 Koko teksti 
Menettely : 2019/0901(NLE)
Elinkaari istunnossa
Asiakirjan elinkaari : A8-0148/2019

Käsiteltäväksi jätetyt tekstit :


Keskustelut :

Äänestykset :

PV 14/03/2019 - 11.10
CRE 14/03/2019 - 11.10

Hyväksytyt tekstit :


Sanatarkat istuntoselostukset
Torstai 14. maaliskuuta 2019 - Strasbourg

11.10. Sebastiano Laviolan nimittäminen yhteisen kriisinratkaisuneuvoston jäseneksi (A8-0148/2019 - Roberto Gualtieri) (äänestys)

– Vor der Abstimmung:


  Sven Giegold, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group and with reference to Rule 191 of the Rules of Procedure, I would like to request the postponement of the votes on the following two reports.

The fact is that – for many years and again in the latest resolution a few seconds ago – we have been asking for more gender equality in top EU financial posts. But the situation is: on the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) we have one woman and five men; on the General Council of the ECB we have one woman and 22 men; on the Single Resolution Board we have one woman and five men. And the same pattern is repeated in the other institutions.

Therefore, the question is: how long shall women wait for a European Parliament which ensures their equal opportunities, rather than waving through one appointment after another?


Our Conference of Presidents has written two letters to the Commission and the Council, and they have received extremely evasive answers. Therefore, it is now time …

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Roberto Gualtieri, Rapporteur. – Mr President I could easily say that in the vote we just had on the resolution, with 407 Members against and 114 for, we already decided on the issue that Sven Giegold proposed – i.e. to postpone. Why did such a broad majority decide not to postpone the vote? Because postponing the vote, in my view, is the wrong answer to the right issue, because the issue you are signalling is absolutely right.

And then the reason why we, in this resolution, have defined an action plan to increase the number of women in top financial positions, and that's the reason why we have been engaging with the Council and the Commission to have answers, letters and clear commitments for the future on our questions.

But, if you look to the specific requests that Mr Giegold is asking, they are wrong, and I can explain to you why if you just give me five seconds. Why should we postpone the appointment of Mr Laviola, which has been adopted by 88% of the Members of this committee? He is qualified. He is a member of a body chaired by a woman and in all the election procedure of this body, women have been on the shortlist.


(Das Parlament lehnt den Antrag ab.)

Päivitetty viimeksi: 8. heinäkuuta 2019Oikeudellinen huomautus - Tietosuojakäytäntö