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Sanatarkat istuntoselostukset
Tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2018 - Strasbourg Lopullinen versio

14. Toimittaja Jamal Khashoggin murha Saudi-Arabian Istanbulin konsulaatissa (keskustelu)
Puheenvuorot videotiedostoina

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest oświadczenie wiceprzewodniczącej Komisji / wysokiej przedstawiciel Unii do spraw zagranicznych i polityki bezpieczeństwa w sprawie zabójstwa saudyjskiego dziennikarza Jamala Khashoggiego w konsulacie Arabii Saudyjskiej w Stambule (2018/2885(RSP)).


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, I would like to thank all the honourable Members for having decided to put this issue on the agenda of your plenary today. I think it is extremely important for Parliament to have its voice heard on this.

Let me start by saying something basic and very clear that I think we have to start from, namely that a crime against one journalist, wherever in the world, is a crime against freedom of speech and freedom of information. As such, I would say it is a crime against our societies everywhere in the world, our way of life, in particular in Europe, our principles and our values. It’s a crime against all of us.

Three weeks after the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, we now know that he was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Saudi Arabia has now arrested a number of officials in connection with the case, yet too many details about what happened to the journalist are still missing. The confirmation of his death is a first step towards the truth and towards accountability, but the explanations offered so far by the Saudi authorities leave many doubts and many unanswered questions.

From day one, we have been asking Saudi Arabia to shed light on the events of 2 October through a full, credible, transparent and prompt investigation. We expect the Saudi institutions to provide all the information they have about the case and to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. Last week, the Foreign Affairs Council – all 28 Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States – agreed to demand, united, a credible and transparent investigation. Together with the Foreign Ministers of the countries of the G7, we have coordinated our approach, first asking for a credible investigation and, right now at this moment, working on further statements and steps to be taken together.

Just a few days ago, I expressed once again, on behalf of the whole European Union and of all our Member States, our expectation for clarity and full accountability. We have also asked Saudi Arabia for full collaboration with the Turkish authorities. We hope that everyone will work towards the goal of establishing the facts. This is the starting point. The investigation must be driven by the search for the truth, and not by geopolitics.

We will not merely wait for more clarity or ask for it: we will also continue to act, together with our partners, for achieving clarity. The European Union’s reaction from now on will depend on the next steps taken by the Saudi authorities. We will continue, first of all, to coordinate among ourselves, with united European Union positions, but we will also continue to coordinate with our partners around the world and continue to follow the case and work to coordinate the appropriate reaction. As I said, this will have to be a united one at European level and together with our international partners.

The Saudi leadership has promised ambitious reforms for the country. The way this investigation is managed is a very important test in terms of free speech, human rights and the rule of law for all the people of Saudi Arabia. Just a few months ago, our staff at the External Action Service in Brussels welcomed Jamal Khashoggi for a conference on Saudi Arabia and on the situation in the region. We engaged with him on several occasions as a credible and authoritative voice in the debate about his country and the Middle East. In his last op-ed, which was published after his death, he asked for a free and independent platform for Arab voices. Through the years we, as the European Union, have worked precisely to support young and independent Arab voices. We have trained young Arab journalists, we have financed independent media and we have engaged in policy dialogues through initiatives such as Young Mediterranean Voices.

Free speech lies at the core of our values and it will continue to be the basis for our foreign policy. We believe that national interest can never be a justification for curbing freedom of speech. On the contrary, when basic human rights are violated, our countries get weaker. I think this is the voice that needs to be heard at this point in history from the European Union and from this Parliament, united. It’s a point of strength to respect and protect human rights, starting with freedom of speech. It’s not a point of weakness. It’s a point of strength of our societies.


When fundamental freedoms come under attack there can be no peace, no security and no human development. Repression makes states and societies weaker and not stronger. Jamal Khashoggi had always advocated not only free speech, but also greater tolerance and respect for diversity. Reading some of his words today is quite painful, thinking of the way in which the story ended, but the best way we have to honour his memory is to be firm and determined in asking for the truth and working for the truth – not only for the truth, but also for accountability, which is different both from scapegoating and from revenge.

It is important for us to say this now. We will not only ask for justice, but we will also keep working for justice, for free speech and human rights in Saudi Arabia, in the region – in the whole region of the Gulf – and everywhere in the world.



  Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, one of the most influential Saudi journalists residing in the US has been killed, in all likelihood brutally murdered. It was a flagrant attack against independent journalism. A week ago the British Times newspaper concluded that it was worse than a murder, it was a mistake. After hiding two weeks behind lies and disinformation, the Saudi Foreign Minister finally admitted that yes, it was a tremendous mistake. While the whole truth has still to be fully revealed, at this moment it is practically impossible to believe that the Saudi Crown Prince was not informed of the murderers’ plan. Stopping arms sales to this country, at least on a temporary basis, is absolutely needed.

The moral we cannot escape is the following: in autocratic systems, even under the so-called modern reformers, worse things can still happen. Real reforms can succeed only under democratic transparency and control. A critical Khashoggi could have been an integral part of credible reforms in Saudi Arabia. Instead, he has been brutally cast overboard. Therefore, the democratic world has to reject strongly and unconditionally such behaviour. Saudi Arabia must pay a high price for the tremendous mistake of its present leaders or middlemen.


  Victor Boştinaru, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, I trust we all share today the dismay and outrage towards the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. ‘Killing’ – I don’t know whether this is the most appropriate wording to define the crime committed in Istanbul and the horrific manner in which it appears the prominent journalist and opponent has been tortured, murdered and dismembered by agents close to the Saudi regime. This is an unprecedented crime and case in the history of the world, at least since the Second World War. Never, never have we seen such a case!

I also feel the need to emphasise that this is one of a long series of human rights violations and widespread crackdowns by the autocratic and discriminatory regime on prominent activists – journalists and writers, lawyers and human rights defenders – oppression that has intensified since 2017.

Finally, I would like to insist on what are probably the two most important points. First, the explanations given by Riyadh are insufficient and absolutely not credible. They are mostly a whitewash of an appalling and flagrant assassination and violation of human rights, and of diplomatic and consular law.

The second: these events ask for a collective, clear and loud response that goes beyond the short-lived international uproar. It is time to reconsider western relations with the Kingdom. Whereas I can only welcome the position of some Member States, as well as economic actors and international organisations, to boycott today’s future investment initiative in Riyadh, what is key is to have real measures to target those responsible beyond the number of operatives which were acting in Istanbul. We will invite all EU Member States to reconsider the export of arms to Saudi Arabia.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, High Representative, as ever more gruesome details emerge surrounding the brutal murder of the Saudi dissident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the more obvious become the inconsistencies and, basically, the cover-ups in the explanations given by the Saudi authorities. News sources are now reporting that dismembered body parts belonging to Khashoggi have been found, supporting the Turkish claims and their narrative of the events.

Clearly, there is more to come and an international investigation into the case is urgently needed, as called for by France, the UK and Germany. I also note the comments made by the British Foreign Secretary in which, pending the investigation, a UK arms embargo has not been excluded. I note also the temporary one already imposed by Germany, much to its credit.

We in the West had welcomed some of the recent reforms led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in a country more often known for its internal social repression and global export of Wahhabi Salafism. However, we have also witnessed a young despot consolidating his power at home and intervening more widely and aggressively abroad, from the Saudi blockade of Qatar and the atrocious bombing campaign in Yemen to the support for jihadists in Syria.

The brazenness and the location of Khashoggi’s murder are, however, without precedent, and the use of torture crosses the line which makes this an international crime under the Torture Convention of 1987.

Pragmatism, driven by commercial ties, has been the watchword for relations between Saudi Arabia and the West for many decades. It is time now for our common EU values and fundamental human rights also to reassert themselves.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the revelations about the brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi demand European action so that perpetrators will be held to account. Additionally, a regime that lies and deceives the international community cannot be trusted to handle war weapons. I applaud Chancellor Merkel’s expressions towards an embargo, but I wish it had been an EU initiative from the beginning. Weʼve called for this in this House four times. Unfortunately, our friends in the EPP and the ECR have always been very reluctant to condemn the human rights violations in Saudi Arabia.

Some see the murder of Mr Khashoggi as a tipping point, but I see it as the cumulation of inaction when the human rights of the Saudi people were violated over and over again. Sakharov Prize winner Raif Badawi continues to suffer in prison and has been flogged for expressing himself. The 50 out of 1 000 lashes administered almost killed him already. Women’s rights activists are facing life sentences, and the kind of intimidation that we see here cannot be masked by the long-awaited so-called freedom for women to drive cars. And many human rights defenders such as Manal al-Sharif have had to flee Saudi Arabia already. The kingdom decapitates people with swords on public squares as a common form of capital punishment – around 150 people a year. Homosexuality is punishable by the death sentence, and so is atheism.

We now need human rights sanctions, including a ban on the export of surveillance systems used to track and trace dissidents, and I hope this House will support a strongly-worded resolution.

While the Khashoggi case is a game-changer, it would be a mistake to limit the lessons learned only to this specific case. The Khashoggi case is not only a murder, but I fear it turns out to be a suicide.


  Barbara Lochbihler, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Die Erklärungen der saudischen Regierung zur Tötung des Journalisten Khashoggi sind völlig unzureichend. Daher begrüße ich es, dass Sie, Frau Mogherini, umfassende und transparente Ermittlungen eingefordert haben. Bei Appellen alleine darf es aber nicht bleiben. Die Tötung Khashoggis ist ein Ergebnis der Zero-Toleranz-Politik des saudischen Herrscherhauses gegenüber seinen Kritikern. Der Sacharow-Preisträger Raif Badawi und zahlreiche andere gewaltlose politische Gefangene sitzen aufgrund von kritischen Meinungsäußerungen seit Jahren im Gefängnis. Sie müssen unverzüglich freigelassen werden.

Wir dürfen nach dem gewaltsamen Tod von Khashoggi nicht zur Tagesordnung übergehen. Das Europäische Parlament hat bereits mehrfach ein Waffenexportverbot gefordert. Wir müssen verhindern, dass Waffen aus Europa bei Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen zum Einsatz kommen. Alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten müssen endlich Konsequenzen ziehen und ein Waffenembargo gegen Saudi-Arabien nicht nur ankündigen, sondern auch durchsetzen.


  Ángela Vallina, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor presidente, este brutal crimen ha hecho que a algunos se les haya caído la venda de los ojos. Pero no, no ha sido un error ni un caso aislado: ha sido un crimen planificado a sangre fría de los muchos que comete Arabia Saudí en sus fronteras.

Fustigaciones, amputaciones, decapitaciones, lapidación, sumisión de la mujer, menores condenados a muerte, por no hablar de las miles de muertes de civiles en Yemen. Arabia Saudí es un régimen feudal, criminal, que piensa que con su dinero puede comprar las voluntades de toda la comunidad internacional y, hasta ahora, la experiencia, desde luego, les da la razón.

Señora Mogherini, ante este despiadado asesinato, ante el genocidio del pueblo yemení, escuche de una vez a este Parlamento, que la ha instado varias veces al embargo de la venta de armas a Arabia Saudí. No finja que se cree las versiones contradictorias ni las múltiples mentiras de Arabia Saudí. Sea valiente, promueva de una vez el embargo europeo a la venta de armas. Dejen el doble rasero. Con hechos y no con palabras, aún podríamos pensar que esta Unión defiende y protege los derechos humanos; si no, ya lo dijo nuestro gran Quevedo: «Poderoso caballero es don Dinero».


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, gentile Alto rappresentante, l'episodio Khashoggi è una doccia gelata per tutti coloro che vedevano in Mohammad Bin Salman la speranza di una nuova Arabia Saudita, riformista e più rispettosa dei diritti umani, nonostante fosse già chiaro da tempo che il principe mirasse più a un restyling cosmetico che di sostanza.

Ricostruire cosa sia esattamente accaduto il 2 ottobre è difficile. L'unico fatto sicuro è che Khashoggi è entrato nel consolato saudita e non ne è mai uscito vivo, probabilmente ne è uscito piuttosto in pezzi, in una valigetta.

È iniziato subito il solito balletto delle dichiarazioni. L'ultima versione è che si è trattato di un'operazione "canaglia" condotta dai servizi segreti senza che, ovviamente, il principe Salman e i vertici dell'intelligence ne fossero al corrente. La verità, l'abbiamo intuita tutti fin dall'inizio.

Mai come oggi serve un segnale forte da parte nostra, perché in mezzo a tanti dubbi una sola cosa è chiara: Khashoggi è stato ucciso anche perché i responsabili credevano di poterlo fare impunemente. Schiacciare il dissenso interno funziona meglio quando è accompagnato dal silenzio assordante che viene dall'esterno, il che, nei fatti, rende complice chi non osa protestare.

Quello di Khashoggi non è infatti un caso isolato ma un vero e proprio modus operandi nei confronti dei dissidenti. Rapimenti, uccisioni extragiudiziali, sparizioni forzate e campagne di diffamazione feroci sono pratica tristemente comune.

Nonostante tutto questo l'Arabia Saudita siede inspiegabilmente nel Consiglio dei diritti umani dell'ONU. Anche in un mondo di maschere e di ipocrisia, come ormai è diventato il nostro – in altre circostanze farebbero sorridere i rimproveri turchi a Riyadh – deve esserci un limite. Il re, o meglio il principe, ormai è nudo. Nel regno saudita non cade foglia senza che lui ne sia pienamente informato.

Quale sarà la nostra risposta? Ci trincereremo ancora una volta dietro la falsa indignazione, un bisbiglio in una tempesta, salvo tornare in breve tempo al business as usual? Quanti altri Khashoggi, quanti altri Badawi ancora dovremo tollerare? Finché regnerà l'impunità, finché il business dei contratti multimilionari trionferà sui diritti avremo casi come quello di Khashoggi.

Tanti di voi si indignano solo oggi, ma noi lo diciamo da sempre: è ora di implementare un ban totale dell'export di armi europee. È ora di sanzioni adeguate per i responsabili. È ora di smettere di essere complici di questo regime.


  Mario Borghezio, a nome del gruppo ENF.(inizio del discorso senza microfono) ... un po' pelosa, un po'dubbia quando si pensa di fare di questo come un unicum, basti pensare al KGB, basti pensare a quello che succede agli oppositori in Cina, in Iran, e poi vedere – premesso che evidentemente anche noi condanniamo questo delitto – vedere da parte dell'Occidente, e dell'Europa in particolare, considerare il pubblico ministero delle democrazie europee quell'Erdogan che tiene in prigione oltre 300 giornalisti. La vostra amica Turchia è la capitale mondiale delle prigioni dei giornalisti: 5 condannati all'ergastolo, 3 000 privati del diritto di lavorare nella loro professione.

Allora cerchiamola questa verità, sono d'accordo con l'Alto rappresentante, ma cerchiamola in tutte le direzioni. Diciamo la verità completa, per esempio che questo giornalista non è il Regeni della situazione: era un uomo che, dal suo punto di vista legittimamente, sosteneva il Qatar, sosteneva i Fratelli musulmani, che non sono proprio un'organizzazione democratica.

E allora andiamo avanti, facciamo chiarezza e domandiamoci chi sia magari la vittima politica di questo attacco, magari quello che voleva riformare a suo modo la situazione interna dell'Arabia Saudita e magari gli interessi petroliferi molto concreti.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η Σαουδική Αραβία είναι μία χώρα η οποία παραβιάζει τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και εκδικείται με σκληρό τρόπο τους υπερασπιστές τους, αλλά και όσους την επικρίνουν. Υπ’ αυτή την προϋπόθεση, η δολοφονία του Κασόγκι θα μπορούσε να ενταχθεί σε αυτή την πραγματικότητα, εάν δεν υπήρχαν οι ειδικοί δεσμοί του ανθρώπου αυτού με τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Οπότε γίνονται τα εξής ερωτήματα: Γιατί διέταξε το σαουδικό κράτος τη δολοφονία του Κασόγκι; Ήταν ο Κασόγκι ένας απλός επικριτής της κυβερνήσεως της χώρας του ή ήξερε και άλλες πληροφορίες που υπήρχε το ενδεχόμενο να τις αποκαλύψει; Επίσης, οι μυστικές υπηρεσίες των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών ήξεραν για τη δολοφονία του Κασόγκι και, αν ναι, γιατί δεν τον ειδοποιούσαν;

Εκείνο που έχει σημασία είναι ότι τα ερωτήματα αυτά δεν πρόκειται να απαντηθούν, διότι οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες με τη Σαουδική Αραβία έχουν ιδιαίτερους δεσμούς, και οικονομικούς και στρατιωτικούς. Πρόσφατα έχει υπογραφεί μια σύμβαση για αγορά στρατιωτικού υλικού αξίας 110 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων. Άρα, λοιπόν, το πιθανότερο είναι η υπόθεση Κασόγκι να τοποθετηθεί στο αρχείο, διότι οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες χρησιμοποιούν τη Σαουδική Αραβία και εναντίον του Ιράν και εναντίον της τρομοκρατίας.


  José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE). – Señor presidente, señora alta representante, señorías, sobre la base de los principios que profesamos, tenemos que expresar nuestra más enérgica condena por la muerte del periodista Yamal Jashogui y pedir, como ha hecho la alta representante, una investigación creíble que ponga a los responsables a disposición de la justicia.

Este crimen, por sus circunstancias, puede realmente comprometer la credibilidad del proceso reformista y tener consecuencias impredecibles en el orden internacional. Arabia Saudita es el principal productor de crudo del mundo, principal socio de los Estados Unidos, socio de la Unión en el marco del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo, y un actor insoslayable en la ya muy inflamable situación que se vive en la región: las guerras de Siria y Yemen, la división en el Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo y, al mismo tiempo, la peor situación desde hace muchos años en el proceso de paz de Oriente Medio.

Debemos apoyar a la alta representante para dar una respuesta coordinada a la crisis de la región, sobre la base de nuestros principios, y evitar con inteligencia que Rusia, que vende 3 200 millones de dólares en armas, sea ya no solo el principal valedor de Siria e Irán, sino que se convierta en el socio o el actor hegemónico en la región.


  Elena Valenciano (S&D). – Señor presidente, la verdad es que es muy duro hablar en esta casa de un crimen tan escabroso —según la policía, un asesinato autorizado; tal vez un crimen de Estado—, pero nuestra misión es política. Podríamos decir que Jashogui es una más de las víctimas de esa monarquía medieval saudí que persigue y ejecuta a los disidentes. La que aún no ha liberado a nuestro premio Sájarov.

Pero lo que pasa es que Jashogui se ha convertido en la víctima que ha puesto en evidencia que lo que tiene que cambiar es el juego de tronos y clanes entre Arabia Saudí y los países occidentales; por supuesto que las sanciones y dejar de vender a Arabia Saudí son siempre gestos políticos significativos, pero, por esa vía, no hemos conseguido parar la masacre en Yemen.

Sabemos que la respuesta verdaderamente eficaz consiste en restaurar la legitimidad y la fuerza del orden internacional frente a los abusos y las agresiones, vengan de donde vengan, y ese debería ser el esfuerzo de todas las potencias y de todos los países europeos: hacer un frente común —como ha dicho la alta representante— para mostrar firmeza ante los responsables de los crímenes contra la humanidad en Arabia Saudí, y en Yemen y en Siria y en Libia.

Debemos instar al secretario general de las Naciones Unidas a que lidere una investigación internacional rápida, independiente y eficaz. Los Estados Unidos también deberían participar en ese esfuerzo. Es una buena oportunidad para su propia política exterior, tan alejada en este momento de los valores universales. Toda la política de la Unión Europea debe dirigirse a reconstruir la fuerza del Derecho internacional. Apoyamos decididamente las gestiones de la alta representante.


  Bas Belder (ECR). – Voorzitter, de scene is werkelijk grotesk. In een land waar de pers op allerlei wijze monddood wordt gemaakt, gebeurt dat gewelddadig met een Saoedische journalist. Echter wat weet de Turkse overheid precies over de volstrekt abjecte – laat er geen twijfel over bestaan – over de volstrekt abjecte moord op Khashoggi? Deze cruciale vraag heeft president Erdoğan ook vandaag weer niet beantwoord. Intussen struikelen media en politici in Europa al dagen over elkaar in het afroepen van strafsancties contra de dader, het regime in Riyad.

Een verantwoorde afweging van de geopolitieke en economische effecten van de Europese strafmaatregelen is hierbij dringend geboden. Verdergaande implosie van het Midden-Oosten dient te worden voorkomen. Dat wil ik onderstrepen. Dat gevaar, dat zag wijlen Jamal Khashoggi als overtuigd islamist en geestverwant van de Moslimbroeders – zie zijn schrijfsels, die ik heb bestudeerd – absoluut niet. Dat zag hij anders en met deze politieke agenda diende hij de Washington Post als columnist. Hoe was het mogelijk – vraag ik me af als oud-journalist – een boezemvriend van wijlen Osama bin Laden op je pagina's.


  Bodil Valero (Verts/ALE). – Herr talman! Vad vi hittills fått veta om omständigheterna i fallet med den mördade saudiska journalisten Jamal Khashoggi är fruktansvärt – och det är mycket sällan jag håller med Turkiets president, som ju inte har ett gott rykte när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter. Men i detta fall vill jag också understryka att det inte är tillräckligt att lägga skulden på de säkerhetsmän som utförde mordet. Någon eller några planerade, någon beordrade. Det krävs en oberoende och rättvis utredning.

Mina tankar om Saudiarabiens respekt för medborgarnas mänskliga rättigheter har aldrig varit höga men nu har saudierna gått över alla gränser. Det är skrämmande att det är ett land som många EU-länder har nära band till, inte minst på grund av vapenexporten. Jag vill påstå att all försäljning till Saudi i det här läget strider mot våra gemensamma regler. Här i parlamentet har vi upprepade gånger begärt ett vapenembargo mot Saudiarabien. Det hedrar fru Merkel att hon vill stoppa tysk export, men det är dags för fler att ta efter. Och det är dags att förverkliga embargot, fru Mogherini. Allt annat vore faktiskt skamligt.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL). – Monsieur le Président, l’assassinat ignoble du journaliste Jamal Khashoggi devrait enfin permettre que l’on cesse de fermer les yeux sur la barbarie du régime de Riyad.

Quand on vous écoute Madame Mogherini, on a des doutes. Ne soyons pas dupes des intentions de la Turquie qui, soudain, devient défenseur de la liberté d’expression.

Il a fallu trois semaines pour que le régime saoudien avoue que le journaliste était bien mort dans les locaux de son ambassade – passons sur les différentes versions, évolutions et informations.

18 personnes auraient été arrêtées, plusieurs proches du prince héritier destitués pour une simple rixe qui a mal tourné. On va faire payer les lampistes ou plutôt ceux qui ont eu le tort de se faire prendre. Mais qui est le donneur d’ordre? L’Escadron du tigre est-il une réalité? À qui obéit-il?

Oui, il faut une enquête, mais indépendante, internationale, sous l’égide de l’ONU et il faut rompre les relations avec ce régime qui réprime, y compris dans le sang, ses opposants et finance le terrorisme international et, surtout, oui, il faut arrêter de leur vendre des armes au mépris du droit international.


  Ignazio Corrao (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Alto rappresentante, la storia di Khashoggi potrebbe essere la trama di una spy story, oppure di una pellicola pulp: è una storia ambientata in un consolato, in cui il protagonista viene fatto a pezzi, in cui intervengono travestimenti di sosia, agenti segreti ed esperti di autopsia che vivisezionano con segaossa.

Purtroppo però non stiamo parlando di finzione hollywoodiana ma della tristissima realtà. Sì, perché in questa vicenda purtroppo reale è la vittima, reale è il dolore dei familiari, a cui rivolgiamo le nostre condoglianze, e reali sono i mandanti.

Fittizia è invece l'imbarazzante versione dei fatti fornita dai sauditi, i quali sostengono che Khashoggi sarebbe deceduto a seguito di una colluttazione. Certo, una colluttazione tra un sessantenne e quindici uomini venuti appositamente da Riyadh: è una tesi molto credibile!

Il principe, non potendo più negare la responsabilità saudita, richiede adesso, sotto pressione internazionale, un ulteriore mese di tempo per svolgere le indagini. Questo suggerisce due possibili scenari: o il principe saudita non ha più il controllo del proprio regno oppure, tesi più verosimile, è direttamente responsabile dei tragici fatti di Istanbul e vuole solo guadagnare tempo.

Cosa è accaduto è chiaro a tutti: sono stati trovati da poco i resti del corpo del povero Khashoggi ma nonostante ciò, ancora una volta, non ci saranno conseguenze. Ancora una volta permetteremo ai sauditi di prenderci in giro, di sbatterci in faccia tutta la loro brutale disumanità, lo permetteremo in nome di due divinità universalmente venerate: il dio denaro e il dio petrolio.

Colleghi, questo caso si aggiunge a innumerevoli altre violazioni dei diritti umani da parte dell'Arabia Saudita, presenti e passate. Per tale motivo mi continuo a chiedere come sia possibile che l'Arabia Saudita occupi ancora un posto in seno al Consiglio per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite. È veramente uno scandalo, e abbiamo il dovere di chiedere all'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite di prendere provvedimenti.

In questo grave contesto l'Europa dovrebbe imparare a parlare con una voce sola, chiara, inequivocabile e risoluta, evitando inaccettabili fughe in avanti da parte di singoli Stati.


  Marie-Christine Arnautu (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, il aura donc fallu l’assassinat du journaliste Khashogghi pour que les gouvernements occidentaux fassent mine de découvrir le vrai visage de l’Arabie Saoudite, aux antipodes de la sympathique pétromonarchie qu’elle prétend être.

En février dernier, le ministre des affaires étrangères saoudien s’était livré, devant notre commission des affaires étrangères, à un exercice de «taqîya», vantant la politique réformatrice du prince héritier pour un islam, je cite: «ouvert, inclusif et tolérant». Les chancelleries occidentales ne demandaient pas mieux que de se laisser duper pour ne pas renoncer à leurs juteux contrats. Ainsi, quand l’Arabie Saoudite soutenait ouvertement les djihadistes en Syrie, les gouvernements occidentaux à ses côtés préféraient condamner la Russie en lutte contre les terroristes.

L’armée saoudienne bombarde les populations civiles du Yémen, nos gouvernements continuent de lui livrer des armes.

Son entrée au Conseil des droits de l’homme et à la Commission de la condition de la femme de l’ONU n’avait suscité que de molles protestations.

Sans cette hypocrisie occidentale et le sentiment d’impunité dont jouit l’Arabie Saoudite, ce journaliste serait peut-être encore vivant aujourd’hui.


  Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). – Señor presidente, Yamal Jashogui fue brutalmente asesinado y descuartizado en el Consulado de su país en Estambul. Este asesinato en sede consular es una ejecución extrajudicial, es violencia de Estado ejecutada fuera de su territorio. Yamal molestaba y decidieron eliminarlo. Además, el asesinato es un ataque más a la libertad de opinión y expresión: Daphne Caruana, Jan Cusack, Martina Kusnirova, otro más.

El asesinato y la persecución de periodistas o de formadores de opinión es un golpe demoledor contra las libertades civiles. Pedimos una investigación rigurosa e independiente para esclarecer los hechos y castigar a los culpables. Las connotaciones internacionales del caso son enormes, mucho más allá de lo dicho por Erdoğan esta mañana en la Gran Asamblea.

En esta casa el artículo 19 Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y el artículo 11 de nuestra propia Carta nos obligan y nos vinculan. Nuestra libertad depende y mucho de la prensa libre y sin fronteras.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Alto rappresentante, questa mattina Hatice Cengiz, fidanzata di Khashoggi, mi ha inviato una lettera che Le ho consegnato poco fa per conoscenza.

Quanto da lei scritto in questa lettera basta per capire quanto è avvenuto a Istanbul, che una commissione d'inchiesta potrà solo confermare. Parliamoci chiaro: è del tutto ridicolo sostenere che 15 uomini arrivati da Riyadh siano entrati nel consolato a Istanbul e abbiano torturato e ucciso un giornalista operando all'oscuro del principe ereditario.

Ciò che è successo non è solo un fatto di gravità inaudita ma dimostra, ancora una volta, che i cambiamenti annunciati da Bin Salman, con il suo tour nelle capitali mondiali, non sono stati altro che una copertura mentre il regime ha continuato a comportarsi in modo autoritario e repressivo.

Ora quanto è avvenuto impone all'Unione europea e agli Stati membri, compreso il mio –vero, onorevole Corrao – di chiudere una fase politica improntata al realismo e riconsiderare il quadro delle relazioni diplomatiche con Riyadh, prevedendo da un lato la sospensione del commercio delle armi e dall'altro sanzioni mirate nei confronti dell'attuale leadership saudita.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento))


  Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ich möchte Herrn Panzeri Folgendes fragen: Es wird ja nicht reichen, einen Haftbefehl für die Mörder auszustellen, sondern ich glaube, wir brauchen auch personalisierte Sanktionen für alle, die an der Aktion beteiligt waren. Glauben Sie, dass das Einfrieren von Konten und Reisesperren, so wie wir es in anderen Ländern machen, mit personalisierten Sanktionen der richtige Ansatz wäre?


  Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D), risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". – Parlo di sanzioni mirate verso la leadership saudita.

Io non ho la verità in tasca, ma da quanto è avvenuto mi pare di poter dire con tranquillità che c'è una responsabilità politica, c'è un mandante. Il mandante si trova a Riyadh e quindi in qualche modo è importante che si arrivi lì, si accerti la verità lì e si mettano in campo tutte le politiche sanzionatorie nei confronti di quella leadership, utilizzando tutti gli strumenti che l'Unione europea ha a disposizione.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-н Председател, държа да кажа, че не споделям фалшивия шок от бруталното убийство на саудитския журналист Джамал Хашоги. Ако някой се прави на изненадан, то той е лицемер. Не го споделям, защото няма как да бъдат изненада действията на тайните служби на една държава – брутално теократична ислямистка диктатура.

Саудитска арабия не веднъж е подкрепяла групировки, свързани с ислямския тероризъм, чиито методи не се различават от тези, използвани при убийството на журналиста. Нека си кажем истината – Саудитска арабия не е нищо повече от една ранна версия на Ислямска държава, която има своята международна легитимация. Саудитска арабия е родината на най-крайната радикална и варварска доктрина на исляма – лахабизма. Саудитска арабия разпространява този ислямизъм извън своите граници. Не веднъж в тази зала съм давал примери как саудитски фондации щедро спонсорират радикален ислям в Европа – от Балканите до Обединеното кралство.

Време е проблемът да бъде посочен ясно и категорично. Ислямизмът и радикалният ислям трябва да бъдат изкоренени от Европа. В противен случай нагли убийства като това на журналист в Истанбул ще стават все по-чести. Редно е, уважаеми, обаче всички тези държави тук, например президентът Макрон, ясно да заявят своето отношение и да спрат да продават оръжие и да спрат да печелят от кървавите петродолари на Ислямска държава.


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, when an authoritarian regime appears to be involved in the brutal murder of a citizen in one of its consulates, as seems to have happened with the journalist Mr Khashoggi, democratic governments have two possible reactions: putting human dignity above all or clinging to the economic interests that tie them to this regime. This afternoon, the Spanish Congress has shamefully chosen the latter. The status quo parties, aligned with the interests of the Crown, prefer to protect multi—million euro arms contracts instead of choosing dignity. This is nothing new. Member States have systematically been violating the common position on arms exports to countries such as Saudi Arabia, which use the war machine to violate human rights and prolong conflicts.

Ms Mogherini, the European Union and its Member States must opt for dignity. Before arms and business there is life and justice. We must put a ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia.


  Jacques Colombier (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, les autorités saoudiennes ne peuvent plus cacher l’atroce vérité: le journaliste Jamal Khashoggi a été découpé vivant et la disparition de son corps en dit long sur le sort atroce qu’il a subi, victime d’un meurtre planifié des jours à l’avance.

Le vrai visage de Mohamed Ben Salman, véritable enfant chéri des médias, des politiques et des lobbies en Europe, apparaît comme celui d’un sinistre tyran sanguinaire et brutal, vivant dans l’opulence des pétrodollars. Il a déjà montré dans la guerre atroce menée contre la population du Yémen, dans les répressions barbares contre les minorités chiites de son pays et dans la chasse lancée aux opposants, comme Raif Badawi, qu’il était sans aucun doute une des pires incarnations du pouvoir de ce véritable État voyou qu’est l’Arabie Saoudite.

L’Arabie Saoudite, qui encourage l’islam radical partout dans le monde et finance la construction de mosquées radicales et dont la responsabilité dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 est accablante. Alors au lieu de vous focaliser sur la Russie, mettez au ban des nations cet État voyou qui n’est rien d’autre qu’un Daech institutionnalisé.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Die Ermordung von Jamal Khashoggi ist ein Akt von unvorstellbarer Bestialität – wie aus einem Horrorfilm. Ein Beweis für die Rücksichtslosigkeit und Ignoranz, die das saudische Regime den Menschenrechten entgegenbringt. Das muss endlich Folgen haben!

Das Regime in Riad darf nicht länger hofiert werden, und vor allem müssen die Waffenlieferungen eingestellt werden. Das haben wir heute schon gehört. Allerdings sind Zweifel angebracht, und es ist zu befürchten, dass wir in den üblichen Modus zurückfallen: Erregung, scharfe Kritik, um dann wieder den Verlockungen des saudischen Geldes zu erliegen. So wird das nichts!

Wir brauchen keine PR-gesteuerte Revolution wie die des Kronprinzen, sondern echte Veränderung, und das hatte Khashoggi im Sinn. In seinem letzten, posthum veröffentlichten Beitrag für die Washington Post kündigte er die Gründung einer transnationalen arabischen Informationsplattform an, um den verhängnisvollen Kreislauf von Armut, Missmanagement und mangelnder Bildung zu beenden. Das war sein Vermächtnis. Deshalb dürfen wir den Glauben nicht aufgeben, dass es einmal auch eine arabische Demokratie geben wird.


  Reinhard Bütikofer (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident, werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die Arroganz, die rücksichtslose Brutalität und die höhnische Verachtung, mit der das saudische Königtum den Mord an Khashoggi organisiert hat, haben die Weltöffentlichkeit aufgeweckt. Dieses Parlament hat schon im Februar 2016 gefordert, dass gegenüber Saudi-Arabien ein Waffenembargo verhängt werden soll. Wir haben das seither mehrfach wiederholt. Denn so außerordentlich dieser eine Mord hervorsticht, so wenig steht er alleine. Man denke nur an den Krieg in Jemen, bei dem aktuell acht Millionen Menschen von Hunger bedroht sind, weil durch die Blockade nicht genug Lebensmittel zu ihnen kommen. Wir müssen handeln, Frau Hohe Vertreterin, Vizepräsidentin Mogherini! Jetzt muss Europa durch ein Waffenembargo zeigen, dass es eine Grenze zieht.


  Eugen Freund (S&D). – Mr President, I have two points to make. It’s terrible what the Saudis did to Jamal Khashoggi. There are no words for this savage killing of a journalist – and I say this as a fellow journalist. But we must not forget how gingerly we have been treating Saudi Arabia for years, and how they practically get – and got – away with anything and everything, regardless of the brutal atrocities they have been committing on their own soil, to their own people, and in Yemen and Qatar, and so on.

The second point: it’s all too ironic (if it were not so sad) that we rely on Turkey, of all countries, and on President Erdoğan, of all people, when we discuss the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi. I just wonder what all the Turkish journalists may think of us – journalists who were dragged to jail more than two years ago by the same leader who is now our key witness in the Khashoggi case. It’s only logical, therefore, to call for an independent, unbiased international investigation.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Alta Representante, as sinistras e macabras circunstâncias da morte de Jamal Khashoggi colocaram na agenda mediática de todo o mundo o que, desde há muito, aquele respeitado jornalista do Washington Post denunciava e o regime de Riade e os seus aliados tentavam branquear: a vaga de detenções, a repressão e as tentativas de humilhação pública de intelectuais e líderes religiosos discordantes do príncipe Mohammed bin Salman, líder de facto do país.

Senhora Alta Representante, a União Europeia tem de condenar este assassinato e instar as autoridades sauditas a revelarem o paradeiro do corpo de Jamal Khashoggi, a permitirem uma investigação credível e transparente para apurar o que se passou na sua missão diplomática em Istambul, numa chocante violação da Convenção de Viena sobre as relações consulares e das obrigações internacionais da Arábia Saudita como membro do Conselho das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos.

Em memória de Jamal Khashoggi, devemos ainda, mais uma vez, exigir a libertação de todos os seus colegas, como o escritor Saleh al Shehi ou o bloguer Raif Badawi, que pagam com penas de prisão as suas legítimas reivindicações pelos direitos políticos e liberdades cívicas naquele país. O embargo de armas à Arábia Saudita torna-se agora, mais do que nunca, um imperativo moral e de decência.


  Przewodniczący. – Jeszcze wyjaśnię, że będę udzielał głosu tym głównie kolegom, którzy jeszcze nie mieli szansy zabrania głosu.


  Arne Lietz (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Sehr geehrte Hohe Vertreterin, ganz herzlichen Dank für Ihren starken Vortrag für Pressefreiheit und für die Freiheit der Journalisten.

Das unterstützen wir.

Das Parlament hat Sie schon zweimal aufgefordert, auch mit den Mitgliedstaaten in Dialog zu gehen über die Rüstungsexporte. Saudi-Arabien sollte keine Rüstungsexporte mehr bekommen, das haben auch die Konservativen hier im Haus beschlossen. Es ist jetzt wichtig, dass wir dieses Thema aufrechterhalten. Selbst die deutsche Regierung erkennt an: Wenn ein Land nicht liefert, dürfen die anderen Länder auch nicht liefern.

Kohärente Außenpolitik heißt kohärente Rüstungsexportpolitik. Dementsprechend hoffe ich, dass wir das schaffen und dass Sie uns unterstützen in der Aufforderung, dass wir Saudi-Arabien hier gemeinsam europäisch die Antwort geben, keine Rüstung mehr in dieses Land zu geben, damit wir ein klares Zeichen setzen. Das ist auch eine Grundlinie für das Europäische Parlament, was wir auch über die Rüstungsexportkontrollberichte verfolgen.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie diese Botschaft mit aus dem Haus nehmen.


  Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner (ECR). – Arvoisa puhemies, toimittajan työstä on tullut vaarallista. Toimittajien suojelukomitean mukaan 64 toimittajaa on saanut surmansa jo tämän vuoden aikana ympäri maailmaa. Yksi heistä on Khashoggi, joka murhattiin Saudi—Arabian konsulaatin tiloissa Istanbulissa. On äärimmäisen tärkeää, että Khashoggin kuolemasta suoritetaan pikaisella aikataululla avoin tutkinta, jotta tapahtumien kulkuun saadaan selvyys ja murhasta vastuulliset oikeuden eteen vastaamaan teostaan.

Ei ole millään lailla hyväksyttävää, että toimittajien työtä häiritään eri tavoin, äärimmäisissä tapauksissa jopa murhaamalla. Lehdistön vapaus on erittäin tärkeä arvo, jota tulee puolustaa. Toivon siksi, että parlamentti antaa voimakkaan ja selväsanaisen tukensa tämän ja kaikkien muidenkin toimittajien murhien tutkintaan.


  Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE). – Arvoisa puhemies, korkea edustaja Mogherini, vaaditte aivan oikein toimittaja Khashoggin murhan tutkimista, avointa tutkimista, mutta se ei nyt riitä. EU maiden täytyy sitoutua olemaan myymättä aseita Saudi-Arabiaan. Se on vähintä. Nyt on EU:n arvot puntarissa. Arvostammeko ihmisoikeuksia ja lehdistönvapautta? Vai onko kuitenkin tärkeintä se, että saadaan öljyä ja raha puhuu? Tämä murha on ollut julma. Me emme tiedä vielä kaikkia yksityiskohtia, mutta kaikki se, mitä me olemme kuulleet, on kyllä sellaista, jota ei voida jättää rankaisematta.


  Ana Miranda (Verts/ALE). – Señor presidente, condenamos este terrible asesinato, condenamos los asesinatos de defensores de derechos humanos, de periodistas, de abogados, de personas, de hombres y de mujeres, de escritores. Condenamos la doble hipocresía de las fotos del rey de España, que se fotografía con el príncipe saudita; condenamos que haya Gobiernos y que haya Parlamentos que son capaces de mirar a otro lado cuando se ven estas tragedias, cuando se ven esas masacres sobre la población civil de Yemen.

Mientras unos se hacen fotos, mientras la señora Mogherini pide resoluciones comunes con las que nuestro Grupo está totalmente de acuerdo, mientras la señora Merkel rompe ya una lanza en esta batalla moviendo ficha, ¿qué hace España?, ¿qué hace el Reino Unido?, ¿qué hace Francia? Queremos saberlo, porque ellos son los Estados con mayor implicación.

Y, por eso, hacemos también un llamamiento para que la Unión Europea, en la próxima reunión de las Naciones Unidas, en la sesión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, pueda presentar una Resolución sobre la situación de los defensores de los derechos humanos, que también establezca un régimen de sanciones precisamente contra estos abusos. Matar es delito, pero poner una venda en los ojos también.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo (GUE/NGL). – Señor presidente, el asesinato de Jashogui no es un asesinato cualquiera, es un asesinato de Estado. No es una casualidad y no es un caso aislado. Es uno de los muchos casos que demuestran la brutal dictadura que es Arabia Saudí; una brutal dictadura que es un socio preferente en la compra de armas europeas. ¿Y qué hacemos? Sacamos bonitas declaraciones. Hemos sacado declaraciones para que no se vendan armas a Arabia Saudí, que bombardea a la sociedad civil en Yemen. Pero ¿se cumplen? Seguimos vendiendo armas a Arabia Saudí. Hemos visto cómo el Gobierno español sigue vendiendo armas a Arabia Saudí.

Necesitamos una posición común para que no se vendan armas desde Europa a Arabia Saudí, para que se tomen medidas que verdaderamente puedan parar lo que estamos viendo, que es esta dictadura brutal. Hay que investigar también a los comisionistas, como el señor Borbón, que se dedican a hacer negocio en nombre de todos con esta dictadura. Hay que tomar partido de una vez por todas.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, ce meurtre est inadmissible. Mais qu’est ce qui est le plus inadmissible: la mort d’un journaliste, frère musulman, ou les millions de morts en Irak dans une guerre illégale que nous avions approuvée? La Turquie, qui élimine ses opposants politiques de manière plus discrète et que nous continuons à soutenir? Les morts silencieux dans l’entourage de Mme Clinton, dont personne ne parle mais qui ont bien été éliminés?

Chers collègues, il ne faut pas de condamnations à sens unique. Vous seriez plus crédibles si vos indignations s’adressaient à tout régime qui assassine ses opposants, et croyez-moi, les crimes d’État sont nombreux.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, first of all I would like to thank Parliament for the quite strong and united voice that I’ve heard from different groups and different national backgrounds that send the same message. This very much supports and strengthens the work and the words that weʼve been doing and saying in recent weeks, namely that we want to know the truth, that we want justice, and that we will not settle for anything less.

We will continue to demand a full, credible and transparent investigation. As this Parliament was debating this murder, we released a common G7 statement going exactly in the same direction, which I think is a good message of unity and strength. We, as the European Union – and myself personally – have been very explicit so far, and we will continue to do so. We are also united.

As you know – and as some of you have said – individual Member States have either taken steps or indicated that they would be willing to take steps. Some have decided to withdraw their participation from events in Saudi Arabia and have announced other possible measures. Collectively, I believe that, as the European Union and in the Council in particular (so here I would have to cross the Chamber and sit on the other side), collectively we will have to monitor the situation as it continues to evolve in the coming days – hopefully not weeks – and decide on any measure to be taken collectively, as the European Union, based on, first and foremost, the steps that are taken by the Saudi authorities to establish the truth and to bring those responsible to justice. As I said, accountability, not revenge or any fig leaf that could hide real responsibilities.

I can also point to the fact that those of you who have taken the floor come from different political groups and different countries. Most of you come from parties that have a majority in the national governments. Maybe there is something you can also do when it comes to your national governments’ positions. It’s true that there are different attitudes among Member States at the moment on some of the measures. I notice that there are also different attitudes within government coalitions in single countries that are quite evident in this Chamber. So we can all work on more unity, and I think we have the duty to do so in the coming days: to react properly, rationally, united and in coordination with our international partners.

I also want to thank the Parliament for a second reason, and I will finish with that. This debate was important, but the constant focus that you help us to put on freedom of speech and the support we give – not only to journalists around the world, but also to human rights activists, civil society organisations, and to political opposition in some cases – is vital. This will remain at the core of our foreign policy, with one key element that some of you mentioned today and that to me is really vital, namely that this is done, and will continue to be done, in the case of the European Union, regardless of geopolitics. It’s not because we like one country more than another; it’s not because one country is more, or less, credible than another that we will stay more silent. We will continue to support civil society, human rights, journalists and activists everywhere in the world, and we will continue to denounce and to oppose all measures against a free, open society everywhere in the world. We will continue to engage in every situation where freedom and human rights are under attack, whoever the victim, wherever it takes place and whatever the country.



  Przewodniczący. – Otrzymałem siedem projektów rezolucji złożonych zgodnie z art. 123 ust. 2 Regulaminu.

Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 25 października 2018 r.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Ana Gomes (S&D), por escrito. – É deplorável que a UE não tenha tido posição clara, unida e firme, mal houve notícia do desaparecimento do jornalista Jamal Khashoggi. O assassinato do jornalista Khashoggi resulta da perceção de total impunidade incutida na ditadura saudita, desde logo pelos seus aliados americanos e europeus. Uma impunidade que continua, mesmo depois de o Príncipe Herdeiro Mohammed Bin Salman ter sequestrado o primeiro-ministro libanês, Saad Hariri, em 2017, e de ter sido necessária a intervenção do Presidente francês para o resgatar.

É mais do que hora de pôr fim ao encobrimento e ao conluio com o regime fora-da-lei saudita. Este Parlamento e toda a UE têm de exigir uma investigação independente, sob a alçada das Nações Unidas, que determine quem foram os responsáveis pelo assassinato de Jamal Khashoggi e que os obrigue a serem julgados por um tribunal internacional. Todos os esbirros já identificados como tendo estado envolvidos no assassínio, incluindo o de Mohammed Bin Salman, têm de constar da lista de sanções pessoais, incluindo congelamento de ativos e proibições de entrada na UE. Os governos europeus têm de pôr imediatamente cobro à venda de armas à Arábia Saudita, que viola escandalosamente a sua própria Posição Comum, vinculativa, sobre a exportação de armamentos.


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Istanbulis Saudi Araabia konsulaadis tapetud Saudi Araabia ajakirjaniku Jamal Khashoggi surma asjaolude selgitamiseks tuleb algatada sõltumatu ja läbipaistev rahvusvaheline uurimine ning juhtunule tuleb rahvusvaheliselt reageerida. Süüdlased tuleb välja selgitada ja tunnustatud, usaldusväärse, sõltumatu ja erapooletu kohtu ees vastutusele võtta. Kui Saudi Araabia võimude seotus ajakirjaniku kadumise ja tapmisega leiab üheselt tõestust, peavad EL ja liikmesriigid olema valmis kehtestama Saudi Araabiale sanktsioonid, nagu viisakeeld ja mõrva eest vastutavate isikute varade külmutamine. ELi nõukogul tuleb arutada ELi riikide relvamüügiembargot Saudi Araabiale. Ühtlasi tuleks kehtestada keeld järelevalvesüsteemide ja muude elanikkonna mahasurumiseks kasutatavate kahesuguse kasutusega kaupade ekspordile Saudi Araabiasse. EL peab pidama Saudi Araabiaga kõnelusi, võttes teemaks sealsed probleemid inimõiguste ja põhivabadustega ning Saudi Araabia murettekitava käitumise laiemas Lähis-Ida piirkonnas, sealhulgas Jeemenis. Khashoggi tapmisjuhtum on erakordselt jõhker, kuid paraku on Saudi Araabia võimude tagakiusamise ohvriks langenud veel palju inimõiguslasi, ajakirjanikke, juriste, blogijaid ja kirjanikke. Seda nii riigis sees kui ka mujal. Saudi Araabia peab kiirendama sotsiaalsete ja poliitiliste reformide läbiviimist ning austama inimõigusi. ELil tuleb jätkuvalt nõuda ka moratooriumi kehtestamist surmanuhtlusele.


  Indrek Tarand (Verts/ALE), kirjalikult. – Me seisame silmitsi järjekordse riiklikult tellitud mõrvaga, sedapuhku on toimumispaik Istanbul. Mitte Bratislava, Valletta, või Sofia. Ning siin taustal on ka teatud seosed riiklikult tellitud mõrvadega Salisburys. Niisugused keskajas juurdunud valitsused ei tohiks nautida vabaduse, võrdsuse ja vendluse vundamendile rajatud ühiskondade toetust. Samas on maailm karm ning eks majanduskasvu mantra nõuab ka relvaeksporti. Seda nii geo-strateegilistest kaalutlustest lähtuvalt kui ka tööturu võimaluste avardamise pärast. Meenutan siiski, et nii Iraan, Venemaa kui ka Saudi Araabia, kes võtavad vabalt oma välismaal viibivaid kodanikke mõrvata, on eelkõige petro-dollari riigid. Ning sestap ei pea me alustama neile relvamüügi keelust, vaid Gazpromi ja Aramco keelust. Ning arvestades viimase jälestusväärse roima toimepanemise asjaolusid, peaksime hoopis kehtestama ekspordipiirangud saagidele – Husqvarna, Stihli ja Hilti saetootjad peaksid vaatama, kuhu nad oma kaupa müüvad....


Puhetta johti HEIDI HAUTALA

Päivitetty viimeksi: 11. tammikuuta 2019Oikeudellinen huomautus - Tietosuojakäytäntö