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Procedure : 2018/2792(RSP)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : O-000138/2018

Ingediende teksten :

O-000138/2018 (B8-0009/2019)

Debatten :

PV 14/02/2019 - 18
CRE 14/02/2019 - 17
CRE 14/02/2019 - 18

Stemmingen :

Aangenomen teksten :

Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Donderdag 14 februari 2019 - Straatsburg

17. Uitgebreide interpellaties (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die große Anfrage zur schriftlichen Beantwortung mit Aussprache von Anders Primdahl Vistisen, Pavel Telička, Péter Niedermüller, Heinz K. Becker, Frédérique Ries, Jozo Radoš, Nadja Hirsch, Wolf Klinz, Gérard Deprez, Robert Rochefort, Renate Weber, Marietje Schaake, Igor Gräzin, Norica Nicolai, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Dominique Riquet, Jean Arthuis, Bernd Kölmel, Joachim Starbatty, Kristina Winberg, Peter Lundgren, Jan Zahradil, Ruža Tomašić, Bas Belder, Richard Sulík, Raffaele Fitto, Kosma Złotowski, Laurenţiu Rebega, Karol Karski, Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, Hans-Olaf Henkel, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Lorenzo Cesa, Anders Sellström, Željana Zovko, Patricija Šulin, Tomáš Zdechovský, Marijana Petir, José Inácio Faria, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Fulvio Martusciello, Esteban González Pons, Milan Zver, Monika Hohlmeier, Cristian Dan Preda, Stefan Gehrold, Traian Ungureanu, Tunne Kelam, Ramona Nicole Mănescu, Anna Záborská, Elisabetta Gardini, Lukas Mandl, James Carver, Monika Beňová, Andi Cristea, Theresa Griffin, Pina Picierno, Boris Zala, Doru-Claudian Frunzulică, Dan Nica an die Kommission: Jüngste staatsterroristische Aktivitäten des Iran in der EU (G—000008/2018 – B8-0013/2019).


  Bernd Kölmel, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! Ich darf meinen Kollegen Anders Vistisen vertreten, der leider verhindert ist. Sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar! Heute sprechen wir über die aktuelle Bedrohung der Sicherheit durch den Iran. Anlass dazu sind aktuelle Vorgänge. So erklärte im Oktober 2018 der dänische Premierminister Rasmussen, dass der iranische Geheimdienst einen Mordanschlag gegen drei in Dänemark lebende iranische Oppositionelle geplant habe. Ähnliche Vorwürfe erhob zur gleichen Zeit die französische Regierung. Im Januar 2019 verhafteten deutsche Sicherheitskräfte einen deutsch-afghanischen Bundeswehrangehörigen unter dem Verdacht, vertrauliche militärische Informationen an den iranischen Geheimdienst weitergegeben zu haben.

Aufgrund dieser und anderer Vorfälle hat der EU-Ministerrat reagiert. Ich begrüße entsprechend die Entschließung des Ministerrats vom 8. Januar 2019 voll und ganz. Dieser hatte beschlossen, dass zwei iranische Staatsangehörige und die Direktion für innere Sicherheit des iranischen Geheimdienstministeriums in die Terrorliste der EU aufgenommen werden. Dies ist ein klares Signal, dass Terror auf deutschem und auf europäischem Boden nichts zu suchen hat.

In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich auch einen Appell an die Regierung des Iran richten: Die iranische Regierung muss sich darauf besinnen, ihren Teil zur friedlichen Lösung der zahlreichen Konflikte im Nahen Osten zu leisten. Mit Gewalt und Terror wird man auf Dauer seine Ziele nicht erreichen. Dies gilt für den Iran genauso wie für alle anderen Akteure, die im Nahen Osten ihre eigenen Interessen verfolgen.

Der Iran ist eine starke Militärmacht; er sollte nicht auf- sondern abrüsten. Dies betrifft insbesondere seine ballistischen Aktivitäten, die nicht mit der UN-Sicherheitsresolution übereinstimmen. Entsprechend muss die EU, müssen die EU-Mitgliedstaaten ihre Verantwortung übernehmen, müssen ihren Teil leisten, um den Frieden im Nahen Osten sicherzustellen.


  Karmenu Vella, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I welcome the opportunity to join you today and to discuss this very important topic: the recent hostile activities that Iran has reportedly conducted on the territory of several Member States. Let me start with the basic yet fundamental premise.

The European Union has consistently voiced, and will continue to voice, our strong unequivocal condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations committed by whomsoever, wherever and for whatever purposes. It is then clear that in order to preserve our own European security, we cannot accept Iranian or any other country’s hostile activities on European soil, no matter the justification. There is complete solidarity between the European Union and all EU Member States on this issue, and this solidarity will continue.

Whenever there have been reports of such activities, we have been in prompt contact with the authorities of the Member State concerned to offer our full support and solidarity. For example, in the case of Denmark at the end of last October, HR / VP Mogherini discussed the situation with the Danish Foreign Minister on the very same day that the case was made public.

You will also be aware that the Foreign Affairs Council had two significant discussions on Iran in the final months of 2018. At the Foreign Affairs Council in November, the Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen provided an update and Member States underlined their solidarity and willingness to agree on measures to address this and other recent incidents on European territory.

One month later in December, the Foreign Affairs Council again discussed Iran. Ministers agreed on the principle of adoption conclusions, which would reaffirm the commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), while making clear that it would not prevent the EU from raising concerns about Iranian activities.

This solidarity at the Council led to the addition of two Iranian individuals and the Directorate for Internal Security of the Iranian Ministry for Intelligence and Security to the EU counter-terrorism list. The Council adopted the list on 9 January this year. Persons, groups and entities on this list are subject to the freezing of their funds and other financial assets, and European Union operators are prohibited from making funds and economic resources available to them. Our discussions on how we should collectively respond to threats to our security, whatever their provenance, did not end on that day, as the conclusions adopted on 4 February repeated that the European Union will continue to demonstrate unity and solidarity in this area.

I would like to close these introductory remarks with three points. First, far from responding to policies of Iran with which we disagree, we have a number of restrictive measures in place against Iranian individuals and entities for reasons including their violation of human rights, support for terrorism and support for the Assad regime. Secondly, we should resist the temptation of viewing any country as solely a perpetrator of terrorism. Iran too has been a victim of terror attacks and consistency demands that we have also condemned, as in the case of the attacks in Ahvaz in September last year, which claimed the lives of at least 25 individuals.

Finally, our vigorous response to these actions, while necessary, should not affect the EU’s continuing commitment to the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA whose preservation is in the security interests of the EU and the international community. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to our discussion.


  Jiří Pospíšil, za skupinu PPE. – Pane předsedající, pane komisaři, já jsem si pozorně vyslechl Vaše vystoupení. Musím říci, že jsem více skeptický k íránskému režimu než Vy. Pro mne je to totalitní režim, který svými kroky, které páchá na občanech EU na území EU, potvrzuje, že nemůže být důvěryhodným partnerem EU. Vraždy občanů EU, které zde proběhly a za které je s velkou mírou pravděpodobnosti odpovědný íránský režim, jsou něco naprosto nepřijatelného a nemůžeme nad tím zavírat oči jenom proto, že jsou zde určité závazky, dohody, včetně dohody o jaderných zbraních. Já jsem v tomto směru mnohem více skeptický na rozdíl od paní Mogheriniové a některých členů Evropské komise.

Co je alespoň důležité a to vítám, že jste přijali určité sankce vůči určitým příslušníkům tajných služeb íránského režimu. Je nutné, aby v boji proti vraždám občanů EU nestály vůči Íránu samy jednotlivé členské státy, ale aby na takovéto akty nepřátelství na území EU reagovala EU jako celek. To je podle mne strašně důležité, toto není problém jednotlivých členských států, kde buď došlo k těmto násilným trestným činům, nebo bylo podezření, že ty trestné činy jsou tam příslušníky íránských tajných služeb připravovány. A do budoucna prosím postupujme takto razantně vůči pachatelům, ale i celému režimu.


  Andrejs Mamikins, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, we condemned any unlawful activities of foreign intelligence services on European soil, including from Iran.

However, the purpose of this interpellation is not to resolve our disagreements with Iran, which are many, but to sabotage the EU efforts to keep engagement with Iran alive. This is happening at a time when the EU is doing its utmost to save the nuclear agreement with Iran. This agreement serves its purpose of ensuring that Iran's nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful.

Iran delivered on its commitments, as confirmed by 14 reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The EU has to deliver its side of the deal by offering Iran economic dividends to which it is entitled as part of the agreement. This is why the EU created a special mechanism to facilitate legitimate trade with Iran. I fully support that mechanism and hope that it will deliver real results.

The purpose of this debate, to the contrary, is to create a negative environment in EU-Iran relations and to undermine the efforts at engagement, led by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini.

The initiators of this debate attempt to depict Iran as the only source of all trouble in the Middle East. Although we have disagreements with Iran on a number of issues, it is unacceptable and unrealistic to blame only Iran for all the instability and violence in the region. This debate is about State support of terrorism. No country fits the bill more than Saudi Arabia. This Parliament recognised the Saudi-originated Wahhabism as a key security threat for Europe as far back as in 2013.

Today we voted on a resolution condemning Saudi Arabia for human rights violations and also for the troubling role it plays in the region.

The Commission has just come out with a proposal to include Saudi Arabia in its blacklist of countries that do not do enough to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. The Commission says that Saudi Arabia represents a high risk for the integrity of Europe's financial system. It is absurd to discuss terror threats and not to discuss Saudi Arabia. We need serious debate on this issue and not propaganda events at the service of ideological obsessions.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Mr President, this week Iran noisily celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. During these last 40 years, international terrorism has become a prominent feature of Iran’s foreign policy and has produced a bloody history of terror attacks. Iran’s theocrats not only use Shia jihadists in Iraq and Syria, and support terrorist organisations like Hezbollah or rebel movements in Yemen, but also spread their radical ideology via their support for religious studies centres and NGOs in the Balkans and, violently, via terrorist plots on European soil to assassinate regime opponents.

Regardless of my support for the negotiations around the Iran nuclear deal and the establishment of mechanisms like the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) special-purpose vehicle, unfortunately I believe that those negotiations and mechanisms do not alter in any way Iran’s unacceptable behaviour: its support for terrorism, its willingness to expand its ballistic missile programme and its horrific record of violating human rights. The recent Iranian-backed campaign of assassinations and terror plots on European soil poses a serious threat to our security and must incur targeted consequences diplomatically and economically.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Поздравявам колегата Кьолмел за този въпрос. Няма никакво съмнение, тероризмът трябва да бъде преследван навсякъде. Никой в тази зала няма да подкрепи нито една организация или държава, която поддържа, подкрепя и развива тероризъм. От друга страна съм убеден, че трябва да уважаваме правото на всеки един народ, на всяка една нация да подрежда своя вътрешен ред. Не можем да обвиним една държава, една нация, един народ, едно правителство, да наричаме всички тях терористи. Аз вярвам, че никой не го прави, убеден съм, че не е така.

Европейският съюз, европейските държави имат огромен търговски и икономически интерес да поддържат добри отношения с Република Иран. Не случайно Германия, Франция и други европейски държави поддържат такива отношения. Аз съм убеден, че трябва да го правим. Заклеймявайки тероризма навсякъде, ние трябва да уважаваме правото на всяка една държава на свой вътрешен ред.


  Jozo Radoš (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, gospodine povjereniče, nakon prošlogodišnjeg napada na mirno okupljanje iranske opozicije u Parizu, tragovi terorističkih djela vodili su prema Belgiji, zatim prema Francuskoj, zatim prema Danskoj. Naravno, radi se o prikrivenim diplomatima koji su zapravo pripadnici obavještajnih službi Irana, a nedavno se taj intenzitet njihove aktivnosti osobito mogao primijetiti u Albaniji zbog toga što tamo postoji dio iranske opozicije.

Mi govorimo o terorizmu, ali možemo govoriti i o ponašanju, nedemokratskom ponašanju iranskih vlasti prema prosvjednicima, napadima na prosvjednike, smanjivanju slobode medija, interneta, zatvaranju. I na kraju, Iran je svjetski prvak po egzekucijama. Stoga bi odnos Europske unije prema onima koji su potencijalni počinitelji terorističkih djela, ali i prema Iranu, općenito trebao biti oštriji.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Karmenu Vella, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, this has been a useful exchange and I thank the honourable Members for their interventions. From this debate, I conclude that we must continue to use a balanced and comprehensive approach with Iran. We have to address all issues of concern and take measures when required. We can be critical when there are divergences and cooperative when there is mutual interest.

In this regard, we need to use the diplomatic power and instruments of the European Union and its Member States to their full potential in support of preserving and implementing the JCPOA, which is vital for the EU and international security.

I would like to close by signalling once again my appreciation of Parliament’s role in facilitating an exchange of views on this issue.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Laatst bijgewerkt op: 13 oktober 2020Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid