11.1. Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and free movement of such data (A8-0313/2017 - Cornelia Ernst)
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, sorry for the delay. I am very glad to support this report with a view to better protecting our citizens’ personal data, particularly in the context of data processing by the institutions. Having led negotiations on GDPR for the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) on behalf of the PPE I am well aware of the need to ensure that citizens’ data is protected and their rights respected.
During meetings with leading technology companies in Silicon Valley earlier this year, it was clear to me that regulation on data protection is increasingly significant to the lives of all citizens, and harmonisation of the regulation in EU institutions is essential. If we are to ensure an effective data protection framework that adequately supports and protects individuals, the rules of the institutions, bodies and agencies must be adapted accordingly. European citizens have a right to control their own private data, how it is collected, stored and used by others, and it is only right that data controllers exercise the utmost responsibility with individuals’ information. This is vital and I welcome this important move today.