Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest oświadczenie Komisji w sprawie pakietu dotyczącego jednolitego rynku (2018/2903(RSP)).
Elżbieta Bieńkowska,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, today we have the opportunity to talk about the communication we have just issued on the Single Market. In March, maybe some of you remember, the European Council asked us to present the state of play of the Single Market. They called on us to assess the remaining barriers, but also to set out opportunities for the future. Of course, there are more reasons why we decided to and why we needed to put this out right now. First, and most obviously, because this Parliament has six months left in this term and this Commission has just under one year. It is right to tell citizens and businesses where each of us stands. It is right that they know what the Commission has done and what the co-legislators have done so far. Second, because everyone in this room knows that the Single Market and the freedoms of the Single Market are really under threat today. Third, because there is no time to lose: what I hear again and again from businesses and entrepreneurs is that every minute we delay in creating the true Single Market is really an extra minute for our competitors in Asia or in the United States.
We need to revive the case for the Single Market. We need to shift the narrative from the traditional – completing the Single Market – to the new one: the Single Market as a tool to improve the lives of our citizens, raise our industrial competitiveness, to boost our standing and influence in the world. The traditional narrative of completing the Single Market really means only ticking the boxes, and this is what really, really a lot of bureaucrats do, but this is not really what we need right now in this moment of history.
Our communication shows that there are very real benefits for our citizens and for businesses, not just in terms of jobs, not just in terms of more growth, but also in terms of freedoms and opportunities for people’s lives. It shows also three main areas where we really need to do more. These areas are as follows:
First, we need to adopt the proposals on the table. We have put forward, as a Commission, proposals only where there were the highest priority and all of them passed the most strict impact assessment. We have not flooded both Parliament and the Council with the new proposals, but still the statistics are stark. For instance, out of 67 proposals from the Commission directly relevant to the proper functioning of the Single Market, 44, for now, have still not been agreed by Parliament and the Council. The situation is especially bad on services and on capital markets and the banking union. We also need to agree on some key proposals for our digital Single Market, for example, copyright, e-privacy and platforms to business, just to name a few. We have four months to remedy this. We have four months to find truly intelligent compromises.
Secondly, we need to ensure that the rules deliver in practice. The Single Market needs everybody in the EU to play by the agreed rules. Let me just mention two words: defeat devices. I am currently dealing with over 1 000 infringement cases and this is over 1 000 unfair limitations on our citizens and on our businesses. I don’t exempt businesses from the criticism either. We recently, for example, found out that 40% of websites do not allow customers from other Member States to conclude purchases online. Geo-blocking: our geo-blocking regulation enters into force next week, and it needs to be implemented very swiftly.
Third, a real third point, we must continue adapting the Single Market so that it really fits a changing economy. We have to be more precise on how services become more important because they complement products or replace products. We need to be more ambitious in integrating digital technology in our traditional service sectors. The Single Market for services, as we all know, does not work as well as the Single Market for goods, but it offers really great opportunities and it shows enormous untapped potential. We need to look more at how the Single Market supports our trade agenda and we need to reflect more on how to be much more consistent and ambitious on enforcement and how this fits with our competition rules.
Let me conclude by saying that of course I understand that these are not easy issues. I understand that they take political courage and they need strong leadership, but time and again, I hear representatives of different institutions and different Member States declaring their belief in the Single Market outside the negotiating room. Once they enter this negotiation room, the proposals are blocked or watered down. Decent proposals are blocked or watered down. When the European Council addresses or discusses the future of the Single Market next month, I hope that the leaders will renew their commitments, not only in words but also in deeds, and I hope that they will show true leadership on this.
Andreas Schwab, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich finde es gut, dass die Kommission einige Monate vor den Europawahlen mit dieser Mitteilung nochmals deutlich gemacht hat, dass der Binnenmarkt und die Zusammenarbeit der Volkswirtschaften der 28 Mitgliedstaaten das Wohlstandspotenzial beinhalten, das uns in Europa Wachstum beschert und letztlich für den Wohlstand von knapp 500 Millionen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in Europa verantwortlich ist. Leider kann man das am Ende nur mit Zahlen zeigen, und Zahlen führen immer ein Stück weit dazu, dass Emotionen verloren gehen. Aber um mich kurz zu fassen: Dass es uns in Europa heute so gut geht – und das gilt ja statistisch für alle Mitgliedstaaten im Durchschnitt, auch wenn es viele Bürgerinnen und Bürger nicht wahrhaben wollen –, das liegt daran, dass wir in Europa zusammenarbeiten, dass wir ganz häufig statt 28 unterschiedlichen einzelnen Regelungen nur eine europäische haben. Deswegen muss man ganz deutlich sagen: Europa steht nicht für Bürokratie, sondern mit einer europäischen Regelung schaffen wir gleichzeitig 27 ab. Deswegen bedeutet der Binnenmarkt weniger Bürokratie.
Das gilt natürlich insbesondere auch im Hinblick darauf, was Frau Kommissarin angesprochen hat, dass die Mitgliedstaaten, die betroffenen economic stakeholders im Außengespräch immer darauf hinweisen, wie stark sie für den Binnenmarkt sind, aber wenn es konkret wird, tun sie sich schwer. Wir haben das mit dem Dienstleistungspaket der Kommission gesehen. Aber ich darf natürlich auch darauf hinweisen, dass das Europäische Parlament in harter Arbeit auch bei manchem Widerstand des Rates dafür gesorgt hat, dass wir jedenfalls zwei der Vorschläge mehrheitsfähig gemacht haben, die sich letztlich genau diesen Anfeindungen in den Mitgliedstaaten auch ausgesetzt sahen.
Deswegen glaube ich, dass wir in den kommenden Jahren viel stärker darauf hinweisen müssen, dass der Binnenmarkt eben nicht nur die Zuständigkeit des Binnenmarktkommissars ist, dass der Binnenmarkt eben nicht nur GD GROW ist, sondern dass der Binnenmarkt von sehr vielen weiteren Zuständigkeiten in der Europäischen Kommission geprägt ist, die alle zusammenarbeiten müssen, damit sie die europäischen Mitgliedstaaten entsprechend überzeugen können.
Nicola Danti, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, voglio ringraziare anche la Commissaria per questa comunicazione. Credo sia importante celebrale questi 25 anni di mercato unico – che è sicuramente una storia di successo dell'Europa – ma cominciare anche ad avere un approccio diverso, perché comunque non tutto va bene, e qui si mette anche il bene in evidenza e, soprattutto, bisogna cominciare a far passare il concetto che il mercato unico non è semplicemente una categoria astratta ma impatta sulla vita dei cittadini ogni giorno: dal roaming ai prodotti digitali, ai consumatori. Insomma, un sacco di cose che migliorano la vita dei cittadini.
Io penso che sia importante fare un bilancio di questo fine legislatura: è chiaro che la Commissione ha avuto molte proposte sul tavolo – lo ha ricordato lei Commissaria – è anche vero che molte di queste proposte sono state sostenute con convinzione dal Parlamento. Tra queste: sicuramente l'abolizione del roaming, lo sportello unico digitale, il regolamento sulla cooperazione in materia di consumatori, le iniziative in materia dei dati – sia il free flow che i dati personali, insomma il geo-blocking – lo ha ricordato – tutte cose sulle quali il Parlamento ha dato il contributo in senso migliorativo.
Certamente, abbiamo perso tempo su delle proposte che non erano delle migliori, quelle sul pacchetto servizi; queste non andavano incontro alle esigenze dei cittadini né davano un valore aggiunto alla qualità della loro vita. Penso all'e-card – che abbiamo fermato in questo Parlamento – anche se abbiamo trovato poi alcuni compromessi sul test di proporzionalità e sulle notifiche.
Però, Commissaria, me lo faccia dire: ci sono anche delle proposte che sono arrivate tardi. Lei ha ragione, abbiamo pochi mesi davanti a noi, ma abbiamo avuto, solo nell'ultimo anno, proposte importanti che riguardano la tutela dei consumatori, che riguardano il pacchetto beni, che riguardano le piattaforme. Queste proposte con sei mesi di tempo in più sarebbero state sicuramente portate a termine da questo Parlamento e invece, purtroppo, ci troviamo in queste ore a fare le corse per portare a termine cose molto importanti per i consumatori e i cittadini europei.
Però Presidente, mi faccia dire un'ultima cosa alla Commissaria: io penso che il mercato unico avrà un'evoluzione solo se affronteremo anche il tema fiscale, senza un tema fiscale in Europa il mercato unico avrà sempre maggiori difficoltà ad andare avanti.
(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento)).
Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ich möchte mich bei Herrn Danti recht herzlich bedanken, weil er angesprochen hat, dass die Roaming-Regelung für unsere Bürgerinnen und Bürger einen echten Nutzen der Europäischen Union darstellt.
Jetzt geht es natürlich darum, dass wir „roam like at home“ entwickelt haben – das ist auch bei der Bevölkerung sehr gut angekommen. Aber die SIM-Karten, die wir kaufen, dürfen wir nur in unserem eigenen Mitgliedstaat kaufen. Deshalb ist ein Wettbewerb zwischen den europäischen Mitgliedstaaten bis jetzt nicht möglich.
Glauben Sie, dass es in Zukunft möglich wird, eine SIM-Karte in allen 28 Mitgliedstaaten zu kaufen und echten Wettbewerb zu generieren?
Nicola Danti (S&D), Risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". – Signor Presidente, io penso che ancora abbiamo da fare molti passi avanti sul tema della concorrenza a livello europeo. Sicuramente possiamo fare passi avanti. È chiaro che noi dobbiamo però garantire a livello europeo che vi sia una reale concorrenza ed equità anche da un punto di vista fiscale, perché un'azienda che paga poche tasse in un paese rischia di fare concorrenza sleale in questo settore, come in altri settori, alle aziende che invece pagano un livello di tassazione maggiore. Per questo io penso che il mercato unico avrà una grande prospettiva se accompagneremo la parte normativa di rafforzamento del mercato unico con un rafforzamento della politica fiscale.
Daniel Dalton, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I’d like to start by thanking the Commission because this report is a stark warning that the Single Market is far from complete, lacks political support from Member States and is, in fact, under threat. At the heart of this report is a goods-services divide. The Single Market in goods is well developed, although often undermined by national regulations, but the Single Market in services has barely got out of the starting gates. Only a third of Single Market-related legislation proposed this term has been approved. If we didn’t already have the Services Directive, does anyone really believe that it would be passed today?
The European Parliament is often as guilty as Member States of protectionism. The e-card system, which would have made it easier for professionals to work across borders, was blocked here. The Single Market is supposed to be at the heart of the EU. Services is supposed to be one of the four freedoms – that’s what I keep hearing in the Brexit negotiations – yet this Parliament seems to show little interest in it. Try being a hairdresser in Germany or a ski instructor in France. It’s virtually impossible, and we are discriminating against other European citizens here. We need to match rhetoric with delivery and real commitment if the Single Market is to progress further. The risk today is that it slips backwards.
Dita Charanzová, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I will start with a quote from the Mario Monti report: ‘the single market is less popular than ever, yet it’s more needed than ever.’
So 20 years since Jacques Delors declared the single market, people now take for granted the benefits it has brought our citizens: from cheaper and safer products to the right to work freely in any Member State, the four freedoms of the single market are the crown jewels of the European Union. It is something to treasure and to protect. The daily benefits of the European Union can be found in the single market. I do share your conclusions, your regret that after 25 years the single market is still not complete. The four freedoms, especially on services, are not fully implemented. So we must do more.
I believe the European Council must commit to a new pledge to further complete the single market by 2025, including a new binding timetable for action as European leaders did in 1985, a new pledge based on a proactive movement towards strengthening the single market and away from a defensive national focus. We must not fall into the trap of returning to national protection measures and new regulatory barriers, such as gold-plating European legislation. Our citizens need to understand that it is the single market and trade that supports jobs and growth, it is not isolationism in the form of new barriers.
João Ferreira, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, o Mercado Único tem ganhadores e tem perdedores. A livre concorrência capitalista no Mercado Único tem efeitos assimétricos, que tendem a acentuar a divergência económica e social. De um lado, as principais economias da União Europeia e da zona euro, e as respetivas multinacionais, que colonizaram mercados do centro às periferias, são os ganhadores. Do outro lado, os países economicamente mais frágeis, expostos a uma concorrência desigual e destrutiva, cujos mercados foram colonizados com forte disrupção do tecido empresarial, são os perdedores.
A política de coesão insuficiente nunca compensou por inteiro este efeito divergente e assimétrico. O aprofundamento do Mercado Único, por outro lado, foi subjugando ao mercado esferas crescentes da vida económica e social, e é indissociável das liberalizações, das privatizações e do ataque aos serviços públicos e às funções sociais do Estado. O retrato idílico que a direita e a social-democracia recorrentemente fazem do Mercado Único corresponde apenas a uma das faces da moeda: a dos interesses que defendem.
Os trabalhadores e os povos não têm razões para se reverem neste retrato.
Robert Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, w imieniu grupy EFDD. – Panie Przewodniczący! Jednolity rynek to największy, o ile nie jedyny sukces Unii Europejskiej. Jednak w ostatnich latach widać, że wciąż dużą rolę odgrywa na nim indywidualne podejście i interesy państw członkowskich, głównie dobrze rozwiniętych krajów Europy Zachodniej, kosztem słabszych partnerów z krajów nowej Unii. Interesy te wspierane są przez unijną administrację i unijne agencje.
To właśnie bizantyjska administracja tworzy kolejne bariery wejścia na wspólny rynek, tym samym nakładając kaganiec na wolność i wolny handel. W 2017 r. obowiązywało aż 7076 dyrektyw dotyczących jednolitego rynku. Czy to wciąż jest jeszcze wolny rynek? Jeśli chcemy utrzymania wolnego handlu, jeśli chcemy zwiększyć konkurencyjność, jeśli chcemy wzmocnić nasz przemysł, to wstrzymajmy legislacyjną machinę i pozwólmy firmom na spokojną konkurencję na faktycznie wolnym rynku.
Dobromir Sośnierz (NI). – Panie Przewodniczący! Jednolity rynek będzie wtedy, kiedy państwa powstrzymają się od jego regulowania. Każda regulacja, nawet próba regulacji wspólnej dla wszystkich państw dokonanej przez Parlament Europejski, prowadzi do tego, że rynek nie jest jednolity. Nawet te wspólne regulacje są bowiem wdrażane przez parlamenty narodowe trochę inaczej i kończy się to – jak ja to mówię – pozłacaniem, czyli tym, że przy wdrażaniu niektóre państwa podważają czasami sens danego aktu, a przynajmniej intencje prawodawcy unijnego.
Poza tym muszę się odnieść do tych nieprawdopodobnych bzdur wygłaszanych przez mojego przedmówcę na temat nieuczciwej konkurencji podatkowej. Nieuczciwe to jest opodatkowanie ludzi w sposób nadmierny. Nieuczciwe jest w ogóle opodatkowanie ludzi, by przeznaczyć uzyskane środki na rzeczy, które nie są absolutnie niezbędne dla funkcjonowania państwa. Nieuczciwe jest zabieranie siłą ludziom pieniędzy i dawanie ich innym ludziom. To jest nieuczciwe. Nie ma nic nieuczciwego w tym, że gdzieś obniża się podatki, bo obniżanie podatków jest właśnie formą uczciwości. Uczciwe jest, kiedy każdy dysponuje tym, co sam wypracował.
Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já se zde také hlásím k těm řečníkům, kteří jednoznačně vyzdvihují význam a pozitiva jednotného trhu. Zkrátka a dobře i pro ty občany EU, kteří jsou třeba kritičtí k některým našim politikám, tak politika jednotného trhu je jasně vysvětlitelná a obhajitelná. Nicméně bojujeme pořád s protekcionismem a myšlenky jednotného trhu musíme pořád obhajovat a vysvětlovat.
Paní komisařka ve svém vystoupení položila řečnickou otázku, jestli bude jednotný trh někdy dokončen. Já se domnívám, že jednotný trh nebude nikdy dokončen. Pořád budou oblasti, ve kterých bude vhodné upravovat již přijaté právní předpisy anebo nacházet jednotnou regulaci pro celou Evropu. Kdyby se ty základní institucionální rámce jednotného trhu podařilo přijmout do roku 2025, bylo by to skvělé. V každém případě se domnívám, že je třeba na konci volebního období udělat revizi toho, co nebylo ještě přijato, a tyto věci předat příští administrativě, příští Komisi, příštímu Parlamentu. Bylo by totiž velkou škodou, kdyby příští Parlament a příští Komise začínaly tzv. od nuly a nenavázaly na to, co udělala tato Komise, co schválil tento Parlament.
Vedle toho, co nebylo dokončeno, bychom také měli sdělit vize, kde si myslíme, že by v příštím volebním období měly být cíle Parlamentu i Komise napjaty, je to třeba v oblasti služeb. Já i jako někteří moji kolegové cítím, že v oblasti služeb zkrátka a dobře ta regulace nefunguje příliš efektivně.
Christel Schaldemose (S&D). – Hr. Formand! Tak for det. Jeg vil starte med og sige tusind tak til fru Bienkowska for at gøre en rigtig vigtig sag for bilindustrien og for det indre marked, nemlig at gå i rette med de medlemslande, der ikke sørger for og overholde vores lovgivning. Tak for det, det er nødvendigt, selv om det er hårdt arbejde. Det indre marked er rigtig rigtig vigtigt for os, og vi fejrer dets 25 års fødselsdag. Men når vi så samtidig alligevel også ser oversigten, og ser, at vi ikke er i mål med alle tingene, så kan det måske også skyldes at vi nogen gange får fokuseret på en smule af det forkerte. Det er altså, rigtig vigtigt, at vi selvfølgelig har de rigtige love på det indre marked. Men implementeringen skal også være i orden, og håndhævelsen skal også være i orden, og det har den ikke været. Måske skal vi fremadrettet være mere fokuserede på at have lidt færre love, vi arbejder med, for at få det indre marked til og fungere. Det skal ikke forstås som om, jeg er imod regulering, jeg vil gerne have regulering, men lidt færre, lidt vigtigere love, og så sørge for, at de bliver vedtaget, implementeret og håndhævet Det tror jeg er vejen frem for vores gode indre marked.
Zgłoszenia z sali
Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, volný pohyb zboží, služeb, lidí a kapitálu je zásadním faktorem pro celoevropskou prosperitu. Vytváříme tak druhou nejsilnější ekonomiku na světě a měli bychom umět tento potenciál využívat.
Přesto zde existují zásadní problémy, např. jednotný trh zboží znamená také jistou neférovost, a proto jsem přivítala iniciativu Komise, která naplnila volání poslanců i některých členských států po jedné kvalitě potravin a zboží. Není možné, aby zde byli spotřebitelé dvojí úrovně. Tedy opatření, které bude zavedeno – tzn., že některé praktiky obchodních řetězců budou považovány za neférové –, považuji za správné řešení.
Další otázkou je volný pohyb služeb, už to tady bylo zmíněno. Volný pohyb služeb by měl být zjednodušován a ne, aby byly budovány nové bariéry, jako je to např. u směrnice pro vysílání pracovníků.
Osobně chci poděkovat paní komisařce za předložení návrhu e-karty, poněvadž jsem ji považovala za velmi dobré zjednodušení služeb pro některé sektory, a bohužel byl to právě EP, který tuto iniciativu Komise prozatím zablokoval. Věřím, že bude obnovena a že na evropském trhu služeb bude zjednodušen tento pohyb.
Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the Single Market is vital for the prosperity and economic well-being of citizens in the UK and the EU. It gives UK businesses access to the world’s largest market, of 500 million people, generating about GBP 10 trillion in economic activity. It is therefore a tragedy that the UK has agreed, in principle, to leave the EU and the Single Market. It is an act of self-harm and beneficial for neither side. It’s obvious that the UK’s best interests would be served by remaining as a Member State and continuing to be a part of the Single Market, enjoying all four EU freedoms – movement of goods, capital, services and people. EU countries trade twice as much with each other as they do with third countries. The Single Market is responsible for income gains in the UK between 2 and 6% – that’s up to GBP 3300 a year per British household. Leaving the EU and the Single Market means that we will GBP 100 billion worse off a year, with our economy reduced by 3.9% by 2030. This will cost the average person, in each year, GBP 1090. Trade between the UK and EU will fall by 46% and foreign direct investment into our shores will fall by 21% and there would also be a fall in (off mike) revenue, up to GBP 23 billion less to spend on public services, pay …
(The President cut off the speaker)
Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, jedinstveno tržište najveća je snaga Europske unije jer osigurava ekonomski prosperitet, a pristup njemu može se koristiti kao važna karta u odnosima s drugim globalnim igračima, jer svi žele prodavati svoje proizvode i usluge na velikom i bogatom tržištu.
Umjesto što gubimo vrijeme na daljnju političku integraciju koja je izazvala odlazak Ujedinjene Kraljevine i potiče rast nepovjerenja u Uniju kod građana, trebamo se fokusirati na ono što dokazano funkcionira, a to je jedinstveno tržište. Potrebna nam je daljnja ekonomska, a ne politička, integracija.
Stoga se nadam da će do kraja ovog mandata Komisija nastaviti s jačanjem jedinstvenog tržišta, smanjenjem administrativnog tereta i uklanjanjem barijera koje još uvijek postoje u financijskom sektoru, uslugama i energetici.
Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Tisztelt Elnök Úr! Kontinensünk tartós békéje mellett az egységes piac az európai integráció legjelentősebb eredménye. Jelentőségét a belső integrációellenes politikai nyomás, és a nemzetközi versenytársak részéről jelentkező új kihívások erősödése ma méginkább aláhúzza.
Többek között a tőkepiaci unió és a digitális egységes piac példái nyomán áttörésre van szükség a szolgáltalások, a foglalkoztatás és a szociális rendszer, a körkörös, illetve a fenntartható gazdasági fejlődési modellek, vagy a mesterséges intelligencia oldaláról jelentkező újszerű kihívások megválaszolása érdekében.
Külön hangsúlyozom az adópolitikát, ahol meggyőződésem szerint az ÁFA rendszerek, és a közös konszolidált adóalap egységesítése irányába tett lépések nyomán reális cél lehet a fiskális unió teljeskörű megvalósítása.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, without doubt the single market is probably the single best example of what Europe has done in its time, and I suppose it has helped to create jobs, it has helped to create wealth. My own country is probably as good an example as you’ll get. One of the poorest countries when we joined in 1973, now one of the wealthiest and fastest growing economies, because it opened up a market of 500 million people to us basically free of charge.
My friend Paul Rubig mentioned what we can achieve when we work together, particularly in relation to the roaming charges, which has been hugely beneficial to businesses and indeed individuals, probably knocking 50% off their phone bills every month. So for that reason one wonders why is there a reluctance to complete the single market. I just don’t understand it, and my question for Commissioner Bieńkowska is how much can she achieve in the next 12 months? Maybe not all but everything would be a help. How much realistically can be achieved?
Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamnă comisar, cred că măcar o concluzie avem: că piața unică este importantă și că nu am finalizat-o.
Pornind de la aceste idei, eu aș vrea să adaug la cele discutate aici și câteva lucruri și, poate, puteți în răspuns să și aduceți informații noi. Funcționarea pieței unice, sigur, depinde foarte mult și de alte lucruri care nu sunt în portofoliul dumneavoastră, eu cred că Comisia în ansamblu trebuie să lucreze pentru funcționarea pieței unice. Avem foarte multe probleme încă cu uniunea vamală. Dacă uniunea vamală nu funcționează unitar, evident că sunt efecte asupra pieței unice. Avem o segmentare a pieței unice. Nu avem piață unică, pentru că avem Schengen și non-Schengen, avem euro și non-euro, avem probleme cu foarte multe directive, plățile întârziate, de exemplu, sau directiva pe achiziții și foarte multe exemple vă mai pot da, euro și non-euro.
Ce ne propunem să facem concret, pentru că avem foarte puține realizări din punctul meu de vedere, le-au nominalizat colegii, nu le mai spun și eu, dar, poate, în răspunsurile dumneavoastră, puteți, sintetic, să ne spuneți care sunt următoarele lucruri pe care le-am putea rezolva în piața unică, pentru că aici avem nevoie de locuri de muncă, de sustenabilitate pentru IMM-uri, de creștere economică, în competiția aceasta globală.
Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández (S&D). – Señor presidente, muchísimas gracias comisaria. Sin duda alguna el mercado único es uno de los principales logros de la Unión Europea. Pero estoy muy de acuerdo con lo que acaba de decir quien ha utilizado la palabra antes que yo, para señalar la dificultad de no tener una auténtica unión aduanera, porque eso implica que no hay un auténtico mercado único.
Una unión arancelaria es una cosa, una unión aduanera requiere que haya un criterio homogéneo en materia de inspecciones, en materia de sanciones, en materia de controles; y me gustaría que la comisaria me escuchara porque me gustaría que me pudiera responder a mis preguntas. Le quiero preguntar: ¿cuál es la coordinación que tiene como comisaria con el comisario responsable de finanzas para poner fin a este problema? No podemos seguir defendiendo un mercado único sin una auténtica unión aduanera que garantice la competencia leal a nuestros productores frente a la competencia desleal de productos que llegan a otros puertos que incumplen las normas. Desgraciadamente veo que no me ha escuchado.
(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)
Elżbieta Bieńkowska,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you very much for your input, for your questions. I think all of us agree that, because it was repeated many times, the Single Market is one of the greatest achievements of the European Union, but of course, we have to face the truth, we have to face the reality that we are not using the full potential of this greatest achievement. We are not using it in 100% as was said, mostly in the services sector. The goods sector is more unified under the Single Market.
I welcome very much your constructive approach on the various issues, although I very much do not agree on one of the statements saying that some of our proposals were a waste of time. It was not a waste of time, for example, the e-card proposal was – I’m completely sure – a step in a good direction, it was a step to allow our companies to go cross border and to trade cross border and to provide their services cross border. Unfortunately, it was blocked, as some other proposals were.
I definitely also want to state that a fully functioning Single Market – because it is also under the framework of this communication – together with a properly functioning standardisation system will make the European Union, in an economic sense, more attractive, more powerful internationally and at the same time, ensure the high standards in the various sectors of our lives. Of course, those benefits should not be taken for granted. As we see also under this term of the Commission, of the Parliament, there is a lot of untapped potential.
The question was what else we can achieve in the next month to come. Let me say – and I regret it very much – that three of our proposals, notification, e-card and Single Market Information Tool (SMIT), were blocked either in the Parliament or in the Council. Still to go are the single digital gateway, mutual recognition, market surveillance and some parts of type approval in different sectors. There are still proposals that are being negotiated in trilogue. Some of them have not started yet, but I think we’ll be able to deliver on all of those that I have just listed now before the end of this term. Definitely, those three, notification, SMIT and e-card, although seen by some as not highly ambitious, were really very important and substantial steps in a good direction, as I said.
Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.
Głosowanie odbędzie się podczas następnej sesji miesięcznej.
Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)
Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE), in writing. – The European Single Market is, unquestionably, one of the European Union’s paramount achievements which significantly improves our citizens lives on a daily basis. However, our common market needs immediate adaptation to a fast-changing global economic environment, emerging business models and evolving digital technologies. I stress that existing fragmentations of the Single Market are to a high degree detrimental to EU’s overall global competitiveness and its role within a world-connected economy that gathers ambitious and aggressive actors. I strongly believe that a fast, feasible solution would be to focus on implementation, instead of new legislation, especially in those cases where transposition overlaps existing national laws and standards.
Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D), in writing. – The Single Market is one of the most basic and biggest successes of the European Union. We have accomplished the creation of the Single Market, but we have not completed it yet. Now it is time to implement needed improvements for the benefit of consumers and businesses. As achievements, we can mention the elimination of roaming, te recognition of qualification and university degrees across the EU, the enforcement of passengers’ rights facing delays and inconveniencies or removing obstacles in claiming social security abroad. The Single Market solutions bring tangible benefits to the everyday lives of European citizens.
Nevertheless, there is still work to be done. The proposals regarding copyright, the free flow of non-personal data, e-privacy and other crucial files need to be finalised before the end of the parliamentary term. The main challenges have not changed: explaining the idea and advantages of the Single Market; facing protectionist flows at various levels of governance; and the lack of a concrete deadline by when the Single Market will be completed. Every month of delay harms the competitiveness of the European Union market.
Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D), por escrito. – A petición del Consejo, la Comisión realiza esta Comunicación donde recalca que no se puede perder más tiempo a la hora de legislar en el mercado único. Se cumplen 25 años de la creación de este, no obstante, actualmente sus libertades están bajo amenaza. Debemos abandonar la narrativa tradicional y ser más ambiciosos para poder alcanzar un mercado interior plenamente armonizado y eficiente, realmente justo, transparente y equitativo. Asimismo, debemos ser mucho más ambiciosos a la hora de integrar la economía digital, la cual crece a un ritmo 5 veces mayor que la «analógica». El Parlamento ha apoyado a la Comisión en sus iniciativas, pero tristemente parte de ellas están siendo bloqueadas por algunos Estados miembros en el Consejo. De igual manera, debemos tratar de forma prioritaria las cuestiones fiscales. Para alcanzar una competitividad real en el mercado único es imprescindible que la fiscalidad sea la misma para todas las empresas, independientemente del Estado miembro en el que estén basadas. Si una empresa paga menos impuestos que otra, pero compite en el mismo mercado, está compitiendo «de forma desleal». Para avanzar en la armonización y cohesión de nuestro mercado único, también debemos avanzar de forma conjunta en materia fiscal.