Menetlus : 2018/2083(INI)
Menetluse etapid istungitel
Dokumendi valik : A8-0338/2018

Esitatud tekstid :


Arutelud :

PV 12/11/2018 - 18
CRE 12/11/2018 - 18

Hääletused :

PV 13/11/2018 - 4.9
CRE 13/11/2018 - 4.9
Selgitused hääletuse kohta

Vastuvõetud tekstid :


Istungi stenogramm
Esmaspäev, 12. november 2018 - Strasbourg

18. Arengut soodustav digitaliseerimine: vaesuse vähendamine tehnoloogia abil (lühiettekanne)
Sõnavõttude video

  Elnök asszony. – A következő napirendi pont a Bogdan Brunon Wenta által a Fejlesztési Bizottság nevében készített, a „Digitalizáció a fejlődésért: a szegénység csökkentése technológia segítségével” című jelentésről folytatott vita (2018/2083(INI)) (A8-0338/2018).

Ez és az előző téma tulajdonéppen fedi is egymást. A legutolsó jelentések már tisztán megmutatják, hogy a szegénység és a kisebbségi lét nagyon sok esetben fedi egymást. Ezért is volt fontos, hogy az Európai Unió megtalálja azokat a digitális eszközöket, amelyekkel a szegénység felszámolásáért lehet küzdeni.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Rapporteur. – Madam President, let me start by thanking all shadow rapporteurs for their good cooperation on this report outlining the impact of technology and digitisation in developing countries. I welcome the Commission strategy on mainstreaming digitisation into EU development policy announced last year, and EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel’s statement that Europe is dedicated to helping Africa build a single digital market. We managed to prepare in our committee a very comprehensive text addressing the main opportunities and challenges that digitisation brings to development cooperation and humanitarian action.

Nelson Mandela said that communication technologies have transformed the way people live and the manner in which countries develop. They have the potential to enable us to solve many of the critical problems confronting us. If this potential is to be realised then we must find ways of turning these technologies into a resource for all people, despite the challenges they face within their communities.

What does it mean? Digital technologies have huge potential in terms of reducing poverty, increasing the competitiveness of the economy and creating employment opportunities.

Whereas digitisation is rapidly growing globally our partners from developing countries continue to lag behind, losing the opportunity to fully utilise their human capital towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. According to the 2016 World Development Report on Digital Dividends, six billion people lack access to high-speed internet and four billion still have no internet access at all. At a time when digitisation is growing fast, this lack of access is a major challenge to development as it continues to widen gaps and inequalities in the world. At the same time, a huge increase in mobile services is securing across the planet and the numbers of mobile users are now surpassing the numbers of people having access to electricity, sanitation or clean water.

Digitisation can be a powerful development tool in a number of policy areas such as governance, education, health, gender equality, economic growth and agriculture. In order for it to be effective, bridging the digital divide has to be mainstreamed into every other policy area in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In order to realise these goals, both developing countries and developed countries, as well as all actors – both public and private – need to maximise and join their efforts.

In the European Consensus on Development which is a crucial document on development policy of the EU and its Member States, we can find the bold statement that they will continue to support information and communication technologies in developing countries as powerful enablers of inclusive growth and sustainable development. Special attention has been given to supporting digital literacy and skills to empower people, especially women, and people in vulnerable and marginalised situations to promote social inclusion and to facilitate the participation in democratic governance and the digital economy.

We are all aware of the fact that in this area of developing cooperation, public funding will not be sufficient for a truly transformative digitalisation process. For this very reason, there is a need for public-private cooperation based on development principles.

The private sector needs to get involved and play a role through its expertise and innovation know-how. I am convinced that the substantial support from the EU, international actors and both public and private sectors, will allow us to step up the process of bridging the digital divide with a strong commitment to this process from the developing countries.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já bych chtěla velmi poděkovat za tuto zprávu panu kolegovi Bogdanu Wentovi. On upozornil na to, že bohužel ani v rámci Evropské unie na tom nejsou všechny členské státy v otázce digitalizace stejně. Ještě více to ale platí pro rozvojové země. Například subsaharská Afrika je na tom z pohledu digitalizace a přístupnosti k internetu nejhůře. A právě v těchto rozvojových oblastech platí, že digitalizace představuje velkou příležitost ekonomického a sociálního rozvoje.

Jednotlivé členské státy by tedy měly tuto oblast digitalizace přijmout do svých národních strategií rozvojové spolupráce. Mnohé oblasti jsou na tom velmi dobře, není problém s počtem mobilních telefonů či internetu, ale je to velmi geograficky nevyvážené, a tady potřebujeme udělat změnu. Chtěla bych upozornit na ochranu před nebezpečím, které spočívá ve zneužívání osobních dat, ve zneužívání internetu pro šíření radikalismu. I toto je věc, ve které může být Evropská unie dobrým příkladem.


  Maria Gabriela Zoană (S&D). – Doamna președintă, doamna comisar, trăim în epoca digitală, o epocă care a generat o viteză incredibilă în modul în care aflăm sau distribuim informațiile. Digitalizarea a adus cu sine oportunități importante, în special în modul în care avem acces la informații noi, a timpului scurt necesar accesării acestora, dar și în modul în care folosim aceste informații pentru a ne ușura viața de zi cu zi.

Sărăcia este una dintre consecințele directe a lipsei de informație. Fie că vorbim despre rata de alfabetizare dintr-o anumită zonă sau despre accesul la educație superioară, digitalizarea aduce cu sine o serie de avantaje. Digitalizarea înseamnă și dezvoltarea unor aplicații de utilitate publică ce pot fi folosite de administrațiile publice locale în beneficiul cetățenilor. Digitalizarea înseamnă o imensă oportunitate pentru tinerii din ziua de azi: învățarea unui limbaj de programare, dar chiar și deprinderea abilităților digitale de bază oferă o șansă în plus celor care se apleacă spre acest domeniu - tehnologia informațiilor și comunicațiilor. Tineri de oriunde și din orice mediu social pot avea acest succes.

Pe scurt, digitalizarea aduce cu sine oportunitatea unei șanse în plus la obținerea unui loc de muncă, beneficii pentru comunități și, în final, posibilitatea reducerii sărăciei prin accesul la informație și la cunoaștere.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, συζητούμε για την ψηφιοποίηση, που πρέπει να μπει στην υπηρεσία της ανάπτυξης για τη μείωση της φτώχειας με τη χρήση της τεχνολογίας. Όμως, το ερώτημα είναι, τι εννοούμε με την έννοια «ανάπτυξη»; Θα έχουμε ανάπτυξη για ποιον, για ποια συμφέροντα, προς ποια κατεύθυνση και με ποιον τρόπο; Θα έχουμε ανάπτυξη με δίκαιη κατανομή του πλούτου και με δικαιοσύνη; Ή θα έχουμε ανάπτυξη προκειμένου απλώς οι πλούσιοι να γίνουν πλουσιότεροι και οι φτωχοί φτωχότεροι; Και, ταυτόχρονα, οι χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού βορρά, οι αναπτυγμένες χώρες, να προχωρούν μπροστά και οι αναπτυσσόμενες να μένουν πίσω; Άρα, λοιπόν, είναι πρωτίστως θέμα επιλογής.

Δεύτερον, οι τεχνολογίες δεν είναι κοινωνικά ουδέτερες. Μπορεί να αξιοποιηθούν προς την κατεύθυνση της υπερεκμετάλλευσης των αναπτυσσόμενων χωρών. Μπορούν όμως, εφόσον γίνουν οι σωστές πολιτικές επιλογές, να μπουν στην υπηρεσία της ανάπτυξης των ίδιων των αναπτυσσόμενων χωρών, προκειμένου οι χώρες αυτές να μπορέσουν να δρέψουν τους καρπούς της δικής τους ανάπτυξης και να εκμεταλλευτούν οι ίδιες τον δικό τους πλούτο.


(„Catch the eye” eljárás vége)


  Corina Crețu, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the Commission welcomes this report and I would like to thank rapporteur Wenta and the Committee on Development (DEVE) for their work. Digitalisation is a key factor for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and of course it provides cost-effective solutions to development needs by creating high—quality jobs and sustainable growth. It is also an effective instrument to address challenges such as social exclusion and inequality, cybersecurity, data protection and governance.

In May 2017, the Commission services put forward a new Digital4Development strategic approach, the so-called D4D, which outlines four priority areas for future EU interventions: access to open, affordable and secure broadband connectivity and digital infrastructure; digital literacy skills; digital for growth, entrepreneurship and job creation; and digital technologies as an enabler. The D4D approach has gained momentum. It is now reflected in the European Consensus on Development and in the Communication on a new Africa—Europe alliance for sustainable investment in jobs. More generally, under the current period, the Commission’s development policy has put a strong emphasis on digitalisation. Last year alone, over EUR 100 million were invested in projects covering mostly regional digital infrastructure. Besides, over EUR 200 million are being invested to support a new initiative in key thematic areas: energy, governance, education, health and agriculture.

We also have the European Union External Investment Plan adopted in September 2017, which can support digital solutions for local needs. Thanks to its financial arm – the European Fund for Sustainable Development – it helps secure private investment. So far, two projects have been selected for a total of EUR 175 million.

Lastly, the European Union, in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, is preparing the first Africa e—commerce week in December. The objective is to trigger policy harmonisation for an African single digital market and to engage with the local private sector.

Now, looking towards the future, the Commission will continue in the context of the next Multiannual Financial Framework to support developments through ambitious digital policies, with a strong focus on youth. We will also prioritise digital education skills and technical and vocational training to ensure the labour offer matches market demand. We also wish to strengthen our political dialogue with partner countries and regional organisations – in particular the African Union – to promote good governance and an investment-friendly climate. We will also strengthen the actions of our EU delegations, notably by setting up a network of contact points on D4D.

To conclude, in the light of our discussion, we can all agree that we have reached a pivotal moment. Together with the EU Member States, the European financial institutions, the private sector and civil society, we have the opportunity to truly influence the impact of digital transformation worldwide. In this endeavour, the Commission is confident that the European Parliament will keep momentum and remain a strong partner. Thank you for your attention. I would also like to congratulate you, rapporteur, on being elected Mayor – I wish you good luck and a lot of success, for the benefit of the citizens of your city.


  Elnök asszony. – A napirendi pontot ezzel lezárom.

A szavazásra 2018. november 13-án, kedden kerül sor.

Írásos nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), napisan. – Digitalizacija danas predstavlja ključ za održivi razvoj te utječe na sve segmente ljudskih života. Potrebno je premostiti tehnološke podjele koje dovode do društvene nejednakosti te omogućiti pristup internetu širokoj masi kako bi svi ljudi bili jednako informirani te mogli komunicirati međusobno. Tehnološki napredak i digitalizacija moraju biti suština svih razvojnih politika. Uključivanje novih ljudi u donošenje odluka i razmjenu informacija pomoći će razvoju i napretku svijeta.

Jedno od rješenja kojim bi se premostila digitalna podjela je Europski konsenzus o razvoju koji jasno definira obvezu te navodi da će EU i države članice i dalje podupirati informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije u zemljama u razvoju kao elemente na temelju kojih se omogućuje uključivi rast i održivi razvoj te da će raditi na lakšem uvođenju digitalnih rješenja i promicanju upotrebe digitalnih tehnologija u nizu prioritetnih područja. Ulaganje u digitalizaciju može biti snažan pokretač rasta u tim zemljama, ali je bitno da takvo ulaganje dopire do svih, neovisno o rodu, geografskoj pripadnosti ili ekonomskom statusu.

Cilj je uz bolju infrastrukturu i poboljšani pristup internetu stvoriti energetsku mrežu, smanjiti poreze na digitalne proizvode i usluge te promicati tržišno natjecanje. Smatram da će digitalizacija uvelike pridonijeti rješavanju problema siromaštva u svijetu i nejednakosti u društvu.

Viimane päevakajastamine: 8. aprill 2019Õigusteave - Privaatsuspoliitika