 Volledige tekst 
Procedure : 2018/0091M(NLE)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : A8-0367/2018

Ingediende teksten :


Debatten :

PV 11/12/2018 - 14
CRE 11/12/2018 - 14

Stemmingen :

PV 12/12/2018 - 12.7

Aangenomen teksten :


Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Donderdag 13 december 2018 - Straatsburg

10.3. Economische partnerschapsovereenkomst EU-Japan (resolutie) (A8-0367/2018 - Pedro Silva Pereira)
Video van de redevoeringen

Mündliche Erklärungen zur Abstimmung


  Lucy Anderson (S&D). – Mr President, in general and in solidarity with Japan and the people of Japan, I welcome this agreement. It is also a step towards a better and fairer EU trade policy that prioritises our regulatory standards on the environment and other key issues of importance to citizens. However, I do still have concerns, which is why in the end I abstained on the final vote on the resolution and on the agreement. Firstly, there are no proper arrangements in the agreement for monitoring of its impact on rail safety or in relation to the practical application and implementation of the opening—up of rail procurement processes in the EU and Japan. In addition, I would have preferred that this agreement were to definitively rule out, in advance, any investor protection through investor—state dispute settlement or an international investment court as being anti—democratic and inappropriate. Similarly, the agreement should have included more specific provisions providing protection for the right of nation—states to regulate, and guarding against the commercialisation of water and other public services.

Laatst bijgewerkt op: 5 april 2019Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid