can be compared with the family. Only relatives and loved ones, with a smile on their faces communicating with us, can bring us true joy and happiness. Only at home can we always show our true emotions and find moral support and practical advice. And the family is the main source of our inner soul power. In my opinion, every person’s success in life directly depends on the relations in his or her family.
Unfortunately, there are problems which families face every day: for example, poverty, lack of social support, and an absence of equal rights among family members. In a special risk category are such vulnerable social groups as young families, migrants, ethnic minorities, and families with persons with disabilities. To resolve these issues, the European Union is developing an approach to family policies for inclusive societies. The main aim is to raise awareness of the role of families and family-oriented policies in achieving more inclusive societies. The primary emphasis is put on social inclusion and the protection of various types of families to facilitate their full inclusion in the mainstream of society.
This can be achieved through implementing the following points: for example, firstly ensuring equal justice to all family members, especially women; secondly, providing universal birth registration and legal identity for all, especially targeting vulnerable families; and lastly, developing and promoting social protection. These are key points in order to save and support such things as cohesion, unity, empathy, integrity and solidarity.
Urszula Krupa, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Fakt, że ONZ ogłosiło 15 maja Międzynarodowym Dniem Rodziny, ma oczywiście znaczenie, ale nie w obchodach czy proponowanych – nawet pięknie zaprojektowanych – flagach jest problem, ale w stwarzaniu odpowiednich warunków dla w rozwoju i funkcjonowania rodziny, która odgrywa ogromną rolę w wychowaniu młodych pokoleń, będąc środowiskiem, w którym dzieci uczą się podstawowych wartości, miłości, szacunku czy bezinteresownej pomocy. Dzieci pozbawione dobrych wzorców mają trudności w rozwoju, we współżyciu, trudności z poszanowaniem wartości moralnych.
Przyczynami problemów współczesnych rodzin są nie tylko niedostatki finansowe wskutek ogromnego rozwarstwienia społecznego z bezrobociem i niskimi płacami, ale także wzrost kosztów kształcenia, co bywa powodem zaniedbywania obowiązków wychowawczych. Poza, oczywiście, antyrodzinnymi ideologiami prowadzącymi do różnych patologii. Poważnym problemem jest także zanikanie rodzin wielopokoleniowych z izolacją osób starszych.
Ivan Jakovčić, u ime kluba ALDE. – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, pripadam liberalima kao što je predsjedavajuća i rekla i u osnovi mi polazimo od slobode i sreće pojedinca. Kao liberali poštujemo jedno od onih osobnih načela, a to je ljubi bližnjega svoga kakav god on bio. Da li bio homoseksualan, transseksualan ili bilo kakav drugi. Ljubi bližnjega svoga. I zato to govorim upravo kolegi koji je iznio ovu točku, koji polazi od tradicionalne obitelji. Žene su napokon ravnopravne. Shvatimo to već jednom.
Ali s druge strane, reći ću vrlo jasno: Ja poštujem i podržavam obilježavanje međunarodnog dana obitelji jer mislim da je to vrlo važno, da je to uključivo i da to sigurno doprinosi solidarnosti. Doprinosi više ljubavi, doprinosi više sreće. Ali nemojmo nikad zaboravit na one koji možda tu sreću nemaju. I ja mislim i želim misliti dalje na njih.
Ana Miranda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. – Señora presidenta, escuchando a algunos diputados siento un poquito de vergüenza, sinceramente: «papá, mamá, papá, papá, mamá, mamá...». Sin papá, tío, abuelo, incluso gente viviendo sola y, aun así, se sienten familias.
Hay que tener un poquito de respeto en este Parlamento por las personas, porque hay muchas personas a las que representamos y que nos votan, y que tienen el mismo derecho a tener familia y a sentirse familia con independencia de su orientación sexual.
Por lo tanto, por favor, un respeto. Porque nos hieren estas afirmaciones; nos hieren como personas, nos hieren como políticos, y lo tengo que decir así.
Familias nucleares, extensas, monoparentales, adoptivas, de padres separados, de acogida, reconstituidas... Familias. Con mayúscula. Familias.
Y, por eso, que la Comisión Europea haya decidido no celebrar este día, me parece normal. Porque la Comisión Europea tiene muchos más problemas de los que ocuparse y son problemas como, por ejemplo, hacer un Fondo Social Europeo que pueda garantizar que las personas, que las familias tengan capacidad para poder tener bienestar social, para poder tener vida digna; para que estas familias puedan tener vivienda, escuelas dignas.
No importa un día, no importa la celebración de un día. Lo que importa es hacer políticas serias para que las familias puedan tener buenas condiciones.
Y, mire, la familia, señor diputado —el autor de la interpelación mayor—, es algo más que un concepto biológico: es inclusión.
Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, Mezinárodní den rodiny je pro nás příležitostí si uvědomit základ, na kterém naše životy stojí. Dovolte, abych citovala: „Rodina je prostorem, ve kterém dochází k formování osobnosti člověka. Prostorem tvorby lidského kapitálu, výchovy a růstu budoucích generací. Jako taková je bezesporu základní a nejvýznamnější jednotkou naší společnosti. Jen stabilní a prosperující rodiny jsou zárukou dobrého prostředí pro výchovu dětí, udržitelného rozvoje a společnosti, její funkčnosti a soudržnosti. Úloha rodin ve společnosti je nezastupitelná“. Kolegyně a kolegové, to není žádný archaický text. To je koncepce rodinné politiky vlády České republiky z roku 2017, tedy text velmi současný. Já jsem ráda, že jsem ji mohla přečíst, protože to je skutečně tak, my prostě rodinu potřebujeme. Ale ptám se: Jak o ni pečujeme? Evropská unie nemá přímou kompetenci k rodinné politice, ale vlastně každé naše rozhodnutí, o kterém tady hlasujeme, ovlivňuje rodiny v jejich životě. Měli bychom podporovat rodiče, oceňovat jejich péči, a měli bychom také podporovat výchovu k rodičovství. Bohužel, například dnes, místo toho jsme schválili doporučení k sociální výchově, ke garancím za děti. Místo rodin má garantovat sociální standard Evropská unie. Jsem velkou podporovatelkou Evropské unie, ale obávám se, že pokud budeme zpochybňovat rodinu, náš společný základ, pak tím rozbíjíme také základ evropského společenství.
Madame la Présidente, la dernière fois, j’avais le plaisir d’annoncer que j’étais grand-mère pour la première fois. Aujourd’hui, je suis grand-mère pour la deuxième fois et j’ai ici ma petite-fille, qui s’appelle Stella. C’est aussi ma famille, c’est la fête des familles. Alors, merci beaucoup pour votre compréhension.
La Présidente. – Bienvenue à Stella. Nous allons suivre les aventures de votre famille à chaque grande interpellation, Madame Šojdrová. Je vous souhaite de nombreux petits-enfants.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, the idea of honouring the International Day of the Family goes back to 1993. I think it is a very good one, but of course we perhaps have a different interpretation of family now than we might have had a number of years ago. Ms Miranda is right that, regardless of their composition, given different situations, all families are very important, and the more stable they are, the more stable society is.
This year’s theme was ‘family and inclusive society’. I think that was a very good theme, because we do need to do more in terms of being more inclusive and welcoming in modern society. You start with the family, and that is very important. As well as that, it is often the family that is the place that you go to for real care and compassion in times of true struggle and, without a stable family, it can be very difficult to deal with issues like that. I also think that the social, economic and demographic issues are to be considered, and I know that in my own country the emphasis would have to be on mental health and homelessness. These issues are being dealt with in relation to the family and, indeed, individuals.
Finally, I just want to say that last year’s theme was finding a work-life balance. In some respects I suppose that we politicians are the worst people to talk about that, because being away from home, as MEPs, and spending weekends doing our work, without a supporting family behind us – an understanding family – we just couldn’t continue. So we can be very grateful for all our families, no matter what their composition is.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue—card question under Rule 162(8))
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D), zilās kartītes jautājums. – Priekšsēdētājas kundze! Godātais Kelly kungs! Man arī tagad ir atklāsmes vakars, man arī ir trīs bērni, un es zinu, ka daudzbērnu ģimenēm Latvijā atbalsts pietiekami nav tāds, ko daudzbērnu ģimenes reāli prasa. Varbūt jūs varētu padalīties ar Īrijas pieredzi. Es zinu, ka Īrijā daudzbērnu ģimenes ir it īpaši cienītas un tām tiek palīdzēts no valsts puses.
Seán Kelly (PPE), blue-card answer. – Mr President, indeed we have had a tradition of large families in the past: I know that from my own background in Gaelic Athletic Association football and hurling. Some families almost made up the entire team: you would have four, five or six from the one family playing in the team. But the trend in modern life, as in all advancing economies, is that the families tend to be a smaller now. Thankfully, I have four children myself: two boys and two girls – a good balance. I am very happy with them, I hope they are happy with me, even though they don’t see me often enough.
Interventions à la demande
Peter Jahr (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich bin ja, wenn man so will, zufällig in die Debatte geraten. Ich könnte mich auch outen – Vater, Großvater, mehrere Kinder. Ich würde mir wünschen, so eine Debatte um die Familie zu einer besseren Sendezeit zu führen. Das wäre der erste Punkt. Denn da hat man viel zu diskutieren, und da gibt es auch Benachteiligungen. Ich räume auch ein, in der Demokratie ist das manchmal so: Man muss immer die Balance schaffen auch zwischen Mehrheit und Interesse für Minderheiten. Das gelingt manchmal nicht richtig. Wir haben auch in Deutschland immer wieder Probleme, die nachweisbar von der Benachteiligung von Familien sprechen, das ist richtig. Also gleich auch der Auftrag an die zuständigen Ausschüsse, sich noch einmal intensiv mit der Problematik zu beschäftigen.
Zweitens, was mich etwas geärgert hat: Ich musste ja einen sozialistischen Bildungsweg durchschreiten, und wahrscheinlich kann man Klassiker unterschiedlich interpretieren – was der Vorredner, Kollege Meuthen, gemacht hat. Also, es hieß immer im Sozialismus: Die Familie ist die kleinste Einheit der Gesellschaft, die muss gepflegt und gehegt werden. Da gab es auch schon Widersprüche. Meine zweite Bitte: Wir sollten den Familienbegriff nicht ideologisch-politisch missbrauchen.
Arne Gericke (ECR). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich bin mal Mitglied der Familienpartei gewesen, bin selbst zehn Jahre Vater von bis zu sieben Kindern gewesen und habe viel Freude daran gehabt in diesen zehn Jahren, in denen ich schwerpunktmäßig auch für die Kinder da sein konnte. Wenn wir hier argumentieren, sollten wir politisch argumentieren und nicht zu sehr emotional. Es wird hier im Parlament sehr, sehr viel argumentiert und erwirtschaftet, was den Eltern das Leben schwer macht. Das ist keine Gerechtigkeit. Und wenn wir andere Seiten stärken und damit Eltern schwächen, dann ist das Anti-Familienpolitik. Ich hoffe, dass wir in der zukünftigen Politik immer darauf achten, dass es eine Generationengerechtigkeit gibt – das ist Familienpolitik –, dass die Erziehungsleistungen der Eltern, vorwiegend der Mütter, anerkannt werden. Es kann nicht sein, dass Mütter von immer mehr Kindern eine immer geringere Rente kriegen. Da stimmt irgendwas im System nicht. Wir brauchen da wirklich ein Erziehungsgehalt, angepasst an das Geld, das andere für die gleiche Leistung im Kindergarten, in der Krippe und sonstigen Berufen kriegen, die im Grunde der Elternleistung entsprechen, zum Beispiel im Kinderheim. Wir brauchen nicht nur ein Ehegattensplitting, wir brauchen ein Familiensplitting, wo die Kinder mit angerechnet werden. Wir brauchen ein Familienwahlrecht – ein Recht, ein Mensch, eine Stimme. Und wenn wir das Armutsrisiko beim Kind beseitigen wollen, müssen wir auch darauf achten, dass die Eltern immer wieder herangezogen werden. Auch in der Steuer werden sie benachteiligt. Sie müssen ein Vielfaches an Steuern zahlen, weil sie eben bei der Mehrwertsteuer – value added tax – immer für die Kinder mitbezahlen und dadurch auch den Steuersack des entsprechenden Staates auffüllen. Solidarität ist hier gefragt. Und deswegen vielen Dank. Eine Minute reicht dafür nicht. Aber ich hoffe, dass wir hier in Zukunft wirklich auch immer die Familien bei den politischen Interessen mit an Bord haben.
(Fin des interventions à la demande)
Christos Stylianides,Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I would like to thank colleagues for this really interesting discussion. It was a really interesting debate. I can promise you that your interventions are carefully noted and I shall be conveying them to my dear colleagues, the responsible members and services of the Commission. I am sure that we will have new opportunities to discuss this really interesting issue of the International Day of the Family in more detail, but also, in a broader manner, the role of the family in our societies.
La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.
13. Αποφάσεις σχετικά με ορισμένα έγγραφα: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά
14. Κατάθεση εγγράφων: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά
15. Αναφορές: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά
16. Διαβίβαση των κειμένων που εγκρίθηκαν κατά τη σημερινή συνεδρίαση: βλ. Συνοπτικά Πρακτικά