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Postup : 2018/2755(RSP)
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Rozpravy :

PV 14/06/2018 - 4.2
CRE 14/06/2018 - 4.2

Hlasovanie :

PV 14/06/2018 - 7.2

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Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Štvrtok, 14. júna 2018 - Štrasburg

4.2. Situácia v oblasti ľudských práv v Bahrajne, najmä prípad Nabíla Radžaba
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad siedmioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie sytuacji w zakresie praw człowieka w Bahrajnie, w szczególności sytuacji Nabila Radżaba (2018/2755(RSP)).


  David Campbell Bannerman, author. – Mr President, here we go again: yet another motion attacking Bahrain – probably influenced by Iran, who claim Bahrain as their own and are intent on destabilising the whole Middle East.

Bahrain is a key ally of EU Member States. Our friendship is of vital importance in political and economic relations, energy and security. Bahrain is also of strategic interest to NATO, and the UK has opened a military base there staffed by 500 military personnel.

Whilst we should have an open and frank dialogue with our Bahraini friends on human rights, welcome reforms are taking place now. Over 8 000 police officers have received human rights training and also 100 members of the judiciary.

Furthermore, the independent Special Investigations Unit, which I have visited, now vigorously investigates any allegation of mistreatment, and this is the first of its kind in the Middle East.

On the matter of Mr Nabeel Rajab: he was found guilty of spreading false information designed to undermine national security, and he does continue to be afforded his full legal rights. It would be better to focus on extreme states such as Iran and the worst execution rate in the world.


  Barbara Lochbihler, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident! Die fünfjährige Haftstrafe der letzten Woche gegen den Menschenrechtsaktivisten Nabil Radschab in Bahrain, die dort verhängt wurde, spricht für sich selbst. Die Verantwortlichen in Bahrain sind nicht willens, grundlegende Freiheitsrechte zu respektieren. Daher fordern wir in unserer Entschließung die bedingungslose Freilassung von Nabil Radschab und aller anderen gewaltlosen politischen Gefangenen.

Wir fordern die Vertreter des Europäischen Auswärtigen Dienstes, des Europäischen Rates und die Mitgliedstaaten auf, Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Bahrain regelmäßig anzusprechen. Dabei muss auch die Durchsetzung gezielter Strafmaßnahmen gegen die Verantwortlichen in Erwägung gezogen werden. Und es ist inakzeptabel, dass europäische Firmen weiterhin Überwachungstechnologien an die bahrainische Regierung liefern und damit zur Unterdrückung zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure beitragen. Alle Mitgliedstaaten der EU müssen die strikte Einhaltung der Exportbeschränkungen von Waffen und Überwachungstechnologie garantieren.

Und ich bitte den Vorredner, Herrn Bannerman, doch zu überprüfen, wo er seine Informationen her hat. Unsere Informationen sind nicht über den Iran gekommen, sondern über wirklich gesicherte Quellen.


  Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, it is time for the Government of Bahrain to free Nabeel Rajab. He is in prison right now simply for standing up for human rights. Nabeel Rajab is one of many human rights defenders, political activists, opposition leaders and journalists that the authorities have unjustly imprisoned in the past years as the human rights situation has got increasingly worse, including for female human rights defenders. It is time for the EU to act and react.

I am also very concerned by the dramatic increase in the use of the death penalty and the new laws allowing civilians to be tried in military courts. We call on Bahrain immediately and unconditionally to release Nabeel Rajab, as well as Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and all imprisoned human rights defenders, and stop the use of the death penalty.


  Ignazio Corrao, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'inarrestabile repressione in corso in Bahrein imbavaglia l'intera società civile, eliminando qualsiasi forma di opposizione possibile. La tracotanza di questo governo è tale che, per ben due volte, ha rifiutato di ricevere una delegazione della sottocommissione per i diritti dell'uomo di questo Parlamento, la seconda volta addirittura ritirando un precedente invito formale. Questa è la chiara dimostrazione dell'atteggiamento del Bahrein verso i diritti umani e verso coloro i quali osano anche solo menzionarli.

La recente conferma della condanna in appello di Nabeel Rajab è solo una delle tante prove del feroce accanimento del potere verso qualsiasi forma di dissidenza, di libertà di pensiero e di informazione. Nabeel Rajab, un uomo libero e coraggioso, spogliato di ogni diritto, lasciato in condizioni di detenzione disumane e in precarie condizioni di salute, costituisce il simbolo della lotta contro questa repressione. Se falliremo nel difendere il simbolo di questa lotta, se lasceremo solo un uomo che in quel paese incarna i principi di cui noi ci facciamo garanti, saranno i diritti umani stessi ad aver fallito in Bahrein. Nabeel Rajab va immediatamente ed incondizionatamente rilasciato.


  Tomáš Zdechovský, Autor. – Pane předsedající, dovolte mi, abych i já vyjádřil svůj názor právě k rezoluci, která se týká Nabíla Radžába.

Rezoluce PPE a ECR je rezolucí, která skutečně reflektuje tento případ a další případy, kdy jsou vězněni lidé v Bahrajnu za své politické názory a za svoji činnost. V tomto smyslu EU prostřednictvím této rezoluce vyjadřuje názor a obavy ohledně tohoto případu, jehož dosah je daleko širší.

Od roku 2011 bylo v Bahrajnu zatčeno více než 13 aktivistů, přičemž všechny případy byly poměrně nejasné. Bohužel dochází k omezování lidských práv a svobod, což je v rozporu s našimi evropskými hodnotami. Právo na spravedlivý proces, právo na přístup k zákonnému soudu, právo na obhajobu a další práva musí být vždy dodržována.

Aktivisté a bojovníci za lidská práva jsou důležitou složkou jakékoliv demokracie a je nezbytné, aby měli v demokracii své místo. Touto rezolucí to proto nekončí. Chceme vést otevřený dialog s Bahrajnem a doufejme, že se nám to podaří.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, c’est un «carton bleu» pour vous, parce que notre groupe politique a deux minutes pour M. Zdechovský. Veuillez donc vérifier avec votre secrétariat, car nous ne voulons pas être pénalisés. Je parle ici en tant que coordinateur PPE.


  Przewodniczący. – Sprawdzamy to, a ja mogę pokazać wydruk, którym się posługuję – tu jest jedna minuta.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. – Monsieur le Président, une nouvelle fois nous discutons du Bahreïn.

Depuis 2011 et l’écrasement des contestations populaires avec l’aide des armées saoudiennes et émiraties, le pays s’enfonce dans la répression et un déni croissant des droits de l’homme. Les défenseurs des droits de l’homme en sont les premières victimes, souvent arrêtés et condamnés sur la base d’aveux obtenus sous la torture. Beaucoup ont l’interdiction de voyager, les déchéances de nationalité sont nombreuses et de plus en plus de procès civils se font devant des tribunaux militaires.

L’ONU et les grandes ONG dénoncent aussi le harcèlement de la population chiite, qui constitue, rappelons-le, la majorité de la population. Accusée – bien évidemment, comme d’autres ici nous accusent – de faire le jeu du grand voisin iranien.

La lutte contre le terrorisme a bon dos et l’Agence nationale de sécurité a quasiment les mains libres pour mener arrestations et interrogatoires dans ce cadre. Après 7 ans de moratoire, les exécutions ont effectivement repris et les condamnations à la peine de mort se multiplient.

Nabil Rajab est devenu un symbole de cette lutte pour les droits de l’homme. Il devait être libéré ce mois-ci après avoir purgé une nouvelle peine de 2 ans dans des conditions carcérales épouvantables, mais vient d’être condamné à 5 ans de prison supplémentaires.

Monsieur le Commissaire, je voudrais me faire la porte-parole ici d’Adam, son fils de 21 ans, qui s’inquiète de la détérioration de la santé de son père et souhaiterait qu’un de nos ambassadeurs lui rende visite. Je vous demande de vous faire le porte-parole de cette demande.

Le citoyen dano-bahreïnien Abdulhadi al-Khawaja est lui aussi détenu depuis avril 2011, condamné à la prison à perpétuité pour des activités pacifiques, ou encore le blogueur Abduljalil al-Singace, et il y en a de nombreux autres. Tout cela en soi augurerait déjà mal des prochaines élections annoncées pour octobre prochain, alors que les deux principaux partis d’opposition ont été dissous, Al Wefaq, le principal parti chiite, et Waad, le parti laïc. Mais leurs membres viennent même d’être interdits de se présenter aux élections, comme tout citoyen reconnu coupable de crimes.

Comment peut-on avoir des relations commerciales et vendre des armes et du matériel de surveillance à un pays tel que celui-ci?


  Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, with any human rights resolution we seek to speak with one voice, as representatives of the European people and of different political parties. This strong, united message shows that our support for human rights binds us, no matter where in the world those rights are violated and no matter the other differences of opinion and political colour between us here in the Parliament. In negotiations we seek compromise to ensure broad support.

How tragic is it then that, after we had successfully negotiated a text taking on board all views, the EPP and the ECR decided to propose an alternative resolution. Not only is it a clear breach of trust, it also shows division on the importance of human rights in Bahrain. Our group is clear: it believes human rights should be addressed, no matter the political relations, trade interests and security or other shared areas of cooperation, because respect for universal human rights needs defending and, if the EU or this Parliament together do not defend them, who will?

I have a question for my colleague, Mr Campbell Bannerman. Following your logic, are you suggesting that the spreading of false information on Brexit should have led to prison sentences?


  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. – Monsieur le Président, nous avons tenté d'avoir un dialogue...

(le Président retire la parole à l’orateur).


  President. – Excuse me, I will explain this two-minute case to clarify the situation. It was the following: Tomáš should get one minute as author. You asked for one minute and, instead of adding it together to make two minutes, the note was one minute. It was a kind of misinformation. So please accept it as an explanation. The floor is yours on behalf of your political group.


  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. – Mr President, unbelievable these Socialists!

Monsieur le Président, nous avons toujours tenté d’avoir un dialogue avec le Bahreïn sur la question des droits. Malheureusement, ce dialogue n’est pas possible vu le refus des autorités, à deux reprises, de recevoir une délégation du Parlement européen. Cette demande de dialogue est une initiative du PPE, Madame Schaake.

Cette visite aurait été l’occasion d’échanger ouvertement sur les défis que le pays doit relever en matière de respect des droits, je pense notamment au respect de la liberté d’expression, que ce soit pour les défenseurs des droits ou pour la participation des partis d’opposition au jeu politique, particulièrement dans le contexte des élections prévues cet automne.

Le cas de Nabil Rajab, que le Parlement européen a déjà soulevé à plusieurs reprises, est très inquiétant et nous attendons un signal fort de la part des autorités du pays, à savoir sa libération immédiate.

Monsieur le Président, j’espère que la prochaine fois, sous votre présidence, le PPE ne sera pas pénalisé suite à la mauvaise gestion du temps de parole.


  Przewodniczący. – Nigdy PPE ani żadna grupa polityczna nie ucierpi, natomiast jeszcze raz proszę przyjąć do wiadomości, że ze strony sekretariatu była pilna reakcja, natychmiast wyjaśniono okoliczności, w jakich to się zdarzyło. I moją pierwszą reakcją było też oczywiście rozszerzenie czasu. Tak że bardzo proszę o przyjęcie tego i uważajmy, że mamy sprawę zamkniętą.


  Julie Ward, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, the cases of Nabeel Rajab Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and many others demonstrate Bahrain’s complete disregard for freedom of expression.

I am also very concerned by the situation of Syed Ahmed al-Badawi, whose family has been judicially harassed and detained with allegations of torture, simply because of his peaceful human rights activities.

The Bahraini government’s attacks on democracy become more serious every day. Ahead of elections set to take place in the autumn, the authorities have passed a bill banning members of dissolved opposition groups from running for elections – depriving more than one hundred people of their citizenship, and increased their use of the death penalty.

I’m horrified by the state of affairs in Bahrain, particularly in light of the involvement of several European governments, including my own. The British Government’s complicity in grave and systematic human rights violations in Bahrain is unacceptable and needs to be called out. I call on the Bahraini authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Nabeel and all political prisoners.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ancora prima che la nostra risoluzione comune, o per meglio dire parzialmente comune, fosse pubblicamente disponibile, l'ambasciatore del Bahrein, contattando i parlamentari, si è esibito in un clamoroso caso di quella che i miei antenati latini chiamavano excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta.

Secondo i documenti inviatici, infatti, nel paese ci sarebbero nient'altro che un vivace clima di dibattito politico e culturale, un sistema giudiziario indipendente e trasparente e meccanismi di tutela dei diritti umani adeguati, e Nabeel Rajab starebbe benissimo e starebbe giustamente subendo un processo, ovviamente un processo con tutte le garanzie del caso. Un quadro interessante, peccato che non corrisponda alla realtà, cari colleghi, una realtà che è ben diversa ed è in costante peggioramento. I gruppi di opposizione al-Wefaq e Waad sono stati sciolti e ai loro membri sarà impedito di partecipare alle elezioni. I difensori dei diritti umani sono stati arrestati, torturati e viene tolta loro la cittadinanza, e i giornali indipendenti vengono chiusi.

Nabeel Rajab ha perso l'appello della sua causa e andrà in prigione per dei tweet. Avete capito bene, colleghi, per dei tweet nel 2018. Mi rincresce constatare che alcuni gruppi del Parlamento sembrano condividere maggiormente le posizioni delle autorità del Bahrein e hanno presentato una risoluzione alternativa ben più soft di quello che dovrebbe.

Colleghi, le parole non bastano più, oggi servono i fatti. Gli Stati membri devono sospendere le licenze di export per apparati di sorveglianza, armi e qualunque dispositivo possa essere usato dal governo per la repressione. Se veramente crediamo in tutti quei valori di cui spesso parliamo in quest'Aula, è arrivato il momento di dimostrarlo.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento))


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE), otázka položená zvednutím modré karty. – Vážený kolego, Itálie je jedním z největších vývozců sledovacích zařízení právě do Bahrajnu. Vy jste v současné době ve vládě. Můžete nám říci, jaké konkrétní kroky jste už udělali pro to, aby Itálie přestala do Bahrajnu tato sledovací zařízení vyvážet? Děkuji za konkrétní odpověď.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". – Caro collega, coerentemente con quanto fatto nel corso di questi anni, noi daremo lo stesso identico messaggio anche al nostro governo. Le faccio presente che i sottosegretari dell'attuale esecutivo sono stati nominati l'altro ieri. Quindi questo governo sta prendendo adesso le funzioni e sarà ovviamente nostro dovere e nostra volontà portare questo messaggio e pretendere quindi che il nostro paese dia l'esempio. Auguriamoci però che lo stesso venga da tutti gli altri 27 Stati membri, perché altrimenti, se lo fa uno solo e gli altri si girano dall'altra parte, ci stiamo prendendo in giro, come molte volte avviene in quest'Aula.


  Jacques Colombier, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, le cas de Nabil Rajab à Bahreïn nous interpelle naturellement et nous inquiète.

Si nous soutenons les minorités victimes de discriminations et d’exactions, nous pensons en premier lieu, au Proche-Orient, aux populations chrétiennes, dont le projet islamiste vise à éradiquer la présence, bien antérieure, à celle de l’Islam. Peu de consciences s’élèvent ici contre ce drame majeur. À Bahreïn, ce n’est pas une minorité, mais la majorité de la population chiite qui est discriminée par un émirat sunnite.

L’Union européenne, qui soutient des pays aussi peu recommandables que le Qatar ou l’Arabie saoudite, qui maltraite sa minorité chiite, est mal placée – je le pense – pour intervenir sur cette question, comme sur bien d’autres.

C’est en tenant une position d’équilibre, sans choisir Riyad contre Téhéran ni même l’inverse, que les pays européens pourraient jouer un rôle de médiateur. Mais c’est avant tout en reprenant chacune de leur souveraineté diplomatique que les nations européennes retrouveront une politique conforme à leurs intérêts. Elles pourraient donc intervenir de façon bien plus crédible dans des questions comme celles évoquées ici.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE). – Pane předsedající, chceme dnes podpořit bahrajnského obhájce lidských práv Nabíla Radžába především proto, že věříme, že svoboda slova je jedním ze základních lidských práv a její uplatnění přispívá k dobrému fungování společnosti.

Nabílu Radžábovi dnes hrozí celkem 7 let vězení za to, že vyjádřil na Twitteru svůj názor mimo jiné na bombardování Jemenu Saúdskou Arábií, a tím měl dle bahrajnského zákona spáchat trestný čin urážky sousedního státu. Soudní řízení s panem Radžábem bylo několikrát vedeno způsobem odporující bahrajnským zákonům. Existuje však šance, že pan Radžáb bude omilostněn. Žádáme nyní Bahrajn, aby nebyl pan Radžáb vystaven žádnému ponižujícímu zacházení, mučení a aby jeho proces splňoval mezinárodní standardy spravedlivého procesu.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Mr President, the Bahraini Government has been trying its best to paint a picture of the country in which there is respect for fundamental values and human rights, but no amount of PR effort can gloss over the human rights violations and the repression, which continue to increase.

This is the fourth consecutive year in which this House has adopted a resolution on Bahrain calling for the release of those who are detained simply because they exercise their freedom of expression, including Nabeel Rajab and Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and many, many others. It is time we put Bahrain on notice that failure to respect fundamental rights will be met with consequences.

As for those on the other side of the House who are trying to water down the resolution, I ask you to consider: history has shown that appeasement does not work with an authoritarian regime.

My questions to the Commissioner are: will the EU consider imposing targeted measures against those responsible for human rights violations, and when will the Member States, including the UK, halt transfers of weapons, surveillance and intelligence equipment that can be used by Bahrain in this unacceptable crackdown …

(The President cut off the speaker)


Zgłoszenia z sali


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, neste preciso momento, a escassos meses das eleições legislativas, a Assembleia Nacional do Barém está em vias de aprovar uma lei cujo efeito prático será banir e calar para sempre a oposição ao atual governo.

Caros Colegas, a verdade é que, desde junho de 2016, o regime do Barém endureceu radicalmente a repressão contra a dissidência e os ativistas dos direitos humanos, multiplicando as detenções arbitrárias, as torturas e os julgamentos civis por tribunais militares e aprovando leis que ameaçam limitar gravemente os direitos políticos dos seus cidadãos.

Esta repressão voltou a atingir Nabeel Rajab, blogger e presidente do Centro de Direitos Humanos do Barém que, detido pela sexta vez desde 2011, viu agora ratificada a condenação a cinco anos de prisão imposta em fevereiro passado.

O que o regime criminaliza chama-se, na União Europeia, livre exercício do direito de liberdade de expressão. O Barém deve respeitar os compromissos assumidos com a ratificação do Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Civis e Políticos e libertar incondicionalmente, imediatamente, um cidadão que apenas pretende exercer, corajosa e pacificamente, a sua liberdade de expressão.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στο Μπαχρέιν είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη. Ήδη από το 2011 είναι γνωστό ότι οι αρχές καταπιέζουν πάρα πολλούς ακτιβιστές. Το δικαίωμα στη δίκαιη δίκη και το δικαίωμα πρόσβασης δικηγόρων σε κατηγορουμένους έχουν ουσιαστικά καταργηθεί, ενώ υπάρχει πλήρης καταστολή των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Το γεγονός ότι γίνεται πώληση όπλων από τη Δύση προς το Μπαχρέιν καθώς και το γεγονός ότι υπάρχουν αυξημένα εμπορικά συμφέροντα δεν πρέπει να οδηγούν το Κοινοβούλιό μας στο να κλείνει τα μάτια στην παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στο Μπαχρέιν.

Εν προκειμένω, πρέπει να υπάρξει άμεση απελευθέρωση του Nabeel Rajab, ο οποίος κατήγγειλε τον Συνασπισμό της Σαουδικής Αραβίας που βομβάρδιζε συνεχώς στην Υεμένη και έχει προκαλέσει εκατοντάδες θύματα. Ο Nabeel Rajab έχει καταδικαστεί και βρίσκεται στις φυλακές. Απαιτούμε την άμεση απελευθέρωσή του!


  Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Panie Przewodniczący! Mimo zasadniczo słusznych intencji obrony praw człowieka w Bahrajnie wydaje mi się, że Państwo robicie to źle. Po pierwsze, wczoraj upominaliście Polskę za wywieranie politycznej presji na sądy, a teraz robicie to samo, tylko w stosunku do obcego państwa. Próbujecie wywrzeć polityczny nacisk na proces sądowy w Bahrajnie. Jedyne, o co można apelować, to o skorzystanie przez króla z prawa łaski, a nie naciskać na sądy.

Po drugie, jest to rażąca niekonsekwencja, bo tolerujemy w Wielkiej Brytanii to, że człowiek – Tommy Robinson – zostaje bezpodstawnie zatrzymany, że sąd zakazuje informowania o jego procesie, właśnie w imię niewywierania na niego presji politycznej, ale nie reagujemy na to u siebie, a pouczamy inne kraje.

A po trzecie, wypisywanie takich deklaracji nic nie daje. Jak już Państwo słusznie powiedzieli, czwarty rok z rzędu to piszecie, no to pora wyciągnąć wnioski. Tak się nie załatwia takich spraw. Poproście Trumpa, on umie takie rzeczy załatwiać. Niech tam pojedzie i coś załatwi.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, and good morning, Commissioner Arias Cañete. We were together from 6 o’clock yesterday evening until 4 o’clock this morning as we were finalising the renewable energy file, and it is good to see you back here. We must both be running on renewable energy.

Maidir leis an gcás seo, ba mhaith liom a rá ar dtús, mar a dúirt an Feisire Campbell Bannerman, tá gaol cairdiúil againn leis an tír seo, Bairéin, agus caithfimid aitheantas a thabhairt don dul chun cinn atá déanta maidir leis na saoránaigh i gcoitinne chun a saol a fheabhsú. Ach ag an am céanna, ní hé sin le rá gur cheart dúinn súil dhall a thabhairt ar na droch-rudaí atá ag tarlu sa tír, go háirithe mar a bhaineann le Nabeel Rajab. Chaith sé bliain i bpríosún ag fanacht lena thriail a cuireadh ar ceall fiche uair. Deirtear anois go bhfuil sé ina chillín ar feadh trí uair an chloig is fiche gach uile lá. Níl sé seo féaráilte in aon chor agus is ceart dúinn é sin a thaispeáint dóibh agus gach iarracht a dhéanamh chun é a ligean saor.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, as you will know, the European Union has followed developments in Bahrain for many years now. While in the past we have been encouraged by progress made, recently our worries have increased with the shrinking of political space in the country. As a result, we have sought to engage Bahrain in a comprehensive dialogue on human rights. This is why we are working hard to establish an informal human rights dialogue, with the third meeting taking place on 15 May in Manama. We have strongly supported the request of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights to visit Bahrain, and we hope that the authorities will soon give their agreement to permit the visit to go ahead.

2018 is a particularly important year because of the upcoming parliamentary elections this autumn, but unfortunately the adoption on 11 June of an amendment to the electoral law, which bans opposition members from running in elections, is not a step in the right direction. Freedom of expression and association, the right to a fair trial and respect for human rights defenders are among the points which we stress in our contact with Bahrain.

The specific case of Nabeel Rajab has become symbolic of the difficulties being experienced by human rights defenders and by whoever expresses political dissent in Bahrain. This is a case on which the High Representative / Vice—President has repeatedly spoken publicly, including very recently, on 6 June, in reaction to the news that the Bahrain Court of Appeal had upheld a five-year prison sentence against Mr Rajab for comments posted on social media. We call on Bahrain to grant Mr Rajab’s release, including on humanitarian grounds, given the reported deterioration of his health.

The European Union will continue to use all available means to further address the human rights situation in Bahrain and hopes that Bahrain will find again the path of dialogue and reconciliation, which it had started to follow so well at the end of 2011 in line with the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry. The European Union remains supportive of Bahrain’s long—term stability and is convinced that it can only be sustained if peaceful political grievances can be expressed freely. We have consistently encouraged all parties to move forward with democratic reforms in a peaceful and constructive manner.

Finally, regarding Ms Gill’s question, I would like to say that targeted measures are an essential tool of the European Union’s common foreign and security policy and are used by the European Union as part of an integrated and comprehensive policy approach involving political dialogue, complementary efforts and the use of other instruments at its disposal. The European Union continues to have dialogue with the Bahraini authorities in a frank manner, including on human rights. The European Union will continue to closely follow the human rights situation on the ground, and on that basis, it will decide on possible measures.


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Posledná úprava: 8. apríla 2019Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia