Menetlus : 2018/0064(COD)
Menetluse etapid istungitel
Dokumendi valik : A8-0391/2018

Esitatud tekstid :


Arutelud :

PV 16/04/2019 - 6
CRE 16/04/2019 - 6

Hääletused :

PV 11/12/2018 - 5.3
CRE 11/12/2018 - 5.3
PV 16/04/2019 - 8.22
Selgitused hääletuse kohta

Vastuvõetud tekstid :


Istungi stenogramm
Teisipäev, 11. detsember 2018 - Strasbourg

5.3. Euroopa Tööjõuameti loomine (A8-0391/2018 - Jeroen Lenaers) (hääletus)

- Prima della votazione:


  Jeroen Lenaers, Rapporteur. – Mr President, I’ll be very brief. This report was adopted with a very large majority in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. We had 66 compromises, of which the most narrowly adopted received 36 votes in favour, with four against. I would really like the plenary here to respect the balanced approach that we found in the committee, and to support us in taking this mandate into the negotiations with the Council.

Viimane päevakajastamine: 22. mai 2019Õigusteave - Privaatsuspoliitika