Níl an doiciméad seo ar fáil i do theanga féin. Roghnaítear teanga eile as na teangacha atá ar fáil.

 Ar ais 
 Ar aghaidh 
 Téacs iomlán 
Nós Imeachta : 2017/0113(COD)
Céimeanna an doiciméid sa chruinniú iomlánach
An doiciméad roghnaithe : A8-0193/2018

Téacsanna arna gcur síos :


Díospóireachtaí :

PV 14/01/2019 - 17
CRE 14/01/2019 - 17

Vótaí :

PV 14/06/2018 - 7.6
CRE 14/06/2018 - 7.6
PV 15/01/2019 - 8.6
Mínithe ar vótaí

Téacsanna arna nglacadh :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Monday, 14 January 2019 - Strasbourg

17. Use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road (debate)
Video of the speeches

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar im Namen des Ausschusses für Verkehr und Tourismus über den Vorschlag für eine Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Änderung der Richtlinie 2006/1/EG über die Verwendung von ohne Fahrer gemieteten Fahrzeugen im Güterkraftverkehr (COM(2017)0282 – C8-0172/2017 – 2017/0113(COD)) (A8-0193/2018).


  Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Relatora. – Senhora Presidente, Senhora Comissária, cara Comissária Bulck, felicito, em primeiro lugar, a presidência romena por assumir a presidência e solicito também que apoie este dossiê de forma a podermos fechá-lo ainda neste mandato.

A proposta que amanhã vamos votar sobre a utilização de veículos de aluguer sem condutor no transporte rodoviário de mercadorias - incluída no primeiro pacote da mobilidade -, tem como objetivo adaptar uma diretiva que está em vigor há vinte e cinco anos e, desta forma, acomodar, paulatinamente, o mercado para a utilização destes veículos adaptando-o, obviamente, às necessidades dos operadores da indústria e tendo em consideração as próprias evoluções do mercado dos transportes.

Aquilo que propomos é que os Estados-Membros não devem limitar a utilização de um veículo de aluguer por uma empresa estabelecida num outro Estado-Membro dentro do seu próprio território, desde que o veículo, obviamente, cumpra as necessidades e as normas de funcionamento e de segurança. Desta forma, desbloqueamos o potencial de um mercado de aluguer e de leasing, que é composto, como sabem, maioritariamente por pequenas e médias empresas e que perspetiva, obviamente, a possibilidade de criação de mais emprego.

Contudo, e para evitar distorções do mercado devido, obviamente, à existência de diferentes níveis de tributação, dá-se, neste documento, a possibilidade de os Estados-Membros limitarem, no seu território, a utilização de veículos alugados por uma empresa estabelecida num outro Estado-Membro ou num período de tempo ou no número total de veículos alugados, desde que autorize, pelo menos, quatro meses consecutivos a utilização deste veículo no seu território ou, por outro lado, limitar o número de veículos alugados a 25% da frota total desta empresa. E caso a frota seja composta por mais de um ou menos de quatro veículos, autorizar o aluguer de, pelo menos, um veículo.

Para a implementação correta deste ato legislativo, propomos que toda a informação sobre o veículo de aluguer seja colocada nos registos eletrónicos nacionais e que a troca de informações entre Estados-Membros seja realizada através do sistema de informação de mercado interno, tal como a proposta que se encontra em outros dossiês do próprio pacote da mobilidade.

Com esta proposta permitiremos a concretização do mercado único neste domínio específico, sem o fazer de forma abrupta, e também alcançando o cumprimento das regras sociais e das regras de mercado, sobretudo nos transportes de mercadorias da União. Por isso aquilo que apelo a todos os colegas, é que não apoiem propostas de alteração que discriminem veículos de aluguer dos veículos próprios e que permitam criar ainda mais obstáculos ao desenvolvimento deste sector e à concretização do espaço único europeu de transportes. Que digam “não” às exceções que bloqueiam uma frota mais verde, mais ecológica, mais segura, como as restrições aos veículos cujo peso seja superior a seis toneladas; que digam “não” a medidas que bloqueiam as necessidades dos operadores de poderem responder em picos sazonais e que digam “não” a propostas que recaiam sobre trabalhadores, porque estamos, efetivamente, a referir-nos a uma diretiva que explicitamente diz “sem condutores”. Mais, todos os veículos postos em circulação na União devem cumprir os limites estabelecidos de emissões e não devemos, pois, criar redundâncias legislativas europeias que digam “não” à alteração de atos legislativos, através deste não podemos alterá-los através de outros e amanhã votaremos este relatório em prol do mercado transportes.


  Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I would like to thank the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) and particularly Ms Monteiro de Aguiar and the shadow rapporteurs for this overall balanced and well-drafted report on the Commission’s proposal to update the rules relating to the use of hired goods vehicles.

The use of hired vehicles instead of vehicles owned by transport operators increases the efficiency of these operators. It represents an attractive alternative to the purchase of potentially under-used vehicles. What is more – and this is an increasingly important aspect – hired vehicles are usually newer, cleaner and safer than the vehicles owned by the operators. The average age of hired vehicles is significantly below the average age of the vehicles that are owned by the operators. They usually meet the latest environmental and safety standards. Hired vehicles are hence good both for road safety and the environment.

The revision of the rules relating to the use of hired goods vehicles aims at removing outdated restrictions and those facilitating the use of these modern and clean vehicles. In addition, we want to ensure that operators may also use vehicles they have hired outside their countries of establishment and give them legal certainty when they do that.

When you hire a vehicle, you should be able to use it anywhere in the EU and not be subject to different restrictions depending on where you are operating. To avoid unwanted consequences such as the large-scale flagging-out of fleets, the use of vehicles hired in another Member State may be limited to some extent, but those limitations should still allow operators first to meet in particular short-term, seasonal or temporary demand peaks, or to replace defective or damaged vehicles whenever this occurs. These are examples where our research has found that the possibility to use vehicles hired abroad would be most needed.

Ms Monteiro de Aguiar’s report is right in moving possible restrictions on the use of hired vehicles from Article 2 to Article 3 of the Directive. This ensures that Member States will not be able to restrict the use of a hired goods vehicle on their territory if the use of that vehicle is allowed on the territory of the Member States where the operator using it is established. In other words, as long as you can use a hired vehicle in your home country, you can use it everywhere in the EU.

The amendments that have been tabled for the plenary vote tomorrow are to a large extent also acceptable to the Commission. However, I have to mention specifically two amendments which could destroy the delicate balance created by Ms Monteiro de Aguiar. First, one amendment would allow a Member State to restrict the use of hired vehicles by a foreign operator that do not meet the latest environmental standards. One of the arguments in favour of the use of hired vehicles is that they are usually newer and cleaner than other vehicles. This should hence not be a big issue. However, such a provision would destroy the legal certainty created by Ms Monteiro de Aguiar’s report, as it would allow Member States to apply different restrictions to hired vehicles. You would first have to check where you could drive with your hired vehicle depending on where you want to use it, while no such restriction would apply to vehicles owned by operators.

Another amendment which raises concerns is the one allowing Member States to restrict the use of hired vehicles for own-account operations. We have found that in the few countries where such restrictions are currently applied we have more empty runs. Moreover, this provision leads to a patchwork of legal rules in the Member States and has no legal certainty for companies using hired vehicles. Having said this, we can accept all the other amendments which increase the information provided to drivers and which strengthen compliance with and enforcement of the directive. I am looking forward to all the comments from your side.


  Theresa Griffin, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, on behalf of Lucy Anderson, hired vehicles are an important and growing part of the EU road transport sector and one that touches on a range of public policy.

This plenary has already taken an initial view on the revision of the law on hired vehicles, but it is right now that we reconsider the matter urgently, not least in the light of the controversial mobility package proposals. We must put safety, environmental concerns and consideration for truck drivers at the top of our list of priorities for this sector.

The S&D has tabled a number of important amendments and these are supported by many MEPs from other political groups. Despite repeated attempts to find compromise solutions on issues such as the training of drivers, the environmental impact of hired vehicles or on the level of liberalisation of the market, the rapporteur has shown little willingness, I’m afraid, to accommodate different views, leaving us with a weaker text.

I would urge everyone to support our amendments in the vote tomorrow in order to tackle the deficiencies of the proposal and provide a good basis for negotiations with the Council. It is essential that we ensure that hired vehicles are in compliance with the most applicable emission limits laid down in Union law.

In the light of safety considerations and different circumstances in the Member States, it is right they should be allowed to decide whether or not to continue hiring restrictions on the heaviest goods vehicles.

We strongly urge support for a sensible amendment to ensure that drivers receive the necessary information for using hired vehicles. Penalties applicable for infringements of this directive should be adequate, effective and dissuasive.

And finally, breaches of the law regarding hired vehicles should be regarded as serious infringements of EU road transport legislation, leading to potential action being taken against the licences of infringing transport operators. Given these concerns, Madam President, the S&D Group cannot support the current text if it remains unamended.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, dit dossier gaat over een heel moeilijk evenwicht tussen enerzijds het vrijmaken van de Europese huurmarkt voor vrachtwagens met een efficiëntere bedrijfsvoering als positief effect, en anderzijds het goed regelen van diezelfde huurmarkt om redenen van mogelijke oneerlijke concurrentie, fiscale autonomie en veiligheid.

Het pleit voor de rapporteur dat zij dit evenwicht goed heeft gevonden. Aan de verdere liberalisering van de interne markt worden de nodige voorwaarden gekoppeld. Daarbij behouden de lidstaten de mogelijkheid om het eigen bedrijfsleven te reguleren zonder de Europese markt te verstoren.

Tot slot zou ik willen aandringen op een degelijke toepassing van dit voorstel wanneer het uiteindelijk tot een akkoord zou komen met de Raad. Een goede handhaving is hierbij cruciaal. Collega's, onze fractie zal deze tekst steunen bij de stemming morgen.


  Matthijs van Miltenburg, namens de ALDE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, het gebruik van gehuurde voertuigen voor het vervoer van goederen heeft grote voordelen voor Europa. Inzet van gehuurde voertuigen verhoogt de productiviteit en de flexibiliteit van betrokken ondernemingen. Piekbelastingen kunnen worden opgevangen met gehuurde voertuigen. Daarnaast gaan we door het gebruik van gehuurde voertuigen verspilling van kapitaal tegen, omdat er minder onderbenutting van voertuigen is. Bovendien zijn gehuurde voertuigen vaak nieuwer, schoner en veiliger, waardoor het gebruik van gehuurde voertuigen bijdraagt aan verduurzaming.

Ik ben dan ook voorstander van een verdere liberalisering van de Europese markt voor gehuurde voertuigen. Zo kunnen we bevorderen dat er een gelijk speelveld en eerlijke concurrentie tussen Europese ondernemingen is en nemen we onnodige beperkingen en administratieve lasten weg.

Ik benadruk graag dat een goede registratie van kentekens van gehuurde voertuigen essentieel is, bijvoorbeeld met het oog op de handhaving van de regels rond cabotage. Informatie moet kunnen worden uitgewisseld tussen autoriteiten in verschillende lidstaten, zodat altijd duidelijk is wat het vestigingsland van de vervoerder is. In de tekst die we morgen in stemming brengen is daar een hele goede voorziening voor opgenomen.

Hetzelfde geldt voor de mogelijkheid om het gebruik van gehuurde voertuigen uit een andere lidstaat wel enigszins te kunnen beperken. Bijvoorbeeld om te voorkomen dat verhuurbedrijven zich verplaatsen naar landen met een gunstiger belastingklimaat.

Afrondend: er ligt een hele evenwichtige tekst ter stemming voor, die gaat zorgen voor een beter functionerende markt voor gehuurde vrachtwagens in Europa. Ik steun die tekst, want daarmee wordt de Europese vervoersector op de goede weg gezet.


  Jakop Dalunde, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Fru talman! Kommissionens transportpaket ”Europa på väg”, som ska leda Europa mot en ren, konkurrenskraftig och sammanlänkad rörlighet, är lovvärt. Men på grund av ett alltför stort fokus på vägtransport missar förslagen delvis den möjlighet som finns just nu att sätta igång och stödja den nödvändiga omställningen inom transportsektorn.

I förslaget till ny förordning om hyrda fordon hade vi velat se större fokus på förstärkta kontroller och avgifter för att främja en mer rättvis skattekonkurrens, större fokus på den nödvändiga gröna omställningen inom transportsektorn, från väg till räls, och bättre stöd till utbildning för lastbilschaufförer.

Vi välkomnar dock totalt sett kommissionens förslag, men vi skulle vilja göra det tuffare mot exempelvis brevlådeföretag och med mer rättvisa skatteregler.


  Marie-Pierre Vieu, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Madame la Présidente, le fait d’ouvrir la possibilité aux entreprises de louer des véhicules pour le transport des marchandises au niveau de l’Union peut permettre aux entreprises de transport de faire face aux aléas de leur activité, et cela, j’y suis favorable. Par contre, cela implique un texte exempt de toute faille juridique qui encourage les fraudes, tant au niveau social que fiscal. Dit autrement, il faut des garde-fous clairs et fermes.

J’ai soutenu, pour ma part, une limitation du temps de location à un mois maximum, deux fois par an, puis une limitation en volume à un maximum de 25 % de la flotte. Le texte voté en commission des transports ne retient pas ces exigences. Il reste largement insuffisant et ne donne pas les garanties nécessaires.

Permettre la location sans restriction et interdire aux États membres de la limiter en- dessous de quatre mois consécutifs, c’est sciemment ouvrir la porte aux abus. Abus en matière fiscale, au regard de la lutte contre les sociétés boîtes aux lettres et les pratiques de rotation abusives dans plusieurs pays, qui amènent à des pertes de revenus pour les États membres; abus dans le domaine social, avec l’exploitation des travailleurs de la route par des employeurs abusifs; abus, enfin, à conséquences écologiques, renforçant le dumping social et l’Europe du «tout camion» au détriment du fret ferroviaire.

Je refuserai d’ouvrir cette brèche et m’opposerai à ce texte.


  Daniela Aiuto, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, gentile Commissaria, noi ci rendiamo conto che l'utilizzo di veicoli noleggiati senza conducente per il trasporto di merci su strada può effettivamente costituire una soluzione che garantisce flessibilità per l'attività delle imprese di trasporto. Il beneficio si avrebbe principalmente sull'utilizzo di parchi veicoli più moderni e con meno problemi in termini di sicurezza.

Tuttavia il ricorso eccessivo a questa modalità di impiego dei mezzi può comportare delle problematiche in termini di tutela della concorrenza tra imprese localizzate in paesi diversi e anche per quanto riguarda i diritti sociali dei conducenti.

Riteniamo pertanto che sia importante mantenere alcune prerogative degli Stati membri nel limitare l'esercizio massivo della pratica del noleggio senza conducente; va quindi messa in atto, soprattutto, una limitazione nei casi di noleggio dei mezzi sopra le 6 tonnellate in conto proprio.


  Isabella De Monte (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, io sono a favore del fatto di fare un ulteriore passo avanti nell'eliminazione di ostacoli al buon funzionamento del mercato unico e alla creazione di un quadro normativo uniforme per questo settore ma, proprio per questo, ammorbidire le restrizioni per il noleggio dei veicoli e per il trasporto di merci deve andare di pari passo con il rafforzamento dei regolamenti 1071 e 1072 del 2009, ciò al fine di eliminare le società di comodo fraudolente.

Il cabotaggio illegale rimane un serio problema del settore, che va combattuto, e purtroppo con questa norma c'è il rischio che individuarlo possa essere ancora più difficile, se non si mantengono delle salvaguardie come, ad esempio, il limite temporale di quattro mesi e il limite del 25 % totale della flotta.

Bisogna quindi dare un chiaro segnale, ossia il perfezionamento del mercato unico non può prescindere dall'avere, per tutti gli Stati membri, delle regole eque e parità di condizioni.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, la legislazione europea relativa all'utilizzo di veicoli noleggiati senza conducente per il trasporto di merci su strada è in vigore da 25 anni. È una legislazione, dunque, che va adeguata per adattarla alle esigenze attuali degli operatori e del settore.

Sostengo l'obiettivo generale della proposta, che rappresenta un'occasione per favorire condizioni di parità e di concorrenza leale tra società di noleggio nell'Unione europea.

Gli Stati membri non dovrebbero limitare l'uso sul proprio territorio di un veicolo noleggiato da un'impresa debitamente stabilita in un altro Stato membro, a condizione però che il veicolo rispetti le norme di esercizio vigenti e i requisiti di sicurezza.

Ma per garantire la corretta attuazione della proposta è fondamentale che a essa sia data un'adeguata attuazione. A tal fine i registri elettronici nazionali esistenti dovrebbero includere il numero di immatricolazione del veicolo e il periodo di validità della copia certificata conforme della licenza comunitaria, specificando da quanto tempo uno Stato membro può consentire ai suoi trasportatori di utilizzare veicoli noleggiati nel proprio territorio.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το άνοιγμα της αγοράς είναι δεδομένο ότι θα οδηγήσει σε προβλήματα. Θα οδηγήσει σε αθέμιτο ανταγωνισμό, θα οδηγήσει σε κλείσιμο μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων και, κυρίως, των ελευθέρων επαγγελματιών, οι οποίοι αυτή τη στιγμή λειτουργούν τις επιχειρήσεις οδικών μεταφορών, ιδίως στην Ελλάδα. Θα ενισχυθούν έτσι κυρίως οι μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις. Από εκεί και πέρα, αυτό που πρέπει να γίνει είναι να ληφθούν υπόψη τα πρότυπα ασφαλείας. Υπάρχει ζήτημα με τα τέλη. Θα πρέπει να έχουμε πολύ πιο πράσινο προσανατολισμό, επομένως, καλύτερα να ενισχυθούν οι σιδηροδρομικές μεταφορές. Χρειάζεται εκπαίδευση των οδηγών. Νομίζω ότι μέτρα συγκεκριμένα, όπως το ποσοστό των αυτοκινήτων, που θα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ή ο χρόνος πίστωσης είναι καθοριστικά. Να επισημάνω ότι στην Ελλάδα αυτό που συμβαίνει είναι ότι έχουμε εκατοντάδες πλέον βουλγαρικά φορτηγά τα οποία εισέρχονται στην Ελλάδα και κάνουν κυρίως μεταφορές εσωτερικές. Δηλαδή, καταστρατηγούν τις αποφάσεις με τις οποίες απαγορεύεται να κάνουν εσωτερικές μεταφορές και αυτό είναι ένα καθοριστικό θέμα, το οποίο η κυρία Bulc, κατά την άποψή μας, θα πρέπει να το δει.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I would like to thank the honourable Members for this short but very concrete debate, and I would like to thank again all the Members that have contributed to the discussion of this important topic, and – of course – to the rapporteur.

The use of hired vehicles in the internal market should be facilitated, and there is no reason why the use of hired vehicles should be made more difficult than the use of vehicles owned by undertakings. I hope we all agree on that. I would like to also stress that this proposal really supports higher safety of drivers and higher road safety altogether, and it contributes directly to the decarbonisation of transport. It’s worth pointing out one more time why we are focusing on road transport: because it represents 70% of all the emissions that transport is contributing in Europe. So we do want the focus to become big.

Allow me also to add two comments directly related to your comments. First, on effective controls service: the number plate of all vehicles at the disposal of transport operators will be recorded in the national electronic register of road transport undertakings, which is part of Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009.

The second comment is related to the comment from a respectful Member who is implying the worsening of working conditions for truck drivers. Let me stress, this proposal is about rules that apply to the use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road. It therefore does not affect the rights and working conditions of drivers in any way.

Following this first reading, it should be possible to conclude the trilogue swiftly, and the Romanian Presidency is ready to advance on this file within the coming weeks. This would allow for a formal adoption of the directive still before the end of the mandate of Parliament, and this is something we would very much appreciate.

As a final remark, let me express one more time my appreciation for the great work that has been done: thank you very much for that, and allow me once again to wish everybody a very successful, very healthy and very constructive 2019.


  Die Präsidentin. – Danke schön, Frau Kommissarin. Das wünschen wir Ihnen natürlich genauso.


  Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Relatora. – Senhora Presidente, agradeço as palavras da Sra. Comissária, mas também quero aproveitar para agradecer a todos os colegas que contribuíram não só para o debate aqui hoje, mas também contribuíram para a construção deste documento, a elaboração deste documento. Peço agora que apoiem amanhã, na votação, o texto que foi aprovado na sessão plenária de junho. Desta forma poderemos ter um texto que trará clareza jurídica. É um mercado que tem, como aqui já foi dito, um potencial que deve ser desbloqueado por nós, que deve ser desbloqueado aqui pelo Parlamento Europeu.

Um mercado de aluguer flexível que trará benefícios para o mercado dos transportes de mercadorias transfronteiriço e nacional dos Estados-Membros e, em especial, poderá dar resposta a picos sazonais e a uma procura pontual. Trará benefícios ecológicos, porque falamos de uma frota de veículos de aluguer que tem em média quatro a seis anos, é mais recente que a frota das próprias empresas, trazendo, por isso, maior segurança às estradas.

Uma proposta que trará benefícios às empresas porque permitirá, desta forma, poderem investir em outras áreas de desenvolvimento e não na própria frota que, muitas vezes, é subutilizada devido às regras de aluguer que são díspares de país para país. Não precisamos de diferenciar veículos de aluguer de veículos próprios, porque na União o quadro regulamentar é claro e todos os veículos em circulação na União devem cumprir os limites de emissões estabelecidos através da legislação europeia.

Não devemos manter a restrição superior a seis toneladas, porque a sua aplicação vai contra os objetivos gerais para o desenvolvimento do espaço único europeu de transportes. Devemos, sim, permitir que os Estados-Membros possam limitar, a partir dos quatro meses consecutivos, a utilização destes veículos, para evitar um carrossel fiscal e responder obviamente às diferenças tributárias existentes. Por último, não devemos criar uma cultura dentro deste Parlamento de alterar atos legislativos em discussão através de outros atos. A correta aplicação desta diretiva far-se-á através da inclusão de toda a informação nos registos eletrónicos nacionais e através do uso de sistemas de informação de mercado.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Dienstag, 15. Januar 2019, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162)


  Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE), na piśmie. – Sprawozdanie dotyczące użytkowania pojazdów najmowanych bez kierowców w celu przewozu drogowego rzeczy jest istotnym krokiem w kierunku realizacji idei i zasad jednolitego rynku transportowego. Umożliwi poszczególnym przedsiębiorcom wynajmowanie flot pojazdów i korzystanie z nich na terenie całej UE przez okres nawet czterech miesięcy, dzięki czemu będą się cieszyli większą elastycznością przepisów i będą mogli na bieżąco reagować np. na potrzeby sezonowe rynku.

Dotychczas kraje członkowskie mogły wprowadzać dowolne przepisy ograniczające takie praktyki, przez co firmy musiały korzystać z własnych flot. Dzięki nowym ramom prawnym zadbamy także bardziej o jakość powietrza, ponieważ aby uzyskać zgodę na prowadzenie działalności międzynarodowej z wynajętą flotą, będzie ona musiała spełniać wysokie standardy środowiskowe. Będę zatem głosować za propozycją dyrektywy w obecnej formie.


  Janusz Zemke (S&D), na piśmie. – Proponowana dyrektywa ma poprawić wykorzystanie najmowanych samochodów, gdyż obowiązujący system jest skomplikowany i biurokratyczny.

Za najważniejszą zmianę uważam rezygnację z istniejącej póki co i często wykorzystywanej możliwości ograniczania użytkowania najmowanych pojazdów w przypadku przewozów na własny rachunek. Rozwiązanie to było krytykowane w Unii Europejskiej, w tym w Polsce. Słusznie zatem, że od niego odstąpimy.

Dodatkowo użytkowanie pojazdu najętego w innym państwie Unii Europejskiej ma być dozwolone do 4 miesięcy, aby przedsiębiorstwa mogły szybko reagować na czasowy wzrost zapotrzebowania na ich usługi transportowe, co zdarza się przykładowo sezonowo w transporcie płodów rolnych. Ponadto rozwiązanie to umożliwi sprawne zastępowanie pojazdów uszkodzonych nowszymi pojazdami.

Przedłożone zmiany są zatem zgodne z oczekiwaniami przewoźników, w tym z Polski. Poprawią one efektywność wykorzystania środków transportu drogowego, co będzie także korzystne dla ochrony środowiska.

An nuashonrú is déanaí: 4 Aibreán 2019Fógra dlíthiúil - Beartas príobháideachais