 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2018/2089(INI)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A8-0425/2018

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 14/01/2019 - 23
CRE 14/01/2019 - 23

Votes :

PV 15/01/2019 - 8.5
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Mardi 15 janvier 2019 - Strasbourg Edition révisée

9.1. Les véhicules autonomes dans les transports européens (A8-0425/2018 - Wim van de Camp)
Vidéo des interventions

Oral explanations of vote


  Alex Mayer (S&D). – Mr President, I welcome this report on autonomous driving. Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting Mill Brook in Bedfordshire, in my constituency. They have invested in 5G mobile test infrastructure to supercharge the development of connected and autonomous vehicles. The vision for the technological future is one where we all sit back and relax in cars that drive us safely and efficiently to our destinations. No collisions, no traffic jams. To become a reality, of course, there will need to be car-to-car and car-to-everything-around-them communications and crucially, all cars really need to be speaking the same language. There won’t be any translation booths or headphones. So, if industry-wide standards cannot be agreed by industry then the EU must step in. I therefore particularly welcome the call on the Commission to propose a regulatory framework to promote V2X connectivity for highly and fully automated vehicles.


  Morten Messerschmidt (ECR). – Hr. formand! Jeg skal afstå fra at komme med den bemærkning, at EU alt for længe har virket som et køretøj uden fører, og blot sige, at det jo er endnu et område, hvor vi kan takke den amerikanske udvikling og industri for et forhåbentligt gennembrud, der også vil gøre livet lettere for os europæere. Naturligvis kræver det regulering, og naturligvis kaster man sig så fra Europa-Parlamentets side øjeblikkeligt over en sådan regulering - også selvom vi ikke ved, hvordan bilerne kommer til at se ud, og også selvom vi ikke kender hverken software eller hardware eller noget som helst. Det er godt at være på forkant, og derfor har jeg selvfølgelig også stemt for denne betænkning, da jeg ikke kan forestille mig noget skønnere end at kunne sidde og læse avisen, mens man bliver kørt på arbejde af en automatisk bil. Men lad os nu lige også huske på sikkerheden. Det er ikke uvæsentligt, og vi har allerede set nogle frygtelige episoder ved de amerikanske eksperimenter, som aldrig nogensinde må ske i Europa. Så fint, men lad os nu løfte foden lidt fra bremsen.


  Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Przypomnę debatę tu w Parlamencie Europejskim o broni autonomicznej. Dziś rozmawiamy o kolejnych systemach, które wymykają się spod prawa i wymykają się dość skutecznie. Muszę powiedzieć, że patrząc na to sprawozdanie i zaglądając do harmonogramu, jaki się przy tej okazji pojawia, jestem pełen niepokoju, że znowu mamy brak czasu. Na szczęście w przypadku tego sprawozdania nie było poważnych podziałów. Sprawozdanie zostało dobrze przyjęte i jest nadzieja, że ten 2020 rok będzie czasem, w którym kolejny parlament zdąży z regulacjami prawnymi zabezpieczającymi nas przed negatywnymi elementami związanymi, jakby nie było, z rozwojem technologii.


  John Howarth (S&D). – Mr President, I welcome this report and the broad approach that Commissioner Jourová set out last night. The three pillars of work needing to happen around the legal framework are the financial support for developing technologies and the socio-economic implications of driverless. The arguments around liability are now familiar and the ability to adapt technologies to local driving cultures are entirely feasible. The clear desire on the part of technology firms like Google, Uber and Amazon to dispense with those inconvenient and unpredictable human beings has social implications that are both wide and deep. However, there is a fourth pillar, and that is public acceptance of autonomous vehicles. The traveling public is perfectly willing to accept the notion of autonomous vehicles with a human safety override on passenger aircraft as a matter of routine, but the car is a symbol of personal freedom and status, and it is powerful and it is cherished. So politicians are sooner or later going to have to answer the question: in the future will I still be able to drive my own car wherever I want to drive it?


  Adam Szejnfeld (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! W ostatnich czasach obserwujemy bardzo dynamiczny rozwój cywilizacji cyfrowej. Od tego procesu nie ma już odwrotu, dlatego, uwzględniając ten fakt, Europa powinna stać się liderem we wdrażaniu nowych technik i technologii. Żeby tak się jednak stało, potrzebne są oczywiście także określone inwestycje, przede wszystkim w infrastrukturę drogową, także w elektroniczne połączenia dróg europejskich, a także zaangażowanie w odpowiednią regulację – no chociażby dotyczącą odpowiedzialności pojazdów autonomicznych w sytuacjach choćby kolizji drogowej.

Bardzo ważną kwestią jest oczywiście dbanie o sztuczną inteligencję. Odpowiednie przepisy w tym zakresie są fundamentalnie ważne, chociażby po to, żeby eliminować obawy społeczne, jeżeli chodzi o ten rodzaj rozwoju naszej cywilizacji.


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). – Mr President, I welcome this report. It’s very important that we address and look at the issues surrounding the development and the advantages that are there in terms of autonomous vehicles or driverless vehicles. They’re going to be entering into the market post-2020 in a rapid fashion and then expand to utility vehicles and trucks, if we are to believe the projections.

There are many issues that we need to address if we’re to bring consumers and to get consumer confidence in this area. Safety and privacy of data is one of them and, of course, safety of individuals. The technical standards of vehicles and infrastructure need to be addressed. We need responsibilities of the operators to come into play. Who is liable and what are the ethical questions around it? If we’re going to move forward in this area, there are lots of questions that need to be addressed, and that can only be done in this House and other national parliaments in ensuring that we do have societal acceptance of autonomous vehicles.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já jsem tuto zprávu svého kolegy podpořil, domnívám se, že skutečně postihuje všechny podstatné oblasti, ostatně úzce pojmenovat toto téma by bylo velmi nesprávné, ono má přesah do průmyslu, samozřejmě do digitální ekonomiky, do životního prostředí, samozřejmě na inovace a na snižování emisí. Já jsem přesvědčen, že potřebujeme pravidla v tomto odvětví. Je nepochybné, že musíme motivovat i evropské podniky, MSP na podporu tohoto odvětví tak, abychom stáli na špici inovací. Zatím tomu tak není, jsou to skutečně spíše kolegové přes Atlantik a je důležité, aby ta pravidla dávala směr pro správný a udržitelný provoz těchto autonomních provozů nebo těchto automobilů.

Řešíme otázku právního pojištění, odpovědnosti za škody a samozřejmě správně nastavené konektivity. Já jsem především pro to, aby nenarůstal počet automobilů v našich regionech, a je důležité proto, aby se tento způsob řízení i implementoval do hromadné i kolejové veřejné dopravy.


  Daniel Hannan (ECR). – Mr President, the next time you’re in a town or in a city, look around and count how many people are driving for a living: bus drivers, cab drivers, white van drivers, Uber drivers. Put them altogether and you’ve got probably the single biggest collective employer of men. Now, as autonomous vehicles become a reality, an awful lot of jobs are going to be lost in that sector, and of course that has led to some concerns in this House, which we have heard. But it doesn’t follow that all these people are going to be milling around unemployed. Where, after all, if we look around today are all the unemployed ex-video rental employees or secretaries or archivists or travel agents? Technology is constantly changing the way we work, and yet more people in most of our countries are in employment than at any time in our history. That’s the wonder of artificial intelligence and of modern technological change: that living standards keep rising, that we keep creating more new jobs as things get better and better. Look around; look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, vótáil mé i bhfabhar na tuarascála seo, mar is dóigh liom gur tábhachtach an t-ábhar é. Go háirithe, ós rud é go bhfuil a lán dul chun cinn le déanamh againn agus a lán oibre le déanamh againn chun teacht suas le tíortha cosúil leis an tSín, an tSeapáin agus na Stáit Aontaithe, atá i bhfad chun tosaigh maidir le taighde agus rialúchán ar an ábhar seo.

At the same time, I just want to say that these autonomous technologies in the area of transport and logistics present a huge potential for future development, particularly in my own country, Ireland, where we depend highly on our road transport network for our country’s economy and social life. The use of drones for the transport of goods and automated light rail systems for public transport are already a possibility, and entry into the European market of passenger cars with automated driving functions is imminent.

Therefore, we need to get ready, and we also need to do a lot more research. I look forward to that being done, especially in the next Horizon programme. Therefore it is a technology that is going to move us forward and we better move quickly.

(The President cut off the speaker)

Dernière mise à jour: 15 mai 2019Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité