Catherine Bearder (ALDE). – Mr President, on a point of order under Rule 147. Everybody can be at risk from mechanical delays, but yesterday on the special train that brought many of us from Brussels there were delays: we had the most appalling circumstances and we were kept in difficult conditions. Can I as Quaestor ask you to join me in apologising to all of those people who were stuck on that train? But it’s not just that train. Many other MEPs and staff had travel delays getting to Strasbourg, and it highlights the absurdity of dragging us 500 kilometres to Strasbourg every month. There are MEPs, parliamentary staff, committee staff, Group staff, Commission staff, Council staff – they all have to come to Strasbourg. It wastes our time, it wastes money and it brings this institution into disrepute.
Mr President, please can we ask you to talk to the President of this House and ask him to bring it up again with President Tusk and look again at the Treaties to reflect the will of this House and give us a single seat in which to work?
Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL). – Senhor Presidente, é apenas para fazer um apelo. Eu creio que é uma vergonha para esta instituição, que é a casa da democracia, ter intérpretes a trabalhar sob sequestro. Foram-lhes impostas condições de trabalho que são draconianas, que não respeitam os seus direitos e nós estamos aqui a trabalhar todos como se nada fosse, com intérpretes requisitados atrás de nós. Defendemos a democracia, o direito à greve e, por isso, peço que o Parlamento medeie esta negociação. Nós não podemos fazer o nosso trabalho sem intérpretes e não podemos ter intérpretes a trabalhar sem direitos.
Presidente. – Grazie collega. Abbiamo affrontato la questione anche ieri all'Ufficio di presidenza e le assicuro che ci sarà un pieno impegno da parte di tutti i membri per risolverla, come auspichiamo, in modo consensuale.
Un altro richiamo al regolamento da parte dell'on. Flack.
John Flack (ECR). – Mr President, on a happier note, can I just call a point of order to invite Parliament to congratulate the Bulgarian authorities for saving Penka the cow, showing that common sense and compassion can trump EU rules?
Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θα αναφερθώ πάλι στο ζήτημα των διερμηνέων. Το ζήτημα δεν είναι μονάχα πού συνεδριάζει το Ευρωκοινοβούλιο. Το Ευρωκοινοβούλιο απέδειξε τη δήθεν δημοκρατική του ευαισθησία. Απαγόρευσε σε εργαζόμενους να ασκήσουν το απεργιακό τους δικαίωμα. Αυτή είναι η δημοκρατία! Εργαζόμενοι που εργάζονται σε απαράδεκτες συνθήκες, δωδεκάωρα, χωρίς διαλείμματα, μετακινούμενοι πολλά χιλιόμετρα με συμβάσεις της μιας ημέρας. Πρέπει να καταδικαστεί ομόφωνα αυτή η απόφαση! Να παρθεί τώρα πίσω η απόφαση του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου! Να αφεθούν ελεύθεροι οι εργαζόμενοι! Να καταργηθεί η επίταξη! Εκφράζουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στους εργαζόμενους συναδέλφους στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο.
Presidente. – C'era un richiamo anche dall'on. Coburn.
Colleghi vi prego, io cerco di essere tollerante, ma non abusate della mia tolleranza nella concessione degli interventi sul richiamo al regolamento, grazie.
David Coburn (EFDD). – Mr President, I was interested in what Ms Bearder was saying regarding the delay on the EU gravy train coming to Strasbourg. May I say: now she knows what it’s like for her everyday constituents travelling by rail to work. I think she’s living in another world, on another planet.
Anne Sander (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, très rapidement, je suis vraiment désolée de la panne de train qu’il y a eu hier et je comprends le désagrément pour les collègues et surtout pour l’ensemble des collaborateurs. Mais nous sommes ici au Parlement européen et nous devons respecter les traités, donc je voudrais simplement rappeler, chers collègues, que le siège de Strasbourg est aujourd’hui le siège du Parlement européen et que nous devons avoir cela à l’esprit.
Presidente. – Procediamo con le votazioni, abbiamo avuto troppi richiami al regolamento. L'articolo 184 bis parla chiaro, molti sono intervenuti senza neanche menzionare l'articolo del regolamento. Per favore procediamo, grazie.