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Procedūra : 2019/2512(RSP)
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Debates :

PV 17/01/2019 - 8.2
CRE 17/01/2019 - 8.2

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PV 17/01/2019 - 10.2

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Debašu stenogramma
Ceturtdiena, 2019. gada 17. janvāris - Strasbūra

8.2. Sudāna
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  Președintele. – Următorul punct pe ordinea de zi este dezbaterea a șase propuneri de rezoluție referitoare la Sudan (2019/2512(RSP)).


  Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, with inflation rates of 122% and the government cutting fuel and food subsidies, the mass protests seen across Sudan during the past few weeks are of little surprise. It’s clear that what began as a manifestation of protest against bread queues and a wider cost of living concern, has now morphed into a broader anti—government, anti—regime movement with support across the oppositional divide.

Furthermore, as President Omar al—Bashir looks to abolish presidential term limits in a bid to extend his already 30—year grip on power, we have witnessed an increasingly brutal response from the government in Khartoum to the continuing protests. That response has already resulted in up to 40 civilians losing their lives – the government itself has admitted to a figure of 24 – and some 2 000 to 3 000 people being arrested and detained.

It’s clearly time for al—Bashir to relinquish power, being a man that possesses the dubious title of being the only current head of state anywhere in the world with two outstanding arrest warrants issued against him by the International Criminal Court. As the protests continue, we must remain vigilant of further escalation, particularly given the security challenges that already are present in that region of Africa.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. – Monsieur le Président, nous avons déjà adopté nombre de résolutions sur le Soudan. La dernière en date, en mars 2018, concernait l’arrestation de Salih Mahmoud Osman, notre prix Sakharov 2007, de nouveau arrêté, visiblement par le NISS, le triste service de sécurité soudanais. Ses proches craignent pour sa santé, notamment parce qu’il est diabétique. Un parmi tant d’autres, malheureusement, une fois encore. Les organisations de défense des droits de l’homme parlent d’au moins 2 000 personnes arrêtées depuis le 19 décembre dernier, de dizaines de morts, sans parler des tortures.

Depuis septembre 2013, des manifestations ont lieu de façon récurrente, principalement à Khartoum. Jusqu’à présent, elles reposaient sur la crise économique, à la suite de la perte des ressources pétrolières après la partition du Soudan, avec une inflation record – on parle effectivement d’un taux de plus de 120 %, le deuxième du monde – et, en conséquence, une augmentation constante des prix des produits de première nécessité dans un pays en situation de pénurie. Sans parler d’un budget consacré à 70 % aux dépenses militaires, au détriment du reste, notamment la santé et l’éducation.

En décembre, après le triplement du prix du pain, les premières manifestations ont commencé hors de la capitale et ont gagné l’ensemble du pays comme une traînée de poudre, y compris au Darfour où règnent pourtant toujours en maître les ex-janjawid et la répression qui va avec. Très vite, les mots d’ordre ont pris une tournure politique. «Liberté, paix et justice» demandent les manifestants, ainsi que la fin du régime.

Omar el-Béchir n’en est pas à une provocation près et veut effectivement changer la constitution pour se représenter, alors qu’il est au pouvoir depuis 29 ans, sous le coup de plusieurs mandats de la Cour pénale internationale. La répression frappe tous azimuts: défenseurs des droits de l’homme, universitaires, étudiants, journalistes, responsables de l’opposition, et notamment ceux du Parti populaire du congrès et du Parti communiste soudanais, qui a osé prêter ses locaux pour une réunion de toutes les parties prenantes des manifestations.

L’Association des professionnels soudanais vient d’appeler à une semaine de soulèvements, dont le point d’orgue doit avoir lieu aujourd’hui, à Khartoum et dans les grandes villes: une grande marche pour la paix et le changement.

Nous avons ici dénoncé à de nombreuses reprises les accords liant l’Union européenne et le Soudan via les politiques migratoires ou la lutte contre le terrorisme. Comment peut-on coopérer avec les autorités répressives de ce pays, y compris en leur demandant de venir ici identifier leurs ressortissants dans des centres de rétention, ou leur livrer des équipements qui pourront être utilisés contre la population soudanaise, y compris au Darfour. Tous les financements européens doivent être revus pour arrêter cette hypocrisie.

Enfin, je veux exprimer, au nom de la GUE/NGL, ma totale solidarité avec ceux qui vont manifester aujourd’hui dans les rues soudanaises au péril de leur vie.


  Bodil Valero, författare. – Herr talman! Jag tänkte dela upp mitt inlägg i tre delar.

Den första: Fredliga protester måste vara tillåtna. Det är naturligt och i högsta grad förståeligt att protester sprider sig när regeringar drastiskt ökar priset på baslivsmedel och när den ekonomiska situationen i landet försämras på grund av dåligt styre. I det här fallet har protesterna spridits från landsbygden in till huvudstaden Khartoum. Det måste också vara tillåtet att protestera för att president Omar al-Bashir, som suttit vid makten i 29 år, ska släppa fram en efterträdare. Internationella organisationer som arbetar med mänskliga rättigheter i landet rapporterar 45 dödsfall hittills. Det är människor som protesterat och som dödats av polis.

Den andra frågan är säkerhetstjänstens metoder. Det är helt oacceptabelt att sådant övervåld, mot människor som protesterar och mot politiska opponenter, används av Sudans säkerhetstjänst NISS. NISS mandat och metoder måste självklart följa internationell standard och det är i dag inte fallet. Internationell standard vad gäller arresteringar bör självklart också följas av NISS. Det rapporteras till exempel att NISS använt skarp ammunition mot obeväpnade människor och att tortyr uppges ha förekommit i landets fängelser. Det kan aldrig accepteras, inte i något land.

Det tredje är att valkalendern bör respekteras. Enligt landets konstitution kan inte den sittande presidenten ställa upp i presidentvalet 2020. Men precis som i så många andra länder försöker presidenten nu ändra konstitutionen så att han får ställa upp ändå i valet 2020, och till sin hjälp har han en grupp rättsexperter som står honom nära. Tjugotvå politiska partier i opposition till den sittande presidenten har krävt att makten ska tas över av en övergångsregering och att ett datum för demokratiska val omedelbart ska utlysas.

Eftersom jag har tid över tar jag också upp en fjärde fråga. Den här resolutionen har ju sin grund i aktuella och oacceptabla händelser i Sudan, men om vi lyfter blicken och funderar lite mer över läget i Sudan är det omöjligt för mig som grön att inte också se hur klimatpåverkan och dess konsekvenser haft en förödande inverkan på utvecklingen sedan ett par decennier tillbaka. När förutsättningarna att odla försämras och när människor tvingas fly från sina marker ökar spänningarna och därmed också konflikterna, och det är Sudan ett tydligt exempel på.




  Urmas Paet, author. – Mr President, in spite of weeks of anti-government protests in Sudan and calls for the resignation of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, the ruling party in Sudan has nominated Bashir for a new term in the elections that are to be held in 2020.

The ruling party National Congress Party (NCP) has stated that the country’s leadership will only be changed through elections. That remains to be seen. But the fact is that Bashir is the only sitting head of state wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity and war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur. Yet he remains free to continue his crimes, and he is welcomed by so many states with open arms – states like China, India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and many others that continue to allow Bashir into their countries, welcome him and support him, instead of arresting him.

It is also their inaction that enables Bashir to continue his crimes with impunity, attacking civilians. This is also why we are witnessing Bashir’s latest actions, whereby at least 37 people have lost their lives, more than 800 have been arrested, and there is ongoing violence and oppression by the authorities.

Mass arrests and killings – targeting activists, human rights defenders, lawyers, doctors, teachers – Bashir and his accomplices must face charges. Those responsible for the crimes of the past in Sudan, as well as those committed during the latest protests must be brought to justice.

It is time for Sudan to focus on ending the repression of human rights and resolve the economic crisis and start healing society.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Auteur. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, al centro della nostra attenzione è tornato il Sudan, uno dei paesi africani più estesi.

Le recenti notizie dal Sudan si sono confermate pessime. Mentre gran parte del mondo era impegnato ai festeggiamenti di fine anno, i sudanesi si sono riversati nelle strade e nelle piazze, protestando per il calo del potere d'acquisto. All'origine della protesta i rincari prima della benzina, poi del pane di cui si è triplicato il prezzo per decreto. Nel paese sono partite le contestazioni, che mettono a repentaglio il fragilissimo equilibrio sociale raggiunto e confermano purtroppo la precarietà della vita dei cittadini. La congiuntura economica non è favorevole per il paese, nonostante sia dotato di molte risorse.

Il Sudan va avanti, alternando periodi di relativa calma con altri periodi particolarmente duri per i cittadini, colpiti dalla fame e dagli effetti nefasti del governo, che spesso degenerano in conflitti sociali a forte valenza repressiva, da parte delle forze dell'ordine. A pagare il prezzo dei disordini non solo i cittadini sudanesi contestatari, bensì anche gli esponenti dell'opposizione. Il Sudan conferma in questo modo la triste realtà della repressione politica sulle libertà di espressione, di fonte a reclamazioni legittime di cittadini esasperati.

Al governo di Khartoum dobbiamo sempre ricordare che gli incombe provvedere con priorità e celerità allo sviluppo del proprio paese. Solamente attraverso lo sviluppo delle attività economiche nel paese e l'installazione di un clima politico sano, possono essere placati i movimenti di contestazione. In questo senso, è importante sottolineare il ruolo del dialogo politico che vorremmo vedere praticato, specie dopo la formazione della nuova coalizione dei partiti di opposizione.

Occorre dunque procedere alla scarcerazione del premio Sacharov, Salih Mahmoud Osman e di tutti i liberi pensatori, professori dell'Università di Khartoum, giornalisti e difensori dei diritti umani, per un Sudan più democratico.


  Tunne Kelam, author. – Mr President, Sudan has now been independent for 63 years. Almost 30 years ago, Colonel Omar al—Bashir came to power, suspended political parties and introduced an Islamic legal code at the national level and appointed himself President in 1993. So, Sudan became a one party state under the National Congress Party. Later in the 1990s, Sudan was listed as a state sponsor of terrorism by several countries. Six years ago, President al—Bashir promised not to seek re-election, but ran again in 2015, while the opposition boycotted the elections. As for press freedom, Sudan ranks as one of the last ones, taking the 174th position on the list of 180 countries. Last December, massive demonstrations erupted, first as a protest against price increases but then expanded as a broadly based movement against the authoritarian regime calling for the President al—Bashir to resign. He has now been in power, as said, almost 30 years. The current death toll has reached almost 50, with hundreds of people arrested and tortured – especially Sakharov Prize winner Salih Mahmoud Osman, he’s a human rights lawyer, who was once again arrested only nine days ago. His whereabouts are unknown.

Furthermore, Sudan is classified as the fourth-worst country to be a Christian in last year’s watch list by Open Doors International. We condemn state-endorsed persecution of Christians and the closing and demolition of churches. Muslims who convert to Christianity faced the death penalty for apostasy. One very serious fact to keep in mind, which was mentioned just a few minutes ago, is that al–Bashir is the only incumbent head of state wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, war crimes and ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region. He should be seen and treated as an international pariah.

The European Parliament strongly condemns excessive use of force against popular protests and asks for the immediate release of Salih Mahmoud Osman and all human rights defenders, journalists and protesters. We ask to end restrictions on access to the internet and provide for freedom of press. We call on the Commission and the High Representative to publicly condemn the intolerable situation in Sudan, and to use all means to convince the government there to end the ongoing violence, to stop mass arrests and killings. We also call for an EU-wide ban on exports, update and maintenance of any form of security equipment, which is being used for internal repression, including Internet surveillance technology. We ask the EU and Member States to strengthen financial support for human rights defenders and civil society organisations under the European Development Fund.


  Tomáš Zdechovský, za skupinu PPE. – Pane předsedající, Súdán by byl krásná země, pokud by v této zemi nevládla diktatura. To jsou slova klasika interpretovaná na tuto zemi. Tuto zemi v tomto sále my neřešíme poprvé. Tato země je opravdu plná různých nespravedlností a musel bych opakovat každou z těchto nespravedlností a byl bych tu hodně dlouho, kdybych je měl zmínit.

Náboženská svoboda v této zemi je totální utopie. To, že jsou stovky, možná tisíce důkazů o tom, že jsou mučeni vězni: nedávno jsme hovořili v Evropském parlamentu o případu českého humanitárního pracovníka Petra Jaška, který byl rok ve vězení. Jeho vyprávění o tom, jak vězni, kteří jsou nemuslimského vyznávání, jsou podrobování tak zvanému waterboardingu a dalším mučícím metodám, je naprosto skandální a myslím si, že musíme jako Evropská unie na tyto věci poukazovat.

V řadě zemí se nám podařilo právě dialogem s občanskou společností a podporou humanitárních pracovníků nastolit situaci, že v těchto zemích opravdu začalo se klima postupně ve společnosti měnit. Bohužel, Súdán je jeden z případů, kde se nám to nedaří, a já si myslím, že je dneska čas na to, aby vysoká představitelka Evropské unie poslala jednoznačný vzkaz do Súdánu, že Evropská unie nebude nikdy tolerovat to bezpráví, které je pácháno na obyčejných občanech, že Evropská unie nebude nikdy tolerovat žádného politika a představitele země, která systematicky porušuje lidská práva a zabíjí své občany, že Evropská unie nikdy nebude podporovat to, že řada prominentů súdánského režimu má peníze v jiných zemích.

Myslím si, že bychom měli dát i ostatním zemím poměrně jasně najevo, že Súdán je nejhorší diktatura v Africe, která je stále u moci, a ten, kdo ji podporuje, není pro Evropskou unii žádný partner.


  Andi Cristea, în numele grupului S&D. – Domnule președinte, începând cu luna decembrie a anului trecut, au avut loc demonstrații pașnice pe străzile mai multor orașe din Sudan, care s-au răspândit în întreaga țară, inclusiv în capitala Khartoum, cetățenii protestând în mod legitim împotriva creșterii prețurilor, a deficitului de alimente și lipsei de combustibil. Forțele naționale de securitate au intervenit, folosind forța excesivă, pentru a dispersa protestatarii neînarmați.

Dreptul la libertatea de întrunire pașnică este un element esențial al democrației. Guvernul din Sudan are datoria să răspundă cu soluții la nemulțumirile legitime ale poporului sudanez și nu să recurgă la violențe, care au dus la uciderea a 40 de persoane, inclusiv copii.

Arestările arbitrare ale unui număr necunoscut de protestatari, inclusiv studenți și activiști politici, sunt acțiuni care trebuie să înceteze. Autoritățile sudaneze trebuie să elibereze acei deținuți, să efectueze investigații imparțiale, iar persoanele vinovate să fie aduse în fața justiției și să se asigure că forțele de securitate naționale vor răspunde protestelor în conformitate cu obligațiile internaționale ale țării în domeniul drepturilor omului. Lipsa accesului avocaților și membrilor familiei deținuților, precum și folosirea torturii și a altor forme de rele tratamente împotriva deținuților dau naștere unor îngrijorări serioase cu privire la siguranța acestora.

Facem un apel la guvernul din Sudan să pună capăt oricărui tip de hărțuire, violență, inclusiv la nivel administrativ și judiciar, împotriva tuturor avocaților și apărătorilor drepturilor omului și să garanteze dreptul la un proces echitabil.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, vorige week publiceerde The Economist zijn jaarlijkse “Democracy Index”. Sudan bungelt als autoritaire staat helemaal onderaan die ranking. Het land lijkt nog niet van ver op een democratie. Er is geen functionerende, zorgende overheid, burgerlijke vrijheden zijn quasi onbestaande. De internationale gemeenschap schreef al ontelbare rapporten over de mensenrechten in het land en er verandert bitter weinig.

Wat wel nog functioneert, zijn de gewelddadige veiligheidstroepen en de milities van dictator Al-Bashir. Die schieten met scherp op burgers die de straat opgaan als antwoord op honger, economische onzekerheid en de hardhandigheid van het regime in Khartoem. Bij recente demonstraties vielen tientallen doden en honderden gewonden. Tal van mensenrechtenactivisten, journalisten en oppositieleden zitten opgesloten. Bekende methodes van een regime dat angst heeft voor de straat en een vrees die terecht is. Of we nu buiten protesteren of binnen verhongeren, dood gaan we toch, weerklinkt het in de straten.

Dit Parlement moet een kant kiezen en zijn steun uitspreken voor de activisten, voor het middenveld dat zich steeds meer mobiliseert, voor het volk van Sudan, dat lijdt onder het regime van iemand die omwille van mensenrechtenschendingen thuishoort achter de tralies. Bouwen aan een betere samenleving doe je niet met de heer Al-Bashir.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il popolo vuole la caduta del regime, è il canto di protesta che risuona per le strade di Khartoum, tra il rimbombo degli spari e il rumore metallico che accompagnano i gas lacrimogeni.

A intonarlo migliaia di cittadini sudanesi, scesi in piazza il 19 dicembre per chiedere un cambiamento vero per il loro paese, a partire dalle dimissioni del loro presidente. Da quel momento solo il caos. Non solo forze di polizia, ma addirittura servizi di intelligence e squadre paramilitari, sguinzagliate brutalmente contro manifestanti e semplici cittadini. Il bilancio è tragico: 45 morti, 816 le persone arrestate in sole tre settimane.

Tutto questo per difendere un unico uomo, un dittatore sanguinario, al potere da oltre trent’anni, Omar al-Bashir. Ma c'è di più, quest'uomo, sulla cui testa pende un mandato di cattura per genocidio e crimini contro l'umanità in Darfur, sta cercando di emendare la Costituzione per togliere ogni residuo limite al suo mandato, in vista delle prossime elezioni del 2020.

Chiediamo al governo sudanese di rilasciare in modo incondizionato tutti i manifestanti, Salih Osman, premio Sacharov del 2007, e i 23 giovani studenti universitari di origine darfuriana, arrestati il 23 dicembre. All'Alto rappresentante, a tutta l'Unione chiediamo di utilizzare veramente ogni forma di pressione economica, commerciale e politica per fare quindi la giusta pressione che serve a fermare questo ignobile massacro.


  Marie-Christine Arnautu, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, un billet paru en 2012 dans La Règle du Jeu, revue du pseudo-philosophe va-t-en-guerre bien connu des Français Bernard-Henri Lévy, affirmait sans honte que les idées du Front national étaient celles appliquées au Soudan. Permettez-moi d’être un brin provocatrice et de comparer l’actualité.

Selon la presse, les autorités soudanaises ont arrêté 800 personnes en marge des récentes manifestations antigouvernementales. C’est moins que les 5 000 gilets jaunes placés en garde à vue en France depuis le début de la contestation contre l’arrogance du président Macron. On compte, selon les bilans, entre 20 et 40 victimes décédées au Soudan. En France, les médias font état d’une centaine de blessés graves parmi les manifestants. La répression du ministre Castaner sait aussi être efficace. Si le Soudan applique la charia et persécute les chrétiens, en Europe, les islamistes ne cessent de gagner du terrain.

Alors, je m’étonne parfois, chers collègues, des leçons de morale. Il serait temps que le Parlement examine d’abord ce qui se passe sous son nez avant de s’occuper des droits de l’homme sur d’autres continents.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Utrzymujące się w Sudanie od blisko miesiąca protesty stają się coraz krwawsze, a sytuacja w kraju coraz bardziej napięta. Dlatego nie możemy bezczynnie przyglądać się przelewowi krwi i łamaniu praw człowieka.

Ogromna większość Sudańczyków żyje w skrajnym ubóstwie, utrzymując się za równowartość poniżej dolara dziennie, dlatego zrozumiałe jest, że rosnące ceny oraz niedobory żywności wyprowadziły Sudańczyków na ulice. Zrozumiałe jest też, że Sudańczycy nie chcą się zgodzić na zmiany w konstytucji, które pozwoliłyby na utrzymanie prezydenta Baszira – oskarżonego przez Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny o zbrodnie przeciwko ludzkości, zbrodnie wojenne oraz ludobójstwo – u władzy po zakończeniu obecnej kadencji.

Tym samym uważam, że obowiązkiem Unii Europejskiej jest domagać się od władz Sudanu, aby zaprzestały użycia siły podczas pokojowych demonstracji, uwolniły niesłusznie aresztowanych obrońców praw człowieka, dziennikarzy oraz przedstawicieli opozycji, a także zaprzestały prześladowań chrześcijan i przedstawicieli innych religii. Bardzo niepokojące są też informacje dotyczące ograniczania wolności słowa, a w szczególności zaś restrykcje w dostępie do internetu oraz cenzura prasy. Dlatego opowiadam się za unijnym zakazem eksportu do Sudanu wszelkiego rodzaju urządzeń, które mogłyby być wykorzystywane do tego celu.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, last week, Marwa Elhaj, a Sudanese journalist living in Liverpool in my constituency, contacted me because of her concerns about the situation in her country. She tells me that the civil population faces unprecedented levels of violence in the margins of the protests against al—Bashir’s oppressive regime, including random shooting. She has documentary evidence.

I’m particularly concerned by the situation of human rights defender and blogger Yasir Elsir Ali, who was shot by a sniper in Khartoum at the end of December and spent 10 days in intensive care. Two days later he was abducted from his home by Sudanese security forces and he is now being held incommunicado in inhumane conditions. I’m very concerned for his health and well—being and I call on the Sudanese authorities to immediately release him and ensure he is given appropriate medical care abroad.

The authorities must also inform his family and lawyer of his place of detention and allow them immediate access to him. His case is very worrying and Sudanese human rights organisations are gravely concerned, as are we. High Representative, please take all the necessary steps to urge Sudanese authorities to immediately release him.

Meanwhile, I want to thank the people of Liverpool for standing with the Sudanese community in these difficult times. We will never surrender to Theresa May’s hostile environment regarding refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, once again we are discussing the deteriorating situation in Sudan in respect of fundamental freedoms. Popular unrest in response to austerity measures has evolved into anti-government movement. The violation of the right to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly through arbitrary restrictions and the use of lethal force against unarmed protesters is deplorable.

I also strongly condemn the detention, in an undisclosed location, of human rights lawyer Salih Mahmoud Osman – a strong advocate of legal reform in Sudan – and call for his immediate release. Other activists facing similar violations must also be released.

Furthermore, I call for an end to the state-endorsed persecution of Christians, and this is a very important point for us in the EPP, the Christian Democrat Group. A free, independent and impartial press fuelled by open debate is a pillar of democratic society. The EU must therefore escalate its promotion of freedom of expression through its external policies, including in Sudan, and continue its support of human rights advocacy by civil society organisations.

In addition to this, the EU must continue to work for the protection of girls’ and women’s human rights in Sudan, as highlighted by the Commissioner in May 2018. I therefore demand that the Sudanese authorities fulfil their international obligations and respond to our request.


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, the recent political developments in Sudan are deeply concerning. We must respond with sanctions until the oppression stops. It began as a riot over steep hikes in bread prices caused by the government’s cut in wheat subsidies. It has escalated into widespread unrest with daily rallies against President Omar al-Bashir’s 29-year-old regime.

It will not surprise you that the government, led by a war criminal, have met the protests with excessive force by its security forces. Dozens have been killed. Tear gas has given way to live ammunition being used against the crowds. Security forces have arrested and beaten hundreds of journalists, medics, students and political leaders. Despite all this, the demonstrations have shown little sign of abating. The situation could grow bloodier as Bashir intends to hold onto power at any cost.

The deadly use of force must stop, as well as the harassment and intimidation of those of Darfuri origin. The right to freedom of assembly, association and expression must be guaranteed, in accordance with international law. We urge the government to immediately release all those detained and investigate all allegations of ill-treatment, arbitrary detention and excessive use of force and to hold those responsible to account.

The international community should take measures against the actions of President Bashir. Let us remember that he is still subject to an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

I am pleased with the EU statement that actions of the government of Sudan will have an impact on our bilateral phased engagement; however, this is not enough. The international community must stop turning a blind eye to human rights violations by the Sudan regime in order to stem migration flows.

And finally, Mr President, it is high time to impose EU targeted sanctions against those responsible for grave abuses and we should review our bilateral cooperation


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Mr President, last but not least, even though some progress has been made in legislative and institutional reforms, considering the recent events which employed massive and deadly use of force, the overall democratic transformation of Sudan is very precarious, continuing to deny fundamental rights and freedom.

I share the opinion that the EU and the Member States need to play a greater role in the region and to investigate these violations of human rights and humanitarian law. Moreover, every effort should be made to improve access by international humanitarian agencies to provide humanitarian aid to those in need. The EU should also intensify its efforts to promote freedom of expression through its external policies and instruments and to further strengthen financial support to human rights defenders and civil society organisations in Sudan, mainly under the European Development Fund. We should even have to take into account cutting funds to Sudan when necessary if these funds are used in an appropriate manner.

Last but not least, complete transparency needs to be ensured concerning the projects in the security field with Sudan, including all planned activities and beneficiaries of EU and EU Member State funding.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Mr President, since massive protests started nearly a month ago sparked by price hikes but tapping the deeper reservoir of discontent, government forces have shot dead scores of protesters and detained hundreds of courageous Sudanese who courageously protested against the regime’s brutality, incompetence and corruption. As the Khartoum protests engulfed the whole country, the Sudanese Government continued to perpetrate its old tactics of arbitrary detentions and arrests, extra-judicial killings, assaults, excessive use of force and many more violations against activists, journalists and ordinary citizens.

The European Union must stick to its core values and strongly condemn these persecutions and terror campaigns, and call on President Omar al-Bashir to hold those responsible to account and stop brutal confrontation against demonstrators, release all detainees, including Sakharov Price laureate Salih Mahmoud Osman, and allow the people of Sudan to exercise their constitutional rights, including the right of peaceful assembly.

Once again, Madam Commissioner, the EU has to act now, not later, and must impose strong action against the government of al-Bashir, namely suspending all financial aid.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Mr President, Commissioner Malmström, over the past mandate of the European Parliament I was given the chance, the opportunity, to be a member of an electoral observation mission in Sudan and it was compelling to see live and first-hand the massive exercise of democratic will of the Sudanese people through a long day of voting and scrutiny.

So, it's only sad that again we see ourselves here in the European Parliament discussing massive violations of fundamental rights in Sudan under the pressure of President Bashir who has just been prosecuted by the International Court of Justice and promoting a constitutional reform, which leads to illegal detentions of those activists who care about the rule of law in Sudan.

So the usual thing is that we have these discussions with High Representative Mogherini, but it makes sense that it is you Commissioner Malmström, the one in charge of trade, who secures that there will be sanctions to this kind of behaviour, which is completely unacceptable for the international community and for the values of the European Union and what it stands for.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η καταπίεση είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη στο Σουδάν με την περίφημη Εθνική Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών και Ασφαλείας να συλλαμβάνει, να ασκεί βία, να βασανίζονται οι ακτιβιστές, οι σπουδαστές, και όσοι τολμούν να διαδηλώσουν. Όλα αυτά έχουν ενταθεί, βεβαίως, μετά την οικονομική κρίση η οποία υπάρχει. Παρότι το Σουδάν είναι μια πλούσια χώρα, στην πράξη ο λαός αγωνίζεται για ένα κομμάτι ψωμί και, φυσικά, ο Πρόεδρος ο Αλ Μπασίρ, ο οποίος θα πρέπει κανονικά να παραπεμφθεί στο Διεθνές Ποινικό Δικαστήριο, προσπαθεί να επεκτείνει τη θητεία του, γιατί μόνο έτσι νομίζει ότι θα γλιτώσει από την διεθνή ποινική δικαιοσύνη. Απαιτείται, λοιπόν, να ληφθούν μέτρα, να επιβληθούν κυρώσεις, να καταλάβει ο Αλ Μπασίρ και η παρέα του ότι δεν μπορεί να εφαρμόζει τον ισλαμικό νόμο, δεν μπορεί να εκδιώκει τους αντιφρονούντες, δεν μπορεί να εκδιώκει τους χριστιανικούς πληθυσμούς, και πρέπει, κυρία Malmström, να έχουμε άμεσα μέτρα και κυρώσεις κατά του καθεστώτος του Σουδάν.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já samozřejmě souhlasím s návrhem rezoluce, kterou dnes budeme hlasovat. Vnímám tu situaci v Súdánu stejně jako moji kolegové. Pouze konstatuji smutný fakt, že situací v Súdánu se zde zabýváme opakovaně. Opakovaně hovoříme o potlačování lidských práv v této africké zemi a bohužel ta situace se stále zhoršuje.

Nevím, jestli je nějaké řešení, to je dotaz na Vás, paní komisařko. Je třeba zpřísnit sankce vůči této zemi, zastavit pomoc režimu prezidenta Bašíra, jeho lidem, zmrazit asi jejich konta, více je ekonomicky takto poškodit. To je asi jediný způsob, jak nějakým způsobem alespoň tlačit na tento šílený politický režim, ale obávám se, že to úplně nevyřešíme. I tak přijetí těchto usnesení mají významnou symbolickou hodnotu a já doufám, že Komise tu symbolickou hodnotu přemění do konkrétních činů a kroků, které režim pana Bašíra podlomí.


  Carlos Iturgaiz (PPE). – Señor presidente, en primer lugar, hay que hacer un análisis de lo que está ocurriendo en ese país africano, en Sudán: desigualdad, violencia, falta de recursos en la población, falta de derechos humanos, ausencia de libertad de prensa, etcétera, etcétera.

Esta es una radiografía, señor presidente, de lo que ocurre en muchos países de África. Pero en Sudán el actual panorama político y social es cada vez más preocupante, porque la oposición está siendo reprimida con violencia y el Gobierno no permite manifestaciones, ya que usa la fuerza para disolverlas y hay más de cuarenta, muertos sin contar los heridos y los detenidos.

Sudán está a las puertas de unas elecciones —en 2020— que, me temo, visto lo que está ocurriendo en ese país, van a derivar en más represión a las fuerzas políticas de la oposición y que también se va a perseguir a los que no bailan al son que marca el macabro presidente Al-Bashir. Y se va a perseguir, no lo olvidemos, a todo aquel que es cristiano y que no puede libremente hacer uso o gala de su fe.

Por eso pido a las instituciones de la Unión Europea que tomen medidas para sancionar a Sudán por las injusticias que ese Gobierno está infligiendo injustamente a su pueblo.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the situation of human rights in Sudan is a continuous worry for the European Union. Our main areas of concern include freedom of expression, assembly and association, as well as the shrinking space for civil society. We have witnessed these fundamental rights being undermined in recent weeks by the response of the Government of Sudan to the widespread protests sparked across the country last December because of the rising cost of living and shortages.

The Sudanese security forces have responded by using force, at times live ammunition, tear gas, intimidation and arbitrary arrests. Reportedly, as you mentioned, more than 40 people have lost their lives and more than 800 people remain detained. Several media outlets, including newspapers, have been seized. Social media and the internet have been partially cut to suppress news and prevent coordination among protesters. The European Union has been alarmed by reports of the use of tear gas against medical personnel and patients in hospital.

As emphasised in the most recent EU statements on the ongoing protests, we expect the Sudanese Government to release all journalists, members of the Opposition, human rights defenders and other protesters arbitrarily detained. We also expect the Government to conduct a thorough investigation into these recent deaths and abuses. It is vital that those responsible are held accountable for their actions. Furthermore, all sides should exercise restraint and abstain from any further violence in order to de—escalate the situation.

The European Union calls upon the Government of Sudan to allow the Sudanese people to exercise their constitutional right to express their views without fear of reprisal. We also call on the Government to implement much needed political and economic reforms to address the grievances expressed by the population about the challenges the country is facing. I would like to assure you that the EU will continue to stand for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Sudan, as well as to support civil society work and human right defenders by different means at our disposal.

As you know, our relations with Sudan are affected by the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant against President Bashir and subsequent decisions by Sudan not to ratify the revised Cotonou Agreement. That means that Sudan is not eligible for programme funds from the European Development Fund. However, as you know, the country is in a very dire economic and humanitarian situation. Widespread conflict and insecurity transcend borders and negatively impact the wider region. With that in mind, two years ago we made available a special measure for Sudan worth EUR 1 million for the benefit of the population. It does not mean that we are endorsing the political leadership. This money is channelled through the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa and it aims to improve the situation of the most vulnerable groups.

We will continue to raise concerns in our engagement with the Sudanese authorities at all levels. We will also show our continued support through the use of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and this has already provided funds, for instance, to several projects on press freedom, as well as civic and human rights and education in Sudan.

Thank you very much for this debate.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się po zakończeniu debat.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Czesław Hoc (ECR), na piśmie. – Jesteśmy świadkami ogromnego kryzysu mającego miejsce w Sudanie. Nie możemy stać biernie, gdy do stłumienia narastających protestów obywateli używa się ostrej amunicji i gazów łzawiących. Niszczy się kościoły, brutalnie morduje się chrześcijan. Masowo głodują kobiety i dzieci, a sytuacja w kraju zmierza ku jednemu z największych kryzysów humanitarnych w historii ostatnich dekad. W świetle wielu niepokojów na kontynencie afrykańskim musimy w wymierny sposób przeciwdziałać eskalacji tego kryzysu, wspierać demokratyczne zmiany w kraju autorytarnego reżimu, by obywatele Sudanu nie zostali pozostawieni sami sobie. Wykorzystajmy wszelkie możliwe środki perswazji, by wpłynąć na poprawę sytuacji Sudańczyków.


  Rolandas Paksas (EFDD), raštu. – Sudane, kaip ir bet kurioje pasaulio valstybėje, turi būti gerbiamos žmogaus teisės. Smurtas ir agresija yra visuomenę griaunantys veiksniai. Valstybė privalo užtikrinti savo gyventojų gerovę, sudaryti palankią terpę ekonomikos klestėjimui. Esminė viešoji funkcija - gyventojų apsauga. Labai raginu Sudano viešosios valdžios institucijas imtis neatidėliotinų veiksmų gerinti žmogaus teisių padėtį šalyje. Pirmiausia užtikrinti prieigą prie būtiniausių maisto, medicinos ir higienos prekių. Padėti pažeistų, neramumų alinamų teritorijų gyventojams atsistatyti, pavyzdžiui, užtikrinti prieigą humanitarinei pagalbai įgyvendinti. Tvarka ir teisingumas įsivyraus tik tokiu atveju, jeigu bus nemažai dėmesio skirta policijos, teisminių institucijų formavimui. Tik teise ir taisyklių laikymusi grindžiamas valdymas yra efektyvus. Žmogus ir jo gerovė privalo būti valstybės prioritetu.


  Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης (NI), γραπτώς. – Εδώ κι έναν μήνα εξελίσσονται πολύμορφες μαζικές εργατικές - λαϊκές κινητοποιήσεις εκατομμυρίων Σουδανών ενάντια στο αντιλαϊκό καθεστώς της χώρας εξαιτίας του νέου κύματος ακρίβειας και ελλείψεων σε ψωμί, βασικά τρόφιμα και καύσιμα. Αυτές αντιμετωπίζονται με σκληρή καταστολή χρησιμοποιώντας ακόμα και πραγματικά πυρά κατά των διαδηλωτών κι έχουν προκαλέσει τον θάνατο αρκετών δεκάδων διαδηλωτών, τον τραυματισμό και τις συλλήψεις πολλών εκατοντάδων. Τα μεγάλα γεωπολιτικά συμφέροντα ιμπεριαλιστικών κέντρων στα οποία εμπλέκεται μεταξύ άλλων και η ΕΕ και οι ανταγωνισμοί των μονοπωλίων στην Αφρική και την ευρύτερη περιοχή του Σουδάν τα πληρώνουν ακριβά οι λαοί της περιοχής που παλεύουν για τα δικαιώματά τους. Το ΚΚΕ καταδικάζει την αιματηρή καταστολή του αντιλαϊκού καθεστώτος του Σουδάν. Εκφράζει την αλληλεγγύη του στο σουδανικό ΚΚ και τους εργατικούς - λαϊκούς αγώνες, που αναπτύσσονται για οικονομικά, κοινωνικά και δημοκρατικά δικαιώματα. Απαιτεί να σταματήσει η καταστολή και να αφεθούν ελεύθεροι οι συλληφθέντες.


(Posiedzenie zostało zawieszone do rozpoczęcia głosowań)



Pēdējā atjaunošana: 2019. gada 7. jūnijsJuridisks paziņojums - Privātuma politika