 Pilns teksts 
Procedūra : 2018/2145(INI)
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls sēdē
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls : A8-0341/2018

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Debates :

PV 28/11/2018 - 25
CRE 28/11/2018 - 25

Balsojumi :

PV 29/11/2018 - 8.15
Balsojumu skaidrojumi

Pieņemtie teksti :


Debašu stenogramma
Trešdiena, 2018. gada 28. novembris - Brisele Pārskatītā redakcija

25. 2018. gada ziņojums par bijušo Dienvidslāvijas Maķedonijas Republiku (debates)
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  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest sprawozdanie sporządzone przez Ivo Vajgla w imieniu Komisji Spraw Zagranicznych w sprawie sprawozdania Komisji za rok 2018 dotyczącego byłej jugosłowiańskiej republiki Macedonii (2018/2145(INI)) (A8-0341/2018).


  Ivo Vajgl, poročevalec. – Gospod predsednik, hvala za teh nekaj vaših osebnih ljubeznivih besed, ki ste jih namenili Makedoniji.

Zaradi časa bom jaz nekoliko skrajšal svoj predvideni nastop in se omejil na najbolj bistvene stvari.

Članstvo Makedonije v Evropski uniji, ko bodo za to izpolnjeni pogoji in ko bodo izpolnjene naše obljube tej državi, ki je bila predolgo v čakalnici, bo gotovo zagotovilo najbolj zanesljivo prihodnost državi, sedanjim in bodočim generacijam njenih državljanov, in bo hkrati konkreten prispevek k stabilnosti, varnosti in napredku celotne regije jugovzhodne Evrope.

Pot do današnjega trenutka Makedonije je bila strma, lahko pa ugotovimo, da je v državi prevladala demokratična volja ljudi, kreativno in odgovorno odzivanje politike, ki je izbrala poti sporazumevanja, vzpostavljanja ravnovesja v večnacionalni skupnosti, iskanja zaveznikov v mednarodni skupnosti in novih poti za krepitev plodnih in prijateljskih odnosov s sosednjimi državami.

V resoluciji, ki jo danes obravnavamo, je zato poudarjena konstruktivna vloga državnikov Makedonije, Grčije in Bolgarije, ki so postavili ob stran podedovane probleme iz preteklosti in se sporazumeli o skupnih interesih v prihodnosti.

Vlado in parlament v Skopju čakajo zahtevne naloge: najprej uresničenje dogovorjenega z grško vlado o spremembi ustave in s tem povezano premostitvijo dolgoletnega spora o imenu, nato pa zahtevno delo na reformah, ki bodo pogoj za začetek pogajanj o prihodnem članstvu države v Evropski uniji, upam in verjamem, da že v naslednjem letu v juniju.

Za vse to bo potrebno ustvariti demokratično, vsevključujoče vzdušje v državi, sodelovanje vseh političnih strank, civilne družbe in državnih institucij.

V skladu s sprejetimi obvezami bo morala država posodobiti zakonodajne postopke, sodstvo, zagotoviti spoštovanje vladavine prava, odpiranje prostora za resnično svobodne in pluralne medije, zaščito novinarjev pred pritiski in nasiljem, učinkovitejši boj proti organiziranemu kriminalu in korupciji.

Potrebne bodo sistemske spremembe v gospodarstvu, izboljšava poslovnega okolja, izvrševanje pogodb, uvedba kontrole in preglednosti podatkov v zvezi z javnimi naročili, državno pomočjo in uporabo sredstev Evropske unije in podobno.

V resoluciji je med drugim opažen napor vlade, da bi izboljšala življenjske pogoje mladih. Vladi je namenjen tudi poziv, naj celovito rešuje problem dolgotrajne nezaposlenosti žensk. Pomembno je stalno in transparentno izpolnjevanje obvez iz ohridskega sporazuma in celovito spoštovanje pravic in zaščite vseh narodnostnih in drugih družbenih manjšin.

Spoštovani, Makedonija je prišla po dolgih letih negotovosti in političnih kriz do položaja, ko si lahko z lastnimi močmi in po svoji volji utre pot v bolj obetavno prihodnost kot članica Evropske unije in zveze Nato. To je pot iz zapletene zgodovine, na Balkanu pogosto začinjene z nasiljem, vojnami in spori, v prihodnost vzajemnosti in skupne odgovornosti. Prav je, da se v državi zagotovi popolna neodvisnost in funkcionalnost pravosodja, ki preiskuje in sankcionira nepravilnosti in kršitve zakonov iz preteklosti.

Žal je v te postopke na nerazumljiv in nesprejemljiv način posegla madžarska oblast. O tem več govori resolucija in amandmaji, ki so jih predložile različne stranke v našem Parlamentu.

Zdi se mi primerno, da na tem mestu poudarim, da je Makedonija kot potencialna članica za članstvo v Evropski uniji vseskozi uživala podporo Evropskega parlamenta in da lahko s to podporo računa tudi v prihodnje.

Mislim, da je prav, da izpostavim tudi napor Komisije, komisarja Johannesa Hahna in njegove ekipe, ki je tudi v sodelovanju s tem parlamentom vztrajno iskal in našel način za reševanje zapletenih političnih protislovji, ki so ovirala napredek Makedonije proti članstvu v Evropski uniji.

Za izredno konstruktivno in vsebinsko sodelovanje se zahvaljujem tudi vsem poročevalcem v senci. Ne zahvaljujem se vam, gospod predsednik, ker sem imel šest minut, uporabil sem štiri.


  Karoline Edtstadler, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, honourable Members, dear rapporteur, dear Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, and especially dear Minister, dear Ambassador.

Let me begin by recalling the Council conclusions of last June where the Council decided to respond positively to the progress made by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and set out the path towards opening accession negotiations in June 2019.

We welcome the European Commission’s necessary preparatory work. The country has overcome its deep political crises, including through the continued implementation of the Prespa Agreement, and has made substantial progress on the urgent reform priorities. This is extremely important for the country’s further progress.

Let me emphasise that even in the difficult political context, the government has taken significant steps to gradually restore a culture of compromise. It has reached out to all stakeholders, including the opposition, to strengthen democracy and the rule of law and to show a genuine desire to reform in an inclusive and transparent manner.

We welcome the changes in the tenor of atmosphere in the country. We also welcome the first concrete progress towards the restoration of the independence of the judiciary, the improvement of the work of the courts, and a follow-up to the work of the Special Prosecutor’s office, which has started to reverse the backsliding of previous years.

Let me here recall the need to find a suitable, sustainable solution for the continuation of the work of the Special Prosecutor’s office.

Moreover, we share your calls for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to intensify efforts to properly implement the judicial reform strategy and to make further efforts to address the outstanding recommendations.

Sustained efforts are needed to ensure implementation of all commitments and to ensure that the judiciary can function independently. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has achieved progress on the EU reform agenda and continues its efforts. We encourage it to deepen the reform momentum further, in particular showing real results in key rule of law areas such as the fight against corruption and organised crime, where it needs to further deliver.

The institutions in charge of preventing and fighting corruption must have the necessary autonomy and the financial and human resources. The government must also implement other reforms, such as the reform of the intelligence and security services, and of the public administration.

The EU will continue to follow these efforts very closely. We take note of the adoption of the public administration reform strategy and the public financial management reform programme and look forward to their implementation.

We encourage the government to continue to deepen the current reform momentum, including through Plan 18. We welcome the intention to continue working with the opposition parties, civil society and other stakeholders. Therefore, a constructive dialogue between all actors is required. We urge all parliamentary parties to put their divisions aside and work jointly on the common strategic goal of EU integration for the benefit of all citizens.

The implementation of the name agreement is one major step in this regard. Moreover, we welcome the holding of the Jean Monnet Dialogue, initiated by the European Parliament, aimed at improving the atmosphere and culture of compromise among the members of the Assembly as well as the work of the Assembly.

We join you in applauding the country for reaching out to its neighbours in the spirit of good neighbourly relations. In particular, the conclusion of the Treaty on Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria, and the signature of the agreement on the name issue with Greece, have demonstrated the government’s determination to resolve all outstanding bilateral issues and build good neighbourly relations with all countries in the region.

Let me finally welcome the continued active participation and the constructive approach of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in different regional initiatives. Together these have contributed to an improved regional context.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to start by thanking the European Parliament, in particular the rapporteur, Ivo Vajgl, for this report. May I also say thank you for your kind words on behalf of my team, not only here in Brussels, but also on the ground in Skopje, and I would like to include in this our previous Ambassador, Aivo Orav, who also did an excellent and outstanding job.

I would also like to use this opportunity to thank the Honourable Members of the Parliament, Knut Fleckenstein and previously John Howarth, but also Eduard Kukan, who together with Ivo Vajgl have shown their commitment to move, not only once but many times, to the country and to contribute to resolving the severe political crisis by engaging together with me in the facilitation of the provisional agreement. They also played a key role in the organising of the first Chamonix dialogue, which aims at creating an atmosphere of compromise among the political parties in the Parliament. These are only a few examples of how this House contributes to reinforcing democratic processes and, hopefully, standards.

Let me underline that overall this draft reflects the main findings of our 2018 report and the latest developments have shown to be crucial. As you have rightly pointed out, the country has finally overcome its political crisis and is now firmly back on its Euro—Atlantic path. In the light of the latest developments, let me emphasise that the rule of law is a fundamental principle of the Union, for Member States and candidate countries alike. After years of backsliding, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has been making good progress in this area and it’s important that we collectively support this process.

I have been impressed by the energy and efforts invested by the government to strengthen good neighbourly relations, in particular with the bilateral treaty with Bulgaria and later on with the name agreement reached with Greece. This historic agreement sets an example for the region and the Union as a whole. It shows that with vision, leadership and determination, the obstacles of the past can be overcome for once and for all.

Last month, the Parliament took a courageous step by initiating the process of constitutional change. We now expect the national procedures for the implementation of the agreement to continue without delay. In our 2018 report, we stated that we were satisfied that the Pržino agreement has been largely implemented and that substantial progress has been achieved in the implementation of the Urgent Reform Priorities. Therefore, we recommended opening accession negotiations with the country.

In June, our Member States acknowledged the progress achieved in advancing the EU reforms and set out the path towards opening accession negotiations in June 2019. It’s important that the current reform momentum continues to deepen, primarily in the interests of the citizens. Over the coming months we look forward to further progress, in particular in key areas such as judicial reform, the fight against corruption and organised crime, public administration reform and the oversight of intelligence services. All these areas have been identified in the so—called Plan 18 of the government.

On a very personal note, I welcome the opening of accession talks with NATO and look forward to cooperating on key reforms of common interest. Finally, let me reiterate the Commission’s strong commitment to accompanying the country’s reform efforts to advance on its EU path, including through the technical explanation of the acquis.


  Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, this report is being debated in a hopeful atmosphere and is based on broad political consensus.

I think it’s a new spirit of mutual understanding with Macedonia’s neighbours that has opened the real EU and NATO perspective for this country. It is really high time for this, because in the meantime Macedonia has made impressive progress in aligning its legislation with the EU acquis.

Most importantly, there is now a positive political dynamic. Still, it is all about implementation. In the actual context it is vital for the government to prove the judiciary is truly independent and unbiased to avoid any doubts of possible political misuse of it.

The media environment has clearly improved but the progress has been modest and more should be done to free especially the investigative press from internal and external influences. To make any progress credible it should firmly rely on cross—party cooperation. Broad—based political and moral support for the reforms is the only way to further success.


  Victor Boştinaru, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, Severna Makedonija has implemented robust, democratic reforms. They have taken a clear step towards good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation and the country is demonstrating every day its commitment to pursuing those efforts.

Today it is considered the candidate country that has made the most progress in aligning its legislation and its policy with the EU acquis. I trust that the Prespa Agreement, like now the Pržino Agreement, will be ratified, as it has to be, and will send a much needed positive signal for stability and reconciliation in the region. Of course, there is no doubt this brave step by Prime Minister Zaev paves the way for the country’s European integration.

This being said, I want to tell you something else. I am very worried about the Gruevski case. We urge Hungary to reject the asylum request and immediately return Mr Gruevski. What Hungary has done in this case is a dangerous precedent without any grounds for asylum. Never in the history of the EU has a Member State organised such an extraction operation. It is very important to make it clear that the European Parliament and Europe does not tolerate such actions.

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. – Първо поздравявам докладчика. Многократно стана дума за договора за приятелство и междусъседство между България и Република Македония, който ние приветстваме и за който работихме много силно. Това обаче, което нас ни притеснява и ни тревожи, е че от страна на правителството на г-н Заев този договор не се спазва или се спазва изключително бавно. Отдавна трябваше да бъдат приведени редица мерки, като например трябваше да приключи езикът на омразата, трябваше да бъдат издадени учебници на български език, не трябваше да се правят антибългарски изказвания. Нищо от това не се е случило все още. Това тревожи българското общество. Г-н Заев се бави, обещава на всеки всичко, но не изпълнява поетите задължения. И това няма да доведе до добър ефект и до добър краен резултат.

Нашият призив към г-н Заев е да спазва този договор, ако желае да продължи да получава подкрепата и на нас като на европейски представители, и на българското общество като цяло.


  Reinhard Bütikofer, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, the Prespa Agreement is a key towards a more hopeful future for the Macedonian people. It is a vital step in building the bridges that the Western Balkans needs in order to overcome old divisions. It paves the way towards the EU integration of Macedonia and it helps Europe to continue shaping its common fate together, and to reject foreign interference. I thank all the members of the Macedonian Parliament who facilitated the progress that we are cherishing here, and I hope that next June we will be able to celebrate having a date for the opening of accession talks.

The way forward is still going to be challenging but I’m optimistic that the hurdles can be overcome.


  Σοφία Σακοράφα, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, έχω δηλώσει επανειλημμένα ότι είμαι κατά της συμφωνίας των Πρεσπών, επειδή πιστεύω ότι είναι ένα κείμενο που δεν μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί. Δημιουργεί αμφισημίες που δεν λύνουν τις διαφωνίες, αλλά τις αναδεικνύουν. Ήδη, οι τροποποιήσεις του Συντάγματος που πέρασαν από το κοινοβούλιο των Σκοπίων παραβιάζουν τη συμφωνία, όπως επισημαίνει άλλωστε και ο ένθερμος υποστηρικτής της συμφωνίας, τέως υπουργός Εξωτερικών, κύριος Κοτζιάς. Δεν αμφιβάλλω ότι η ελληνική πλευρά θα κάνει πως δεν βλέπει, γιατί κάποιοι έχουν επενδύσει την πολιτική τους επιβίωση σε αυτήν τη συμφωνία.

Το αποκορύφωμα της σκοπιμότητας, όμως, είναι η παράγραφος του ψηφίσματος που αναφέρεται στο δημοψήφισμα των Σκοπίων. Τι σημαίνει «λαμβάνουμε υπόψη το αποτέλεσμα», κύριοι συνάδελφοι; Ούτε το 40% δεν πήγε να ψηφίσει. Οι πολίτες της FΥRΟΜ γύρισαν την πλάτη στη συμφωνία, παρά την απροκάλυπτη προπαγάνδα, τόσο της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής όσο και του Συμβουλίου, υπέρ του «ναι». Το μόνο που ενδιαφέρει είναι η πάση θυσία άμεση ένταξη της χώρας στο ΝΑΤΟ, σε βάρος και της δημοκρατίας και της ειρηνικής συνύπαρξης των λαών στην περιοχή.


  Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η έκθεση του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου για τη FΥRΟΜ αποτελεί μία ακόμα παρέμβαση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης σε όλους τους τομείς, σε συνέργεια με εγχώρια συμφέροντα και πολιτικές δυνάμεις. Οικονομία, εξωτερική πολιτική, δικαιοσύνη, παιδεία και άλλα -όλα για την κερδοφορία των ευρωπαϊκών μονοπωλίων! Η χώρα -μέσα σε μια νύχτα- μετατρέπεται από ανέτοιμη σε πανέτοιμη για ένταξη. Ο λόγος βέβαια είναι προφανής: η έκθεση πανηγυρίζει για την ένταξη της χώρας στο ΝΑΤΟ, με βάση την απαράδεκτη συμφωνία των Πρεσπών. Γι’ αυτό υπογράφηκε.

Το ΝΑΤΟ, που διέλυσε τη Γιουγκοσλαβία, σπέρνει αλυτρωτισμούς με το «διαίρει και βασίλευε», αλλάζει σύνορα (βλέπε Κόσοβο) και αναγορεύεται σε ειρηνοποιό από τον σημαιοφόρο του, την κυβέρνηση ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΑΝΕΛ. Αποκαλύπτονται οι υπερασπιστές της συμφωνίας, αλλά και οι εθνικιστές αρνητές της, που δεν λένε κουβέντα για το ΝΑΤΟ και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, αποπροσανατολίζοντας μόνο με την ονοματολογία. Βρίσκονται στην ίδια επικίνδυνη πλευρά: την αμερικανο-νατοϊκή. Το ΚΚΕ καταψηφίζει την έκθεση και καλεί τους λαούς της περιοχής σε συντονισμένη πάλη ενάντια στο ΝΑΤΟ και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, που είναι πηγές πολέμων και κινδύνων.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). – Domnule președinte, aș vrea în primul rând să îl felicit pe colegul Ivo Vajgl pentru raportul pe care îl prezintă în acest an. Cred că este un raport care exprimă foarte bine starea în care se află Macedonia în acest moment. Personal, regret că Macedonia sau Macedonia de Nord, cred că îi putem spune deja în acest fel, nu a primit semnalul începerii negocierilor încă din această vară. Cred că a fost o greșeală să se mai amâne un an. În orice caz, transformarea din Macedonia în Macedonia de Nord cred că este cel mai important lucru care s-a petrecut în Balcanii de Vest în acest an și sper ca Grecia să înțeleagă acest lucru și să sprijine ceea ce s-a întâmplat în această țară candidată. Sper, de altfel, ca și celelalte state membre să sprijine Macedonia.

În particular, nu cred că ceea ce a făcut recent premierul Orbán vine în sprijinul Macedoniei. Cred că este o mare greșeală să acorde azil politic lui Gruevski. De altfel, țin să vă reamintesc că același premier maghiar a acordat azil și unui deputat din România, care tot așa, ca și Gruevski, a fost condamnat definitiv și a găsit azil acolo. Iată că Budapesta devine un azil pentru corupți.


  Knut Fleckenstein (S&D). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich glaube, eines zeigt uns die Entwicklung in Mazedonien ganz besonders deutlich: Man braucht mutige Politiker, und man braucht eine mutige Regierung. Wenn man etwas für richtig hält und für das Land als positiv erachtet, dann muss man es auch durchsetzen wollen, wenn einem der Wind ins Gesicht weht. Das können keine Politiker, die sich morgens erst die Umfrageergebnisse angucken, um dann entsprechend zu handeln. Führung wurde gebraucht in diesem Land, und Führung hat es gegeben. Ich wünschte, der Europäische Rat würde zu ähnlicher Qualität aufsteigen.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, ο Zaev και η παρέα του συνεχίζουν τις αλυτρωτικές τους προκλήσεις. Μάλιστα, στο νέο Σύνταγμα των Σκοπίων, στο άρθρο 36, συνεχίζονται οι αλυτρωτικές αναφορές σε δήθεν «Μακεδονία» και δήθεν «μακεδονικό λαό». Επιπλέον, στο προοίμιο του νέου Συντάγματος των Σκοπίων γίνεται αναφορά στη διακήρυξη της πρώτης συνεδρίασης της ASNOM -της γνωστής αντιφασιστικής συνέλευσης- του 1944, όπου, κύριε Hahn, αναφέρεται ρητά το δικαίωμα αυτοδιάθεσης του δήθεν «μακεδονικού έθνους» και του δήθεν «μακεδονικού λαού» και απαιτείται η κατάργηση των συνόρων που δήθεν χωρίζουν, όπως λέει η ASNOM, αδερφό από αδερφό και Μακεδόνα από Μακεδόνα.

Επομένως, με το νέο Σύνταγμά τους, τα Σκόπια καπηλεύονται το όνομα της Μακεδονίας μας και της ιστορίας μας και εκφράζουν ακόμη πιο επιθετικά τον αλυτρωτισμό τους σε βάρος της Ελλάδας, παραβιάζοντας κατάφωρα ακόμα και την κατάπτυστη συμφωνία των Πρεσπών. Γι’ αυτό τα Σκόπια δεν μπορούν να έχουν καμία θέση στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και διακηρύσσω, για άλλη μια φορά, ότι είμαι αντίθετος σε οποιαδήποτε μελλοντική ένταξη των Σκοπίων στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.


  Stelios Kouloglou (GUE/NGL). – Mr President, I welcome the report and also the references to the Prespa Agreement. This is an agreement for peace in the Balkans. It is a model for solving international relations, and it also takes political courage by both Mr Tsipras and Mr Zaev to proceed, because do you know what is happening in Greece? The nationalists and the extreme right and the neo-Nazis are accusing the government of treason and now they are trying to mobilise secondary school students. You know the system, the main slogan of the mobilisation: democracy is selling out Macedonia, they mean Greek Macedonia. Democracy is betraying Macedonia. That’s their slogan and those mobilisations are also supported – and I am referring to my colleagues from the Popular Party – those mobilisations of the extreme right are supported by new democracy. So you have to say to your cameras in new democracy not to play with fire.


  Андрей Ковачев (PPE). – Да повторим още веднъж – подкрепям евроатлантическото бъдеще на Македония. Надявам се процесът на ратификация да завърши в най-скоро време, както в парламента в Скопие, така и в Атина. Това би позволило страната да бъде приета в НАТО още през пролетта на 2019 г. и да започне в най-скоро време преговори за присъединяване към Европейския съюз. Македония винаги е била неизменна част от Европа, както и част от българското наследство. Всички исторически спорове трябва да бъдат разрешение по пътя на добросъседството, толерантността и историческата справедливост. Във връзка с това не мога да скрия моето разочарование от продължаващите антибългарски изказвания в някои македонски медии.

Не само физическите граници трябва да бъдат символични. Нашето общо бъдеще, за което работят правителствата и на България, и на Македония, но и духовните граници, които бяха изградени от тоталитарните режими, говорът на омразата, всичко това трябва да бъде преодоляно по пътя на европейската интеграция. Благодаря много и пожелавам успех на нашите приятели и братя от Вардар.


Puhetta johti HEIDI HAUTALA


  Tonino Picula (S&D). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, čestitam kolegi Vajglu na dobro izbalansiranoj Rezoluciji koja, prije svega, jasno uočava i podržava pozitivne procese u Makedoniji.

Makedonija je primjer dugo očekivane dobre vijesti iz regije opterećene kroničnim, ali i nekim sasvim novim deficitima. Istodobno, od Makedonije očekujemo da nastavi ključne reformske procese, poglavito u jačanju vladavine prava. Na taj princip, na žalost, potrebno je podsjetiti i neke države članice koje su dio Europske unije više od desetljeća. Od Skoplja se traži da prije ulaska u blok ispuni ozbiljne preduvjete kojih se ne pridržava jedna od članica Unije, o čemu svjedoči uloga Mađarske u slučaju Gruevski. Ako želimo ostati vjerodostojna zajednica, poštivanje vladavine prava ne smije biti arbitrarno.

Čestitam makedonskoj Vladi na napretku u implementaciji Sporazuma iz Prespe. Pozivam da ovaj pozitivni momentum iskoriste za nastavak reformi kako bi što skorijim otvaranjem pregovora o članstvu približili mogućnost boljeg života svim svojim sugrađanima.


  László Tőkés (PPE) – Elnök Asszony! Előre bocsátom, hogy Magyarország elkötelezett támogatója a nyugat-balkáni országok, köztük Macedónia európai csatlakozásának. Üdvözöljük, hogy az úgynevezett névvita megoldásával várhatóan a csatlakozási tárgyalások elkezdődhetnek.

Azt azonban visszautasítjuk, hogy a váratlanul kirobbant Gruevszki-ügy kapcsán a szocialisták és a zöldek a macedóniai országjelentést ideológiai hátterű támadásra használják fel Magyarország ellen. Nikola Gruevszki volt kormányfő megbuktatása, majd elítélése hátterében minden bizonnyal a migrációs kérdés, illetve a Soros-lobby áll. A néppárti politikus menekültstátuszának megadása az illetékes magyar hatóságok törvényes eljárása keretében valósult meg.

Csak egyetérteni lehet a jelentéssel abban, hogy Macedóniában a korrupcióellenes harcot folytatni kell, valamint abban, hogy további erőfeszítésekre van szükség a bírói kar politikai beavatkozással szembeni védelme tekintetében. Az igazságszolgáltatás nem válhat a politika eszközévé.


Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Madam President, may I extend my congratulations to Ivo Vajgl on this report. Macedonia made good progress over the last year, which has been well noted in the report.

I am pleased to see the country moving ahead with many important initiatives and reforms. Also I would like to congratulate the government on the agreement with Greece.

I strongly believe these efforts will open the doors for closer integration of the country and involve the European Union and NATO. At the same time the Macedonian Government needs to concentrate on continuous reforms in the area of the judiciary with the implementation of the judicial reform strategy, in the economy and in the fight against corruption and organised crime. It will be important not to lose this pace and come up with concrete results and records of accomplishments.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Madam President, I recently attended an important conference organised by the Equal Rights Association in Skopje where I met many brilliant, brave, LGBTIQ+ activists from across the Balkans. I really admire their courage and commitment as they defend the rights of LGBTIQ+ people in sometimes very hostile environments.

In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, gender based discrimination and the situation of sexual minorities is particularly difficult. The legal framework has significant shortcomings in terms of non-discrimination, legal gender recognition and body autonomy. But the conference I attended was organised in partnership with the Socialist government of fYROM which demonstrated their political commitment to improving the situation of LGBTIQ+ people. It’s an excellent example of how governments can work with and support civil society, and we have to make human rights defenders and civil society support one of our priorities in the Balkans.

I know that the Macedonian parliament is currently discussing draft laws aimed at improving the situation of LGBTIQ+ people in the country, and so I hope these discussions will bring tangible results that better fulfil human rights.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, doamnă secretar de stat, domnule consilier domnule comisar, de la bun început vreau să spun că susțin raportul. Este un raport care reflectă realitatea. De altfel, din prezentarea reprezentantei Consiliului, a domnului comisar, a celorlalți colegi a rezultat foarte clar că Macedonia a făcut progrese.

Eu cunosc țara foarte bine, trăiesc în partea de vest a României, am vizitat țara de foarte multe ori, am vrut să fac investiții acolo și m-au surprins receptivitatea guvernului, instituțiilor, modul cum lucrează, transparența. Deci, cred că merită să meargă pe drumul european și cred că trebuie să votăm și să nu mai întârziem, pentru că orice întârziere frânează de fapt un drum european al unor cetățeni care își doresc acest lucru, sunt foarte ambițioși și le doresc mult succes. Aveți toată susținerea mea.


  Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Madam President, I just want to remind everybody of something that the rapporteur has hinted at, which is what a tremendous sacrifice the citizens of northern Macedonia have made. It has demanded a tremendous amount of energy and no other single European country would accept to change the name of a country, which is so deeply connected with identity. You can see from the reactions here in Parliament from the nationalists as to how this affected it.

So now I really beg the Council, really beg, to fulfil our part of our obligation and start opening the negotiations as soon as possible. The Commission has hinted it will do it. Parliament will do it. It’s up to the Council now, because if we let these people down we will lose every credibility and it will make a mess in the region of outrageous proportions.



  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, καλό θα είναι το Ευρωκοινοβούλιο να μην τρέφει αυταπάτες και, κυρίως, να μην εκφράζει τις επιθυμίες του ως πραγματικότητα. Αυτό το κακέκτυπο κράτους, που δημιουργήθηκε μόνο για να εξυπηρετήσει τα επεκτατικά σχέδια ενός κομμουνιστή δικτάτορα, όπως και το ίδιο το ιδεολόγημα του δήθεν «Μακεδονισμού» των Σλάβων κατοίκων του, δεν πρόκειται να εισέλθει στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Ακόμα και αν αυτή τη στιγμή, στην Ελλάδα, μια προδοτική κυβέρνηση προσπαθεί να επιβάλει τη συμφωνία των Πρεσπών, σύντομα αυτή θα αποτελέσει παρελθόν, όπως και η ίδια η συμφωνία. Όλα τα υπόλοιπα που αναφέρονται στην έκθεση είναι άνευ ουσίας, καθώς πριν από την αποκήρυξη εκ μέρους τους κάθε αναφοράς στο ελληνικότατο όνομα της Μακεδονίας δεν μπορεί να γίνει καμία άλλη συζήτηση.

Τέλος, μιας και αναφέρεται εντός του κειμένου η ικανοποίησή σας σχετικά με το αποτέλεσμα του δημοψηφίσματος, είναι εντυπωσιακή η υποκρισία της Ένωσης, δεδομένου ότι πολύ βολικά ξεχνάτε το γεγονός ότι η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των πολιτών δεν προσήλθε ποτέ για να ψηφίσει. Η συμφωνία των Πρεσπών αποτελεί, λοιπόν, μια νεκρή συμφωνία η οποία δεν θα εφαρμοστεί ποτέ, μιας και οι δύο λαοί είναι αντίθετοι με αυτήν και μόνο το Βερολίνο, οι Βρυξέλλες και οι κατά τόπους υποτακτικοί τους τη στηρίζουν.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, prošlog tjedna gostovala sam na događaju u organizaciji makedonske nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj. Kada je netko u dvorani uzviknuo: „Hej, ti koja voliš Makedoniju!‟, ja sam se odazvala jer ja volim Makedoniju. To ne znači da nisam svjesna slabosti koje Makedonija ima i na kojima treba raditi iznutra.

Za većinu njih uzroke treba tražiti na mjestu njihova nastanka, no uvjerena sam da te slabosti ne bi danas bile toliko snažne da je EU bila pravedna prema Makedoniji. Makedonija je, niti kriva niti dužna, postala talac nerazumne politike Europske unije koja 10 godina drži stranu jedne svoje članice, uništavajući tako europsku perspektivu i budućnost Makedonije. Žao mi je da ovo izvješće ne daje objektivan prikaz stanja i ne nudi samokritičan pregled propusta od strane Europske unije.

Smatram da još uvijek nije prekasno da se greška ispravi i da se Makedoniji otvore pregovori, a građanima Makedonije izrazi podrška kako bi se prevladale poteškoće i provele potrebne reforme te osigurala stabilnost u regiji.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, htio bih se obratiti kolegama na balkonu i kolegicama. Godine 2000. u Zagrebu imao sam prilike ugostiti Ured za europske integracije makedonske vlade i počeli smo, Hrvatska i Makedonija zajedno, europski put.

Dragi prijatelji i prijateljice, ja sam ovdje, a vi ste na balkonu. Šteta je da se nije uspjelo ići zajedno. I ja sam očekivao da će Hrvatska ući barem zajedno s Rumunjskom i Bugarskom u Europsku uniju, ali nismo uspjeli. Žao mi je zbog toga što još uvijek ne sjedite zajedno s nama, ali želim zaista, i vjerujem, da ćete biti sposobni ispuniti tu domaću zadaću koja je pred vama, ambiciozne planove koje ima Vlada i nadam se, pametna opozicija, će omogućiti da Sjeverna Makedonija, nadam se uskoro, otvori sve puteve i napokon dođe ovdje, gdje vam je i mjesto.


(Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot päättyvät)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, State Secretary. In the coming months, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will have to make important decisions concerning the finalisation of the process of constitutional changes on the one hand and the continuation of the implementation of key reforms on the other. This will require focus and determination to fundamentally improve the lives of citizens.

I count on all political forces to put the interests of the country first and support the common strategic goal of Euro-Atlantic integration.

In that respect I think it's time that everyone starts to accept the outcome of the referendum. Just last Sunday we had several referenda in Switzerland, usually considered one of the role models of mature democracy, and there the turnout rate is usually below 50% but nobody criticises or challenges the democratic result and the consequences. In that respect I can only urge everybody to start to respect the people's vote and the people's thinking by participating in a meaningful way in such a referendum.

The Commission, in any case, will support and continue to support the reform efforts in every way we can in order to prepare the country to open accession negotiations.

So I count on the support of this House to remain engaged and to send common messages of encouragement to the country and in particular to all your sister parties, but even more importantly, to all the citizens of the country.

More than ever, the Union needs to continue to show its unity and fight for our fundamental values and principles.


  Karoline Edtstadler, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, let me thank once again Parliament’s rapporteur on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mr Vajgl, for his excellent work.

The EU attaches great importance to moving forward with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and we hope to see continued progress. Reforms are crucial and will require the political leaders to live up to their responsibilities. The EU remains fully engaged and stands ready to support the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in its efforts.


  Ivo Vajgl, poročevalec. – Spoštovana predsedujoča, jaz bi se rad zahvalil vsem kolegom, ki so sodelovali v tej zelo zanimivi razpravi.

Jaz sem iz te razprave razbral, da je v Evropskem parlamentu še vedno oziroma vedno bolj utrjeno prepričanje, da bo članstvo Makedonije v Evropski uniji dodana vrednost k naši Uniji, da bo tudi dodatna garancija stabilnosti in varnosti tega dela Evrope.

Danes smo slišali tudi nekaj disonančnih mnenj in jaz bi ta mnenja komentiral samo s tem, da ne morem razumeti, da se komu zdi bolj ugodno, če ima soseda, s katerim ima odprte probleme in se prepira, namesto da ima soseda, s katerim ima skupne cilje za prihodnost in skupne interese, zlasti tudi za mlade generacije.

Rad bi rekel to, kar je veliko kolegov danes ugotovilo, da je Makedonija, da je makedonska politika, da so makedonski ljudje bili pripravljeni sprejeti precej pomembno, veliko žrtvovanje, veliko žrtev, s tem ko so pristali na zares težke pogoje: spremembo ustave in spremembo imena države.

Ampak to so naredili in razveseljivo je to, da je tudi makedonska opozicija (tudi s podporo bratskih oziroma sestrskih strank iz tega parlamenta) dojela, da je treba podpreti to priložnost, ki je mogoče v zgodovini Makedonije in njenih ljudi enkratna in neponovljiva.

Zato bi rad s tega mesta tudi naslovil makedonske politike, člane sobranja, da sodelujejo aktivno pri ratifikaciji sporazuma in pomagajo odpreti vrata Evropske unije in tudi Nata za članstvo njihove države v teh organizacijah.


  Puhemies. – Keskustelu on päättynyt.

Äänestys toimitetaan torstaina 29.11.2018.

Kirjalliset lausumat (162 artikla)


  Csaba Molnár (S&D), írásban. – A Bizottság macedón országjelentése kapcsán kénytelenek vagyunk újra Orbán Viktorról beszélni. Ki kell mondani: Nikola Gruevszki volt miniszterelnök nem egyszerűen megszökött az igazságszolgáltatás elől, hanem Orbán Viktor személyes utasítására magyar diplomaták csempészték ki. Az akciót a magyar közvélemény jelentős része, az ellenzék és a maradék szabad sajtó is elítélte. Orbán magánakciója ez, amely újra megmutatja, miért volt helyes, hogy az EP megszavazta a Sargentini jelentést. Orbán Viktor újra fittyet hányt a jogállamiságra, nem csak otthon, hanem a Balkánon is. Újra megengedhetetlen módon használta fel az állami szerveket az általa kitalált jogsértések végrehajtására és fedezésére. Most pedig Orbán maffiakormánya vattába csomagol egy hatalmi visszaélésért jogszerűen elítélt politikust. A Külügyminisztérium szöktetési akciója még Orbán Viktor Magyarországán is bűncselekmény. Az, hogy ennek nincsenek következményei, újra bizonyítja, hogy Magyarország ma nem jogállam.

Minden demokrata magyar polgár nevében követelem, hogy a magyar kormány adja ki Nikola Gruevszkit Macedóniának; kövesse meg a macedón, az albán és a szerb kormányt, amiért a magyar diplomáciai testületet törvényellenesen használták fel. Kérem, hogy a Parlament támogassa azokat az S&D indítványokat, amelyek elítélik Gruevszki megszöktetését; felszólítom az Európai Néppártot, hogy vonja le a következtetést Orbán újabb jogsértéséből, és hozza meg a régóta halogatott döntést a FIDESZ kizárásáról a kereszténydemokrata pártcsaládból.


  Bogusław Sonik (PPE), na piśmie. – Macedońscy posłowie zatwierdzili wniosek rządu o wprowadzenie poprawek do konstytucji, aby wprowadzić w życie podpisaną w czerwcu umowę z Grecją. Na jej mocy kraj zmieni swoją nazwę i stanie się oficjalnie Republiką Północnej Macedonii. Zakończy to toczony od 27 lat spór z Atenami i otworzy Macedończykom drzwi do akcesji do UE i NATO. Macedonia jest uważana za państwo kandydujące, które poczyniło największe postępy w zakresie dostosowania swojego ustawodawstwa do dorobku prawnego UE.

Mimo tego pozytywnego otwarcia, muszę wyrazić zaniepokojenie faktem, że były premier Macedonii Nikoła Gruewski, który zbiegł ze swojego kraju w obawie przed więzieniem, otrzymał na Węgrzech status uchodźcy. W Macedonii został skazany prawomocnym wyrokiem za wywieranie nacisków na urzędników w sprawie zamówień publicznych, dodatkowo toczy się wobec niego jeszcze pięć innych dochodzeń. Trudne do zrozumienia jest dlaczego władze w Budapeszcie przychyliły się do jego wniosku, uznając, że jest prześladowany z powodów politycznych i udzieliły azylu politykowi, który działał przeciwko przystąpieniu Macedonii do UE i NATO.

W pełni popieram zalecenie Komisji i decyzję Rady, według której negocjacje akcesyjne miałyby rozpocząć się w czerwcu 2019 r. Sprawne otwarcie procesu monitorowania i negocjacji ma szanse przyspieszyć tempo reform w Macedonii w jeszcze większym stopniu.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), in writing. – This report reconfirms that the fYR of Macedonia is a functioning state of law, and has been making important progress in reforming its judicial system to deal with – among other things – corruption—related crimes. That is why in this debate we cannot avoid facing the ongoing Gruevski scandal: the fact that a member of the EU – the Hungarian authorities, acting upon orders from Viktor Orbán himself – have actively assisted the illegal escape of the former Macedonian Prime Minister, and granted asylum to this legally convicted criminal. Orbán’s unprecedented provocation, in total contempt of international – and EU – law deliberately damages European interests and jointly agreed CFSP and enlargement policy decisions. The Gruevski scandal raises the responsibility of those who just recently decided to keep Orbán in their ranks, and – naively, or cynically – took his promise to behave more democratically. Well, Mr Weber, you cannot hold this actual dictator on a short leash. What you got from your political friend Orbán is a slap in the face, another humiliating, anti—European provocation, making the PPE an accomplice to his – and Gruevski’s – illegal actions... and hopefully the conviction that it is time to act now, to get rid of this source of embarrassment.

Pēdējā atjaunošana: 2019. gada 5. aprīlisJuridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika