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Procedură : 2018/2863(RSP)
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Dezbateri :

PV 04/10/2018 - 5.2
PV 04/10/2018 - 5.3
CRE 04/10/2018 - 5.2
CRE 04/10/2018 - 5.3

Voturi :

PV 04/10/2018 - 7.3

Texte adoptate :


Stenograma dezbaterilor
Joi, 4 octombrie 2018 - Strasbourg

5.3. Detenția arbitrară în masă a uigurilor și kazahilor în regiunea autonomă uigură Xinjiang
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  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest debata nad siedmioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie masowych arbitralnych zatrzymań Ujgurów i Kazachów w Regionie Autonomicznym Sinciang-Ujgur (2018/2863(RSP)).


  Reinhard Bütikofer, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! Frau Kommissarin! Meine sehr geehrten Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Chinas kommunistische Führung errichtet in Xinjiang einen extremen Polizeistaat, in dem Hunderttausende, wenn nicht mehr als eine Million chinesische Bürger uigurischer und kasachischer Nationalität inhaftiert werden. Als Begründung wird angeführt, man müsse Terror bekämpfen. Ich sage, wer meint, er könne durch allgemeine Unterdrückung Terror bekämpfen, sorgt in Wirklichkeit nur dafür, dass genug Wasser da ist, in dem die Terroristen als Fische schwimmen können. Wer Terrorismus bekämpfen will, muss sich die Erfahrung Südtirols ansehen oder die Erfahrung Nordirlands.

Ich finde es bemerkenswert, dass sich die KP Chinas, während China als Land an Stärke gewinnt, so schwach fühlt, dass sie noch nicht einmal gegenüber ihren eigenen Bürgern die eigenen Gesetze einhält und Religionsfreiheit respektiert. Ich finde es bemerkenswert, dass Chinas Führung, während sie den chinesischen Traum propagiert, die aktuellen Träume ihrer Bürger unterdrückt, jedenfalls dann, wenn sie nicht nach dem Taktstock der KP Chinas im Gleichschritt träumen wollen.

Ich finde es schlimm, dass China diese Unterdrückung auch noch exportiert. Deswegen stellen wir uns dagegen. Und ich möchte zuletzt an den Namen von Ilham Tohti erinnern, einem Wissenschaftler uigurischer Nationalität, der seit langem in einem chinesischen Gefängnis sitzt, weil er seine Meinungsfreiheit wahrgenommen hat. Auch an ihn werden wir immer wieder erinnern.


  Bas Belder, Auteur. – Voorzitter, ik kan me volledig voorstellen dat buitenlandse journalisten deze dagen zeer ongewenst zijn in Xinjiang. Want de Chinese partijstaat test in deze westelijke regio de surveillancesamenleving uit met de inheemse bevolking van Oeigoeren als menselijke pionnen-figuranten. Toch slagen westerse correspondenten er van tijd tot tijd in een indringend sfeerbeeld te schetsen van Xinjiang. Zo antwoordt een Oeigoer op de vraag of "veiligheid" soms ook onveiligheid kan betekenen voor de mensen daar: "Ja, ik heb angst", is zijn antwoord. Want ruim 100 familieleden, buren en kennissen "studeren", dat wil zeggen verblijven al meer dan een jaar in heropvoedingskampen. En passant brengen Chinese functionarissen momenteel verplichte "vriendschappelijke bezoeken" aan Oeigoerse gezinnen die intussen al op gedwongen overnachtingen uitdraaien. Met deze wrede antireligieuze assimilatiepolitiek vestigt Peking de wereldaandacht nota bene op een bepaalde draaischijf in haar ambitieuze “belt and road”-initiatief. Over pure anti-propaganda, zelfbeschadiging gesproken.


  Ignazio Corrao, author. – Mr President, concentration camps are back. There are no other words to describe what is happening in Xinjiang. On paper, the ongoing Chinese ‘strike hard’ campaign in Xinjiang aims to eradicate terrorist threats. In reality, it is used to justify massive abuses, including the establishment of re-education camps or ‘education through labour’ camps. We are talking about up to a million people arbitrarily detained in camps and exposed to torture, forced indoctrination and collective punishment without, of course, the right to due process. Therefore, the answer is simple: these people are guilty of not being Han Chinese.

Colleagues, what else do we have to witness before taking concrete actions – gas chambers? Mass executions? China has no boundaries on its gross human rights violations, simply because nobody dares to enforce such boundaries. Therefore, in light of the overwhelming evidence of grave abuses in Xinjiang, I call on the European Union to take appropriate measure that match the gravity of the situation. In this respect, targeted sanctions against Party Secretary Chen Quanguo can no longer be delayed.


  Jo Leinen, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! China hat in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten eine erstaunliche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung durchgemacht. Aber dieser Fortschritt auf ökonomischem Gebiet ist leider nicht begleitet worden von einem Fortschritt bei den Menschenrechten und der persönlichen Freiheit. Im Gegenteil: Wir notieren hier erhebliche Rückschritte.

Dieses Parlament hat sich schon oft mit Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China auseinandergesetzt und dazu auch Entschließungen gemacht. Heute legen sieben Fraktionen eine Entschließung zu den Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Provinz Xinjiang vor. Was wir von dort hören, mag man kaum glauben: Eine Million Menschen in sogenannten Umerziehungslagern, die totale Kontrolle der Menschen über moderne technologische Systeme und die Drangsalierung von Uiguren, die im Ausland leben.

Wir fordern die chinesische Seite auf, diese Praktiken abzustellen. Es wird uns gesagt: Das hat Gründe der Sicherheit, es gibt Terrorismus und Separatismus. Jeder Staat kann natürlich die öffentliche Ordnung garantieren, aber exzessive und kollektive Maßnahmen gegen Minderheiten und Religionsgemeinschaften sind nicht zu akzeptieren. China verliert damit auch viel Glaubwürdigkeit in der Welt.

Wir sehen, dass Deutschland und Schweden begonnen haben, Uiguren und Kasachen nicht mehr abzuschieben, weil sie Gefahr laufen, dass sie dort schwere Nachteile haben. Wir fordern andere Staaten auf, das ähnlich zu tun. Auch wir sagen: Die EU muss auf höchster Ebene – es fahren ja alle Staatenlenker unserer Mitgliedstaaten nach China – diese Menschenrechtsverletzungen ansprechen. Das darf nicht sozusagen scheu und konservativ behandelt werden. Also, diese Entschließung stößt hier im Parlament auf große Zustimmung, und ich hoffe, die chinesische Seite reagiert darauf.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk, author. – Mr President, Madam Commissioner, colleagues, sadly Muslim ethnic minorities of Uyghurs and Kazakhs in Xinjiang, China, are subject to arbitrary detention, torture, restrictions on religious practice and culture. Nothing can justify the arbitrary detention and forced disappearance of one million human beings. Innocent people, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends have all disappeared. Where are all those people? What is happening inside the so—called re—education camps? Children are reportedly being separated from their families. We cannot be silent as human rights violations are committed on such a massive scale. I call for the immediate release of all those who are held in arbitrary detention in the internment camps and of arbitrarily detained political prisoners, such as Ilham Tohti. Starting from this resolution, there is a need for more concrete action. We need answers. We need an independent investigation in the region.


  João Pimenta Lopes, Autor. – Senhor Presidente, a resolução, baseada em alegações, dados por confirmar ou informações de entidades tão parciais como a Comissão Executiva do Congresso norte-americano, alinha-se com a estratégia dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia e das suas principais potências de afronta aos países que defendem e afirmam a sua soberania, direito ao desenvolvimento e independência.

Uma resolução que assume a forma sobranceira de quem inaceitavelmente se arroga a intervir, de se ingerir em países terceiros, uma resolução hipócrita dos que se arvoram arautos defensores dos direitos humanos, os manipulam e espezinham nas agressões e guerras que promovem, nomeadamente no Médio Oriente e no Norte de África, branqueando, alimentando e instrumentalizando as hordas terroristas que cinicamente dizem combater.

A União Europeia e este Parlamento não têm legitimidade para dar lições sobre direitos humanos. O desenvolvimento económico e social da China e a sua projeção e papel nas relações económicas e políticas internacionais tornam-na no principal alvo estratégico do imperialismo. É essa a real razão desta resolução e debate.


  László Tőkés, author. – Mr President, as an introduction, let me greet amongst us on the balcony Mr Dolkun Isa, the President of the World Uyghur Congress and a tireless fighter for his people. Welcome amongst us.


Elnök Úr! Szeptember tizenkettedikén, az EU és Kína közötti kapcsolatok helyzetéről szóló EP jelentést az Európai Parlament nagy többséggel fogadta el. A dokumentum azt hangsúlyozza, hogy a két fél közötti átfogó stratégiai partnerség olyan elveken alapszik, mint a jogállamiság, az emberi jogok és a demokrácia, célja pedig az, hogy a kölcsönös bizalmat és a megértést erősítse a két fél között. Ennek értelmében emelem fel a szavam a több mint egymillió ujgur és kazah, tömeges és önkényes fogva tartása ellen a Hszincsiang Ujgur Autonóm Területen létesített átnevelő táborokban. A kínai kommunista állam cinikus módon továbbra is tagadja ezeknek a modern koncentrációs táboroknak a létezését.

Az önálló népnek is beillő, 10 milliósra tehető ujgur közösség minden egyes tagját szigorú megfigyelés alatt tartják, lábbal tiporva a kínai alkotmányban is rögzített alapvető emberi és közösségi, etnikai és vallási jogaikat. Felszólítom a kínai hatóságokat, hogy haladéktalanul és feltétel nélkül vessenek véget az ujgurok identitásának megsemmisítésére irányuló politikának. Valódi stratégiai partnerségről és kölcsönös bizalomról csupán akkor beszélhetünk, hogyha Kína valamennyi állampolgárának, köztük kisebbségeinek is, az alapvető jogait biztosítja, és emberi méltóságát tiszteletben tartja. Lépjünk fel egységesen Kínával szemben! A stratégiai partnerséghez fűződő gazdasági érdekeink nem képezhetik akadályát az őszinte párbeszédnek, legitim emberi jogi követelményeink kimondásának.


  Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, China has nothing to fear from its minorities, because the Han nation is the biggest in the world. Therefore, it’s most illogical and outrageous to see the Uyghur minority – only 11 million – subjected to systematic oppression, which, in practice, deprives them of their national culture, identity and religion. Up to one million Uyghurs are supposedly being treated in the centres of indoctrination.

Therefore, we call on the Beijing government to immediately end the practice of mass arbitrary detentions for members of the Uyghur and Kazakh minorities. We call specifically on the Commission and EU Member States’ governments to raise systematically the issue of human rights violations in the Xinjiang Province at the highest level, and we ask EU Member States’ governments to prevent harassment of the Uyghur and Kazakh diaspora in EU countries, especially as regards preventing them from being returned to China against their will.


  Michela Giuffrida, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, parliamo purtroppo di circostanze ripetute e conclamate, denunciate non solo dal migliore giornalismo internazionale, ma anche da autorevoli esponenti della Commissione europea, e sempre più spesso noi denunciamo in quest'Aula delle pesantissime violazioni di quelli che sono poi diritti umani.

Gli abitanti dello Xi'an sono sottoposti a controlli di polizia quotidiani, a procedure di riconoscimento facciale, a intercettazioni telefoniche di massa, è ormai accertata l'esistenza di campi di detenzione di massa, e l'obiettivo è evidente, la cancellazione dell'identità della minoranza degli uiguri. E sappiamo, perché da tempo, i rischi che corrono sono noti, la Cina applica ancora la pena di morte, la sua legge antiterrorismo definisce questo in modo vago, consentendo spesso un'applicazione appunto arbitraria della legge.

L'Unione europea deve porsi come baluardo in difesa dei diritti delle minoranze, e dunque anche di questi diritti, dei diritti degli Uiguri, esortare i paesi terzi a considerare attentamente le richieste di protezione internazionale, anche quelle di altre minoranze come quelle nella regione dei Cazari.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, de gedachten zijn vrij. Wie kan ze beletten? Het beginvers van één van de oudste Duitse protestliederen tegen onderdrukking van de vrijheid. De Chinese leiders zouden moeten weten dat gedachten niet opgedrongen kunnen worden en toch is het net dat wat ze proberen in de regio Xinjiang met hun heksenjacht op al wat niet Chinees is. Oeigoeren en Kazakken worden er massaal en willekeurig opgesloten in politieke heropvoedingskampen. Ze worden gehersenspoeld tot ze genezen zijn van hun ideologische ziekte en hun gedachten gezuiverd zijn. Ook buiten de muren van de kampen worden de mensen geïntimideerd, geïsoleerd, bespioneerd. Achter het China dat zich openstelt voor de wereld gaat een meedogenloos staatsapparaat schuil. Ondanks de vele akkoorden en dialogen en bijeenkomsten bungelt het land nog altijd onderaan de Human Freedom Index. De EU heeft de plicht om de Chinese autoriteiten in duidelijke taal te vragen de vervolging te stoppen, de gevangenen vrij te laten, de kampen te sluiten. Want, Voorzitter, de gedachten zijn vrij en geen overheid die dat kan beletten.


  Urmas Paet, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, lately the focus of the international community has tended to fade away from the human rights violations in China for certain pragmatic reasons, but a country wishing to be an economic superpower should not be allowed to violate the rights of its people. According to the UN, up to one million Uyghurs are being held in detention camps without any access to legal process. Their family members don’t know where they are, or whether they are alive at all. Collection of DNA samples, GPS tracking systems being installed in vehicles and cell phones, cameras installed in their homes – these are just some of the examples of how they are being harassed.

The Chinese Government must release all those held arbitrarily in those detention camps and release the names, whereabouts and status of those that have disappeared. China must stop the systematic repression and uphold the commitments it has made by adhering to international human rights treaties, and the EU must address this issue in its meetings with the Chinese Government at all levels.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, “nessuno usava proferire una sola parola, restavano in silenzio come muti, avevano paura di dire accidentalmente qualcosa di sbagliato”, sono le parole di terrore di Sayragul Sauytbay, ex insegnante della propaganda cinese in uno di quei centri di rieducazione, alias campi di concentramento nascosti nelle montagne della Cina occidentale, lo Xi'an, dove circa un milione di uiguri, kazaki e altre minoranze sono oggi arbitrariamente detenuti.

Una cifra della quale non siamo nemmeno certi perché non esistono nemmeno registri pubblici dei prigionieri. Purtroppo, però, queste strutture esistono fin troppo bene, così come le numerose violazioni di diritti umani delle minoranze, comprese le sparizioni forzate di dissidenti politici, proprio come Ilam Tohti, e le intimidazioni contro la diaspora presenti anche nei nostri Stati membri, addirittura parenti dei rifugiati all'estero vengono molestati dalle autorità cinesi per farli ritornare e punire così la loro ribellione.

Abbiamo l'obbligo giuridico e morale di pretendere il rilascio immediato di tutti i prigionieri di questi centri illegali che devono essere smantellati. L'Europa non può e non deve piegarsi alla vergognosa logica del business as usual con la Cina.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, la province du Xinjiang, dans laquelle je m’étais rendu il y a une vingtaine d’années, est depuis très longtemps le théâtre d’un mouvement séparatiste armé, qui a perpétré de nombreux attentats et qui est alimenté par un islamisme militant. Dans ces conditions, quel État ne surveillerait pas les mosquées extrémistes ou les extrémistes? C’est ce que fait la Chine.

Mais ceux qui parlent de camps de concentration avec deux millions de détenus, comme l’a fait, sans aucune preuve de cette information, un membre du Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale de l’ONU, à Genève, le 13 août 2018, se ridiculisent. Deux millions, ou un million, comme je l’ai entendu ici, c’est la population ou la moitié de la population de Paris. Pourtant, c’est de là que provient le mythe des détentions arbitraires massives. C’est une fausse nouvelle que vous devriez combattre au lieu de la valider par votre résolution.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, we are here today concerning the deterioration in the protection of human rights by the Chinese authorities, in particular with regard to the rights of ethnic minorities. I strongly condemn the arbitrary detention of Uyghurs and other minorities, as well as the mass surveillance of their daily lives through the collection and use of data which they cannot object to. Such issues must be raised by the EU with the Chinese authorities at every political level, in order to reflect a strong, unified voice in its approach to China and to prevent a further deterioration of the situation.

I call for the immediate release of those detained arbitrarily. The fundamental rights to freedom of expression and religion, in addition to the right to peaceful assembly and association, must be reinstated and firmly protected. The promotion of, and respect for, universal human rights, democracy and the rule of law is at the core of the longstanding relationship between the EU and China. The EU’s commitment to upholding these values and China’s expressed interest in adhering to them require a strong condemnation of the situation in Xinjiang province.


  Przewodniczący. – Bardzo przepraszam, bo widziałem, że pan Polčák zgłaszał się do blue card, ale to było do poprzedniego mówcy, jak rozumiem, więc już nie będziemy do tego wracać. Przepraszam, nie zauważyłem.


  Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE). – Mr President, I welcome this resolution on the mass arbitrary detention of Uyghurs and Kazakhs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. I also want to salute Mr Dolkun Isa, President of the World Uyghur Congress. Respect for universal human rights, democracy and the rule of law should remain at the centre of relations between the EU and China.

This resolution condemns the increasingly suppressive regime that minorities, in particular Uyghurs and Kazakhs, face in China today. We call on the Chinese Government immediately to end the practice of mass arbitrary detentions, and to close all the camps in which one million people are arbitrarily imprisoned. An independent investigation mission should be allowed to visit Xinjiang and Tibet. Our resolution also calls on the Chinese Government immediately to release Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti, and all other detainees.

Dear colleagues, China is a big country. It is also rich in ethnic and cultural minorities, from Tibetans to Uyghurs. It should not be scared of them. It should recognise and respect them. This would make China an even greater country. Free Uyghurs, free Tibet, free China.


  Margot Parker (EFDD). – Mr President, China is a critically important international player, and its significance will only increase in the coming decades. Being such an important actor and a member of the Security Council brings with it certain responsibilities. Whilst flawed, the current international system has brought with it increasing security and prosperity for citizens around the globe. But far too many countries do not respect human rights. For such an important player to show such blatant disregard only erodes the efforts that have been made globally.

Whilst we can all understand and sympathise with the fight against radical Islamic terrorism, Chinese actions in Xinjiang appear to have crossed the line. Dealing with terrorist groups must not slip into the general persecution of the people of Xinjiang. China must decide what kind of future we are all going to share. The application of basic human rights must be amongst them.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Mr President, grave human rights concerns have long been common in China. Recent developments, however, show a turn towards the worst. Emboldened by the silence of Western democracies, China has been stepping up its efforts against religious minorities and ethnic groups it deems unreliable, such as Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Kazakhs.

Some of the most significant and disturbing developments currently happen in the Uyghur Autonomous Region, with the massive—scale development of re—education camps. Human Rights Watch has rightly compared these re—education camps to black holes to which people are added and from which they do not get out. This is why it is so difficult to estimate how many thousands of people have already been sucked into them now. What we know is that today nearly every family in the Uyghur diaspora has a missing relative or loved one.

If it is to prove effective, the EU—China Human Rights Dialogue cannot avoid thoroughly investigating such issues.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Sytuacja mniejszości Ujgurów i Kazachów w północno-zachodniej chińskiej prowincji Sinciang słusznie określana jest przez badaczy mianem ludobójstwa kulturowego. W ramach tych działań dorośli Ujgurzy umieszczani są w obozach reedukacji, zaś ich dzieci są oddzielane od rodzin i umieszczane w sierocińcach. Cel jest jeden – zniszczenie ich tożsamości narodowej.

Skalę zjawiska doskonale obrazuje poziom inwestycji: w samym tylko 2017 roku na budowę 45 nowych sierocińców dla 5 tysięcy dzieci rząd Chin przeznaczył 30 milionów dolarów. Przerażająca jest też skala stosowania technologii do szczegółowego kontrolowania życia mniejszości etnicznych, na którą wskazuje ostatni raport Human Rights Watch. Uważam zatem, iż należy w sposób zdecydowany domagać się od rządu chińskiego natychmiastowego zamknięcia obozów, uwolnienia niesłusznie zatrzymanych osób oraz zaprzestania łamania praw mniejszości etnicznych. Ważne jest również zapewnienie swobodnego dostępu dziennikarzy oraz obserwatorów międzynarodowych do monitorowania sytuacji w tej prowincji.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedo, já jsem chtěl opět reagovat na vyjádření pana Schaffhausera, který se opět vyjádřil velmi pobuřujícím způsobem, protože vlastně popřel jakýkoliv nátlak čínské vlády na ujgurskou menšinu. Musím říci, že se zachoval vlastně úplně stejně jako pan Lopes ze Spojené levice, který vůbec popřel legitimitu Parlamentu se k těmto otázkám vyjadřovat. Ono to ukazuje, že vlastně východiska některých radikálních členů krajní levice a pravice jsou bohužel stejná a možná by měli sedět vedle sebe, a nikoliv takhle přes sál.

Já bych se chtěl zastat skutečně práv této menšiny, protože jejich útlak má nepochybně etnický původ a je zřejmé, že Čína pouze tímto maskuje svůj údajný boj s terorismem. Měli bychom se zastat této menšiny i při našich návštěvách v Číně, jak řekl pan kolega Paet, protože my můžeme mluvit a neměli bychom při našich delegacích jen mlčet.


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, if any other country detained one million people in camps and forced 11 million people to live in a repressive police state, we would be calling for a referral to the ICC on the grounds of ethnic cleansing. At the very least, sanctions would be imposed. Yet, most governments have declined to criticise Beijing or even ask for more transparency about the situation in Xinjiang out of fear of economic retaliation from China.

This Parliament has always been at the forefront in defending human rights worldwide. Sadly, this time our resolution does not represent a breakthrough, but merely an expression of concern. Therefore, I urge you and the Parliament to take all measures necessary to persuade the Chinese government to close the camps and end all human rights violations in Xinjiang against the Uyghur people.

The EU must stand ready to adopt targeted sanctions against all responsible for the persecution of Uyghur, victims of 21st century concentration camps. It is our obligation to acknowledge the Uyghur’s existence as a global community and act now in order to prevent the world’s next disaster.


  Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE). – Mr President, the inhuman treatment of Uyghur and Kazakh minorities in China has been taking place without adequate attention from the international community for too long. Hundreds of thousands of people from these Muslim minorities have been detained in camps under horrible conditions, including torture and restriction of their religious practice and culture, with a view to re—educating them out of their religious beliefs. It is still hard to believe that such camps can exist in the 21st century.

Uyghurs and Kazakhs must have the right to freely choose their way of life and propagate their traditions, culture and beliefs while staying in China. Therefore, I call on the European Union to bring up this issue and demand the closure of those camps in all future political dialogues and negotiations with China as a matter of primary importance.


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, já começa a ser norma que cada vez que nesta Casa se aborda o tema China raramente o seja por bons motivos. Se fizermos as contas ao número de declarações, resoluções e moções que este Parlamento tem feito sobre a violação dos direitos humanos, da liberdade de culto, da liberdade de expressão e de processos judiciais arbitrários e contra as regras democráticas praticadas pela República chinesa durante o reinado do Presidente chinês, facilmente chegaríamos à conclusão de que a China é um dos campeões mundiais da opressão e do autoritarismo, lado a lado com a Rússia de Putin e a Venezuela de Nicolas Maduro.

A verdade é que, desde que Xi Jinping chegou ao poder em 2003, a situação dos direitos humanos na China tem-se deteriorado ainda mais à medida que o Governo chinês intensifica a sua hostilidade à oposição pacífica, às liberdades de expressão e religião e ao Estado de Direito.

Caros Colegas, face a tantas evidências e aos recentes relatos que referem que uigures, cazaques e outras minorias étnicas, maioritariamente muçulmanas, na região autónoma Uigur do Xinjiang, têm sido sujeitas a detenções arbitrárias e a torturas e a graves restrições em matéria de práticas religiosas e culturais, a União tem que exigir energeticamente e condenar estas práticas e pressionar o Governo chinês a pôr um fim às suas atividades e ações punitivas.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, jak už zde bylo řečeno, tak situace v ujgurské autonomní oblasti je více než alarmující. V převýchovných zařízeních je držen až jeden milion obyvatel. Dovolím si říct, že takto vyjádřeno je Sin-ťiang největším vězením na světě. Hlavní obvinění vůči nim je často velmi vágní jako podpora terorismu. Na případu Sin-ťiang je exemplárně vidět, jak se boj proti terorismu může zneužít vůči obyvatelstvu, a měli bychom vědět, že je aktuální informace o tom, že 1. října byly zaznamenány masové přesuny Ujgurů v uzavřených vagonech se zaslepenými okny z jihu na sever. Tento způsob masového přesunu vězňů připomíná dobu stalinismu v Sovětském svazu a jeho represe.

Plně podporuji proto výzvu Evropského parlamentu vůči Číně, aby ukončila tento represivní postup vůči Ujgurům, a souhlasím s tím, aby také EU zvážila cílené sankce vůči osobám odpovědným za tyto represe.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, pozdravljam ovu Rezoluciju koja je izraz naše zabrinutosti oko stanja ljudskih prava u Kini.

Ljudska prava trebaju biti u fokusu odnosa Europske unije i Kine. U svakom slučaju, Ujgure i Kazahe treba osloboditi i ja osuđujem i situaciju koja se događa sa stranim novinarima. Njima nije dopušteno izvješćivati iz tih koncentracijskih kampova. Mislim, kad bi se radilo o nekoj drugoj zemlji, o milijun ljudi koji su zatočeni, itekako bi se svi zabrinuli, ali kad se radi o Kini, onda to nije baš u fokusu i stoga je dobro da Europski parlament razmatra ovu Rezoluciju i da na ovaj način izražavamo svoje nezadovoljstvo oko stanja ljudskih prava u Kini.

U svakom slučaju, pozdravljam Rezoluciju i nadam se da će ona bar malo doprinijeti da se ti jadni ljudi oslobode.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the EU is closely following the situation in Xinjiang. We are deeply concerned about credible reports pointing to a serious deterioration of the human rights situation there. In addition, the recent concluding observation of the EU Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination merits close attention. This expresses alarm about reports of mass detention, political re—education camps affecting Uyghurs and other minorities, mass surveillance, travel restrictions, and Uyghurs abroad being returned to China involuntarily.

These findings present serious grounds for concern. The EU calls on China to engage constructively with the Committee recommendations. We have received accounts from EU citizens of Uyghur origin in the EU, who report being pressurised to return to China or to provide information about their relatives there. Travel documents of family members in China have reportedly been confiscated or not issued to prevent people from leaving. There are legitimate concerns about the security of Uyghurs and other people belonging to minorities if returned to China.

The EU urges all countries to consider carefully requests for international protection from such people and, where applicable, to ensure respect of the non—refoulement principle. The EU repeatedly raised this concern with the authorities during the last EU—China Human Rights Dialogue in July 2018. The situation in Xinjiang, freedom of religion and belief, and the rights of persons belonging to minorities, especially Tibetans and Uyghurs, were addressed. The EU reiterated its request for a fact—finding visit to Xinjiang, including access to the camps and the need to implement recommendations from international human rights bodies. The EU supports the request made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for her office to have access to all regions of the country.

Respect for fundamental human rights requires that all human rights, including freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief, freedom of movement, assembly and association, the right to due process and the right to non—discrimination, are respected in Xinjiang, as they should be anywhere in the country, in line with China’s international obligations and national legislation. The upcoming Universal Periodic Review provides an opportunity for open dialogue between China and its international partners on the full range of human rights issues.


  Przewodniczący. – Chciałbym bardzo przeprosić Panią Komisarz za zachowanie moich kolegów. No czasami jest łatwiej wygłaszać górnolotne oświadczenia niż zachować elementarne zasady grzeczności.

Zamykam debatę.

Przechodzimy do głosowania.

(Posiedzenie zostało zawieszone w oczekiwaniu na głosowanie)


Puhetta johti HEIDI HAUTALA

Ultima actualizare: 9 ianuarie 2019Aviz juridic - Politica de confidențialitate