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Procedure : 2019/2611(RSP)
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PV 14/03/2019 - 8.2
CRE 14/03/2019 - 8.2

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PV 14/03/2019 - 11.2

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Donderdag 14 maart 2019 - Straatsburg

8.2. Iran, in het bijzonder het lot van mensenrechtenactivisten
Video van de redevoeringen

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad sześcioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie Iranu, w szczególności sytuacji obrońców praw człowieka (2019/2611(RSP)).


  Bodil Valero, författare. – Herr talman! Det är väl känt att den persiska regimen i Iran inte respekterar mänskliga rättigheter, yttrandefrihet, religionsfrihet, föreningsfrihet, miljöengagemang, som är självklarheter för oss men som kan bli synonym till tortyr och dödsstraff. Under 2018 avrättades 273 personer i Iran.

År 2018 var också ett svårt år för kvinnorna i Iran. Bilder och filmklipp spreds över hela världen, där kvinnor över hela landet hade tagit av sig slöjan, satt den på en pinne och viftade med den som en flagga i protest mot att det är obligatoriskt för kvinnor att bära hijab. Det är en fråga som har blivit en symbol för kvinnors rättigheter över lag. Många greps och flera har blivit dömda till fängelse. Enligt Amnesty har 112 kvinnliga aktivister spärrats in. Många av dem vittnar om misshandel och tortyr.

Det är ofta kvinnorna som går i täten för protester och krav på förändringar i landet. Det är en kamp som för en del slutar i fängelse eller värre. Därför är det omvärldens skyldighet att ge stöd åt de kvinnor som kämpar för att få kunna leva fria. Vi kan inte stillatigande se på när detta sker. Nasrin Sotoudeh har dömts till 33 års fängelse och 148 piskrapp. Med de fem år som hon tidigare dömts till blir den totala längden på fängelsestraffet chockerande 38 år.


  Cornelia Ernst, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident! Ich habe Nasrin Sotudeh 2013 in Teheran nach ihrer Freilassung kennengelernt, zusammen mit Jafar Panahi – beide Sacharow-Preisträger 2012. Damals wurde sie freigelassen. Jetzt sitzt sie seit Juni 2018 wieder hinter Gittern, wie viele andere auch. 38 Jahre Haft, 148 Peitschenhiebe – das ist nicht nur ein archaisches Urteil, sondern ein Riesenskandal und im Grunde genommen auch ein Angriff auf unsere persönlichen Interessen und auf Menschen wie Nasrin Sotudeh, die zu uns gehören, die sich für Freiheitsrechte einsetzen. Deswegen ist das Erste, was wir fordern, die Freilassung von Nasrin Sotudeh, aber nicht nur von ihr, sondern auch von Umweltaktivisten, von Leuten, die wegen sozialer Fragen auf die Straße gegangen sind, von Menschen, die aus ethnischen Gründen oder aus religiösen Gründen hinter Gittern sitzen oder Journalisten und Blogger sind. Die müssen raus aus dem Gefängnis! Wir müssen diese Frage immer wieder stellen und dürfen da auch nicht nachlassen.

Und jetzt sage ich noch eins: In dieser Situation, wo es mit den Menschenrechtsverletzungen wieder eskaliert, eine interparlamentarische EU-Delegation mit dem Iran praktisch außer Kraft zu setzen – denn seit Ende 2018 tagt die Iran-Delegation nicht mehr –, das finde ich ziemlich skandalös und auch beschämend für unser Haus.


  Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, we in the European Parliament awarded the Sakharov Prize to human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, and she continues to work tirelessly, and with immense courage, to defend ordinary Iranians in the many instances – the too many instances – where their human rights are not respected.

In particular, she was the lawyer of the many women protesting against the compulsory wearing of the hijab, before she herself was arrested again, and imprisoned again, and handed the preposterous sentence of 38 years in prison and 148 lashes. This is inhumane and unacceptable, and High Representative Mogherini should publicly join our call for the immediate release of Nasrin Sotoudeh.

The obsession with Nasrin Sotoudeh on the part of the Islamic Republic’s judiciary and other authorities, and their insistence on silencing her, should only encourage us to hear what she is standing for – the universal human rights of all Iranians – and she deserves our unequivocal support.


  Wajid Khan, author. – Mr President, human rights defenders and trade union activists are arrested every day. They are arrested simply for campaigning for workers’ rights, for environmental standards and against the death penalty. The Iranian government is harassing BBC Persian journalists and their families. EU-Iranian dual nationals remain detained after a lack of due process and under vague charges. We heard this week that the prominent human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, was given a long prison sentence for defending dissidents and those brave woman who removed their hijab in public. By inflicting such a harsh sentence, the regime is making an example out of Nasrin and sending out a clear message that freedom of expression is not accepted.

I have a message for the Iranian authorities: we will not stop calling for the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh, Taher Ghadirian, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and all those who are unfairly detained and have been sentenced without a fair trial.

You cannot silence civil society. You cannot repress ideas, especially with the whole world watching. For our part, we will continue to support Iranians who want democracy and freedom for their country.


  Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, the atrocious record of human rights in Iran is all too familiar to us in this House. Journalists and NGOs that do not conform to the wishes of the Government regime face routine harassment and repression, a pattern that extends to all groups and individuals that seek peacefully to oppose or protest against the actions of that brutal Government. These actions amount to a breach of all fundamental rights of assembly and expression.

Freedom of religion is also vigorously repressed, as is demonstrated by the ongoing persecution of Christians, Baha’is and other minorities. In recent months, we have seen an intensification of the systematic campaign of house-church raids as Christians are arrested, and often violently interrogated, merely for the fact of peacefully exercising their religious beliefs. Several hundred Christians have been detained in recent months alone.

Women’s rights are also severely curtailed in Iran, with even the most limited forms of dissent still being punished. In 2018, 39 women were arrested for protesting against the mandatory wearing of the hijab. Executions in the country continue to remain extremely high, with a figure standing at 273 for 2018. It does appear, however, that the November 2017 revision of the anti—narcotics law represents a significant improvement, with a dramatic reduction in death sentences.

This is a fundamentalist regime that has robbed its people of their rights through its domestic policies, and has all too often impoverished them via its international isolation. So, clearly, this House must condemn that regime. It has done so for years, but so far, sadly, there has been little change to witness.


  Tunne Kelam, author. – Mr President, Iran is one of the worst countries into the world for considering the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Last year Iran ranked second for the number executions – 273 of them. One may add numerous cases when a detained person was officially said to have committed suicide. Also last year tens of thousands of people all over Iran stood up against the rising costs of living, unpaid wages, corruption, political repressions and minority rights. They blamed the regime for wasting money on military and missiles, continuing costly expansion outside Iran, while ordinary people suffered more than ever. Our special concern is the fate of Nasrin Sotoudeh and her husband Reza Khandan, who just in January were sentenced to six years because of his peaceful protest against the forced wearing of hijabs, the fate of arrested environmental and trade union activists, and the fate of Maryam Akbari Monfared, who has already spent nine years in prison for so—called anti-God activities.

We call on the Iranian Government to release unconditionally all human rights defenders, prisoners of conscience, journalists and others. Yes, we once again call, urge and ask the Iranian authorities to behave and change. Can we really believe that Tehran’s rulers will change their behaviour, knowing very well that the regime cannot survive in conditions of free expression and an independent press? Therefore we urge our High Representative to publicly reaffirm that respect for human rights will be a core component and condition for any further development ...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. – Monsieur le Président, la condamnation de la lauréate du prix Sakharov a suscité la révolte de l’opinion publique internationale. Mes collègues ont évoqué les peines vraiment incroyables qui lui sont infligées.

Cette condamnation montre que le gouvernement iranien accroît la répression des activistes et des défenseurs des droits. Mon groupe a d’ailleurs organisé récemment une audition au sein de la sous-commission DROI au sujet de huit militants environnementalistes emprisonnés en Iran, également mentionnés dans notre résolution.

Ces dérives nous préoccupent fortement et je voudrais insister, comme je l’ai déjà fait dans cet hémicycle, sur le fait que le respect des droits de l’homme doit être véritablement au centre de nos relations avec l’Iran. J’espère que le commissaire Mimica transmettra ce message à la haute représentante.

Enfin, je voudrais insister sur un point: nous avons demandé l’envoi en urgence d’une mission ad hoc de la sous-commission DROI en Iran, et j’espère que cette mission sera autorisée.


  Bas Belder, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, veertig jaar Islamitische Republiek Iran plaatst ons voor absurde vragen. Welk nationaal veiligheidsgevaar voor Iran brengt het lezen van het Evangelie, van de Bijbel immers met zich mee? Let wel, het Woord van de ware geestelijke vrede in en door God. De echtgenote van een Iraanse predikant werd echter wegens deze valse aanklacht tot een dubbele gevangenisstraf van maar liefst tien jaar veroordeeld.

Als christen gaat mij de verscherpte vervolging van de christelijke gemeenschap in Iran zeer aan het hart. Vraag ik teveel als ik de Europese Unie vraag dat ook duidelijk te communiceren en te veroordelen richting het Iraanse bewind? In mijn woonplaats Apeldoorn, in Nederland, komt een Perzische kerk in alle vrijheid samen. In Iran kunnen christenen zelfs niet meer in eigen huis onbevreesd hun geloof praktiseren.

Momenteel heeft het publieke gezag van de Iraanse clerus sterk ingeboet. Het resultaat van veertig jaar regeren met harde geloofsdwang. De EU dient niet dit Iraanse schrikbewind te steunen, maar juist alle vrijheidslievende Iraanse burgers, zoals die moedige mevrouw Nasrin Sotoudeh en haar echtgenoot.


  Jaromír Štětina (PPE). – Pane předsedající, svévolné zatýkání, mučení, trestní stíhání, vykonstruované procesy, to je dnešní Írán. Írán drží světové prvenství v počtu poprav na počet obyvatel, to je šokující. V roce 2015 to bylo 977 poprav, v roce 2016 567 poprav, v roce 2017 507 poprav, v roce 2018 273 poprav. Popravováni jsou i mladiství a ženy, často veřejně i známým drastickým způsobem – oběšením na stavebních jeřábech.

Světem nově otřásl případ Nasrín Sotúdeové, íránské právničky a obhájkyně mnohých oponentů režimu, zejména žen. Mimo dlouholetý trest za mřížemi byla odsouzena i k 148 ranám bičem. Jméno Nasrín, nositelky Sacharovovy ceny, známe. Chci se však poklonit i všem, kteří jsou nespravedlivě odsouzeni a jejichž jména nikdo nezná. Některé z nich se snažíme vyjmenovat v našem usnesení. Nazývejme věci pravými jmény – teheránský režim je režim zločinný.


  Anders Primdahl Vistisen (ECR). – Hr. Formand! Iran er en terrorstat. En stat, der promoverer terror her i Europa og i deres eget nærområde, men først og fremmest en stat, der udøver terror mod sin egen befolkning. Det være sig mod aktivister, der kæmper for miljørettigheder, arbejdstagerrettigheder, religiøse eller etniske mindretal eller generelt bare folk, der tillader sig at være kritiske over for regimet. Iran er desværre et af de lande på kloden, der kæmper om førstepladsen i at begå flest overtrædelser af menneskerettighederne. Derfor er det også på tide, at vi fra EU’s side – hvis vi virkelig mener, vi fører en værdibaseret udenrigspolitik – begynder at tage det alvorligt i vores behandling af landet. Der synes jeg, at Kommissionen i alt for høj grad har lagt vægt på at komme Iran i møde, når det kommer til atomforhandlingerne, og give dem et fripas, når det kommer til den terror, de spreder både her i EU og i deres eget hjemland. Lad os nu benytte sanktioner som et effektivt våben mod iranerne, også for deres menneskerettighedsovertrædelser.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já jsem velmi pozorně poslouchal tuto debatu a jsem za ni rád, protože když jsme před několika měsíci s paní Mogheriniovou zde debatovali o dohodě o jaderném programu, tak zvláště ze strany paní Mogheriniové jsem cítil relativizaci hrůz, které teheránský režim realizuje. Jsem velmi rád, že dnes nazýváme íránský režim tak, jak ho nazývat máme. Je to totalitní zločinný režim, který absolutně nerespektuje lidská práva, a je dobře, že je zde zástupce Komise, a doufám, že paní Mogheriniové vyřídí atmosféru, která je zde na půdě Evropského parlamentu, a že ekonomické a jiné zájmy nelze měnit za ochranu lidských práv. Já se připojuji k tomu usnesení, sám jsem tam přispěl dílem týkajícím se potlačování etnických a náboženských menšin v Íránu. Myslím si, že je velmi dobře, když vyšleme jasný signál, že kvůli jaderné dohodě s Íránem nejsme ochotni tolerovat prohřešky a zločiny tohoto režimu, zločiny proti lidským právům.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). – Mr President, the more I defend the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the more I defend the need to engage with Iran in all areas, the more I also contend that the EU must be vocal about human rights in Iran, about supporting all the brave men and women in Iran fighting for basic rights – like the women who gather every day, with white scarves, to fight the compulsory hijab.

When the Committee on Foreign Affairs visited Iran in February of last year, we were confronted afterwards with the death in custody of environmental activist Kavous Seyed-Emami. Outrageous, outrageous!

An affront against us – because she is a Sakharov Prize laureate – is the sentence against Nasrin Sotoudeh. And, as many speakers have mentioned here, many others are also suffering in Iran and we can’t tolerate that. The sentence against Nasrin Sotoudeh is also, and primarily, an affront against the Iranian civilisation. It’s outrageous.

We cannot accept it and High Representative Federica Mogherini has to be absolutely vocal about that.



  Mark Demesmaeker (ECR). – Wie kent Nasrin Sotoudeh nog? Die Iraanse mensenrechtenadvocaat was in 2012 onze laureaat voor de Sacharovprijs. Die kon Nasrin niet zelf in ontvangst nemen, want ze mocht het land niet uit. Iran was één grote gevangenis, en dat is het nog altijd.

Nasrin moet voor 33 jaar naar de gevangenis en krijgt daarbovenop 148 zweepslagen. 33 jaar gevangenis en 148 zweepslagen omdat ze het opnam voor vrouwen die protesteerden tegen de verplichting om een hoofddoek te dragen. De strengste straf voor een activist in jaren. Het bevestigt wat mensen uit het Iraanse middenveld mij wel vaker vertellen. Teheran voert de repressie op. De processen zijn veelal een lachertje, maar de straffen zijn dat allerminst.

Weet u waarom Iran steeds driester te werk gaat? Omdat het er mee wegkomt. Teheran voelt zich volledig vrij om tegenstanders op te sluiten en ongemeen hard te behandelen. Zolang wij Teheran niet duidelijk maken dat dit gevolgen zal hebben, commissaris, zal er daaraan niets veranderen.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli, Nasrin Sotoudeh è stata condannata a 38 anni di carcere e a 148 frustate. Nasrin è una donna meravigliosa, premio Sacharov, ed incarna perfettamente la definizione di difensore dei diritti umani. La sua incarcerazione è avvenuta proprio mentre stava portando avanti questa attività, con un arresto lo scorso giugno.

Questo verdetto, così come tutto il processo che ha prima portato all'arresto e poi alla condanna di Nasrin, sono inaccettabili e sono solo spiegabili alla luce del continuo harassment verso giornalisti, avvocati, attivisti e difensori dei diritti umani, che sono stati condannati solamente per aver osato parlare contro il governo. Esorto l'Iran a liberare immediatamente Nasrin, così come tutti coloro che sono imprigionati per motivi politici.

Colleghi, come tutti sappiamo con l'Iran abbiamo un importante lavoro da fare sul piano politico, inclusa la difesa dell'accordo nucleare, faticosamente raggiunto. Ma di fronte a violazioni tanto eclatanti dei diritti umani, si deve obbligatoriamente suonare un campanello d'allarme. La necessità di avere una cooperazione politica di alto livello con Teheran non deve impedirci di dire chiaramente e a voce alta che certe violazioni non possono e non devono essere accettate.


  Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Nie zajmuję się Iranem, ale zajmuje się problematyką bezpieczeństwa – z tego też powodu udział w misji obserwacyjnej podczas wyborów w Pakistanie czy udział w debacie dotyczącej Afganistanu.

To, co mnie dziś najbardziej martwi, to brak koherencji pomiędzy rozmaitymi dokumentami i debatami. Przypomnę, że we wtorek rozmawialiśmy o Afganistanie, mówiliśmy przy tej okazji i o Iranie, i o wspomnianym Pakistanie. Z jednej strony zagrożenie dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, z drugiej strony – ze strony Pakistanu – procesy migracyjne.

Rozmawiamy dziś o prawach człowieka, o nadużywaniu rozmaitych przepisów prawa karnego wobec obywateli Iranu, wobec dziennikarzy, wobec kobiet. Mówimy o dramacie tych osób. Chcę podkreślić, że po to, aby polityka Unii Europejskiej, polityka Parlamentu była skuteczna, musimy wykazać się większą determinacją, większą spójnością w dokumentach przekazywanych do rozmaitych rządów, jak i również zwracać uwagę na współzależności występujące w tych częściach geograficznych, o których rozmawiamy. Apeluję więc o większą konsekwencję, większą determinację, większą spójność.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the situation of press freedom in Iran is very concerning. I am particularly worried about the BBC Persian Service journalists who have become a target of the Iranian authorities. The persecution against BBC journalists started in 2009 when the service launched satellite television. However, recent measures have escalated this persecution against the journalists and their families. The persecution includes a gender dimension, as it is directed primarily against women staff and their families.

Iran’s record on the treatment of women is infamously poor. The recent sentencing of the human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh to148 lashes and 38 years in prison is particularly despicable. It comes shortly after the appointment of a new hard-line head of judiciary. As the UN investigator on human rights in Iran, Javaid Rehman, said, patterns of intimidation, arrest, prosecution and ill-treatment of human rights defenders, lawyers and labour rights activists signal an increasingly severe state response.


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, são já incontáveis as vezes que aqui, neste plenário, tenho intervindo para denunciar a falta de democracia, o desrespeito pelos direitos humanos e as atrocidades e crimes contra a humanidade cometidos pelo regime dos Ayatollahs aos seus próprios cidadãos.

A verdade é que o regime repressivo iraniano já não consegue esconder o facto de o Irão ser o país mais repressivo no Médio Oriente e que executa mais pessoas per capita do que qualquer outro no mundo. Os defensores dos direitos humanos não são exceção a esta ânsia sanguinária do regime de Teerão, com o corpo dos guardas revolucionários a assassinar dezenas e a apreender milhares, incluindo aquelas bravas mulheres que enfrentam a prisão, tortura e violações por apenas pedirem, de forma pacífica, a democracia e a igualdade de género no seu país.

O regime iraniano é uma mancha de vergonha para a sociedade internacional e para toda a humanidade. Até quando iremos nós aceitar este regime monstruoso que se comporta com os seus dirigentes e seguidores como verdadeiros animais da pior espécie?

Caros Colegas, depois de quarenta anos de uma ditadura clerical e brutal, hoje 80 milhões de iranianos já estão fartos e dizem, como nós: chega!


  Jude Kirton-Darling (S&D). – Mr President, there are very many human rights violations being committed by the Iranian regime, as we’ve heard this morning, but I’d like to focus on one group of people. The Iranian authorities have been systematically targeting BBC Persian staff, and are moving on to the staff of other European broadcasters as well.

Most of those staff are based in London, and their families in Iran have also been targeted. Many of those affected are EU-Iranian dual nationals, mostly British Iranians. One hundred and fifty-two staff have been subjected to an unfair asset-freezing injunction since 2017, and their families have been subjected to arbitrary arrest, travel bans and harassment. I would particularly like to raise awareness about the sexualised defamation campaigns being waged against brave female journalists at BBC Persian. I would call on the EU no longer to be silent about this attack on European women, European journalists.

We have a duty and a responsibility to defend free journalism. I welcome today’s resolution, coming as it does in the same week that these concerns are being raised in Geneva at the UN Human Rights Council.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já bych se chtěl připojit ke svým kolegům, pokud jde o dosouzení režimu v Íránu. Je to skutečně režim teroru, který drtí své občany, který je popravuje, vězní a mučí. Jakýkoliv odpor proti tomuto režimu je ihned trestán, lidská práva prakticky neexistují. My se opakovaně věnujeme Íránu a myslím si, že se musíme postavit za svobodné Íránce, kteří si přejí změnu režimu. My je musíme podpořit a já bych Vás chtěl poprosit, pane komisaři, abyste vzkázal paní Mogheriniové, že názor Evropského parlamentu je jiný, než je její názor shovívavosti vůči íránskému režimu. My se jednoznačně stavíme na odpor vůči politice tohoto režimu teroru a chceme poprosit Vás, pane komisaři, abyste i takto měnil pozici Evropské komise. Evropský parlament má názor jiný.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Neven Mimica, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, just a few months ago, on 10 December 2018, the international community marked the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On the occasion, High Representative Federica Mogherini, published a declaration on behalf of the European Union, in which she emphasised that support for human rights defenders, including women human rights defenders, is at the core of the EU external human rights policy, and one of its major priorities. A few days later, this commitment was underlined by Honourable Members of the European Parliament during a debate on the Iranian human rights defender Nasrin Sotoudeh, who just a few days earlier, at the time, was convicted and sentenced in connection with her work to promote universally recognised rights. Our deep concern at her conviction was expressed immediately in a statement.

Our commitment to support human rights defenders is there 365 days, throughout the year, and not only on 10 December. Indeed, as part of our diplomacy, we closely follow the human rights situation in countries around the world, including Iran. A cardinal aspect of this task is working to support the work of human rights defenders and ensure, as far as possible, that they are not subjected to harassment or detention.

With respect to Iran, this extends to closely following the situation of Ms Sotoudeh and other individuals, including, for example, the group of eight environmentalists who were detained in January last year and who are facing extremely serious charges.

In Iran and in other countries, human rights defenders, including human rights lawyers, do invaluable work. This includes providing legal representation to members of vulnerable groups, representing juvenile offenders facing the death penalty, working to protect women or members of ethnic and religious minorities. All too often, however, this work is met with repression or convictions and imprisonment on security-related charges. This is inconsistent with the Universal Declaration and with the International Covenant on civil and political rights, which Iran ratified in 1975 and which commits Iran to ensure that no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrests or detention, no one shall be deprived of his liberty, except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedures as are established by law.

As clearly reflected in the latest conclusions on Iran, adopted by the Council on 4 February, while we are committed to the full and effective implementation of the joint comprehensive plan of action, the European Union policy on Iran is based on a balanced and comprehensive approach, critical when there are these divergences and cooperative in case of shared interests. In line with this approach, the European Union has repeatedly called on Iran to provide human rights defenders with an open, stable environment in which to conduct their work. The European Union has also consistently raised individual human rights cases with the Iranian authorities at all levels, including in the framework of the EU–Iran a high-level dialogue.

We are strong supporters of the mandate of the UN special rapporteur for the situation of human rights in Iran and encourage the Iranian authorities to grant him access to the country.

Finally, our Member States have also raised the case during their own bilateral contacts with the Iranian authorities. We strongly believe that these efforts have contributed to certain positive developments that we have noted in recent years, including the decision to amend Iran’s anti-narcotics legislation in November 2017, which has resulted in a dramatic reduction in drug-related executions and which, in itself, is a positive step forward in human rights. We are continuing to advocate for further improvements in this regard, including an immediate moratorium on the execution of juvenile offenders. We continue to call for the release of all Iranian human rights defenders. Those who are detained should be afforded timely access to a lawyer of their own choosing, be allowed to communicate with their family members, have access to adequate medical care and not be subject to any form of mistreatment.

We are encouraged by the attention paid to this issue by Members of the European Parliament and we will continue our effort to work together with you in order to promote a better environment for human rights defenders across the world, including in Iran.


  Przewodniczący. – Dziękuję bardzo panie komisarzu Mimica. Dziękuję, że głos posłów i Pana głos brzmią tak samo.

Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się po zakończeniu debat.

Laatst bijgewerkt op: 8 juli 2019Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid