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Процедура : 2018/2851(RSP)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документа : O-000072/2018

Внесени текстове :

O-000072/2018 (B8-0401/2018)

Разисквания :

PV 01/10/2018 - 17
CRE 01/10/2018 - 17

Гласувания :

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Пълен протокол на разискванията
Понеделник, 1 октомври 2018 г. - Страсбург

17. Изпълнението на насоките на Съвета за ЛГБТИ във връзка с положението в Чечения
Видеозапис на изказванията

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad pytaniem wymagającym odpowiedzi ustnej skierowanym do Komisji przez Malin Björk w imieniu grupy GUE/NGL, Tanję Fajon w imieniu grupy S&D, Petrasa Auštrevičiusa, Sophię in 't Veld, Marietje Schaake w imieniu grupy ALDE, Terry Reintke w imieniu grupy Verts/ALE w sprawie wdrożenia wytycznych Rady dotyczących osób LGBTI w związku z sytuacją w Czeczenii (O-000072/2018 - B8-0401/2018) (2018/2851(RSP)).


  Daniele Viotti, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, un anno e mezzo fa il mondo veniva a scoprire della gravissima situazione e dell'orrore ceceno. Centinaia di uomini, presunti gay, forse gay, forse omosessuali venivano sistematicamente prelevati dalle loro case, portati in delle carceri non autorizzate e sottoposti a tortura.

Alcuni di loro sono riusciti a scappare e sono riusciti a liberarsi e a raccontare questa storia. La Cecenia è uno Stato della Federazione Russa, Presidente, e questo non gioca naturalmente a favore dei diritti civili di quel paese. Anche l'opinione pubblica russa si era scossa per questi eventi che erano stati scoperti ed erano stati denunciati ai giornali ed era stata promessa un'inchiesta indipendente su quanto scoperto e su quanto stava avvenendo.

Nulla di questo è avvenuto, ad oggi non c'è l'ombra di una sola inchiesta, di qualcosa che cerchi di fare chiarezza su quanto avvenuto. Io voglio dare atto e ringraziare ancora una volta la Vicepresidente e Alto commissario Federica Mogherini, per il lavoro che ha fatto, unica leader occidentale che ha avuto il coraggio in una dichiarazione pubblica con il ministro russo Lavrov di denunciare quanto successo e di chiedere chiarezza, ma oggi siamo ancora fermi qua.

Cosa deve fare l'Unione europea? L'Unione europea deve fare molto di più di quanto sta facendo, perché quanto l'azione esterna ha fatto, cioè dotarsi di una LGBTI guidelines, evidentemente non è sufficiente. L'Afghanistan, l'Arabia Saudita, il Brunei, l'Iran, la Mauritania, il Sudan, la Nigeria, lo Yemen, il Qatar, la Somalia, questi sono i paesi dove ancora vige la pena di morte per le persone omosessuali. A questi si aggiungono paesi come la Russia, come la Cecenia, come l'Azerbaigian, come l'Uganda, come la Giamaica, dove le persone omosessuali vengono incarcerate, vengono torturate e vengono minacciate, talvolta sono vittime di soprusi.

Con questi paesi, l'Unione europea ha delle relazioni; relazioni economiche, relazioni finanziarie, relazioni diplomatiche. Se noi vogliamo essere veramente il faro dei diritti umani e dei diritti civili nel mondo, non possiamo pensare di essere il faro soltanto nel nostro continente, ma dobbiamo esserlo anche quando abbiamo i rapporti con i paesi terzi. Deve annettere i diritti umani come precondizione per fare degli accordi con questi paesi, perché se non faremo così, e chiudo Presidente, rischieremo che anche nel nostro continente i diritti umani e i diritti civili non siano più il faro della guida dell'Unione europea.


  Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, the Russian Federation, including Chechnya, has obligations it has taken on itself to respect universal human rights, and it is tragic that we need to remind Putin and Kadyrov of these obligations once more.

The extreme violence against LGBTI people in Chechnya must stop, and perpetrators must be held to account. Not only are there reports of concentration camp—type facilities, torture, extrajudicial killings and other severe violence, but in addition, honour killings take place and have even – very cynically – been welcomed by Chechen political leaders. It is appalling, sad and unacceptable.

Kadyrov first claimed that there are no LGBTI people in Chechnya, then urged families to kill their loved ones and now suggests that media and civil society organisations are making up, inventing, the notion of LGBTI rights violations in Chechnya.

We know that Russian LGBTIs and their experiences are not fake news. They are sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends and loved ones. No political or religious interpretation will ever change that.

A number of LGBTI people fleeing the violence in Chechnya have found safety and shelter as refugees in Europe. Not only do these individuals remind us of our obligations, but also of the need to see people on the run, refugees, as individuals. That is essential and a much—needed antidote to the violent soundbites about groups of refugees we so often hear in our societies, in Europe and even in this House.

We need to stand up for the people in Russia and their human rights, including LGBTIs in Chechnya. They are under threat and we need to fight for these people to be able to stay where they are in their communities, to be safe there and, if not, we need to welcome them here, now more than ever.


  Terry Reintke, author. – Mr President, more than a year ago, reports of the persecution of members of the LGBTI community surfaced in Chechnya. Since then, a lot of time has passed. The call for an independent investigation has been ignored and ignored again. The strategy behind that is absolutely clear. All those who are trying to block an independent investigation are telling themselves that the more time passes, the more likely it is that the other side is going to get tired. The more time passes, the more likely it is there is actually never going to be an independent investigation, and the more time passes, the more likely it is the other side – we – will give up.

Well, this is to all those who are trying to block an independent investigation. The truth is pretty simple. In its history, the LGBTI community has faced rejection, persecution, intimidation and torture. You probably think that makes us weak, but the opposite is true. Over the years we have endured so much, we have suffered so much and we will not give up so easily, not on the streets, not the brave activists in Russia and elsewhere and not here in this Parliament. We are persistent. We will ask for an independent investigation over and over again, and we do not forget one single case.

But we will need support. We will need support from the Commission. We will need the Commission to stand side by side with the brave LGBTI activists. This is not only because we are calling for an independent investigation, but also because we need the Commission to stay credible to its commitment to international and universal human rights. So do not stay silent. Speak up in this case and defend human rights.


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank all the authors of the question for their outstanding work. The European Union’s LGBTI human rights guidelines from 2013 help address the human rights issues confronting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons, in particular by setting out measures which can be used in the EU’s relations with third countries.

The European Union’s diplomatic efforts worldwide on LGBTI human rights focus on the following: firstly, combating discriminatory laws and policies and ensuring decriminalisation; secondly, promoting equality and non-discrimination; thirdly, combating state or individual violence against LGBTI persons; and, last but not least, supporting and protecting human rights defenders.

Depending on the country situation, the European Union is able to address the issue through a variety of means including high-level advocacy, quiet diplomacy, public statements, political and human rights dialogues with third countries, and financial support to civil society via the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.

In April last year, the Russian media reported on the persecution, kidnappings, torture and killings of gay men in Chechnya. This was a serious deterioration in the already very worrying developments in the Chechen Republic. I shared my concerns with you on this matter at our last debate on this subject. In the immediate aftermath of these horrifying reports, High Representative Federica Mogherini met Foreign Minister Lavrov in Moscow, and she underlined that an immediate stop should be put to the persecution in Chechnya. The High Representative called for a full and thorough investigation into the reports, for accountability by the perpetrators, and for justice for the victims of the violence. On the same visit to Moscow, Federica met also with civil society representatives for a discussion on human rights developments.

The European Union and our Member States, as well as like-minded countries and human rights organisations around the world, were swift in condemning the brutality against LGBTI persons in Chechnya. All of us have urged a full investigation into the matter.

There was speculation that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation launched an investigation last year, in 2017, but unfortunately there has been no further news about this, or indeed of any progress in ensuring accountability and protecting victims.

Since the reports of violence became public, European Union officials and Member States’ diplomats have liaised with local human rights defenders, international human rights organisations and the journalists who uncovered the persecution campaign, in order to be fully and accurately informed of the situation on the ground and to offer support to the victims. In addition, EU support has been offered to civil society organisations and human rights defenders. Such support is one of the cornerstones of our Russia policy, as set out in the five principles on EU-Russia relations confirmed at the 2016 Foreign Affairs Council. The European Union and Member State missions in Moscow discussed the issue of LGBTI persecution in Chechnya and coordinated their action. As a result, some Member States have granted visas to victims of the persecution who sought asylum.

During the current year, 2018, we have continued to issue statements regularly, outlining our concerns at the LGBTI situation in Chechnya. Most recently, two weeks ago at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Human Dimension meeting in Warsaw, the European Union made an opening statement in which we expressed concern that the reports of arrests, unlawful or arbitrary detention, torture and killings of people in Chechnya, on the basis of their actual or alleged sexual orientation, remained unanswered.

The human rights situation continues to fall short of Russia’s OSCE commitments and international human rights obligations. The European Union has also issued statements in the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, and at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. We will continue to take every opportunity to call on Russia to ensure an effective and thorough investigation into the reports of abductions and killings of gay men in Chechnya, and justice for the victims of the persecution.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our discussion, but be assured that for the Commission – for all of us in the College and especially for the High Representative – this issue is our top priority.


  Elly Schlein, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, grazie Commissario, più di un anno fa, discutevamo proprio in quest'Aula delle violenze sistematiche e detenzioni illegali ai danni della comunità LGBTI in Cecenia e la situazione non sembra migliorata. Negli ultimi venti mesi si sono contate numerose testimonianze di arresti arbitrari, torture e persino esecuzioni e ci sono state minacce a giornalisti e attivisti per avere documentato queste violenze e aver fornito del sostegno, il tutto nel silenzio assordante del governo russo.

Finalmente in agosto 15 Stati membri dell'OSCE hanno chiesto a Mosca di riferire su quanto accade. Mi rincresce che non ne faccia parte l'Italia. Visto che la Russia non ha risposto entro i termini, invito tutti gli Stati membri ad attivare una missione di esperti indipendente per verificare le violazioni dei diritti umani.

Un'Unione che si fonda sui valori dell'uguaglianza e della non discriminazione deve condannare senza esitazioni questa deriva inaccettabile e senza dover nemmeno uscire dai confini, anche in Italia le aggressioni omofobe sono in aumento. Ero ieri in piazza, insieme a tanti con Angelo e Andrea, coppia veronese aggredita due volte, addirittura in casa dove hanno imbrattato muri e gli hanno buttato addosso della benzina.

La Commissione intervenga per tutelare i diritti fondamentali della comunità LGBTI, soprattutto visto che il governo italiano sembra non interessarsene e qualche ministro fomenta quotidianamente l'odio. Siete ossessionati dal tema della sicurezza e non vi rendete conto che è l'odio che dilaga la peggiore minaccia per la sicurezza delle nostre comunità.


  Marek Jurek, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Ludzie, którzy doświadczają nieludzkiego traktowania, mają zawsze prawo do naszego współczucia i do interwencji. To jest wymóg elementarnego człowieczeństwa. Jeżeli są samotni, tym bardziej, jeżeli są potępieni, jeszcze bardziej – to są rzeczy oczywiste. Natomiast zastanówmy się przez chwilę nad przyczynami tego zjawiska, o którym tutaj mówimy. Nasz kolega pan poseł Viotti wyliczył długą listę krajów muzułmańskich, gdzie widzi niebezpieczeństwo takiej samej sytuacji jak w Czeczenii. W Czeczenii od wielu lat panuje szariat, w Czeczenii przywraca się poligamię (nawiasem mówiąc, dziwi mnie to, że na naszej sali, gdzie tak bronimy praw kobiet, nie reagujemy na to, że ta fundamentalna instytucja gwarantująca równość kobiety i mężczyzny, jaką jest monogamia, jest kwestionowana) i my naprawdę nie wiemy, co się dzieje. Problem polega na tym, że elementarne dystynkcje znane w świecie naszej kultury, cywilizacji zachodniej, christianitas – rozróżnienie grzechu i grzesznika, dezaprobaty moralnej i dezaprobaty prawnej – nie funkcjonują w tym sensie w islamie, i widzimy rezultaty.

Jeszcze jedna rzecz: Jeżeli podejmujemy interwencje humanitarne w obronie ludzi, nie mieszajmy do tego ideologii – jak ją państwo nazywacie – LGBTI, bo w ogóle nie wiemy, czy ci mężczyźni, którzy padli ofiarą takich represji, tak się definiowali.


  Linnéa Engström, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Herr kommissionär! Vi måste sluta buga för Putin. Nu står vi här ett år efter den senaste debatten om hbtq-personers utsatta situation i Tjetjenien, och vi konstaterar faktum: Fortfarande misshandlas, mördas, förföljs och tvingas hbtq-personer på flykt i Ryssland – endast på grund av sin sexuella läggning. Det är helt oacceptabelt!

Oskyldiga människor samlas ihop, kastas i fängelse och utsätts för tortyr. Över 100  personer beräknas ha flytt från republiken i fruktan för sitt liv under president Kadyrovs skräckvälde. Nu måste president Putin göra allvar av den utredning av övergreppen i Tjetjenien som han utlovat omvärlden, och vi här i EU måste starta den oberoende, internationella utredning som vi krävt så länge.

Framför allt måste EU emellertid göra slut på sitt beroende av rysk gas och olja, så att vi fritt och oberoende kan stå upp för alla människors mänskliga rättigheter. Det handlar om liv nu. Alla hbtq-personer som under dessa omständigheter har sökt asyl till EU måste få stanna.

(Talaren godtog att besvara en fråga (”blått kort”) i enlighet med artikel 162.8 i arbetsordningen.)


  Marek Jurek (ECR), pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki. – Pani Poseł, chciałbym prosić o sprecyzowanie stanowiska, dlatego że Pani powiedziała, że jedynym powodem prześladowań w Czeczenii jest tak zwana orientacja homoseksualna. Czy Pani uważa, że w Czeczenii polityczni przeciwnicy Ramzana Kadyrova – opozycja polityczn –, nie są prześladowani? Czy oni nie doświadczają prześladowań politycznych? Czy w tym kraju, który padł ofiarą brutalnej pacyfikacji, brutalnego najazdu, naprawdę nie ma innych represji? Mówię jeszcze raz: współczujmy ludziom, ale nie róbmy z tego ideologii, tylko współczujemy im dlatego, że są ludźmi.


  Linnéa Engström (Verts/ALE), svar (“blått kort”). – Det vi diskuterar i dag är ju hur EU genomför sina riktlinjer vad gäller hbti-personers rättigheter. Det är inget brott att vara homosexuell eller att ha en annan könsidentitet. Det är det vi diskuterar i dag, och det är därför mitt inlägg här i kammaren handlar om just hbtq-personers rättigheter i Tjetjenien.


  Lynn Boylan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Mr President, today we are discussing Chechnya one year on, and not as an historical event but as an ongoing atrocity. We do not know how many people are still detained in Chechnya; all we know is that their detention and torture continues for not only perceived gay men but also trans women. We know this because of the frontline responders and NGOs who are working on the ground. When news of the appalling situation of abduction, imprisonment and torture of LGBT people in Chechnya was made public, it was rightly met with strong international condemnation.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Ms Mogherini, was part of the international chorus demanding that Russia take action on this dreadful situation.

Yet one year on it is clear that condemnation alone is not enough. The EU must act as a defender of LGBTI rights, as it is obliged to under international law.

To date, Russia has not conducted any meaningful investigations into these abuses, effectively allowing the perpetrators to carry on with impunity while victims continue to flee.

The EU and its Member States must put more pressure on the Chechen and Russian authorities. We need to put concrete action behind the LGBTI guidelines in EU policy. The guidelines state how the EU can uphold LGBTI rights by encouraging states to acknowledge LGBTI—phobic violence, to work with civil society and government, to prosecute perpetrators and, of course, the EU should offer sanctuary for those who feel the need to flee.


  Mylène Troszczynski, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, la Tchétchénie est accusée d’avoir enlevé, torturé et tué des personnes homosexuelles. Ces informations ont donné lieu à deux types de réactions. Vladimir Poutine a demandé l’ouverture d’une enquête pénale, qui suit encore son cours, suite au démenti des autorités tchétchènes. Par ailleurs, de nombreux partis politiques européens représentés ici ont exprimé leur condamnation morale et politique dans ce contexte.

Sur le fond, il semble nécessaire et sage d’attendre les résultats de l’enquête avant de tirer des conclusions. Laissons la justice faire son travail. La violence, la torture et les meurtres sont des actes intolérables qu’il s’agit évidemment de condamner si les faits sont avérés. Mais, de grâce, évitez la caricature. N’érigez pas cette honorable assemblée en procureur de la bien-pensance. C’est contre-productif et tout à fait arrogant sur la forme. Vous réclamez des mesures devant être prises par la Commission européenne, mais vous oubliez simplement que la Commission européenne n’a aucune compétence en matière de diplomatie et qu’il vaut mieux, d’ailleurs, qu’elle n’en ait jamais.

Les leçons de morale que vous ne cessez de donner au monde entier deviennent particulièrement gênantes pour une partie grandissante des Européens qui aimeraient que vous regardiez un peu plus ce qui se passe chez eux. Ces exigences ne sont pas si farfelues puisque nous sommes tous élus grâce à eux.

Vos préoccupations sur le sort des LGBT en Tchétchénie sont très généreuses, mais votre générosité devrait concerner avant tout les citoyens européens, et notamment les femmes, qui subissent de plus en plus de violences. Qui s’est préoccupé du sort de ces jeunes Anglaises soumises à un esclavage sexuel par un gang de barbares pakistanais? Qui s’est indigné de la mort de Laura et Mauranne, assassinées par un islamiste à Marseille, il y a tout juste un an? Qui s’inquiète du racisme anti-blanc qui enfle dans nos sociétés? Les innombrables agressions dont sont victimes les femmes chaque jour dans nos villes sont insoutenables et devraient émouvoir vos belles âmes charitables.

L’intensité de vos réactions face à ces agressions présumées en Tchétchénie met simplement en relief le silence assourdissant dont vous vous rendez systématiquement coupables lorsqu’il s’agit de défendre les nôtres.


  Brando Benifei (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non è la prima volta che ci troviamo a dover discutere della preoccupante situazione delle persone LGBTQI in Cecenia. Da oltre un anno, infatti, ci arrivano notizie allarmanti di detenzioni arbitrarie, torture, uccisioni, fughe forzate, richieste d'asilo in Europa.

Questo Parlamento ha lanciato infatti l'allarme già in varie forme, con l'impegno anche di Federica Mogherini, accanto a istituzioni come il Consiglio d'Europa, l'OSCE, le principali ONG internazionali, così come ILGA, AllOut, Certi Diritti e altre organizzazioni. Non ci stanchiamo di chiedere al governo russo di avviare una vera e propria indagine indipendente, non lasceremo che si nasconda la vicenda sotto un tappeto, non posso non ricordare gli attivisti, a partire da Yuri Guaiana, che sono stati bloccati e trattenuti nel momento in cui portavano in Russia una petizione internazionale con due milioni di firme, che chiedeva proprio di avviare questa indagine.

Il Consiglio ha adottato nel 2013 le linee guida di azione in difesa delle persone LGBTQI nel mondo dove esistono ancora moltissimi casi di gravi violazioni. Allora, oggi, chiediamo alla Commissione, secondo le linee guida, di sollecitare nuovamente il governo di Mosca affinché gli esecutori di queste purghe non restino impuniti e il problema venga riconosciuto come tale.

Questo Parlamento proseguirà con la lotta in difesa dei diritti delle persone LGBTQI nel mondo, perché abbiamo visto, come le cose possono cambiare. L'abbiamo visto nel recente caso della depenalizzazione dell'omosessualità in India, ma continuerà questo Parlamento anche a combattere discriminazione e violenza all'interno dell'Unione.

Ci tengo a ricordare che proprio in questi minuti in Italia, a Milano, si sta tenendo un sit-in, per la pesante violenza fisica di stampo omofobico perpetrata nei confronti di un ragazzo di appena 21 anni, Samuele Vegna, che avrà danni fisici permanenti a cui, quindi, va la mia solidarietà e sono certo, quella di tutto il Parlamento.


  Ulrike Trebesius (ECR). – Herr Präsident!Die tschetschenische Gesellschaft ist extrem konservativ, islamisch und gewalttätig. Einige der übelsten IS-Mörder sind Tschetschenen. In Westeuropa sind Tschetschenen neben vielfältigen Übergriffen eher für ihren Erfolg im Bereich der organisierten Kriminalität bekannt. Es ist naiv zu glauben, man könnte diese Gesellschaft von außen ändern. Präsident Kadyrow reagiert mit Gewalt und konservativer Politik. Nur auf Putin hört er, weil er vor Putin Angst hat. Und Putin hält an Kadyrow fest, weil er diesen Landstrich mühsam unter Kontrolle hält. Gerade vor einem Monat haben in Tschetschenien fünf islamistische Kinder, darunter ein Elfjähriger, eine Polizeistation angegriffen. Alle fünf Jungen sind den Märtyrertod gestorben.

Falls Russland von Kadyrow irgendwann die Nase voll hat, werden die Russen wieder gewalttätig intervenieren. Das können wir nicht wollen. Sicherlich hat es viele schlimme Übergriffe auf Homosexuelle gegeben, und natürlich ist das zu verurteilen. Es ist richtig, dass dies auf diplomatischer Ebene immer wieder thematisiert wird. Aber Veränderungen brauchen die Unterstützung der Zivilgesellschaft, und die kann ich nicht erkennen.

Wir sollten versuchen, möglichst viele tschetschenische Islamisten und Kriminelle auszuweisen, die aus Westeuropa heraus diese Strukturen daheim finanzieren. Wir sollten uns nicht mitschuldig machen, indem wir deren Verhalten hier tolerieren. Wir sollten außerdem islamistische Missionierung in Europa, wie beispielsweise durch die Ditib, nicht weiter unterstützen. Europa kann mit seinem fortschrittlichen Gesellschaftsmodell der Aufklärung und unserem erarbeiteten Wohlstand Vorbild für andere Gesellschaften sein. Zurzeit geben wir dies ohne Not auf.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, in 2017 the world learned of horrific persecution of gay men in Chechnya. 18 months later we must not forget their struggle. Sadly, the situation has not improved greatly and we should all be aware that civil society organisations are still working to evacuate people from the region.

Oyub Titiev, the Chechen director of the rights group Memorial, who first denounced the attacks on gay men in the region, is still in pre—trial detention. His case demonstrates how hostile the environment in Chechnya has become for human rights defenders. I urge the authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Titiev.

Ironically, the Chechen strongman leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, and officials at Russia’s Justice Ministry have the audacity to say that the rights of the LGBT community were not violated in Chechnya because there were no gays there. More than one year after the Russian—backed purges, there has shamefully been no criminal prosecutions for the deadly violence. Meanwhile, the Russian—Chechen singer, Zalim Bakaev, a popular gay icon who disappeared on 8 August 2017, has still not been found alive or dead. He was a star on the rise and the world is a darker place for his disappearance and alleged torture.

We should also remember that it is not only gay men who face hostile environments and human rights violations in Russia and elsewhere. The situation of trans people, for example, worldwide, is appalling. These violations of LGBTIQ are happening in all countries, in many different faith communities, including European Christian societies and Members on the far right have failed to understand that the right—wing DUP in Northern Ireland, for example, is both a homophobic and anti—abortion party.


  Mark Demesmaeker (ECR). – "We hebben niet zo'n soort mensen in ons land", zo weerlegde president Kadyrov nog de beschuldigingen over de vervolging van holebi's in Tsjetsjenië. Gruwelijk als je weet dat hij op dat moment al tientallen, honderden onschuldige homomannen systematisch liet oppakken en opsluiten in concentratiekampen. Er zijn rapporten over martelpraktijken en zelfs executies. Sinds zijn aanstelling voert Kadyrov een schrikbewind tegen de holebi-gemeenschap. In het Kremlin knijpt de president van de Russische Federatie, Vladimir Poetin, graag een oogje dicht in ruil voor de politieke steun vanuit Tsjetsjenië. Na de internationale verontwaardiging is het nu tijd voor actie. Hiervoor verwijs ik ook graag naar het verslag van mijn Vlaamse N-VA-collega Piet De Bruyn dat werd aangenomen in de Raad van Europa.

Commissaris, er mag geen straffeloosheid zijn voor dit soort mensenrechtenschendingen. Er moet een onafhankelijk onderzoek komen en uiteindelijk ook een vervolging van alle verantwoordelijken. Collega's, de holebi-gemeenschap in Tsjetsjenië wordt gecriminaliseerd, vervolgd en gemarteld. De vragen die we aan de Commissie stellen, zijn pertinent. Wat doen we eraan? Hoe drijven we de druk op Kadyrov en Poetin op? Als ik het debat hier hoor, dan denk ik dat er in dit Parlement een breed draagvlak is om de druk daadwerkelijk op te voeren. Tot slot roep ik ook alle lidstaten op om naar het voorbeeld van onze Belgische staatssecretaris Theo Francken vervolgde Tsjetsjeense holebi-vluchtelingen op te vangen. Zij verdienen onze bescherming.


  Michela Giuffrida (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è ormai trascorso più di un anno da quando il giornale russo Novaja Gazeta riferì che almeno cento uomini erano detenuti in carceri non ufficiali in Cecenia, con l'accusa di essere persone LGBT sottoposte solo per questo a diverse torture ed umiliazioni. Un anno nel quale in Cecenia è successo di tutto. E qui, nulla. Si fa finta di niente? Siamo qui per denunciarlo perché le violazioni dei diritti sono chiare, lampanti, ripetute. La finalità di questa interrogazione è appunto intervenire e al più presto.

L'Unione non può più restare in silenzio, senza chiedere di avviare un'indagine indipendente e trasparente, mentre le autorità cecene continuano a incitare apertamente all'odio contro le persone LGBT. Anche in ragione degli obblighi internazionali sottoscritti, la Commissione deve instaurare un dialogo con le organizzazioni per i diritti umani e con la società civile russa, al fine di aiutare quanti sono fuggiti dalla Cecenia e portare così allo scoperto questa campagna di infinite violenze. E anche gli Stati membri devono fare la loro parte, semplificando le procedure di richiesta di asilo per queste vittime, conformemente a quello che è il diritto europeo e nazionale.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner (ECR). – Arvoisa puhemies, julkisuudessa esillä olleet tiedot Tšetšeniassa tapahtuvista homovainoista, kidutuksista ja salaisista vankiloista ovat kammottavia. On käsittämätöntä, että perimmäiset ihmisoikeudet eli oikeus elämään, henkilökohtaiseen vapauteen ja koskemattomuuteen riippuvat henkilön seksuaalisesta suuntautumisesta vielä 2000-luvulla. Toivon, että nämä julkisuudessa olleet väitteet tutkitaan perinpohjaisesti ja että syylliset pannaan teostaan vastuuseen. Olisi myös tärkeää, että uhrit ja heidän perheenjäsenensä saisivat kaiken tarvitsemansa tuen.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, σύσσωμο το Ευρωκοινοβούλιο θα καταδικάσει τις διώξεις των ομοφυλοφίλων στην Τσετσενία, προσθέτοντας βέβαια και την απαραίτητη δόση αντιρωσικής προπαγάνδας. Σαφώς καταδικάζουμε τις διώξεις και φυλακίσεις λόγω σεξουαλικών προτιμήσεων.

Βέβαια, αν και επιγραμματικά αναφέρεται η πραγματική αιτία των διώξεων αυτών, εσκεμμένα αποφεύγετε να θίξετε την πηγή του προβλήματος. Αντίθετα με το ό,τι θέλετε να πιστεύετε, το πρόβλημα δεν είναι η Ρωσία, αλλά το γεγονός πως στις περιοχές αυτές η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των κατοίκων είναι μουσουλμάνοι, με παράδοση μάλιστα στη ριζοσπαστικοποίησή τους και στις ένοπλες απόπειρες εγκαθίδρυσης ισλαμικού εμιράτου στον Καύκασο.

Μεγάλο μέρος λοιπόν των μουσουλμάνων θεωρεί την ομοφυλοφιλία ως σοβαρότατο αμάρτημα και, πέρα από την πιθανή μελλοντική απώλεια του παραδείσου, οι αμαρτωλοί αντιμετωπίζουν και τον πολύ πιο άμεσο κίνδυνο της απώλειας της ζωής τους ή τουλάχιστον προπηλακισμούς. Σχετικά πρόσφατες είναι ακόμα οι εικόνες με τους ισλαμιστές του χαλιφάτου να ρίχνουν από τις ταράτσες κτηρίων ομοφυλόφιλους. Δυστυχώς, με την πολιτική της ισλαμοποίησης της Ευρώπης που ακολουθείτε, η άρρωστη αυτή νοοτροπία αφήνεται να αναπτυχθεί και εντός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, it has been a very useful exchange and I thank your colleagues for their interventions. From this debate, I conclude that we have a common concern about what has been happening in Chechnya. Violence against the LGBTI community has also disclosed the appalling situation of human rights in that Russian republic. This is the hard reality on the ground.

We will continue coordinating with Member States to support the victims and to put pressure on the Russian authorities to stop the violence and ensure justice for the victims. We will continue to pursue all the avenues open to us, and to look at how best to use all our available instruments in specific support of human rights and democracy.

Just a few words about our support under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). In 2017, several emergency grants were allocated under the EU’s Human Rights Defenders mechanism to LGBTI persons’ rights defenders from Russia at the time of the events affecting LGBTI persons in Chechnya. I hope that you will understand when I say that it is important to maintain discretion with regard to annual support when a vulnerable or at-risk community is concerned in order to be able to continue our work. It is also very important to bear in mind the complications that receiving funding from abroad can entail for Russian organisations in view of the foreign agents legislation.

I would like to close by signalling once again my appreciation of Parliament’s role in keeping this, and other significant human rights issues, on the agenda.


  Przewodniczący. – Dziękuję Panie Komisarzu Stylianides za te 2,5 godziny spędzone z nami.

Zamykam debatę.

Последно осъвременяване: 8 април 2019 г.Правна информация - Политика за поверителност