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Procedure : 2018/0110(COD)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : A8-0394/2018

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Debatten :

PV 30/01/2019 - 24
CRE 30/01/2019 - 24

Stemmingen :

PV 31/01/2019 - 9.10

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Woensdag 30 januari 2019 - Brussel Herziene uitgave

24. Toepassing en werking van de .eu-topniveaudomeinnaam (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  President. – The next item is the report by Fredrick Federley, on behalf of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, on the implementation and functioning of the .eu Top Level Domain name and repealing Regulation (EC) No 733/2002 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 874/2004 (COM(2018)0231 – C8-0170/2018 – 2018/0110(COD)) (A8-0394/2018).


  Fredrick Federley, Rapporteur. – Mr President, I probably won’t use all my time. First of all, I’m very thankful to the colleagues who have been working very swiftly to get this regulation through. It sets new standards and simplifies the administrative procedures connected to the running of the .eu domain name.

In line with the objectives of the digital single market strategy, this regulation will do its part in further strengthening the EU as a digital market by providing a digital EU platform for companies and cities, for example, and especially encourage EU citizens, regardless of their country of residence, to obtain a .eu domain name.

With this regulation we ensure that we can keep up with the rapid evaluation of the top—level domain name market and the dynamics of the digital landscape that require a future—proof and flexible regulatory environment.

The existence of a specific domain name for the EU is very important for the EU online identity. The .eu domain name provides an opportunity for institutions, companies and citizens to have the possibility to access a .eu TLD. They will therefore be easily identified as part of the EU community, sharing the same set of values and standards.

In Parliament we accepted the structure as proposed by the Commission but wanted to provide for additional safeguards, such as for the respect of users’ privacy and security, consumer protection and human rights. I am especially glad that we could strengthen the text on safeguarding human rights and the rule of law.

Parliament also wanted to have better control on the establishment of the criteria and the procedure for the designation of the registry by using delegated acts. I am glad that during the negotiations we were able to secure this.

The Commission proposed to delete the limitation that the registry can only be a ‘not for profit’ organisation, and Parliament endorsed this. However, this was a strong and important point, pushed by the Member States. What we could secure is that the Commission should do a specific review on this point and if needed propose changes.

I’m also glad that we could manage to push for action to secure EU agencies, such as EUIPO, playing a bigger part in preventing cyber—squatting and simplifying administrative procedures.

Once again, this is a regulation where the EP has made a difference and secured important points and it would not have been possible if not everyone involved – staff and Members – had been so committed to the task. All in all, Parliament was really united across party lines. There were basically, in the one and only trilogue, three outstanding points, where Parliament was pleased to gain several victories.


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, I wish to thank the rapporteur, Mr Fredrick Federley, as well as the shadow rapporteurs, for the political agreement reached by the co—legislators on 5 December and endorsed by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on 14 January. The Commission fully supports the agreement. This concludes what has been a very fast—track process since the adoption of the Commission proposal for a .eu regulation in April 2018.

The political agreement of the co—legislators strengthens the regulation on a number of important points. In particular it clarifies that the legal framework for the .eu top—level domain respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles recognised in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in particular the protection of personal data, the freedom of expression and information and the protection of consumers.

It provides for additional safeguards against the abusive registration of .eu domain names, including an assessment of how the registry may operate as the European Union Intellectual Property Office in the future. It applies swiftly, six months after the entry into force of the new regulation, a new eligibility criterion, which will allow all EU citizens to register a .eu domain regardless of where they live, be it inside or outside the EU.

Today the .eu domain is available to 500 million people and to businesses across the 28 countries of the European Union as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Our common goal is to establish a future—proof framework, which allows the .eu to continue to grow and provide best—in—class services to EU citizens and businesses. I believe that the compromise reached between the co—legislators fully meets this objective.


  Gunnar Hökmark, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur for a rapid and efficient negotiation process and now the final decision.

This is a small but important piece of the puzzle in developing the digital single market. The .eu domain name can contribute to strengthening the online identity of the Union and simplify and increase cross-border trade. However, the credibility and trustworthiness of the .eu domain can also be abused by those who seek to undermine the legitimacy of our democratic system through cyber—attacks, disinformation and domain squatting. This is happening all the time and at all levels. That’s why it’s important that we look upon our digital infrastructure as a critical infrastructure, which needs to be resilient towards outside pressure and attacks. The new rules are clear that when a domain is registered or used in bad faith, it should be blocked. Those who are responsible for the .eu domain should work with all relevant actors to ensure that this is done swiftly and efficiently. It is a small step for the digital single market and a small step for the cybersecurity of the Union, but it is a step in the right direction and it will be one of very many other steps.


  Carlos Zorrinho, em nome do Grupo S&D. – Senhor Presidente, para poder consolidar os seus valores partilhados e torná-los estruturantes no desenvolvimento da nova sociedade digital, a União Europeia precisa de desenvolver essa identidade em torno de três pilares.

Em primeiro lugar, dar a prioridade às pessoas e às suas necessidades. Em segundo lugar garantir a equidade no acesso aos equipamentos, e, em terceiro lugar, respeitar a privacidade e o uso transparente dos dados. A nova regulamentação do domínio .eu dá um contributo relevante para isso.

Queria felicitar todos os que trabalharam neste dossiê, em particular o relator, Fredrick Federlay, e o relator-sombra, Csaba Molnár, do S&D, que não pode estar presente neste debate.

A disseminação de um domínio seguro, mas flexível, alinhado com as regras europeias e acessível aos cidadãos, é muito importante. Mas temos que ousar ir mais além. O reforço de uma rede de acesso e partilha de serviços com autenticação única, tal como está prevista por exemplo na iniciativa WIFI4EU, abre uma linha de diferenciação da abordagem europeia à sociedade digital, tornando a sua economia mais competitiva, os seus centros de conhecimento mais robustos, os seus serviços públicos mais próximos dos cidadãos e as suas pessoas mais conectadas com as oportunidades criadas pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico.

Sublinha alguns aspetos estruturantes do regulamento de apreciação: mantém-se a gestão do domínio por uma organização não lucrativa, promove-se a identidade digital europeia, os seus valores e o mercado interno, permite-se aos cidadão registarem-se independentemente do seu lugar de residência, permite-se o registo de empresas e companhias situadas na União Europeia e no espaço económico europeu, permite-se o registo em todas as línguas e alfabetos, criam-se regras claras para a gestão do domínio pelos utilizadores e para a prevenção do uso inadequado deste recurso.

Por isso, Senhora Comissária, senhores relatores, colegas, em síntese, o domínio .eu faz parte do nosso património digital e também da nossa identidade digital. E é preciso continuar a defendê-lo e a reforçá-lo.




  Ralph Packet, namens de ECR-Fractie. – De invoering van de “.eu”-domeinnaam heeft een doel dat ik voor 100% kan steunen: het versterken van onze online Europese identiteit.

De domeinnaam kent echter geen geweldig succes. “.eu” scoort slecht in de ranking van meest gebruikte domeinnamen ter wereld en dat is uiteraard niet in het belang van de Europese Unie op wereldniveau en ons economisch gewicht. Er is dus nog veel ruimte voor verbetering. Misschien heeft dat te maken met de vele regeltjes en de bureaucratie die rond de ”.eu”-domeinnaam bestaan. Het strikte beheer verzekert dan wel een hoge standaard van cyberveiligheid, maar ik vraag mij toch af of we niet te ver gaan in het gebruik van de domeinnaam en deze over-reguleren.

Het nieuwe voorstel brengt iets meer soepelheid wat betreft wie de “.eu”-domeinnaam mag aanvragen, maar ik ben wel bezorgd voor de bedrijven in het Verenigd Koninkrijk na de Brexit. De “.eu”-internetadressen van Britse eigenaars die een groot aandeel uitmaken van het geheel mogen niet plotseling worden afgenomen. Dat zou immers een forse overreactie zijn. Daarom pleit ik hier voor meer flexibiliteit.


  Benedek Jávor, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, more than branding, a domain name is an important tool for sharing knowledge, exercising freedom of speech and conducting business. Therefore, the existence of the .eu domain needs to be regulated with the goal of serving European values and contributing to supporting them.

Through this regulation, we give the Union a balanced set of rules on how the registration and maintenance of .eu domains will be managed in the future. However, there are still challenges ahead of us. In a time where the truth is under siege by alternative truths and disinformation is happening on an industrial scale, the websites that uphold European values need to find a safe harbour under the .eu domain and keep sharing the knowledge.

The European Parliament should have a close look at any attempts to censor content and stifle dissent in EU Member States and react swiftly if it happens.


  Paloma López Bermejo, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora presidenta, quiero felicitar al ponente por el trabajo realizado para alcanzar un amplio consenso. En el transcurso de las negociaciones hemos defendido la necesidad de pensar esta herramienta más allá de su dimensión económica y de verla en un contexto en el que los aspectos simbólicos cobran gran relevancia y significado.

Esto significa preocuparse por garantizar un uso adecuado y respetuoso con los derechos humanos y lo que consideramos valores compartidos de la Unión. Significa abrir el uso, de manera que la ciudadanía pueda beneficiarse de este dominio, además de las instituciones públicas.

Significa también, en nuestra opinión, asegurar que el regulador público garantiza un uso justo y equilibrado del dominio en sus diferentes dimensiones. Y significa también asegurar que la intervención privada en la gestión del dominio esté sujeta a los controles adecuados, salvaguardando la dimensión pública de este dominio. Como vemos, a pesar de su evidente dimensión técnica, este debate incluirá también otros aspectos más claramente políticos.


  Christelle Lechevalier, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame le Président, si la mise en place d’un nom de domaine «.eu» part d’une bonne intention: adaptation au marché, flexibilité, lutte contre la spéculation, fraude et abus, elle est surtout idéologique et vous ne vous en cachez pas.

Vous voulez renforcer dans l’esprit des utilisateurs d’internet, l’idée d’une identité de l’Union au détriment, donc, des identités nationales. Il s’agira également de promouvoir en ligne les valeurs de l’Union européenne, l’UE: multilinguisme, respect de la sécurité et de la confidentialité mais surtout votre vision des droits de l’homme. Droits de l’homme devenus plutôt le droit des minorités en tout genre.

Les institutions, les entreprises et les citoyens ne respectant pas vos critères se verraient ainsi pénalisés jusqu’à en perdre leur site internet. Des garanties supplémentaires ont même été prévues afin de protéger l’état de droit. Les pays dont la politique contreviendrait à votre vision de l’état de droit se verraient donc sanctionnés. Je pense à nos amis de Hongrie, de Pologne ou encore d’Italie, dont la politique migratoire est régulièrement critiquée dans cette enceinte.

En tant que défenseurs des libertés, parmi lesquelles la liberté d’expression, qui n’est pas négociable, nous ne pouvons soutenir un tel projet.


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, I would like to thank you for the positive remarks today. This final text not only modernises the .eu legal framework but also promotes the rule of law in the online environment and aims to strengthen the multi—stakeholder approach in line with the EU approach on internet governance.

As the digital single market grows and develops, we look forward to seeing many more people and businesses making use of the .eu domain as an important way to participate in the Digital Single Market (DSM) and mark their European identity online. I look forward to a positive outcome of tomorrow’s vote.


  Fredrick Federley, Rapporteur. – Madam President, it’s not often that Parliament is as united as we have been in this process. It has been, I would say, a work of excellence – and not just because I was the rapporteur, but I had the good help of Mr Gunnar Hökmark and a few other shadows.

I’m also looking forward to the vote tomorrow. I think it will be a rather swift and smooth one – just like the one and only trilogue, which lasted one hour and 17 minutes.

So thank you Commissioner, thank you Council and thank you to all the staff who have been helping in preparing all our meetings, and thank you to the shadow colleagues.


  President. – Thank you too. It’s nice to hear when things go smoothly, once in a while. That’s always very welcome.

The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Thursday, 31 January 2019.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D), în scris. – Domeniul de prim nivel (top-level domain - TLD) .eu este numele de domeniu al Uniunii Europene și al cetățenilor săi și a fost introdus prin Regulamentul (CE) nr. 733/2002 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 22 aprilie 2002 privind punerea în aplicare a domeniului de nivel 1 „.eu”. Evaluarea punerii în aplicare și a funcționării numelui de domeniu al Uniunii Europene și al cetățenilor săi a relevat faptul că .eu este un TLD bine stabilit, care continuă să funcționeze bine, însă este reglementat de un cadru juridic perimat și rigid. Mai mult decât atât, contextul politic și legislativ din Uniune, mediul online și piața s-au schimbat considerabil de la adoptarea regulamentelor privind .eu.

Suntem de acord cu faptul că noul regulament va facilita cetățenilor UE înregistrarea unui nume de domeniu .eu și va actualiza cadrul de reglementare bazat pe principii și adaptat exigențelor viitorului pentru a-l menține atractiv pentru afaceri și cetățeni, consolidând identitatea digitală a UE. Astfel, un număr cât mai mare posibil de cetățeni ai Uniunii vor profita de beneficiile oferite de TLD-ul .eu. De asemenea, propunerea va încuraja inovarea în ecosistemul .eu, atât la nivelul registrului, cât și pe piețele din aval ale registrarilor și registranților.


  Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. – Nowelizacja przepisów o zarządzaniu domeną najwyższego poziomu .eu jest elementem strategii jednolitego rynku cyfrowego oraz programu sprawności regulacyjnej (REFIT) ustanowionego przez Komisję, zgodnie z prawem i normami handlowymi Unii. Istnienie konkretnej nazwy domeny dla UE jest bardzo ważne z punktu widzenia tożsamości cyfrowej UE. Jest to szansa dla instytucji i przedsiębiorstw, które staną się łatwo rozpoznawalne jako cześć wspólnoty UE wyznającej te same zasady i wartości.

Co więcej, przyczyni się ona do tworzenia bezpiecznego środowiska internetowego, budowania jakości i zaufania oraz zapewni ogólnoeuropejską obecność na światowym rynku cyfrowym. Domena .eu, postrzegana w Europie i poza nią jako innowacyjna i nowoczesna, jest również szansą dla mniejszych przedsiębiorców z UE, których biznes wpisze się w europejską społeczność, wykraczając tym samym poza granice własnego kraju. Należy mieć na uwadze, że adres internetowy jest często pierwszą linią kontaktu klienta z firmą, a europejska domena może stać się uwiarygodnieniem ich działalności. Sygnalizuje bowiem, że firma podlega prawu Unii Europejskiej, a tym samym pociąga za sobą odpowiedzialność wszystkich użytkowników za jej właściwe używanie.

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