 All text 
Förfarande : 2018/2147(INI)
Dokumentgång i plenum
Dokumentgång : A8-0334/2018

Ingivna texter :


Debatter :

PV 28/11/2018 - 26
CRE 28/11/2018 - 26

Omröstningar :

PV 29/11/2018 - 8.16
CRE 29/11/2018 - 8.16

Antagna texter :


Fullständigt förhandlingsreferat
Torsdagen den 29 november 2018 - Bryssel

8.16. Rapport för 2018 om Albanien (A8-0334/2018 - Knut Fleckenstein) (omröstning)

- Après le vote sur l’amendement 7:


  Knut Fleckenstein (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! Wir hätten gerne einen mündlichen Änderungsantrag. Das heißt: Ziffer 21a:

‘Notes with concern that women living in rural and remote areas and Roma and Egyptian women continue to have limited access to primary health care and sexual and reproductive health services and are often unaware about the availability of such services, calls on the Albanian authorities to ensure better information about such services and ensure that they are accessible, affordable and of quality’.


(L’amendement oral est retenu)

Senaste uppdatering: 23 maj 2019Rättsligt meddelande - Integritetspolicy