 Fuld tekst 
Procedure : 2018/2149(INI)
Forløb i plenarforsamlingen
Dokumentforløb : A8-0332/2018

Indgivne tekster :


Forhandlinger :

PV 28/11/2018 - 23
CRE 28/11/2018 - 23

Afstemninger :

PV 29/11/2018 - 8.14

Vedtagne tekster :


Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Onsdag den 28. november 2018 - Bruxelles

23. Kommissionens 2018-rapport om Kosovo (forhandling)
Video af indlæg

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest sprawozdanie sporządzone przez Igora Šoltesa w imieniu Komisji Spraw Zagranicznych w sprawie sprawozdania Komisji za rok 2018 dotyczącego Kosowa (2018/2149(INI)) (A8-0332/2018).


  Igor Šoltes, Rapporteur. – Najlepša hvala predsedujoči za besedo. Lep pozdrav seveda tudi spoštovanemu komisarju in predstavnici Sveta.

Najprej bi se želel zahvaliti vsem poročevalcem v senci za odlično opravljeno delo in pa za vse sugestije in amandmaje, ki smo jih prejeli v tem času priprave poročila. Vodilo pri pripravi poročila je predvsem to, da je na neki… način refleksija področja, kjer je bil napredek storjen, in tudi opozorila na teme in pa na področja, kjer še vedno obstajajo pomanjkljivosti in kjer so potrebne izboljšave.

Če izpostavim nekaj ključnih točk iz poročila, bi začel tako:

Kosovo je seveda v opazovanem obdobju naredilo pomemben korak naprej, napredek, ki pa ni bil povsem takšen, kot smo si želeli. Na mnogih področjih bi si želeli več, na mnogih področjih so še vedno vidni deli, ki ji bo treba izboljšati.

Razlog gre iskati v zunanjih okoliščinah, predvsem pa tudi v notranjih, ker včasih se zdi, da politične skupine v parlamentu težko dosežejo konsenz, in tudi včasih manko v komunikaciji med političnimi skupinami botruje, da se včasih zakonodaja, ki bi morala biti sprejeta, težje prebije v parlament. Predvsem pa je pomembno, da zakoni, ki se sprejmejo v parlamentu na Kosovu, potem doživijo tudi implementacijo. Ker ne pomaga veliko, če imamo še tako dobre zakone, ki pa jih ne uporabljamo.

Bi pa na tem mestu seveda opozoril še na eno od tem, ki je izjemno pomembna, to je vizumska liberalizacija. Že večkrat smo ponovili, da je Kosovo izpolnilo vse zahtevane kriterije, med drugim tudi ratifikacijo meje s Črno goro, ki se je po več kot dveh letih pogajanj zgodila marca letos, in s tem pravzaprav odprlo vrata za vizumsko liberalizacijo. In temu sta tako Komisija kot Parlament dala zeleno luč. In zaradi tudi verodostojnosti evropskih institucij mislim, da je zdaj tudi na strani Evrope, da izpolni svoj del dogovora in to je, da omogoči vizumsko liberalizacijo ljudem na Kosovu in jih na ta način izenači z vsemi drugimi v regiji.

Ko sem omenil zakone, moram reči, da je Kosovo sprejelo kar nekaj pomembnih zakonov, ki jih lahko štejemo kot napredek. Je pa, kot rečeno, v poročilu omenjena tudi problematika korupcije in organiziranega kriminala, ki sta še vedno prisotna in zdi se, da bo potreben še velik dodaten napor za čim večjo neodvisnost tudi sodne veje oblasti in pa to, da se še okrepi delovanje na področju vodenja evidenc o preiskovanju pregona korupcije na visoki ravni. Tu bo potrebno sodelovanje mnogih vpletenih, tudi v regiji.

Seveda na koncu ne morem mimo dialoga med Beogradom in Prištino in vsi si želimo, da se razmere čim bolj normalizirajo in da se preide in nadaljuje s pogovori v iskanju rešitve in izpolnjevanju tistih zahtev, ki… h katerim sta se zavezali obe državi. In to seveda Evropska komisija kot Parlament skrbno spremljata.

Bi pa seveda omenil, in brez tega ne gre, da se dvostranski odnosi ne rešujejo s prekomernimi ukrepi in tudi ta uvedba carin ne izboljšuje odnose med Prištino in Beogradom. In prepričan sem, da je potreben razmislek in drugačno ukrepanje in umik tovrstnih odločitev.

In na koncu še to, da seveda si želimo vsi, da se Kosovo tudi na teh odprtih vprašanjih premakne naprej. In tu sem prepričan, da tudi EU lahko nudi svojo podporo in sodelovanje.


  Karoline Edtstadler, President-in-Office of the Council. – Thank you Mr President, honourable Members, dear Commissioner, dear rapporteur Šoltes.

Let me start by underlining the importance of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. This agreement offers Kosovo an opportunity for sustainable progress and rapprochement with the European Union.

It is therefore essential for Kosovo to continue working on the implementation of the agreement. Here we concur with your view that Kosovo should pay particular attention to improving the rule of law, including traditional independence and due process of law. Kosovo also needs to continue its fight against organised crime and corruption, which should be a clear priority of the authorities.

Consensus across the political spectrum is key to advancing Kosovo's European agenda. We share your view that the Assembly is the key forum for legislative work and political dialogue. A strong political will is required from all political actors to move Kosovo forward.

Turning to the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, we welcome the commitment of both sides to work with the High Representative on a comprehensive normalisation of relations, including in the form of a legally binding agreement.

We both agree that this is key for their respective European paths and essential for sustainable regional stability. The Council will continue to monitor closely Kosovo's engagement towards visible and sustainable progress here so that Serbia and Kosovo can continue on their respective European paths.

We stress the importance of regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations. We encourage Kosovo to continue sustained efforts to strengthen good neighbourly relations and to resolve outstanding bilateral issues.

In this context, actions undermining regional cooperation are not helpful. We regret the introduction of tariffs by Kosovo on products originating from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is an urgent need for calm and de-escalation in the interests of the whole region and, again, we welcome Commissioner Hahn’s offer of help to work on rapid and practical solutions for the various trade issues at hand.

Let me add a few comments on the visa liberalisation process, which as we know is high on the political agenda in Kosovo. We join the European Parliament in welcoming the ratification by the Kosovo Assembly of the border boundary agreement with Montenegro in March 2018. This fulfilled one of the key criteria for Kosovo's visa liberalisation and was an important achievement in the spirit of good neighbourly relations.

Let me recall here the Commission proposal in May 2016 to transfer Kosovo to the Schengen visa-free list and the Commission's report on the fulfilment of the remaining benchmarks in July 2018. We note that the Parliament has adopted its mandate and is ready to start negotiating with the Council on the proposal to waive visa requirements for Kosovo.

However, as you are aware, the decision on the Commission proposal is currently under consideration in the Council. Today in our discussions we focus on Kosovo's progress in 2017. However, also more generally, I would like to stress that the EU will continue to support Kosovo by putting particular emphasis on furthering Kosovo’s socio-economic reform agenda, including through financial and technical assistance. Economic growth and creating employment is a main concern of its people.

Let me finally welcome the agreement reached on the extension of the EULEX mission and underline the importance of continued close and effective cooperation with EULEX.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first of all, I would like to thank the Parliament, and in particular the rapporteur, Mr Šoltes, for the report on Kosovo. I believe that it is a balanced report and is in line with the main findings of our 2018 Commission report regarding progress and challenges in Kosovo.

But we cannot hide the fact that today the discussion is overshadowed by what has been happening in recent weeks in Kosovo. The recent decisions by the Kosovo Government to impose a trade tariff increase of up to 100% against Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are very concerning and doing real harm to relations with Kosovo and regional cooperation ambitions. As we have said clearly, these decisions are a clear violation of the Central European Free Trade Agreement and contrary to the spirit of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo.

This is why the European Union has called on the Kosovo Government to immediately revoke these decisions. Imposing blanket measures is not the appropriate way to address trade concerns. They must be addressed in the appropriate fora. I have already spoken with the Prime Minister and the President, who agreed on the urgent need to calm and de—escalate, in the interests of the country and the whole region, and offered a rapid and practical solution for the various trade issues at hand between Kosovo and Serbia. I will also use the opportunity of my planned visit to Pristina next week to help find a way out of this crisis.

But now let me turn back briefly to the assessment in our 2018 report on Kosovo. As already noted also in Parliament’s report, the picture is a mixed one. We underline progress in certain areas, such as on the investment climate. We also welcome the ratification by the Kosovo Assembly of the Agreement on Border Demarcation with Montenegro last March, which was an important breakthrough. However, our overall conclusion is that Kosovo’s pace of EU—related reforms is too slow. This is partly due to a very high political polarisation and the fact that the Assembly has not been functioning as it should. Unfortunately, these conclusions are still valid today. We therefore expect all political actors to increase efforts to build consensus on strategic issues for Kosovo, in particular EU—related priority reforms and on the dialogue with Serbia.

Let me now turn to visa liberalisation, which is of particular importance to Kosovo’s citizens. Kosovo has worked hard in recent years to meet its visa liberalisation roadmap criteria. Last July, the Commission confirmed that Kosovo had fulfilled all outstanding criteria. We continue to stand by our assessment that all benchmarks have been met and continue to be met. I welcome Parliament’s clear support for the Commission’s proposal on visa liberalisation. Your report also – rightly so – insists that the authorities in Kosovo demonstrate sustained efforts in the fight against organised crime and corruption. The ball is now in the Council’s court. I hope that the Council will demonstrate that when our partners deliver, the EU delivers too. In that respect I would like to thank the Austrian Presidency for its efforts to put this on the agenda and to try to start negotiations on this subject.

The Commission remains committed to Kosovo and to giving Kosovo a real European perspective. We will continue to support Kosovo in its reform processes in important areas such as the rule of law, public administration, the economy and education. However, we need to see a clear commitment from Kosovo’s leaders to focus their attention on measures that will bring Kosovo closer to Europe.


  Eduard Kukan, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, Kosovo has seen turbulent political months. While some issues have moved forward, not much overall progress has been achieved. We are expecting more from the political leaders of Kosovo. We need to see a genuine commitment to the reform process, especially in the rule of law and the fight against corruption. However, political polarisation, and the lack of consensus and efficient work of the Kuvendi hinders progress on EU—related issues. Moreover, escalating tensions between Belgrade and Pristina resulted in unprecedented tariffs and the waste of very valuable time in reaching the agreement.

Finally, the last reporting period in Kosovo has been marked by the fulfilment of requirements for a visa—free regime. This was confirmed by the Commission in July and by this House in September 2018. I will, therefore, appeal to the Council, and especially to the Austrian Presidency, to recognise this progress and move forward with granting a visa—free regime for Kosovo.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio innanzitutto il relatore per il testo completo e inclusivo che è stato realizzato; nella relazione sono evidenziati i progressi ma, allo stesso tempo, quanto resta ancora da fare, in particolare per quanto concerne la pubblica amministrazione, il sistema giudiziario e la lotta alla criminalità. Inoltre, in tema di diritti umani, chiediamo una maggiore integrazione delle politiche di genere, la protezione delle minoranze, in particolare i rom e gli ashkali, e la discriminazione delle persone LGBT.

Pur sottolineando, come ha fatto il Commissario, la problematicità delle scelte fiscali fatte recentemente dal Kosovo, ricordo che a luglio la Commissione europea ha affermato che il Kosovo ha finalmente soddisfatto tutte le condizioni necessarie per ottenere la liberalizzazione dei visti. Dopo il voto del Parlamento europeo, la decisione deve essere ora presa in Consiglio; raggiungere questo risultato è fondamentale per la stabilizzazione, l'integrazione e la cooperazione con questa regione geograficamente fondamentale per l'Unione europea. Infine, è importante, per la normalizzazione delle relazioni con la Serbia, che i cinque paesi europei che non l'hanno ancora fatto riconoscano il Kosovo, grazie.


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. – Първо искам да поздравя колегата Шолтес за доклада, който е направил. Той е изключително подготвен и изключително добре мотивиран и в дълбочина разследва и изследва ситуацията, в която се намира Косово в момента. Всички с тревога, вероятно всеки един от Вас ще се присъедини към тази тревога, следим ситуацията в момента, нарастващото напрежение в отношенията с един от съседите на Косово, както и продължаващото вътрешно напрежение в самата държава, което не е в интерес нито на косовските граждани, нито помага на промените, на реформите в Косово и на пътя му на интеграция в Европейския съюз, където е пътят на тази държава.

Уважаеми г-н Комисар, искам да се обърна специално към Вас да обърнете по-сериозно внимание на правата и законните интереси на различните малцинства в Косово, защото има съществени проблеми и провокации. Те са видими, а не могат да бъдат оставени по този начин. По-специално, разбира се, обръщам и на правата и на законните интереси на българската общност в Косово.


  Jasenko Selimović, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, my thanks go to the rapporteur for the excellent report that shows that certain things are developing in a good direction in Kosovo, especially when it comes to the economy and economic criteria. However, certain other issues have to be worked on: relations with Serbia, certainly, and the rights of minorities, while the informal economy remains an issue, a big one.

However, the ratification of the border agreement with Montenegro in March 2018 was important, a major breakthrough. On this matter, Kosovo showed that it fulfilled the criteria, together with the development of the economic area and together with the fight against corruption. It shows that it fulfilled the criteria to get the visa liberalisation, as the Commissioner has stated. Now it’s up to the Council to do its job. We cannot play with Kosovo, they fulfilled the criteria, we have to give them what we have promised.


  Jaromír Kohlíček, za skupinu GUE/NGL. – Pane předsedající, Kosovo, správně Kosovo a Metohije, je kolébkou srbského státu. Protiprávní odtržení tohoto území od Srbska, které je navíc v rozporu s rezolucí 1244 Rady bezpečnosti OSN, je dostatečným zdůvodněním pro neuznání samostatnosti tohoto uměle vytvořeného státu.

Jestliže se hovoří o Balkánu jako o místě největší korupce v Evropě, o místě, odkud vychází cesty distribuce drog, kde se nedaří odsoudit zločince z teroristických skupin, kteří zde mají své zázemí, a kde právní stát je absolutní fikcí, pak tento popis nejlépe vystihuje situaci v Kosovu. Zpráva se nezmiňuje ani o protiprávní existenci největší základny USA v Evropě, Bond Steel, naopak se snaží najít alespoň náznaky pozitivního vývoje.

Je namístě vyslovit hluboké znepokojení nad některými kroky místní administrativy, včetně praktické nevymahatelnosti práva a technických excesů, jako je narušení evropské propojené elektrizační soustavy nevhodnou činností místních autorit.

S takto formulovanou zprávou nemohu rozhodně vyslovit souhlas. Komisi blokování jednání místními orgány nevadí? S tímto státem chcete udělat vízovou liberalizaci, pane komisaři?


  Dominique Bilde, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, les rapports de la Commission sont toujours l’occasion d’un foisonnement d’euphémismes. Celui relatif au Kosovo n’échappe pas à la règle.

Nous apprécierons la mention de «stade précoce de la lutte contre le crime organisé», dans cet État au cœur de trafics en tous genres. Pire, comment la Commission peut-elle vanter l’engagement du Kosovo dans le processus de normalisation avec la Serbie quand les provocations s’enchaînent à une cadence qui donne le tournis? En témoigne l’annonce récente d’une taxation de 100 % sur les importations serbes, comble de l’ironie à l’heure où Bruxelles se pose en chantre du libre-échange face à Donald Trump.

Enfin, de quelle normalisation parle-t-on quand, fin octobre, des pèlerins orthodoxes ont été accueillis au monastère de Studenica à coups de pierres?

La levée des visas est d’ailleurs d’autant plus inconcevable qu’elle portera peut-être bientôt sur un monde révolu, à en juger par l’appel du Premier ministre albanais à une Grande Albanie, qui achève de mettre le feu à la poudrière des Balkans.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, čestitam kolegi Šoltesu na kvalitetnom izvješću. Jasna perspektiva članstva u Europskoj uniji mora ostati jedan od poticaja za provedbu prijeko potrebnih reformi u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, pa tako i u slučaju najmlađe europske države.

Dobru vijesti s Kosova, u pogledu ispunjavanja uvjeta za liberalizaciju viznog režima, ovoga puta ne prate dobre vijesti iz Europske unije. Parlament i Komisija poslali su jasnu poruku i podržali ukidanje viza građanima Kosova kako bi im olakšali putovanja, poslovanje te pomogli u borbi protiv krijumčarenja ljudi. Iskazujem žaljenje što Vijeće još uvijek nije omogućilo konačnu liberalizaciju viznog režima. To bi bila jasna poruka Kosovu, ali i regiji, da ispunjavanje obveza uvijek donosi korist, u suprotnom rastu frustracije.

Pred Kosovom je i dalje veliki posao u jačanju vladavine prava, procesuiranju politički motiviranih ubojstava, borbi protiv organiziranog kriminala i korupcije. Jedino opipljivi reformski rezultati opravdavaju daljnju europsku podršku koja, međutim, u slučaju Kosova mora prijeći s obećanja na provedbu istih.


  Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Byłem w Kosowie. Nie ma co ukrywać, że to państwo było przedmiotem kontrowersji. Powstawało przy wielkiej pomocy amerykańskiej, na co z pewnym sceptycyzmem patrzyły niektóre państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej. Z perspektywy lat możemy powiedzieć, że na pewno warto, aby Unia Europejska inwestowała w ogóle w Bałkany Zachodnie i że integracja tych państw z Unią jest elementem stabilizacji. Stworzenie europejskiej perspektywy – nie jutro, nie pojutrze, lecz nawet w dłuższym czasie – sprawi, że mówiąc wprost, wpływy rosyjskie w tamtym regionie będą mniejsze. Rosja bowiem cały czas stara się grać kartą Bałkanów Zachodnich, także gdy chodzi o Kosowo, i trzeba to dostrzegać.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, želim se nakratko priključiti ovoj raspravi budući da sam bila izvjestiteljica u sjeni ovoga izvješća, ujedno sam i nekoliko puta, kao članica delegacije, posjetila Kosovo. Poznato mi je stanje u regiji, poznato mi je stanje na Kosovu.

Odnosi između Srbije i Kosova vrlo su komplicirani, to je svima jasno ovdje i povjerenik je to rekao. Normalizaciji tih odnosa uvođenje carina i tarifa sigurno neće doprinijeti, ali, isto tako, liberalizacija viza je nešto što smo im obećali, nešto što je ovaj Parlament velikom većinom izglasovao i sigurno da građani Kosova očekuju da im se omogući liberalizacija viza. Ja očekujem da će Vijeće o tome uskoro odlučivati, u protivnom to neće biti dobar znak da bi građani doživljavali taj europski put.

Isto tako, neophodna je borba protiv korupcije, neophodne su reforme, to je evidentno, ali isto tako Kosovo je vrlo važno za regiju i stanje na Kosovu važno je za cijelu Europu, a posebno za jugoistok Europe.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, as a friend of Kosovo, I am saddened to see that its participation in the European processes – in fact, its very existence, even – is still called into question in this House.

On the contrary, colleagues, we should be putting all our efforts into Kosovo’s accession to the EU. As we engage with the country, I believe one of our priorities should be the fight against anti-gypsyism. Roma people remain a very marginalised group who face daily discrimination in all areas of life in Kosovo and everywhere else.

We must double our efforts to achieve full equality for Roma people and this process should start with holding ourselves to account.

In a country where the European Parliament was instrumental in ensuring compensation will be paid to women victims of sexual violence during the conflict, I’m appalled to see that the UN refuses to provide proper compensation for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian people affected by lead poisoning in the UN-run camps.

So the UN and us should lead by example. We must take responsibility for anything that caused wrongdoings or lifelong damage to affected … (The President cut off the speaker).


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, jedna riječ je dovoljna da opiše odnose između Kosova i Europske unije u današnjem trenutku. Ta riječ je za mene vjerodostojnost.

Vjerodostojnost Europske unije kada govorimo o liberalizaciji viza. Nakon glasanja ovoga Parlamenta očekujem glasanje u Vijeću jer u pitanju je naša vjerodostojnost budući da je Kosovo, barem u ovom dijelu, ispunilo svoje uvjete koje smo im dali.

S druge strane, vjerodostojnost Kosova dovedena je u pitanje i njihova namjera ulaska u Europsku uniju dovedena je u pitanje s nametanjem carina Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji u stopostotnom iznosu. Ako netko želi Berlinski proces, ako netko želi ući u Europsku uniju, ako netko želi ući na jedinstveno tržište, ako netko želi regionalnu suradnju, ne može uvesti stopostotnu carinu.

Dakle, vjerodostojnost s naše strane da bi vjerodostojno mogli tražiti od Kosova da se oni prilagode nama.


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I regret that five EU Member States still don’t recognise Kosovo as an independent state and I welcome the fact that the report from my colleague, Igor Šoltes, invites them to do so.

One of the states that still denies this recognition is Spain. The controversial Foreign Affairs Minister, Josep Borrell, recently reiterated that his government wouldn’t change this position. This is the same minister who, in 2008, in a not very visionary and even less rigorous way, stated that the secession of Kosovo was illegal from the point of view of international law. This opinion was clearly discredited by the International Court of Justice which, in its 2010 opinion, established that general international law does not provide for prohibitions on declarations of independence, and therefore the declaration of Kosovo didn’t violate international law.

For the sake of reconciliation in the Balkans and for the sake of European integration, Spain should recognise the states that are born of democratic decisions by their national parliaments.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questa relazione sottolinea in maniera bilanciata i piccoli progressi e le diverse sfide a cui il Kosovo deve ancora far fronte e che scandiranno il ritmo del suo cammino verso l'integrazione europea. Un cammino lungo e irto di ostacoli, che richiede un impegno costante, determinazione e pazienza per realizzare quelle riforme di cui il paese ha urgentemente bisogno. In questo senso va letta la relazione del collega Šoltes, che ringrazio: un ulteriore stimolo a fare meglio, soprattutto in alcuni campi, come la lotta alla corruzione, alla criminalità organizzata, al traffico di esseri umani, al narcotraffico, alla radicalizzazione e a qualsiasi tipo di discriminazione.

Le relazioni bilaterali con la Serbia sono indubbiamente di fondamentale importanza e devono essere impostate su un dialogo stretto, affidabile, trasparente e verso un accordo di normalizzazione vincolante ed esaustivo, concordato da entrambi i paesi. Ecco quindi che invito le autorità kosovare a non prendere decisioni avventate, che compromettano gli sforzi di cooperazione regionale. Mi riferisco in particolare alla recente imposizione di dazi sulle merci importate dalla Serbia che violano le regole di libero commercio nell'accordo CEFTA. Ancora una volta il dialogo deve tornare protagonista nel risolvere i problemi nei Balcani occidentali.


  Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, μεγάλη διαφθορά, οργανωμένο έγκλημα, εμπορία ναρκωτικών, εμπορία ανθρώπων, τζιχαντιστές. Αυτή είναι η εικόνα του Κοσόβου, αλλά και της Αλβανίας -σε διαφορετική έκταση. Δεν το λέμε εμείς· εσείς το λέτε στην έκθεσή σας. Ασκείτε πιέσεις για την προοπτική προσχώρησης του Κοσόβου στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και για την ένταξη της Αλβανίας και των Σκοπίων. Η διεύρυνση της επιρροής, της δικής σας και του ΝΑΤΟ -πρωτοστατούσης της κυβέρνησης ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΑΝΕΛ στην Ελλάδα, και ο έλεγχος των βαλκανικού διαδρόμου κόντρα στη Ρωσία είναι αυτά που σας ενδιαφέρουν και μόνον· ούτε τα κριτήριά σας, ούτε -βέβαια- τα συμφέροντα των λαών. Το Κόσοβο, ένα προτεκτοράτο-αμερικάνικη βάση που είναι κατασκεύασμα των βομβαρδισμών και της διάλυσης της Γιουγκοσλαβίας, συνεχίζει την αλλαγή συνόρων για να συμμετάσχει στη Μεγάλη Αλβανία, το αγαπημένο παιδί των Αμερικανών, του ΝΑΤΟ και της Ένωσης, ανοίγοντας την όρεξη για εδαφικές διεκδικήσεις και άλλων, όπως των Αλβανών για την Τσαμουριά και των Τούρκων για το Αιγαίο και τη Δυτική Θράκη. Το «διαίρει και βασίλευε», που υποδαυλίζεται με εθνικισμούς, είναι κίνδυνος-θάνατος για τους λαούς, οι οποίοι πρέπει να απαντήσουν με συντονισμένη πάλη και κόντρα στα πολεμικά σας σχέδια, για πραγματική συνεργασία, ασφάλεια και ειρήνη.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I intend to travel to Pristina next week. The focus will be on the tariff decisions, but I’m also going to assess the implementation of the European Reform Agenda. I will be insisting that the Kosovan authorities need to get back to the issues that matter for Kosovo’s future, namely reforms and engagement in the dialogue. Kosovo’s priorities should remain the rule of law, economic development and education. Kosovo needs to become an attractive place for business, provide citizens with high—quality education and reduce the very high unemployment levels, in particular among young people.

It’s also crucial that Kosovo continues to build confidence by demonstrating sustained progress in the fight against organised crime and corruption. The Commission is providing strong support for the implementation of these priorities through substantive financial assistance and technical advice. For this part Kosovo needs to keep pace with the rest of the region to promote economic growth and foster political stability, which is essential for the security of the Western Balkans as a whole.

Regarding dialogue, it’s vital that Kosovo and Serbia remain committed to the full normalisation of their relations. A comprehensive, legally binding normalisation agreement should be reached as soon as possible. Both Kosovo and Serbia have expressed on many occasions concerns and grievances about their relations. They should be addressed through the dialogue which the European Union is committed to continue to facilitate.

I would like to conclude by saying that the Commission remains strongly committed to driving forward Kosovo’s European agenda despite the current difficult political context.


  Karoline Edtstadler, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, at the outset of my concluding remarks, let me express my sincere gratitude to the rapporteur of the European Parliament on Kosovo, Igor Šoltes.

I would like to reiterate that stability in the neighbourhood and the enlargement of the European Union is a priority of the Austrian presidency. The EU will continue to assist Kosovo, including through its presence on the ground. And of course this applies also to visa liberalisation, but the Council’s deliberations are currently ongoing and the outcome cannot be pre—judged.

The Austrian Presidency remains committed to moving the process forward. However, the primary responsibility for progress lies with Kosovo, its leaders, institutions and civil society. Reforms are crucial and they will require consensus across the political spectrum, and the political leaders to live up to their responsibilities for the good of Kosovo and of its citizens.


  Igor Šoltes, poročevalec. – Torej to, kar smo poslušali danes, in to, kar tudi piše v samem poročilu, Kosovu ne bo zmanjkalo dela tudi v prihodnjih letih, to je definitivno, ampak tri stvari bi želel za zaključek povedati.

Upam, da je tudi Svet danes slišal to, kar smo povedali, da Kosovo je izpolnilo svoje pogoje glede vizne liberalizacije, in dogovori obstajajo zato, da se seveda spoštujejo, in če je ena stran to izpolnila, utemeljeno se pričakuje, da to stori tudi druga stran.

Verjemite, da ljudje na Kosovu že nestrpno pričakujejo, da niso predmet diskriminacije še naprej, in pričakujejo, da bo Evropska unija tudi v imenu verodostojnosti izpolnila svoj del obveznosti.

Drugo, mislim, da je vlada v Prištini danes slišala, da nismo najbolj navdušeni nad uvedbo oziroma nad povišanjem carin za 100 procentov kot sredstvo za reševanje sporov med Beogradom in Prištino, in upam, da bo ponovno razmislila, ali je to je res primeren ukrep, ker reševanje sporov se odvija oziroma rešuje tudi na drugačen način.

Zadnja stvar, ki bi jo želel še izpostaviti, je okolje, okoljevarstvena problematika.

Mislim, da premalo izpostavljamo tudi problematiko okolja na Kosovu, zlasti bi tukaj opozoril na resen problem, s katerim se srečuje Priština, to je onesnaženost zraka, ki je ena najvišjih v Evropi.

In mislim, da tukaj je potrebno storiti več na tem področju in tudi vložiti sredstva za izboljšanje. To pa je povezano seveda tudi z elektrarnami in onesnaževalci v regiji, zato mislim, da je tudi to ena od stvari, kjer lahko Evropska unija in Kosovo dobro sodelujeta.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 29 listopada 2018 r.

Seneste opdatering: 5. april 2019Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik