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Procedure : 2018/0248(COD)
Forløb i plenarforsamlingen
Dokumentforløb : A8-0106/2019

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Forhandlinger :

PV 12/03/2019 - 26
CRE 12/03/2019 - 26

Afstemninger :

PV 13/03/2019 - 11.11

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Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Tirsdag den 12. marts 2019 - Strasbourg Revideret udgave

26. Asyl- og Migrationsfond (forhandling)
Video af indlæg

  Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η συζήτηση επί της εκθέσεως της κ. Miriam Dalli, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Πολιτικών Ελευθεριών, Δικαιοσύνης και Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων, επί της προτάσεως κανονισμού του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου για τη θέσπιση του Ταμείου Ασύλου και Μετανάστευσης (COM(2018)0471 - C8-0271/2018 - 2018/0248(COD)) (A8-0106/2019).


  Miriam Dalli, Rapporteur. – Sur President, Kummissarju, kollegi, u ppermettuli billi nibda nirringrazzja lix-Shadow Rapporteurs tal-Gruppi kollha għall-kontribut tagħhom.

Ninsabu fl-istess kamra fejn f’diversi dibattiti tkellimna dwar il-valuri Ewropej, dwar il-prinċipju tas-solidarjetà u dwar kemm huma prezzjużi l-ħajjiet tan-nies. U f’din il-kamra kemm-il darba sħaqna fuq il-ħtieġa li bħala rappreżentanti taċ-ċittadini Ewropej, il-prijorità tagħna tkun dik li nissalvagwardjaw l-interessi tagħhom, li nkunu lesti li nieħdu deċiżjonijiet li forsi mhumiex daqstant popolari.

Għal żmien twil, il-kwistjoni tal-immigrazzjoni tħalliet taħt it-tapit, forsi bit-tama li tissolva waħedha. Ma kienx il-każ dakinhar u mhuwiex il-każ illum. Minflok, din l-attitudni wasslet biex aktar nies iħossuhom ’il bogħod mill-Unjoni Ewropea u sfortunatament jintilfu aktar ħajjiet. U qed inħallsu għaliha billi l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej qed ikollhom jaqdfu ħafna biex jerġgħu jirbħu lura l-fiduċja taċ-ċittadini.

Huwa fatt li l-Unjoni Ewropea bdiet u kompliet tieħu passi u miżuri differenti biex tindirizza l-immigrazzjoni minn diversi aspetti, iżda filwaqt li l-Parlament Ewropew kompla miexi ’l quddiem biex nilħqu Sistema Komuni Ewropea għall-Asil li tqassam il-piż bejn l-Istati Membri, hemm proposti kruċjali li jinsabu mwaħħla fil-Kunsill Ewropew mill-mexxejja ta’ wħud mill-Istati Membri.

Li jġibni għall-fond li għandna quddiemna llum. Fond ta’ aktar minn 10 biljun euro biex l-Unjoni Ewropea tkun tista’ tuża dawn il-flus mal-Istati Membri stess. Issa hawn min jargumenta, u se jkun hawn min jargumenta llejla, li l-kwistjoni tal-immigrazzjoni għandha tiġi indirizzata ’l barra mill-fruntieri tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Ir-realtà llum il-ġurnata, iżda, hi li għandna ħafna pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea li għandhom bżonn is-sostenn finanzjarju biex jindirizzaw il-problemi li qed jiffaċċjaw illum stess. U nagħmlu dan jekk verament nemmnu li rridu nimplimentaw politika li effettivament twassal għall-ġarr tar-responsabilità u s-solidarjetà.

Jiena ġejja minn Malta, pajjiż fejn iċ-ċittadini tagħna jafu u jifhmu xi jfisser li tkun fuq il-fruntiera. Bħala pajjiż salvajna l-ħajjiet, ilqajna l-persuni, ġarrejna r-responsabilità u wettaqna s-solidarjetà bil-fatti. U bħalna hemm pajjiżi oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea li qegħdin fuq il-fruntiera u ma jdawrux wiċċhom in-naħa l-oħra. Ċerta li l-Kummissarju jaf x’jiġifieri.

Għalhekk kien ta’ sodisfazzjoni għalija li l-Kumitat approva u għamel mill-prinċipju tas-solidarjetà, prinċipju fundamentali li jirregola dan il-fond.

Fl-ibliet u l-irħula tagħna naraw il-ħidma li tkun għaddejja mill-awtoritajiet nazzjonali, reġjonali u lokali flimkien mas-soċjetà ċivili u organizzazzjonijiet mhux governattivi biex l-immigrazzjoni irregolari ma tkunx ta’ piż fuq il-komunitajiet tagħna. U nifhmu fuq kollox l-appoġġ li hemm bżonn fil-każijiet fejn ikun hemm tfal waħedhom. Hemm bżonn li din il-ħidma tkun sostnuta u għalhekk nilqa’ wkoll id-deċiżjoni tal-Kumitat li jappoġġja dan.

Għalhekk ukoll l-importanza li t-titlu tal-fond jirreferi għall-integrazzjoni bl-għan li nirrikonoxxu u nsostnu l-importanza ta’ soċjetajiet u komunitajiet aktar magħquda. Għandna 10,4 biljun euro li l-għan prinċipali tagħhom huwa li nagħtu l-għajnuna meħtieġa lill-pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, speċjalment dawk l-aktar affettwati. U biex nagħmlu dan irridu nimplimentaw il-politika Ewropea fuq l-asil u l-immigrazzjoni. Ifisser ukoll li għandna nagħmlu l-aħjar użu possibbli minn dawn il-fondi. Wara kollox dan huwa l-uniku strument intern li għandna biex jindirizza l-kwistjoni tal-immigrazzjoni fost il-pajjiżi tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

U biex nindirizzaw il-kwistjoni tal-immigrazzjoni irregolari hemm bżonn ħidma li hija ffukata kemm fi ħdan il-pajjiżi iżda wkoll f’pajjiżi terzi. Imma dan l-istrument finanzjarju għandu jkun komplementat ma’ strumenti diġà eżistenti li jindirizzaw pajjiżi terzi u mhux nippretendu li dan l-istrument finanzjarju se jagħmel tajjeb għal dak li ma jsirx b’fondi oħra. Dan il-fond huwa mibni fuq numru ta’ pilastri fosthom is-CEAS, l-immigrazzjoni legali, l-integrazzjoni u s-solidarjetà. Għalhekk li fir-rapport hemm inkluż persentaġġi minimi għal kull wieħed minn dawn l-għanijiet. Dawn huma persentaġġi minimi li assolutament ma jnaqqrux mill-flessibilità imma jenfasizzaw il-fatt li kull objettiv għandu rwol importanti biex l-ebda pajjiż ma jitħalla għal rieħu.

Irridu naċċertaw ruħna li kull pajjiż jagħmel il-parti tiegħu f’din il-katina ta’ solidarjetà u responsabilità. Wara kollox jekk id-diskors li ilna ngħidu fl-aħħar ħames snin dwar is-solidarjetà nemmnu fih, allura rridu narawh jitwettaq bil-fatti.


Puhetta johti HEIDI HAUTALA


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, the Commission welcomes the speedy work of Parliament in preparing the reports on the three important files that we are going to debate tonight and specifically on the new Asylum and Migration Fund. Many of the issues I will underline are of a horizontal nature and concern all three funds. I would like to stress that I hope the Council will also soon adopt its negotiating mandate.

Migration and security continue to be among the main concerns of our citizens today. We need enough resources to support our actions in these areas in line with our political priorities and in complementarity with all EU funds. In the current period assistance has been provided to approximately one million asylum applicants. Furthermore, integration support has been provided to 3.4 million third—country nationals. None of this could have been achieved without the support of the Union’s budget.

Things can change and evolve and our funding has to be flexible, simplified and adaptable. Therefore, we propose a reinforcement of the overall budget for migration, border management and security of more than EUR 36 billion for the period 2021—2027, out of which EUR 10.4 billion for the Asylum and Migration Fund. This reflects the political importance that the Commission attaches to better managing migration, borders and security challenges. I know that this view is also shared by Parliament.

The Asylum and Migration Fund specifically will provide support for strengthening the Common European Asylum System, legal migration to the Member States and provide integration support for third-country nationals. Within these objectives it will provide incentives for integration measures at local and regional level, such as language courses and civic orientation courses, and it will support resettlement and solidarity with Member States. The Fund will also help to counter irregular migration through returns of persons that do not, or no longer, have the right to stay in the Union.

However, in order to succeed, in addition to more budget we also need to ensure flexibility for our funds. We need financing instruments that will be able to support EU policies and priorities as they develop until 2027, Financing instruments that will be able to support our Member States when they are in need. I cannot emphasise flexibility enough. This is why flexibility is built into all three funds that we will be discussing tonight through the thematic facility and the mid—term review, allowing us to allocate 50% of the funding, based on evolving needs and EU priorities at the point in time. At the same time, there will be enough upfront funding – 50% – to Member States to support actions quickly and allow them to plan long—term investment.

We have also proposed to simplify the implementation. The management of the funds will be simplified by using a single rulebook for the implementation of shared management funds. We have also built in synergies. We have worked to deliver a coherent and complementary approach to the migration and security objectives of the Union in different EU funds: areas such as integration of third-country nationals, anti—radicalisation measures, cooperation with the partner countries, to name a few.

While the Commission at this stage reserves its position, we must underline that Parliament proposes a number of important obstacles to the flexible use of the future funds that the Commission cannot accept. Minimum spending percentages are an obstacle to flexibility. Member States have different needs and experience different levels of pressure. They should be able to channel EU funding where it is most needed.

In addition, this proposal would make the funds even less flexible than in the current period and would add an administrative and monetary burden. By the same token, building strong partnerships with countries of origin and transit has been a key feature of the European Union’s migration policy from day one. Close cooperation with our partners is key to be able to respond to these challenges.

I want to explicitly stress the following: setting a maximum limit for external actions and allowing cooperation only in exceptional cases will not only impact the flexibility of the Fund, but also the achievement of the migration and security objectives of the Union. Moreover, we have proposed a very high conditionality of 30% of absorption for Member States to benefit from additional funding at the mid—term and we have introduced rigidities in the thematic facility, including to implement it through delegated acts that is not legally possible. It is more important than ever that we get it right and design our instruments to withstand the test of time.


  Elly Schlein, relatrice per parere della commissione per lo sviluppo. – Signora Presidente, signor Commissario, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio soprattutto la relatrice Miriam Dalli per il lavoro fatto su un dossier molto importante, nonché i colleghi della commissione per lo sviluppo, con cui abbiamo cercato di assicurare che la nuova dimensione esterna del Fondo tenga conto del possibile impatto sui paesi terzi e che non si sovrapponga in modo improprio con gli strumenti per la cooperazione allo sviluppo, che devono rimanere orientati a sradicare la povertà senza condizionalità su rimpatri e riammissioni.

L'aumento dei fondi a disposizione per rafforzare il sistema europeo comune di asilo è una buona notizia: servono risorse adeguate per assicurare buona accoglienza, integrazione e vie legali a livello europeo. È importante che lo strumento non venga utilizzato per incentivare i rimpatri, i quali comunque non possono avvenire senza un'adeguata valutazione di impatto sul paese di origine che ne consideri anche le capacità di assorbimento.

Quindi la proposta adottata in commissione LIBE appare già molto migliorativa del testo della Commissione, inserendo nel titolo e tra i criteri l'integrazione e la costruzione di vie legali e sicure per l'accesso.


  Daniele Viotti, relatore per parere della commissione per i bilanci. – Signora Presidente, signor Commissario, onorevoli colleghi, il nuovo Fondo AMIF, con una dotazione di oltre 10 miliardi di euro nei prossimi 7 anni, dovrà essere un punto di partenza per creare finalmente una politica comune di asilo e di integrazione basata sul valore della solidarietà tra gli Stati membri.

I flussi migratori rappresentano, come sappiamo, un fenomeno di carattere globale che necessita di una risposta unanime a livello europeo. I fondi AMIF dovranno continuare a finanziare progetti di integrazione a livello locale, soprattutto i migliori, come il modello degli SPRAR in Italia, che il ministro Salvini sta cancellando con un assurdo decreto che sta portando soltanto insicurezza. Svuotare e chiudere i centri di accoglienza, sgombrare gli edifici, questa sarebbe la sicurezza secondo il governo italiano e secondo il ministro Salvini? Questo vuol dire trovare una soluzione a lungo termine alla questione migratoria?

Naturalmente no, Commissario, perché le forze populiste che abitano alla destra di questa Camera e di questo emiciclo e che sono al governo in Italia vogliono lasciare aperta e irrisolta la questione degli immigranti per poter fare una campagna elettorale permanente. Questo è il motivo per cui non hanno voluto risolvere la questione di Dublino, per cui si alleano con i Kaczyński, con gli Orbán, con i Kurz in Europa. Guardi quest'Aula, Presidente: neanche un rappresentante dell'Italia, neanche un rappresentante della maggioranza del nostro paese, ed è il paese che avrebbe maggiore bisogno di essere qua a discutere di questi problemi.

Grazie ancora Commissione, grazie ancora, signor Commissario, per il lavoro che state facendo, e grazie alla collega Dalli.


  Jeroen Lenaers, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, the migration crisis has been one of the deepest crises in the history of the EU. If one thing has become clear in recent years, it is that we need to strengthen our European response and the new Asylum and Migration Fund will play an important role in that. I thank Commissioner Avramopoulos for proposing that this fund be tripled. It is something the EPP has asked for and I’m very happy that the Commission delivered.

However, to deliver real results, we don’t only need sufficient resources; we also need flexibility to adjust to the challenges in front of us and we need balance between the objectives served by this fund. I understand a little bit the frustration of the Commissioner in his speech because the flexibility and the balance that was there in the original proposal seems to have become a bit lost along the way in this House. The text in front of us focuses on legal migration and integration while minimising any attention on returns and fighting illegal migration, for instance, by introducing mandatory spending requirements for all the fund objectives, except for fighting illegal migration and ensuring returns.

Moreover – and the Commissioner said this – if we want to have a real, effective and holistic approach to migration, we need to cooperate with countries outside the EU: countries of origin and countries of transit. That is absolutely crucial. Yet, the amendments in front of us in the European Parliament will make it nearly impossible to cooperate with third countries on these issues. I am disappointed that a majority in this House seems to think that fighting illegal migration, ensuring the return of illegally staying third-country nationals and cooperating with other countries is not important. For the EPP, it is important. All the objectives of the fund are important, that’s why we have tabled amendments for the vote tomorrow – to make this a more realistic fund, and we would like to call on all colleagues who share that realistic view to support us in the vote tomorrow.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio il signor Commissario per il suo lavoro. Il successo della gestione dei flussi migratori da parte dell'Unione europea si basa anche su politiche di accoglienza e integrazione efficaci. Politiche che siano attuate solidalmente nel pieno rispetto delle disposizioni sancite dall'articolo 80 del trattato.

Per tale ragione, abbiamo ripristinato la voce dell'integrazione all'interno di questo Fondo, convinti che solo attraverso una gestione olistica del fenomeno migratorio sarà possibile far fronte alle priorità stabilite dalla Commissione nell'agenda europea sulla migrazione e ribadite dalla risoluzione del Parlamento europeo nell'aprile del 2016.

Il sistema di asilo comune deve essere riformato in maniera più equa ed efficace anche rafforzando la protezione dei richiedenti asilo vulnerabili, come i minori e le donne, sostenendo strategie di integrazione e politiche più efficaci in materia di immigrazione legale, creando vie d'accesso sicure e legali.

Con la maggiore flessibilità che abbiamo dato a questo Fondo ci aspettiamo che i diversi governi dell'Unione europea indirizzino i loro finanziamenti verso le priorità e le azioni dell'Unione con un significativo valore aggiunto per tutta l'Unione. Creando una politica solidale di fatto.


  Kristina Winberg, för ECR-gruppen. – Fru talman! EU:s fall kommer inte att bero på en finanskris, miljöförstöring eller krig. EU:s fall kommer bli bristen på handlingskraft för att stoppa inflödet av ekonomiska och illegala migranter. Genom att tredubbla anslagen till asyl- och migrationsfonden, och på så sätt skapa fler incitament för lycksökare att ta sig till våra medlemsstater som bjuder på fler lagliga vägar och generösare villkor, öppnar vi upp för att öka migrationen till EU.

Man pratar om vikten av integration i denna fond, utan att ens nämna assimilering. Vi har i Sverige under decennier satsat ofantliga summor av skattebetalarnas pengar på verkningslösa projekt för att försöka integrera det enorma antal migranter som anlänt till mitt land. Några integrationsprojekt som man satsat på för nyanlända är förtur på arbets- och bostadsmarknaden, specialkost, separata badtider för kvinnor och män samt att vissa skolor har slutat med en del svenska traditioner för att det kan uppfattas som negativt.

Som jag föreslog i LIBE-utskottet ska fondens pengar halveras, och 85% ska läggas på att skapa åtgärder som drastiskt minskar migrationen till EU och dessutom se till att de som vistas inom EU:s gränser illegalt snarast omhändertas och återvänder till sina hemländer. De som har rätt att stanna ska så snart som möjligt assimileras in i vårt samhälle och ta seden dit de kommer.


  Ska Keller, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, my thanks to the rapporteur. I would like in particular to thank her for supporting our initiative to include funds for local authorities and communities, because that’s where we see the action happening, where European citizens gather together to help people in need. This is really great. This is the Europe we really need to see and it’s correct to put the money there.

On the other hand, though, it’s an illusion to think that other countries are going to solve our problems: that we create closed centres somewhere in Egypt or I don’t know where and that we put the problem away. This would violate human rights and it would also go totally against European Union values. I believe we should not put money into violating what we ourselves stand for; what this Union was founded on. Instead, the European Union needs human rights and it needs solidarity, so let’s make sure that the Fund can indeed be used for integration, for supporting people in need and those people who are already active on the ground all over Europe.


  Martina Anderson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, the scale of life lost in the Mediterranean is nothing short of abhorrent. EU migration policies have essentially authorised the death of thousands of refugees at sea. The EU has washed its hands of its responsibility for this humanitarian crisis. The Libyan coast guards are still dragging vulnerable refugees from unseaworthy rafts. Refugees are still being thrown into detention centres to rot. Refugees are still being starved, beaten, deprived of water, forced to live in abhorrent squalor and some are even murdered.

The scale of this crisis has been fed by EU asylum policy, which is facilitating torture. Shame on the European People’s Party (EPP) and the far right who argue to use the large-scale amount of funding to force vulnerable people into unsafe countries under the guise of flexibility and balance. We need a sustainable solution based on the principles of dignity, safety and fundamental rights. No human being is illegal.


  Bill Etheridge, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, on Wednesday, 6 March, Frans Timmermans, our esteemed colleague, said that Europe is no longer experiencing the migration crisis we lived through in 2015. This is backed up by UN statistics that show an 89% reduction in Mediterranean crossings from 2015 to 2018. Good news, eh! And then, all of a sudden, here we are with a EUR 10 billion package to deal with asylum and migration – asylum and migration that the great Mr Timmermans says is no longer a big deal.

And what’s the money going to be spent on, then? Well, it includes bribe payments to third countries to set up camps to keep people in. It includes money to pay countries within the EU to settle migrants in their countries, and it includes a generally vague amount which I think is just generally for political use and which isn’t particularly specified, but – hey ho! – it’s only EUR 10 billion of taxpayers’ money. What this actually amounts to is an organisation that has decided it can’t stop mass immigration and, what’s more, it actually thinks it’s a rather good idea. Therefore, we’re going to make sure that everyone, in the spirit of solidarity – that lovely word we hear so often – gets to take their share and gets paid to take people in, regardless of what the people in those countries might have thought. Because let’s not forget, your great horror in this place is the awful populists; these terrible people who actually listen to what their electorate say.

You’ve got European elections coming up and, to my great concern and sadness after events in Westminster tonight, it would appear there’s a very strong chance that the UK may take part in those. Do you seriously think that measures like these will go unnoticed? You had a problem with people across the rest of the EU gathering in their anti-EU feelings, you had a problem that at least a third of the votes in that election were probably going to go to anti-establishment forces. Well, I can tell you that if the UK is forced down the route of another EU election and we have these kinds of issues to deal with, you’re going to have the really enjoyable prospect of 25, 30 or 35 little Nigel Farages running loose in this Parliament. I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to that. If you’re going to go down this route, I strongly suggest that you advise your colleagues to get the Brexit bill sorted fast, otherwise we’re going to be here to haunt you and it’s going to be very unpleasant.


  Gilles Lebreton, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, en créant cette nouvelle version du Fonds Asile et migration, l’Union européenne persiste à s’enfermer dans sa folle politique migratoire.

Le projet qui nous est proposé est catastrophique. Il vise à consacrer plus de 10 milliards d’euros à organiser la relocalisation des migrants et l’ouverture de voies légales d’immigration. Il vise aussi à encourager, je cite, «le dialogue interculturel et interreligieux entre les sociétés d’accueil et les migrants», alors qu’il faudrait plutôt lutter contre la radicalisation islamique et défendre nos valeurs européennes, en particulier la dignité des femmes. Enfin, il vise à poursuivre le financement massif des ONG qui organisent la submersion migratoire, comme Open Society, du milliardaire George Soros, alors qu’il faudrait au contraire les combattre sans faiblesse.

Une fois de plus, vous voulez trahir la civilisation européenne. Nous alerterons les peuples européens pour vous en empêcher.


  Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, el Fondo de Asilo y Migración debe ser un instrumento flexible para adaptarse a los futuros retos, así como a las diferentes necesidades de los Estados miembros, y, al mismo tiempo, estar dotado con suficiencia para hacer frente a nuevas contingencias. El Fondo tiene que integrarse plenamente en el acervo de la Unión para la migración, garantizado a través de la Agenda Europea de Migración de 2015, y coordinarse con las diferentes propuestas del paquete de migración y asilo y con los fondos fiduciarios de emergencia para África y Libia.

La Unión debe apoyar a los Estados miembros en sus acciones y medidas para aliviar las presiones migratorias, así como para llevar a cabo sus obligaciones legales. Pero estos también tienen que garantizar que las personas que llegan a Europa tengan recepción y asistencia adecuadas y acceso a procedimientos de asilo equitativos, legales y eficaces. Se trata de un compromiso conjunto.

Los diez mil cuatrocientos millones que propone la Comisión para este Fondo también deben utilizarse para intensificar el trabajo conjunto con los países de origen y de tránsito, con el fin de que las personas que se ven en la obligación de abandonar sus hogares no caigan en manos criminales.

Las conclusiones del Consejo del pasado diciembre aplaudían la labor en la lucha contra los traficantes en el control de las fronteras exteriores y en la cooperación con los países de origen y de tránsito. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos siguen siendo insuficientes para acabar con esta tragedia. Por esto, este instrumento debe aprobarse y debe reforzarse.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señora presidenta, comisario Avramopoulos, estamos llegando al final de este mandato del Parlamento Europeo, tristemente caracterizado, de manera dramática, por la mal llamada crisis de los refugiados, que ha sido en realidad una crisis de confianza entre los Estados miembros y, sobre todo, de voluntad política de cumplir el Derecho europeo que ha sido adoptado por este Parlamento Europeo.

Este Parlamento Europeo ha hecho su trabajo y lo hace también apoyando este notable informe de nuestra compañera, la señora Dalli, que apuesta por un Fondo de Asilo y Migración europeo que, dotado con nada menos que 10 400 millones de euros para el próximo marco financiero plurianual 2021-2027, intenta ofrecer una respuesta que sea coherente con las Resoluciones que hemos aprobado para dar una dimensión integral —holística la llamamos— a la problemática del asilo y el refugio, pero sobre todo que exija a los Estados miembros un porcentaje mínimo de cumplimiento del Derecho europeo para hacerlo efectivo y para poder acceder a la materialización de esos fondos, y que realice de manera verdadera el principio de solidaridad, que no es un wishful thinking, sino un mandato vinculante del Derecho europeo.


  Емил Радев (PPE). – Г-жо Председател, дами и господа, Фондът за миграция и убежище е един от най-важните фондове в сферата на вътрешните работи поради подкрепата, която оказва на държавите членки за справяне с миграцията и приема на бежанци. Приветствам значителното увеличаване на бюджета, което е предложено от Европейската комисия. То е доказателство, че темата за миграцията ще остане на дневен ред и че нито една страна няма да бъде оставена сама да се справя с продължаващия миграционен натиск.

Като представител на държава на първа линия на миграционната вълна от последните години, за мен е изключително важно част от средствата по фонда да бъдат използвани за връщането на нелегални мигранти обратно в държавите им на произход. Недопустимо е по-малко от 40% от хората, които нямат право да пребивават в Европейския съюз, да бъдат връщани обратно. Този процент трябва да бъде увеличен значително. Европейският съюз не може и не следва да бъде спасение за всички, които искат да живеят тук по чисто икономически причини.

Всеки, който не е бежанец или легален мигрант, следва да бъде върнат обратно в държавата, от която е дошъл, и фондът следва да подпомага дейностите по връщането.


  Péter Niedermüller (S&D). – Tisztelt Elnök Úr! A közös európai menekültügyi politika alapja a szolidaritás és a felelősség megosztása. S noha a menekültek száma az utóbbi hónapokban folyamatosan csökkent, a menekültügy továbbra is komoly kihívást jelent az Európai Unió, illetve a tagállamok számára. Ebben a helyzetben különösen fontos az Unió pénzügyi támogatásának biztosítása. A tagállamok megsegítése mellett azonban alapvető fontosságú a közös európai menekültügyi politika legfontosabb intézményeinek a támogatása. Ebben az összefüggésben különösen sajnálatos, hogy a Tanács az évek során sem volt képes egyezségre jutni az Európai Menekültügyi Ügynökség létrehozásában. Ez kizárólag a Tanács felelőssége. Ugyanakkor örvendetes, hogy az alapnak fontos feladata lesz, hogy legyen a közös európai menekültügyi politika keretén belül integráció, hiszen nincs igazi biztonság integráció nélkül. A falak és a kerítések nem fognak nekünk biztonságot hozni.


Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το Ταμείο για το Άσυλο και τη Μετανάστευση οπωσδήποτε πρέπει και μπορεί να διαδραματίσει σημαντικό ρόλο. Σε μια φάση όπου υπάρχουν τεράστιες προσφυγικές και μεταναστευτικές ροές στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Και, κατά κύριο λόγο, πρέπει να στηρίξει τις χώρες πρώτης υποδοχής, τις χώρες οι οποίες πραγματικά υφίστανται τις μεγάλες μεταναστευτικές και προσφυγικές ροές, εκεί όπου πραγματικά οι κάτοικοι δίνουν μάχη και στηρίζουν την προσπάθεια των χωρών τους να σταθούν όρθιες και ταυτόχρονα να φιλοξενήσουν τους άτυχους πρόσφυγες.

Όμως, βεβαίως, έχουμε και πάρα πάρα πολλούς παράνομους μετανάστες οι οποίοι κατακλύζουν αυτή τη στιγμή τα νησιά του Αιγαίου και νομίζω ότι ορθώς αναφέρεται στην έκθεση ότι πρέπει να δοθεί μεγάλη έμφαση στις επιστροφές, διότι πρέπει να δούμε το ζήτημα αυτό αποφασιστικά, ιδίως για τα νησιά του Αιγαίου, ιδίως για την Ελλάδα, όπου έχουμε χιλιάδες παράνομους μετανάστες, οι οποίοι δεν δικαιούνται διεθνούς προστασίας και αυτοί θα πρέπει πραγματικά να επιστρέψουν στις χώρες από τις οποίες ήλθαν.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Madam President, improving the financial aspects of the EU’s migration policy is essential and, therefore, I welcome the progress that this proposal brings. My colleague, Ms Miriam Dalli, the rapporteur, has put a strong emphasis on the importance of allowing local authorities to play a central role in European migration policy. Her focus on the importance of human rights and, in particular, human dignity is essential. The EU and its Member States have mostly adopted a shameful attitude towards refugees and migrants and it’s crucial that we shift away from this tendency.

I’m particularly worried about the pressure put on many people to voluntarily return to their country of origin. When organising voluntary returns, authorities should make sure that potential returnees have genuinely and freely agreed to this return, and this is not always the case today. All across the EU, citizens and grassroots organisations have been taking responsibility for humanitarian relief and integration regarding migrants and refugees, and I have often spoken in this Chamber about Care for Calais and other organisations that help refugees and migrants living on the streets.

(The President cut off the speaker)


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, the EU budget is far more than an accounting exercise. We all know that. It is a clear and concrete expression of EU political priorities. The Commission remains fully committed to continue working with you and the Council to start the negotiations on the important files as soon as possible. I look forward to continuing the negotiations.


  Miriam Dalli, Rapporteur. – Madam President, I would like to thank colleagues for their contribution. The Commissioner is right in insisting that this is a fund that should help Member States when they are most in need, and this is precisely the position of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). Allow me to say that a minimum percentage of spending on the main objectives of the EU’s migration policy is not an obstacle at all. It channels funding to the objectives that this Commission has until now put forward as priorities. Supporting flexibility does not exclude ensuring a minimum level of funding for the objectives of the Fund.

On another point, putting a cap on external funding simply ensures that this funding instrument is used for what it was originally aimed for, that is, an internal funding instrument for migration. We need to support frontline Member States. Actions in third countries are funded by other external funding instruments and no one should expect this Fund to compensate for other funds that might not deliver.

Let me turn finally to the PPE statement about returns. Member States currently spend 42% of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) on returns and this without any minimum percentage requirement. Returns remain an objective of the Fund. It has not been removed and Member States will certainly find it. We need to ensure it is not the only objective of this Fund; not to mention the statement that this Fund is not against fighting abuse. I’m still trying to find out where this emanates from.

Thanks to everyone. We look forward to tomorrow’s vote and thank you for this discussion.


  Puhemies. – Keskustelu on päättynyt.

Äänestys toimitetaan keskiviikkona 13.3.2019.

Kirjalliset lausumat (162 artikla)


  Kinga Gál (PPE), írásban. – Felháborító, hogy az EP bevándorláspárti többsége a migránsok behozatalára szánja a háromszorosára növelt Menekültügyi és Migrációs Alap nagy részét, ahelyett, hogy megpróbálná megállítani a migrációt. A parlamenti álláspont a források jelentős részét kizárólag a legális migrációs csatornák kialakítására, a migránsok integrációjára, illetve „a tagállamok közötti szolidaritás” végrehajtására szánja. Az a tagállam, amely nem kíván migránsokat betelepíteni saját területére, a most elfogadott javaslat szerint elesik a neki járó EU-s források jelentős részétől. Annak ellenére, hogy a Bizottság váltig állítja, nem lesznek betelepítési kvóták, a javaslat jelentős összeget különít el erre a célra. Felháborító, hogy az Európai Parlament bevándorláspárti többsége a helyben segítésre és a kiváltó okok megszüntetésére az Alap mindössze öt százalékát engedélyezi. Mindeközben tízezer eurót ítélne oda minden egyes áttelepített migráns után a tagállamok számára, ezáltal is ösztönözve a migránsok betelepítését kontinensünkre. A Bizottság uniós pénzek felhasználására tett javaslata alátámasztja, hogy az intézmény valódi szándéka minden tagadás ellenére a bevándorlás elősegítése, pénzzel ösztönözve a migránsbetelepítést. A kvóta szerinti elosztást a magyar bevándorláspárti ellenzék is előszeretettel tagadja. Ezzel ellentétben a ma elfogadott szöveg egyértelműen kimondja, hogy az Alap a dublini rendelet keretében a migránsok áthelyezésével kapcsolatos költségeket is téríteni fogja.

Seneste opdatering: 8. juli 2019Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik