 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2018/2784(RSP)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycles relatifs aux documents :

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 05/07/2018 - 4.2
CRE 05/07/2018 - 4.2

Votes :

PV 05/07/2018 - 6.2
CRE 05/07/2018 - 6.2

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Jeudi 5 juillet 2018 - Strasbourg

4.2. Somalie (débat)
Vidéo des interventions

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad sześcioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie Somalii (2018/2784(RSP)).


  Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, last Sunday on the 58th anniversary of Somalian independence, four civilians were tragically killed by mortar attacks in Mogadishu. The next day, seven more were injured by a roadside bomb. Both attacks have been attributed to the Jihadi terrorist group Al-Shabaab. On what should have been a weekend of celebration and hope for the Somalian people, there was more killing, more bereaved and broken families, more fear and terror.

For over two decades, these recurring tragedies have blighted the Somali nation. The civil war and unchecked terrorist activities, as well as corruption and mismanagement, have left 80% of the Somali population in dire poverty, with two million living as refugees.

The lack of food is a reality for millions on the verge of starvation, but, in spite of all this, under President Mohammed’s government the country is inching towards some stability – but there is still much more work to be done. If Somali security forces are to be up to the task following the withdrawal of the UN Amisom troops in 2020, then state military capability, security and financial governance must be strengthened.

The international community and the EU must continue to do what it can to promote lasting stability and peace in this very fragile nation in the Horn of Africa.


  Bodil Valero, författare. – Herr talman! Precis som herr Tannock säger gör Somalia vissa framsteg mot mer demokrati, men vägen är väldigt lång och den påverkas av en mängd faktorer. Efter år av torka har till exempel de senaste skyfallen lett till att 130 000 människor tvingats lämna sina hem. Man räknar med att hälften av dem är barn. Redan innan hade 2,6 miljoner människor drabbats av torkan och konflikten.

I Dadaab-lägret i Kenya lever 350 000 människor som kenyanerna helst skulle vilja skicka tillbaka, eftersom det internationella samfundet inte bidrar med adekvat stöd. Många somalier har också tagit sin tillflykt till Europa.

Men för att komma till rätta med problem måste man gå till grundorsakerna. De största orsakerna är decennier av konflikt och fattigdom och båda förstärker varandra. En alltmer bidragande orsak är klimatpåverkan som leder till torkan och översvämningarna. Klimatpåverkan har varit ett tydligt inslag i redan många år, men kommer i skymundan av andra mer direkta och synliga problem.

Ett annat stort problem är straffrihet, och vi välkomnar därför att en oberoende nationell människorättskommission inrättas. Vi förväntar oss att alla kränkningar ska undersökas och gärningsmännen lagföras.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar, autor. – Señor presidente, señora Mogherini, en este Pleno del Parlamento Europeo, como siempre, nos ocupamos de los problemas y retrocesos de los derechos fundamentales, sea en Europa, como cuando discutimos el retroceso del imperio de la ley y la separación de poderes en Polonia o las inaceptables declaraciones del ministro del Interior italiano, Matteo Salvini, contra los gitanos o la estigmatización general contra los extranjeros, como si fueran una amenaza contra nuestra seguridad, cuando, en realidad, muchos de ellos huyen del terror. O fuera de Europa, como es el caso de Somalia: atentados terroristas, Al Shabab, masacres continuadas...

¿Una recién elegida nueva situación democrática? ¡No! Hubo unas elecciones en 2018, pero sigue habiendo muchísimos problemas que acucian a los derechos fundamentales ——libertad de asociación, libertad de expresión, libertad de sindicación—, hostigamiento a los sindicatos y, por supuesto, represión de la libertad de expresión de los periodistas.

Y, por eso, es imprescindible que la Unión Europea emplee a fondo su diplomacia junto con las Naciones Unidas y la propia Unión Africana para firmar el compromiso de la acción exterior y la cooperación al desarrollo con el mandato de respeto y preservación de los derechos fundamentales de todas las personas.


  Dita Charanzová, author. – Mr President, I want to congratulate Somalia on its 58th year of independence earlier this week. However, I would have hoped for it to have taken place under brighter conditions. The security situation remains precarious. More than two million people remain internally displaced. The country is on the brink of another famine. Al-Shabaab is a lesser threat than before, but it is nevertheless still present and is forcibly recruiting children. And despite a new government taking power last year, we have been seeing it gradually take a more autocratic approach with the arbitrary arrests, attacks on journalists, threats and intimidation of trade unions.

This is just naming a few of the many serious problems that Somalia faces today. After decades of conflict, we cannot risk seeing Somalia turn into a failed state or fall into the hands of terrorists. Somalians deserve a better future, and the EU must continue supporting Somalia in any way it can.


  Michaela Šojdrová, author. – Mr President, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who pay attention to the situation in Somalia. This is a typical frozen military conflict. I would like to remember the suffering of millions of people, especially children.

Somalia is a country that has been at the top of the Fragile States Index for the past ten years. The fragility of this country’s alarming state of human rights is not ignored by the EU: the EU has provided EUR 486 million through the European Development Fund, focusing on peace-building, food security and education. Therefore, we need to express our support for such stabilising initiatives and call on local governmental authorities to undertake the appropriate steps in order to mitigate the situation.

This country experiences awful terrorism, higher rates of corruption, misusing children as soldiers, extreme poverty, child malnutrition and political instability. We must make sure that a mission funded by the EU implements its mandate fully in order to protect civilians.

So I ask you, Madam High Representative, to ensure that the international humanitarian response plan for Somalia is fully developed. I am convinced that this resolution outlines a possible solution to Somalia’s desperate situation. I hope it will be largely welcomed and supported.


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, autora. – Señor presidente, señora Mogherini, Somalia es uno de los países más pobres del mundo y lleva sumido en una especie de guerra civil más de una década. La violencia entre clanes es instrumentalizada por intereses exteriores, como Arabia Saudí, uno de nuestros principales socios comerciales, lamentablemente.

Las inundaciones y las sequías constantes agravan la dramática situación que vive el pueblo somalí. Al terrorismo se le combate con desarrollo sostenible, con integración y cohesión social, con redistribución de la riqueza, como bien señala la Resolución que votaremos hoy, no con militarización. La estabilización de Somalia requiere que pongamos fin a la hipocresía de nuestra política exterior.

La ayuda al desarrollo no debe condicionarse a su complicidad en la nefasta política migratoria de la Unión, que debe centrarse en alcanzar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Pero, tristemente, el mayor gasto, con diferencia, de la comunidad internacional en Somalia es el militar.

No objetaríamos si los drones repartieran inclusión social y derechos humanos, pero sabemos que, producto de nuestra coherencia política, esto no es así.


  Pavel Svoboda, za skupinu PPE. – Pane předsedající, Somálsko zažilo 20 let občanské války, lidská práva zde nemají prakticky žádného zastání. V zemi dochází k mnoha teroristickým útokům islamistů. Při největším z nich zahynulo v říjnu 2017 minimálně 512 osob.

Transparency International považuje Somálsko za zemi s největší mírou korupce na světě. Mezinárodní federace novinářů považuje Somálsko za nejnebezpečnější zemi na světě. Soudní řízení zde často provádějí vojenské soudy a často používají trest smrti. V pronásledování křesťanů má Somálsko trvale třetí místo na světě. Arcibiskup z Mogadiša prohlásil, že v Somálsku nelze být křesťanem. 1 200 000 dětí trpí podvýživou. Sucho a následné záplavy donutily opustit své domovy 230 000 lidí.

Takto bohužel vypadá takřka dokonalý katalog příčin migrace z afrického kontinentu. Chceme-li přispět k odstranění těchto příčin, musí Evropská unie přispět k tomu, aby základní funkce somálského státu začaly fungovat, aby byly vytvořeny základy somálské obnovené občanské společnosti. To by mělo být cílem Evropské unie.


  Francisco Assis, em nome do Grupo S&D. – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária Mogherini, Caros Colegas, a Somália é, como sabemos, um país fustigado pela violência há já demasiado tempo, uma violência multiforme, com várias origens e vários atores, uns estatais, outros não estatais, que atinge a população, ora diretamente, ora colateralmente, por via de conflitos entre fações e disputas territoriais, e que não poupa as crianças.

É sabido que a violência tem o condão em todo o lado de suscitar ainda mais violência e nos últimos anos a Somália teve ainda de suportar os atentados terroristas da milícia al—Shabaab, uma metástase da Al-Qaeda.

Embora o Governo somali tenha dado alguns passos no sentido de uma normalização institucional e eleitoral, com o apoio da comunidade internacional, e tenha realizado eleições livres em 17, a verdade é que os direitos humanos, políticos e civis continuam a ser sistematicamente agredidos a uma escala com poucos paralelos no resto do mundo.

A Somália é, hoje, um Estado desestruturado e, enquanto assim for, dificilmente conseguirá travar a violência e a miséria que tornam a vida dos seus habitantes num inferno.

A UE tem prestado uma ajuda financeira significativa, mas deve redobrar os seus esforços no sentido da estabilização e estruturação do país, o que também passa por convocar e responsabilizar alguns países árabes que têm contribuído para agudizar a conflitualidade política com os seus interesses conflituantes.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, decades of civil war in Somalia left an enormous death toll among civilians, and also a very grave humanitarian situation. We support President Mohamed’s resolve to eradicate al—Shabaab’s terrorism. We also support engagement of regional countries like Kenya and Ethiopia in strengthening this resolve. Yet, I think that we have to engage and think about the future, think about withdrawal of AMISOM (the African Union Mission to Somalia) and strengthening our presence, including the EU NAVFOR Somalia (Operation Atalanta) rearrangement after Brexit.


  Javier Nart, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. – Señor presidente, hago mías las descripciones que se han realizado de Somalia, pero hay una cuestión en la que nadie entra. En Somalia combaten los somalíes y, con mucha eficacia, la milicia terrorista de Al-Shabab, pero enfrente combaten los extranjeros, como ocurre en Afganistán. Los talibanes son los afganos y los que evitan que los talibanes ganen son los extranjeros.

Algo está ocurriendo cuando en un lugar donde los clanes y las tribus son extraordinariamente eficaces en la guerra, los únicos que se enfrentan con eficacia a Al Shabab son los extranjeros, y cuando se vayan los extranjeros, ganarán los locales, que es la milicia terrorista.

Tenemos que hacer algo más que «palabras». El problema no es incrementar las unidades extranjeras o la presencia de las Naciones Unidas; el problema es contar con actores locales, porque no se puede hacer una guerra contra o sin el pueblo local. Lo que estamos haciendo es manteniendo con respiración asistida un sistema muerto y, al final, lo pagaremos.


  Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, Elman Ali Ahmed aveva un sogno: disarmare i bambini soldato e porre fine alla guerra civile che da troppi anni insanguina il suo paese, la Somalia. Il padre somalo della pace, davanti a reclutamenti forzati, uccisioni sommarie e mutilazioni di bambini, decise di utilizzare la sua vita come scudo per dei bambini vittime di follia, pagando così il prezzo del suo sogno con la vita stessa.

Tante persone come Elman oggi lottano e muoiono per salvare la Somalia da una guerra infida combattuta tra clan, gruppi terroristici e forze governative. Una guerra dilaniante che non esita a utilizzare bambini come carne da macello, in un paese ormai stremato da siccità e malattie. Siamo davanti ad una crisi umanitaria senza precedenti in un paese dove la vita umana continua a valere molto poco. A questo si aggiunge la repressione, la limitazione di qualsivoglia libertà, gli arresti arbitrari e le esecuzioni sommarie per mano di tutte le parti in conflitto.

Auspico che l'Unione europea eserciti immediata pressione sulle autorità somale affinché cessino di utilizzare l'agenzia di intelligence NISA per perpetrare arresti arbitrari, abusi e torture ai presunti terroristi. La NISA deve essere urgentemente ridimensionata e regolata da un efficace meccanismo di controllo, al fine di prevenire le gravi violazioni dei diritti umani in corso.


  Jacques Colombier, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, la situation en Somalie est terrible, tout le monde le constate.

Portée par quatre députés de gauche, cette motion de résolution est, une fois de plus, un agrégat de vœux pieux visant à se donner bonne conscience. Les élus socialistes semblent découvrir aujourd’hui tous les méfaits de l’islamisme radical, car là est le problème. Alors que partout où ils sont au pouvoir en Europe, ils sont les grands défenseurs du multiculturalisme et sont très peu regardants sur les dégâts de l’islamisation de nos sociétés. Grands partisans de l’immigration de masse, ils devraient avant tout combattre l’infiltration massive des djihadistes en Europe, délibérément organisée par l’État islamique. Alors, vouloir pacifier la Somalie reste une illusion, vu l’état du pays, d’autant qu’on ne peut mettre sur un même plan l’action des États et celle des groupes islamistes meurtriers.

Alors, que les moralisateurs socialistes balayent devant leur porte et cessent de se faire les complices de l’islamisation des nations d’Europe, comme ils l’ont fait ou continuent de le faire à Molenbeek, ou en Italie hier, ou en Espagne aujourd’hui.


  James Carver (NI). – Mr President, I would like to say to the High Representative that I never cease to be amazed by some of the proposals that come before this Chamber for discussion. In the case of Somalia, we have before us proposals that would be onerous for a first-world economy to implement, but here we are seriously suggesting that one of the world’s most impoverished states should be concerned with statutory oversight of its security apparatus and protecting the rights of labour unions.

Might I respectfully suggest that the priority for both Somali forces and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is to deal with al-Shabaab and other extremist militias, thus ensuring that all Somalis may be able to take part in the democratic process? Even more important to them are food security and access to clean water and education. These self-indulgent proposals bear no relation to the situation on the ground.

You seem to hold the Somali authorities to a very high standard, High Representative, much higher than that to which the Spanish Government has been held, for example, who seem to be able to imprison political opponents with impunity. Mr President, why not instead try to help Somalis, as opposed to saddling them with further pointless and irrelevant bureaucratic obligations?

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Julie Ward (S&D), blue-card question. – I wonder if Mr Carver, who is a Brexiter, is aware of the incredible danger to security on the Kenyan and Somali border precisely because of Brexit? We have a very complex arrangement with the Kenyan security authorities, who I spoke to when I visited the British Embassy in Kenya, and they told me about the arrangements that had been made to secure the border of Somalia, thereby ensuring that al-Shabaab terrorists would not come over. These arrangements are to do with paying the stipend of the soldiers and their training, and it is in danger because of Brexit, Mr Carver.


  James Carver (NI), blue-card answer. – As someone who has visited Somalia on four occasions, I am probably the Member here who has visited the country more times than anybody else and I feel far more qualified to speak in this area.

AMISOM of course have huge international support, and it is absolutely ridiculous to suggest that international support will not continue after Brexit. Maybe you might prefer doing it in the name of the European Union; maybe you support European military forces. I doubt that many of your constituents do, Ms Ward, but I take the view that it should be up to national Member States to actually have that important decision with regard to the use of our military forces and whom we support.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D), blue-card question. – Honourable colleague, I understand that fake news has been spread much too often in recent times, and in particular it had a lot to do with the result of the Brexit referendum in the UK, but I just heard you say that the Spanish Government imprisons political opponents with impunity. How can you say that? Are you aware that it was a judicial decision in the first place and nothing to do with the Government’s decision? Are you aware that the grounds are precisely that they have presumably committed criminal offences? How do you dare to spread fake news, live in the European Parliament, with impunity?


  James Carver (NI), blue-card answer. – As someone who speaks of self-determination, not just for my country with our withdrawal from the European Union and a supporter of Brexit, but also self-determination for countries such as Somaliland, which has been a peaceful breakaway part of Somalia for the last 27 years, I have every right to speak on every issue, I say; and Sir, I can look our Catalonian colleagues in the eyes far better and with far more satisfaction with own soul than I’m sure you can!


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, Somalia is not a safe place for many reasons. Al—Shabaab keep terrorising the population. Human rights defenders, civil society activists and political leaders continue to face threats on a daily basis. Journalists cannot report on the widespread corruption that is tearing through the country. Children are at constant risk of being abducted and used as soldiers or going through severe malnutrition.

Somalia is facing extreme challenges – we acknowledge that – and the EU will continue to assist Somalia in improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable, fighting the plight of child soldiers as well as a terror threat that is jeopardising the country’s stability. However the government of Somalia must be willing to work on its human rights record, including guaranteeing the basic freedoms of expression and association, as well as ensuring that those responsible for grave abuses do not walk away with impunity. I know that the Vice—President / High Representative Ms Federica Mogherini is doing a great job, but this area needs her full attention and I am she will do a fantastic job in this area.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the situation in Somalia has been horrific for several decades. The failure of state institutions has allowed non-state actors such as al—Shabaab to take control over parts of the territory and perpetrate widespread human rights abuses. As I have already said, a situation that will be worsened by Brexit.

Freedom of expression continues to be limited, and policed by the authorities and armed groups. The plight of journalists is particularly concerning because they are under attack from all sides. Somalia is one of the most deadly countries for journalists, with numerous killings often met with impunity. The humanitarian situation is sadly also dramatic as hunger and malnutrition continue to be widespread. The drought has led to the further isolation of women and girls, exposing them to greater risks of sexual violence.

The EU should continue to lead support for the Somalian people, towards security, and our European partnership with Somalia must be based on human rights and it needs to involve women and young people.


  President. – Mr Carver, I see your blue card, but you have already asked Ms Ward a question. I would like to propose that you do not continue the British-British dispute.


  James Carver (NI). – Mr President, this is a point on Somalia. This is not a party political point. This is not a point relating to Brexit. This is a political Somalia issue.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane předsedající, ta debata jasně popsala katastrofickou situaci v Somálsku. Na tom se všichni shodneme. Není v našich silách tu věc vyřešit aktuálně. To, co můžeme, je poskytování humanitární pomoci vedle našeho diplomatického působení.

Rád bych se zeptal paní vysoké představitelky: Jak to aktuálně vypadá s naší humanitární pomocí? V usnesení se hovoří o konkrétních číslech. Chci se zeptat, zda ta pomoc je opravdu reálně naplněna. Jestli nekončí pouze u obecných proklamací a zda tedy ta pomoc je efektivně využívána a dostává se opravdu těm, kteří ji potřebují.

Ne bohužel zřídka jsme svědky toho, kdy peníze poskytnuté do třetí země končí v kapsách vládních struktur oligarchů nebo humanitární pomoc není poskytnuta těm nejpotřebnějším. Takže prosím o reakci na tuto otázku.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η Σομαλία πληρώνει τη σκληρή σύγκρουση Σαουδικής Αραβίας και Κατάρ. Εκεί εξελίσσονται συνθήκες εμπόλεμες, στην περιοχή της Σομαλίας, με στρατολόγηση παιδιών, με σεξουαλική βία, με την τρομοκρατική λειτουργία της Αλ Σαμπάμπ. Τον Οκτώβριο του 2017, είχαμε 512 νεκρούς στην επίθεσή της, ενώ συνολικά υπάρχουν θάνατοι 2.078 αμάχων και 2.500 τραυματίες. Είναι προφανές ότι πρέπει να επικρατήσει μια ειρηνική διαδικασία και να χτυπηθεί ο ριζοσπαστικός ισλαμισμός που αναπτύσσεται στην περιοχή.

Βεβαίως, και η κυβέρνηση της Σομαλίας δεν έχει τις καλύτερες, αν θέλετε, διαπιστεύσεις στο θέμα της τήρησης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Έχει κατηγορηθεί από τη ΔΟΕ ότι παραβιάζει την αρχή του συνεταιρίζεσθαι, παρότι παίρνει βεβαίως 486 εκατομμύρια ευρώ από το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Ανάπτυξης. Είναι προφανές ότι η φτώχεια οδηγεί και αποτελεί λίπασμα για την τρομοκρατία. Να στηρίξουμε τις προσπάθειες να ξεριζωθεί ο ριζοσπαστικός ισλαμισμός στη Σομαλία.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, je n’avais pas l’intention d’intervenir, mais je tenais quand même à dire deux choses.

D’une part, le fait que l’Union européenne ait choisi d’aller en Somalie est très courageux. S’y rendre dans un endroit extrêmement risqué, et malgré tout avoir tenu bon, est une bonne chose, marque notre présence et celle-ci est positive.

La deuxième chose – j’ai été amené déjà plusieurs fois à le dire –, c’est que je ne crois pas qu’il y ait de solution au problème de la sécurité et de la défense sans soutenir très fortement les forces nationales. Et ceci, je reste persuadé, avec les membres du Conseil de sécurité qui sont plus particulièrement impliqués, qui ont la capacité d’intervenir et également les moyens. Je pense à la France, je pense à la Russie, je pense aux États-Unis.

Par conséquent, je pense que, d’une part, l’affirmation de notre présence et, d’autre part, le rôle que nous pourrions jouer pour assurer une telle coordination rempliraient vraiment notre mission de paix.


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, há duas décadas que a guerra civil devasta a Somália. Os continuados esforços da comunidade internacional para apoiar os esforços de paz têm tido poucos ou nenhuns resultados, com as milícias de clãs, o al-Shabaab e outros grupos terroristas a continuarem impunemente a cometer atentados terroristas contra o Governo somali e contra os civis indiscriminadamente.

Mas se é verdade que os somalis têm vindo a sofrer com o aumento das ações criminosas e terroristas por parte dessas milícias e grupos, não deixa também de ser verdade, infelizmente, que as sevícias infligidas ao povo somali são-no também por parte das autoridades somalis, seja através de violações e abusos cometidos contra centenas de crianças detidas pelo Governo somali pelas suas alegadas atividades terroristas, seja através da limitação à liberdade de expressão, de reunião e de associação, pilares fundamentais de qualquer democracia.

Senhora alta representante, o respeito pelos direitos humanos, a liberdade de expressão, de reunião e de associação como pilares fundamentais da União Europeia obrigam-na, na sua estratégia conjunta com África, a impor uma agenda rigorosa de defesa dos direitos humanos como condição prévia a toda e qualquer assistência financeira.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, aontaím leis an rún seo agus is maith an rud é go bhfuil seans againn aird a thabhairt ar chúrsaí sa tSomáil atá go huafásach i ndáiríre ach ag an am céanna, tá sé tábhachtach go dtabharfaimid aitheantas don rialtas ann atá ag troid i gcoinne constaicí an-mhór ar fad - sceimhlitheoireacht, gorta, caimiléireacht. Agus mar a dúradh, tá raic á déanamh ag Al Shabaab agus caithfear gach cabhar a thabhairt don tSomáil chun buachan orthu. Agus dar ndóigh, nuair a bhíonn caimiléireacht in aon tír is deacair fás geilleagrach a bheith ann ag an am céanna.

Molaim an tAontas as ucht €120 milliún a thabhairt don tSomáil anuraidh chun cabhrú leo troid i gcoinne an ghorta de bharr easpa fearthainne agus caithfimid dul ar aghaidh leis an gcabhair sin a thabhairt don tSomáil. Tá siad ag iarraidh bunreacht nua a thabhairt isteach agus tugann sé sin seans dóibh cearta daonna a aithint.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já pokládám za mimořádně nešťastné, když na pozadí diskuze o porušování lidských práv ve vybraných zemích, případně o určitých případech, probíhá národní diskuze. To skutečně je mimořádně nešťastné, ba dokonce trapné a já děkuji panu předsedajícímu, že tuto debatu utnul. Jak v tomto bodě, tak v minulém bodě probíhala polská debata, skutečně to není asi rozumné.

Pokud jde o Somálsko, je to země dlouhodobých konfliktů, které mají dopad na civilní obyvatelstvo. Hovoříme o únosech, masakrech, občanská práva jakoby vůbec neexistují, naopak se projevuje beztrestnost, nulový právní stát a samozřejmě žádná lidská práva. Toto je mimořádně odsouzeníhodné a já chci vyjádřit soustrast s miliony obětí v rámci těchto konfliktů a chtěl bych podpořit paní vysokou představitelku Mogheriniovou, aby jednala se somálskou vládou a snažila se ochránit alespoň to civilní obyvatelstvo.


  Przewodniczący. – Dziękuję bardzo Panie Pośle. Dziękuję, że Pan wsparł moje wysiłki dla ograniczenia debaty brytyjsko-brytyjskiej na tematy w założeniu niebrytyjskie.

(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, all the speakers made the point very well that the people of Somalia have, for too long, suffered from all sorts of human rights violations. We have terrorist attacks that continue to target the civilian population. The instability has made it much harder for the international community to respond to the extreme weather events that have hit the country – you also mentioned that – adding to a very worrying humanitarian situation. The number of internally displaced people is now close to 2.5 million, with almost another million who have fled to neighbouring countries.

I hope that we keep these numbers in mind whenever we talk of an emergency related to migratory flows to Europe. We’re talking about two million people internally displaced in a country like Somalia – more than two million – and another million people who have fled towards other countries. Keep these numbers in mind when we talk about migration in Europe.

It is a complex crisis and the European Union has responded to it by mobilising all our different tools. First of all, on the humanitarian side, we stepped up our humanitarian aid to tackle the food crisis and prevent a widespread famine. Some of you asked for concrete figures and numbers and I’m happy to share these. In 2017, we dedicated EUR 130 million to humanitarian interventions alone, on top of the EUR 156 million for development projects. These consistently include human-rights-related indicators, such as inclusion of women and young people. Let me assure you that this money goes directly to projects and that we often visit projects on the ground to check not only that they are real but also that they benefit the local population. I know that some of you have done the same, not only in Somalia but also in other parts of the world where we deploy our massive humanitarian aid and massive development cooperation resources.

We have also increased our support for internally displaced people to provide them with shelter, clean water and health care. But humanitarian aid can be effective only if the security situation is under control, and this is definitely not the case in a country like Somalia. Lack of security, extortion and lack of access to certain areas often make it impossible to deliver aid to the people most in need. AMISOM, the African Union peacekeeping operation that the European Union has supported since the beginning in 2007, with more than EUR 1.6 billion, has been essential in providing basic security and will remain key for some time.

But I fully agree with those honourable Members who underlined the need to transfer the responsibility for, and ownership of, security into the hands of the Somalis themselves. As long as this has not been completed – and this is our aim, the focus of our effort and our work – it will be superficial somehow. This is why we insist so much on the fact that we will continue to support AMISOM and will continue to be the core element of support for the African Union presence there. But we want to see a transfer of responsibility, including in operational terms, to the security forces of Somalia. This is the only way to have sustainable security and peace in the country.

In support of Somali state building, three of our military and civilian missions are currently deployed to Somalia. Not operation Sophia but Operation Atalanta is our presence at sea; and today we are cooperating very closely with the federal government and the federation member states in support of the transition plan so that the Somalis can increasingly take responsibility for their own security. As I mentioned, this is our primary aim. Our engagement with the Somali Government is aimed at empowering them to ensure peace and security in their own country without having to rely on foreign troops forever, but our engagement with the Government goes well beyond security. We are working on women’s empowerment, the rule of law and human rights, which are essential to build sustainable security, sustainable peace and development. We are also, obviously, very much aware that freedom of expression in Somalia is under pressure and we provide financial support to Somali organisations promoting the work of the Somalian media.

As you know, the new Government has put forward a broad reform agenda on security, economics and inclusive politics that should lead to the increased participation of women, continued judicial reform and finalisation of the constitutional review, among other issues. It is for the sake of human rights in Somalia that we must accompany and support these reforms.

For those reasons, in a couple of weeks from now, on 16—17 July, the European Union – and I personally – will co-host and co-chair the Ministerial Somalia Partnership Forum in Brussels. We will focus precisely on the Government’s reform agenda, security, inclusive politics and economics, and in addition we will hold three side events, one on women’s participation (not least in this building), one on internally displaced people and one on private-public partnership. I believe this will be a very important moment, to show not only our support but also the international support for the efforts that have been made in Somalia.

As all the speakers mentioned, the situation there is incredibly difficult, but I can see that the people of Somalia have not lost hope. They want to turn the page and, let me tell you, they clearly count on us, the European Union, to be the partner – not one among the partners but the partner, as colleagues in this Chamber have emphasised – that can accompany this change. We are probably the only ones who can do this successfully.

We have an interest in doing it and a responsibility to do it. With our support and with Parliament’s constant engagement, I believe the Somalis can take the future of the country into their own hands.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 5 lipca 2018 r.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Mario Borghezio (ENF), per iscritto. – La Turchia in Africa si sta rafforzando sempre più per motivi economici, politici e militari e di difesa. Da anni la Turchia ricopre un grande ruolo nella ripresa economica e sociale della Somalia ricostruendo il porto e l'aeroporto di Mogadiscio oltre a illuminarne e asfaltarne le strade. Ankara tiene a conservare ed estendere il modello somalo poiché può essere un esempio di ciò che la Turchia sarebbe in grado di fare in altri paesi africani. Inoltre ha inaugurato il più grande centro di addestramento militare. La Somalia è il più grande destinatario internazionale della presenza turca e un satellite militare che aumenta così la visibilità di Ankara nel settore della sicurezza e la presenza nell'Oceano Indiano. La Turchia intende accrescere la sua influenza utilizzando i suoi legami cultural-religiosi con diverse regioni africane a maggioranza islamica. Un altro punto di interesse della Turchia è insito nella militarizzazione della costa orientale africana per ottenere il controllo sulle rotte mercantili. La VP/Alto rappresentante intende intervenire affinché l'Africa, e la Somalia in particolare, non diventi terra di influenza, se non di conquista militare da parte di Ankara? Può specificare a quanto ammontano gli investimenti turchi in Somalia?


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE), na piśmie. – Pomimo determinacji prezydenta Mohameda i jego rządu w przeprowadzaniu reform gospodarczych, politycznych i bezpieczeństwa, a także pomimo zaangażowania w proces zmierzający do umocnienia praworządności i stabilności w Somalii, poziom bezpieczeństwa w tym kraju jest bardzo niski. Al-Shabaab oraz inne organizacje terrorystyczne dopuszczają się ataków bombowych i porwań. Godne potępienia jest to, że dochodzi do rekrutacji dzieci przez somalijskie siły zbrojne. Stanowi to poważne naruszenie międzynarodowego praw człowieka i ratyfikowanej przez ten kraj Konwencji ONZ o prawach dziecka.

Somalia doświadcza również jednego z najbardziej długotrwałych kryzysów humanitarnych na świecie, dlatego konieczna jest poprawa warunków życia najwrażliwszych grup społecznych i rozwiązanie problemów związanych z przesiedleniami, brakiem bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, epidemiami i klęskami żywiołowymi.

Apeluję do władz Somalii o wzmocnienie działań na rzecz ochrony praw człowieka i obywatela, a także do przeprowadzenia reform wymiaru sprawiedliwości i sektora bezpieczeństwa. Proces pokojowy i pojednawczy w Somalii musi być dalej wspierany przez wszystkich zaangażowanych aktorów międzynarodowych, aby pomóc w budowaniu stabilności kraju. Rekrutacja i wykorzystywanie dzieci przez siły bezpieczeństwa, grupy zbrojne i terrorystów jest łamaniem prawa, a osoby odpowiedzialne za rekrutację dzieci muszą zostać pociągnięte do odpowiedzialności.

Dernière mise à jour: 21 septembre 2018Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité