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Úterý, 11. září 2018 - Štrasburk

19. Hrozba demolice Chán al-Ahmaru a dalších beduínských vesnic (rozprava) (rozprava)
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  Elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Bizottság alelnökének/ az Unió külügyi és biztonságpolitikai főképviselőjének nyilatkozata a Han al-Ahmar és más beduin falvak lerombolásának veszélyéről



  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, this is one of those endless evenings we spend together. It is a pleasure. We have another debate after this, but I have got used to that now. On this debate, I want to say seriously that I share the sense of urgency that has made you call for this debate. The demolition of this small Palestinian village would not only affect a local community, as one would think; it would also be a blow against the viability of the State of Palestine and against the very possibility of a two-state solution.

The Israeli High Court last week rejected the petitions by the residents of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar and allowed the Israeli authorities to proceed with the plans for demolition within seven days. Any day now, the Israeli authorities could start demolishing this community and evict the residents from their homes, including parents and children. This is why last week I called once again on the Israeli authorities to reconsider this decision. That demolition would have grave humanitarian consequences and it would be contrary to Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention. The demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, together with plans for further settlement expansions in the same area, would also severely threaten the viability of the two-state solution, as I said. The village is located in the so-called ‘E1’ area, which is of strategic importance for preserving the contiguity of a future Palestinian state.

The European Union and its Member States have been crystal clear about their opposition to this demolition. The Foreign Affairs Council has systematically drawn attention to the plight of Bedouin communities in the West Bank and has repeatedly stated its strong opposition to Israel’s settlements policy. Such a policy is illegal under international law, including the demolitions of Palestinian communities and the possible forced transfers of population. These are positions we share completely, as demonstrated by the European Parliament’s resolution in May last year.

The EU and its Member States expressed their concerns about the imminent demolition through repeated statements, démarches and ministerial letters to the Israeli authorities, and the representatives of several Member States were present at the village on 5 July when the Israeli forces attempted to cordon it off. Until now, these efforts have been to no avail. Israel claims that the community has been built without the required building permits. It is important to note, however, that it is virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain any building permits in Area C of the West Bank, as confirmed by the quartet report we produced in July 2016.

We Europeans, together with our international partners, have worked intensively to speed up the approval of master plans in Area C, but again, with little success. Israeli authorities have advanced plans for thousands of new settlement units, including attempts to regularise buildings that have been built without any permit or planning in Israeli settlements. This is the situation on the ground: new settlements for Israelis are built, while Palestinian homes in the same area are demolished. This will only further entrench a one-state reality, with unequal rights for the two peoples, perpetual occupation and conflict. The two-state solution is today under serious threat – more than ever before – and yet there is no realistic and viable alternative that would end the conflict and achieve a just and lasting peace. This is also mainly, I would say, in Israel’s interest.

This is why the European Union does not and will not give up on a negotiated two-state solution. We will continue our engagement on the ground in support of building a viable Palestinian state, in support of the essential work that UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) is doing, and in support of projects that keep the perspective of a two-state solution alive. Several Member States are involved in the funding of Khan al-Ahmar, in particular, the tyre school. Thanks to their engagement, hundreds of Palestinian children have been able to go to school and receive quality education, and I am glad that the European Parliament is also asking the Israeli authorities not to implement the decision to demolish and not to strip an entire Palestinian community of their homes and their children of the school. Again, I stress this: this would not be in the interests of Israel itself.

Any irregularity issues in the community should be solved in dialogue with its residents and not through demolition and displacement. All energy and resources should go into seeking political solutions for achieving peace, not into creating more grievances, which will only perpetuate the conflict.


  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Haute Représentante, mon groupe n’a pas soutenu l’ajout de ce débat à l’ordre du jour. Nous n’avons pas été en faveur parce que nous estimons que discuter de façon isolée d’un aspect ou d’un autre lié au conflit israélo-palestinien ne peut pas mener à un débat équilibré. Un tel débat sur un aspect isolé ne pourra pas contribuer à une paix durable au Proche-Orient, qui reste toujours notre ultime but. Nos efforts seraient mieux investis si l’Europe s’impliquait plus dans le processus de paix.

Ensuite, pour nous, l’Union européenne – à travers la déclaration que vous-même avez faite le 7 septembre – a pris position de manière assez claire sur la menace de démolition de Khan el-Ahmar. La position de l’Union européenne sur les implantations israéliennes est aussi bien connue, y compris pour ce qui est des démolitions et des possibles transferts de populations palestiniennes. Maintenant, là où il y a un accord assez large, je crois, dans notre Parlement, c’est sur la nécessité de trouver une solution décente pour la situation de ces personnes. Elles se trouvent depuis des années dans des installations de fortune, où les conditions de sécurité et de salubrité sont très difficiles à supporter. Ces installations ont été déclarées illégales en 2009 par la Cour suprême et, depuis, beaucoup d’efforts ont été réalisés pour trouver une alternative avec les autorités israéliennes avec la proposition de réinstallation à Jahalin-Ouest. D’ailleurs la décision récente de la Cour suprême, rejetant les plaintes des habitants de Khan el-Ahmar, reconnaît ces efforts et exprime l’espoir qu’une solution pourra être trouvée de façon pacifique et par consentement mutuel.

J’ajoute le fait que j’ai vu le texte de la résolution commune proposée par certains groupes. Nous n’appuierons pas un texte qui part dans tous les sens. Nous voulons nous concentrer sur cet aspect en respectant la position déjà exprimée par la Haute représentante. Je crois que cela n’a pas de sens de faire un mini-rapport avec des éléments qui ne nous aident pas à résoudre ce problème.


  Elena Valenciano, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señora presidenta, la voluntad de negociación del señor Preda ha quedado clara ya antes de que empiece la negociación. Supongo que el señor Preda, cuando habla de aspectos residuales, está pensando en los 180 habitantes de esta pequeña aldea. De estos 180 habitantes, la mayoría son niños y adolescentes a los que van a expulsar de su tierra, que viven en tiendas de madera, con plásticos, sin agua... justamente porque las autoridades israelíes les niegan el derecho a una vida medianamente digna. Son víctimas de un sistema perverso en el que los ocupantes —los colonos— tienen todas las facilidades, y los ocupados son forzados a vivir en condiciones insoportables. Supongo que el señor Preda se refiere a este aspecto colateral de la vida de los seres humanos que, como son pocos y son débiles, no deberían importarnos nada.

¿Cuál es el crimen de estas personas? Ninguno. No han hecho absolutamente nada, solo molestan a los planes expansionistas de Israel. Y para nosotros, la expulsión de la población local por la fuerza ocupante es una grave violación de los derechos humanos. Por cierto, para nosotros y para el Derecho internacional. Es decir, que es una violación del Derecho internacional por parte de Israel. De eso estamos hablando. Por supuesto que va mucho más allá de una situación concreta de 180 personas concretas, aunque solo por ellas ya merece la pena hacer esta declaración.

Nosotros compartimos muchos valores con la sociedad israelí y, desde esa posición, queremos pedirle al Gobierno de Israel que detenga la demolición del pueblo de Jan al-Ahmar. Que detenga esta política que hace padecer a gente inocente, sobre la base de un incumplimiento flagrante de la legislación internacional y del respeto a los derechos humanos. Lo pedimos con respeto al Gobierno del señor Netanyahu.


  Bas Belder, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Tijdens het zomerreces bracht ik een werkbezoek aan Israëls grensstrook met Gaza. Daar zag ik de afschuwelijke gevolgen van Palestijnse brandstichting en raketvuur. Met nostalgie herinneren de kibboetsbewoners zich de vervlogen tijden van normaal menselijk contact met de Gazaanse bevolking. Geen woord van haat hoorde ik.

En passant gaat de wekelijkse hetze tegen Israël door. Daarom ben ik er op bezoek gegaan. Waar blijft de stem van het Europees Parlement? Die klinkt vandaag en nog wel tegen Israël, notabene vanwege het besluit van 's lands hoogste rechterlijke instantie tegen illegale bouwwerken in het gebied van Khan al-Ahmar, ondanks alle ruimhartige, kosteloze overheidsvoorstellen tot hervestiging van de inwoners.

Waar blijft de redelijkheid van de EU en dit parlement ten aanzien van de staat Israël? Dit debat verslechtert slechts de betrekkingen tussen de EU en Israël, waarover mijn Israëlische gesprekspartners deze zomer zich terecht grote zorgen maken. Zo schakelen we onszelf als geloofwaardige speler in het vredesproces almaar meer uit. En dat is triest.


  Ivo Vajgl, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, the date of demolition of the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar represents just another step by the Israeli authorities towards a situation where reaching a real and not just hypothetical two-state solution to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not be possible anymore. This is the reason why Parliament should echo the statement of the High Representative as well as the joint statement by France, Germany, Italy and Spain. They have all called on the Israeli Government not to go ahead with its plan to demolish the village, including its school, and forcibly displace its residents.

A couple of years ago I had the possibility to visit Khan al-Ahmar and listen to its inhabitants, who obviously knew a long time ago that their future had been sealed. Nevertheless, they have been using all legal possibilities to prevent a divorce scenario from happening. The decision of the Israeli High Court of Justice of 5 September did not come as a surprise, either for the Bedouins or for us. Israel is once again proving that it does not abide by international law, notably the 4th Geneva Convention, which prohibits the forcible transfer of a population unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.

With our resolutions, we will once again call on the Israeli Government to put an end to its policy of humiliation, threat and demolition against the Bedouin communities and Palestinians living in the West Bank. This is definitely not in Israeli interests.


  Margrete Auken, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, I would like to remind the Vice-President / High Representative, that you started your mandate, Ms Mogherini, by telling this House that the Israeli-Palestine conflict was your foreign policy priority.

You told this House that you would not accept any more demolitions of EU-funded projects. You told this House that you would do all you could to uphold international law and preserve the two-state solution. And what has this House witnessed under your mandate? No EU initiatives. An EU Special Envoy has gone missing in action; EU aid worth millions of euros destroyed in full impunity and no adequate labelling of settlement products.

The village of Khan al-Ahmar that I and countless friends of the Bedouins have visited is about to be destroyed. You have warned of severe consequences. This is your moment to save your record on this file, and that of all Europeans. Will you take action at last? If not, then when?


  Martina Anderson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Mr President, the barbaric and insidious Israeli occupation of Palestine is the problem. All other catastrophes are the symptoms. Not content with stealing Palestinian land and building their own illegal settlements, the State of Israel continues to destroy people’s homes on an industrial scale.

Khan al—Ahmar is the most recent in a series of planned village destruction. The Bedouin residents, who valiantly fought the planned destruction for years, have suffered disproportionately because of this apartheid policy. To add insult to injury, the Israeli State plans to forcibly relocate the inhabitants to a site right next to a public rubbish dump. This House likes to think it stands up for political freedom and democracy. You would imagine, then, that all here would condemn – without reservation or equivocation – illegal occupation, illegal settlement construction and illegal destruction of property.

Recently we heard that Israel has prevented Ahed Tamimi from leaving Palestine. Where else would a state restricting the movement of a political opponent be tolerated? You would imagine that the EU High Representative would act decisively and go beyond fluffy words. I won’t hold my breath. Now more than ever, Palestine needs our support. With the Trump Administration actively undermining the two-state solution, the EU more than ever has a role to play in advancing peace and justice in the region. Inaction is acquiescence. Mere rhetoric with no follow—up in these cases of supreme human rights violation means only one charge is viable: rank hypocrisy.


  Νεοκλής Συλικιώτης (GUE/NGL). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η απόφαση του Ισραήλ για κατεδάφιση του χωριού των βεδουίνων Khan al-Ahmar στην κατεχόμενη Δυτική Όχθη υπηρετεί έναν μόνο στόχο: την αρπαγή της γης των βεδουίνων για την επέκταση υφιστάμενων παράνομων εποικισμών που θα οδηγήσει και στην τελική διαίρεση της Δυτικής Όχθης. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, το Ισραήλ ελέγχει το έδαφος και τους φυσικούς πόρους στην Παλαιστίνη ενώ προσάρτησε την Ανατολική Ιερουσαλήμ, ενώ έκτισε τον παράνομο τοίχο στη Δυτική Όχθη και ενώ κρατά για πέραν από δέκα χρόνια τη Λωρίδα της Γάζας σε πολιορκία. Αντί να τερματίσει το Ισραήλ την κατοχή, τη νομιμοποιεί με τη συνεχιζόμενη επέκταση των εποικισμών, με επιθέσεις ενάντια στον παλαιστινιακό λαό, με κατεδαφίσεις σχολείων και σπιτιών, με φυλακίσεις παιδιών, δολοφονίες και βιασμούς. Επιτέλους, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, κυρία Ύπατη Εκπρόσωπε, πρέπει να αντιδράσει αποφασιστικά· πρέπει να πάρει μέτρα· πρέπει να ασκήσει πιέσεις στο Ισραήλ, ώστε να μην προχωρήσει στην κατεδάφιση της κοινότητας των βεδουίνων και προσφυγοποιήσει για τρίτη φορά τους Παλαιστίνιους βεδουίνους. Για αυτό εμείς πρέπει να πάρουμε όλα τα μέτρα, ώστε να σταματήσει ο εποικισμός, να επικρατήσει ειρήνη και να προωθηθεί επιτέλους η λύση των δύο κρατών.


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, I shall contribute to compensating for our being behind schedule, and use less than five minutes, because I think I took more time in the introduction, when I said everything I had to say on this. As I said, Khan al-Ahmar is located in the ‘E1’ area, which is essential for the future of a Palestinian state. It is essential for the prospect of the two-state solution, and so we will continue to raise our strong concerns about Israeli settlement activity, as well as the demolition of Palestinian communities and livelihoods.

We have repeatedly expressed our strong opposition to Israel’s settlement policy and actions taken in this context, including the forced transfer of Bedouins. I would add that Israel, as the occupying power, has humanitarian obligations vis-à-vis the Palestinian population in Area C, which it must meet, starting with halting demolitions and confiscations, and returning confiscated equipment and structures.

We continue to call upon the Israeli authorities to reconsider their decision to demolish Khan al-Ahmar.


  Elnök asszony. – Hat állásfoglalásra irányuló indítványt juttattak el hozzám az eljárási szabályzat 123. cikkének (2) bekezdésével összhangban.

A vitát lezárom. A szavazásra 2018. szeptember 13-án, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Poslední aktualizace: 6. prosince 2018Právní upozornění - Ochrana soukromí