10.8. Оперативна съвместимост на електронните системи за пътно таксуване и улесняване на трансграничния обмен на информация за неплащане на пътни такси в Съюза (A8-0199/2018 - Massimiliano Salini) (гласуване)
Bill Etheridge (EFDD). – Madam President, I rise under Chapter 5, Rule 82. I suggest, and I would like to request through the offices of the President, that the technology which we are about to vote on be put forward to Mr Barnier and the Brexit discussions and negotiators, because surely if this technology works, it could be a very important step forward in solving the problem of a hard border in Ireland, which is something that all of us in these negotiations wish to avoid.
(The President cut off the speaker)
(Reactions from the floor)
President. – Really, colleagues, we can’t indulge in this. Can I just call the House to order. We’re in the middle of voting. Thank you.
Madam, I can hear you but I’d rather not listen at the moment because I’m trying to chair votes.
Georg Mayer, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Gemäß Artikel 59 Absatz 3 der hier geltenden Geschäftsordnung darf ich Sie bitten, über die von uns eingereichten und Ihnen zugestellten Änderungsanträge und den roll-call-vote vorliegend separat abstimmen zu lassen.
(Parliament rejected a request under Rule 59(3) to vote on the amendments as a priority)